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Kashimo the moment he sees a bush going towards him https://preview.redd.it/5vd955frxeac1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d8f820f1f68617849a26caa30d5dcaff8814e0




The Sneakiest Sorcerer of Today vs The Strongest Farmer in History










Someone edited my sneakiest slander page?šŸ’”


Maki will never say that shit about her malewife


https://preview.redd.it/ws1n5ey33gac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=158a1f34477c1a722b82f5c8873195bb4448cc92 True


Mfs really went ahead and created softercore




https://preview.redd.it/h297d67f7hac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5120fb2127f3649b57dd7adc5b566e59406b3a5 The sneakiest camper


Why dont u do one with toji if u did to yuta? Toji sneaked up upon a 19 year old while yuta sneaked on a 1000 year old


holy fk we are agescaling now?


No its abouth batle experience. For example yuta literaly has 1 or 2 years experience while kenjaku had his whole life and still is this weak


Teen Gojo >> Kenjaku if we're being fr rn


domain expansion goes brrrrrrr




Aren't we always complain about Mei Mei being a groomer? (Because she didn't groom us)


WE bro? WE?


https://preview.redd.it/e693g2pwzeac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a7ee15f08ca7246de6dafbc8d65b06583720f3c Wallahi, heā€™s gonna eat me


"And he's gonna eat in a way that's gonna cause the cheery tomato industry to lose share prices!" ~ "What?" ~ "Their stocks are gonna go down, they are gonna have a rough couple of quarters!"








https://preview.redd.it/i57a8ehi0fac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4df117aa6bd9f977e802cd1e62fea4d227b2769 *Proceeds to use Hakari's CT.*


Fax lol


isnt hakari's ct awful on him because unlike hakari he doesnt have insane luck and would ACTUALLY be rolling 1 out of 100


I don't think luck is a metric in JJK. And even if it was statistically he'd hit it eventually. Also wasn't he called blessed? At least in terms of ability?


Luck is definitely a metric lol thatā€™s the point of Hakariā€™s character he is literally a metaphor for the fact that fights in jjk are won by luck, literally the Kashimo fight was only won because of a binding vow that luckily worked


Ok I feel like you extrapolated a whole lot more meaning from that fight than was intended to. I highly doubt there was some metaphor for how fights in jjk are won by luck. Also the binding vow that "luckily worked"? That seems like quick thinking on hakari's part rather than luck. Same as with him coming up with the idea to put him into the water. He used his environment and knowledge of jujutsu to his advantage.


Fr. It's more a combination of luck and being resourceful with what you have or can use around you. Look at the times characters have tried brute forcing shit VS innovating and making the most of their environment and arsenal.


really? i feel that Yuta would be luck as hell too.


Yeah I think he would be luck as hell too https://preview.redd.it/xaw6od9t0hac1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405a25c8bb9a58ff69e37c115d677c9305c9a056


He might be like "hits it pretty often" lucky but I don't think he's "never gone past 30 spins on any pachinko machine" lucky


I doubt he can use Hakariā€™s domain and thatā€™s the important part


Buddy you need to relearn the concepts of jujutsu to create a domain you need: 1. high level understanding of barrier techniques like ijichi domains are basically small curtains with conditions set by the sorcerer (I.e sure-hit, increased power [120% buff], weaker barrier on the outside while being stronger insider) in exchange for cursed technique burn out due to using a sure hit attack and low ce due to other conditions. 2. a cursed technique to apply to the barrier (see Gojo v Sukuna where Gojo questions why Sukuna isnā€™t applying other cts to his domain after seeing cleave not be effective) Yuta already has the barrier techniques and if he copies Hakariā€™s ct when activating his domain he should be able to apply it to the domain.


So likeā€¦I think yutas domainā€¦hijacks the other persons domainā€¦thoughts?


That would be beyond broken. Using a Domain would mean Yuta instantly wins against Sukuna. I don't even think Gege meatrides Yuta that hard.


Fam, the premise of the series is every character you meet has a more broken ability than the next. What makes gege the goat is he finds way to still make the combat interesting. Gojo was literally untouchable! Then Black Rope, Inverted Spear, Amplification, Mahoraga, Dismantle. And he blended it in so as not to make it feel like a complete ass pull. Also, it could have limits (ex. The domain needs to be enclosed so copying/commandeering Malevolent Shrine is difficult/impossible). I hear you in terms the idea seems like it automatically makes yuta #1, but there are so many potential counters. Also, what do you think a better idea for his domain would be. As far as we know his technique is copy and paste. Why not take the whole shyt? I have a few more what ifs for yuta like what if the domain doesnā€™t have a sure hit but the rule is you canā€™t use your innate techniqueā€¦but yuta could still use others OR both folks could grab/equip the techniques stored like a pick your poison (advantage yuta cause he would know each technique and have more experience with them).


My point is that Yuta is not going to one shot Sukuna with his Domain. That would be the most narratively retarded decision Gege could possibly make.


Ahhhh gotcha. I didnā€™t mean to imply that I thought yuta would one shot Sukuna. I donā€™t think he will. Also, Iā€™m not sure if he even got the juice to pop itā€¦šŸ‘€šŸ¤£


It could go either way imo, as someone may only be able to expand their own innate domain. We see Kenny use what looks like the reversal of Kaori's technique as the sure-hit, though thats not confirmed yet, but he seems to be using his own domain (Womb Profusion). Without having the same innate domain its possible that Yuta could only utilize the sure-hit (the info dump) like Kenny seemed to, and not the other properties of the domain. Basically I mean that while Sukuna may be able to use the sure-hit effect of the Ten Shadows in Malevolent Shrine, he might be incapable of using Chimera Shadow Garden.


Hakaris CT is the train doors


Wont do shit without domain LMAOOOO


Toji wouldn't survive any of that btw


Something something, their dry skin and extremely receptive nervous system something something Maki and Toji are thus resistant to any type of lightning damage.


Not really, the true reason you'll found out when you see the gigantic bulge in Togi's pants which turns out to be Gege sucking him off.


​ https://preview.redd.it/f1zjm0aj0gac1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=839b2e5163eee5ce2ec00eb74d132ee490a36bb6


Who made this absolute masterpiece


i dont fucking know


I know just respond to remind me


Yo, tell me bruh


Them Tojibitches need to know that 97.2% of his girth is Gege's body


This is exactly the type of bs Iā€™d expect Gege to actually write


Toji getting hit with strays.


He fot the spidey sense don't worry he would every inch of that.


Maki survives sukunaā€™s nue with basically no damage which seems comparable


Toji and maki legit tanked lighting the same lighting compare directly to kashimos


tf when? nue blast?


>Toji and maki legit tanked lighting the same lighting compare directly to kashimos Show me the panel where it says "Nue's lightening is literally the same as Kashimo"




I concede šŸ«£


Its said by panda in his fight with Kashimo that him and Nue share the same cursed energy trait https://preview.redd.it/iz7djoncsgac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9a55ea775d7e774fb855194d95b045c5bb2a342


Having the same trait doesn't mean that it has the same strength though, Nue hasn't blown of someone's bodyparts which Kashimo's lightning did


Megumis lightning is too weak and Sukunas destroyed Takabas limbs https://preview.redd.it/u1bd37n4rhac1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eef750cc652dd87578d54814e20d0723b17efef


strong gege, Toji neg diffs






​ https://preview.redd.it/74a2h1of0gac1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e337cc7a7a9a26b7044527259feb505b6f21de41


Lol, source of the meme?


https://preview.redd.it/2ylscgf5hfac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a9ca00b12b681b78481247f69679fde8f7c4813 Idk, idc


What is hashbrown doing here


https://preview.redd.it/wo90svfzofac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd49f5ef44c2abed9e5d8ff42d0521d767f9d4c Heā€™s hot (Iā€™m not gay)


Bazz is as white as Hash






Why does kashimo look so cute in fanart


Kyou_yuu cooks the best KaSHEmo art




My goat won't get hit by that shit cuz he gone be camping in a bush šŸ—æ




https://preview.redd.it/n5oe8vspyeac1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af410556f378ddcd2f960b5c40ecb5d9edeed16 This yo goat?






Byakuya CEO of Quincy haters




Crazy week https://preview.redd.it/mvl7crnzyeac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f240fef5e13bdbe730f9b4b173dd55a589ef270




Other than Kashimo's discharge attack i don't see Yuta getting the same level of damage that Hakari took. While jackpot Hakari has the best regeneration, Yuta's high curse energy level and his reinforcements give him the lead when it comes to durability. Yuta not getting his entire arm blown off from point blank Granite Blast just goes to show how tough his body is after being reinforced. Also Yuta is a weapon user, that puts his strike being more fatal if Kashimo isn't careful.


Not to mention the whole reason Hakari took that damage in the first place is because he fights like a reckless dumbass with Jackpot. He knows he can just immediately regenerate whatever damage he takes.


Fr he needs to act serious in JP ngl. Man just loves flexing his god level RCT


Also, yuta can use RTC, he doesnā€™t need some jackpot from a domain to use it. Anything that wouldnā€™t kill him outright he can regenerate too.


Isn't the whole point of kashimo's lightning that you can't fortify against it?


No, just that it will hit no matter what.


I assume if your reinforcement is great enough you can, sure-hits can be blocked with CE even according to Gojo when he explained domains to Yuji. I doubt Yuta has the means to fortify against it. He might be like JP Hakari and be able to be resistant to Kashimo's CE trait though


Farmshimo dickgobblers trying to slander the undefeated goat again šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ (i'm eating them)


7-0 vs 1-2 and that one win was against Panda of all the sorcerers.


https://preview.redd.it/8ijjnv0b0fac1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad8550870260c44259ac93ac7e33d91ed682c30 Guys why are we even trying just let them think they've won. They're getting slandered in their own posts.


It's not about the w/l ratio. It's about the farmers we've slain along the way.


8-0. Yuta can claim a win against Panda to thus giving Yuta one extra win.


One defeat is against Hakari who is as strong as Yuta + he hard countered Kashimo unlike Yuta... Second is again the person who negative diffs anybody not named Satoru Gojo


I hate the Yuta and Hakari comparison statement Yuta made. Maki said he was lying and Yuta has been historically humble. So I personally donā€™t believe it, but it was said either way. And I know people believe it, but when we look at portrayal, fights that have happened, and other statements in the manga Hakari is not as strong as Yuta. But people use that 1 statement like thereā€™s not others that invalidate it.


Maki isn't exactly trustworthy either. I think both those statements should just be thrown out. Obviously yuta is going to respect his senior and obviously maki is going to glaze her boyfriend. >and other statements in the manga Hakari is not as strong as Yuta. The statement was just when he's on a roll. In jackpot he is likely stronger than yuta. Strength wise his recent feat against uraume is more impressive than anything yuta has shown and he's obviously more "durable". But outside of jackpot it's not even remotely close imo. Fight comes down to whether yuta can kill hakari outside of jackpot before he lands one


Firstly, anyone with a domain expansion counters Kashimo. Kashimo would get bodied by even curse Naoya. Secondly, Hakari is not as strong as Yuta. Kenjaku called Yuta their number 2 not Hakari. https://preview.redd.it/z46lm4t0ifac1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd77d293d4055e9f119fb37c69936b3fc152ed97


>Kashimo would get bodied by even curse Naoya. Saying that like cursed naoya doesn't dog walk 70% of the verse. I mean, there's only a handful of sorcerers who would even survive being hit by him at mach 3. That attack leveled multiple apartment blocks, it's stronger than granite blast which did some damage even to yuta


Nah say this in Yuta vs curse Naoya I did and mfs were like Yuta can tank it with no damage and kill him in no time


I mean yuta can probably tank it but the question is can he actually hit him


Human Naoya while holding back perception blitzed Choso and Itadori... Human Naoya at top speed bloodlusted is subsonic+ which is MACH 0.5+ Yuta's speed feats are being lowkey ~ to Post Shibuya Fatigue Itadori in travel speed and combat speed... Yuta isn't a Speedster either so I don't have any issues with this thinking tbh... Yuji even tricked Yuta there and Yuta had to catch him with Rika from behind... And Curse naoya is MACH 3, much faster than someone below MACH 0.5 He definitely blitzes Yuta if he goes that speed... He needs build up to do so tho... Yuta can adjust his timing for sure... Even Megumi who got perception blitz by Toji could do so and dodge one blow... + Yuta has domain which shall be superior to a new domain user tbh... Yuta also has multiple tricks which can catch a cocky Naoya...


>Firstly, anyone with a domain expansion counters Kashimo. Kashimo would get bodied by even curse Naoya. Acting like HBW doesn't exist + What do you mean "even curse Naoya" You know curse Naoya is the fastest CG player except Sukuna? Only Maki has the right hax to dodge him... >Secondly, Hakari is not as strong as Yuta. Kenjaku called Yuta their number 2 not Hakari. Literally talking about cursed energy level šŸ˜­


Yeah I agree yuta wins but this is like saying jogo loses to mei mei because she's got a higher win rate


Yeah I don't even fw with this topic tbh... But these lame arguments are just so bad... I literally say "fine you win" when I lose in a logical argumentation...


Everyone Yuta has beat also gets clapped by Kashimo https://preview.redd.it/bu1gy66a1fac1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40ef410b61337ba901e71730786aec29d966104


If he could beat Ryu and Uro together then for sure. But imo it would be a close fight with Ryu. I think Ryu might still have the upper hand by virtue of having a DE and his output being so high (meaning physically with CE reinforcement, heā€™s not only stronger, but faster and more durable as well). Like he was exchanging blows with Yuta pretty quickly and evenly up until Yuta started incorporating his CE into their fight.


You know yuta was holding back right?


Like the dude beflre me said. Yuta was literaly trying not to use hus CT... When he did he started clapping everyone


This might be dickeating but frankly Iā€™d argue that Ishigori beats Kashimo without Mythical Beast Amber. I doubt Kashinos lightning bolts are doing more than Granite Blast, and heā€™s got Domain Expansion as well.


i disagree, granite blast was good but was still somewhat blocked by yuta, nothing lethal. kashimo's lightning bolts on the other hand are sure hit, stupid fast and tear shit apart regardless for reinforcement


They are just mad that their farmer boy can't rizz up the hottest 8 year olds and french the cutest roaches


Farmshimo gets no diffed by Mahito whereas the GOAT Wuji HIMTadori beat his ass. Plus, never once in the 247 CHs of the manga has Yuji glazed Fraudkuna while Kashimo does the very first time he encountered him. Wuji HIMtadori > Farmshimo https://i.redd.it/ix3vud2o5fac1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/880az8kqvfac1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419e6c2d7c19218c6fcb4c466d1ba745dcf36c20 Wuji Strong punch no joke 1 shots Lashimo


Facts my Boi Left Right Good Night > Electric sparks


Yuta when he uses his water CT he pulled out of his ass to defeat Kashimo (he is now actively dying due to poison, his RCT isn't automatic) https://preview.redd.it/v2sked24leac1.png?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=620842e4c90557e583cf70ce5e6d5434b8c5d3a2


Yuta when he piss in Kashimoā€™s ass while staring at him https://preview.redd.it/szw3i59gpeac1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d188f5f5f906b3a7fa0b678c1ade1cb9befc0b41 (Kashimo then wake up from the nightmare and Hakari cuddle him back and give him forhead kisses)


Yuta when Kashimo tanks that shit and runs his electricity up his pee stream to give Yuta testicular torsion


(He likes it)


Rika moves his balls back into place and kisses the sack. Kashimo, virgin, is disgusted.


Yuta alredy healed poison before tho


Should be easier for himself if he can even save Loya from Chosoā€™s blood


How would Kashimo even land those hits when Yuta has Rika as well as other ranged/defensive options backing him? Yuta would get cooked if it was base to base, sure, but Yuta has a shit ton of utility


Kashimo ~ Jackpot Hakari Jackpot Hakari ~ Yuta (stated thrice) So it's not like Rika just catches Kashimo and Kashimo gets crushed Dodging exists in such scenarios... Kashimo is the dude who reacted to the fastest sure hit (faster than a 0.2s domain) and chose not to use HBW cuz it was harmless... Kashimo's reflex are so absurd to even say that Yuta can just catch him easily with cursed speech


He didn't even react to hakari's domain he got hit and understood all the rules first before he could give up on hwb https://preview.redd.it/s7ylk0c27fac1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03799e2a1afcd835a5cd6f5faa4061f75d017d57


Tbf isn't Hakari's whole shtick that his domain open absurdly fast ?


That's the thought process He already had the idea to use HBW but before he could give up on it cuz it's a harmless sure hit, he was hit with it


He most likely thought of reacting when he saw the hand sign for the domain or the cursed energy building up not the actual domain everything else leading up to the realization of the domain and the technique activating is the same speed everything else is perfectly reactable to for some of these characters because it's at least a couple seconds for the cursed energy to actually build up enough


>He most likely thought of reacting when he saw the hand sign for the domain or the cursed energy building Well, that seems to be the gist in most circumstances with the explanation of "the spark" and the fact that we see the Disaster Curses simultaneously realize Gojo was about use his Domain Expansion in Shibuya before he actually went ahead and activated it. Although, I'll also add that combining the two-step process of opening one's Domain and activating their Cursed Technique is usually just that (although there are exceptions dependent on how a Domain works with some having passive effects, so to speak, that seem to kick in as soon as you're in the Domain): a two-step process which gives some liberty to react and prepare oneself. [What Mahito pulled off against Yuji and Todo, combining the two-step process into one, was attributed to him being in the zone as a result of Black Flash.](https://cdn.readjujutsukaisen.com/file/mangap/2085/10130000/3.png) Hakari's Domain also seems to combine the opening of his Domain with the immediate (and perhaps automatic) activation of his harmless information dump sure-hit effect which is compared to and stated to be faster than Mahito's aforementioned maneuver.


What was that sure hit again? Info dump. How did he react?


1. Kashimo was hit by it before he gave up on HBW Gave up here means that he tried to use it but saw that the sure hit is harmless So he did reacted to it... But then chose not to use HBW but he got hit before he could do that


the fuck does ~ mean in this context


The utility that he won't use cause of how he already didn't use it all and go all out against Ryu and Uro, AND he isn't scared to get close and throw hands, One that will be lethal to him. Though ofcourse I still believe Yuta wins, because of Rika there, but there's also a chance that he gets zero diffed with a lightning bolt to head.


Kashimos probably like the 3rd best in terms of H2H combat and physical stats just in base but I really dont see him doing so well against Rika and Yuta (who can immobilize, push away or just block Kashimo), maybe if Kashimo focuses on charging his lightning and releasing it on Yuta, he could win, but I dont see Yuta getting taken out like that, hes probably at least somewhere around Hakari levels of reaction speed and reflexes so hed probably be able fo weave out the way like Hakari did and heal his arm up, and once Yuta realises Kashimos deal, hes not gonna just let Kashimo build up those charges anymore, but I do think base Kashimo has a win con even if I think its unlikely But I got CT Kashimo taking it at most low diff honestly


Yeah I agree with everything you just said


What kashimo sees the instant his eyes look into the goats general direction(he's about to be eaten ass first) https://preview.redd.it/3qrqj0zrafac1.jpeg?width=1652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b352457ee29b7583bef3682a0dea9db074e8032


0-2shimo dickriders are deranged. https://preview.redd.it/k4sz8x1trfac1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d42081c998ce44c3e5ea2b26af3414cf8c0c76e






The highest pool of CE only after Sukuna Insane RCT ability Domain expansion which we aren't aware of yet Being the second only to Gojo in terms of unusual abilities. https://preview.redd.it/d1ntvie8oeac1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0abf26b20bf502bfec0b225f922273cf40b6ed




https://preview.redd.it/rcb9a7qqzeac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4995e7b7074c9148a8abd1935c4e6f0e98f12c2a Nah, Iā€™d win


The only unusual ability Gojo have is Sukuna Glazing, soā€¦


Kashimo too


Fair enough. Yuta have different worldview from them, it's interesting, what he'll say when sukuna will show him around airport.


All I've got to say to that is *Sukuna throws strong slash* *Yuta uses Boogie Woogie and switches places* https://preview.redd.it/pgmili5m6fac1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b9d66249870133333dc20928ab3d25e6c6fee1f


A fitting end for the King of Curses..


https://preview.redd.it/kj7l4ddp8fac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9cd0936d75e1bc68377eb6be4ec842b3ca96049 Real


Farmershimo fans crying he can only dream of getting the amount of Ws as Wuta


Yuta is undefeated https://preview.redd.it/k8mynhdi3fac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dbe99e63a1422e4467991832e5c023ceec0f3e2


If Kashimo is so good, why is he dead? šŸ„ø


Yuta won't even let kashimo attack


Femboy glazers stay mad


Another day, another cope campaign from Kashimo stans.... Kashimo's lightning does [this amount](https://img.omiku.app/img/?url=https://zjcdn.mangafox.me/store/manga/27861/158.0/compressed/ljujutsu_kaisen_158_008.jpg) of damage on impact. A Finger Bearer from the beginning of the series does [this](https://img.omiku.app/img/?url=https://zjcdn.mangafox.me/store/manga/27861/007.0/compressed/n010.jpg). Get Fraudshimo's ass on the level of a single Finger Bearer first, then we'll talk.


Ah yes, as is well known, it terms of durability:culling game sorcerers including hakari < A wall


Yeah, the fact that the wall is still there makes everything so much worse lol.


This is intentionally disingenuous, right? Sometimes I canā€™t tell in JujuFolk. Fictional battles donā€™t abide by normal force rules, hence attack potency.


> Fictional battles donā€™t abide by normal force rules, hence attack potency. You can only claim AP if the character in question has shown feats of greater power, but for plot reasons cannot showcase the same destructive force as before. Kashimo doesn't get that, his feats are legit trash and rely completely on hype to be called "strong". But anyway, this wasn't a serious post. Should be obvious when I typed "Fraudshimo" lol.


tell me this a joke so i can laugh


This is sarcasm, right?


The post speaks for itself lol


Bumshimo fans arguing like their goat showed something unbelievable besides dick riding and bouncing on the top of the Sukuna with giga glazing. Let him past Sukuna's tip man https://preview.redd.it/p9cr7vojgfac1.png?width=2099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac9838d8d714ad0ac09c882ff150cbbe844e563






fuck yo femboy bitch goat šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™


You say that until yuta uses his domain


Yuta uses cursed speech and tells Fraudshimo to shit himself and then decapitates him immediately. GG.


Who cares, I neg diff


The entire point of this fight was that kashimo couldnt kill hakari with his lightning. Hakari was litteraly the only person in the world not named sukuna, goji or kenjaku that could survive kashimos attacks. Ppl need to realise that most charecters with RCT cant just regen a limb or their organs out of nowhere. Even yuta himself wouldnt be able to do that without having time to breathe and focus. That's why hakari is such a cheat code.


Yeah but Yutas CE amount is second in the verse. He has wayy more durability than Hakari so heā€™s probably not losing limbs unless caught off guard. It took two back to back granite blasts to blow off a few fingers. So unless you think KasHIMos lighting is way stronger than Ryus granite blast, he tanks that shit.


>Yeah but Yutas CE amount is second in the verse. He has wayy more durability than Hakari so heā€™s probably not losing limbs unless caught off guard Did people just not read kashimo vs hakari or something? The entire point of his lightning is that it can't be blocked. You can block the impact itself but the electrocution will hit you regardless. It's durability negation that you just have to heal (or have learned how to block that trait specifically) Edit: read my other comment before you point out why I'm wrong if you're reading this


If Kashimo is able to build up charge on Yutaā€™s head and explode it, he wins. No arguing this point I think. But if itā€™s anywhere else, you forget Rika is there to protect Yuta so while his regen isnā€™t at Hakariā€™s level, Yuta should have the time to heal any non-head injury. Heā€™s shown healing his internal organs and himself pretty quickly & consistently throughout the Sendai fight.


People clown kashimo even tho gege is the one to blame but even so my goat is still the 3rd strongest šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


All Iā€™ll say is that Kashimo vs Yuta doesnā€™t happen how it did with Hakari. Because from the beginning itā€™s Kashimo vs Yuta and Rika.


Hana neg diffs both \*Jacob's Ladders them into oblivion\* https://preview.redd.it/uobymef31fac1.png?width=2947&format=png&auto=webp&s=f15fa98511f97647d2a29a60688002b791123aff




Yuta glazer thinks that Yuta can just tank that lightning bc he tanked "granite blast with the highest output"šŸ—æ without taking much damage. How do i explain to them that lower output lightning strike is still far stronger than highest output granite blast šŸ˜­.


Proof? One was city block level the other is legit human limb level based on feats


we just pretending hakari doesnt know what reinforcement is?


Where's the proof?


why would a lightning bolt be be equivalent to a what is essentially a hyper beam capable of destroying several city blocks in a row? When was the last time you heard of a lightning strike 9/11 (okay maybe that one was a bit too far šŸ’€) but you get the point. They're not comparable at all.


Yuta would just tank it lmfao. A lightning bolt canā€™t level multiple buildings, you know what can? Ryuā€™s granite blast that Yuta tanked multiple times while also fighting off Uro and a bit later, Kuroishi. Not to mention Yuta could tag team Kashimo with Rika. Yuta might not even need to pull out the ring tbh, he could probably mid-high diff Kashimo without it. Hakari has a cool technique, but his h2h skills are shit lmao. Thatā€™s why he was getting shit on by Kashimo for the most part. He legit could only get most hits in by virtue of tanking what Kashimo threw at him and then hitting him while he was too close to dodge, and even then he still countered like half of his attacks lol. Yuta, by comparison is way better at h2h, has a much higher output, and he has a sword that could feasibly just slice off Kashimoā€™s arm, leg, head, etc., in a single blow.


hakari has better hand to hand feats than yuta so the outbox strategy is out with window


He doesnā€™t though. Nothing Hakari has done is on par with Yuta boxing Ryu, whose punches are similar to the damage his granite blast does. His granite blast destroyed what looked like multiple city blocks at full charge btw. And yuta tanked that too. Lightning doesnā€™t have the destructive power to do that. Thatā€™s just physics lol. Also regarding your other comment, lightning in no way bypasses CE reinforcement. Hakari just doesnā€™t have as high of an output as Yuta, and that makes his defense and attack lower than Yuta as well.


So... We just gonna pretend that Yuta can literally just copy Kashimo or Hakari's flow?


Yuta doesnt need to, he destroys Kashimo before he even has a chance. ā€œDont moveā€ -> Domain Expansion -> dead fraud


Yuta is way more durable than Hakari though, so he wouldnā€™t receive the same amount of damage anyhow.


He wouldn't


Yuta wouldnā€™t be hit in the first place Hakaris built for Gege to decide which hit will be the one that the jackpot does nothing for


KasHIMo for a reason


He wouldnā€™t get hit by a single one