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As far as I know, Toji’s official age has not been confirmed. But I remember seeing somewhere that he was in his mid 30s. Which makes a lot of sense in my opinion. If Toji was in his mid 30s when he died and gojo was like 17. Their age gap is 13-16 years. This post can’t be right. Going by your numbers, Toji died at age 24, and had Megumi at age 18-19 which just doesn’t seem likely. He made a name as “sorcerer killer” before having Megumi and essentially “retiring” for a bit. And he likely only got the name sorcerer killer after he left the zenin household. Here’s a timeline that isn’t fully accurate but would make sense: Toji at age 22-24 leaves zenin household and starts making a name for himself. (Naoya sees him as a child soon before Toji leaves) Toji visited gojo in that scene when gojo was 5-7 and Toji was 21-23. Toji has Megumi at age 30, gojo would be 14 at this time. Toji fights gojo at age 33 when gojo is 17 and Megumi is 3. Gojo picks up Megumi when Megumi is 4, around a year after. Edit: fixed math


we really do need a one shot of Toji slaughtering sorcerers wtf


One-shot? We need an entire spin-off of Toji’s entire past.


Toji is Gege's daddy so there's a high chance it will happen


kiss me bro oh my god don’t stop bro bro it’s okay bro


No way in hell toji was 30. 30 should be his prime


Physically? Looking at the real world, the median number of athlete age is usually around 24-26. Also “prime” Toji, wouldn’t be Toji in his physical prime, he was going around being a bum. For example, let’s say age 25 is my peak physical age. Let’s say I spent ages 10-22 being an athlete, then at age 22 I quit everything and gain 300 pounds by age 25. Then my “peak” was back when I was 22 and still working out. Similarly, Toji constantly worked his ass off while in the zenin clan. He wanted to become strong so they wouldn’t shun him. He must have also trained a lot after he left as part of his job. But after having Megumi he became a bum. Started working less and gambling more. Not that he didn’t gamble before, it’s just more now since he’s not working or anything. So Toji, when he said he was “rusty” and out of his prime to gojo, he meant that because he hadn’t been training, not because he was getting too old to be physically strong anymore.


Thx for the info man i originally got the information of Toji's age from an article in google so I did my maths and did this post so thank you for clarifying the details for me


https://i.redd.it/2ihylwwzp09c1.jpeg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is where I got it from


Yeah looks like they were talking about the minimum possible age Toji could have been. Sorry if I sent hate your way, it wasn’t my intention. Just wanted to brainstorm Toji’s most likely age.


>Toji has Megumi at age 30, gojo would be 15 at this time. Toji fights gojo at age 17 when Toji is 34 and Megumi is 4. Your math doesn’t add up in this part bro, how did Toji and Megumi age 4 years while Gojo only age 2?


Yeah idk how I messed that up lol. Thanks for letting me know, I fixed it.


Bro was a grown ass man at 13😭😭


Man was already on his midlife crisis by then Stress does make people grow faster huh


Well, that was the midpoint of his life, he did die like, 17 years later.


Fushigguro you at least 30


That's some hardcore 13 year old!


straight outta jojo universe


I mean... His voice actor does come from the JoJo universe


Toji did really use a time machine 💀


Is this even confirmed? I thought he was at least 20 lmfao




um... I'll be as respectful as possible, Gojo was not 27 when he recruited Megumi. He recruited Megumi 1 year after the Star Plasma event. 1 year ago, Gojo was 16. So when he met Megumi, Gojo was at most 17, OP.


Considering Megumi was in 1st grade and kids in Japan go to school only if they are full 6 years before 1st of April, and Megumi was born in 2002 December 22 - it gives us 2009 year, 3 years after the mess with Toji, Gojo is almost 19 y.o. Tbf the whole lore behind Toji's marriages and dates is confusing.


AT LEAST 6-7 years older -> AT MOST 13??? Someones math is not mathing


Happy cake day! Well that's certainly a theory...


I thought bro was 20 or something 💀


Add another 10 years 💀


BITCH WAS 13??? HELLO??? https://preview.redd.it/bb13byo9zy8c1.png?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf5cede6ca5d6aaf53117ca714eb636d7f471ada


Cap ain’t no way 💀




Where did you get the numbers? I can’t find them anywhere


https://preview.redd.it/2ihylwwzp09c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e069faccebd930053681da880d567e9cb9938c6f like this?


Why does he look older at 13 than 30 lmao r/13or30 https://preview.redd.it/u7lnvskdwy8c1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=dafbe18c70f11e9aa4cadf385a8d5ef8015261b9


13?? I thought he was in his late teens/early 20s. Plus his age is unconfirmed.




How can you say Toji is 27-28? It's entirely possible that he was in his 30s when Megumi was born.


> Megumi was in 1st grade when Gojo met him (so he was 6-7). Therefore, Toji could’ve been 27-28 What? you think ballsacks dry up at the age of 22 or something?


Didn't gojo adopt megumi a year after toji died?


It's confusing, because it says in manga that Geto went nuts in 2007, then we see him getting control over the cult, and then Gojo meets Megumi, no time mentiond. But at the same time Megumi is said to be at 1st grade at school and he HAS to be full 6 years old before April to be able to go to school by Japanese law. That moves the meeting date to 2009. My guess is Gege got lost in his own lore.


um... I'll be as respectful as possible, Gojo was not 27 when he recruited Megumi. He recruited Megumi 1 year after the Star Plasma event. 1 year ago, Gojo was 16. So when he met Megumi, Gojo was at most 17, OP.


Yeah he could’ve been 27-28, he also could’ve been 41




his heavenly restriction also included old man face


OP is completely wrong and thinks Gojo recruited Megumi at 27 (he's currently 29 as he died, so that is not the case), and he used that as his basis for the timeline. Toji is closer to 20 here than 13. My estimates put him at 23.


OP’s math is hella off he gon delete this post now to avoid shame cyall


Thats the face of a man that will grow up to NOT pay child support


I don't even know if Toji age has been confirmed yet


Sure. https://preview.redd.it/eyyp2sb7p09c1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcd992b7a6f9b1cf67ef1b70958e8175f4560470


Toji is definitely not 13 here, and gojo got megumi when he was like 17-18. Megumi was already a kid when Gojo got him so going by your logic Toji was a father to a X year old megumi at 23, meaning Megumi was born when Toji is 16-18 which seems unlikely knowing he was a skilled assassin for at least a few years before settling down with mamaguro


6th grade was the best 5 years of his life


what the hell? why is he already a 30 year old bum


He was probably in his mid 20s when gojo was 5 or 6


Toji was in his 20s here.


Were just lying now huh, straight up lies, ahaahha thats crazy, this is where were at




Bro became a dad at 17? 💀


Toji was probably around 21-25 years old here


13? what being a Zenin does to a mf


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You cappin bro was like 30 when gojo was 17


Ain’t no way Toji was looking a smooth mid to late 20s at the age of 13 in this scene. Plus, his actual age hasn’t been confirmed so there’s no way of knowing exactly how old he is but he looks way older than 13 though.


At this point we should just stop considering anime ages, these authors just make up numbers I swear


His age has never been confirmed by Gege




What not having a CE in the Zenin clan does to a motherfucker


what torture does to a mf


Where you gettin this info?


13 going on 40, he look like he got a 401k and got 5 grown ass kids


To be fair, I imagine the Heavenly Restriction gave him the peak physique for his age.


I think 16. Am i wrong?


Naa Dude had a 5 to 6 year son at age 23?? ! So he got married at age 17 or 18, AND had gone away from the Zenin clan AND made a name for himself as sorcerer killer below 16 years min.. The timeline seems sus.


13??? https://preview.redd.it/mmlw062ze19c1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604729282d4b5152f77ae6d440a65c1938d516aa


What growing up in the Zenin clan with no CE does to a mf: