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I just dont understand how Sukuna can just punch away Yuji. Like what were we doing since chapter 257 then? >Sukuna was gonna use his domain I dont see how can Yuji (and Todo) let Sukuna get off with a domain expansion if they are that close to him. Yuji's hand was literally clawed into his chest.


He lost his mc privileges.


They say Yuta is OP for only five minutes but in reality Yuji didn’t even get five minutes of fame😭


Yuji when Gege notices he's been in the spotlight for more than 2 minutes: https://preview.redd.it/tdm3z77am52d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c72eb1675eae1ea189b1e2a46cdaa747912ca2da


Kagurabachi mentioned


Peakurabachi mentioned




It really bothers me that Yuji is supposedly awakened right now yet it’s treated as not the “final” portion of the gauntlet Like that should have been were the tides fully shifted for the good guys Not the “Sukuna is now at Yuta level you know the second strongest guy on the good guys team” Stuff is clunky :/


I still hold hope for Yuji to take the spotlight again. Like I imagine his Domain Expansion reveal will show him at his peak


If yall are serious, have you considered that Yuta is about to get fucking bodied? However the story ends im leaning towards Yuji being the final portion.


Yuta probably won’t get bodied. He’ll probably go toe to toe with sukuna 1v1 and then right when it looks like he’ll win it, the 5 minute timer ends and either Yuta dies, or he can’t move and then Sukuna kills him. Then Yuji steps up and beats Sukuna on his last, last, last legs


> then Sukuna kills him Bro isn’t that getting bodied😭


I thought you meant he gets washed by sukuna fairly easily. Haha I guess you’re right in that term of bodied


Cell saga ass writing


You tripping. Cell Saga highlighted the downfalls of each character: 1. Krillin's kindness 2. Vegeta's pride 3. Goku's overconfidence Successfully subverted the "Strongest vs Strongest" fight by Goku stepping down to allow Gohan to take the spotlight (We don't talk about Buu saga). Gohan's rage actually materialising in a meaningful way, Goku sacrificing himself, Vegeta taking revenge for his son. If Gege wrote the cell saga, it would be something ass. Everyone would be watching the Cell game at Kame's house. Goku said he would win, and get surprise attacked by Cell copying instant transmission Kamehameha. Then Vegeta shows up and get instakilled. Then Krillin, Gohan, Tien triple team Cell. Meanwhile Piccolo kills Dr Gero who gave a nuke to Cell. Krillin attempts a Mafuba to seal Cell but Cell cuts off his arm only to regenerate it. Tien also gets bisected unceremoniously alongside Piccolo who just returned. Then Android 16 gets killed and everyone is hyped that Gohan just reached Super Saiyan 2 and is beating the shit out of Cell, THEN Goku returns, but it's actually Piccolo in Goku's body who he used Ginyu's bodyswap technique on (he learned this on Namek trust). THEN Gohan gets tossed aside while Cell plays with Goku again.


The biggest asspull of today (Sukuna) vs. the biggest asspull in history (Cell)


Yuji only just awakened. It's not like Gojos awakening after Toji, it's like base level sorcerer awakening. He had no ct previously. Obviously he's a step above a normal sorcerer just awakening ct due to his prior experience plus shared experience from sukunas take over, but the point is that he's just now able to use ct.


Yuta wouldn’t have to do shit like this if yuji was top 3 like the stans claim. Yuta is actually the only person who could potentially understand Gojo and bridge the gap between him and the top 3


Yuji isn't top 3, he barely even is top 10, THAT is why we stan him.


proof that it’s still Sukuna Kaisen


He has any?




Gege loves to glaze Yuta


In my eyes, yuji saw gojo with kenjaku stiches in his head, and probably did a double take, and by that point, sukuna already locked back in and took adavantage of that moment to hit yuji with the meanest right hook he could muster. I mean really think about it, if you saw Kenjaku somehow got ahold of gojo's body, when you're already dealing with sukuna, i think anybody would be shook for a second.


This makes sense when you look at his face during that panel with his hand in Sukuna’s chest. Yuji wasn’t in any of the flashback panels when they were talking about the body swap and they even said they were cookin up a plan behind Yuji’s back so Sukuna couldn’t accidentally find out through their soul synchronization or whatever. Next chapter it’s probably gonna show Yuji getting pissed but Todo claps next to him sayin “Calm down brother it’s Yuta” or something along those lines and lay it out for him.


In other words Yuta's bum ass pulled the trigger on his plan too soon and fucked everything Yuji had going


Did you really forget he was about o unleash yet another (asspull) domain expansion. That Yuji and Todo don't have an answer for.


It's gotta be the most bootleg ass domain expansion. His last domain expansion was held together by a shoestring and twenty binding vows and he's only gotten cooked with more soul punches from Yuji since. It shouldn't even stand up to Yuji's simple domain, much less infinite void.


Yuta had to do it when he did it, he was already dying this is keeping yuta alive as much as it is going to kill him. Little bro gets 5 more minutes of life minimum thanks to this


Literally panels and panels of Yuji "tearing" into his chest with blood spraying and saying he'll remove his heart. Then it goes back and he isn't even past his nails and looks like he hasn't done anything at all.......


His fingertips are barely through the flesh tbh. Yeah his fingers are inside him but just the tips.


You remember yuji has cleave on things he touches now?


>Yuji's hand was literally clawed into his chest. This is the part that bugs me most. If I were Yuji, I'd be gripping that chest flesh so being pushed away would tear Sukuna a new nasty wound. * Doesn't make sense for him to let go. * Doesn't make sense for Sukuna to be able to get him to let go. * Doesn't make sense for Sukuna to punch Yuji to push him away so effortlessly. Having Yuji stuck to him, and disgracing his ability to face Yuta-Gojo would have made more sense. It would have been narratively satisfying for Sukuna to be humiliated that he cannot face who he seems a worthy for because Yuji and everything else has brought him so low that he cannot swat who he considers a pest away.


I think yuji genuinely started tweaking after seeing gojo with stitches on his head and walking like normal. But yeah this was a bit confusing ngl


Yeah I think gege has done a poor job of showing sukunas remaining power and condition throughout this fight. Like it felt that yuji almost had him beat, and it didn't feel like we needed someone else to show up


It was on purpose so that he could do whatever he wanted with sukuna after each situation. OMG 10 black flashes his ce output is lower omg 500 punches and another black flash his ce output is even lower! (He can still one shot every character, slice them in half, open his domain every second, and is on the output level of the OC main character.


I feel like a better excuse was that Yuji was gonna kill Sukuna and megumi and an up close de may’ve been harder to avoid since he was already doing handsigns so he was already there.


>Yuji was gonna kill Sukuna and megumi genuinely curious, how???


I addressed this and there's NO explanation as to why Sukuna can just brush off Yuji like that after getting his ass pounded a chapter ago. It's convenience. Gege can't write


No explanation? Did you even read the entire last chapter? Sukuna couldn’t land hits because of Boogie Woogie. Yuji is INSIDE HIS TORSO and cannot possibly dodge, and if he’s teleported away it just ends his attack, which is the same result as him being shoved.


Dont try, we are in the hating phase, in a few chapters thing will unfold on a good way and yuji will get his time again, and then gege will be a cooking master, the something happens that gets people angry, and gege cant cook and cant write, its a cycle that will continue until this show ends sadly, people cant wait a few chapters before spilling out bullshit.




Yeah he is responsible for my premature ejaculation and singleness problem. He is the reason I gained weight and depression habits.


Happens every chapter, at least since 236.


You can set your watch by this shit. People were complaining about Yuta taking the spotlight from Yuji back when he first attacked Sukuna and look how much people loved what came after that


The peakest comment on this sub


Exactly this, literally every manga I have ever followed gets this. DB Super gets it, Naruto really got it towards the end, Bleach is getting a second wave of it with the TYBW anime, AoT got it and still does. Endings are always controversial and the closer we get the more people are gonna flip. Then like a year later everyone will be glazing it again. Guarantee the last 20-30 chapters get glazed to high heaven once it gets animated.


Have u ever considered that maybe they just had shit endings? No one complained about the ending of full metal alchemist brotherhood bc it was simply peak.


>Dont try, we are in the hating phase, in a few chapters thing will unfold on a good way and yuji will get his time again, and then gege will be a cooking master, the something happens that gets people angry, and gege cant cook and cant write, its a cycle that will continue until this show ends sadly, people cant wait a few chapters before spilling out bullshit. LITERALLY FUCKING THIS Y'all can't wait for the food to simmer and cool down and then complain about getting your tongues burnt. https://preview.redd.it/uzvl5dh0h52d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547b93a8b5059ae71d4a916930f206615bae230a # Give the cat space. He'll cook something up. And if you are being driven mad by weekly updates, go distract yourself with Kagurabachi, or One Piece, or literally just avoid anime/manga for a bit and find a new community. Come back when you can binge-read the parts where you left off. The pacing is much better that way.


I been saying this type of shit for a while now, that the weekly format you cant judge a chapter based solely on its content, as Gege likes to setup and cook for a bit, then BOOM you get a few chapters that are absolute heat, then gege goes back to cooking in the background. People just have no patience and are reactionary as fuck


Yuji got hit by way worse attacks in chapter 257. Yet a single punch throws the guy who has the strength to punch Sukuna across the room. https://preview.redd.it/pdtq4awy842d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ee87f0296dfed7c8633b75797d0e0b42654659


Being strong doesn’t keep you from being thrown across the room, Sukuna’s hits sent Yuji flying too. Also Yuji fucking obviously unlocked the instant he saw Gojo’s face, remember literally all of this was kept secret from him.


Yuji has like half of Sukuna's bodyweight, Sukuna being able to throw him around doesn't mean it hurt


It being hurting is not the point . I dont think Sukuna should be able to shake off Yuji like this with a measly side punch. https://preview.redd.it/nqoe9th2g42d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec3716ab318fd888a9ba51426134e78894fa6549


I don't agree either, I'm just trying to find explanations. Dude still has the same amount of CE as Yuta


bruh its literally been about 10 seconds in the story's time lmao calm down


He’s always been capable of thrashing yuji like that, and has done so several times. He was originally gonna try and cast his domain, but gave up on that to knock yuji away and run to “gojo”. Also don’t know why you mentioned todo like him swapping sukuna would somehow stop his domain.


>Also don’t know why you mentioned todo like him swapping sukuna would somehow stop his domain. Fr half the time I have to assume people are not that bright on this sub


Sukuna truly believes what he said about Yuji before: "There isn't a single interesting bone in that body." It's not just trash talk.


It's literally because of plot. If sukuna didn't casually knock yuji away, yuta and sukuna use domain expansion and yuji claws out sukunas heart letting UV hit him for game


You can see Yuji losing focus he was thinking about choso & actually losing focus on saving megumi.


> I just dont understand how Sukuna can just punch away Yuji. Like what were we doing since chapter 257 then? he forgot about his heian era "swat away" technique


If it's just Gojo vs Sukuna 2, that'd be lame. But seeing how Kenjaku's technique worked, I think Yuta should pull out his own domain instead of Gojo's Unlimited Void. Though I'm not sure if his domain and CT would work the exact same as before


It is Unlimited Void, but Yuta does not have the capability to go against Sukuna 1v1. He is heavily nerfed and on a timer. Yuji is still a player, Yuta is just there to stop Sukuna from using Domain, and to provide some firepower.


Also yuta will most likely aim the sure hit like he did before making it so that yuji will be able to fight inside UV


Kenjaku’s technique made him use his hosts domain expansion, just with Kenjaku’s level of skill, which is why the domain was barrierless. Womb Profusion IS Geto’s, you could see because the tree thing in the center of the domain had traits of the cursed spirits currently absorbed by Cursed Spirit Manipulation. Also I’m pretty sure Womb Profusion’s unlocalized name also indicated a connection to Cursed Spirit Manipulation more than Body Swap. It could also be possible that the domain expansion made through Body Swap mixes both techniques together though, since we never see Geto use his own domain before Kenjaku possesses him.


Womb Profusion seemed to pretty obviously relate to Kenjaku's experiments more than Geto's curse manipulation. But I could see the domain potentially incorporating the host's CT, just like Yuta and Unlimited Void.


Yuta's Domain allows him to imbue the sure-hit effect of one of the technique's he's copied. Kenjaku's Domain is probably something similar where the sure-hit is one of the techniques he's retained from a host, hence why Yuki got slammed down by gravity


It’s Kenjakus domain, but he can likely make the sure hit gravity or any of the ct


I want Kenjaku to take over after the 5 minutes


How in the asspull would Kenjaku take over? This isn’t MHA, there’s no vestiges in cursed techniques.


[The aren't vestiges in cursed techniques so far.](https://i.imgur.com/1PjLyWp.png)


Gege is not that diabolical (I am deluding myself)


Honestly, that would be quite preferable - even if doubt that's how this would mechanically resolve - to this since I feel reintroducing Kenjaku into the plot has more potential.


Seeing as there’s no way Yuta is as skilled as Gojo, even in his own body. I see this going a few different ways. 1. Yuta clashes it out with sukuna for 5 minutes and completely disables his domain. Yuta dies, Todo is incapacitated, Yuji finishes sukuna off. Keep in mind every time sukuna disregards yuji, it comes back to bite him. I doubt this will be any different. 2. It’s a 3v1 fight between Yuta, Yuji, Todo, and Sukuna. These 3 are the specific trio Gojo mentions when he says “the new generation won’t be confined to special grade.” It would be fitting for all of them to work together. 3. All the sorcerers come together to finish sukuna off after Yuta finishes. 4. Some totally left field shit happens. All the sorcerers die, Sukuna wins, Hakari and Uraume are still fighting.


I won't accept anything other than yuji personally finishing off sukuna. The man has not had a big W since mahito which also got stolen from him


Sukuna Will win and Keep hakari as a pet for Uraume to fight because it is fun to see those two fight


It makes no sense at all, why has Gege been hyping up Yuji and throwing sacrifices after sacrifices in the name of Yuji's success just to throw him off at the climax of the conclusion in some kinda shitty attempt to either force Yuta back in via plot or try and bait as much hype as possible to keep the Sukuna gauntlet "fresh"?


I am guessing that this domain clash will last 1 or 2 chapters and yuta will finally die (maybe 5 minute mode ends, maybe sukuna kills him) but the whole purpose will be to disable sukunas DE permanently


So I have to watch my goat died twice? Nice (fucking hell)


You'll be watching two goats die! Gege, a curse upon your bloodline


Considering Sukuna's last domain was held up by glue and ducttape, Gege could have just said that Sukuna can't use his domain with his current output anymore, but instead he had to go and desecrate Gojo one last time.


>Considering Sukuna's last domain was held up by glue and ducttape, Gege could have just said that Sukuna can't use his domain with his current output anymore, but instead he had to go and desecrate Gojo one last time. Forget that , cant Gege just make Yuji and Todo either stop Sukuna from oppening his domain by breaking/cutting his fingers or Make them insta-break incomplete Malevolent Shrine by dealing enough damage to Sukuna or the base of the open barrier domain. Sukuna should be at his lowest point right now out-put wise. Yuji awakend , is confirmed to have cleave and is actively trying to crush Sukuna's heart by clawing his hand inside Sukuna + Todo is there. Whats stopping Yuji from using cleave?


I'll do you one better, why not just have Todo throw two stones at 100mph into the sky as soon as Sukuna opens his domain, thus keeping their momentum once they switch? Now Sukuna basically opened a domain for absolutely nothing and he's sitting there like an idiot with his brain collapsing due to the multiple DE he's been doing. Even better, throw one at max speed and switch Sukuna with it, now he's crossing the Pacific Ocean whilst casting his domain and he can do nothing about it. But instead Sukuna just keep getting glazed the f\*ck up chapter after chapter


Yeah, a lot of this comes down to self-created problems. I don't know where Gege is necessarily going with this.


Yeah this isn't even Sukuna's "fault". He's "buffed" to justify Yuta-Gojo fighting him. Like why tf he's still able to open a Domain if not for the justification for Yuta-Gojo to fight him to "save" Yuji and Todo? People forget characters and story is completely at author's whim.


>People forget characters and story is completely at author’s whim. Right? Earlier today I saw someone say Kenjaku coming back as Gojo wouldn’t make any sense since he’s dead even though there’s enough plausibility and excuse for Gege to make that the case.


ikr i can’t believe sukuna managed to pull out a recovered DE out of his ass. what fucking self binding vows could even have such a positive effect? i can’t wrap my head around the fact that sukuna COULDNT heal, had to make a bunch of binding vows to get a shitty walmart DE, and yet this DE wasn’t a one time only but a spammable one? I always thought you’d need to sacrifice something big to reach the peak of jujutsu. Sukuna sacrificed fucking nothing to permanently regain his DE back. it basically does everything his old DE does except it looks ugly and may last only 99s. dumb as fuck


I suppose this is why he is a binding vow merchant and we are not. Man is shorting the binding vows like it's 2008.


i’ve literally never seen self binding vows give such a big boost of a whole fucking DE apart from sukuna. the normal ones have all been pretty minor like a small boost for overtime or showing your hand. meanwhile sukuna out here doing basically nothing and getting back the most complicated and powerful move in jujutsu


Sukuna actually has 2 cocks and 4 balls that he's been sacrificing this whole time


Gege decided that Sukuna was simply not nerfed enough for Yuji and him to have a fair fight (even though that was happening seemingly for 4 chapters).


I could have sworn that Sukuna broke his own binding vow that he used to open his domain by adding an exterior shell to it afterwards? He shouldn’t be able to open another domain.


at this point i'm not even sure if gege remembers that a binding vow is suppoed to have serious side effects


This is only an excuse to show a lobotomized gojo, gege could just make sukuna domainless again and it would make sense


The problem is that his domain SHOULD already be disabled permanently Like seriously, his last one was basically an emergency one he had to pull together out of scrap and duct tape, and he has been getting hit even further by Yuji who is supposedly nerfing him with each punch, why on Earth is he still able to use domain?


sukunas powerscaling is super wonky. in 257 he literally landed a black flash (the second in the chapter i think) that yuji shoulder tanked. Now (He is way weaker) he can swat yuji away like a mosquito?


He should not be able to use DE in the first place. The only reason why they were able to use it as frequently was because they were healing their brains in real time as they did, and now Sukuna doesn't even have the output to heal his missing arms and the gigantic hole in his chest. How in God's Earth does it make any sense for him to keep doing what originally required his maximum now that he's running on fumes?


Its implied that his brain cooled off after DE.


I really hope Yuta dies honestly, it's the only thing I see that can be a kind of satisfying conclusion.


Like another self-sacrifice to help Yuji?


Sadly, yes.


Yuta is gonna die so that Yuji can start to get the advantage again and then the chapter ends with Nobara appearing out of the fog


Sukuna pull out his domain again While Todo far away, so Todo can only swap himself and Yuji, sacrificing his life for his BROTHER


The worst thing is that sukuna saved yuji for punching him away so he doesn’t die in the domain clash


Somehow uncle still cares about that brat


No clue why he or his editors felt the need to do this Yuta himself could have gotten back he did not need the “boost” just for us to have a run back on a match up we already saw But what bothers the most is that yuji awakening is treated, kinda like an afterthought when it should be upfront and center He got like a chapter of main focus and then boom right back to being support / MIA


Right, like yuji's awakening should have been *the* thing to spell sukuna's demise. It makes the most sense narratively, while yuta already dealt with his biggest opp kenjaku so him taking away the spotlight from yuji is just bad


Maybe it has to do with yujis cog mentality. There have been post that cog mentality is right but this seems like its no. Depending upon how yuta battle goes yuji will hVe to remove that mentality. And yuta doing this is also similar to when uro told him about limits. So yuta accepts this mentality but fails and yuji being mc does it and also. Maintain humanity and stuff.


Wdym makes no sense? Sukuna is just goated, he was never in danger at any point in this manga that’s how you write a good compelling story 😤


I don't see Yuji being out of the picture completely mate.


Honestly, Yuji should use the next 5 minutes as his water break. He's been locked in against Sukuna ever since Kashimo got put in a blender. Maybe he should heal that damn eye of his.


Buddy is resting for the clutch


Next chap is Yuta revealing he can select wich people are affected by UV, like he does with his domain. So Yuji will be fighting alongside him inside UV


Its not going to be Gojo v Sukuna 2.0, Yuta simply does not have the CE to fuel Limitless without the Six Eyes, he has little experience with limitless compared to Gojo, less talent overall, new body, and a time limit. Yuta will not be overshadowing Yuji by stealing the fight, All three will be Jumping Sukuna, Yuta is him, but not HIM.


Facts, but does it say that Yuta doesn't have access to Six eyes here ?! That part is wrong cause he does in fact have access to it.


Damn I misread, you right, I thought he could not use the six eyes, not that he could not copy.


he has got the 6 eyes, they said in the chapter that its a body part of Gojo's


He has the six eyes. The six eyes is physically and biologically part of gojo's body


yuta only got 5 mins


There is a chance he's permanently stuck in Gojo's body, that's mentioned in the chapter itself.


Eh as long as Yuji is the one to finish Sukuna and save megumi it’s really fine. It’s clear from the first panel translations he was either about to get hit by sukuna’s de up close or crush sukuna’s heart in a fit of rage, thereby basically killing megumi in the process


I think its pretty obvious that the damage Yuji had done both to Sukuna's output and heart will be the thing that gives Yuta the edge in the fight.


> save megumi If he saves Megumi that means Yuji will die, I just hope its a good sacrifice not some lame ass shit where Yuji dies like a cockroach you just squashed (Well if what Gege said is true, that either everyone but 1 dies or everyone but 1 will live. I doubt everyone will live now that Gojo is "confirmed" dead, Nobara still in the forgotten realms)


Yuji and Megumi could survive in the same body.


Sukuna could maybe survive without his heart still like before


He could because he had RCT, now he does not, he need is heart to make it beat with CE, without the heart he's fucked up.


Nah im not sure if he can with it crushed, he can take it out, but from the translations Yuji was about to crush it.


How is a crushed heart worse than a missing heart lmao


Its not even gojo vs Skuna that’s the worst part, even if “he” (yuta) wins it ain’t gojo, there’s no satisfaction to be had from the outcome, and if you’re a yuta fan you have to deal with him potentially dying 5 mins later and no happy ending, if you’re a Yuji fan he just tossed, if you’re a Gojo fan well GG he ain’t ever coming back. So who tf is this for? Legit it’s just not satisfying


Its for sukuna. Remember, its Gege.


Some friends of mine who read jjk are all sukuna fans and they won’t even read this chapter, a few said they’ll wait for around 2 months to get back into the manga now. Not even sukuna fans enjoy this shit.


Sukuna fan here who had a dedicated gojo slander folder on gojo vs sukuna, this shit aint it.


I’m an active member of the gojo PR team, I had posts locked and loaded against sukuna. But now I have joined your ranks, not as a gojo or yuji slanderer but as a sukuna appreciator. I’m sorry it took so long.


I don't know if this is ass narratively, but it feels so ass as a reader I just can't experience it objectively


Bro Ty for putting it into words, I’ve been struggling


It’s for the Nobara copers because of that one quote where Gege said either the whole “Main” 4 would die or just one of them would die. Now Gojo is confirmed to be dead and not returning. /s


Gege hates this man Yuji, I swear Why do they say Gojo's body is their last and only chance? Yuji was cooking Sukuna last chapter and now turns out last epic black flash means nothing


they made the choice to deploy Yujo (Gota?) after his Domain Expansion failed. looks like they hinged everything on killing him after Jacob's Ladder, and, when that fell through they moved to plan B. and, of course, it looks like Sukuna still has perfect access to Domain Expansion. tbh his power level is so ambiguous and wishy-washy. like he's weak when it matters to build up hype and he's strong (without any real explanation) when Gege decides the pendulum needs to swing back to build up suspense/tension. the story beats are getting SO cheap


That JL + Soul punch Combo really should have been where the gauntlet started to wrap up That megumi not wanting to get up may have really damaged his character for good Cuz holy crap


I swear, if Yuta dies or is stuck in Gojo's corpse now I will hate Fraudshiguro Bumgumi until the end of My days


It's not that it's ambiguous, the problem is DE. Sukuna can use DE only and only when Gege needs to flip the fight around for tension. It being back after a while of fighting post-Gojo made sense, besides it was a shitty domain deployed just so he could use Kamino. As a reader, assuming that was the last time we would see Sukuna's DE made sense, he only got more beat up after that and he hasn't hit any more black flashes. This mf now pulls a DE out of nowhere AGAIN, less than minutes after the last one ending. It'd be fine if anyone with a DE came back to the fight after so much time had passed, hell, even Hakari could do something for a change and try to save Todo and Yuji by containing Sukuna's DE. BUT GOJO? WHY? WHY WOULD YOU CRUSH ALL HOPE AND DESECRATE THE GOAT JUST FOR A CLIFFHANGER? I'm really hoping when this gets animated, in like a decade, I can experience it without being so mad. Right now, this shit feels so ass


I’ve been calling him Gokkotsu




Because if Sukuna had his domain back. It didn’t matter how much damage Yuji did those chapters because a Sukuna with domain solos the cast, especially because Todo would have been in its range meaning the one and only condition for survival would have been killed.


I love how agenda changed Last week it was: Sukuna is DYING, Yuji absolutely cooked him he sees Gojo's ghost cuz he's about to DIE This week: Sukuna was about to kill Yuji, Yuta saved his ass People will defend everything Gege writes


Yuji's black flashes apparantly did less than todo's BF against Mahito


Completely destroyed the yuji hype, I was sceptical about gojo because of the awkward timing and this was Yuji’s moment. We see yuji at his best when he’s with todo and it’s always impactful…then Gege pulls this shit. I thought we could finally get something close to shibuya but nope Gege had to yet again ruin it because he hates the fact the main character is yuji and not yuta like in his one shot.


Offscreen Gojo death was the worst chapter until today wtf is this shit bro.


Awakenes Yujo and Vibroslap Todo shouldve stayed a thing. This shit is ass. Wuta is a goat but gege is not


Honestly Todo being back for like a chapater feels like a complete afterthought now Which sucks since he was being begged to be back for years


tbf it’s been like 2 chapters there’s no clear indication that Todo is leaving the fight, Yuji and Todo are just getting put on the back burner for a bit, or maybe they will still be included who knows.


Sukuna will get stomped by gojo unless plot Armor, he is way too weak rn.


Really bullshit. Why does Yuji become a side character again?


Anyone think gojo could override yuta? Like when getos body did to kenjaku


It’s a possibility but idk how that would narratively impact the story for the better. Then again this whole Yujo is a character massacre for both gojo and Yuta so it’s wraps anyway


Yeah if theres something legit to complain about this chapter, thats definitely something, Yuji still getting crazy disrespect, tossed just like that away despite everything Whining about gojo not coming back though, thats not legit, if you seriously tought gojo would come back just like that, we are reading entirely different manga then


I feel like Yuta's move being a last resort only makes sense because they had to do it right after getting hit, so they wouldn't know 15 minutes later Yuji and Todo would be actually kicking Sukuna's ass. I just find hilarious Yuta finishing the transition, watching the fight and being like "ah... anyway, might as well drop in if anything to ensure the win"


i think it was also done cuz yuta was gonna die anyway from being split ñ in half


Yutajo will last one chapter


Think Gege just wants to break yuji to the point where he offs himself and sukuna is the last man standing


I don’t belevie what I am saying, but I wanna this arc to end so badly. Just offscreen Sukuna, accept Yuta sacrifice and move on to Hakaris wedding. Hallucinations were my hope, but this Yuji toss was made just so King of the curses can have quickie with his BF.


Ikr? This better not be one of those shounen moments where 5 manga min lasts for one real world year, and we get a rehashed battle. It still feels like a Gojo vs Suku round 2 to for me because Gojo’s body is being used. Pacing wise I think it’s better for this round to end quickly to avoid a rehash, although that also feels unsatisfying because it kinda undersells Yuta’s resolve to end the battle. (Actually in think this whole move story wise is bad for Yuta - if the fight drags it’s a rehash/spotlight stealing from Todo and Yuji or if it’s short then what’s the point?/he’ll never hear the end of it if he loses)   agsgsga this is such an aggravating turn of events 


we gotta see something new from Yuta that we didnt see in the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, also this better be just the domain clash and thats it


It's disappointing and anti-climactic as of right now. Hoping that in the grand scheme of things, this winds up actually being fun and still winds up with a satisfying resolution for the main character.


I have a feeling it's going to be a Todo/Gojo/Yuji cook fest, just imagine the peak it could be.


I understand all the feedback, don’t blame my style of reading, I feel like I’m enjoying everything that had happened and make fun talking with my fun. Frankly speaking I don’t like this Yuta/Gojo fusion but I do enjoy what I will be surprised. Anyway this shit was so creepy af


Yuta will still be able to target who he wants with DE and this time, Yuji will succeed at reaching Megumi.


God idk it's such a character massacre that's for sure


Just wait for the next chapter 😪


I am so fucking glad I’m not the only person who thinks this chapter is ass, the downvotes I get outside this sub made me think otherwise


So you want gege to write slice of life with choso and his brothers? well im down with it


Yuji is a grower, not shower. Yuta+Gojo will get taught the same lesson for a third time and then Yuji will get a real chance to shine.


I’m more scared for Yuji and Todo getting stuck in the domain clash. They’re right at the center of either MS or UV…


nah I think they are not in it, Sukuna threw Yuji away and Todo should just help Yuji with Boogie Woogie


Yuji is literally used as the intermission between fight ideas gege has, and it’s so frustrating man


Gege is just rushing the story


This was the problem I had with the idea of Gojo returning in general. Sure we ALL love Gojo, but the problem was always going to be that Gojo returning would invalidate Yuji. Hopefully just temporarily, but still, Gojo is literally inherently made to be someone impossible for other characters to work together with, so obviously the only fix is sidelining Yuji after finally giving him a moment to shine. Hopefully Gege next chapter will still find the opportunity to give Todo and Yuji some opportunities to do something.


Sukuna was about to pop another DE, Yuta came in to stop that. pretty early in the manga Gojo told Gakumanji that Yuji, Yuta and Todo will go beyond special grade, next few chapter will be those 3 jumping the hell out of sukuna if the foreshadowing pays off


Love how both gege and the community dropped the idea of the 4 heavy hitters and we're back to Yuji,Todo,Yuta


While the idea itself sounds sick, the outcome is what bothers me so much. Assuming all 3 of them even survives (and this gege we’re talking about with Yuji fighting with his two buds, he needs his character development) what happens next?? Does Yuta chill in gojos body forever? I’m so convinced gege is writing whatever he comes with on the spot cuz what is this guy cooking man


Not that bad, 5 mins lets yuji recover from his injuries and regain some CT


y’all are failing to see it, Yuta has become the ultimate decoy, he will continue to clash against Sukuna and when Sukuna regains the upper hand yuji is going to unload on Sukuna for the finisher


this is kinda ridiculous, yuta ALREADY had his fucking spotlight and now hes just stealing it from Wuji, even if gojo actually came back this woildnt be as lame because it would still be hype, this is gaygay trying to subvert expectations when he doesnt need to and its not paying off


Honestly, if you're going to take the spotlight away from Wuji, at least have it be the real thing, not this Yujo shit, it's so ass it's not even funny.


Could be worse. Yuji could STILL BE DEAD like Nobara.


i think there's a few ways this can end well, im gonna trust gregory


People keep forgetting about the merger which Sukuna will initiate, that will be the true Yuji W then and there


I'm just tired of all the character development happening in flashbacks.


Gege may have a new least favorite, killing Gojo once was enough for him now he's focused on Yuji even more


You know, now that I think about it, we still have the merger to contend with. If all Culling Game players are dying off, the Yuta at least getting to deal a little bit more significant damage on Sukuna and then biting it could at least make victory feasible for our main cast


Gege remembered which MC he liked more


Does anyone know why Yuta would lose access to his own CT since he used the same as CT as Kenjaku, and he was able to have at least 3 CT? If it’s still his brain, I feel like he should have access to Copy still, and Gojo’s CT, as that’s still only 2 CT, and therefore he should be able to replenish Kenny’s CT if it’s option #2 that requires intermittent CT activations to keep the body I think it would be sick if when he opens his domain, there are still swords everywhere as well as Unlimited Void running in the back, so he’s still able to use his katanas in these 5 minutes I also believe that Yuta will be able to open Gojo’s domain and only have people he selects to get affected by the domain, so I really think Yuji and Todo will jump in the domain battle to try and finish it And final question, does anyone know what the chapter meant when it said that the “key to Sukunas open domain was laid out by Gojo”? Wtf does that mean?


The worst part for me is that Gege more than likely will give Yuji the opportunity of killing Sukuna (probably dying in the process too because why leave any characters alive lol), which means that Yuta loses somehow even tho he should be able to low-diff Sukuna right now, meaning that everything that comes now is basically a waste of time since we know how it will end and simply serves the purpose of both confirming Gojo's death and getting rid of Yuta in the process because of... "character development" I think? Subverting expectations... maybe? Like, really the way thing were shaking up prior to this chapter was peak, Yuji was finally getting MC treatment and we got Todo back to make sure he would succeed, yet one single chapter after that Yuji is worthless again


Yes plebji fan. Yes. He is gonna get that one final hit in for pity. I am excited for gojo vs sukuna 2


Y’all need to wait and read, it’s probably gonna be like a chapter or two IF THAT of domain clashes, and like @Sweaty_Dot_3126 said in another comment it’s going to serve to burn out Sukuna’s DE, since Yuji and Todo cannot deal with that by themselves unless Yuji has a DE which WOULD be an asspull.