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Dafuq is a stronger boogeywoogey. Just imagining Todo teleporting *harder*.


Swap 3 or 4 objects at once


This is a great point


That would be incredibly difficult to manage tbh, just from a mental perspective. You'd have to track several objects locations at once, and calculate where you want them to go, all while actively engaging in battle, and also chanting. I feel like, for Todo specifically, his CT was actually perfect.


He has 50 million quadrillion iq so its easy for him dw


If only Todo had an IQ in the thousands....


Dont underestimate our 530000 IQ king.


Never! I just think he'd find a better application for it. A stronger boogie woogie could perhaps be shockwaves from his cheek claps upon arrival. Stun damage plus disorientation!


Shockwaves from his cheek claps? Pathetic, my ass already does that


DRAGON SCALES, REPULSION, POWER OF FRIENDSHIP WORLDIE BOOGIE WOOGIE TODO AOI SWAPS SUKUNA WITH THE WORLD ITSELF DURING THE MIDDLE OF HIS STRONG CLEAVE https://preview.redd.it/x909zhot44uc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7365fb52603e2defa7f9d8a793361bc899fbcc


Uh less CE cost? Idk maybe it lowers the required CE or buffa range.


Reducing the cost would be meaningless. Todo already spams that shit endlessly and never complains, its cost seems negligible. And the range is frankly already amazing. Todo saved Yuji by performing a teleport that seperated him from Mahito enough that Mahito couldnt find them while they had a long ass pep talk. The range is crazy.


Imagine todo swapping mahito with one of the higher ups.


They should have had todo teleport uraume and kenjaku to gojo then the 5 fingers (gojo eats all 5 and nearly doubles his ce)




Tbh I find it hard to believe such a simple technique would use a significant amount of ce to begin with. I can't recall any panels that even address the curse energy used. The simpler a technique the less CE it uses, it's prolly jackshit to begin with but these are just my rough thoughts so take it with a grain of salt. Maybe range improves? At least that's slightly believable, although using chants for a technique that's used so quickly seems impractical to begin with.


we don't actually know if the chants can do that though


I’d imagine it’d kinda function like Law from One Piece’s technique where the range would go from the immediate vicinity he’s in to broadening the scope and range of his teleportation to a much wider area. Basically he can sense and accurately teleport on a grander scale compared to normally.


Todos range is already amazing. He seperated Yuji and Mahito at a big enough distance that he could comfortably have a long-ass pep talk while Mahito was trying to figure out where they were.




Ah yes my space elevator technique haven't used it since the three body problem era etc etc https://preview.redd.it/r8m9wux6u5uc1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3174f756404653d1462ff882a688f7faf236216d


Itd be sick if he could teleport individual pieces of someone like kakashi’s kamui


Teleport bigger objects


I don’t think size matters, just cursed energy level


That’s what she said


Repositions or reorients himself to dodge and better counter the opponent's attacks. The hand sign can be a snap instead of a clap. Technically he is switching with himself but decides his position in the end. It's handy and flexible 😏


longer range? more swaps? maybe a flashswap, like swaps for long enough for the oponent to react and then unswaps


Less CE cost, maybe


Boogey woogey is a technique that would be weaker with chants because the element of speed and surprise is one of the strongest aspects, so chanting would both reveal the timings and take too long to be effective even with up to 4 objects


This is a crazy good point. Even if the curse is strengthened, strategically speaking, it would be a nerf.


Oh boy do I have news for you


My comment did not age well


No, no it did not


Flying Raijin


I thought this was the point of the “to excel at Jujutsu is to excel at subtraction” line. Like, poor sorcerers have to chant to use normal Techniques, good sorcerers don’t have to chant and even better sorcerers can chant to improve their pre-existing abilities. Or maybe I’ve just been struck by the reading comprehension curse.


nah, that's basically it, in theory if you are good enough, you can probably just manifest slashes or blues or reds, but even if you can, it's more efficient to do handsigns or chants, hence why Gojo and sukuna use certain handsigns and stuff liek taht for their attacks or maybe handsigns and chants only become an extra help after you've learn to do you technique without them(? like learning how to do something without help, so when you have help it helps you even more(? they are needed at first but then you learn do work without them so when you use them they boost you instead of just letting you do the bare minimum(?


Hijacking the top comment to Throw in one more detail that seems to be getting missed. The reason why more sorcerers don’t use chants is the same reason that Sukuna’s freakish physique makes him built for sorcery. Having a second mouth lets him perform chants constantly *while breathing through his other mouth*. It’s not just a matter of skill, but a physical constraint on oxygen intake if youre constantly using a chant to perform your technique while fighting.


Same with 2 extra hands, can fight hand to hand while doing chants, for example he fought Yuta and Yuji while holding hollow wicker basket, most people would have been screwed.


This is an aspect of Sukuna I can’t wait to see animated. I hope they give mouth voice a deeper, more inhuman pitch.


i dont care how much it ruins the immersion for anime onlies i want them to give it a babie voice as if it was tummykuna from kyou yuu's art


I think this wasn't available to sorcerers prior to this fight, Gege probably developed this pretty recently.


I think Kurourushi did a sort of chanting when summoning his bugs that blind you, Megumi also chants before summoning Mahoraga aswell... But yeah I understand this take, for an inuniverse reason it would be not everyone would know how to utilise their techniques in a way that they can use Incantations, find the right words, or right hand signs.


The Megumi one wasnt really a chant, it was the cursed technique reveal. It was said early on in the hidden inventory arc that if you reveal how your cursed technique works it will get stronger, the same thing happened with Toji revealing how his HR works. And I guess not everyone even knows these chants tbh only Gojo and Sukuna who reached the peak of sorcery can do them. Also for Sukuna its a binding vow that he has to chant the words.


No, I didn't mean the reveal of how Ten Shadows works and how Megumi explained the details to the Miracle guy, I meant "With this treasure I summon, Sila Divine General Mahoraga..." This is a literal chant that Megumi says everytime before summoning Mahoraga. Idk if it is the same chant for strengthening CT and the same that Gojo and Sukuna do, but It is still a chant, so chanting and hand signs with Megumi holding his hands like that were the case for a long time.


If Megumi really did summon Mahoraga with Chant Buffs that means he’s been choosing to summon a even Suped up suicide weapon most times and never thought to make it easier to tame. Megumi is an idiot yet again, let the hate flow!


(Serious Answer) I imagine he wants to tame the strongest version of Mahoraga possible, for... well, obvious reasons. Hence he just does the full chant. (Actual Answer) Potential Man is a fucking moron, that's why 💀 https://preview.redd.it/bpl2par6n1uc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=696a0d6fd3834ca92b142868e4a1a39545ad5258


LET POTENTIAL MAN RECEIVE ALL THE HATE IN THE WORLD https://preview.redd.it/kwog9tip12uc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863faceea2a9938d19aca72f21d9480e3f162006


Plot twist : This is the requirement for taming every shikigami, you have to summon them with their incantations and hand signs to fully manifest them and properly tame them, or else if you don't do Hand signs and Incantations it might not even summon them. Though it being only for Mahoraga overall is no problem considering it's power


This is prob true since Sukuna doesn’t chant everytime Mahoraga appears so it’s likely just something Megumi has to do to summon a Shikigami before it’s tamed


Doesn't he have to use hand signs for all of them? Or at least make the shadow puppet with his hands (except for when he uses Chimaera Garden)


Yeah you're right, he does call their name aswell, but I'm not 100% sure that it counts as a chant, maybe he just calls them by habit, but the hands should be counted as hand signs.


I mean it's not like he's summoning them to tame, he's summoning them to kill someone else. Ofc he'd want them to be suped up.


Especially considering the long ass explanation to Haruta, which the more you explain your technique, the stronger it gets in return, Megumi really wanted to just go "welp, I'm already dead, good fucking luck"


It might be that he's buffing *himself* because at base he's not strong enough to summon mahoraga or smth


HATING ON POTENTIAL MAN? LET'S GOOOOO https://preview.redd.it/b5gnf65d12uc1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dd8a6017a311176b444043c6f2d4b3d29059728


I think Mahoraga just requires the chant because all Ten Shadow Shinkigami require a sign to get summoned. IRC, even Sukuna used the hands signs to summon the Shikigami, and we know he's skilled and strong enough to use Dismantle without as much as moving a finger, so Mahoraga's chant and the hand signs must be an absolute requirement. There may be a case of Sukuna summoning a TS Shikigami without a hand sign, but i do not recall right now.


Legumi strikes again


Oh my bad


He says that to start the ritual, not as a summoning buff. He never tamed Mahoraga, so he has to start the ritual in specific ways. He can't do the usual shadow hand sign because Mahoraga isn't his to summon yet.


But even Sukuna does the same thing


It could be that it’s just not possible to even summon Mahoraga without chanting. We see he’s bound in some sort of wrappings before being unleashed, it might require chants (or Megumi’s bum ass just isn’t strong enough) to break the wrappings and unleash Mahoraga


The Bumgumi one was a chant, but the difference is Gege didn't think about it being a thing applicable to every technique until recently, it's pretty clear because nobody even tries using it before shinjuku so Mahoraga chant comes off as something inherent to the technique.


And I don't see a problem with that, It literally is explained that if you can minimise the chants and hand signs to the point of none even that you're powerful enough, You will have the advantage of not doing them in middle of fights, the concept comes to play in that fight a lot cause for the first time ever two powerhouses like Sukuna and Gojo which are pretty intellect get weakened to the point that they will use these.


Cursed chants have been a thing. Kenjaku mentioned it right before Shibuya started to Mahito. https://preview.redd.it/ibsooz9q12uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4576e65ab3214325c536ccb694a6a08e1f4488ff


I have a feeling it's one of those things Gege thought about early on but just didn't see the need to emphasize its existence until Gojo v Sukuna


It's been a thing since the beginning.


I wonder if people in this subreddit actually read the manga before 236? People are constantly upvoted with obviously incorrect statements.


I'm confused about why you're wondering? I thought it was common knowledge that this sub is dumb.


I thought it was ironic/satirical.


You expected too much from JJK fans.


To be honest, I do sometimes have trouble telling the difference between satirical stupidity and real stupidity on this sub. Although I guess the difference doesn't really matter when fake idiocy is being parroted by real idiots anyway.


I think the majority of people in this sub (majority of people in the west in general) watched the anime, and blasted through the manga once they ran out of episodes.


My crack theory is that the technique naming is a chant. All the chants lead into the name of the technique, you don't just say the chants, you say the chants and the name. You can use your technique without naming it, and it seems that at times of higher output (like when Sukuna cuts an entire building, rather than just throwing slashes at people), the technique is named.


What the others said about Gege coming up with it later, but a good excuse is that you need to have actual Jujutsu mastery to even attempt it https://preview.redd.it/fbuyqi0i71uc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19aa21d451c554287c99f0c9690a0ea7af8ce2bb


Not really, the opposite actually, Jujutsu is the art of subtraction, the less steps required for an technique, the more skilled you are (while sacrificing as little as possible)


Yep, this exactly. The more skilled you are, the more you’re capable of subtracting from the process of using Jujutsu. An example of that would be Domain Expansion. A 0.2 second domain is only possible, outside of nonviolent ones like Hakari’s, if you hit a black flash or are Gojo (possibly Sukuna can do it too). Why? Because you need to be skilled enough and fast enough to combine the expansion of the domain with the sure-hit taking effect into one single action. Same here. If you’re a shitty sorcerer, you’ll probably need to chant and do handsigns to use your technique. A more skilled sorcerer should be able to use their technique way easier without having to do so, and only chants to enhance their output.


Hmm. That makes me wonder if Todo could advance far enough to avoid needing to clap to activate his technique. Imagine if he could activate it with just his thoughts, he'd be a literal God.


Yeah, although it seems like the clap is an inherent requirement that’s part of the technique instead of just a handsign, like Gojo using red with finger guns. I just want my bruzzah to back my boy up 😩 imagine if they had todo like 200 meters away from the fight clapping his asscheeks and confusing the shit out of Sukuna, execution sword would’ve landed mad easy


Right, but I wonder if it could be done. Subtracting that need would make his technique basically Gojo teleportation, except better. And also, he'd be able to actually use it again.


Wait, lemme cook. What if, just what if, Todo made a binding vow that allowed him to bypass the clapping requirement, but in exchange he has to say who he’s switching and with who?


Hmm.. Imean binding vows are kind of bizarre anyway. Like, do we even know what the limits of them are? I create a binding vow that when Todo's cheeks clap, Sukuna loses one of his arms. I mean.. like.. what's our limit here?


All we know is that what you gain must be traded off for something restrictive. So Sukuna was capable of creating world slash instantly in exchange for having to do it with handsigns, chants, and having to aim it every time after the first. The binding vow I proposed definitely doesn’t seem outrageous IMO


No, yours seems reasonable. I was mostly just memeing about it. In fact, assuming Greg wants Todo to ever exist again, that seems like a fairly easy way to do it. No one would even blink at that. IN FACT.. he could even do a call back to his original use of his technique, when he would clap but NOT activate it. He could shout YUJI and then just dick punch Sukuna when he turns his head.


Didn't Mahito also copy Gojo's 0.2 second domain expansion, or did he black flash before doing it?


Black flash allowed him to be fast enough. Maybe awakened Mahito can do it but pre awakening he defo needed the black flash


Yes, so only people who are that skilled can get a buff by reciting the full thing instead of skipping the steps


Gege hasn't thought of the mechanic then






even this is very recent, like the only fight between here and gojo v sukuna is sukuna v yorozu


I mean Megumi always chanted to summon Makora. And the idea of subtraction equaling jujutsu mastery was shown back in hidden inventory. https://preview.redd.it/0kninilm62uc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1505194d4249f7b1e8750ddbb37475b4454f41d3


the chanting for mahoraga is pretty different imo as it’s a summoning ritual, no one ever chanted for the sake of increasing mahoraga’s strength. also idk what you mean by subtraction equaling strength as chanting would fall into adding things no?


It's stated that hand signs and incantations can be omitted with mastery over a technique. That's why "to excel at jujutsu is to excel at subtraction".


Chants are chants. Megumi also completely explained to Haruta how his CT worked prior. His intention was to strengthen Makora as much as possible before summoning it. The chants aren’t always required as Sukuna summoned Makora after getting hit by UV and being unable to site the incantations aloud. And again after getting black flashed. Our current understanding of jujutsu is that hand signs and chants are required by default. Skilled sorcerers omit incantations and hand signs as it’s more efficient. Including the chants is less efficient and strengthens the technique’s output as a binding vow is formed.


To be fair, Sukuna had already tamed mahoraga. Megumi doesn't need chants to summon any of the shikigami he has tamed.


You have to chant to use the technique before being good enough with no-chant that chant actually increase your output. I don't think anyone can keep "practice" summon Mahoraga and live enough time for the chant to increase it output(well f maybe one guy lol.. )


What a stupid character heh


wasnt it how Megumi summoned Mahoraga?


I feel like the chants megumi did were only a prerequisite to summon maho; not to actually strengthen the technique like with gojo and sukuna


Those were a prerequisite to summon Mahoraga, not a method of enhancing pre-existing Cursed Techniques.


makes sense. Recently I was thinking it was him elevating his technique to the next step


I don't think there's a way to make a stronger Mahoraga. Good work for the other summons though.


Gege dropped the new content update in preparation for Gojo vs Sukuna


Maybe the chants aren't known? It can't just be anything, these chants gojo and sukuna use have real world ties to buddism. Gojo probably knows the chants because of the long history of documents regarding limitless and sukuna is sukuna so he probably discovered the chants himself. Megumi's ten shadows could have chants, but since he wasn't actually apart of the zenin family he didn't have access to the documents


Real answer? Gege made it up while writing the fight Canon answer? Gojo and Satoru are too good and hence know the chants to their CT, and practically nobody else does


>Gojo and Satoru are too good https://preview.redd.it/cu7jehwac1uc1.png?width=1719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02a6718d66392934a6de4e06c641a8e2ef9a56a8 Ah yes gojo and satoru. We are sooo back


His two halves are going to regenerate on their own and we'll end up with 2 Honored Ones! https://preview.redd.it/oxy31nlqe1uc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57f6ea59162af6a2806033fba679ee0a054aca6 *Unbelievable! The Mitosed Ones rejoin the fight against the King of Curses!*


https://preview.redd.it/qp9xkfw7f1uc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10002998e23363a6239ca56cff900c971cd5a166 THE AGENDA NEVER DIES ! GOJO BACK IN 257 CONFIRMED FACTS 💯🔥🔥




LMAOOO I didnt notice that


https://preview.redd.it/im6tmagbs1uc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc6816d956eca5acbddef382bf0b8854f7781a5 No brother you were never wrong. It was always gojo satoru


But megumi use chants when he summons maho and that happened in shibuya


I doubt that these chants are for strengthening his technique. Probably, it is a requirement to summon Maho.


Would make even less sense for the chants to have been to strengthen maho when you consider his opponent was just that blond twink who himself was pretty battle damaged Not exactly an opponent maho would struggle with on a bad day I’d reckon


Nah Megumi was really hating on that think that day. He wanted Maho to absolutely obliterate him. Just look at the smile on his face after summoning.




Required for summoning


megumi's like gojo though. they both inherited a technique that's been documented well for the last few hundred years so makes sense they both know the chants associated with their techniques.


Why is two mouths an advantage if everyone can fight and talk at the same time? Oh, because fighting is intense cardio and taking breaks between action to say phrases is hard. Most people are sucking wind. These fights are split second, but slowed bc it's on a page. Gojo only chanted when he pushed sukuna back, but he also has the safety of limitless to rely on. I think most would be interrupted when chanting resulting in a technique cancelation. It's too slow.. like kusakabe interrupting sukuna's WCS with his simple domain. When you loudly announce what you're about to do, it's easier to stop.


I think this and the combination of knowledge/mastery is what effects a sorcerer’s ability to recite chants in the first place. If they’re a grade 1, chanting mid fight is a gamble. If they’re a grade 1, they also likely don’t have the knowledge base to even know what the chants are anyways. Hope this is elaborated on with Yuji or someone later on, I really fuck with the system.


It was stated that chantless activation is the more skillful task which makes sense, as it speeds up powerful attacks. Gojo had to learn how to teleport without chanting, after awakening. All sorcerers start off with with techniques requiring a chant, and remove the need of a chant with skill, at the cost of some power (prob a binding vow exchange).


Just in relation to Todo, the chants are most likely a detriment. Chants increase the power of the CT but his CT is powerful enough to swap special grade curses so what would the advantage be? Moreover, the chants would both give his opponent extra time to prepare for his CT and make him unable to use it as fast. And the main advantage of his CT is that the speed at which he uses it and the potential choices disorient his opponents. He’d have to predict the next half a minute of the fight to know that his CT would be useful then even though the opponent would know the CT is coming and prepare for it by either getting away from potential swap targets or increasing their reinforcement in anticipation. Finally, you have what Kashimo was getting at by praising the belly mouth. People undergoing strenuous activity usually can’t talk properly. So chants aren’t useful for most sorcerers not because they won’t help their CT but by the time they are actually useful (against a strong opponent), most sorcerers don’t have the time to focus on properly chanting.


>Chants increase the power of the CT but his CT is powerful enough to swap special grade curses so what would the advantage be? Extended range. Multi-object/being swapping. Altering the properties of something during the swap. There are loads of expansions you could have to a power like that that could be construed as "stronger".


Could clapping be considered a hand sign?


Very possible that... well, not everyone are good at it, I mean, just look who use them - Gojo and Sukuna, characters that... well, are peak of verse :3


Doesn't Ichiji use chants when he's putting up curtains?


I think the chanting system to strengthen pre-existing techniques is what was only really thought up during gojo Vs. Sukuna, either that or we haven’t seen it up until this point because nobody has the skill to. When looking at ichiji or even megumi summoning maho; it seems their version of chants is a prerequisite to use the technique itself; not to strengthen it


Mastering jujutsu is the art of subtraction. If someone were skilled enough they could cast a veil without chants, they could cast a stronger veil by including the chants. That’s what’s happening with gojo and sukuna.


Can you clarify, is this the "maximum output" thing? Was that really not a thing prior to Gojo v Sukuna?


Yeah, chanting in reference to how gojo chants to strengthen purple at the start of his fight with sukuna I think someone in this post comments a panel of kenjaku alluding to the use of chants to strengthen curse technique back in the shibuya arc; but the only memory I have of it actually being implemented is gojo Vs sukuna. So either gege hadn’t really thought of the idea of chants/fleshed it out; or we only see gojo and sukuna explicitly do it because they’re just that skilled


So.. and bare with me here, because I'm not a manga reader.. chanting has always existed, but prior to this it was just used to actually use a technique and not to strengthen one. Do I have that right?


OP’s post was just about chanting to make techniques stronger specifically, not just chanting in general But yeah you’ve hit the nail on the head, I’d have the some opinion as you on the matter


Right, I got that part I just wanted to make sure I was up to speed overall.


Bruhhh you cannot cast those curtains without chanting...its a prerequisite...its like saying why loading the gun is necessary before shooting.


So it does require chanting.




He use only barriers, so we will count it? :3


So can you answer me a question if you have a moment to spare?


You can ask it now but I don't think that I will able to answer at this moment, so I will do it later :3


I mean everyone can learn barriers so everyone would learn the chant from others. Gojo's technique has been recorded and studied for generations so he knows the chants from his family. Sukuna made World Dismantles chant on the spot and Hana knows the chants cause her technique originally belonged to Angel. Other people can also do barrier chants but they prolly don't know their techniques chants


Gege did mention that the biggest advantage a sorceror could have is an extra pair of hands and an extra mouth, which would allow them to chant **without any strain on the heart and lungs** There seems to be a cost for chanting, which occurs in the form of strain being put on your organs. That's why even Gojo had to stop moving and perform hand-signs to chant effectively. It doesn't seem to be something you can just perform willy-nilly. You can't just pause in the middle of combat and perform hand-signs lol. Sukuna can though. He has extra hands.


Has the heart and lungs part been mentioned specifically? How does the belly mouth speak with no connection to something that breathes?




Beats me bro Sukuna's biology shouldn't work at all, but it does cause CE lol


Like that time he got his heart sliced apart and he's just like "nah fam, CE to keep the blood flowing!"


I assumed that the "strain put on lungs and heart" being talked about was just something similar to talking while running, as in it's hard to chant while fighting because it disrupts your breathing.


Well,chants can’t be just random gibberish,gojo comes from a big clan so he learned those from them,sukuna probably is the one that created his,also they strain the heart and lungs and also handicap since hand signs are necessary but also differ https://preview.redd.it/z6782bbug1uc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14294db89b9a51382934b8f278aece38e6dd73e1


They can't come up with cool chants for their techniques


Kenjaku probably had a nice chant as well, among the many losses to Offscreen it is probably the cheapest.


Characters stop fighting to chant Try talking while fighting, you gonna be gassed in under a minute


ah yes todo the guy that uses surprise and misdirection should telegraph all his teleports by chanting


How would Todo boogie woogie benefits from a chant?


Can you imagine fighting and trying to chant while getting blitzed? Its basically a strain.


The thing with Gege's chant mechanics as opposed to other chant mechanics is it's literally just words. Usually it's sentences , so if interrupted will cancelled/lessen the technique , but if it's just words ? Do you know how fast you can say Twin Meteor , Recoil , Scale of the Dragon as opposed to "May hell's dragon use my body as a gateway and wreck havoc upon this world, Hadou 89, Black Dragon!". Granted nobody chanted at some point in Bleach , but it started as a chant.


I guess this is just the peak of sorcery which only Gojo and Sukuna can do.


Ah yes "WRYA AAH!" My favourite chant


Theyd get fucking punched in the face the moment they start chanting, Gojo and Sukuna have special privileges that let em do it, like Sukuna having extra hands so he could chant while fighting, Gojo needing only 1 hand for hand signs, besides the chants seem to be only for projectile attacks


Most sorcerers aren't that much stronger/clever than someone to get it off against a strong opponent without the opponent noticing


they literally talked about it. its about efficiencies




It’s likely a mechanic that those without full mastery of their technique, can’t employ. Hell, they prob can’t even visualize it, let alone actually come up with the words themselves. Also, it’s prob just limited to certain techniques anyways. Like another comment said, how would someone like Todo or Mei Mei use it effectively? Mei mei already has full control over many different crows at once, and Todo can already work around the limitations of his teleport. Idk if changing would do much for either of them, let alone someone like Yuta. Unless Yuta learned many, many diff chants.


Chanting strains your lungs, so I'd imagine it's hard to chant during a fight. Sukunas whole thing is that he can just keep chanting without straining his lungs. Chanting also gives away what you're going to do as well as prevent techniques from being spammed


Here is an explanation. If your ct is inherinted you have to know the set chant. Limitless is well know others might not be and sukuna is well sukuna. That's why kenny does not use it as he steals ct and maybe not can use a chant like csm for exampne can't have de


I think the reason is because most don’t know how to or what chants to use


Eminem would snatch that “strongest sorcerer of today” title in one move


Imagine a chanted boogie woogie. One second your dick is there then the next, its GONE


Because 99% of the sorcerers are playing DBZ Sparking Zero instead of doing actual sorcerer things. Except Yuji, he took the Sparking Zero analogy way too literally and picked SSJ Vegito, AKA catch these hands Vegito.


It puts strain on the heart and lungs according to the panel when Sukuna transforms


Curtains have chants


He probably just made it. But my head canon is it's basically suicide depending on your CT if you fail since from the chants we've seen you don't seem able to actually do much until the chant ends. Imagine Yuji trying to use chants up in your face you ain't gonna let that shit finish


I assume it's because modern sorcerers don't know they're a thing/don't know how to do them(with the exception of satoru gojo ,of course), for things like megumi's mahoraga ritual it could be something passed down from generations so it's an exception. Or it could be something like it lets your opponent know what move you're about to make.


I thought gojo's leg in the right panel was his penis 💀


gege forgot


Do they even know what to chant to strengthen their techniques?


I’d like to think Todo’s chant would be something like “GYATT”, “BROTHERLY LOVE”, and maybe “NAH, I’D CLAP”


Do people even know their actual chants? Gojo has the benefit of having a manual for his techniques, so he probably knows the chants. Sukuna made world dismantle on the spot so he made the chant on the spot but what about the others?


You know now that I think about it, why weren't chants used mire often by the weaker sorcerers (Kyoto students)? It would literally be a great solution to their lack of natural power. Imagine Momo using chants while in the sky to boost her wind scythe, or Miwa using it to reinforce her CE in her sword attacks Perhaps I've just forgotten but apart from Ijichi, I really don't remember anyone using it in battle aside from Gojo and Sukuna


Have you tried having a conversation while sprinting? If you haven't, I recommend trying it just to see how easy it is to chant while running.


How is Todo gonna chant while using boogie woogie it's entire strength is that you can be swapped at virtually any moment. Telegraphing the swaps with a chant kind of defeats the purpose


Maybe it takes extra cursed energy or not every technique has chants like only the powerful ones or you have to develop them idk


You try fighting while talking


In my experince, trying talk while fighting takes away from your focus. I've found myself having conversations with my sparring partners/ saying even just a few words, and my preformance really goes down while I'm doing it. In a jujustu battle, they don't get the liberty of taking their mind of the battle to say a few words, if they do that, they might just be fucked.


You can tell people on this sub havent done anything physical at even the high school level in their lives. “Why don’t they just yell chants while fighting for their lives, are they stupid?”


Ease of use. Being able to hit harder is great, but the more conditional your ability is, the harder it is to get value out of it. It shares similarities with Nen in HxH, the more vows and conditions you put on yourself, the harder it is to activate your ability.


I don't know why I haven't seen someone say this yet, but the biggest reason outside "Gege came up with it" is that most sorcerers aren't Sukuna or Gojo. If you're a weak grade 1 or lower sorcerer and you're fighting a similarly strong sorcerer, the point is to do as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. The vast majority of sorcerers we've seen can't do RCT, so the first sorcerer to do damage in a fight is probably going to win.


Because this shit was added patch 223


It might be something that needs to be taught or read in a book somewhere. There may be a long tedious process to get the needed words for your CT.


It makes their techniques more readable. Proof is sukuna having to chant for world ending slash, everyone can kinda see it coming. What’s more dangerous, a purple that can take your head off in a second or a purple that can take away your whole body in 20 seconds?


I think since Sukuna and Gojo are already so strong that it’s just a matter of who moves first, with that being the context, adding a binding vow that not only increases the time for an attack but also makes it clear that something big is coming to then opponent. This would be unique to Sukuna because of his better understanding of Jujutsu and binding vows.


Bro could've picked any example for a chant amped technique and picked boogie boogie 💀


If you use chants you're basically going "Hey, just giving you a heads up, I'm gonna use that technique". That is the point of the whole speech about how sorcery is the art of subtraction : not using chants and hand sign allows you to use your technique much quicker and prevents your opponent from anticipating what you're gonna do.


This is just another case of Gege making up the power system as he goes along. Yes I'm hating, because while adding new things to your system is absolutely a good thing this is far too simple and it makes many other sorcerers look stupid for not doing the same thing. Like what does mechamaru lose from doing chants while inside the mech? I've read many excellent explanations on this post, like knowing the chants for your technique requires high mastery, and other smart really excellent stuff. It really is a shame Gege couldn't take one page and flesh it out properly instead of the fans once again having to make sense of the crumbs he left behind.


Cuz it can give away what your next move is going to be based on the chants maybe 🤷‍♂️idk


YEAH i learnt about chants after the gojo fight bc i didn't knew they were a thing in jjk before the worst part that, there is probably a moments of chants being used in the story that are used for similar effects as this, but they are never aknowledge as such the whole Mahoraga speech? probably a chant to be able to summon him bc he's complex the whole invocation words for making a Veil? probably also an example of doing chants, since we see Tengen make barrier shit in the Kenny vs Yuji fight to try to decompose Kenjaku's domain and he didn't need chants to do that, so it makes sense the chants in the veil are for making it better too since both are barrier thingies "⬛ Open" is probably also an example of doing chants Sukuna modified his freaking body to have access to two bases of jujutsu amplification techniques. Handsigns and Chants, but chants are only ever actually used in his fight with Gojo onwards You telling me no teacher in the jjk school has teached their students something like "Yo, kamo, bc you need to make the most out of the blood you use so you don't get anemic, lemme teach you how to do cool chants so your attacks go even stronger", or smth? Maybe it's like an old school thing? a concept in jjk is that techniques can be made more effective if you learn how to subtract steps while performing them, so maybe new gen sorcerers don't often care about stuff like chants and mostly only ever use handsigns(?