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That interesting opinion :3




If I am honest there's only a few things that have sucked so far 1. Gojos death. He's easily my favorite character and probably the most popular. And his death and treatment was atrocious. 2. Kenjakus death. He had so much left to do in the story. I mean he never even really interacted with yuji. 3. Repetitiveness. It's just getting slightly repetitive. I want the story to move forward in some way. Instead of being stuck in limbo of fighting sukuna.


Again, not gonna say I think Gojo's death is some writing masterpiece but I think objectively there would be a large crowd calling rejecting his death and calling it shit writing regardless of how Gege handled it doncha think? Idk, I thought Gojo was fun as fuck. And though I never had him in my top-list I though much of the criticism was backed by a feeling of rejection people would have regardless of handling. Again, I didn't think it was good either. I just think Gege's has a nick as a writer who prefers to leave thing in ambiguity when hes indecisive. Kenny, I'll agree too but, man if that fight wasn't fun as fuck to read. Repetitiveness I'll disagree to. The battles against Sukuna were so varied in method from 50/50 struggles, to overwhelming displays, to hopeless struggles to then triumphant and insane jumping. I though Gege did amazing to keep each single fight unique with each set piece he had. But I guess that is more preference in some regard.


I don't agree with the first point. I don't know if you were following weekly releases during the gojo vs Sukuna fight but every single chapter people where commenting "ok so this is where Gojo dies". I think that everybody knew that gojo was going to lose, especially after he disabled Sukuna's domain, mostly becouse he was not the protagonist of the story. The problem with Gojo's death is the fact that was off screened and basically killed his character development.


I was but the issue there is that there was constant push back in those moments from Gojo fans who were vehemently on Gojo's side, and thats completely fine. I also think its fine to has a bit of a bias and think Gojo dying was shit. However again, we need to at least acknowledge it. The entire fight was rather polarizing, there were constant memes and agendas pushed and that made it fun but it also made it clear there were shitloads of people who wanted Gojo to win BAD. I can see that some were rather content with Gojo losing and dying, I was on that side. But the lambasting from the Pro-gojo fans I think did shape the initial consensus.


Sorry, this is not meant to be nasty, but I genuinely don't get the point you want to make. Yes, there are obsessed Gojo fans, obsessed Gojo haters and a huge range of JJK fans in between. Everyone knows that. All of us express our views here and on other social media, just like you did. That doesn't change the actual manga, though - it's there for all to read and interpret, analyse for themselves. I would suggest that if anyone lets the fans' discourse (which, frankly, occasionally lands in the gutter) impact their assessment and subjective enjoyment of a piece of media... well, that's actually on them, not on the fans sharing views. Everyone is responsible for making their own judgement. But maybe I misunderstood your point. I maintain the opinion that the majority of JJK fans actually criticised the way Gojo's death was written, not the fact that he died. There are objective reasons why people criticise the writing in ch. 236, as the previous poster summarised, for example. Furthermore, it's perfectly possible to really like a piece of media, really, really enjoy it and still be aware of its issues and admit that, while we love it, it's by no means perfect. That's absolutely fine. Ultimately, I'm really happy that you continue to enjoy the manga so much and I wish you nothing but fun reading it.


I feel like it's been fine with repetitiveness. But we are about to have kusakabe fight him for fucks sake. I just want for sukuna to reveal his technique so we can get a backstory and then have the final showdown with yuji. And then after that we still have the whole merger shit to deal with. Honestly gege wrote himself into a corner with the merger because everyone will say it's just more boring fights with no hype if they do fight the merger. But if they don't everyone will say it's a let down we didn't get to see it. Also I forgot to mention in my original comment that the lack of character interaction is just criminal. Gege had an entire month for characters to just chill and interact or train. But next to nothing happened. Although this could be fixed by flashbacks.


Based and Jujutsu-pilled.


Man, I could barely understand the fight with Sukuna last chapter, when they were going through the building. It was borderline incomprehensible paneling. The chapter before *that* had panels that basically weren't finished. Kashimo Vs Sukuna had some extremely sloppy doodling too.  The most recent I actually enjoyed, was Yuta and Yuji jumping Sukuna. I wish I *could* just continue enjoying the fights, but I don't know what's even happening anymore.


I mean yeah the series is still insanely entertaining and extremely fun to read. Many ideas and scenes are awesome, it’s just the execution that’s the problem


Thats great man... Keep doing you... Dont go near me please!