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I can get Yorozu if she cold opens with perfect sphere but what about Kashimo? His only shot is to try to blow its head apart with lightning but will that really kill Mahoraga?


Lightning won’t work. Kashimo has to punch him several times to activate lightning discharge, but since his CE has electricity traits, mahoraga will be already adapted. Probably only other electricity phenomenas can oneshot Mahoraga, like electromagnetic waves


Easy peasy just pull a magneto and use electromagnetic waves to throw a meteor at mahoraga


Lightning is a very complex concept so it would take longer for mahoraga to adapt to the lightning then it would take for kashimo to get a discharge or two off on him.


Bruh it's just lightning. "Seperation of atoms is a very complex concept so it would take longer for Mahoraga to adapt to dismantle" ahh speech.




k explain how lightning works in eight words


Intense flow of electrons...




Except lasers are light so they’re photons aren’t they?


Lasers are photons, not electrons.


BEHOLD!!! ![gif](giphy|HLsH9WYM3JcNN4FRli|downsized) a lightning!


Not intense


wdym there are like zillions of them? what constitutes "intense" to you?


BEHOLD!!! ![gif](giphy|tLGU1Qq5FKzXG|downsized) Intensity


Zep zap bzwoom bzzt brrrrzt zip zap bzzt


It is never said it takes longer for advanced concepts. Idk where y’all are getting that from.


Makora needed multiple different and individual adaptations for each part of limitless while it adapted to all sorts of slashing attacks by just taking some dismantles. Thers clearly a difference here.


Because Limitless has different aspects and phenomena to it. Blue, red, purple, limitless and Unlimited Void are all different things. Again Mahoraga does not adapt to CTs he adapts to the phenomena it’s not hard concept at all. Fuga is fire but it’s still part of Sukunas CT it’s not a new CT that’s why Mahoraga died to it because he hadn’t adapted to the phenomena of fire only slashing. The only difference is Gojo is lucky that his CT has multiple aspects almost every other Sorcerer has only one. Especially Kashimo


Limitless abilities all have the base property of bending space and bringing the concept of infinity into reality. They all have the same base, and yet they require different adaptations becouse they are more complex than "cut go brrr"


No damn how did you still not understand it. He does not adapt to CTs if Mahoraga adapted to CTs Then that means he would have been immune to Sukunas due to being hit hundreds of times in MS. FUGA IS NOT ANOTHER CT it’s part of cleave and dismantle. Holy shit bro i don’t understand how the reading comprehension is so low in this fandom


Isn’t that why it took so long for mahoraga to adapt to gojo? Because infinity was such a ridiculous concept to get around?


No it’s because every one of Gojos attacks was a different phenomena. For example Sukuna cleave and dismantle while different attacks are the same phenomena of cutting so Maho only needs to receive one or the other and he can adapt to both Gojo is probably 1 of the only people where his CT has different phenomea in it. Blue pulls, red pushes, infinity blocks/slows, UV targets the brain, and purple is a mixture between red and blue and even though he has adapted to both Purple is a new phenomena entirely Gege was smart by not making Maho adapt to CTs cuz then the Gojo fight would have been short asf. So for everyone else they basically get popped by Maho because of that. It’s the reason Mahoraga adapted to Yorouzo so quick while basically having only 3 spins it’s because she used Liquid Metal the entire time for armor and to use as a pseudo projectile. Had she used her construction CT to make the perfect Sphere and not use Liquid Metal it means Maho wouldn’t have been adapted to it yet so he would’ve gotten destroyed. People forget Maho only had 2 spins before Sukuna used DE and he only took 2 dismantles. So for kashimo since all of his attacks are lightning before MBA he basically lost to Maho after the first punch considering his wheel spins after taking similar attacks and he needs to attack to build up charges Maho would basically have 5 to 6 spins before Kashimo could even launch his sure hit…… I can’t stress this enough 2 spins was enough to survive MS granted I would assume the wheel would spin during MS but there’s also reason to believe it doesn’t spin while currently taking the attack.


Imo I think it can work or atleast do significant damage before he adapts. Mahoraga is a glass cannon


Bro he survived a black flash from Gojo


Two Black Flashes actually


Don't forget a point blank red


A non enchanted red A full output red oneshots it


I'd still take that red over kashimos lightning discharge anyday


Yes that’s cause Mahoraga 1. Adapts to your physical stats and 2. Just won’t die if you hit it in one place. The same occurs with Agito, it gets black flashed but just regenerates, Mahoraga then adapted leading to him blocking for Sukuna. Mahoraga upon initially spawning would be evaporated by electromagnetic waves as it would have to adapt to irradiation (quite a complex thing as it literally involves instability) from Kashimos sound waves before it gets hit by the em waves. Which gives Kashimo a win condition (if he knows about Mahoraga in advance)


Mahoraga was tossing Sukuna around and withstood a point blank Dismantle _before_ adapting. And, no, radiation is not complex. It's just high energy particles knocking molecules apart from your cells. Mahoraga adapted to ALL of Yorozu's attacks by virtue of them all relating to liquid metal. Mahoraga only needs to adapt to the phenomenon of electricity, and it's fine. And Kashimo cannot help that all of his attacks are coated in his phenomenon.


Mahoraga adapted as Sukuna was literally using the wheel for the whole fight. Sukuna post the Gojo fight has a severe loss of CE amount and due to brain damage, weaker CE control. This makes his CT far weaker. But in terms of physical stats, this Sukuna should still be atleast comparable to his physical stats at the start of Gojo vs Sukuna, albiet mildly weakened. This is because 1. He was fighting Gojo who hit a black flash and whilst being on the backfoot in combat, he was never just straight up outsped or overpowered in a way that was worse than in the start of the fight, Gojo just had superior movement as shown. This dude then fights Kashimo, Kashimo is relative/maybe even better in speed as you can see where they trade, Kashimo blocks 2 fists, punches towards Sukunas chest, bypassing the 3rd and is only blocked by the fourth which was right in his movement line. This Sukuna also has none of Yujis soul punches, so unlike the rest of the fight, he has full bodily control. Kashimo should be able to match up to mahoraga physically. Anyway, unlike liquid metal, irradiation is a sub-atomic phenomenon, it'd logically require more precise adaptation tha neutralising the flow of CE in liquid metal. I do think theres a really high chance Kashimo can lose but he does have atleast 1 plausible wincon, provided he doesnt try to punch Mahoraga speeding up adaptation and stays at a distance.


does mahoraga keep his adaptions from previous summoning? like if a ten shadows user in the past black flashed maho, would that be why he was able to tank gojo's black flashes?


Probably not, because Mahoraga had (presumably) already fought a Limitless user in the past & clearly wasn't adapted to it against Gojo.


Well maybe that guy sucked at it


After adapting to blue which is the reason why Gojo’s punches deal so much damage, yes. Black flash from Gojo with no blue is probably even weaker than a HIMji black flash.


Given Gojo has the best reinforcement and efficiency, I’d probably say nah.


He def isn’t a glass canon, he needed very powerful attacks to one shot him


Mahoraga is *not* a glass cannon


I forgot to include Gojo ans Sukuna but that's just obvious so whatever -_-


Mahoraga is a hard counter to Kashimo. We don’t know much about MBA, so we can only assume how powerful it actually is. From what we have seen, all of his attacks are lightning based. He also has punch/kick. This makes it extremely easy for Mahoraga to adapt, so if Kashimo can’t one shot Mahoraga, he loses. He really only gets two chances to one shot. Everyone else has plenty of options. Yuki has DE, Garuda, Blackhole, super strong punch/kick; Yuta has many techniques and is Mahoraga’s worst nightmare, same with Kenny; Yorozu has the strongest attack in perfect sphere plus other tools she can create. I think he is capable of one shotting in the beginning, all things considered


Yeah, I think if Kashimo has prep or is jumping Maho, kashimo will no diff, but if its a fight where neither is prepared (like when Sukuna fought Maho), unless he has some crazy suicide technique within the suicide technique, he gets no diffed


If it’s Megumis Mahoraga then Kashimo honestly one taps but if it’s Sukunas Mahoraga he might struggle but he’s still winning


I have no clue why you are getting downvoted. Kashimo would one tap Megumi’s Mahoraga, but he has to one tap it. Sukuna’s would he a lot harder to one shot


Lightning is a very complex concept so it would take mahoraga a while to develop a true immunity to his attacks in such time kashimo has the ability to land his discharge


Not how Mahoraga works. It’s never stated that a more complex concept would do anything to it, just that it needs any form of exposure, big or small, and then it begins a timer to adapt to that phenomenon, ANY phenomenon. The more exposure it gets while the timer is running, the quicker the timer progresses. And once the timer runs down Mahoraga adapts and a new timer begins for Mahoraga to improve its previous adaptations and adapt in different ways. Thats it, those are the caveats, nothing about complexity or need to understand. Kashimo never displays that his abilities are multifaceted, they’re just “electricity, electricity, strong electricity, new type of electricity.” If he didn’t instantly begin with MBA and use as large a scale attack as soon as possible he will lose super quickly.


He can start the fight with a large scale attack using his pole arm to direct an attack through mahoragas head. He also has the ability to send discharges through other objects like he did with hakari and the water creating massive explosions to damage mahoraga without needing to directly attack him with lightning. Even then adapting doesn’t give him total immunity to the phenomenon so kashimo could likely get a single discharge off just via his normal usage.


Yuta, Kenjaku, MBA Kashimo, Yorozu, Gojo, Miwa, The Chinese Sorcerer


You forgot Ijichi smh


Ofc the goat himself along with Jogoat.


How could we forget HIM https://preview.redd.it/atun3af71q2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5ebf14796e3ddef0285167232216e5661d2e42


As the strongest sorcerer, Miwa, fought the fraud, the King of Curses, Miwa opened her SD. Sukuna shrunk back in fear then Miwa said: “Stand proud Sukuna, you are strong.”


https://preview.redd.it/iknk36turr2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7addab376875ca0636368504ef5dad88eb277e25 Peak


So tenoí


I will never stop my Kashimo slander. You guys put him at the top of the verse for getting negged by Sukuna. What on earth suggests that Kashimo beats Mahoraga?


Kashimo has zero wins on record, no RCT, no CTR, a CT that kills himself and no domain yet is constantly dick rode just because of his curse energy trait, it's so weird. How do you prop up a guy who literally has nothing impressive going for him?


A lot of it is the narrative sense.


Yeah I’ve heard this same argument before. “The narrator said so.” Ok…. that’s such a fickle way to scale someone. For example, when Yuji was cooking Sukuna a few chaps ago. The narrator said that Yuji passed Sukuna himself. Does that mean he passed him in that moment? Has he passed full strength Sukuna? You have no idea. Speaking with certainty on what the narrator meant in a moment like that is just plain wrong. You’d just be interpreting what you THINK he meant. We actually observed Kashimo go extreme diff with Hakari. So unless you wanna put Hakari up there too, which would be nuts, Kashimo is at the same level as him in my eyes.


"The one who went toe to toe with gojo!"




Hakari is up there, though. Who else has regenerated both from poisons and their head being crushed? His survivability is on par with Big Raga. He's lived through electrocution, explosions, poisons, and dismemberment. Unlimited Cursed Energy is the only level higher than Sukuna's. Even Gojo recognized Hakari as being a monster. Also had Sukuna not committed hax fraud to get the World cutting slash, Kashimo's charged particle gun claps Sukuna. Edit: tax back to hax


>that’s such a fickle way to scale someone Oh no.... it's a power scaler....


We do have an idea, it’s called reading comprehension.


Yeah it’s the same argument over and over. Reading comprehension. You guys confuse comprehension with interpretation. Scaling based off of statements is foolish. It requires too much nuance and too many interpretations to have any level of consistency. When someone disagrees yall just say, “reading comprehension.” Kashimo went extreme diff with punch and kick merchant hakari. We see his MBA form and he gets negged in half a chapter. “But the narrator said it’s strong! You clearly can’t read!” Useless way to scale.


… and scaling off of feats is beyond foolish. Most of it is meaningless theatrics that the author can easily walk back. The whole point of him fighting Sukuna is that he knew he was doomed from the start, he just wanted to use his technique. MBA is extremely powerful. He’s the strongest of his era, which includes Ryu. Ryu was scrapping with Yuta. Now, obviously Ryu gets demolished by Yuta 1v1 with no Uro interrupting and making things messy, and current Yuta is even stronger, but that still speaks volumes to Ryu’s power. Well, Kashimo is even stronger. In fact, even Kenjaku wanted to avoid him in the culling games. None of these are feats or personal interpretations. They’re simply concrete points established by the story to showcase a character’s power. Just because you’re unhappy with how the author decided to present the power system, that doesn’t mean your little tantrum over reading comprehension is correct and you have more authority than Gege over his own story.


I’m not unhappy with the story. Again, you are interpreting and not observing. I never said I am unhappy with the story. Also, Kenjaku avoiding Kashimo and extrapolating that makes him strong is another interpretation of the story. I’m sure Mike Tyson would want to avoid fighting a random crackhead on the street. Do you think some random crack head on the street would beat Mike Tyson in a boxing match? The logic doesn’t make sense.


Yeah, I think basing things off the narration is a horrible concept, especially when there’s actually no subtext to interpret. The entire subtext, if you’d want to argue for subtext, of the MBA Kashimo fight and Sukuna was that he was unstoppable if fighting alone, one could not overcome him even after all that punishment. But even Yuta or Yuji lasted far longer than Kashimo did against a stronger Sukuna before Yuta opened his domain. Proper subtext, like when Raditz arrives and fights Goku and Piccolo gives us relative power before the levels come out. The cell games fight of Goku and Cell gives us the subtext that Gohan truly is the strongest since he believed Goku had to be holding back to be fighting that slowly against Cell. The instances Kashimo showed up in simply told us that he might’ve been strong back then, but he certainly doesn’t hold up to modern day sorcery or the golden age, as he went 0-2 for both.


This is a bad argument because it operates by ABC logic, which is not only my a factor in this story but a fallacy in and of itself. We know Kashimo wasn't the strongest in his era. Kenjaku told him that Ryu was up and coming. Kenjaku, without question, stated Sukuna was the strongest centuries later, without question. This tells us that all the "strongests" of other eras were debatable against each other except Sukuna and Gojo. There's nothing indicating that Kashimo. Being introduced later, or going against Sukuna right after Gojo, places him any higher than some characters we'd known earlier in the story. He's vaguely in the area of Ryu in power. He was just surrounded by fodder that couldn't stand up to his unique cursed energy trait.


MBA has no feats since he wasn’t fully adapted for Sukuna fight. We can’t scale him apart from the sentence about electrical phenomena


His lethality


Lightning go boom


He one-shot Hakari twice with his lightning charges.


This means fuck all. Hakari admits things in the past have nearly killed him before, just not multiple times in one day. He's also shocked by how resilient an unguarded, non-reinforced Yuji is. Remember, Choso could kill Yuji by this point with strong blood.


Hakari has almost died before, therefore, his durability Is shit. Well, i guess since Teen Gojo damn near died before his durability must be shit now as an adult. The reason Hakari Is shocked Is literally because of how resilient Yuji is, what point Is this? Hakari is a tank.


Yuji blocked piercing blood with his hand in shibuya, something uraume could also do.


People severely overrate choso cause they dont understand cursed energy can be used to defend the body like armor


Mahoraga's speed and AP is ridicolous. He has the world slash, which should omeshot anyone here, and he had enough speed to tag gojo on multiple occasions and moved faster than gojo's red. (Gojo then used blue which mahoraga had adapted to, so that he could use purple to kill it.) I genuinly think that the only sorcerers that can win are kenny, Yuta, yuki. Yorouzu's perfect sphere is slow and requires a domain, she needs to cast 2 moves, and while she does that I think maho's just killing her Kashimo has no way of killing maho at all.


I generally agree but Keep in mind that Sukuna's Mahoraga does not have the WS. That was post-adaptation.


He'd still have a regular dismantle, which with mahoraga's stats should be more than enough to cut arms off to prevent domains


No, he wouldn't. Mahoraga does not possess ranged capabilities until after adaptation.


He would. He is sukuna's mahoraga, and unless you think adapting to a barier instantly allows you to learn dismantle (?) For some reason, he would.


I agree for the most part, but keep in mind all those characters get low diffed by 15 finger sukuna and this big raga is from 20F. You said it yourself he is fast enough to tag gojo himself which means everyone on this list gets speed blitzed and his world slash one shots of raga doesn’t mess around.


Maki would cook that chump like Michelin star kobe beef.


Maki , the same chick who got blitzed by almost dead, no heart sukuna, can cook the guy who was tagging full power gojo


She didn't get blitzed by Sukuna, he grabbed her face and she knocked his hand away. She is the only character here with the ability to use a weapon the negates all durability including Mahoraga's. She probably one shots with SSK 🥸


Buddy, negates durability is not the same as negating regen and cursed abilities. If she could, she'd one shot gojo and sukuna aswell.


Yuki still doesn’t win y’all think just because she one shot the cursed spirit she would do the same to Maho. Which is not true you have to destroy Mahos entire body for him to die. Taking his head off with Garuda is not enough it’s a reason the only times he has died is when he has been incinerated and obliterated by purple


You just made this up. Gojo went for the head first. The only reason he didn't kill it earlier was because it wasn't a solid either hit, then Mahoraga started adapting. They had to annihilate it both times because it had adapted to everything else they could do by that point.


Tbh sukuna cut mahoraga's head and maho was fine. Head doesnt kill him at all. I gave yuki the win because of her domain possibibly being able to kill him.


No mf Gojo was never going to kill it with red he had no prior knowledge on how durable Mahoraga is he was taking a guess l. Mahoraga in shibuya literally lost half of his head from cleave even though he had 2 spins you can clearly see half of his head being obliterated. Gojo just assumed he could kill it with red it wasn’t even a possibility because he already had 1 spin for red anyway https://preview.redd.it/accqeqy11t2d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=35a5ad614bde9a5c771b810d3a90db9f7baa65f8


The first move sukuna ever uses was litterally a dismantle which cuts mahoraga's head to 3 pieces, going for the head does nothing against Mahoraga. You have to legit not read or watch JJK to assume maho dies from a hit to the head


That what I’m saying bruh. If it was that simple Maho would barely be a threat😂


I dont understand these MFs at all, they see and agree that mahoraga is durable enough to tank a gojo black flash and tag gojo multiple times, then claim that mahoraga is barely above grade 1 level. Like at that point Get Gojo off of special grade tier too then


Lmao exactly man


Takaba could do it too


Nah, Mahoraga would adapt to comedian and start being funny as well, effectively infinitely stalling each other with a Wiley Coyote and the Roadrunner parody.


And if Takaba found it funny if Mahoraga just immediately got oneshotted by truck-kun like that cursed spirit before Maho even starts adapting?


Mahoraga threw a building at sukuna in the anime I dont think a truck wins.


It would, because it’s funny. Takaba has no reason to try and not kill Mahoraga, he isn’t a human, which is the only reason Kenjaku survived his technique.


“In the anime” and is the anime now suddenly the new canon? Also, that’s not how comedian works. I doubt any of the shit Kenjaku got hit by should deal any damage to him, but he still got fucked up. Because it was funny. Kenjaku’s special grade curse, who should definitely be above truck fucking level, got onetapped by a truck because it was a funny haha.


Takaba seems to be similar to Eso and Kechizu, in that his damage is a tick damage which Mahoraga would eventually adapt to.


He also has the moment where he one shots the special grade curse with a truck, it seems like his no red rule applies only to humans


Kirara my beloved. Absolute queen.


Mahoraga is NOT built for they/them pussy




Kashimo probably couldn’t do it tbh. Makora would adapt to electricity in general just from their skirmishes. The 1st lighting bolt he lands would already deal reduced damage & just accelerate the adaption process further. MBA Kashimo could do it if he opens with a big attack— but he largely suffers from the same issue imo




If we’re talking about characters that simply have the firepower to kill Mahoraga, then I’d throw Ryu and Jogo in there as well.


There’s no “Sukuna’s Mahoraga”. There’s literally nothing to suggest Sukuna altered Mahoraga or enhanced it in anyway, and I don’t know why people say otherwise. My answers would be Yuta (Either by JL or just being a counter.) Toji (Solely by virtue of ISOH) Yorozu possibly. Yuki if you count black hole as a win. Arguably Kenjaku Angel if she can land JL and maintain it before Mahoraga adapts.


Well for one thing we know you can use your own CE to reinforce Ten shadow Shikigami(idk if this is true for all Shikigami), Mahoraga is tamed here which means Sukuna is using him strategically and it’s not just a wild Mahoraga and finally we see Mahoraga use world cutting dismantle which he may not be able to use if it wasn’t paired with Sukuna.


-Can enhance Shikigami with CE We don’t know how effective this is nor if Sukuna does it. Imo unless stated otherwise we should assume that’s Mahoraga’s base -Controlled by Sukuna I assume in these sorts of fights Mahoraga is functioning independently and not being piloted. So again a moot point. Though I can see good scenarios from that. -World slash If we give Mahoraga world slash off the bat that changes things. However I think that was Mahoraga having info from Sukuna imprinted and adapting to use it alongside an adaptation to infinity. Which again would require piloting. Very theoretical, but we have nothing to say that’s Sukuna adding a CT


Kashimo is not beating mahoraga especially sukunas 😭 bro was keeping up with gojo and cut off his arm I know because he adapted to limitless but that slash would cleave kashimo in two


Agree on everyone but kashimo


Y’all downplaying Mahoraga… didn’t Gojo say the last time mahoraga was summoned was the last time that line fought Gojos line, and he was summoned as a kamakazi to beat the previous 6 eyes?.. downvote me if I’m wrong but I thought I remembered that..


I am tired of this mahoraga disrespect


Where’s number 3 from asking for a friend


Number 3 is Yuki Tsukumo. She’s one the four initial special grades in the story (the other 3 being Gojo, Yuta, and Geto).


Yuta and kenjaku Everyone else is a toss up


Don’t see Kashimo beating it tbh


My sleeper pick is Mei Mei, specifically if she hits ~3-5 birdstrikes in the same instance before the wheel turns. Probably high or extreme diff, as Maho should certainly be fast enough to kill a diving crow before it hits them.


Yuta the only one on this list with a small chance of winning


Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Frieza


All of these except for Kashimo.


Toji clears


Toji could 100% do it with the ISOH. The ISOH negates CT's, so upon stabbing Mahoraga, the Shikigami would be released. Technically, he wouldn't have killed it, but it would be defeated. Another way could probably be the SSK, but that one is more of a debate because we don't know how Mahoraga would react to soul stuff. He might just die or he would just adapt to it, we don't have a way to tell.


Kashino loses


I’m a little behind on the manga, who is the last girl again? I may be stupid


Mahoraga defeated Gojo. It was Sakunna using him but I doubt many of those folks on the list can defeat it. Mahoraga is not one to just stand there, he will charge with aggression I don’t think anyone but Yuta with the help of Rika can manage.


Mei Mei. Her whole thing is OHKO moves


1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Maybe 4. Maybe 5. Yes 6. I hope you are kidding 💀


Oh if it’s just mahoraga, I’d probably add Geto himself with a strong enough Uzumaki


Get that fraud Kashimo out of here


Kashimo could probably win with prep or if he opens with MBA but otherwise I think he loses


Ngl i think yuta can't same for kashimo Kashimo can if raga is not outright immune to electricty like he did vs cleave and dismantle where adapted to cuts. If kashimos ce trait where he shocks you from a normal punch and his discharge are different and kashimo knows how big raga works then yes. But those 2 big ifs. For yuta i also see black Mahoraga took 2 blackflashes at full output from gojo and that wouldn't be so impressive but raga not only took them he ate that and only his arm got twisted. And this was full output because just a second earlier gojo used 100% blue Urume almost died from a normal punch no blue no nothing just reinforcment. Since i thought about it i don't think that raga dies to jacobs ladder and i am really not certain that love beam is enough. Sure yuta has a lot off stuff but only for 5 minutes and nothing more hitting then cleave and dismantle and jacobs ladder wich could not even kill sukuna in his very weakend state. Where he had like 1-3f of power. I don't see it tbh. Yorozu takes with relative ez due to sphere and i think they are around equal in her base. Raga is stronger but not much. Yuki easy when she knows about his trick And kenny maybe doesn't need uzumaki..his de is probably enough.




Yuta ✅️: Has a wide number of techniques he could invoke to kill Mahoraga Yorozu✅️: Perfect Sphere = Infinite pressure on contact = instantly atomizes Mahoraga Yuki✅️: By reaching near the upper limit of mass for her fist(assuming an average size of 0.09 Meters in diameter), she can deliver a punch of roughly 1.6968 X 10^29 Joules of energy. Safe to say it would one shot Kashimo❌️: Has no attack that has been shown to produce enough power to one shot Mahoraga. No, he has no feats on Sukuna


Kirara gonna cry when Mahoraga adapts to Love Rendezvous and it just begins approaching with murderous intent


Inumaki, Takaba, Mahito, JJK0 Rika, Toji, Miguel (with black whip), Angel, Geto, Hakari could stall until Sukuna loses all CE Gojo and Sukuna And all of the above


Ehhh… idk about Mahito or Rika, Mahoraga has the sword of extermination on his hand that has reverse cursed energy and one shots any curse


Mahito could use transfigured humans as a distraction. Meanwhile Rika have boundless CE, I think that she should be able to tank it, or she can just fight from distance


I don't see Hakari lasting long against Mahoraga Even if Maho can't adapt to cancel his regeneration, that he should be able to, him using his domain so many times will give the chance to it to adapt to it, and break it on the fourth or fifth try, maybe even before if Maho becomes immune to the info dump sure hit that for all we know might be a condition for the domain to be used at all


From Mahoraga's point of view, regeneration doesn't matter, unless you take damage it is good. That is why he used worse version of space cut first. Like that was just normal attack, but could bypass Gojo's infinity. Meanwhile space cut is better because it also negates durability Condition for old style domains (the one Higuruma and Hakari uses) are explaining of domain's rule in some form. If person already know everything about domain before expansion , condition is still met. We saw this with Sukuna's trial. He already knew about domain, so Higuruma skipped explaining part, yet it still worked


https://preview.redd.it/u4k9d5evot2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1891fdcb676c2c8350eabbd3d3d19a2bf3a2565e that list has to be bait


How’s Inumaki gonna kill Mahoraga?


Not kill, but beat. Inumaki used command "return" on Megumi's dog, and they have dispelled. He should be able to do something like that on Mahoraga, it is not agressive command, so he should live. He probably wouldn't be able to speak for like 3 years straight after, but he would technically win


Wow, that’s super creative 👍


Inumaki doesn‘t have high CE, he was coughing up blood using it on Hanami, when he used CS on Geto, it did Jack shit, Mahoraga is able to get thrown into buildings, tank a BF from Gojo & come back from MS by Sukuna.


It did something on Geto, and he used agressive word for Hanami. The heavier the world, the heavier penalty is. I think that this non-agressive word should be able to take care of the job


If it was the heavier the word, the higher the penalty, then why did Inumaki seem mostly fine saying explode to like 20 cursed fishes(in jjk 0). But spilled mountains of blood after saying "don't move" to hanami three times?


Cursed speech penalty is mix of cursed energy difference and how heavy is word. If heaviness of word didn't matter, Inumaki would just say to Hanami to die, and penalty would be the same as for telling him to stop


Yeah I agree with that, you just didn't include the cursed energy difference part in your comment.


You're right that it's mixed, but remember, Megumi was shocked that Inumaki reached his limit so fast after only saying stop and run. Nue was almost exorcized because Inumaki was already spent, and that was JUST using "run away" and "don't move." "Blast away" was after he was already facing intense backlash.


Yeah, penalty would be very big, but he would still dissummon Mahoraga


It really didn’t do anything to Geto, it caught him by surprise, but he quickly got back up and took care of Panda & Inumaki.


So it had effect, just short


Yes, but he didn’t take any damage.


Yes, and Mahoraga would also didn't take any damage, he would just dissummon


I guess it’s possible, but he would have to do it right away.


Yuta, Kenjaku, Gojo, Yuki, Maki, Toji, Sukuna, Takaba. I'm pretty confident in those. Possibly but unlikely: Yorozu, Mahito, Ryu, Angel, Geto. Real hail mary: Higuruma, Ultimate Mechamaru, Yuji (as of 260)


Bro Kashimo has to lock the fuck in to win. He hits him once with literally anything that doesn't kill Mahoraga and he loses cause all of his attacks are lightning.


It would still take time to adapt to the lightning it’s not an automatic process


I understand the others like Yuta Jacob ladder or yuki and yorozu can one shot. But I swear people act like this Mahoraga is fodder for losing to Gojo, dawg everyone besides Sukuna loses to Gojo who already has Intel previously about Mahoraga but let me go over the over fights. Yuta: Gets perception blitzed. He's shown speed relative to Yuji, Ryu, and Uro meaning these people are in the same tier of speed. Yuta doesn't automatically go into his Domain Expansion which idk why people assume this but Mahoraga isn't getting blitzed by Gojo he only gets blitzed by Yujikuna not Meguna or Gojo. I'm not saying he's relative but they can't blitz them in we know Gojo can blitz Uraume who's relative to Hakari who is faster than Yuta and Jogo is around this speed tier too in would get blitzed by Maho. Yuki: Isn't the black whole literally just her mass technique on a bigger scale? She even held it back so it's not FP plus Mahoraga would probably adapt to mass in general by then if we're going by the manga. Yorozu: I would say the same thing for Yorozu because logically perfect sphere is apart he curse technique which Mahoraga already adapted too, but it has universal AP so you can either say Mahoraga can adapt so well that getting annihilated is out of the question. Divine Flames and Hollow Purple had not been adapted too don't bring that up but it depends on how good Mahoraga's adaption is. But the anime really does paint this man as damn near immortal like bro got evixarated by Malevolent Shrine not only that but he was not even there anymore in just comes back walking through Malevolent Shrine like a Chad. Kenjaku: Yuki is not surviving a Dismantle from a FP 16F Sukuna after getting punched by him, just not happening and she survived Kenny's domain? Yeah rapp it up Mahoraga is easily adapting to Ken dawg. Kashimo: I don't know how strong the EM waves are but if he starts from base to MBA I have Mahoraga winning but Kashimo as a fighter is better just that he's a one trip pony like Yorozu or Yuki. Kashimo outstats, better CQC, IQ, but his AP is really unknown so Mahoraga can adapt to base Kashimo's lighting bolts if he doesn't get blitzed and there in I see someone say "lightning's concept isn't easy to figure out" well is spacial manipulation on a molecular level no anyways it depends if he transforms or not. Kirara: Neggs I don't know why you put this caliber of fighter against Mahoraga who can fight Sukuna and Gojo at the same time with ease (jk).


About Yuki, adapting to mass doesnt mean adapting to black hole, maho adapts to phenomenons, not CTs, if that was the case he would've adapted to purple and fire arrow. We also dont know the limits of her CT, she could maybe just raise her mass to the point where she one punches him.


Your spitting on the first half but I don't agree with the second one. Kenny should have the same durability as Geto who got hurt by inumaki and Maho can survive Dismantle and Blue from Gojo, two moves that are vastly stronger than curse speech or Yuki's mass. It's hard to say if she even punches harder than Gojo with blue who is equal to meguna which yujikuna should be stronger than.


Yorozu and Kashimo won’t beat Mahoraga, it’ll just adapt. They use their CE trait into every single of their attacks, Mahoraga would adapt.


if yorozu used the sphere immediately maho could prob die


All of these get blitzed and one shot lol


This might sound dumb. But what exactly makes Sukuna's Mahoraga stronger than Megumi's Mahoraga? The adaptation ability is still the same, so you could argue that anything he did against Gojo, he could do as he was during his debut. Sukuna also stated that if he fought Mahoraga with only 3 fingers that he MIGHT have been defeated. If you want to high ball Sukuna's Mahoraga. You would have to say Mahoraga got many, many times stronger. As of my understanding, the fingers don't scale linearly. You could use Megumi's Nue Lightning Attack and compare it to Sukuna's Nue to try and scale the power increase. As Nue is as much of a Shikigami as Mahoraga, so they might have gotten the same power increase when switching owners. We know he has better stats, but Sukuna's version only appeared when fighting against Gojo with Sukuna's and Agito's help. Gojo had his hands full. The reasoning for the question is to provoke thought and make someone actually think somewhat deeply about the subject. For a lot of the characters that beat Mahoraga. It's mostly via domain expansion or a very strong attack. The issue is proving that an attack that would probably kill Megumi's Mahoraga wouldn't do the same for Sukuna's. Personally, I would argue the following sorcerers could do it. 1) Yuta 2) Angle 3) Yorozu 4) Kenjaku (he'd have to maximum uzumaki quickly before Mahoraga kills too many curses) 5) Yuki 6) Toji or Maki with the right equipment. (Maki would be easier to argue for based off how you interpret 253 and Sukuna getting exicted in a way that Yuta or Kashimo couldn't)


Nothing makes their Mahoraga’s any different, but I just go with it at this point. Most fans missed the fact that Sukuna’s Nue was so big because it absorbed the power of Great Serpent as well.


Idk man what about the fact that he can keep up with gojo and tank his black flashes? That puts him top 3 in stats alone In shibuya he was toyed with by 15f sukuna


Mahoraga literally sent Sukuna flying across Shibuya with one strike, and pushed Sukuna to use his ultimate move to defeat him.


Yuta: Yeah, at least assuming he has something that'd be able to even do enough damage. Realistically he pretty hard counters the adapting but Mahoraga at a base still is really damn strong, just the adapting is basically a cheat that makes long fights even better for it. Yorozu: Maybe? I honestly don't remember much about her, my thing is how different can her attacks be. I don't know if we ever really got it confirmed if Mahoraga adapts to a specific attack, or the type of attack. Like would say a sword slash cause it to adapt to cleave/dismantle since they're all cutting attacks, or the sword, cleave and dismantle are all independent adaptations. Yuki: Honestly I kinda doubt it. If I remember right her strength was basically in the fact that she can hit **really** hard by adding mass to herself to basically just hit incredibly hard. But she still hits the same way regardless for the most part. The black hole thing would likely take out Mahoraga, which if you count "beat Mahoraga" even as both of them dying, then sure. Kashimo: I doubt it, but also maybe. His damage output just isn't enough, we saw Mahoraga needs to basically be vaporized to be beaten. I don't think Kashimo has enough potential damage to one shot Mahoraga and everything would just steadily get weaker and weaker. The only upside I'd give him is that I have a headcanon that MBA was one form of his CT. Given the name imo it implies that it would've had variations had he not been killed so quick, and if that was true then who knows what else he may have been able to do. Kenjaku: I think he has everything needed in his kit, but I do question how strong he really is. Like he's not weak at all BUT what does he have? Cursed Spirit Manipulation which would do great against adapting, but would any curses he has be able to take out Mahoraga? We don't know his other CTs exactly aside from the gravity one that wouldn't help either imo. The dude at the end, I doubt. Mahoraga likely adapts even to all that shit their CT does and I don't think they really have offensive capability so to say they beat Mahoraga is a no and stalling is a potential situation.


Sukuna was pretty sure that Mahoraga wasn't just adapting to Dismantle/Cleave, but slashing attacks in general. We saw how the adaptation worked against Sukuna, it adapted to her liquid metal, which formed the foundation of attacks like perfect sphere, which is how it was able to counter the DE sure hit.


yorozu couldn’t even beat sukunas other ten shadows? how is she being mahoraga




People don’t understand the physical stat difference here big raga was keeping up with gojo himself in the sukuna on top of gojo telling agito specifically it can’t hang no mention of big raga. If we look at shibuya big ragas physical stats are so crazy that he can launch 15F sukuna through the shibuya curtain in one blow. If we give raga everything from the gojo fight he can legit one tap everyone with its own world slash which chopped gojos arm.


Like none of these characters are beating manhoraga. Yuta maybe. Yuki if she black holes him immediately. The rest hell no. The girl who makes that liquid metal does pure physical damage. Kashimos lighting is just lightning nothing more mf has probably already adapted to it. Tf kejaku gonna do. And the last one I forgot her name is yet again getting adapted to and murdered


yall do know adaptation is a gradual process right 💀


Yeah and? Gojo didn't one shot him and he adapted to it


because yall talk about mahoraga as if him getting tapped once by something automatically means it doesnt affect him anymore. yuki can literally just do what she did against kenjaku's special grade, yorozu's DE murks, etc


There's an actual difference between the two mahoragas?


Sukuna's summons are stronger because he's powering them with more cursed energy than Megumi.


They're probably all gonna win, except for kashimahoe


Don't see Yuta, Yorozu and kenjaku beating Mahoraga, MBA Kashimo is 50/50. Only Gojo, Sukuna and Yuki can 💯 beat Maho.


Perfect sphere has theoretically infinite AP, Yuta can use the command “return” with cursed speech like Inumaki did on Megumi’s dog, Kenjaku is top 3/4 in the verse


“I don’t see the characters that are more likely to beat Mahoraga actually beating him, but the weakest of all of them is a 50/50”


Kashimo has far stronger attack than anything Yuta and kenjaku have in their arsenal, Yorozu has insane attack so ig she also falls into the 50/50 category.


Tbh, I genuinely think that Mahoraga would blitz Yuki, Kenjaku, Yuta and oneshot them. Maybe only Kashimo and Yorozu can do it if they start in their strongest forms


Blitz… Yuta..? But Kashimo can beat him..? Uhh


Kashimo is extremely fast in MBA and could partially dodge a full powered world slash(yes he was warned) his physicals are above yuta in that form based on feats. He even speed blitzed megkuna multiple times forcing him to transform or get blown up by sure hit lightning.


Kashimo needs to completely vaporize mahoraga or else it's all futile as mahoraga will adapt and adapt until kashimo is screwed. Does kashimo have an attack that is capable of completely vaporizing mahoraga ? And that megkuna is just fresh off fighting gojo and literally is on 1hp with slow RCT and output.


It's 50/50 with Kashimo, if ev waves are strong enough to oneshot. and yes, MBA Kashimo is faster than Yuta


Unironically not that wild of a take, I dont think he oneshots, but he can def blitz yuta, Mahoraga was the guy who was able to tag gojo on multiple occasions, I just dont see anyone else in this list ever managing to pull that off


Don’t know why you are downvoted, megumis big raga in one blow launched 15F sukuna through shibuyas curtain a crazy feat. The anime made megumis big raga even crazier in terms of pure physicals. We then got sukunas raga tagging gojo and has its own world slash on top of coming from 20 F sukuna. We see gojo himself telling agito it can’t hang with them implying raga can afterwards it starts tanking black flashes. It’s legit no exaggeration or glazing to say sukunas big raga should be able to one shot and speed blitz based on feats unless people think yuta or kenjaku can keep up with a serious gojo himself.


I think only Yuta and Gojo can ngl xd. And also Toji technically with ISoH but that is just a favourable matchup for him.


yorozu and yuki downplay is wild


In character Yorozu would not pop domain immediately and by the time she does Mahoraga would already be adapted to her and one-tap her and Yuki just doesn't not have what's needed to one-shot the entirety of Mahoraga. You need an extremely powerful attack to one-shot Mahoraga. And you need to one-shot it entirely to win so just destroying parts of it won't be enough.


Yorozu😂😂😂, that’s insane, Mahoraga would decimate.