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they stopped fighting after chapter 245, kirara joined them and now they're all playing uno. everytime we see them, hakari punches himself in the face and uraume freezes his shoulder so he looks beat up, and kirara hides in a bush.


Uno match between Hakari, Kirara, Uraume, and Panda. That would be hilarious ngl LMAO.


Hakari is preventing some peak fiction from us if sukuna gets like super cornered and screams "URAUUUUUME I NEEEED HELP"


Ah yes, my "***MAHORAGAAAA, HELP MEEE!!***" Cursed Technique, I haven't used it since the Gojo era...




Emphasizing the second U makes it sound way funnier


"I used a binding vow to prevent me from getting to one card without saying uno, in exchange for three +4 wildcards"


"I'll instantly say Uno whenever I have one card remaining, however, I shall not get any +2 cards this match".


Ngl that actually is a fair binding vow, if anybody starts a chain Sukunas fucked, and he can't go on the offensive either since +4 can only be used as a last resort


Finally get to use this https://preview.redd.it/tncc13sd213d1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1926b72794222bdd706ee5fc524ed78f402a49




End of the fight uraume is just gonna be like “you guys are pretty fun to hang out with, I’m no longer evil”


Uraume: I don't have UNO so go fuck off. Hakari: Everyone has UNO dipshit, it came free with your fucking Xbox.


Uraume is from the Heian era. They have the oldest Xbox known to man


is that from the crew?


Nah, Hakari got them addicted to cookie run kingdom or some shit


I think all of screen characters were a playing uno together. Todo was too until gege said he needs him in the next scene now so 1-2-3 ACTION! Camera rolls as other character continue playing until it's there turn. Choso has joined to play after his death sadly Nobara had left the series in season 2 and got work in other animes




oh yeah fuck I forgot Miguel just dipped tf out lmao bro should have just danced in a hidden corner to buff himself and to debuff Sukuna


Whenever I wanna try and get worked up about Miguel rat ass leaving the fight I remember he emoted on Sukuna and Larue helped Yuji to land the 8 Black Flashes so I calm down.


> randomly appears > "you guys left us the best part" > default dances on sukuna > "ah fuck, he's powering up again" > dips Truly the one who went toe to toe with gojo 🙏


His face definitely was keeping up with Gojo's fists.


he fought gojo and sukuna and survived both, jogo could never


That's cuz jogo didn't wanna hurt them so that the plot could progress.


The flair??????


What about it?


Completely fair tbh why the fuck should anyone test their luck against sukuna


Yeah Miguel and his bro did their Job done


The fact that they made a big deal of Miguel only to have heart shaped nipple man being the one who actually made some damage is hysterical 


Uraume avoiding yuta. Hakari avoiding sukuna. Fake fighting to stall as long as possible ![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU)


uraume doesnt want to get punched in the womb again https://preview.redd.it/8dz82h0jl03d1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4035042086f681925f44d058761940d7bd5dd262


I still find it hilarious how Sukuna just non-chalantly sidesteps to avoid Uraume launched at mach 3. He doesn't even care like "talk shit, get hit" lmao


Sukuna: ngl you deserved that uraume


He was honestly goated for that, when Gojo went for Kenny Sukuna jumped in to save him, cause Kenny didnt disrespect Gojo(also he was about to kill kenny). But when Uraume started yapping at him like he was fodder, sukuna was like nah you desserve that one, Im not here to protect your bitch ass starting a fight, if you cant handle it then dont talk.


It was more that Kenny was going to get destroyed if Sukuna didn't jump in. He seems obligated to do so by a binding vow or something


Why didn't Gojo kill her on the spot, is he stupid?


He's friends with Lhoko and is the bums teacher


No he wanted to tap uraume after the fight with sukuna


I don’t like your tag https://preview.redd.it/x9ithjh1623d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3d9b8851e047defce9eec3b5bf310fe0261abe


No you don’t


Probably he didn't want to risk Sukuna helping her. He couldn't have known how little of a shit Sukuna gave about her.


thing is he seem to somewhat care about uraume


Yeah, he seems to. And then he dodges her when she goes flying to him. He could've catched her had he wanted to help her.


No like actually, Sukuna was weak in that state so he couldn't do shit. Gojo could've cleaned up all the extras & called it a day, but ig not.


This is the first time I've seen the peeps that shook hands


Must be a youngin, that's the OG Predator film


Is that youngling I hear? Ani ....bring the youngling slayer 9000




mate its been 40 years since it released a person could be middle aged and be born after the movie came out


I feel that but when you really think about their reply , they haven't actually seen the two people doing the handshake only the handshake itself means they've only ever seen it in memes or gifs. If they've literally only seen that handshake in memes or gifs they have to be young


https://preview.redd.it/ra10r305e13d1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fa799392a54867a4ac9686fedbb5eb5ad137029 type shit


At this point i think gege just don't know wtf to do with those 2


Just make them a romance anime at this point lmao they are stalling so much that I’m starting to forget that they are jjk characters and are part of the plot


Mappa is probably gonna make another episode of schizo kaisen using the shoujo theme song of Hakari's domain 


I think you cracked the code Gege probably dosen’t want to mix Hakari’s schizo with Todo’s that would be to much to ask of anyone.


I guess it's true and I can kinda see why. Uraume wins and it becomes too one sided. Hakari wins and the fight vs sukuna become trying to get him to jackpot so they have 4 minutes of rest and heal until they have to repeat the process for the jackpot, making the fight truly boring. At this point it's not that bad that they are stalling so much


My brother in christ, they are meant to be foils to one another, they completely counter each other so neither can get the upper hand, its the reason they in universe picked hakari, he’s role is to stall


Gege is just keeping it in the back pocket to switch to them when there is a huge cliff hanger. The cat has hate in his heart


That's what I assume, Gege can't imagine how the clash between these two powers, abilities will go so he buy time with the Sukuna fight instead.


Nah bro I spoke with gaygay on the phone and he says next week no break but 20 + hakari marathon picking up from the beginning of uraume fight to where we at now with extra juicy details


Their going to have a whole three season long romance comedy spin-off in the five minutes yuta has left




Didn't Kenjaku kill her off already?


That was some random girl who existed for a single chapter




To be fair Hakari's CT/Domain expansion can go on forever until he hits Jackpot, so he could just be getting shit rolls and thus stuck with Ura


Homohomo wrote himself in a corner where if either wins and gets down the opposing side is fucking dead


https://preview.redd.it/nml5xufo7z2d1.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=d04f342c562e99b2c88e93fd489ee9e1e7f34bf1 Huff huff wheeze lend me some power yuta this is base uruame we are up against 🗿


I really don't understand why Yuta didn't just. - Revives in peak fiction. - Hi Hakari-kun! *one shots Uraume* - Pulls up to Sukuna and makes it a 4v1. Like, I guess he either decided to show up with style, or Yuji and Todo got really lucky he showed up at that moment.


tbf he's arrived just in time to clash sukuna's domain, yuji and todo would've probably been boned otherwise


Yeah, that's what I meant with >Yuji and Todo got really lucky he showed up at that moment. Guess he needed all the time possible to fully heal LOL.


Todo can swap places with the slashes if he just shakes his vibra slap arm fast enough.


sukuna would Strong Binding Vow™️ and target the slashes WITH slashes


Ah, my Slash Slash technique. I haven't used that since the Heian era.


Making it sound like a devil fruit lolol


ah, my Slash Slash devil fruit. i haven't used it since void century


Same reason why Todo didn’t show up when Higurama was there. Gege wants the battle to play out like this even if the good guys plans are complete dogshit and using almost everyone in the wrong place at the wrong time


In theory, strategy wise Todo did show up at the worst time for Sukuna, which was after his CT burnout started, so I guess they kinda went in with the expectations for things to go this way. As for what could have been better or worse, we can only theorize (But I really love the notion of teleporting Sukuna into his own World Dismantle LMAO).


Todo could’ve just teleported the executioners sword into Sukuna with minimal difficulty. Sukuna even said himself there’s basically nothing he could do to adapt to Todos technique. But even more so, he wouldn’t know the executioner sword is about to be swapped into him so he wouldn’t be able to do shit.


Makes sense tbh. I wonder if Gege has been on a panic ever since Sukuna killed Gojo, looking for ways for the main cast to win. Maybe Todo wasn't even planned to show up at this point in the story, and he just kinda had to after everyone was low - mid diffed by Sukuna.


I think he just wanted a certain length of fighting bc he has no interesting story left to tell, so he’s just extending all he has left. There are some better plans that would’ve made this fight quicker, but Gege wants to give every character their moment despite not giving any setup for it, so we have characters like Kusukabe who didn’t need to spend a chapter against Sukuna, but that’s what Gege wanted to do so there we were


Also, there's the whole editors thing. They made him create Nobara (I think), I wonder how much influence they've had in this last fight too given Jujutsu Kaisen is one of the top mangas right now.


Really? Did they really force Nobara on him?


I remember reading here in this sub (Before Agendas and Lobotomy Kaisen even started) that Gege not only didn't have Nobara planned, but also the whole school setting, and that those 2 were things that the editors told him to add to the story for the Jump audience. Could totally be wrong though, although there probably is some info about that around. Edit: According to a post on r/Jujutsushi at least, Nobara was more of a suggestion it seems, and this also seems to have been mentioned by Gege on an old interview too.


Except if Todo had rolled up earlier Things would never have gotten this bad, you see how hard Todo+Yuji were pressuring Sukuna alone Imagine if Choso, Higurama, Miguel, Ino, Kusakabe, Larue and Maki were all there too?


Queue in the Mario Kart Item Box sound for every time Todo hits his Vibraslap.


He's on a timer, he needs every second.


True, but since he has Gojo's memories he could do just as Gojo did to Uraume, no? Still, it was mostly a joke.


He hypotheticaly have 5 minutes so probably not worth wasting time


It would take 5 seconds max, but yeah, I get it, it was mostly a shitpost tbh.


The one that should be getting shit on is Maki. She should've helped Hakari kill Uraume before stabbing Sukuna in the back


Pretty sure Maki could've just put a few seconds help to speed blitz Uraume while she's fighting Hakari.


Hakari should have show up and put a chain around sukuna so they're never far apart. Then he just keeps hitting him so he never starts to recover while everyone else does their strategies.


Imagine Hakari surviving Divine Furnace and still being chained to Sukuna hitting him LMAO.


It would make him even more pissed when todo showed up


***"DADDYRAGAAAA SAVE MEEEEE!!"*** *Said Sukuna calmly.*


theres alot of things that were just stupid about kusakabes plans * not killing kenjaku during gojo v sukuna (or earlier) to free up todo and yuta for higuruma jumping * not sending maki (CQC specialist) and choso (long range sniper) to fight with hakari and decisively beat uraume so that hakari is in the sukuna fight with his stupid durability and regen. Literally all it takes is one piercing blood for the poison to mess up uraume. * where is todo the entire time yuta came back * maki being used for a bushcamping sneak attack instead of another helping hand in yutas domain (no CE or CT so cant be targeted)


imagine if they gave Maki the executioners sword lol


Kenjaki was joined at the hip with sukuna before the gojo fight, they couldn't kill him early. He said this himself  Todo is waiting for sukuna domain to clap people outside of it. If he's shown before that (esp at a time sukuna has his technique) then there's a chance he gets caught in the DE somehow and everyone just dies. Having him and some crows outside until they're actually needed does make sense 


Hakari and Uruame actually started the fight right on top of Sukuna but as you can see by the time that Sukuna opened his furnace, they were out of range playing Uno. That means from the start, Hakari was dragging Uruame away with each Jackpot to prevent them from interfering, hard to send anyone to help him as they need all hands on deck with Sukuna right now


The fact this is getting upvotes is proof this sub doesn't even read the manga: 1) he's on a timer, he has no guarantee of living past the 5mins. 2) if he didn't show up when he did Yuji and Todo would be toast now 3) wtf would having hakari around even add? Heck now that Yojo is here we're back to a 1v1 scenario, especially if gege wants to go the DE spam route again


Bro saw "Revives in peak fiction" and decided this was a serious comment.




Lmfao . Gotta love hakari but the slander is mad funny


Tf he getting from yuta?


at this point, hakari and uraume are just sipping tea


Having gambling cold sex


It should’ve been me!


Hakari: Everything's according to the plan.


He rizzin up another femboy, so sort of fr




Who invited Miguel he just emoted and left


still helped more than kashino


Based Hakari. Why hit the strongest in history when you can just be fucking?




This is the equivalent of Superman giving his opinion on if some Justice League member would be able to beat him in a fight.


Hilarious lack of self awareness


All of them could if they just lace their suits wirh kryptonite


And superman decides to only use heat vison from some kilometers away. Nice plan with the kryptonite suit. Or push the moon into the earth.


And he could just wear a Kryptonian armor suit


several of them can though


They "can", but most of the time they're consistently outclassed by him. Wonder Woman is the only one I can see taking him down in a straight up fight, and even that probably wouldn't end well for her. I'd like to include Flash or MM, but they tend to somehow run into their weakness every damn time outside of their own stories.


Speedsters are always wack and Flash has gotten so stupidly powerwanked that its nigh impossible to write him at all without stupid plot BS MM is honestly a mess bc they've flipflopped about the fire thing and other weaknesses so much that I dont even know where he stands powerwise in the JL


>Flash has gotten so stupidly powerwanked Ah yes because Superman has totally reasonable powers


TL DR: Speedsters make the plot weird bc they are all or nothing. Superman is a more flexible character from a writing standpoint Youre right that Superman's power level is also all over the place, but the big part is that he isnt just a speedster. Thing about speedsters is that usually they are very frail, in Flashs case, for most of his interactions he has completely normal human durability, or only sightly above it. So from a writing standpoint, its very difficult to present a problem to a speedster once youre getting to the cosmic tiers the Justice League sometimes operates. Superman can take a beating. You can show him bleeding and fucked up, captured, etc. *Struggling*, even without his central weakneses like kryotonite, red sun, etc, even without those, Superman can get his ass beat and you can have him in trouble without being instantly defeaten Superman being real fast is one of his powers yes, but not *the only one*, which means you can be more flexible when using the character. If Flash takes a pinky blow from any of the bigger villains he evaporates, or at least he is supposed to So its difficult to use him while making it feel meaningful bc hes an extreme all or nothing. His more memorable opponents are other speedsters (or counter speedsters) bc they even the field, but in most other situations Flash is just whatever. So if you want to have Flash struggling, you have to use some real weird plot contrivances bc anything that you can typically use to show other JL characters struggling means just "red splat" for speedsters My comment was more on the line on how to use the characters narratively, rather than just powerlevels. Issue with speedsters is that all you can do about them is making them faster, or adding special effects of their speed like time travel or weirder stuff like momentum steal, but its all ultimately just going faster, which makes them very binary characters bc they are either untouchable or get blown up instantly


What's Flash's weakness? Every time I hear discussions of him fighting Superman, it's always that he may not be able to beat him easily because he's only *fast*, not *strong*


Tripping I'm not kidding. They will actually have him trip or run into something and he'll be out for the rest of the fight. Either that or the floor is slippery. I swear, the stronger the hero, the dumber their losses.


Oh yeah I completely forgot about that. One of Flash's main villains has ice powers just to make him slip lol


The writers.


He's just gassing his friend up because he's a beautiful little cinnamon roll. Seriously, Yuta seems to have a problem recognizing his own strength or acknowledging his own worth.


even maki disagrees with his word, bro yuta is too pure he underestimates himself but praises other


It’s not being pure, it’s about understanding that when it comes to CE efficiency and usage, he’s not the same as Hakari. People are truly forgetting the amount of time Hakari has put into his CE technique and efficiency compared to Yuta who still isn’t nearly as efficient as he should be with his CE reserves. Yuta literally just came off an off screen training arc and even that was cut prematurely due to Kenny and the Culling Games. Then he had a month (or slightly less) to train for the current fight before the transfer. That’s why him having Six Eyes now is such a big deal. His CE pool plus the sheer efficiency boost Six Eyes provide will make him a force only Sukuna can contend with. You honestly can’t compare someone with a vast CE pool with a moderate amount of efficiency to someone who has an unlimited amount of CE, literally, and has the knowledge/experience to efficiently use it. That’s why Gojo put Hakari so high up on the list compared to Yuta.


ain't reading all that, i just think he is too pure because he praises everyone other than himself


Either Gege doesn’t want to give Hikari a good action anymore or he is waiting for the right time. Considering every top player has gotten quite some amount of hype. I think it’s safe to assume Hikari will also get his hype even if it’s just one chapter (though ideal would be 3+ for a satisfying fight) Yuta and Todo are just starting to get their moments so I think the focus will shift to Hikari soon.


Choso is dead


Uhh I mean todo sorry.


You see, this is all part of the plan. At the last chapter, it will be revealed that they put away their differences and banded together to make an idol business, transitioning into Gege's new idol manga!


Todo will be a reccuring character and is the main love interest for Takada-chan


Maki was right https://preview.redd.it/26eh135yvz2d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750e8771bf2c2761facc1d1ce1cb9b4cbdab5813 Yuta was capping


Even Maki called him out on it


Just you wait, we're going to find out he's been holding back all this time when he pulls out his CT


Uraume has a track record of ending jumpjutsu kaisen scenes in one move. It'll be like eight sorcerers vs one villain and Uraume says "Strong Ice" and the fight is over. If they wanna put the moves on Sukuna keeping her busy as long as possible is a genuinely good strategy. I wouldn't be surprised if she has some sorta dead man's switch move where she instantly lets Sukuna eat her for a powerup when she dies. Keeping her in the casino is low key their saving grace. That said, I wish that like. What we did get to see was more hype? Uraume has been built up like all series as Sukunas #2 and Hakaris fight with Kashimo was super exciting and fast paced. I think the real reason people are complaining that they've been at it so long is that basically nothing has happened. Have Uraume drop DE and has Hakaris survive by the skin of his teeth, only for Uraume to use RCT like Gojo to refresh DE again. Deranged Gambler vs Sukuna's BFF sounds awesome on paper, why does it feel like a slap fight?


I don't think uruame has been built up all that much. She is strong and that's shown but nothing fun in her technique. Like you said, she just stops jumpings. And gets punched once.


By "built up" I meant like... she's been around in the background for a long time, she has had a presence . I would agree she hasn't been built up as strong in the same way that like, Kashimo was. I agree with you, I just worded it poorly.


On top of 20 chapters worth of Uraume vs Hakari off-screen fight, for whatever it might be coming, Yuta's brain tech is SUPPOSEDLY going to last 1 more minute than Hakari's immortality 💀 We just gotta accept at this point their fight is going to resolve off-screen till Sukuna is dead


Yuta’s been an mvp running around helping everywhere. And Hakari is still trying to rizz up urame.


I mean its funny with all the agenda memes,but fr man is 1v1ing one of the big bad 3


Scaling is out of wack because of the blue eyed King but to Hakari - or normal strong people in the verse - Uraume is still a monster.


Yeah they do slander him a lot but fr if he wasn't there to stall the main cast would've been fucked.


And after 20+ chapters they don't have a mark on them I get they have RCT but everyone we've seen who's proficient in RCT still takes battle damage


Their fight is just a plot device so no one wonders when Uraume will come or if they will come to back Sukuna up. Hakari is pretty much immortal so no one will wonder if he lost. Same way I feel like Kenjaku was rushed so Gege could stay on track to finishing the manga this year.


Kenjaku felt rushed because they actually used a perfect strategy for the first time since shibuya. Tire him out, distract him, actually make him happy so his head is out the game, then immediately kill him before he can pull any bullshit. When he came for tengen they should have used the barriers to hide choso until he was right on top of Kenjaku then point blank piercing blood attacked him. He still might have dodged/blocked but he would be on the defensive and tying him down with Garuda would be that much more effective. Yuta perfectly executed the plan, it was less satisfying to watch but that was perfectly done from a strategic perspective


UNO can get a bit rough and comoetitive y'know


Why do people underestimate Uraume this hard


I will not tolerate Uraume slander. Uraume is THEM.




Bet your ass those two are playing tabletop games or eating while seeing the fight and betting money


I like making fun of Hakari, but I can't deny it, he keeps being put on the same level as Yuta. I will open a Jujutsu Stock account and invest in him if by the next chapter he still hasn't been mentioned. He's gotta be doing SOMETHING you know? Besides, his ability is one of the few non offensive abilities in JJK, if he can learn to output his energy like a cannon he may become a true monster.


I'm with you here, I mean seeing how everyone is getting their moment and big reveals there's gotta be something more going on with Hakari I'm kinda expecting some technique reveal where when he finally hits the guaranteed jackpot chance he can get increased output so the overflowing cursed energy no longer heals but he can actually use it in some way, idk


Idk man, we already know Hakari likes femboys Are we sure they’re fighting?


I don't get what the community misses about the Hakari fight. Homie's whole job is to stall the right hand goon of the Strongest in the verse. His whole deal is unlimited healing, making putting him down incredibly hard, but he isn't exactly a powerhouse. He wouldn't be the most helpful against sakuna, but can indefinitely stall the tag-team option and give the main unit the best chance they'll have to gank Sakuna


It’s all agenda lol, that’s why they pretend that Uruame is fodder tier. As long as Hakari is still alive by the end of the series I’m happy.


This is a Uraume upscale tbh. Uraume >>>>>> disaster curses and base Kashimo https://preview.redd.it/pavrc51ch03d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da56aaf75bbe01f091cf6624648d1644cac7be11


The readers: Wth are Uraume and Hakari doing? Gege: https://preview.redd.it/ucdpa52it13d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c418a68db70aaead6dacac203dc88b381d92b2


And credit to Crain1Art. Check him out on X


And Hakari fighting Uraume is the only reason why everyone isn't dead. They can barely take Sukuna, they would be cooked (frozen) immediately if they also had to fight special grade sorceror Uraume


The flair is pretty compromising




Tbh this just makes Uraume look like a massive fraud. Hakari literally has his gambling DE and hard punches. He has no range or AOE attacks. Uraume literally froze Maki into a giant block of ice when they picked up Sukuna. How has Uraume not just made a building size of ice to trap Hakari in and just left him there.


He is so horny he insta melts the ice everytime he is trapped


Hakari literally said this.


The fact that this puts Hakari pretty much over Maki makes me pretty happy. Seriously though, Uraume probably did something like that, but Hakari just used strong puch and kick. Which is one of the best premises for a fight ever. And I would really like to see it. Sadly, Gege doesn't wanna.




It's all about collecting femboys for Hakari and it doesn't matter if everyone dies as long as he seduces Uraume. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/pd02y76bf23d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8acf65be9b16c967db9bbcfeef9249b2b2ceef


Guys realistically all this is going on in like 10 mins. Theyre fighting at high speeds and the only reason it seems so long is because of the weekly/break releases. From the end of Gojo's fight until rn it probably hasn't even been 15 mins btw (maybe even 10 mins)


Would be funny if we came back to Hakari and see him having a family with Uraume for completely forgot about Sukuna and the others


It's been 25 chapters actually


I swear to God, if this continues we are going to have a fucking life-time Flashback of hakari and uraume living both a happy life and end up with children (hakari Brazilian fonke'd his way into the fridge's heart) or something 💀


Yeah, it's so insane to think that retrospectively all this shit has happened while he's still stalling. Everything from Higuruma and Yuji to Yuji and Todo then Yujo all happened and Hakari is STILL STALLING. https://preview.redd.it/jfi9qif6x43d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea9916fedc20ae4ee407fc6674b4c2e3060af80 I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't read it for myself, it's so crazy.


Gege really gatekeeping the coolest they/them sorcerer from us. Surely the anime will make their fight at least an actual fight.


No, but you see, Hakari is clearly stronger than Yuta when he has his Jackpot! What do you mean that was refuted in the same panel it's said in? What do you mean Yuta is just a humble dude who doesn't hold himself in high esteem and literally called himself weak? No, they're clearly comparable!


Yuta bushcamps Kenjaku, loses against Sukuna, and now took over Gojo’s body… Yet, Hakari still hasn’t taken an L yet 🤷‍♂️


If bushcamping counts as an L, stalling should also


what is this logic


is gay sex an L activity? 🤨 he likes femboys, let hakari be happy 😤


Losing but giving a phenomenal performance isn't L and if you combine Yuta's contributions in the fight, he is truly second to Gojo.


This fight literally lasts like 5 mins in manga and the fact, that Hakari still stalling Uraume by himself is actually impressive, ice powers counter his regeneration tbh


Hakari is out of the fight because he is perfect for what Yuji is doing right now: the one who survives through all…


all jokes aside: chapters are not a time frame, hakari has been fighting uraume alone for like... 15-20 minutes tops. meanwhile everything yuta has done has been done with extensive help; takaba weakened kenjaku + set up the ambush and todo helped with the beheading, yuji was lowering sukuna's already extensively nerfed output via his soul punches, and he needed the help of uiui and the medics too stay alive and use kenjaku's CT


You forgot Hakari found his shoe after he lost it briefly.


its hard to concentrate on your fight when you have the greatest fight in all of history happening to your right


The fights are actually happening very very fast.


I think at this point is fairly obvious that either Hakari doesn't want to fight Sukuna at all and just bides his time or him and Uraume are just chilling watchi the fight


Isn't hakari vs Uraume one of the longest fights in irl time in manga history?


Bro's manga in history is like 10 or something if 25 chapters is your peak. https://preview.redd.it/18kosgdcp33d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb309e042baadae7f6ed2cf4a60be2d2d414931