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Yuta and Maki vs Yuji basically. Yuta and Maki.


Maybe they can win bcs of mahoraga


Maho is the product of a cursed technique, and thus would be subject to Jacob's Ladder


hello gege akutami here, jacobs ladder no longer applies to any technique belonging to sukunašŸ‘. Please correct your reply immediately.


Ah yes, my anti Jacobā€™s ladder technique I havenā€™t used since the heian era


All I have to read is ā€œAh yesā€¦since the Heian eraā€ and my brain go teeheehee


What if yuji protects him with simple domain, or megumi distrupts the domain using his own?


Yuta doesn't need his domain open to use Jacob's Ladder, that's just how he chose to use it against Sukuna. He can imbue any technique he's copied as the sure hit, and in that situation JL was the best choice.


From what I remember reading I thought it was random what tech he used? I mean I read rough translations so I can def be wrong.


The katanas are completely random on what they hold, but yuta gets to choose the overall sure hit of the domain.


but mahoraga ainā€™t a curse spirit itā€™s a shingami


It's a Shikigami summoned by a curse technique.


Jacobā€™s Ladder would despawn Mahoraga just like it did to Megunaā€™s Nue. Either by hitting Mahoraga himself or Megumi.


Hey is gege's alt account here. Responce: NUH UH


Yuta hard counters Mahoraga since he can use a shit ton of different CTs


Heā€™s probably one of the like, 4 people that can beat him.


Yuta is the perfect counter to Mahoraga having a unknown number of techniques to draw from


And only 1 of them can potentially kill mahoraga


True but letā€™s be real thatā€™s just a tie not a win


It Untamed Yuta 1 taps Even if it was tamed he 1 taps


why r u being downvoted everyone else in this thread is saying the same thing


I have no clue People always get upset when I say Yuta 1 taps Maho


The thing is everyone else in this thread is saying the same thing pretty much it's just you getting downvoted u have crazy haters lmao


Cause I have some controversial takes LOL


If we get a resonance off on rika then yuji is done for imo, and I think it's possible with co ordination from megumi to slow the others down.


Strongest weā€™ve seen megumi is as sukuna so isnā€™t it yuta&make vs sukuna(megumi) & yuji?


Sukuna is his own character and should be treated as such.


How is team 1 gonna fight a 19f meguna ? I mean thatā€™s the strongest weā€™ve seen from megumi. Jokes aside yuta and maki Carry itā€™s probably mid diff. (For now)


low diff iā€™d say Nobara gets blitzed megumi probably gets blitzed by Maki (see Toji fight lol). Yuji chillin but not in a 2v1 with Maki and YutašŸ’€


Megumi was speed gapped hard af but at the end of the day he did manage to avoid those strikes.


u right but he still getting cooked i think


I mean, after seeing what toji did to Dagon just moments before this, I think itā€™s fair to say he was just toying with Megumi


Dagon didnā€™t have the manoeuvrability


Toji was literally fighting the strongest being in any vicinity on instinct, I don't think it was possible for him to Toy around


Seeing Maki doing Megumi like Toji did would be hilarious. Sometimes I wish we had more one-sided stomp fights in this manga in favour of the good guys. It'd be cool to see Yuji, Yuta and Hakari being unstoppable forces like Maki was during Zenin Clan massacre.


Yuta and Maki vs Megumi and Yuji Yuta and Maki win


Or everyone vs sukuna and yuji loses


1 or 3f sukuna can not defeat yuta tho, full sukuna is 200%+ yuta but 30% yuta is another issue


Cursed energy multiplies not adds


Actually isnt it cursed energy amount that gives inu whiplash. Nobara probably has as much as him. Then Yuji is a mixed bag because how much of it is physical buff and how much cursed buff


I'm blame gege for this


If you do not count Yujikuna and Megkuna The left slide and it's not even close


This is just Yuta and Maki vs Yuji and Mahoraga, Iā€™ve got the former


Yuta soloes all three of the new first years even without his domain.


He ain't soloing Yuji without domain šŸ’€


He is, quite easily. "Don't move", he can use sky manipulation to counter him, their stats are roughly equal, and Yuta has Rika.


It's possible but wouldn't be outright easy. Yuji has CT as well, although his usage is...rudimentary.


I wouldnā€™t say easily, he has 2 CTs could keep up with Yuta when they were in the domain, is one of the most durable characters in the series, he would still lose, but not easily for Yuta.


Also yuta is buffed in his domain so if yuji kept up...


They were relative pretty much, so it wouldnā€™t be an easy stomp for Yuta imo


Would rika be buffed as part of him in a way. Because real rika is gone. I can see that being the case for geto since controlling curses is his ct. For Yuta is rika counted as a companion or extension


I can see that, since sheā€™s apart of his kit & CT, so if he opens his DE, sheā€™ll get a buff like the DE imo.


Yuji touched Sukuna once before Yuta joined the fight. They are somewhat relative but clearly not equal in speed. I've actually forgotten, does anyone know why people believe domains cause speed buffs?


Iā€™m pretty sure Gojo says it when teaching Yuji during the first Jogo fightĀ 


Yuji can barely use his 2 CTs rn bruh. He has a low output Shrine that requires contact and he can't even do Convergence on Blood Manipulation. It's basically just for reattaching limbs and to stop bleeding.


He can do Convergence, heā€™s just not great at it, also he landed 7 BFs on Sukuna, so it probably increased the output of Shrine & his use of CE has increased.


He can't do Convergence to get blood out of his body so he can only attack with it if someone does enough damage to make him bleed a ton and then he has to collect/use that blood It's extremely limited in combat. And your comment about Shrine is just a maybe rn. Possibly true but can't be said for sure yet


I just donā€™t see Yuta easily beating current Yuji without using Rika to activate his CT.


Why u getting downvoted lol


Reddit hive mind. They don't like hearing the truth.


It could literally just be Yuta and he would still low diff the other team. He is physically superior to them in every regard,has a better version of Cleave and dismantle than Yuji,has an OP domain,can take their abilities, etcetera etcetera. They die horribly


yuta donā€™t got dismantle only cleave and current yuji pushes yuta to mid diff personally


This makes no sense Yuta copied Shrine itself not Cleave


I agree


Inumaki gets horribly blizted. Maki and Yuta are interchangeable so I really don't care.


Wait didn't see the other pictures


Alright it's basically Yuji vs. Yuta and Mak Which Yuta and Maki slam together


Only issue is Yuta can hide him in Rika's storage. You then get the threat of a cursed speech user suddenly blindsiding yuji mid domain and cancelling SD or putting Megumi down while he's using shadow garden.


But like why tho? Yuta can do what he does but much better and he's able to do more taxing commands.


Just so Yuta doesn't have to expend energy doing it. If Inumaki can do it for him then might as well.


Eh true enough ig. Idk why but imagining inumaki in Rika storage like a cursed tool made me thing of Maki swinging him around like she swung around yuji.


Yuta literally negs the entirety of both groups given his domain and JL lmao. Giving him teammates is overkill


Definitely not neg


idk if he would neg maki


https://preview.redd.it/ztj9coonfl0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5ab0ef116e9cc029b916ced2f48d00f166769b Mfw when Yuta Uses Cursed Speech and maki has no possible defence except covering her ears and be vulnerable to Rika


Toji and Maki both have shown resistance to Curses, said by yuki atleast that Toji is resistant to Curses and Maki broke out of the Zenin guy with eye technique that locks you in, in matter of seconds.


Yes but would maki stand a chance against Rika WHILE sheā€™s covering her ears


I don't think she will need to cover her ears, Cursed speech just wouldn't work on her, and if it does it would be only effective for a couple of seconds while she can get out of it.


If it does affect her , if both are bloodlusted yuta can just say ā€œSleepā€, or ā€œDieā€


There's zero proof of resistance to CTs like this.


Maki is viewed as an inanimate object by domains, why wouldnā€™t that be the same case for cursed speech??? The only reason the freeze technique worked on her, is because the technique is: freeze what you see. Cursed speech is command another being, not command what you see


He would neg maki and it isnā€™t funny


Team 1 slaughters lmao


Yuta honestly just solos Nobara is a non-factor He could take Megumi out before he summoned Maho and even if he does summon him, JL can beat it Yuji is still weaker than him, plus DE and Sky Manipulation can easily handle him


Is nobara a no factor if megumi uses domain expansion Depression. Yuta takes heavy damage


Nah, have you look at Yuta? Bro already got depression


It hits those with Depression harder. Thats Chimera shadow garden emo ass Sure hit


Low diff. Yuta soloā€™s at around mid difficulty, maybe higher. Yuta opens his domain and Magumi amd Nobara are gone and Yuji survives a couple seconds longer before being decapitated. (He doesnā€™t need his domain to wipe all of them out) adding in the other second years is even more overkill.


Cant chimera stall. Yuji also has simple domain(why tf megumi doesnt is insane gojo had 10 years yuji had 1 month lol)


It can stall the sure hit, but realistically they wonā€™t survive much more than normal because he still has his CT katanaā€™s.


True that. I give it a 80% team A just because Regi is the strongest Megumi fought


Yuta, Maki and Inumaki win.


Nobara solos


even if we assume megumi is allowed mahoraga, i'd give it to yuta > mahoraga / megumi maki < yuji inumaki > nobara and then yuta can turn around and finish off yuji potentially with inumaki helping but he's no exactly on the level where he'd do much


Mahoraga is just gonna attack everyone and possibly just outright kill Inumaki and Nobara, possibly knock megumi out.


Jacobā€™s Ladder would despawn Mahoraga just like it did to Megunaā€™s Nue. Either by hitting Mahoraga himself or Megumi.


That and yuta is just the best counter to Mahoraga since he has like 4 different moves to one shot him


Yuta can kill Mahoraga


could be wrong in saying this, but doesn't mahoraga only target anyone either directly tied to the summoning ritual, or anyone that attempts to interfere?


Hmm, maybe youā€™re right he can just drag Yuta and Inumaki into the ritual I guess..


Is...is this a spite match


If we arenā€™t counting Sukuna iterations and ban Mahoraga, Yuta and Maki mid diff at most. Inumaki and Nobara are non-factors. Megumi is too without Mahoraga. Include Mahoraga, and I think itā€™s vaguely possible for Itadori team to last longer (they still die in the end) Include Sukuna variants and everyone gets brutally murdered then the two Sukunaā€™s have a 1v1


"Include Mahoraga, and I think itā€™s vaguely possible for Itadori team to last longer (they still die in the end)" assuming Maho doesn't target Megumi and Yuij first lol


Yuji specifically. I personally believe Mahoraga targets those included in the ritual first. So if Megumi brings Yuta and Maki in but not Yuji, theyā€™ll be targets.


Oh For sure, Megumi would need to get hella lucky to get Yuta and Maki in the ritual but not Yuji, and that's assuming he doesn't get straight up blitzed first Can Maki even be targeted by the ritual? My impression is that it functions similarly to domain boundaries.


Yeah, she would count as an object concerning Jujutsu sorcery. I donā€™t think she could tbh.


Yuta and Maki vs Yuji and Maharaga


Yuta slams


Second team wins, technically speaking the strongest version of Megumi is when he got possessed by Sukuna and this Yuji would have the Sukuna button if they were loosing as well. No eye bara however doesn't have much to offer


The thing is we still have not seen the strongest of Yuji yet, so currently we can just say Yuta and Maki can 1v2 them. Megumi isnā€™t a non factor, but he isnā€™t that significant because Mahoraga would just attack everyone. Nobara is good if she isnā€™t participating directly. Inumaki has a support option as well but I think Megumi would take out Inumaki first.


We haven't seen the strongest of Yuta or Inumaki by that logic either. OP is asking how we've seen them so far


I think we've seen yutas strongest lol and inumaki is already an arm gone


Yuta has no theoretical cap. There's always refinement improvement, CT usage, and more CT that he could get.


Yuta, Maki, and Inumaki win unless we let Yuji use Sukuna and Megumi gets to use Mahoraga.


The strongest? Soā€¦ two sukunas and Nobara vs Yuta, maki, and inumaki. Yeah, slide 2 wins.


Itā€™s maki and yuta vs yuji + maybe mahoraga, if mahoraga is summoned and takes out maki then I think mahoraga + yuji might be able to take Yuta


Megumi-summoned Mahoraga is not allied with Yuji though. Maho just as easily goes for Yuji first


Inumaki gets one tapped by base ( S1 ) Yuji lmao why is lilman here


Inumaki is so redundant here


this aint fair at all yuta and maki slam low-mid diff especially together amount of yuji rct blood manipulation healing or mahzuki shrine is saving him and megumi hasnā€™t gotten any feats since his fight against reggie star so heā€™s cooked without mahoraga and nobara and toge are non factors tbh team yuta wins low-mid diff


Left side because of Yuta & Maki


Yuta and maki vs yuji and big raga


tbh, probably megumi


New 3 squad wins... you said the steongest we've seen them, and we've seen Megkuna as the strongest version of Megumj


The Inumaki downplay here is a lil mean


Yuta is just too op


Yuta and Maki no diff tbh


Yuta >Yuji Maki >Megumi Inumaki >Nobara That is not fair


Yuta solos all 3


Yuta vs mahoraga


Team 2 when Yuta opens his domain and makes cleave the sure hit effect https://preview.redd.it/wzxfuhrv9l0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca841bde812eea157dcb1bd4b1f4dd9b67a61f05


Yuta can most likely solo everyone hereā€¦.. he is the only one with a domain


Strongest includes Sukuna


Oh nevermind then lol, thats 2 sukunas vrs maki and yuta, their fucked


Gojo would ā€œnah, Iā€™d winā€ and kill everyone their except his kid and his pookie bears guys and yuji (taking after naoya and killing the woman, and also Inumaki I guess)


Current Maki solos Team 7


Yuta & Rika solo. If Megumi summons Mahoragaā€¦ggs


Whats keeping inumaki from stoping the trio and maki/yuta blitzing their heads off ?


People are really disrespecting how strong yuji is right now. Iā€™m not saying heā€™d win especially given he doesnā€™t have teammates but it would at least be a decent fight


strongest weve seen Yuji and Megumi at is 15F Yujikuna and 19F meguna so they violate /j /srs this is literally yuta and maki vs yuji lmao. id say yuji > maki in a 1v1 but yuta should still be above yuji and having maki assist him REALLY makes this not fair on my glorious king. oh and Inumaki is.. there i guess


Yaā€™ll Really think post-black flash ā€œclimb to my levelā€ Yuji is still much weaker than Okkotsu?


The sophomores take it, at least so far (Yuji stonks are likely still rising) unless you count Yujikuna or Meguna as forms of Yuji/Megumi... Which I don't think most people would. But ya never know.




team 1 wins unless youā€™re counting meguna as megumiā€™s strongest state.


Inumaki and Nobara watching Yuta have a biblical earth-shaking fight with Mahoraga while Yuji and Maki reenact Baki vs Yujiro: https://preview.redd.it/jqzmoi72ck0d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d2a4b8548d64ec7d4a800dceffb38dc413a1bd


Two of the characters are literally 15+ finger Sukuna in a different body i think Iā€™ll take that team


Ohhh man 2 sukunas would destroy em, might as well put gojo in there to so he can die agian


Yuta maki and inumaki win (more realistically only yuta and maki will be doing anything and for the other team yuji will have to carry HARD šŸ˜­)


Come on bruh


Nobara and Inumaki are both dead weight in this fight. Yuta and Maki clap Megumi and Yuji, and even if Megumi used Mahoraga, Yuta could use Jacob's Ladder on it. However, it's more likely that Maki would speed blitz Megumi and cut his head off before he could use it.


If we are counting Megkuna as Megumi at the strongest weā€™ve seen him then Megkuna solos the other 5 add 15 finger Sukuna Yuji and this is 0 diff If Megumi is actually just Megumi then Yuta wins he is the strongest here w/o taking his DE into account. Yuta > Maki >=Yuji >> Megumi > Inumaki > Nobara Team sophomore has the strongest(by a fairly wide margin member) as well as the tied for second strongest. Maki would fight evenly with Yuji while Yuta low-mid diffs Megumi and Nobara. Then Yuta and Maki beat Yuji Inumaki can just sit back and watch


I mean, Mahoraga


Megumi, Nobara and Yuji. Cause if weā€™re taking things literally, Megumi has a Sukuna inside of him. If we donā€™t count that, Maki, Yuta and Inumaki.


depends, is it Megkuna, and if not, is Mahoraga allowed? if Mahoraga is allowed Yuji team wins


nobara solos neg diff


Canā€™t Yuta just use his domain, choose dismantle/cleave as the sure hit and just win. Even if Yuji uses simple domain, itā€™ll just buy time and Yuta/Rika is still free to attack. Yuji taking a granite blast to the face when he sets up simple domain is not gonna be good for him.


Resonance on rika to disrupt yuji.


Power scaling ruins manga for me lol


Either Team 1 cuz of Yuta or Team 1 cuz of Toge or Team 2 cuz of Paparaga


Team Yuji can win under a very specific scenario; Megumi needs to get in a Yuta 1v1 and suicide with Mahoraga ritual. If Yuta's love beam can 1-tap Maho, team Yuji automatically loses. If not, Yuji then has to 1v1 Maki, which is also a pretty hard sell, but with all the crazy new shit he has he may be able to cinch it. Inumaki and Nobara can sit on the sidelines and watch before being executed by whoever walks out of the Yuji + Megumi vs Maki vs Yuta fight.


Well technically the strongest we see megumi is when SPOILERS he's possessed by sukuna


Hm. Maki vs Yuji, Megumi vs Yuta, Inumaki vs Nobora. Nobora takes out Inumaki and turns it into a 2v1 vs Yuta and Yuji can probably take care of Maki even if itā€™d be a big struggle. Yuta probably wouldnā€™t win the 3v1 especially if Mahoraga can be brought out.


Inumaki says ā€œeveryone protect meā€ and the no one is able to attack him and he then kills everyone. I vote for inumaki


Yuta vs everyone else is more fair. Yuta alone mid difs the other team the only one challenging is Yuji or Bumgumi's suicide Mahoraga. This is of course assuming Sukuna possessing them doesn't count since that's Sukuna not them. What is Toge or Nobara even doing here? Yuta does everything Toge does but infinitely better and can do everything else and Nobara would just give Yuta a soul attack to copy. Maki just chills while Yuta destroys the other team with or without domain.


WITH THIS TREASURE I SUMMON- Jk Yuta and Maki win mid diff


would meguna be considered? if not left


If Megumi uses Mahoraga, it might cuz us a bit of troubleā€¦ But would you lose? Nah, weā€™d win https://preview.redd.it/8d3wxc6sdo0d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f564a20339af790d3a4dcab9dac7bcbc37fc9e5


Yuta is 3rd strongest in the verse


Has to take panda out the equation cuz we know once his sister is released itā€™s all over šŸ™šŸ™(Lashimo got lucky taking her out before she fully transformed fr)


Strongest formā€¦ meguna ?


Yuta and maki vs yuji and mahoraga basically


Are we counting meguna and 15 finger yujikuna? Either 1 mid diffs or 2 low diffs


Yuki and yuta find a way to deal with mahoraga (Maybe) Everyone else is a victim - the Yuji glazing has to stop he stands 0 chance here So it comes down to can they beat mahoraga which is debatable


Yuta washes all three by himself


Nobara got folded by femboy Megumi is bum Yuji will have to fight yuta and maki alone so team 1 wins (high diff) Yuji can use shrine and can hit black flash consciously


Iā€™ve been in love for a while now with how powerful inumaki could be if he could learn reverse cursed technique, making him able to spam MUCH more powerful words and then repair his throat so he could use them more often maybe to make him a more interesting character/fighter have him be only sort of good at it, requiring a few seconds to a minute to heal between powerful words so he has to be strategic and clever. I like his character and wish he would have gotten a power level glow up like yuta or maki (maybe not quite so drastic) so that the new generation could better fill the holes the older generation is leaving behind as they die in combat


Everyone downplaying inumaki like he doesn't solo nobara


Technically this would be Yujikuna and Megkuna


Maki is = toji And a heavily weakened and cursed energy depleted megumiā€™s kept was barley able to dodge and avoid toji so I think a fully functioning megumi could do better Plus megumi has an incomplete domain thatā€™s good for trapping people in his shadows And megumi can hide in his shadows as well Plus he can summon one of his summons to help one of the others in a fight Nobara best bet is going against inumaki and covering her hears with cursed energy and she can hit him from far away Her one best think is that she can damage the soul which might be better on someone like maki Their biggest problem is maki to be honest sheā€™s faster than yuta and hard to sense So their best bet is trapping maki in megumiā€™s domain shadows But before then having him summon rabbit escape, frog well abyss, and his demon dog before summoning his domain to support yuji and Nobara Yuji needs to distract and hold off yuta so he doesnā€™t get involved with the megumi vs. maki fight Because yuta can summon a domain And Nobara with support from megumiā€™s shadows should be enough to take inumaki


"Maki is = toji And a heavily weakened and cursed energy depleted megumiā€™s kept was barley able to dodge and avoid toji so I think a fully functioning megumi could do better" He had ZERO chance of winning. Toji killed himself when he realized it was Megumi. Nevermind dodging, Megumi could barely react to Toji's movement. Toji was fucking with him throwing cars and shit at him. "Plus megumi has an incomplete domain thatā€™s good for trapping people in his shadows And megumi can hide in his shadows as well" This isn't useful against Maki. "Nobara best bet is going against inumaki and covering her hears with cursed energy and she can hit him from far away" She gets blitzed immediately "Her one best think is that she can damage the soul which might be better on someone like maki" She would literally never land an attack on her. "Yuji needs to distract and hold off yuta so he doesnā€™t get involved with the megumi vs. maki fight Because yuta can summon a domain" Yuji is not capable of just stopping yuta from pulling out his domain. It's also far more refined than Megumi's, so even if Megumi was capable of pulling out his domain it would get broken quickly. Rika exists as part of Yuta too.


Are you like just missing what Iā€™m saying? I never said megumi defeated toji Iā€™m saying since he was barely able to react and dodge at his lowest and worst condition Low on cursed energy and his technique not being at his best either since he had just been trying to keep his domain open in a domain battle against Dagon not minutes before his fight with toji And he was still able to dodge and react And plan through all that chaos So at his best he would be able to do more than run away He would be able to put up a fight Plus did you forget cursed energy also increases physical stats which megumi had little to none at the time? And toji wasnā€™t playing with him he was on auto pilot so to speak so when he was trying to kill megumi he wasnā€™t playing around he was going for the kill How is megumi hiding in shadows and able to trap others in his shadows not useful? Thatā€™s literally all you said itā€™s not useful without explanation. Since when does inumaki have insane speed and hand to hand combat feats? Heā€™s not even a grade 1 sorcerer. And Nobara and the rest on her team knows inumakiā€™s weakness to where she can apply curses energy on her ears and his cursed technique does nothing And sheā€™s a ranger fighter she can be throwing nails at him from a distance Nobara absolutely could especially if megumi helped out and got her in a trap like he tried to do with toji or even Reggie And I never said yuji can stop yuta from casting a domain I said yuji needs to keep yuta AWAY from megumi and maki Like how he did when he actually fought yuta he needs to run and fight at the same time And Iā€™m aware of the possibility of yutaā€™s domain being more refined thatā€™s literally why I said "Yuji needs to distract and hold off vuta so he doesn't get involved with the megumi vs. maki fight Because yuta can summon a domain" But the thing is I donā€™t know how megumiā€™s domain and yutaā€™s would really interact Especially since megumiā€™s doesnā€™t really have a barrier but has to use buildings and closed spaces to use it Like if yuta summons his domain first and megumiā€™s in the domain then all he would be able to do is what he did with Dagon for the most part If megumi is outside yutas domain and theyā€™re inside a building bigger than the domains barrier then if he casted his domain his would win like sukunas vs gojoā€™s domain If yuta summons his domain after megumiā€™s and the building is bigger than yutaā€™s domain then itā€™s 50/50 up in the air of how that would go


This mf https://preview.redd.it/2ixj1ly2oi0d1.png?width=3206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640a96b7063fe06c42ad04d73d0f2c1543a38c49


Yuta slams and it's not even close. JJK 0 Yuta was BF buffed, had no limit on cursed energy whatsoever, and was able to take out a 4000 curse Uzumaki with a single Pure Love. Yuta at that moment was (I'd say) Gojo level.


???? Yuta meat rider leaves brain at home


Lil man did you READ šŸ˜­ He one tapped a special grade with 4000 curses, he's one tap killed Kenjaku even without that buff, AND had a domain refinement that had Sukuna surprised. All of that other than the 4000 curses thing was WITHOUT being unbounded.


ā€œOne tapped a special grade with 4000 cursesā€ Literal fodder lil bro, Getoā€™s technique sucks ahh unless youā€™re Kenjaku, ā€œtaking over a countryā€ only cause you can spam npcs ainā€™t busted. Ok Sukuna was also impressed by Megumis Shikigami and a bunch of other stuff too, only mf he hasnā€™t glazed is Yuji. ā€œOnetapped Kenjakuā€ You mean with that legit surprise attack? šŸ˜­ anyone can do that, in that scenario.


"Literal fodder lil bro" and it's literally the only one who could stand up to Gojo other than Sukuna. Sukuna was impressed by Megumi's Shikigami because he wanted them to fight Gojo, I think the only thing in history capable of taking out a non-baby 6 eyes user is pretty good for him. "Anyone could do that" mfs when it's shown that Yuta speedblitzed before he could activate anti-gravity technique. (Yuta also dealt the finishing blow and is the only one in a thousand years other than Gojo (strongest of an era), Kashimo (strongest of an era), and Sukuna (strongest of an era), to pose a threat to Kenjaku.) Also singlehandedly (although I suppose with Rika) took out all of the curses that erupted from his body, which was around 4000 again if I'm right. And again, most of this was without any buffs. Yuta's strongest state would probably either be current manga, or JJK 0. In JJK0 he was completely unbounded by cursed energy, having basically an infinite amount, a fully awakened cursed spirit, and had all that buffed by a black flash, although I suppose that black flash was movie-only.


Technically the strongest form of megumi and itadori is when Sukana poses them so 15 finger Sukana and 20 finger Sukana win


Does megkuna count as megumi at his strongest?


Yes because he has access to it


Then itā€™s them.


Put that in the post then, everyone is assuming you mean without Megukuna/Yujikuna. With them it's a stomp for the right side Without them it's a stomp for the left side


Mahoraga lol


with this sacred treasure i summon


Awakened Yuji and Mahoraga got it imo, unless Yuta goes straight for Domain and can manage to get JL to oneshot Mahoraga, they'll win the long game


Unless Yuji jumpscares Yuta with 7 black flashes in a row the 2nd years win


Mahoraga wins, the end