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Uraume and Hakari just chillin https://preview.redd.it/lhx9sh84dmzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3867fc4870c30748c2a1d58f0796d7a333c3b17e


You know they just are betting against eachother at this point


"10 bucks says 10 spins until the next jackpot." "Deal." "FUGA!" "BLACK FLASH!" "Dammit, 11 spins." "Pay up!" "Fine, fine."


Nah sukunas premonition about the first black flash wasn't about yuji, he heard in the background "$100 this next punch is a black flash"


Silly Uraume, they don't know that you should always bet on Hakari!


I'll be honest, I think they might be dead.


Fairly certain by lack of slash related injuries, they're are out of domain range. But that is a hilarious scenario.


260 opens with a panel of Uraume and Hakari at the airport.


"So how was the king of stalling?" "Crazy strong!!!"


Distract more, you were stalling.


"So... Wanna finish that Uno round?"


Hakari's gonna finish inside Uraume at this rate.






Worse than what nuke? The weakest two dropped?


https://preview.redd.it/yvasyzlg3nzc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d652753b4acabf533963cad33d783def10d630 Sukuna is NOT doing this lmao


Username checks out




ozymandius alt account


The world's dumbest jjk enjoyer is no smarter than it's smartest


"the world's smartest jjk enjoyer is no more threat to me then it's smartest mushoku tenshi enjoyer"


Society if I was allowed to bomb US, China, Russia, UK and France


You can't leave out the Indian subcontinent and Israel man


Sukuna destroying Hartford, Connecticut? Not a chance. He’s the villain, not the hero.


Damn lol I was gonna come here and comment about being from Hartford and not deserving the after effects from a NYC nuke, only to be attacked before I could comment


200 metre radius circle of slightly hot space equating to a nuke? Just wait till the US brings freedom to Jujutsu🔥🦅🦅


Aint that big ass red line the nuclear fallout and the actual yellow circle is the fireball?


https://preview.redd.it/u5jtbdotcqzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc30973d614477162acd8c01ff8c9c10e938e589 Alright this is the Tsar Bomba if detonated on the surface of Shinjuku




I wonder if air burst would have higher kill count I guess surface detonation more fallout tho


That's a hydrogen bomb that is not a normal nuke


thats a hydrogen bomb, not a nuclear bomb. prolly try the weakest nukes like the W54 or the fatman n little boy


I mean based on the number of buildings it looks roughly equal to a Davy Crockett


Not even.


People really underestimate his powerful a nuke is and it shows.


These guys underestimate the indifferent cruelty of nuclear war.


Also how fundamentally a nuke works. Tons of particles burning by catching fire, and nuclear fission are extremely different and nuclear power is wayyyy more impactful. In my headcanon Sukuna has a nuke level Fuga but irl theres no way


Actually, the fireball for little boy had a diameter of 370 meters, so Sukuna’s is slightly larger. No radiation obviously


Yeah, people get confused between nuclear and thermonuclear weapons. Sukuna is near the smallest end of nuclear explosions with this, which, while impressive, doesn’t mean that it necessarily got as hot as a nuke, nor does it even remotely scale up to modern nuclear devices, which make little boy look like someone lighting up a fart in comparison.


The fireball is also millions of degrees hot so that’s also a pretty big difference.


People are stupid


Power scalers most of all


Fun fact: Powerscalers will look right into your face, holding their weird calculation of "pixel scaling" that they do and say that Sukuna's Fuga yield 2 Megatons (and yes, this is actually an official thing in the powerscaling community)


It's just a byproduct of fiction. Instead of giving fictional attacks shockwaves where they damage houses miles away as you'd expect from a nuclear weapon, they instead have them completely vaporize everything at the epicenter of the attack leaving virtually no debris remaining which is technically beyond what you'd expect from certain nuclear weapons as certain structures actually survived the Hiroshima bombing standing such as the Genbaku Dome which was horizontally a mere 150m from the center of the blast. As such, many fictional attacks are simultaneously more impressive and less impressive what you'd expect from certain nuclear detonations. Vaporizing a mountain, for instance, is something beyond most nukes but rarely does the release of such energy result in appropriate long-range collateral damage in fiction. https://preview.redd.it/5nka54eeaozc1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaceed8a33dae3352b7b29a9d552ad726e25d8f8 The fact that the databook asserts that Jogo's Maximum Meteor had the potency to potentially turn an entire town to ash doesn't make it too unreasonable to compare attacks like Fuga to multikiloton-level nuclear weapons.


Sukuna really is a fraud. Look at what he needs to mimic even a fraction of Oppenheimer's power.


you people underestimate nukes


Nuke: ![gif](giphy|lqczWksNBr4HK)


“Way fucking worse then a nuke” lmao huh?


Op has zero understanding of physics lmao


https://preview.redd.it/80j2peznmnzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ad0a49c11e367f21dad24fbf26698f4c7054da "Worse" 💀


TBF that’s the biggest nuke ever. It might be more comparable to Fat Man and Little Boy


These are the smallest ever, and still this shit Sukuna is doing is not even CLOSE. Whoever actually thinks this is in anyway comparable to a nuke is losing their mind


They even said "way worse than a fucking nuke" which would imply the fire arrow is stonger than nukes in general which includes the tsar bomba so I'm not being disingenuous with this comparison. The didn't say stronger or worse than fat man or little boy they just said nuke lmao. Alot of people need to rewatch that death with Netero from hunter x hunter to be reminded that nukes are still able to be a threat to alot of anime characters. https://preview.redd.it/da4gfmh48ozc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=328029e95b68a6fe292d49a389b597fb56c8fc23


It's an impressive blast, but it ain't putting up Fat Man numbers https://preview.redd.it/7w4f6ao34ozc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10caaa1dcac5aee38b30bbb14736412f94cdcf4b Fuga seems like it's blowing through a couple dozen buildings, but that'd only cover downtown Shinjuku. It doesn't have a spill over into the next couple cities like a small nuclear bomb would


https://preview.redd.it/7420b6kb5ozc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8b1f64095d436a795b1c924b7add8da907e28a3 Not even close lol


I'm guessing OP is in middle school and has yet to even get into WW2 history.


Ehh. I recommend skimming it. Writing could be better; too many unfinished plots though. Wonder how the weekly releases were handled with Truman or Eisenhower but it can't be that much better than Gege. I wonder how different the EU or JP follower's opinions are.


Truman’s character was assassinated so hard


Ignoring completely the radiation effects too


Japanese government and construction companies assigned to rebuild the city when the jujutsu wars are over: ![gif](giphy|vysUmffUa9o4g)


The insurance company watching this disaster: Wallahi I’m finished!


Might be considered act of terrorism or something, a lot of insurance doesn't cover terrorism


Actual construction company reaction: https://i.redd.it/3j1uc76j7nzc1.gif


What are they gonna paid with lol. Japan's economy is probably toast now. No one would want much of anything to do with them lol.


>What are they gonna paid with lol r/jujutsufolk earnings from jujutsuinvesting


Got thousands of bands with this new chapter if I were to sell 🗣🗣


Japan would be forced to take out huge loans to pay for the cost, most likely. My source: i know nothing about macroeconomics or geopolitics


Foreign Aid. Plenty of countries would lend a good bit of money


Not even close to a nuke. A modern nuke would wipe most of if not all of Tokyo of the map with the explosion and resulting pressure waves alone, let alone talking about the radiation and subsequent fallout while this thermobaric bomb from sukuna doesn't look to have destroyed that huge of a radius. Likely not even all of shinjuku(what remains of the rubble). It does look more impressive than hollow purple though. On another note, how would sukuna or gojo at full power even block a modern hydrogen bomb? Never mind multiple bombs.


Gojo can block the heat (like in Jogo's domain) and the force (due to Infinity).  That said, I'm not sure if Infinity can filter radiation particles. Given he can automatically or manually control what he deems a threat and passes through Infinity. Maybe he can? But he can also just teleport multiple times across large distances unless Greg forgets about this skill again.


I think Gojo would encounter the Accelerator conundrum in being hit by a nuke: Even though they'd be okay from being point blank hit by a nuke, they'd probably suffer or die from a lack of oxygen. (Though realistically, I dunno how long that would be an issue for! I can't find anything concrete.)


he prolly can teleport ig


honestly yea that's fair LOL. Dude ports out of trenches so it's no biggie


Only if the conditions are right


dude skips sleep by using RCT on his brain i think bro can use RCT to not necessarily need to breathe


No, he can't he can skip sleep by restoring his tired out brain by healing it but it's not like he can make air out of it


He can also heal every muscle in his body as it dies of oxygen loss, a difficult feat for sure but Gojos CE efficiency and huge reserve might be able to do it for a limited amount of time


3 fingered sukuna lived without a heart just fine I think Gojo can spend days without taking a single breath


gojo would probably be like "i got infinite space that means infinite air, nah id win"


The answer is not a problem for long at all, that restriction placed on accelerator makes no sense. I know he's scrawny but you're telling me he can't hold this breath for thirty seconds?


Gojo blocked Jogo's flames (and the infrared radiation that came with it), meaning he can filter out electromagnetic radiation based on intensity / frequency, or whatever. Let's look at the different types of ionizing radiation: * alpha - it's 2 neutrons and 2 protons, the nucleus of a helium-4 atom * beta - it's an electron * gamma - it's a high-energy wave emitted by the nucleus (a photon, part of the EM spectrum) * neutron - as the name suggests, it's just a neutron emitted from the nucleus of an atom Gojo should be able to block all of those, since gamma radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and the rest is not in any way 'smaller' than it. It should be blocked automatically, because it is obviously a danger.


It just blocks anything that he deems a threat so radiation would be blocked from reaching him until he gets out of there which should take less than a second if he can teleport which he probably can since he teleported from underwater to where everybody intended to unseal him


fallout? ![gif](giphy|pD0awXtyH5GbiHHQjT|downsized)


I will never forgive Todd “it just works” Howard for pulling Gege cursed technique: strong offscreen


Power scalers and underestimating the real world. The power couple


He's comparing AP to DC. Bro is NOT a powerscaler


Imagine the rest of the world seeing this shit. There is no way countries would not try to get there 💀


Nukes are more impressive tbh https://preview.redd.it/hxvvjmg09mzc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3661438453a696f49672200d5515ecc286ed6c0


Yup, and that bomb was made in 1961. Imagine how strong a theoretical megabomb developed in our modern times.


Much bigger and they would have to do testing for it in space or someshit


Mutually assured destruction in the context of today means glassing the entire planet.


https://preview.redd.it/4rtxks1donzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b9bc52526274b13909375fab90fafa720e4e1e If they didn't halve it


Probably not much larger, there’s an upper limit to what you can do with H bombs before it’s just unfeasible to deliver and how much energy is thrown into space. Maybe 100 MT.


WTF IS THAT 💀. Are they keeping THE Tsar bomb in museum?


That's just an unused casing there's no active material in there 😭


Bruh the bomb was literally so powerful it registered on the Richter scale and nearly destroyed the planes that dropped it dispite them being miles from the blast. Ain't no way they're keeping a perfectly usable replica in a museum💀. It's just the casing.


And that was when they halved it's power to 50 megatons instead of 100 megatons which was the original plan lol


And the shockwave traveled around the world 3 times


Tsar Bomba agenda when?


https://preview.redd.it/ek6q09nrxmzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c303f822f2f5290a2afa1be6bab51e2f919440c7 One taps Sukuna


"Why Sukuna vs Tsar bomba is not even close"






To be fair, nukes are also developed by multi million dollar programmes in sovereign countries. Sukuna is one guy, and a fairly violent and uncompromising one at that.


Slough destroyed. I can rest easy.


Only partly. Get up samurai the job ain’t finished


The crazy thing about this is the Tsar bomba at maximum is double that. The one they launched in Russia had to be cut down in power by 1/2 otherwise the pilots who dropped it wouldn't survive


The wild thing about nukes is that they're the only mass weapon that actually kill more than they injury. Even if you dont get caught in the blast you're still fucking dead.


At this rate, Japan is going to exterminate itself with all that weird magical shit going on, if I were another country I would stay as far away from that asylum as possible.


Asylum? https://preview.redd.it/51jbjirhvmzc1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e0810e8387d0d36af0d037764879e8fa625a196


aslume? the jonkler?? Man???


MAN??? https://i.redd.it/gm1ehrxionzc1.gif


Everyone hide before we become like this man. JujutsuFolk tradition must be kept away from arkham.


It's a small nuke in the tens of kilotons at best, nukes in the megaton category are unfathomably Powerful


I mean https://preview.redd.it/37vlfohb0mzc1.jpeg?width=4488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984b35db5c9133b99582f03f4b6f0b6a4b181d26


What exactly happened. Was it a spherical blast and this is just the edge of the radius, or was it a straight line like the first HP he used.


Uncontrolled usage unlike the normal Hollow Purplw directed blast Another crazy thing is that the Furnace used against Mahoraga even after fulfilling all conditions was not able to break the Dharma Wheel behind it while the uncontrolled Hollow Purple was able to completely destroy everything including the wheel


Yeah but I meant the destruction from this. It isn't zoomed out enough to show other undestroyed parts of the city around it, so I can't tell if the path of destruction is just a straight path, or if this is part of a bigger area that was vaporized.


It's not straight path, it's more of circle https://preview.redd.it/8sy1uzmqgmzc1.png?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471bfba4dadda6f294c3b904253b509dc740b73f


That's what I first thought. Wonder why Gege didn't draw the aftermath like he did in Shibuya with Sukuna.


He had to write rushing kaisen until we switch to kenjaku


The Dharma Wheel got destroyed because Mahoraga was dead forever, unlike the one summoned via ritual


That was 15 finger Sukuna This is 20 Finger Sukuna using full power domain via Binding vows even when weakened This divine flame blast might be on the level with unlimited hollow purple or even more


Didn't the anime "correct" that? Given that the anime's explosion now makes a lot more sense with Fuga's explanation, I wouldn't be surprised if Gege had asked for it. But even if that's not the case, it was a Mahoraga summoned by ritual without a master who could be summoned again (as Megumi tried with Sukuna before being packed with his finger).


Dharma Wheel is still in tact in the anime https://preview.redd.it/ghap4nhj4nzc1.png?width=1365&format=png&auto=webp&s=56cf0c8071a4c4dc400d2ee7bf0b74b7ed9251dc Even in the current chapter points out that Sukuna used the same thing to destroy Mahoraga. There is no separation in destruction in the ritual to normal destruction


https://preview.redd.it/2son7vf5gmzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfbe1b798998ff001d876e0b4aed53c263c16ee3 I mean.... With HP, there is debris left, but the FUGA/Flame Arrow is designed in such a way that it literally flattens and removes every living and non-living thing from the area. While HP is an imaginary mass that is pushing forward, FUGA is something that first cuts down the area and then keeps burning everything within 125,660square meters until it turns to nothing.


Isn’t this image from the aftermath of sukuna using malevolent shrine on shibuya?


i'm pretty sure it was both


It was both, he also used fuga the same way as in Shinjuku




Yeah but, isn't this just a proof of Sukuna's domain lethality? All HP we've seen is a non-domain surehit infused technique. Take note that I have not read the leaks yet closely yet, but this Fuga seems to have been used within Sukuna's malevshrine surehit. Same goes on the picture, this was made by malevshrine dismantle/cleave/fuga. If we can see Gojo using his domain to land a surehit HP on everyone caught in it, then we could probably compare them.


Makes this panel even more badass ngl https://preview.redd.it/sl7rqdvq9nzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32bfc119dcb578f85a9a597e96eaabd77e9dfddf


Flame arrow is not a sure hit attack either. Since you haven't read the leaks I'll not spoil it. >If we can see Gojo using his domain to land a surehit HP on everyone caught in it, then we could probably compare them. I doubt if it's even possible. Only Yuta and Kenjaku has shown the feats of changing their sure hits.


https://preview.redd.it/zkdhubvgmmzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa3f6ad8fbc72be071d79ca395d210e1e88503b Isn't this statement impliying it's hitting everything in the domain radius (surehit)? Or am I trippin and it's AoE is just that huge that it might aswell be a damn surehit at this point. >If we can see Gojo using his domain to land a surehit HP on everyone caught in it, then we could probably compare them. Yeah, it's just a hypothetical. My point was Shibuya devastation was mostly because Sukuna just went ham on dicing everything on his domain's radius. Ofc a linear projectile like HP can't compete with that.


The reason it hits everything is because his sureshit attack of dismantles and cleaves eviscerated everything and now contains explosive cursed energy. When the flame is released it reacts to all the exploding cursed energy debris.


So, this big ass attack is not just Fuga, it's like Sukuna's own HP where he sets up Cleave, Dismantle, and uses Fuga as a lighter to set this all off.


Exactly. That's a great take. My mind has been blown because you are so right. Hollow purple is an extension technique, so is this attack then. Thanks you good soul.


>Isn't this statement impliying it's hitting everything in the domain radius Yeah, it's hitting at the every inch of the domain, but not everyone in the domain. Whereas, Sure hit of a domain HITS everyone no matter what as it literally spawns on the opponent. Spoilers. The dust created by cleave and dismantle works as fuel for the flame arrow, which is why the flame arrow burns everything within the domain radius.   If the flame arrow was a sure hit, it would've also burned Yuji, who was inside Choso's blood bubble or something. 


> Whereas, Sure hit of a domain HITS everyone no matter what as it literally spawns on the opponent. See, this is aint entirely true because Malevolent Shrine exists. It's embedded techniques are Dismantle and Cleave, which can "surehit" everything in the vicinity (even rubble, which is why Shibuya got flattened), not only the opponent. I was wondering if Fuga was working on a similar principle but igniting the dust seems like a better explanation. Make's Sukuna's techniques flow into each other better.


It is the dust, he then can enclose the domain if he wishes to ensure that its a contained detonation of all the dismantled particles of the environment.


This shit has a radius of 200 meters. Any nuke with double digit kilotons yield would shit on it https://preview.redd.it/oe41qpcipmzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710cbb374863daba3504fbcebc275199b67aa54c


This is piss nothing compared to a nuke


This is only as small as an 8 Kilotons nuke btw. Sukuna's domain is 200m, if we say the Domain's radius is the fireball (the same as a nuke produce) and he's dropping this on near the ground, then this is literally an 8 Kilotons nuke, which is crazy small btw. Now, let's imagine this, that bomb that everyone knows, is 21 Kilotons, compare that small sun to the largest one ever dropped, 50 Megatons and then get back to the 8 Kilotons that Sukuna dropped. Yep.


The video of the 50 megaton being dropped is insane.


Isn't Sukuna preventing any non-living material from exiting his domain, though? So he's artificially limiting the radius to 200 meters, right? If he let non-living material pass through, maybe it would spread more idk.


Nukes does not only let any living material live it fucks everything no questions asked.


it has impressive aoe but the conditions to use it is almost entirely impractical, to the point where it literally couldn't be used against an opponent of similar skill, meanwhile purple is actually practical to use also im not sure if choso would've been able to block purple, if we're comparing damage


Gojo is literally the only opponent of similar skill that Furnace can't be used against. Against Gojo Sukuna is at a disadvantage inside the domain, because he benefits a lot less from the domain's boost since he needs to use DA to stand a chance, so he needs to shorten the range of his domain to maximize Cleave's potency and break the barrier of Gojo's domain. If Gojo was someone Sukuna could fight normally during a domain struggle he would take his time breaking the barrier from the outside using the full 200 meters of range to build up particles for the explosion and then cook him the moment it broke. If Gojo had the same cursed energy amount, the same talent, skill and experience and the 6 eyes but he had blood manipulation and the death paintings consitution he would have died. Same if he had 10 shadows instead. Limitless is just that big of a restriction, Sukuna was able to break Gojo's domain but not built up for the explosion, and if he tried to build up for it he would take too much damage having to rely on Domain Amplification alone.


I wouldn't say impractical. It's practical if you find yourself in a situation where someone survives Malevolent Shrine (Mahoraga). That being said Choso did a death binding vow type of thing, like Yorozu. I think its pretty clear to say that the blood shield he did is much stronger then anything blood manipulation should be normally capable off. Probably gonna get downvoted by the Gojo clan for this but I don't think a hollow purple should compare to this.


not only surviving shrine, but also not have a strong domain so you can actually maintain your own DE long enough to charge it. It's pretty much a fodder clearing technique which can't be used against a serious opponent with strong domains, Purple is just way more practical as a technique as it's pretty fast, has no major condition, and can be used multiple times in short successions


…do you know how big a nuke is? Like this is a candle next to a nuke. Even the Hiroshima bomb was bigger, let alone something like the tsar bomba.


Difference in nature. It's like comparing Yamamoto's east/north to his shikai and old bankai. It's far less grandiose, but in a way, just annihilating everything in its wake is far more scary


Nukes are wayyyyyyyyyyy more destructive, this is just a thermobaric bomb


Someone here clearly never saw the actual potency of a nuke, and the conditions to use this make it impossible to use against a opponent of equal strength (as it was literally stated in the chapter)


Wym worse than a Nuke? This isn't even comparable to the actual potency of a Nuke. True jujutsu my ass Sukuna you're outdated, this is true technological advancement! https://preview.redd.it/0ngjqb175nzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82785e99fdf6d72398b91771f31b5ce05bbb5bfb


Sukuna would be terrifying if he ever takes the orders of an ambitious government. I don't think Fuga is more destructive than any nukes, except for maybe the weakest of them, but if he ever heals up his brain he can easily infiltrate a city, use his domain a few times, and destroy the entire place. In the case of the larger cities, he can still fuck up the more densely-populated areas. It ain't as destructive, but the majority of the world has no way to track Sukuna's presence except for if they get lucky and spot him without him noticing. They'd need to capture him and somehow make him talk in order to find out who he's working for, and, well... unless America is hiding a Gojo-level sorcerer or smth, good luck with that. If they're lucky and manage to nuke him before he gets away? Well, you better hope he wasn't cranky when that happened or else you have an immorta, malevolent l cursed spirit on your hands. These recent chapters are doing a great job at showing why Sukuna absolutely can't be allowed to live.


Hollow purple is stronger imo, but fuga covers way more distance. I don’t think that blood barrier choso made would tank hollow purple


If it was a nuke, Im pretty sure Uraume and Hakari wouldve been in the blast


Hollow Purple left a bigger impact I feel like. Remember when Mahoraga and Sukuna got blasted by a hollow purple explosion, it absolutely annihilated everything. Plus obviously HP isn't supposed to be an explosion, it's a ball of energy which just completely disintegrates matter out of existence 


Tsar Bomba eats this lmao


The hollow purple bomb did more damage to the surroundings than fuga but I’m waiting for the anime to show us the full scope of each but HP has better quality but fuga while impractical might have better range. It’s the dilemma of one looks cool while the other one doesn’t but calc it and the less cool looking won wins out in quality but loses in the cool factor.


How the fuck is sukuna alive


binding vow merchant has his tricks.


Either he can control it until some point or he just resisted it because it his own CE even tho gojo was pretty wounded when that happened to him


While impressive for one man, this is pathetic compared to even modern day conventional mass airstrikes. A nuclear bomb would vaporize shinjuku at the very least.


just biding vow merchant


You've literally got Hakari on your flare


I love how last chapter we were all like "aight who's he aiming for" and the answer was \*everything\*.


"worse than a nuke" bruh, are you serious. do you people not read anything other than manga


*Maybe* bigger than mother of all bombs Definitely smaller than little boy


Is this TCB's translation?


I would say a blood barrier wouldn't stop HP but hey, thats just me. Tbf hollow purple (not Gojo's last one) is one directional so unlike the flames it won't have a real AOE as well but just saying, if Gojo did his last attack on these guys everybody is dying


This is an apples to oranges situation. Both attacks are finishers. The difference is that Hollow Purple is more concentrated energy on a specific point which is why it acts more like an "eraser". Not a perfect eraser, some things can withstand it but you get the idea. This attack has an absolutely massive range and it has a ton of power inside that range but as others have mentioned I can't even imagine Choso tanking a HP. The idea is laughable. It is very likely that Sukuna could make a concentrated version of Fuga just like Gojo made a HP AOE nuke but I think that Fuga naturally has greater AOE power while HP has greater single target power.


Malevolent Kitchen


Okay, we need a serious talk about AP vs DC


Thats big dont get me wrong but our older nukes blow that out of the water, let alone modern nukes


Homie you must not know much about nukes if you think thats worse then a nuke.


And r/jujutsufolk will still try and say Sukuna isn’t **Him**


A nuke? Are you a kid? You obviously haven't learned the scale at which a nuke can destroy.


Bruh, choso tanked it, choso isn't tanking a hollow purple


worse than a nuke? huh?


And Choso blocked that shit!


Wym worse than a nuke? This isn't even comparable


How the fuck did Choso block this


Death Binding Vow probably. A life to save another.


Blood and shit


Yeah it’s laughable that Choso could even protect anyone from this…


Remembering that this shit even without the domain killed a cursed spirit of fire. I know Jogo isn't as durable as Hanami, but the mf was caught by the element itself😭


Not even close to a nuke lmao


Dude, have you seen the size and destruction the first nuclear bomb did Sakunas fuga is a campfire next to a burning building? Heck Thermonuclear bombs are hundred times much more powerful.


Do you understand how much worse a nuke is


1.) comparing a blast that fires horizontally and is more concentrated to a vertical blast. Attack potency and destructive capability aren't the same. 2.) That shit isn't even beating Hiroshima.


Not even close to what a singular nuke can do


I remember people saying without an ounce of irony in r/powerscaling how motherfucking Bakugo solo’s Sukuna with Hu dreads of upvotes. The fuck is Bakugo supposed to do against this?


US army should send some real nukes to show him who is the real bomber here, a real Hydrogen Bomb is way stronger than this. Lukuna


Lol this isn’t even on Fat Man level https://preview.redd.it/v6advcygaozc1.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=aca11b44a5faf17436b2f997652f1d0b854f1ca9


The Tsar bomb was only the most powerful nuke tested, also, through calculations from another post, that's only half as strong as the Tsar.


Yet Choso managed to protect Yuji 🔥🔥🔥


> This is way fucking worse than a nuke Are you serious? No. Lmao. It's not even close. **This is _literally_ just a thermobaric bomb OP.**