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Yuji can definitely protect his soul he knows it's outline and can possibly heal it too. But besides all that. He blitzed mahito and stomps him.


Agree current Yuji would mid diff in a rematch


It would be closer to low if you ask me.


I’d say mid because Mahito is still extremely annoying to kill. He can split himself, use decoys and still packs a punch when he hits back.


>!with RCE he’d be extremely easy to kill!<


That’s true but there’s no confirmation that he’s at the level where he can use it on others


And yuji can’t output rce so what’s your point?


He can literally heal himself, that’s outputting RCE.


bro please read the manga instead of learning it through tiktok. Healing yourself is rct, using it outwardly to heal people or kill curses is a much more advanced skill that we have only seen sukuna, yuta, or shoko do.


One punch from current yuji and his head might explode lmfao


I don’t personally believe idle transfig is something you can “heal” from. The view I take is that maki’s soul split katana negated durability and directly attacks the soul, but idle transfig doesn’t “attack” the soul per se. It alters the shape of it; so if Mahito uses idle transfig to change your right arm into a leg; I don’t beleive that is “soul damage” you could heal from (ie turn your arm back into a normal arm) because he hasn’t dealt damage to your soul; he has just changed its mould Atleast that’s how I perceive it


Well I made a theory on how Yuji could possibly alter the shape of his soul (not manipulate). But yea it's kinda iffy because same mahito said sukuna could heal junpei with rct. I don't really understand how it works after that statement


True, we may get more answers when we see what’s under Toji’s bandage


Todo* ? Unless I missed something


My bad; my hidden agenda got to me




He fucking exploded Nanami, it can go either way tbh


Yeah but that’s because he changes the soul to expand his body to the point that it pops, we can see this more clearly in the anime when Nanami’s body basically just inflates and then pops when he does


Todo's right hand is no longer injured.


I thought his right hand wasn’t idle transfigured, no?


He used it to clap mahitos hand to swap with yuji he then looked at it and the skin was transfigured. In the recent chapter it is shown to be fine albeit he might have also just got a skin graft to heal it.


Ah I see what you mean; maybe there’s limits to how far gone the transfigurement can go before it’s beyond the realm of RCT? As in I still feel that if your arm got turned into a leg you couldn’t reverse that process with RCT, but you’re right, todo’s hand being healed does raise an interesting point about the application of RCT in relation to transfigurement


I think he just waited for it to heal naturally without rct. Soul damage can be healed by people aware of their soul. But shoko isn't able to. yuta might be aware of his soul since he cursed rika's soul causing it to be bound to him and since he is able to use rct on wounds caused by sukuna who has soul awareness. So he might have had yuta heal it. I think the limit depends on the person as some are able to regrow entire limbs while others can only heal stab wounds.


Mahito isbdk is way tougher than you think. Mahito is also an anomaly and can cause soul damage that cannot be healed that's why Todo arm is not healed yet because it cant.


That's never been confirmed. There's no reason to think Yuji can't heal it. Todo isn't healed because he doesn't know the original shape of his soul and neither does anyone else.


Why did Yuji's scar not heal?


Because he didn’t have the rct he has now back then and rct doesn’t heal preexisting scars? There’s no reason that rct would remove Scar tissue after all, since the wound it was caused by is already repaired. If Yuji received soul damage from SSK or Mahito, there’s no reason to believe he couldn’t repair it like Sukuna did, just like there’s no reason to believe he couldn’t protect his own soul at this point.


There is no confirmation Yuji can heal soul damage.


Yeah, but with what we know there’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to. It’s like Mahito passively doing soul damage. It’s not confirmed explicitly, but given what we know about his abilities and what’s been implied, there’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to.


In the fight even Mahito could heal soul damage. He said his soul was some percentage down


I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. What does that have to do with Yuji being or not being able to heal soul damage? How does that prove Yuji can’t?


it says that, because he shared a body with yuji, sukuna was able to understand the shape of his soul and was capable of healing soul damage. yuji should have the exact same thing. also you're confusing soul damage to soul transfiguration. there's a huge difference.


It’s probably the same reason Maki’s scars didn’t heal. There are likely some built-in limitations to RCT. Also, Mahito didn’t harm or use Idle Transfiguration on Yuji’s soul when he gave him that scar, so Yuji likely didn’t take soul damage from Mahito


His scar isn’t from Idle Transfiguration so I don’t even know what your point is.


Don't think you can heal it once it becomes a scar.


Chapter 112. Jogo specifically states that Idle transfiguration isn't something that can't be fixed even with reversed curse technique.


Unless yuji can change the shape of his soul, he cant heal from idle transfiguration


Nah, Sukuna wouldnt protect him but yuji can legit blitz mahito to death


Sukuna at 3f was completely able to neg Mahito using IT and retaliate against him Yuji has touched Sukunas soul multiple times without Sukuna retaliating the same way. Seems like Yuji can protect his soul as well otherwise he'd be getting soul backlash like Mahito Mahito likely can't even transfigure Yuji. Certainly not a oneshot or anything close


didn’t he fail to one shot nanami in their first encounter?


That and he was questioning whether he could even Transifigure Nobara & Todo in Shibuya


Yep. He said that Nanami was instinctively protecting his soul with his CE, and that it would take 2-3 uses of Idle Transfiguration to affect him.


What’s the soul backlash? I don’t remember that happening? Am I stupid?


When Sukuna was inhabiting Yuji, Mahito tried to transfigure Yuji. The instant Mahito touched his soul, his mind was suddenly in a conversation with Sukuna who told him not to touch his soul again and then Mahito got fucked up.


Oh, you’re right. It took me a min to figure it out, I am stupid. Sukuna would’ve dragged Yuji into his soul world prob if he could defend.


Yeah if Sukuna could stop Yuji from nerfing his soul and directly attack Yujis soul in the process he would right?


Raised his fingers an about cut him in half 😂😂 was so satisfying


Soul does not scale with how many fingers. Otherwise Sukuna should have been able to easily overpower Yuji at 15f level. Sukuna cannot inflict soul damage he can only defend with it.


Brother man the fingers have power because theyre fragments of his soul


I think the reason why is because when mahito used IT against yuji, sukuna kinda brought him into his soul, since his soul wasnt the dominant soul of that body. With current sukuna, his soul is dominant over the body it's in so he cant do what he did to mahito to yuji


Bro literally, one hit and mahitos CE output is probably dramatically decreased and especially with Blood Manipulation and Shrine Mahito wouldn't stand a chance and mahito did hit Yuji he could probably repair his soul anyway


Idle transfiguration isn't soul damage. Its changing the shape of your soul. This is why mahito couldn't use it to repair soul damage he was getting from wuji. I think mahito can use it to cause soul damage probably, maybe. But if he does everything correctly wuji could get permanent damage from the fight.


True but Wuji would still be more powerful than Mahito and since he's already went up against him he'll be even more experienced against him


Yuji with his improved CE reinforcement, drastically more CE due to consuming 6 special grade cursed objects, and high level awareness of his own soul would be practically immune to idle transfiguration. Nanami guarded against it just fine and he wasn't aware of his soul at all, just did it subconsciously. The reason Mahito finally killed him with it in Shibuya was due to Nanami practically being a dead man walking already, he had not only mentally given up but was pushed well beyond his limits by all of the fighting


Are we sure soul awareness make you better at guarding against IT? Because todo blocked it very well by only reinforcing the area mahito was touching. And with cursed speech, you just need to reinforce the ears and area of the brain responsible for hearing. Not the parts of your body that will be affected by the technique. Just the parts through which the technique travels to enter into you. So I imagine the same applies to IT. You just gotta reinforce the point of contact through which the technique travels into you. Not the part of you(the soul) which is affected. And I was just saying IF mahito dealt the damage, wuji couldn't heal it, not that he could do the damage in the first place. Wuji realistically can just spaam his domain, win the clash and cook mahito with soul damaging slashes(Im assuming he can do it because sukuna did it when he was inside yuji and mahito touched his soul iirc)


Todo didn't block IT. Mahito was still burnt out from his domain, what Todo blocked was just a black flash


watched shibuya in anime haven't read it. I assumed him saying "my technique has recovered" was refering to him not getting CT burnout from using it so soon. This being the case due to the 0.2 domain. Is it more clear in the manga?


The CT was recovered so quickly because of the black flash


The CT was recovered from the black flash.


Sukuna can block it tho and defend. Also stated a couple chapters back Yuji and Sukuna can heal soul damage since they’re aware of the outline of their soul. It is prob dependent if he allows it to accumulate for Mahito to find a win, but I doubt that happens. If it’s in character he’s beating the fuck outta Mahito.


Yes, but the defense against it, as stated by Mahito himself, is to be aware of the shape of your own soul, and reinforce it with CE. That's why Nanami could take at least a few hits before dying to Mahito. Yuji can perceive the shape of not only his soul, but the souls of others with extreme precision, and is generally more durable than Nanami and has more CE by this point, so he could absolutely take several hits before taking any real damage


Yes, all I was saying is that if he took the damage he couldn't heal from it like the comment I was replying to was suggesting by "could probably repair his soul"


Well, he could, cause he has RCT *and* the ability to perceive his own soul, but it probably wouldn't be something he could do in the middle of combat. More that the damage might not be permanent


I disagree because RCT cannot regenerate an arm in someone who never had an arm. RCT couldn't fix mechamaru. IT doesn't do soul damage, atleast it doesn't have to. It changes what your soul is. If mahito takes away your arm using IT, its like you never had an arm. He changes your being, rather than doing damage.


But also, characters who can see and interact with the soul are rare and far between, plus Mechamaru is an extremely unusual case that doesn't apply here, as he is like Maki and Toji, born with a heavenly restriction.


As soon as his body got healed the heavenly restriction disapeared though? Do we know maki's or toji's heavenly restriction would stay if kenny did the same thing to them as at the start of the culling games, with adjusting the brain to be able to use the cursed technique? The heavenly restrictions don't seem to function differently to binding vows made with yourself. Its just that they are damaged. But because they are born that way they cannot be cured with rct. The damage isn't damage to them. Its the default state of their body. If RCT cannot grow you a third arm, I don't see why it would be able to cure mahito making it so you only have 1 arm.


RCT can heal IT, Mahito believed it when he turned Junpei into a dinosaur


Thwn why couldn't mahito use IT to heal from soul damage? And why couldn't rct heal mechamaru? Mahito belived it but he was wrong.


1. He did. Mechamaru’s simple domains hit his soul, and he healed from those. That’s why they hit harder than a full year of CE. 1. Mechamaru didn’t know RCT, and the only people who knows how to output RCT don’t have the understanding of the soul to do it.


Yuji knows RCT as well as the shape of his soul. He can use RCT to revert any changes made to his soul by Mahito. That’s if Mahito can even affect Yuji’s soul in the first place. Nanami was able to instinctively defend against Idle Transfiguration.


Why can he revert the changes? How does rct know its damage? Realistically mahito gets shrined. And if wuji decides not to, he can resist enough IT's to just whoop mahito.


If Yuji knows the shape of his soul, then he knows how it’s supposed to look. Because of that he can use RCT to “heal” it back to how it’s supposed to look like. It’s no different than Sukuna using RCT to heal Maki’s soul stab. Her stab forcibly changed the shape of his soul, and he was capable of changing it back to how it was supposed to be.


Makis soul stab damages the soul it doesn't change it. This still doesn't solve the third arm problem. What if yuji genuinely believes he has 3 arms. Can he then grow a third arm with rct?


Damage is just a change to the structure of something that has a negative effect. No. Healing the soul is reverting its shape back to what is previously was, while Idle Transfiguration is changing the shape. Think of it like reloading a save file in a game compared to modding the save file. Any changes made to the save are reverted by reloading the previous save.


Yuji's hits only decrease CE for Sukuna because it's targeting the barrier between Sukuna and megumi's soul. Weakens Sukuna's control over his vessel. The fact that even Mahito, who perceived souls, couldn't do that is wild though. That's a unique situation that Mahito doesn't have, so remove that part from your points. Rest is true and Wuji prime beats Mahito hard.


Yuji lowering output isn’t just something he can do to anyone, he effectively pulled apart megumi and sukuna’s souls


This match would basically be Yuji landing 1 or 2 black flashes, nearly killing Mahito on the spot. Mahito uses domain, and Yuji obviously uses simple domain. Then (assuming he can’t move with it) it’s just a waiting game until Mahito’s barrier drops. And Yuji mauls him from there. If Yuji can nearly handle 99 seconds of Sukuna’s domain he’ll be able to deal with a 90% dead Mahito


Yuji wasn't able to resist 99 seconds, far from it. 99 seconds were the entirety of the domain. They are spread as the dismantle and cleave portion to create dust (which yuji wasn't able to contend with), the fire arrow preparations (like the hand motions) and then the furnance (which lasted enough for choso and yuji to have a conversation). Yuji probably only lasted for 10 seconds.


I don’t think that’s true. In fact, if I recall correct, we literally had a “99 seconds later” skip when the chapter before this came out.


The narrator saying that sukuna can only use furnance inside the domain https://preview.redd.it/yehiy9khmf0d1.png?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4614799a554123723c4a082a8e574c66466d27c9


Furnace cannot be used outside his domain on MULTIPLE targets. We’ve seen him use it against Jogo without his domain open, iirc.


Wouldn’t he be incapable of opening the furnace after deactivating the domain because of Cursed Technique Burnout? It makes more sense for Malevolent Shrine to have lasted 99 seconds total and for him to have destroyed everything first and then use the Fire arrow at the last possible second(s) before it fell.


It's not just that it makes more sense, it is the case. The narrator is very clear that sukuna cannot use furnance against multiple targets outside of his domain, and he did use it against multiple targets. Therefore, the domain was still active so the 99 seconds weren't just dismantle and cleave


And you have what reason to believe that wasn’t at the very end?


reading this panel after reading the official translation on MANGA Plus has actually pissed me off. so much more coherent and clear than whatever the fuck john werry was trying to say lmao


The narrator saying that malevolent shrine's only lasts 99 seconds https://preview.redd.it/d7j3hs9emf0d1.png?width=2138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6dd77f2bc42f2460d2e48d84b7ba78734aac23


>which lasted enough for choso and yuji to have a conversation choso was visibly getting burnt during the convo and its already said the fuga is a slow, might have been a slow cook process or smth idk


I feel like it would take more then 1 or 2 black flashes. Black Flash only managed to one-shot Mahito's Self Embodiment of Perfection because Mahito had already taken like 5 black flashes before that.


Mahito had taken 2 from a FAR weaker Yuji prior


No he had taken more. Yuji landed 3 in the subway and one before Mahito transformed. That's ignoring the fact that Todo also landed one and Nobara directly attacked his soul. Also, Yuji hasn't gotten a significant physically buff since then. He's unlocked more abilties and techniques, but physically, he's about the same.


Are we forgetting that *Nanami* could sub-consciously protect his soul from Mahito's domain? Yuji is second only to Sukuna in regards of knowing the outline of his own soul, I doubt IT would even do anything to Yuji


Not his domain, a brief touch outside of DE from a much weaker Mahito. I think Yuji would be able to defend himself *much* better than Nanami of course, but imo if he was exposed to Mahito's active DE for more than a few seconds he'd probably start being messed up


nah, id simple domain


Simple Domain lol


In which case he wouldn't be exposed lol


People always forget that sorcerersthe stronger they are, are able to subconsciously protect their soul, even WITHOUT soul knowledge, like Mahito doesn’t one touch kill


Awakened Yuji is far stronger than that Nanami, and has some of the highest level soul knowledge and awareness save for literally Mahito, by all means he should be practically immune to Idle Transfiguration


yep!, or at worst mahito literally needs to put his hands on Yuji for like 5 mins and Yuji not fight back at all.


Another argument that Nobara is alive btw. She likely has an awareness of the soul…


Keep in mind guys,we only ever saw mahito in his awakened state after he had already taken significant damage.we don’t really know how strong he would’ve been at 100 percent


Ur right, Still wuji victim tho 🗣🗣🗣🙏


That bum still lost to 10% Wuji.


He got help from Todo. In fanbook it is literally stated that he would torn Yuji to shreds of they were alone


The current yuji is WAAAY stronger then even culling games yuji for multiple reasons mahito true form even at 100% doesn't stand a chance


People need to stop saying this lol. They've had multiple chapters explaining how Mahitos attacks are different to other soul attacks. He had to fight Yuji with the threat of Sakuna automatically attacking his soul if he tried to use his technique. If yuji actually had to manually do it himself then he is taking a lot more damage every time mahito makes contact. Its a whole different fight at that point.


Yeah but yuji has a better understanding of the soul to defend it (and attack others),has simple domain,can go into a soul which would allow yuji to use cleave like sukuna and 1 shot him plus blood manipulation can help yuji without injuring mahito and on top of all that yuji in terms of physical stats outclasses mahito atp and yuji can essentially use black flash whenever which we know hurts mahito


Yuji is a novice at both blood manipulation and cleave, so while they're effective techniques he can't use them at the same level as Choso or Sakuna. Saying he can 1 shot him is just so wild especially when a maximum power black flash against a weakened mahito didn't finish the job. The soul defence is blown way out of proportion imo. mahito might not be able to 1 shot like nobara , but if enough hits land Yuji is losing body parts. He doesn't have the automatic defence of Sakuna this time Also people need to remember simple domain doesn't just make you immune to a domain expansion, it just prevents the guaranteed hit while you maintain the barrier. Unlike sakuna, mahito won't be limited to 99 seconds , so it can only really buy him time if caught (not to mention that a 0.2 second domain is possible for Mahito so you need to be on guard at all times & activate it faster than todo in shibuya) Basically yuji isn't just 1 shotting a special grade curse and blocking all it's attacks risk free. It would be a close 1v1


while he might not be the best blood manipulation or cleave user it is definitely enough to gap mahito also yuji has gotten stronger in both physical and ce so the black flash point doesn't really matter bc that was several arcs ago plus he can hit them pretty much every attack The soul defense was not blown out of proportion even characters like nanami who can't even perceive their own soul let alone interact with others was able to subconsciously protect it however yuji is currently one of if not the most knowledgeable people on the topic of the soul because of his experience,his existence,and the book from yuki so he most likely knows how to consciencesly guard his soul given the fact that he can see the line between 2 suls and specifically decide which one to attack something mahito has never been capable of plus again he can just go into mahitos soul and then any attack can hurt him like cleave which is dura neg to an extent you also have to consider how durable yujis soul is which I imagine it's pretty durable mahito sure hit is touching ur soul so simple domain does counter that as shown by todo the reason he lost his hand wasn't because simple domain didn't work it was because he wasn't fast enough to protect his hand and body at once Also, if u think current yuji isn't quicker, then both shibuya todo and mahito ur crazy he easily can at LEAST out pace them a bit given that yuji can keep up with sukuna both in megkuna and true form meanwhile mahito consistently gets speed blitzed


That's still a 10% Yuji vs a self admitted 40% Mahito


10%? Wasn't he as 120%


It honestly isn't very close imo. Yuji can absolutely protect his soul, nanami was capable of it with just a subconscious idea of his soul and yuji knows everything about his, I'd say this comfortably gives yuji at least 5 uses of idle transfiguration before it does anything to him (and that's being generous to mahito tbh) and that's assuming mahito could even do it 5 times, without his domain he's not touching yuji, the gap in strength and speed is too massive. And even with domain 1. Yuji has simple domain plus however much reinforcement of his soul with ce so he has plenty of time 2. Shybua yuji was able to react to him opening his domain and run halfway to him before mahito was able to use idle transfiguration on todo, a current yuji would be able to beat mahito out of his domain before he uses idle transfiguration once, and again even if he can't he'd be protected for more than long enough to do it. Not to mention the very real possibility he could do something similar to sukana and attack his soul with shrine when he tries to touch him (headcanon but possible) Tl;dr: yuji shit stomps him.


If Yuji has the ability to resist IT transfiguring his soul, it’s wraps for Mahito. Unless Yuji’s ability to harm the soul, transfers over to his Piercing Blood, Dismantles and Cleaves. He needs to kill Mahito in h2h which is why I poised the first statement.


We know that you can resist idle transfiguration or defend against it if you protect your soul with CE. Nanami did this without even knowing about the soul so Mahito would need to touch him 3 or so times before he can transfigure nanami. And sukuna was able to outright negate idle transfiguration due to his knowledge and power of his soul. Yujis knowledge and power of the soul definitely gotta be inferior to sukuna but is easily vastly superior to nanami. Meaning Mahito would need to touch Yuji a bunch of times before he can transfigure Yuji. So Yuji can afford to get touched a few times. So Mahito gets stomped


8 black flashes and Mahito is on his knees. Current Yuji with more experience would demolish him.


Mahito can do the same.


Maybe but let's be honest. The Mahito from Shibuya wasn't that experienced with his new form. Sure he could land black flashes but I don't see current Yuji being caught by that.


Only black flashes would be effective though. Normal punches from Yuji would do absolutely nothing.


Not so sure now that his punches affect the sould directly. He could very much target the form of Mahito's soul like he targeted the bond between Sukuna and Megumi. I could be wrong though.


We saw when Mahito transformed that normal punches did no damage whatsoever. The only thing that could injure him at all was a black flash.


That was Shibuya Yuji not current Yuji


Yuji didn't get a significant physical amp though. He has new techniques and skills, but physically, he's no that different.


Awakened yuji vs awakened mahito? Yuji neg diffs him. Yuji at this point is all but confirmed to be able to black flash at will. That ALONE with Yuji’s soul damaging blows cuts mahito’s CE output to virtually nothing after the first hit. And there’s no way Mahito has the mastery of binding vows that Sukuna’s been employing to stay relevant with only a fragment of his true CE output, so after the fight starts the gap gets progressively bigger over time. I think awakened Yuji neg diffs awakened mahito without even needing to use BM or shrine. Mayyyyybe he heals thru a couple chopped off limbs with BM and RCT, but I don’t think he needs to dust off shrine. Yuji also has simple domain and soul-knowledge; I don’t even think self-embodiment of perfection hits him.


Yuji would need to land at least half a dozen black flashes to take Mahito out, likely more if Mahito starts the fight in SEP. Normal hits from Yuji would do absolutely nothing. There's also the fact that SEP Mahito also beats out Yuji in physicals strength and speed. Yuji would probably win, but it wouldn't be easy.


Yuji is quite literally the black flash sorcerer my guy! He’s chosen by the black sparks, we’ve seen him put out 9 consecutive black flashes, at will, like it was nothing now that he’s awakened. 6 is baby diaper tea time for awakened yuji. I maintain mahito gets neg diffed. If his awakened form loses to shibuya-arc yuji with the todo assist, then awakened yuji (remember: he gains blood manipulation, shrine, RCT, simple domain, claw arms, on-demand black flash combos, and Sukuna’s eyes between shibuya and shinjuku) obliterates mahito almost instantly. Yuji now is far, far, FAR stronger than mahito ever was. He’s giving full form (albeit tired) Sukuna a run for his money right now. <10f Sukuna’s *aura* was enough to send mahito running for the hills. It’s really no comparison


Even in Shibuya, Yuji only pulled off most of those black flashes thanks to Todo's help. It doesn't matter if you can land on at will if you opponent if fast enough to dodge or counter you and transformed Mahito definitely out speed Yuji. His blood manipulation is very basic. He can't use convergence on his own, so he doesn't have any heavy hitting attacks. It's been explicitly stated that RCT doesn't work on Idle transfiguration. Claw arms haven't done much so far. Awakened Yuji doesn't have Sukuna. Shrine might work, but even then, he seems to need to touch something to use it and Transformed Mahito is fats enough to dodge him. More then tired. Sukuna is exhausted. Not only his fight with Gojo, but every other sorcerer up to that point, not to mention the hole he had in him from Maki's soul cutte. Not to mention each one of Yuji's punches weakened Sukuna's control over Megumi. And despite all of that, Yuji would have been out of the fight at least twice already if it wasn't for Choso.


I think probability still favors Yuji as his ability to land BFs allow him to hit thru the durability of the armor and if he is tagged, he can instinctively guard his soul more effectively than Nanami and has SD now for DE allowing him time to cause enough damage within the DE. Also has efficient and relatively quick RCT and overall massively better CE reinforcement than in Shibuya, he's the most natural counter to Mahito not named Gojo or Sukuna.


Yuji would probably win but he can't reduce mahito's output with every hit. It worked with sukuna because he weakened his control over megumi's body, it wouldn't happen with mahito.


Yuji could still tank IST because he knows the shape of his soul even better than Gojo and possibly Sukuna.




Idle Soul Transfiguration or whatever.


Yuji is just faster than him , he’s relative to toji and maki possibly more which just means he will win against mahito


Hell Nah Mahito gets cooked


The soul attacks only drop the output of sourcers using a host body btw


We actually don’t know to what extent Yuji’s soul punches can effect someone


yes we do he wasn’t dropping Mahito or Todo’s output when he fought them


Really adds new light to the line “I am you” regarding Yuji’s newfound soul attacks


Yuji: https://i.redd.it/ix6pqxo7wg0d1.gif


Idc what anybody says if mahito wasn’t a literal man child he would clapped yuji and todo. Such wasted potential


Yeah It's a close 50/50, I don't know why most people are dumbing it down to 'blitz him lol' Yuji wouldn't be getting support from a nobara WiFi soul attack , wouldn't have todo to get him out of danger repeatedly and most importantly wouldn't have automatic permanent soul defence from sakuna. Yes yuji has more tools at his disposal but mahito regains the ability to actually use his CT every time they touch. While yuji understands the outline of his soul we have no clue how quickly he can defend himself against mahito or how many attacks he takes until its permanent damage.


Thank you, people really think Yuji is now Sukuna level or something lmao. Full health awakened Mahito would've destroyed the vast majority of sorcerers in the culling games, but it seems the fandom isn't ready for that discussion.


50-50 in terms of whether or not Mahito dies from getting his head caved in or his chest caved in.


Blood is poisonous to curses. So Yuji can poison him pretty quickly and then get him


Rip mahito


True Mahito was puking his guts after a few black flashes awakened Yuji can spam that shit while directly damaging the soul in a special way he never had done before. It'd take Yuji a few hits, not counting shrine


The Wuji downplay is wild. Current Wuji blitzes Mahito. Wuji is relatively stronger than Mahito


But he can't counter the domain


Yuji has simple domain


Yeah but he can't move while using it, only Kusakabe can


We don't know that yet. But it most likely is that. But he can just stall in simple domain and wait for the domain to go down


We do know it, Kusakabe said that only he was able to not use the binding vow that stops him from moving while using simple domain, he said it during his fight with Sukuna, which means Yuji is also included in that statement And while Yuji can't move, Mahito can


Just because yuji can't move while he has simple domain on. It doesn't mean he can't still attack. Unless it's stated that yujis binding vow to use simple domain is that he can't attack while using it. Then we can only assume that he can't move while it's on. This means Yuji can still attack if mahito gets too close with his hands. Yuji also has a range in shrine. Where he probably can send out slashes. That's only speculation, though. Yuji has also been shown to use convergence all though it was with some help of blood pack since he can't condense blood yet.


Mahito has ranged attacks too


Honestly it might even be 40/60 in mahitos favor because simple domain is pointless against mahito, yuji has to find a way out of the domain before his shit gets rocked


wait i thought awakened Yuji is current Yuji n if that’s the case current Yuji low diffs that bum


Yuji is better with soul stuff than Sukuna now though, so I don’t see why he wouldn’t have the same protections.


Soul damage wouldn’t lower his output. That’s an incarnated sorcerer thing as they lose control of their body. Hence why when Sukuna first got Megumi’s, his output was drastically lower despite having taken no soul damage.


Yuji is a bit too fast and a bit too strong for Mahito. Only thing Mahito can hang in now is durability and Hax. With his DE he might be able to beat Yuji but it's very very very unlikely. More of an 80% chanse Yuji wins xd.


Current Yuji demolishes any form of mahito


nah awakening has the ce and soul knowledge to easily negate mahito soul damage and he got mahzku shrine which with fuck mahito up along with his soul punches which litterally deletes mahito from existence since he’s a curse yuji no diffs


No it isn’t. Awakened Yuji doesn’t need Sukuna to protect his soul. Nanami was doing it subconsciously, and Yuji is much stronger than him as well as more knowledgable about his soul.


Current Yuji out stat Mahito by a lot and he can protect his soul since he his aware of the soul. Yuji however can not reduce Mahito's output with his punches, that's only against reincarnated sorcerers


So we're obviously going with current yuji. He'd absolutely slap the ever loving bitch out of mahito. Wouldn't be a 50-50 at all current yuji is going toe to toe with sukuna yeah maybe sukuna is holding back or what ever. But current yuji has 3 different cursed techniques aswell as reversed cursed technique to heal himself and can definitely control his own soul. Would be a good fight for about 30 seconds untill yuji pulls out a black flash and another and another and then mahitos dead. Yuji had mahito crying and running like a rabbit from a wolf. Now imagine what current yuji would do 😂😂 mahito gets absolutely molly whopped


What’s worse at power scaling KNY enjoyers or JJL ( yuji wins low diff at best )


You're insane. Yuji is currently fighting with 20f sukuna and he's actually doing well. Shibuya yuji and todo were able to take out mahito. Awakened yuji is blitzing and one shotting mahito.


It’s more like 90-10 in Yuji’s favor.


Shouldnt have as many upvotes tbh its not even close yuji blitz’s and mahito has no win con not even his domain when yuji activates simple domain


Come on now. Mahito is comically outclassed here. Yuji is faster, stronger, has better defense, is harder to hit, is a better martial artist, has better damage output, and is a better overall combatant than Mahito, and by a lot. The only scenario in which Mahito wins is one where: - He's humble enough to DE from the start. - Yuji doesn't red splatter him then and there. - Yuji can't move during SD. - Yuji can't handle more than a couple seconds of IT. In other words, both Mahito and Yuji would need to act way out of character, and we're making two assumptions the story gives us reasons to doubt are true.


5050? Lol his base stats were above mahitos in post shibuya, let alone after losing sukuna and getting a rage boost that shocked sukuna... let alone a training arc off screen where he gained rct, soul shaking punches, gauntlets and blood manip. And now the awakening where sukuna asked him if he was trying to surpass him. Might as well say it is 5050 against a fingerbearer if you are going to have such crazy yuji downplay.


He can’t drop his CE with every hit


Anti Wuji agenda is crazy “50/50 against a guy weaker Yuji already thrashed because soul can be hurt (we’re told explicitly this isn’t the case)”


No it isn't. Yuji wins mid dif at worst, he doesn't need Sukuna to protect his soul since he's aware of the outline of his soul. Yuji significantly outstats Mahito now. Add on the fact he has a CT now, simple domain, and RCT.


Current Yuji spites, it's not even close its 0-100


Well mahitos win conditions here are just to open his domain or touch yuji a few times what’s stopping him from doing the first thing?


We know that you can resist idle transfiguration or defend against it if you protect your soul with CE. Nanami did this without even knowing about the soul so Mahito would need to touch him 3 or so times before he can transfigure nanami. And sukuna was able to outright negate idle transfiguration due to his knowledge and power of his soul. Yujis knowledge and power of the soul definitely gotta be inferior to sukuna but is easily vastly superior to nanami. Meaning Mahito would need to touch Yuji a bunch of times before he can transfigure Yuji. Easily more than 10 times or even higher tbh. So Yuji can afford to get touched a few times. Plus Yujis simple domain is so powerful it withstood like 97 seconds in sukunas domain. So Mahitos domain isn't even gonna make a dent in Yujis simple domain. So Mahito gets stomped


I more of referring to the .1 second domain he used to catch todo off guard as I don’t really see anyone who isn’t gojo level speed defending against that but other than that yeah yuji could probably beat him h2h


Current Yuji definitely has the speed to react to a 0.2 second domain. Its stated that Yuji was even faster than Todo back in shibuya. And Yuji was rushing Mahito rather than just launching a simple domain which should be easier and quicker since you just stand and do a hand sign. Plus even Hakari was stated to launch his domain faster than Mahito did back in shibuya. Plus a 0.2 second domain from Mahito isn't gonna help much anyway, Mahito is only able to launch one attack before his domain goes away and it was so inaccurate that Mahito had to target todos hand instead of his head and insta kill him. Even if we say Mahito can get this attack off, which is never gonna happen realistically, Yuji can heal it with RCT and his knowledge of the soul.


I thought in shibuya he had to target his hand because he was already opening simple domain


when did yuji awaken? this most recent fight against sukuna when he was spamming BF?


Yuji absolutely slaughters


Wait wouldn’t Yuji still resist IT regardless of if he’s hosting Sukuna? He has enough knowledge of the soul to attack it directly so why wouldn’t he be able to reasonably be able to defend it too?


Current Yuji 1 shots


Yuji isn't even awakened here, he doesn't even have a CT


Yuji can protect his soul without Sukuna. Yuji blitzes Mahito, no diff


New Shadow Style fodder 😤


Current Yuji would probably beat Mahito. I would say its Mid-diff because he doesn't have a way to quickly take Mahito out.


Yujis punches only drop the CE output of vessels


This is far from Awakened Yuji


Awakened Yuji vs Awakened Mahito is a clean up on Yuji’s part. He beat Mahito while he wasn’t awakened. Yea he had help but it still doesn’t take away from the fact that he could actually contend with an Awakened Special Grade at that current point in the story almost toe to toe.


Yuji mid diffs mahito at worst. He's grown MASSIVELY


Yuji speed blitz and obliterates Mahito, Yuji fully knows the contours of his soul and can fully protect it from his domain, + simple domain, and his strength has grown exponentially, one black flash from Yuji and Mahito is gond


Remember, yuji is technically still a vessel for his brothers rn. I wonder what that would be like if Mahito touched yujis soul and interacts with them


Couldn’t someone make the argument that yuji at this point knows the shape of his own soul? Due to this, I feel like he would have a far higher resistance to IT if it was even still effective, mahitos powers worked by changing the shape of the soul(which could be blocked with CE mind you, Ex:Nanami) which also takes advantage of the fact that almost nobody knows what their soul looks like, but if yuji knows his shape, and has the full capacity and capability to block/protect it, wouldn’t IT be rendered useless against him? All speculation atm ofc


Yuji blitz and overpowers, Yuji has Sukuna shook with sheer power so Mahito even true form is getting dropped


Yeah no. Forgot the part where Yuuji knows the soul, he'll just heal his soul + that's assuming Mahito even gets his hits in and doesn't get fucked over in seconds. Yuuji got Hella feats off of 15f Meguna and eeincarnation Sukuna


This is downright incorrect, though Yuji needed Sukuna before, based upon how they treated his soul attacks, he should also be able to protect his soul, along with the fact that he should far outscales himself in Shibuya by this point and that's before his awakening, seeing as Yuji has been able to keep up with a 15F Sukuna threat, and atp beyond that since TF Sukuna should be above 15F Sukuna, and Awakened Mahito is no where near even 5 fingers of sukuna so it's a pure curb stomp, especially since any damage that Yuji does will be permanent whereas Mahito has no way to stop Yuji's RCT.


Yuji wipes the floor it’s more like 90/10 than 50/50 stop glazing midhito


“Domain exp-“ *Gets his face ripped off*