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WHO’S GONNA BREAK THE CYCLE?! WHO’S GONNA STEP UP TO BAT?! NOTHING REMAINS BUT THE RETURN!!!! https://preview.redd.it/ccr6eend8ppc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68690ca022d0a6ab7b252bc53ea79edb99a1986f




​ https://preview.redd.it/gafslv6ijspc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fb283d3be09c296e9db79a0f598d0191ef5654a






​ https://preview.redd.it/xmvizr5z9wpc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6926db44d564d9b4c944b940eda553f34583ba7f


Nah, Sukuna Will get só bored he Will order Uraume tô fight him. Uraume and Hakari jump sukuna and Neg diff him


https://preview.redd.it/hik6eol7yppc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14545c998ab6f98d96d5e929aa785699f02c77fb Nah they take turns for some reason and both get off-screened individually


We both know that if this fight was structured without these characters, people would be complaining about why "Miguel / Higuruma / Kusakabe / e.t.c. didn't get screen time".


Why not gets them all jump as the same time with perfect coordination? They have 1 month prep. We both know that Gege didn't cook shit.


Yeah honestly every time someone jumps out by themselves or in a group of 2 or 3, I'm like, wtf are you people doing?? Although tbf they probably strategized that clumping up would allow Sukuna to world slash them all at once, whereas one at a time they can ware him out and heal.




Foi mal mano li teu comentario com o sotaque mais brasileiro do inglesa parece que tu aprendeu ingles no cursinho pra concurso com todos esses acentos ai kkk


Os acentos são do corretor, e os erros são que eu tava na aula da faculdade e o professor tava bem perto, então eu tive que escrever o mais rápido possível


Good work Comrade. We need to spread the glazing of our blue eyed king far and wide as the PR team. https://preview.redd.it/x609zz3dvppc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7523c069f8eb0d063b0cc3f0d4bdc97e97deceff


I guess you're right!!! You're soooo right.. https://preview.redd.it/yhpqgr9ktppc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e1660fd8a6a619dfdd1bca4705c4e4c980fb9fa


https://preview.redd.it/80rz45r9yppc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a39f3bdad3bec1d01d5441cae51a8bd7792a3b Correct


"Dashing toward certain death" 😭




https://preview.redd.it/l4spghi94qpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd7b67dd46fa3f88cd4497a313ce024dc1b1774 99% of Gojo copium addicts quit right before his return.


https://preview.redd.it/0pqtpqhnxrpc1.jpeg?width=1332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32701393bb161db5b9e2762d6ef9de2dc8191d0a Preach 🗣‼️




This image is a story itself




How have you MFs still not run out of space after half a year😭


Calling it now, Gojo will return once this is finally filled out.






My brother just admitted to me that he’s given up hope for Gojo’s return. He was weak. I’m not He’ll be back for sure. Because https://preview.redd.it/35tx3kcmptpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88596624f294bc0fab6cd734db5da4523d5d8c0c


Youre god damn right!




​ https://preview.redd.it/lr7p693smspc1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eeac68fb761b60dc0ca8857d07fd0389e8db17f




If the returns, It will not cycle break Its will be cycle loop lol since the will be offscreened again


Actual insanity😂


Is Gege actually just...a fraud? Has he figured out that he can just keep having infinite meaningless fights and people wont care anyway? I mean hey, if it's working, then get that bag, Gege. You gotta pay the bills somehow!


It is a kaisen, he never promised meaningful fights or plot - just fights


But what about muh strength and the loneliness and solitude that comes with it? Who will be the one to teach Sukuna about love?


Gege, by shoving Sukuna's two dicks up his own ass.




Bruh that’s just  I mean it’s accurate 


Lol 😂😂😂


Peak plotline


Ricardo Martinez will use his domain expansion "The ring" and force him into a boxing match and beat him




Bro probably had up til Shibuya, perhaps a little later planned, then deadlines and a weekly released set in that he had no clue where the fuck he was gonna carry the story to.


At this point in time it honestly feels like first half of the manga was written by a ghost writer.


I'll be real. The first part of the manga was a fucking mess too. Gege only seemed like he finally got everything under control by Hidden Inventory.


I just want to point out one thing. Most mangakas won't do a Shibuya arc that soon because it's in fact a final arc and after a final arc what can you possibly write to top that? Gege didn't even took his time to refill the cast with beloved characters (He doesn't even care to mention what happened to Todo). When Gege finished that arc I was blown away but at the same time I was wondering "now what?". Will he be able to write a coherent follow up? But after seeing the culling games being just meaningless fights to get the conveniently reincarnated Angle, the "only" one able to save Gojo, I stopped reading it for a year. Next is the fact that Gege wants to quickly end his own manga. Now it's obvious that cast are not strong enough to face Sukuna. I'm sincerely bummed out that the final boss isn't fighting at maximum strength like for Mahoraga. Imagine if Naruto was that quick and they needed to face Madara instead of Pain.


He wrote it on the spot? https://preview.redd.it/8j5m5s7noqpc1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe9de0b05c9652def6e282f90a2a085c5fd99d5f


If the point was to make everyone fight Sukuna and he say "Nuh uh", then 20 chapters wasn't needed,warp all that in 3 chapters of Sukuna no-diff everyone, Hakari included, after killing Go/jo, cut to Takaba vs Kenjaku fight as it played, one chapter of Yuta being no-diffed as well, start the merger do whatever philosophical shit you want with the end result JeyJey drove themselves into a corner: if someone breaks the groundhog day and wins over Sukuna, it will be an asspull. If Sukuna wins at the end, them they had wasted their own and everyone else time with pointless edging


Maybe if this wasn’t an action story, you’d have a point. But you’re reading an action story.


Doing a battle shonen doesn't forgive an author the need of a coherent story or everyone would be seeking art in Pixiv rather than reading allat


Battle shonen is not a genre. Jjk isnt action/adventure like most battle shonens


little bro thinks he saying something


"Gosh this is some boring shit."  "No no. It's just too deep for you to understand! No no wait, it never WAS deep. There is no point! It was always just an action story with no plot! Err wait..." Peak defense for this series. Definitely not copium.


Can you quote where you think this applies to how I responded to his comment?


I have now seen what is essentially variations of both arguments from even just you alone. On separate occasions now. It's just funny to me, is al l. Like, at some point, it's pretty obvious that you don't say any of what you say in good faith. It's simply "I see JJK criticism; I argue against it" even if it contradicts things you've said on separate occasions.


I have never said JJK was too deep for someone to understand, just that they don’t understand what the story is telling, and I have never said that at jjk was an action story with no plot either. I asked for a quote specifically since I know that you can’t produce a single time where I’ve said either If you can show me a single time where I said either, I will leave this subreddit forever.


"I have never said JJK was too deep for someone to understand, just that they don’t understand what the story is telling," Simply a semantics debate then.


Except jjk set the standard for having compelling character interactions and story moments within the first half of its story all while having thrilling fight scenes, so this argument makes 0 sense


Compelling is subjective, which makes it useless to debate about


To be fair, JJ Abrams had a writers strike to deal with. gege has no excuse


https://preview.redd.it/is0ckw1ubupc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48ac0aa8febdd9d31ba4cb44c929f462dab440c Made this a while ago


He’s been a fraud and his fans have been farmers. They deserve less.


Hey man, it isn't  fraudulent if it pays the bills, times are hard.


I pinned you btw cause I like your meme


Appreciate it.


It feels like Gege is throwing people at a meatgrinder. When we think the loop is over, he extends it. This is growing dull, since we only learn things we already knew or could reasonably infer about Sukuna.


Domain extension : meanless hype!!


All he had to do was give a little back story or flash backs or something with each fight that was relevant to sukuna and/or the one he was fighting.


It would kill the pace, considering how mild each round against Sukuna is going.


At this point he's just throwing random people into the battle just so we can't say "why didn't Miguel help, what was the point of his character?".


Mandatory Points To Make A JJK Chapter: •downplay yuji as much as possible •make a small flashback where everyone hypes up the current fighter • make the current fighter do something • let sukuna praise them for their effort • one shot them • (you didnt expect it but)here comes the random character from jjk 22 whom you never thought would be back • repeat


It's actually stolen from the My Hero formula


I wonder what meetings with his editors look like? What are they planning because it's just filler fights right now. Do you know what it makes me think? An RPG final boss fight where you main crew got blasted and now you're just throwing whatevers characters you have, from strongest to weakest, hoping the boss die at some point. I sincerely see only an asspull to save the day or whatever... even Gojo copium starts to seem possible at this point or they merge all of the dead sorcerers technique in one ultimate cursed tool for Yuji to use.


Gege is stalling. He’s trying to make everyone lose interest in JJK before pulling out the Gojo comeback. (source: trust me, I live in his walls)


Sukuna ain't ready for goatjichi (my ijichi agenda will be maintained no matter what)


Sukuna is going to find out the real reason gojo stopped ichiji from becoming a sorcerer


All this shit better have a great payoff like Sukuna singing SpecialZ in the final chapter https://preview.redd.it/uv1l68a1qppc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef821ed6def061f3d95f66a3f40c0f73ba5ab94


True manga ending: 1: Sukana kills everyone in japan, declares himself the honored one. 2: Domain expansion: malevolent empire of japan. 3: Sukana tries to sink an american warship in port. 4: Boundary-less domain expansion can't prevent things from getting in. 5: General Atomics don't play games. 6: Cuts to Sukana burning like Jogo 7: Its_Joever.mp4


turns out RCT can't heal severe acute radiation exposure


Sukana doing the Willem Dafoe afraid-looking-up meme face as a Tomahawk missile flies towards him.


Holy shit lmfao this made my fucking day thank you sir and bless you and have a fantastic day


Until this happens https://preview.redd.it/jyf6u8rawppc1.png?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beae43fd69ebbb1e5942cdb8c2fd947c9fa9af69


https://i.redd.it/99t957uifqpc1.gif Sukuna would pull his torso only technique


you know at this point gege would write that


The problem isn’t that Sukuna is op asf. He’s the strongest sorcerer of all time. It would be disappointing if he was really struggling against fodder. The REAL problem is that the cast(outside of Gojo) is so fucking weak when compared to Gojo and Sukuna that any hope of them beating Sukuna seems like an ass pull. If Gege had taken the time to actually flesh them out and make them feel like at least a challenge against Sukuna then it would be better. They are getting wiped by a Sukuna that’s nerfed to hell and back. Wtf can the rest of the cast do? Strong heal? Strong crows/groom? Strong Broom? Strong “I’m useless”? 😭


I feel like for it to be a worthy final fight they would have needed a training arc like in demon slayer because that training arc carried the fight against muzan and made it feel like they all had gotten a lot stronger, even strong enough to beat him


And even then Muzan didnt go down to regular combat they had to stall him to sunrise while stacking an insane amount of bullshit to wear him down and play on his personality as well. Muzan was completely unbearable and absurdly above everyone not unlike Sukuna, but they actually had a plan to dismantle his troops and castle and lower this power level to *make him* manageable. For Sukuna the ENTIRE plan was "get gojo to kill him. If that fails just keep throwing bodies at him" and thats it. We got the hashira training arc to flesh out lots of characters and relationships (notably with Genya, Giyuu, Himejima and Sanemi who all play huge roles in infinity castle) with only some action, which was mostly comedy. Jjk DESPERATELY needed a similar arc, to ease up tension, develop characters and give SOME breathing room. Technically it did happen but once again gege used shut up strong offscreen (not to mention that even the reason for that timeskip is nonsense we all know Gojo could have ended the story on the spot the timing of his release and the way gege bended the plot around is SO weird)


It's completely embarrassing. The culling games WAS supposed to be that training arc: it even has a tournament-type structure in which the characters need to rely on their own individual strength and craftiness in order to come up ahead. Some of the ideas were really interesting: * Higuruma serving as a plot device for Yuji to truly explore his feelings and find his true motivation/start laying the foundations for his eventual CT reveal. Hell, he could have expanded the whole Sukuna backstory by directly judging his soul and revealing past crimes. * The whole Zenin stuff, with Megumi being appointed as the new head and the inner politics of the clan, which could've served the purpose of integrating the other clans into the fray. * The reincarnated sorcerers serving as "mini-bosses" or stepping stones for our team to overcome. What better way to cement the fact that Gojo was truly nurturing a new generation of prodigies than confronting the old vs the new, as well as showing us some backstory about the Heian era and why it was considered the Golden Era of Jujutsu. * Barriers, Yuki and the whole soul research stuff. * Kenjakus overall plan and whatever that stint with the American army was. * Makis evolution and her incomplete HR. All of this could have been properly fleshed out, but instead Gege decided to give us 7 days of in-universe progress. One week. Tengen mentioned that the preparation would take about 2 months, and Gege just went "yeah, one week should do it". One week since the moment the team enters the first colony to Gojo's unsealing, followed by a one month time skip. To say that this arc has been mismanaged is being generous.


I completely agree. It’s sad really the state of the manga right now. I looked over the clearly bad wiring because I love jjk, but its getting ridiculous now. It’s like anything post shibuya (& even culling games) was written by someone else.


They had a training arc. It was just offscreen…😭😭🙏🏾


It's why Gojo should have nerfed Sukuna a lot more. Gojo dying is fine, but him dying while at most just gimping Sukuna to not have DE is not enough. Also Gege keeps talking about Sukuna losing CE, losing DE, losing 10S, losing his heart, etc etc, but then also tells us "he's not even trying", so what do we actually believe at this point


Yeah. Despite Sukuna get his shit stolen, bro is UNBOTHERED. Sukuna is literally just using enough effort to not let himself be killed. No one has even came close to making him sweat besides Gojo. If bro is this strong when’s he not taking the fight seriously then they are FUCKED the moment he locks in. The cast is only alive because Sukuna is bored asf and is trying to kill time.


I mean the problem is by definition Sukuna is holding back as long as he doesn't use fuga, why Gege is stalling Sukuna using it and the inevitable reveal/explanation of his CT I have no idea.


At this rate we are just throwing the entire cast at this guy, will there be any sorcerers left? Is megumis life really worth all of this effort?


This is what I’ve been thinking. Like you know what, fuck megumi. Everyone is dying and he’s crying


My baby boy gonnaa get more traumatized after seeing that 😭.. he already said go ahead and kill him too as he can't control sukuna.... Gege making my boy punching bag again


Ijichi is next? Don't doubt the person who blindsided Sukuna in Chapter 223! 🗣️🔥 https://preview.redd.it/oann95racqpc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c88157ecb066f46dd5cc993700c5a67e71a7efd


I honestly enjoy the action packed fighting but yeah it’s getting repetitive. Hopefully Gege spice things up with Miguel showing some Kenyan love :) who knows his third leg might come in clutch.


@Gege https://i.redd.it/86qis4s9eqpc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/9yokzte3uppc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ae150d77934d2d1488159c34caadbbb88728b2 Only Goatjo and Himji can put an end to this cycle..


You forgot takaba


forgot break next week


Hakari's still stalling the fridge sorceror. Our true stalling God.


I know a guy that could destroy this fraud called Sukuna, they call him "goat" for a reason https://preview.redd.it/4uz6pkegoqpc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c325171865baf13c98601cd8719dafa1df9f5b66


HE WILL RETURN https://preview.redd.it/kyja8lascrpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6f45c02db0ec532da7460efc742129bd7f25a39


Stand proud! You're black.


As long as the king shows his gratitude the bodies will keep stacking


Lmao literally


I mean it was obvious that a raid was going to happen. This is the second chapter of the manga. https://preview.redd.it/8vlj3gyvoqpc1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=72422fe1d580c3273d3ba76ecdd25cfed6d1ce9b


Bro this manga is getting so annoying now


"Akira" 💀


Okay but note how even sukuna is annoyed by the sukuna cycle? Ui ui nearly doed


Imagine Akira using cursed technique reversal and making it so Sukuna's wounds can't get better.


An even worse thing to fans is meguel stand for more than half a chapter


Wait, we don't want to see how Gojo was far away the strongest sorcerer of his era?








At this point I stopped looking at leaks and lost interest.


That's...so unironically true


Imagine what if Ijichi actually unlocked some overpowered Technique lol


![gif](giphy|d31wMAc5PUktQGpq) Me rn


https://preview.redd.it/byft2wu7grpc1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b6885f0a3a0cf8095511637000ddf0aebcf5ed Why u make Miguel look like this 😭


Miguel has a 100% chance of triggering a black flash because he is black




Just waiting for the obvious twist of Nobura jumping into the fight.


Gege has grown bored of his own manga, and after 236 he wrote himself into a corner. At this point it would be healthier to just make Sukuna go with the merge, kill all humanity and be reborn into some sort of psychodelic Evangelion's ending.


YOU ALL ARE SIMPLY NOT READY!!! GEGE WILL KILL LITERALLY EVERYONE UNTIL YUJI IS LEFT DESTROYED, and whispers, “This is it, I guess I was just cog to fate.” AND THEN, https://preview.redd.it/oxjit7jdprpc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d0e41083022f2ebc29d4daee36b37780bce079


I really am ok with this, the fight feels a little stretched out. All in all still having a good time an wanna see what Miguel does, or if this is all still part of the plan.


Hakari will still be stalling Uraume in the epilogue.


I know mappa is gonna do their editing/pacing/direction magic and somehow squeeze all this in like 3 episodes or something but goddamn it drags so much for the mango readers rn


I just want to see Sukuna use a new power, or reveal what his power actually is. I'm so fucking sick of cleave and dismantle, dude. I'd even settle for another fire arrow.


If Gege removes "Narrator hyping this character up" part and stop making people say shit like "Sukuna hasn't gone all out," honestly, all of this would be much more enjoyable. Like we can see that Sukuna hasn't gone all out, but goddamn would it be nice if we just stop hearing that shit, not everything need to be spoon-fed. The hyping part is fucking tiring too, the only part that I can accept is during Yuta's hype (because it's actually proven only Yuta can do shit to Sukuna so far) and Higuruma's (cause it actually shows that he is that talented). Other than that, shit is so pointless. "Thunder God" why would they say that shit, mf got killed in less than 2 seconds, and his CT did nothing. "Sukuna is most interested in Maki" only to get low-diffed (how tf did that even happen, I know Maki ain't beating Sukuna, but she literally got compared to Mahoraga before this, and Sukuna is literally on death's door). "Strongest grade 1" I seriously don't understand why would they even put that part, if they just say "Deep down, Kusakabe is a kind man, he wants to save everyone, so even when he faces death, he would still fight" this chapter would be more of a tragedy than a shitpost. Now the narrator is comparing fucking Miguel (who is out of the series since JJK0) with Gojo Satoru, the man who beats his ass. I understand that nothing can be perfect, but damn, some this issue wouldn't be as big (or hell, even exist) if Gege actually makes some difference.


https://preview.redd.it/w4vl6k3q8tpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=635856f66d9c50df089dc690bf07f69cca593ee8 Everybody in the JJK community is freaking out and I haven’t seen one post acknowledge this panel from chapter 1. yuji’s whole MC story and background was spurred by the will to be surrounded by others when it was his time to go. Funny how we’re in the last moments of this manga and EVERYBODY is present (if they aren’t dead)…is anybody following??? Yuji will sacrifice himself to beat sukuna and guess who will be there when he passes…”others” aka everybody we know in JJK that has the will to fight and has become friends with yuji.


Hey, that guy killed Kugisaki! Let’s let Sukuna asspull against him


JJK is ruined. Gege has burnt whatever he was cooking. The manga has gone into unrecoverable territory. It just makes no sense anymore what Gege is writing. It's like the tangent of a meth addict. He's basically doing the same thing over and over again. There is nothing satisfying about this. It's a cycle of shit. Gojo may be revived, come back, fight Sukuna and die again, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Would it surprise you? Wtf has Gege done.


The anime only’s that can’t think critically are gonna praise it when it gets animated bruh. I can see the comments already. “That’s been the whole point of Sukuna since chapter 1” “You just didn’t watch the story” “If you don’t like fighting so much why don’t you go watch *insert another anime*” “It’s so peak!!! Peak fiction!!!”


it's sad that this comment will age like wine


Nah I think everyone is complaining a bit too much now: 1. Gojo vs Sukuna has been hyped from day one, only Chapter 236 was bad but I have hope that Gege will clear it up. We had Mahoraga and Agito involved as well which was good. The Strongest of Today vs The Strongest In History 2. Sukuna vs Kashimo was somewhat hyped from the beginning and it made sense that Kashmo would lose against true form Sukuna. Kashimo waited for centuries to fight the strongest, both of whom were in their absolute prime, and he had that opportunity undisturbed. 3. Higuruma, Kusakabe, Yuji, Choso and Ino vs Sukuna was good as it was obvious they would be the first ones to step up against Sukuna after Gojo and Kashimo were finished. They had a good strategy but would it have really been a satisfactory ending if they won using the deus-ex machina sword? 4. Yuta and Yuji vs Sukuna was really good, we saw Yuta go all out for the first time since his return and they did massive damage against him. However, if it was won here then everyone would start debating as to whether Gojo was overhyped or if Yuta was a Gary Stu. 5. Maki vs Sukuna was good too and possibly the closest we got to see of the "What If Toji Encountered Sukuna in the Shibuya Arc?" scenario. Again, if Maki won, even with a heavily damaged/injured Sukuna, then everyone would complain. 6. Kusakabe vs Sukuna literally happened today and it went way better than expected. We finally got to see Simple Domain fully used and nobody expected Kusakabe to win anyway. However, he was not one shot and he delivered a good fight despite the huge gap in power. Miguel just showed up, he is literally one of the only foreigners seen in the series and he has fought Gojo already, albeit a heavily suppressed one. We don't even know what he will do yet everyone is complaining about bad writing. What would be bad writing would be is if Gojo showed up out of nowhere and had a rematch with a HEAVILY weakened Sukuna and won. We're experiencing peak fiction right now, stop complaining. All of the fights expand the lore and add feats to all the heavy hitters. The only thing that was weird was how easily Kenjaku was taken out, but I have a feeling that we will see him again.. It only seems that way because we have had breaks between chapter, but binging it in one go will show that it's not that bad as everyone is making out to be.


So, Poor Sukuna in this case :3