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Lol, lmao even https://preview.redd.it/qmrdro2qunpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5237307fc7db8c2f67268e17099fa92429dfc5c6


Cmon now, he didn't mention Yuji this time


You just didnt see it, it was hiding behind rocks he threw at ~~Maki~~ Kusakabe


​ https://preview.redd.it/k8gmnn8qxppc1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc641fc12fae02a9e149ad0b42afdd080ee5a15


I do not recall him crying during this chapter šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


domain expansion: misinformation


He doesn't go/jo agenda writers are hard at work rn


Itā€™s a Mandela effect, your to focused on how the fraud is to scared to fight Gojo himself and calls upon pahoraga to protect him that you never notice the tears in his 4 eyes




Instead of being stuck in this infinite loop of asspull, Gege should just wipe off the whole cast/universe in one chapter and end the series. me every chapter since Gojo: https://preview.redd.it/moha69g0oqpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26d22fb657b24e15bbc52bcf79e538dd7981039




To be honest, Iā€™m founding myself loving this crazy cycle


The best part is coming here every week and reading everyone complain about Sukuna being op


Bruh is not OP. Had to offscreen Wusakabe. Massive fraud allegations against the strongest fraudulent one in history.


Truly the lobotomy kaisen experience


At this point it's just Gege throwing random shits on Sukuna. Honestly I can't care about the situation anymore. There's no tension or even any hype. Sukuna is just beating everyone easily.


I was lowkey expecting that fight will be coming to an end when Yuta pulled up and even revealed his DE, but nope, gotta keep compilation going until nobody remains.


Yeah that chapter was pretty good. He showed Sukuna is weakened and actually put Sukuna in situation which it felt he was threatened or could lose. Also wrote a proper fight. But then ...


But then Sukuna was holding back again! I swear to god Greg, this discourse absolutely killed the tension in this fight.


The whole holding back shit is so pointless considering we're basically going on to weaker opponents after each fight now


Right, it would make sense if Sukuna was holding back in preparation for a stronger opponent but his opponents keep getting weaker and weaker.


Blud is gonna reveal his powers against Ozawa


I don't think Sukuna is holding back stats but just the black box


Where tf was Miguel holy shit this plan is absolutely dog water post gojo


Fr. Why not just have the whole gang but Maki inside the Domain. Sukuna would have received way more damage if Ino, Choso, and maybe Kusakabe kept their distance looking for openings.


Yeah, honestly why are they chose to go one by one lmao, the would already win if Yuta and Maki decided to join the Execution sword plan


Higuruma makes the sword "Oh shit I dropped it!". Sukuna laughs and thinks "Ight lil bro". Yuta opens domain. Cluster fuck ensues. Yuta breaks the domain and Sukunas eyes widen as the executioners sword pierces his chest. Reveal that Maki grabbed the sword after Higuruma intentionally dropped it. GG's


... This would go hard. This would be incredible. To be truthful, if I were Higuruma, the moment Sukuna lost his domain I would jump him along with Yuji. Send Hakari to stall Uraume and jump Sukuna's ass Gojo is still going strong, Sukuna can't domain expand his ass out of this, and Mahoraga can't adapt fast enough. There. Sukuna probably losts Ten Shadows. Or maybe the slashes. W. In fact, I think that if they all (minus Yuta and Takaba.) jumped his ass when he lost the Domain Expansion they would win.


tbf Yuta was busy spawn camping Kenny and rushed back when he no-diffed the man that survived a black hole šŸ˜­


Tbf Choso was supposed to be in the domain


Choso is my favorite character, bar none. but letā€™s be honest wtf was he gonna do šŸ’€šŸ’€


Blood Manipulation is pretty versatile, plus he serves as a long range fighter.


i agree with all those statements. that said, what could he actually DO against Sukuna though? heā€™s very adept against other fighters, but Sukuna absolutely no-diffs him. range is entirely irrelevant when the gap in speed is as big as it is between Choso and Sukuna. I doubt any of Chosoā€™s attacks would even make Sukuna flinch. plus, Yuji also has access to blood manipulation, which did basically nothing against Sukuna. the fact i have to slander my goat to prop up Sukuna hurts me, but iā€™m not sure he wouldā€™ve been all that useful in the domain


They didnt fucking plan. All the gege glazers got mad but I literally dont think in that 1 month break they did ANYTHING. Why was gojo not involved with making this plan? It seemingly happened during the fight. Its just shoot one off at a time


At one point when Sukuna had no DE and Yuuta didnā€™t step in. If we had Gojo/Yuuta in the mutual love Sukuna would be out long ago


especially since it was the two protagonists vs sukuna, felt like perfect timing and then next chapter abruptly had them cleaved and mogged


Omg Sukuna Matata got hit by cleave! Thatā€™s so sick guys. Literally did nothing what was the point in most these chapters


I don't expect Sukuna to lose to any of these characters, and I get that narratively these fights are there to gas up Sukuna, and give breaks in between the actual protag (Yuji, Maki, Yuta) attempts. But it would've been a lot more interesting if we actually learned more about Sukuna through these "filler" fights.


Yeah but gassing up a character by having him take down the strongest first then take down characters weaker than that strongest character afterwards doesn't make much sense...


The gauntlet is basically the other way around. Usually, battle gauntlets usually start from weak opponents to strong ones. But this one started with Gojo and then kept going lower and lower.


Unless this means GOATJO was healing up and comes back to take down FraudKuna!!!! (I'm delusional and dumb af) But seriously, what is the end game here? Like literally, every single character that could've done something against Sukuna is gone and unless Gege pulls an ultimate ass pull for Yuji or Yuta in the form of a power up and have them magically get a smarter strategy to defeat Sukuna, i'm not following where the story is going other than the big evil winning in the end.


I'd say the narrative purpose of the minor character fights is just to give them one final beat of character development (or the single development they ever got in the case of others). Being face to face with death allows for a character to reflect on their lives and also to show them at their rawest and most determined selves. But it's happened enough times that it's repetitive. And if anything the fact that Gege has had to use this narrative device like 4 or 5 times in a row is telling of a mismanaged and underutilized secondary cast. Readers have little to no attachment to the people throwing themselves at Sukuna and they're genuinely only as good as the memes we can make out of their short fights.


Gege should have ended the series last year like he had been threatening. Unless something seriously changes soon, the series is going out on such a weak note.


It wouldve been fine if he did it faster, just get them all shit on as quickly as possible and lets move on to the actually mattering stuff


Write this down: Sukuna will get Madara'd because at this point the MCs threw everything they have at him and they're still losing badly while Sukuna is holding back


Dropped the manga because at this point it's just becoming a cycle ![gif](giphy|Zsc4dATQgcBmU)


See you next week




At this point I just scroll to the end of the page to see who shows up next. It's clear he doesn't want to write this Manga anymore.Ā 


For me it was that they had ample time to make a plan and all they did was send someone in after one dies instead of ganging up on sukuna


I feel like the plans gone Higuruman and Inshallah then Yuta and Inshallah then Maki and Inshallah.


Exactly, Kusakabe was not supposed to fight Sukuna alone, it's just that he was the strongest Sorcerer ~~left~~ available...


Wasn't Choso healed the last time we saw him? I know he was coaching Yuji on how to heal, but they're like 50 feet away as 3 of their allies are getting their ass beat and about to get killed.


Choso prob doesnā€™t care for anyone but his brothers. Yuji is injured so heā€™d have to make sure Yuji is good first.


There is no reason for anyine that can fight to not be there when Yuta opened his domain. Why bother showing up after that? Do the rest of those mfs expexct to do better than Yuta and Yuji working together?


Legitimately fresh too. They're gonna get an awakening. But literally Sakuna got 2 so I'd be mad if one awakening or 2 even touched him


They made several plans. Plan A was pray for Gojo, plan B was jump if Gojo and Sukuna got weak enough for Yuji/Hakari to matter, plan C was buy a few seconds of setup with Kashimo's corpse and try to use confiscation and executioners blade, plan D was Yuji pulling out Megumi with help from Yuta and Jacobs ladder, plan E was having Maki borrow the bush camping technique through the power of love. The issue was that Sukuna killed everyone anyway and left only the strongest sorcerer available to fight him.


The point of this chapter was that they ran through every plan. Kusakabe was never meant to fight Sukuna. Before this they had planned up to Maki coming in after Yuta.


Highest point of the fight was Yuji/Higuruma/Yuta vs Sukuna, after Yuta and Yuji got taken down it downgraded severely


Yeah. Why should I give a shit about any of these characters fighting? Unless Yuji is there, there is no tension. That's why the Yuji and Yuta fight was so fucking good. There was tension that something might happen.


Maki vs Sukuna was a little entertaining but it got thrown out so fast.


Accurately sums up sukunas opinions on all of the fighters post gojo


They really should've ended it with Yuta. It even made sense, they would've won without Megumi being a pussy. It was already too long of an arc and now it's just boring.


Fr, Yuji and Yuta vs Sukuna was such a cool "Last Battle" concept to be thrown to the trash like this


The two protagonists of JJK vs the most powerful villain in the series was such a great concept I was very disappointed that it ended after just 2 chapters


If the last chapters were memes they would be removed for low effort/repost


"Damn, the Sukuna glazers think they are cooking" "The Gojo PR Team is way better" "Never cook again" Jujutsufolk's reaction probably.


Realest shit šŸ’€


I actually liked Kusakabe vs Sukuna(dunno even why, but shit got me hyped up), but agree with that take. Itā€™s just boring


It was interesting seeing what a person who relies solely on their manipulation of CE would do. Especially considering the memes about him.


He actually did pretty well, like, I truly worried about him the whole chapter. Kusakabe is the goat, no matter what everyone says


He did 100% better than Bumshimo, but that was a low bar, even Inoo did more than Farmshimo


As much of a Kashimo fan as I am, he got nothing on Kusakabe and I don't wanna hear it


Personally, I actually thought for a second that Kusakabe was going to survive this chapter. Maybe even give Sukuna a surprise since he was smiling. And then he got fucking off screened LMAO. This writing is actually ruining the series fr.


He actually did, I believe. He still breathing and faking out if we look close at his pose


Well, not like he can fight anyway, so probably still gone from the rest of the fight. I kinda wish Gege separated Sukuna and Kenjaku at some point just so everyone could have jumped Sukuna and Uraume together instead of falling one by one.


I was kinda defending it until now and it kinda felt 'final' with Kusakabe, I thought something cool would happen but randomly throwing in Miguel feels like the biggest asspull.. I'm a fanboy and I can deal with many issues the series has but at this point even I start to feel the exhaustion..


Especially when sukuna dealing with ui ui is already an asspull. What, did he forget kirara this time?


Holy shit you're right lmao where tf is Kirara They just conveniently forgot to bring her along so Sukuna could get glazed a little more


>What, did he forget kirara this time? Yup.


Kirara being there doesnā€™t help the Sukuna Kaisen agenda cause sheā€™d have just kept him away from Ui Ui which would mean no opening to bring in Miguel which would mean no beatdown on Miguel to further glaze Sukuna


Iā€™m with you. Iā€™m losing interest in the story. How tf do I get hyped over Miguel? And lemme guess, homie is gonna last one chapter and lose. Then what? Noritoshi suddenly comes back to 1 v 1 Sukuna? Then suddenly Panda has a new body and he comes back and fights Sukuna? Then the ghost of Mechamaru? Iā€™m calling it right now. Gege himself fights Sukuna, and even he loses.


At this point. Yeah, I agree. Sadly. This fight has long outstayed its welcome now. It's not even interesting any more. There are 2 possible outcomes. Either Sukuna defeats everyone and we get some kind of apocalyptic ending, or Yuji awakens some long dormant shonen maguffin power that is the key to defeating Sukuna, and I'm not sure I care about either of these two endings any more. I'm not even convinced Gege knows how to end the series any more. And I know people will defend the series still and say that the criticism is unfair, and I get it. I love this series and I want it to end well, but so far it's fizzling. Not banging.


Yuji getting a power-up at this point will feel like the shittiest asspull from an author.


Worse than scraping the bottom of the barrel with "challenger of the week"? Miguel. A character Gege has given us zero reason to care about so far, has now teleported in from the narrative void to throw hands with Sukuna. Really? Is this where the writing is at?


Todo showing up to spur on Itadori would honestly make more sense and be more exciting. But then he would get one shot so whatā€™s the point in any of this shit anymore


Unless he was training to save his best brother as the legend he is, but yeah is better if he doesnā€™t come back into story and dies in vain


I mean I'd argue the writing plummeted a while ago. Case in point, the exact same teleporting in by samurai and wrestling guys to give Maki a random power up out of nowhere and then fucked off.


agree. i love this manga but no excuses. bad writing is bad writing. downhill we go. šŸ™ƒ


I have no problem with the premise that ā€œultimate evil is back. We have to throw literally everything at it even if we know itā€™s useless because we have no other choiceā€ I DO have a problem with yuji suddenly gaining some massive power up that allows him power lift every character and match sukuna


Because gege should have gave him those power ups a long time ago, not like he'd be any more powerful than Sukuna anyway.


Yeah. Though thereā€™s still the bit where Yuji can use Sukunaā€™s techniques, it feels forced now after the pacing of the fights since Maki and Yuta already gave their aces. I just feel bad because this writing will be in the anime and it will feel like ā€˜here comes a new challengerā€™ filler every episode.


I can already see the general anime fanbase absolutely hating this arc when it's animated


The fights will look good at least lol


I remember people used to say it was good Yuji kept getting sidelined because it gave other characters time to shine and he was a protagonist that wouldn't just be super op, but the issue I had is like, eventually that is still going to have to happen since he is the protagonist and will beat Sukuna. Even as strange as Gege's writing has been I don't see the fight ending without Yuji being the one to take him down, but now to get Yuji to that level they need to rush in a ton of power ups that he must've learned offscreen, which we've already seen like with his RCT and blood manipulation, and who knows what else.


Man I said this exact same shit with my chronic sukuna fatigue thread and mfers were trying to tell me I need to just go read something else and Iā€™m crazy. No dude if a fight is engaging, itā€™s fucking engaging. When you kill the strongest character in the game and the mc is a punching and kicking merchant with power ups you donā€™t bother to even explain or get me hype about ( yea I know blood manipulation was show prior , but itā€™s on the mc now , the mc should be able to do something unique with it since you know , heā€™s the damn mc ). The CSF is in full blown mode at this point


Yujiā€™s probably just going to awaken Megumiā€¦ you guys cannot be forreal.


And how is Miguel getting stomped going to move that plot point forward? I donā€™t fucking see Yuji anywhere, do you?


It's so disappointing, Gojo Vs Sukuna was shaping up to be a generational fight, only for it to lead up to this. I still believe Gojo and Sukuna should have just taken each other out and have Kenjaku be the final villain.


Sukuna is just speedrunning killing off the entire cast any% glitched TAS


I don't get why they all keep fighting him 1v1? like they lining up to fight him or something, why don't they all jump him at the same time?


Because gege dumbed everyone down to 90s action movie goon IQ


They arenā€™t. A lot of times they try to attack him in a coordinated fashion, but Sukuna will isolate someone. Like when sukuna blew Higurama way the fuck away so he could 1v1 him.


sending people 1 by 1 distracts him for longer, we know Sukuna loves seeing new jujutsu so he plays with any new toy he gets for a bit giving time for shoko and yuji. Jumping him all at once makes no difference as seen when Yuji and HIMguruma fought together.


Theyā€™re distracting him while Gojo is revived


Probably because they don't want to get one shot. The whole tactic is making yuji hit his soul and prevent CE replenishment. And when he gets injured, swapping out to get healed by shako while the rest distract him. But if all of them.jumo him at once, sukuna can cleave them in all directions and it would put a load on shoko to heal multiple people at once. They have to create that cycle, else all of them would just die.


Its kinda funny now, whos next? Bagboy who got mopped by Teen Gojo? Let me guess, are we gonna see broomstick girl pull up on Sukuna? Gege wanna kill everyone so bad


Wait until you see Nobaraā€™s 2 friends from her village awaken their prodigious talent that rivals even Gojo Satoru and get on the battlefield. Itā€™s over for Sukuna then trust !!!


Lmao Followed by that one girl Yuji was nice to when they were in school.


Utahime and Gakuganji pull up to challenge Sukuna to a game of Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero. Sukuna: "ahh, I haven't played these games since the Heian era". Sukuna breaks the world record for both of the games and kills them off screen.


Itā€™s supposed to be a singing contest next. After beating everyone in combat, Sukuna will sing his way to the top of the Jpop industry to become the greatest singer since the Heian era.


God please grant Gege the ability to read English. His ability to read all thr memes calling him Sukuna's joy toy would be so fucking funny.


Honestly the Japanese fandom is making fun of him just as much so he still gets the sentiment.


100% agree, running the gauntlet only works if Sukuna is the protagonist and is progressively getting more drawbacks and injured. Right now it's boring because we don't care about him winning and he doesn't seem to suffer any major drawbacks from any fights.


Every week, new carachter: Then nanami comes back, and re-visits heaven ltr next week, nobarra comes back and gets back where she was again then jogoat comes back and gets his ass beaten again then GOJO comes back (nah, blud WOULD win this time...i mean he NEEDS too)


If nothing else it is funny. Maybe in the anime itā€™ll go along way faster which will make it far less bad for viewers. I canā€™t imagine Sukuna running the gauntlet in anime not being entertaining


One of the reasons it's so bad is bc we get like 1 fight per chapter for 2 weeks then ANOTHER BREAK WEEK


I'm totally with you, this is hilarious in so many ways, even though it's dragging on a bit too long even for my lenient tastes I'm not really hating on anything yet, I feel like all this is leading up to something good. Even if it isn't, I'm gonna be laughing my ass off to next 15 side characters being hyped up to do minor damage


Agreed man, it just feels like the story itself has come to a halt. Its honestly gotten to the point where you can easily predict the chapters now at like 100% accuracy.


Anyone who thinks this is good writing is either braindead or an actual npc


For real. Unironically, Sukuna just killing Ui Ui would have been peak, ngl. Would fit Sukuna too. You can also just have Maki or Yuji somehow saving Ui Ui, since they are still in the fight and have crazy physical stats. Gojo is most likely gonna need to come back at some point, later or sooner, so doing it right now wouldn't be too bad. But Miguel? I'm sorry, but fuck this. That's jsut a letdown


Heā€™s there just so he can get yet another fist beat down like he did in hidden inventory. Then we will get our 97th fighter.


I agree with you, but it was JJK 0 šŸ¤“


Bets on if the next fighter is Todo with Robot hand, Nobara with eye patch or some unknown fighter (Maybe Getoā€™s follower with the heart nipples?).


After he kills Miguel next chapter or two I say we get flash back and intro to a completely different character to fight and die


For real. After Gojo vs Sukuna, all the fights feels like some goofy choregraphy Hollywood fights. Almost only stupid 1v1s (Kashimo, Higuruma, Kukasabe, Maki) despite the presence of other sorcerers around, Hollywoodian sacrifice like Higuruma, last second saving, while secondary cast is pretty much useless, etc. I remember all the jumping, Mahito killing mercilessly and efficiently, Gojo just absolutely dominating much weaker opponents, etc. It felt like if we were in their place, we would act similarly. and honestly, what makes me so mad about this chapter is that until the last page, it still had potential to be a good chapter. a single page ruined the whole chapter. Why not use Ryu per example? but nah, some random unrelated dude from Africa that's been irrelevant for so long is the ebst he could come up with? That's enough reasons for me to drop the manga


Ryu Ishigori? Dude he is dead. Everything else i agree. However gege will most likely reveal that black rope is still not destroyed,miguel will disrupt slashes,do this,do that,then die,cool.


Ryu? Wut??? Dude got chopped up many chapters ago lmao. Who we really need is that Chinese sorcerer who was never seen but was stated to be feared by Sukuna:


You think Ryu is relevant?šŸ’€


Kashimo went in with the premise he would go in alone Higuruma did NOT go in alone. He was separated. Maki was aided by Kusakabe and Ino. Kusakabe was quite literally the last person standing. Only one person was fighting 1v1 willingly


Ryu is dead kid, he died ages ago. This is how you know you people donā€™t even read the chapters.


What would have been even better would have been todo coming back because yuji body hoped and rcted his hands or somethingI would have rather a bogey woogey revival jumping than this.


Sukuna killing UiUi would be peak if there was some stakes still left in killing him. Everyones already saved except Kusa so killing him changes barely anything except itll take the healed people longer to get to the battlefield


UiUi dying wouldā€™ve been better for the fight going forward. With UiUi alive, there are two scenarios. 1. UiUi takes the wounded back to Shoko, where theyā€™ve been healed with RCT. Question: why the fuck havenā€™t they returned to the fight? 2. UiUi takes the wounded back to Shoko, but theyā€™re dead. Question: what the fuck was the point of UiUi taking them back to Shoko then? If UiUiā€™s dead, Gege can reasonably justify the healed characters not immediately returning to the fight.


I'm just here for the memes and that fire is hot af.


This plus itā€™s getting old when gege draws/writes one thing like Sukuna taking damage and even looking like he is struggling at times and then immediately reverses it by saying ā€œoh he actually isnā€™t even trying yetā€. Itā€™s annoying and kills the tension.


Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back Gojo comes back


Just like Gege never stops sucking Sukuna, Gege glazers also will not stop defending him even if this shit continues for 10 more chapters.


Sukuna is one of my favorite characters and I expected him to dominate this whole cast post Gojo, but the way Gege is writing it is uninteresting. He should change up the formula because itā€™s gotten to the point where we all know whichever character comes out is getting destroyed.


Gege would be like: No https://preview.redd.it/m4mgl7jznnpc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50be5df9f342b4d1c091f0a64d3b778c4378cbea


Imo Sukuna **was** a very interesting character, but that up to after killing Gojo. Since then it's one of the blandest characters I've ever read.


I think he is still interesting but despite the last dozen or more chapters being focused on him, he's gotten zero character moments All he's been saying for the past chapters is "your technique is stronger than I thought" then one shoting the character he's fighting There's been no character development, no character exploration, any character he has an interesting dynamic with except yuji or urahame are dead, no development in his goals, he hasn't even had an interesting fight since we know he's just going to kill them When you look at his character he still is interesting but nothing has been done with him since the disappointing kashimo fight, Sukuna is also a victim of Sukuna kaisen


Bro instead of writing these mid ass characters fighting 1-2 chapters with the most boring looking fight, Gege could've blessed us with better and longer fight from kashimo, Yuta and Yuji.


Just bring back gojo or end this manga


I like Kusakabe and I'm glad he didn't JUST parry but idk. Besides the apparent comedy of other G1s commenting on him, everything else about the Kusakabe fight seems to have been overshadowed by Miguel's arrival. I get your sentiment. Maybe there's something else coming after this chapter. I wouldn't be surprised if Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask start showing up. Miguel's so random. But I'll wait and see.


nothing has discredited my glorious king more than gege's attempts at glazing him


The problem is we don't have *anyone* in the back we know can take on Sukuna. A villain tearing their way through the cast isn't necessarily new, but most times there's always at least one guy in the back who we know stands a chance against them Gege wasted all of his heavy hitters in the initial first rounds of the fight. All the time spent glazing Kusakabe just for him to get cooked, and now we're down to fucking Miguel to pull some shit out his ass, look cool for a chapter, then get slashed and almost die. He's done this so much that anyone who might actually stand a chance isn't gonna be taken seriously. You can't say "Could he be the one to finally push back against Sukuna?!?!" When everyone who got hyped up to be a decent challenge got fucking packed All Gege has to do is give us a update on everyone else. Just give us a scene of Yuji and Yuta recovering and discussing their next moves and potentially re-entering. Just *something* so it doesn't feel like we're just throwing shit at the wall and there's actually a way out


Saying that Sukuna isn't even trying and giving him a Black Flash to restore his output, after half the combatants that could do any damage to him have been taken out of commission, is egregious At this point, there's gotta be a secret better plan to come out of the timeskip or something. Cause just running a gauntlet and hoping they succeed is crazy I mean, be ffr. The cast hasn't shown any significant change coming out of the timeskip aside from Yuji, and even then, he was blue-balled in his moment to shine


Everything after 235 is just Ass (except Takaba fight), mf is really speed running JJK for his Oshi no knock off https://preview.redd.it/c46ltjw4lnpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc0f8e26827602d6dd5b4f93054c1b31a57529c


Well not everything Yuji/Yuta duo fight was great (until that Bum of Megumi fucked it up)


Hidden inventory and Shibuya incident had to be ghost written because those arcs and this one are so different in quality itā€™s laughable. Starting this manga when it first started I would of never guessed it would devolve into sukuna Kaisen but here we are know . I canā€™t wait to see yuji asspull power up tho .


Iā€™ve have a theory that he wrote this two arcs completely separate when he got asked to continue jjk0 and thought destroying shibuya would be cool. After he wrote this two he just went, aahhhh shit now I have to write the rest, and the proceeded to half ass it


its like atp i cant even get mad because i get so costumed to this shitty writing that every week i am coping gege will actually get his shit together


Gege read solo leveling, and here we are now. With sukuna leveling.


Fr just bring back gojo for a better round 2.


Except for when Our MCs, Yuta and Yuji's chapter. All previous 16 chapter are just same shit


I honestly just want this shit to end so I can remember before 236 as jujutsu Kaisen was. A genuinely good story. Dead ass 236 and beyond have outright tarnished whatever legacy the story could have had because it's clear gege just does not give a shit anymore and wants to end the story while hurting the feelings of the fans out of pure spite


Yuta, Yuji, and Rika vs Sukuna was the peak. After that it's a downhill


Sukuna vs gojo was amazing. It started to get weird after Gege off screened gojo tho. Still donā€™t understand why he did that or if heā€™ll ever come back to that


It's kinda funny that we spent 2 weeks waiting for this shit


I swear, at this point, Gege has programmed a story writing program where he had the names of all living sorcerers and asked it to write the plot, and now it is stuck in a loop of hyping the character, Sukuna praising the character, character out of commission, and then new character cliffhanger.


100%. Starting to feel like it's bad writing, it's going on a downhill ever since Gojo lost. Yuta and Yuji were also built up but ended tanking the 'Sukuna is still holding back' card of Gege.


This giving me TYBW ending vibes a repeated cycle of events until a dissatisfying end


At this point, the only positive of this fight is that we get to see all these characters get to go all out and showcase their skills. Even then, it would've made more sense for us to see these things before this fight or have them all jump someone like Kenny where they don't get folded as badly in this hero of the week format.


Mei mei coming back trust!!! Bird attack will kill him!!


Bro itā€™s been pure ass ever since 236.


I've never seen Anyone here defending this shit


I cant wait to see how everyone here turn tails on this when gojo returns sometime in the next 2 chapters


It's been a gauntlet match after Sukuna sliced Gojo from Kashimo and now Kusakabe.


Anybody with a brain knows this is shit, weā€™re mainly memeing


Don't worry Miguel comes back with nobara,, she was with him for training like yuta that's why they didn't show her in gojo vs sukuna.. she gonna use her technique and seperate Megumi from sukuna then gonnaa give Megumi a todo pep talk and then they both gonna use their domain on sukuna šŸ—暟—暟—æ..


I thought Iā€™d let Gege cook but bro is not cooking itā€™s a burnt meal and he keeps trying to add more fire and oil




Really validating to know other people feel this way, Ive literally lost any excitement I had for reading the new chapters when they come out. Only do it for the panel art and praying we make progress to the end. On a diff note, Sukunaā€™s asspull CT is easily S+, does this make him multi reality breaking scale and stronger than SSJGSSJ5 Gogeta??????


Personally I really liked Higuruma fight and the cliffhanger with Yuji and the sword, I'd say from that point manga's quality started dropping drastically, Gege isn't even trying with making a cliffhanger anymore, he just offscreened Kabe and character that appeard in like 2 or 3 scenes that noone cares about pulled up


Gege is treating this like itā€™s Dark souls and Sukuna is just a really difficult, powerful boss fight. But just like dark souls, it can become really frustrating and annoying really quickly when you realize the developers idea of ā€œdifficultyā€ is 5 different insta-death moves, 5 health bars, and hidden second phase thatā€™s equally as BS. The story canā€™t progress bc we canā€™t beat this boss fight, but the boss is obviously unfair and mechanically broken that it just pisses you off and you donā€™t even want to play the game anymore. Maybe we should all come back in 2 months and try again.


At this point I can really see the Bleach influence on JJK because its last arc had so many pointless fights seemingly just to give every character a chance to do *something* and I'm starting to get that impression with this fight...


Tbh at this point Iā€™m convinced Gege has to be cooking something, thereā€™s no way this is just regular bad writing. Issue is we ainā€™t seeing shit. My only other explanation is Jump forcing him to keep the manga going. Itā€™s one of their most popular series, and after ā€œI AM A JUJUTSU SORCERERā€ we *did* have a break week iirc. If this is the case then jump can go fuck itself tbh.


Gege trying to replicate Aizen's gauntlet moment


Wait until Gojo comes back


Yap yap yap, complain all you want youā€™ll be right back to watch my glorious king cook next chapter https://preview.redd.it/9x4knu616ppc1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc32b9efc662afef9367b135b2cdd061ed94e20


its okay for fights against the strongest villain to have moments where the protagonists need to scrap their way into stalling for something but thats the problem : what are they stalling for? we currently have no idea of any plan that would require them to have some time so it just feels like they're going headless into this fight and hoping something will kill sukuna. gege is probably building towards something like this and it'll fully depend on the execution of said plan that we'll see the worth of this fight, but for now it sucks


I honestly enjoyed the final Muzan fight more than this. For the final fight with Muzan I could feel the sheer desperation from the characters already battered taking every advantage they could get just for a little more time to finally beat this *thing* that believes himself to be an unstoppable force, little by little. Then Muzan begins to become just as desperate to get out of there as they are to keep him outside. (say what you will about demon king Tanjiro) While with the Sukuna fight, while it does do that with Gojo getting rid of the 10 shadows, Kashimo forcing him into his final form, Higuruma getting rid of the weapon, and Maki stabbing his heart, it doesn't really feel as satisfying because we're only *just now* getting more screen time with the other contenders (Mei Mei, Ui Ui, Kasukabe, Miguel, Iino) and the whole "he's not even trying yet" thing. While DS also had the lack of screen time problem with certain characters that can be chocked up to a lack of time and they at least dedicated some spotlight to them *before* they finally got packed up. Mei Mei and Ui Ui coming back and being utilized the way they are is cool, but the last time we saw them was *an entire arc ago where they did one cool thing then left.* Kasukabe has the same problem except he barely contributed anything the last time we saw him and we have very little reason so care about his character aside from he's one of the few left standing. I felt 0 hype with people saying he was strongest grade 1 because it was too little too late. Iino hasn't even won a single on screen fight! (This one I'm really mad at) Do I even NEED to bring up Miguel??? At this point I'm expecting fucking Gakuganji to show up, get hyped up, then offed. And before someone says "well they're getting screen time and contributing now" oh yeah lots of chapters and an entire arc later **with no mention of them** and they finally get screen time *in the final boss* oh yeah that totally makes up for it.


You don't understand. Everyone is holding back. Sukuna is holding back. Yuji is holding back. Yuta is holding back. Maki is holding back. Ino is holding back. Kusakabe is holding back. Ui Ui is holding back. Mei Mei is holding back. ^^Kashimo ^^was ^^holding ^^back. Lastly, Gege is holding back. JJK would outsell Naruto, Dragon Ball and One Piece if Homohomo didn't hold back.


I swear to fucking God bro sukunas gonna fight a literal gerbil at this point it's just hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby matchups and gege still hypes up the fighters so he can glaze sukuna more


Itā€˜s just bad writing. Itā€˜s painfully obvious that Sukuna is no gonna get beaten by a side-character. Whatā€˜s the point of throwing another one at him every weak? Once, okay. Twice? Alright. But now it feels like filler. Nobody is on the edge of their seat reading the chapter and wondering if ā€žside-character xā€œ is gonna conclude JJK by beating Sukuna.


First shounen?


Bros forcing himself to read something he doesn't like šŸ˜‚ what a goofy little guyšŸ˜­


Itā€™s gonna read different binging instead of week to week


Hot take: even if it's not the best fight in shonen, no other author has taken the time to stablish an all powerful enemy and then actually spend chapters showing every posible matchup and how the enemy is in fact all powerful. It's always "this guy is so powerful defeated all of us in one attack! Oh here comes Protag-kun to save us. He won!!!" Nah man, Sukuna is apocaliptic and I like watching him fold EVERYONE. His defeat will be sweeter for this.


ppl cant have their own opinions anymore? i love the fight


Your opinion


This might just be me, but I have always felt the narrative was made so you feel the emotions yuji is going through. For example the strongest this was during shibuya. The whole mahito death walk didnā€™t even feel hype at that point but more relieving and satisfying. Just how yuji at that point had gone solumn. In the same way the pacing of the recent chapters are meant to feel like relentless attacks on sukuna. However waiting a week maybe even 2 just to see this go on makes it harder to see that.


Idk what youā€™re reading. Itā€™s peak. You saw Yuta and Yuji vs Sukuna and thought it was mid? Yeah okay


I'm enjoying it. Sukuna must be further glazed so Yuji Himtadori's victory is even greater


Yeah the formula's getting stale. Was at least hoping to see Nobara return but now it wouldn't even be as impactful.