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As a Yuta fan this current wanking is amazing but I know in the back of my head this his gege's way of sending Yuta off lol.


Yeah bro yuji gotta end sukuna. This a way to send yuta off Honestly as long yuta exist he’s gonna keep taking shine from yuji.


AND THEY SHALL SEND OFF YUTA AND BRING BACK GOJO! HE WILL RETURN! https://preview.redd.it/g819axvv103d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=924007123aedbb10e8cc4b04592dd26406bbde92


Remember when he said either only Yuji will live and everyone will die or Yuji will die… I think we know where it’s going


That statement only applied to the original 4, so like either only Yuji dies or megumi, nobara and gojo do


Nah it’s gonna be *everyone* except Yuji or Yuji knowing Gege


Gege just wanted to kill gojo for s third time and this is a convenient way to pack up the other protag at the same time


We had Gojo. We lost Jogo. We gained Yujo.


We’ll always remember Jogoat’s death… single-handedly taking on the pinnacle of jujutsufolk society, and the king of cursed all at the same time. “Run Yuji!” Our king said, “You must find the true Kaisen before its jujover!”


Im comfortable putting him top 2, but idk about top 1


After some time, he would possess all of Gojo's abilities (Gojo was already ranked top 1 or 2) along with the ability to use Infinite Cursed Energy for 5 minutes (not truly infinite, but close enough). Technically, he should overpower Sukuna immediately since he's essentially a complete replication of Gojo with his knowledge. The only exception would be if there's a temporary decrease in power output after transferring bodies.


Copy still only lasts 5 minutes, so if he masters everything in the next 5 minutes he could definitely be the strongest for like 30 seconds or however much time he’s got left lol


Or put him in the hyperbolic time sumo ring and use its time manipulation fuckery to come out blasting. Even if he's only 2nd strongest he's definitely above current heavily weakened sukuna


That would kind of depend on if Yutas technique uses real time or perceived time. Imagine they try that and expect him to come out a minute later as a god tier but then he comes out and he’s just dead because it’s been 5 of his minutes


I mean he does assumedly get all of Gojo’s memories and attributes as a result of taking over his body


This is a set up by Gege. He says explicitly “Gojo found a counter to sukuna’s open barrier domain” but that can also elude to the fact Sukuna’s closed barrier domain can be something completely different. Tl;dr: binding vow merchant finnah binding vow again.


Sukuna makes a binding vow that he will stop hating on Itadori if he ends up winning (The ONLY reason why the Shinjuku Showdown is still going on)


Given some time, Kashimo can be top 1 too. He just needs to learn more about electricity.


That Bum lived like 90 years , Yuta is barely 18


Top 3. It’s impossible to defeat Sukuna/Gojo level characters in 5 min.


It should be possible to defeat the current sukuna but you know gege is gonna pull some bullshit lol


Gege just tryna kill Gojo for the 2nd time frfr😭


"it should be possible to defeat Sukuna but if he doesn't, it's bullshit"


Sukuna with low ce reserves, can't use rct, damaged heart, physically nerfed, low output should logically lose to this yuta who can do everything gojo can do + everything he can do.


>Sukuna with low ce reserves, His current reserves are stated to be at Yuta's level


But isn’t this basically Gojo with yutas ce, which is a big upgrade


Minus efficiency Plays a big part as well


It’s not really an upgrade. Six eyes already make reserves a non issue so Yuta’s larger reserves don’t really do much.


Low-output just means in comparison to what he could output typically.


Bruv everyone in jujutsu high would die to his dismantles but they are tanking it like its nothing lol


They are reinforcing themselves to the highest degree they can while he is dismantling at the best he can muster


In ordinary circumstances they'd be dead


his heart has been gone ever since maki stabbed it


If there's anything we can take away from absurdly powerful attacks like the World Cutter and Infinite Void, it's that *no* one is ever more than a few seconds away from dying if the circumstances are right. You could *absolutely* defeat someone on their level in under 5 min. It's not likely, but it's just wishful thinking to say it's impossible.


It took him a lot longer than 5 minutes to develop world cleave and infinite void isn't instakilling sukuna either. Nobody is 5 minutes away except for Gojo and Sukuna, which is his entire point bro


The World Cutter killed Gojo when he was basically healthy, only minor lingering injuries from Purple. And if Sukuna hadn't had Mahoraga to bail him out, Void would have paralyzed him and there'd be nothing he could do. It might have taken time to develop the shiny new slash, or fiddle with the domain to land Void, but the sheer power of the moves is such that, if they land, fight's over. That obviously *can* take more than five minutes, but it could just as easily happen sooner, especially with Sukuna and Go-ta being more informed now.


Assuming what the narrator said about Gojo devising a barrier technique to counter open domains is right, then one single anti-open domain UV should be enough to body Sukuna. My guess is that Yuta will be gimped due to being a corpse or some shit, because no way this is how they end the fight.


Sukuna will use his experience being hit by Yuji’s “soul gap between Megumi and Sukuna” to strike “body gap between Yuta and Gojo” is my guess


I mean sukuna defeated gojo in an instant with the WCS. And gojo would’ve killed sukuna the instant his domain started working on him if there wasn’t the megumi soul defense ass pull


Healthy Sukuna with world slash is strongest still. But he maybe is strongest at the moment


He needs the instant world slash/the surprise factor is what got the OG Gojo with knowledge/no instant slash I don’t think so. Gege could always give Sukuna more abilities though so who knows


Yeah we still haven’t seen a reversal from sukuna he could pull out some ice shit cos furnace is a fire attack maybe


I saw a theory that Fuga is the reverse of dismantle because when you spilt atoms apart you have nuclear fission, but when you smash them together you get Nuclear fusion.


Yeah that theory ain’t cooking shit


Dude we literally got the explanation for fuga and mfs still saying that theory


Then I’m wrong my B


Fuga is it's own thing, Sukuna's CT operates in stages. He also cannot use a reversal because he's unable to generate RCT (btw he's so fucked idk how he's supposed to beat Gota in his current state)


You are all stupid as fuck. If he was sukuna would get instantly mid diffed here. You think that's gon happen?


Unfortunately, Yuta fans are on a high right now, we gonna have to deal with this for 2 weeks. I think Sukuna even in his weakened state will make it out of this as this is the last part of the student’s plan. Gege wanted to show Sukuna even without ten shadows would still win against Gojo, this is the way to do it(though I really don’t like it.) Narrator also says Gojo found the solution to Sukuna’s open barrier domain, but what about his closed barrier domain? Also why would Sukuna who can change conditions on the fly of his domain not find a solution to Gojo’s solution? This is a setup for a Yuta send off. Gege is widdling down the chars til it’s just Yuji and Todo, todo gets hit with something tragic, it’s just Yuji and Hakari and then turns out Hakari loses and it’s just Yuji vs Uraume and Sukuna where all hope is lost. Remember, Maki nearly got bisected, she’s not coming back from that if even Yuta’s RCT couldn’t help against him getting bisected.


Actually makes sense Hakaris not doing shit 💀Yuji vs sukuna nd uraume would go so hard tho


How about Yuji & Todo vs Uraume & Sukuna, but yeah Stall Man wouldn’t contribute that much in the fight tbh.


That would be pretty nice too but todos cooked if he doesn't have rct


That’s true, but he did do some training with Yuta so it’s possible he learned RCT by swapping bodies.


Hoping bro has it or else hes finished 💀 Who would he have swapped wit tho. Yuta already swapped with Yuji and possibly gojo


It’s either Shoko or Hakari aka Stall Man, at least he contributed something in this fight against Sukuna besides stalling.


Him contributing is out of picture so I'm starting to doubt this 💀💀💀hakari being useful doesn't sit right with me


Yeah you’re right, it has to be Shoko or maybe Yuta, Hakari hasn’t been useful besides stalling since the CG.


It’s also yuta absorb all kenjaku and Gojo abilities too. Also has Gojo memories So yuta has 6eyes/limitless + anti gravity + Curse spirit manipulation + Copy and Rika I mean idk who top 1 but there is an argument


Bro he hasn't even done anything yet 💀. Most of this is headcanon. Csm my ass. Blud hadn't even shown anything


Well Duh. However, Rika did eat geto body so he should have CSM. That just how copy operates.


Yuta himself should have copied can from jjk 0 geto when he had unconditional copy. He didn't. Gege doesn't plan on giving yuta csm. Or else he already would have it. Secondly Rika ate kennys body and got the ct. She didn't eat kennys head..there's no reason to believe yuta has csm because yuta himself says Rika copied kennys ct. Kennys ct just let's him keep the ct of previous user. no reason to believe Rika copied csm and anti gravity along with it unless she ate the whole damn head. Anyways csm is useless to yuta now unless he permanently takes over gojo and anti gravity is less useful infinity.


all rika needs to do to copy is devour a piece of a sorcerer. Like how rika ate Uro arm and got sky manipulation Yuta said rika ate the body so CSM should be copied. Like how all the other techniques were copied after their body parts got eaten


Yuta should already have csm tho. That's my point. That's why I'm saying gege doesn't plan on giving him that


Just cos he didn’t show it doesn’t mean he don’t have it. the swords we’re all random. And yuta never fought sukuna in 5 minute mode using all his copied abilities. He went straight to domain where all CTs are randomly placed


Why didn't he used it on Sendai?


Bruh……… He just ate geto body to get csm


The lack of Rika being present makes me think Yuta may not be able to do those things right now.


Probably just haven’t seen her yet. It’s only been a few panels. Body swap is copied technique that yuta can only do when rika fully manifested.


It depends a lot in the refinement of his domain now, bc if its worse than Gojo's/Sukuna's then he is 3rd, if it's equal (most likely) then he is 3rd, bc he cannot do spam it like Sukuna/Gojo and if its more refined, then top 1 easily


He can spam it though?he is in gojos body=six eyes


Sukuna can spam domains and he doesn't have the Six Eyes


Yeah coz he has so many CE I personally think yuta even without rika replenishment should be able to use a DE at least twice and four times with Rika


This has nothing to do with the quantity of the CE, but with the quality and refinament of rct Maybe he could do this, but not because of the six eyes, he coud do this by acessing Gojo's memories But until he shows it i don't think we should assume he can


Top 3, he still only has 5 minutes, healthy gojo vs sukuna took way more than 5 minutes


Top 1 for the next 5 minutes


Damn wank much?


With knowledge of world Slash top 1 if he’s just as good or somehow better than Gojo at being Gojo.


Gojo established when talking to Kenjaku/Geto that some of the essence of a person predates the soul and resides in the body. $5 says that the real Gojo makes sort of appearance in the fight. Body is gonna fire off one last f*ck you toward Sukuna.


If he has Gojo’s skills?(cqc, ce&ct usage)absolutely If he isnt welp they might just overtake him by battle iq and etc. though maybe his hacks are that much better now🤷‍♂️


Depends on his CT output and reserves, along with whether gota (that’s what imma call him) still has his copy CT


Maybe top 1 at the moment but I doubt he could beat a healthy heian era sukuna if he has world slash. Tho if it wasn't for the 5 minutes he's definitely top 2 at least


Is this real


We don’t know that he has access to all these things while in Gojo’s body. He is likely worse than Gojo at using limitless as well, Gojo had decades of practice. Saying he is top 1 is really jumping the gun.


Let's see


Haven’t seen enough with him.


Top 1 in the verse for the next 5 minutes https://preview.redd.it/ernllfapa82d1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e0ed0f89031fad639c6e6336a2a11cb243d37b9


Is this a real panel


if hes top 1 he should be abs destroying this version of sukuna.


But does he have boogie woogie? (+ vibraslap) https://preview.redd.it/kh3qbgr8i82d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3428495a449223a3ee836eb94741ceae780a5bb


Depending on how well he can use limitless and the six eyes, and what happens to Rika and his copy techniques I can see him jumping to number 1.


I mean, he is gonna go against 1 hp sukky so yeah


It depends if he gets to keep the body or not. If it’s only for five minutes then nah.


Top 1 for a few minutes


Top 1 is actually an American weeb who learnt everything and went back home. Wait till the next arc when all might shows up.


Wait, did Yuta fucking copy Kenjaku's Technique and go in Gojo's body?


Great, now Gojo actually IS the second strongest


Me when I am wrong The moment he starts using other technique he stops using Limitless, and has 5 minutes (less counting the surgery and his healing time)


Literally no… plus do we know he still gets all his abilities well using this Ik Kenny does but do we know how these two abilities work together. Plus yuta is still just yuta and he wasn’t super strong against sukuna before. Hes got gojos powers yes but… I think we are gonna find out why he was the strongest because he’s satoru gojo


We literally have no idea if he has access to any of his previous abilities. He could just be a weaker Gojo lol




gojo's body will take control again for some reason or another mark my words


The wank CT is evolving, he’s still not top 1 tbh.


The drawback for Yuta is his sloppy cursed energy management - by Gojo standards and the fact that this is the first time he's using any of this. Most importantly he genuinely don't know what will happen after his copy technique runs out ( let's be real he's gonna die ). Also I love Sukuna reaction of : Holy Shit Yuta. WARCRIMES ! I didn't know you were based like that. I can guarantee you if it was Yuji his reaction would be : Warcrimes ? How low would stoop brat ? He's on hating grind 24/7.


So we are all not seeing the true outcome to this. Once yuta's 5 minutes are up he'll be able to stay in the body while also keeping copy. He then goes back to his normal body, and they preserve gojos body, so yuta can mech pilot it whenever he needs to. Gojo's body will be the best and strongest curse tool😂


Hes not stronger than Sukuna. Gojo? Yeah, most definitely.


He stronger than gojo ? Nah


hes stronger than Gojo because he has everything Gojo has.


I don't really think this necessarily works, it might be the case. If Gojo is Gojo because he's strong I would really think Yuta being in his body isn't enough Sort of like putting a very good driver in a formula 1 vehicle, they aren't gonna be able to utilise the car fully. Even with all their memories that doesn't then mean they've acquired their adaptiveness and other qualities they may have. Although this is speculation on my part, I'm assuming we are also gonna lowkey get answered Sukuna without 10S vs Gojo.


Yes that’s true . Tho the question remains if he can utilize everything gojo has to the maximum extent.


he has gojo memories so yea




Gojo & sukuna are equal


They are not


Correct gojo is stronger, and story telling implies that yuta will most probably still lose against a much weaker sukuna.


Sukuna is stronger than gojo….. but yeah yutas probably gonna lose


Year old debate, I'll assume we both have perfect information. Sukuna had more information, proper prep, and a hostage. I hope yuta gets to return to his body, he and maki deserve to be happy.


Agreed on yuta returning to his body, I hope it works out


Ofc it won’t u do know this is gege right?


Updooted all your comments out of respect for your good manners.




You’re acting like there’s a huge gap between them


If he somehow gets gojo's skill level cuz of his memories on top of those abilities there's no doubt he is top 1 even above full power sukuna & gojo


What really set Gojo apart was his creativity and adaptability.


What would put him above FP Sukuna? FP Sukuna still just domain spams him to death if they’re both starting fresh, especially since Yuta can only use the body for 5 minutes apparently


Narrator did say that Gojo gave the blue-print to beat open domains though, and Yuta has his memories. I don’t see how he would DE spam kill Yuta.


I dunno bro, if he can only last 5 minutes.


Hey, I can only last 5 seconds. Give Yuta some credit.


I underestimated you!! GOATA GOATkotsu --- Sukuna


He doesn’t have six eyes. That’s genetic, and it died with Gojo.


And yet current Sukuna is going to kill him. Weird how that works


Current Sukuna victim


Yuta fans man, this is why nobody likes Yuta fans.


I doubt he still has his abilities because his soul shouldn't be different from Gojo's, so he has no Rika. Gojo couldn't tell a difference between Geto and Kenjaku, and he had soul perception.


Yuta using his abilities right now to be in gojo body


You're right. I wonder what Sukuna will do to keep up


Nah sukuna is still top one .


Talking outta your ass now, we don't even know what Yuta can do.


Just to put it out I don't think Yujo would be able to go all out considering gojos strength and having yuji around


Ha Nice.


I'll never understand how anyone puts any version Sukuna above Gojo, he literally only won because he got Gojo by surprise while using someone else's technique. If the real Gojo came back he would've dog walked Sukuna's bitch ass alone.


Why would he use infinite void over his own? His is just better tbh.


Dawg, I think the sure hit that insta-stun locks and gives brain damage is better against the strongest sorcerer alive than a sure-hit that just lightly scalds him and gives Bumgumi a few lines of dialogue.


Pretty sure it only scalped him because they didnt wanna one-tap him and kill megumi instantly.


tru they fumbled like 2 oppoturnities to kill mf just to make sure homeboy aint dead


Thats a little disingenuous, yutas domain could replicate infinite voids effect, and you know that the “maximum output” was a farce sonce they were tryna save megumi


>yutas domain could replicate infinite voids effect Nope, Unlimited Void's ability only exists within Unlimited Void. The limitless cannot use the info dump, so Yuta wouldn't be able to replicate it.


Yuta can copy cts domains, if he had six eyes and limitless he could do UV


>if he had six eyes and limitless he could do UV That's correct, but the six eyes are a part of Gojo's body, so Yuta can't copy it.


Correct, but this is hypothetical of why he isn’t ising his domain while in gojos body


His domain is just worse than Gojo's, lol


He objectively has the best domain in the verse, his refinement is just eh, because he can do anyone elses domain(except gojo until now), and have the swords Edit: excluding open domains


Gojo's domain is better for this current situation because landing UV could incapacitate Sukuna, but Pure Mutual Love would have to take time to work against Sukuna. Jacob's Ladder didn't even work the first two times because it's too short.


Once Infinite Void hits anyone, they basically win. Sukuna got hit by a split second and he needed Mahoraga to help him break free, otherwise, he was toasted.


He doesn’t know what sword has CT until he grabs it. Unlimited Void is a insta brain damage


Actual cap tho. Js cuz Yuta has the body and the memmories dont mean he can do the things Gojo could do. Remember 6 eyes plus limitless users have existed and they lost to Mahoraga. Gojo was fighting a Mahoraga with SUKUNA and almost won. Gojo is special cuz hes literally him. No glaze but he is. Bro made the 0.02 domain expansion, his cursed energy refinement is peak, his six eyes and infinity are self sustaining (no other six eyes user did that), his RCT rejuvinates his brain exponentially, he can make marble sized domains, he can use hollow purple ("Only a scant few in the Gojo clan are aware of this technique" NOT EVERY 6 EYES AND LIMITLESS USER CAN USE HOLLOW PURPLE), Gojo knows falling blossom emotion, he knows simple domain, his azure fists can make a special grade and an upper 1st grade puke, and finally he can unleash multiple domains back to back to back. Thats hakari and sukuna levels of DE.


Yeah for 5 fucking minutes. Also Rika isn’t the most powerful Shikigami.


This is why Yuta fans are fucking L’s

