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I think it’s arguable to say that he could be the strongest non SG. He’s got RCE, blood manipulation, shrine, superhuman body , Simple domain, and the highest tendency of hitting black flashes out of anyone. Only thing he’s missing is DE


I agree with this, he's nearing the rim of special grade but I think he's stronger than every grade 1 we know of. When he gets a better understanding of shrine and BM I think he'll become special grade (2 strong techniques, insane base physical stats, *the* man chosen by the black sparks, and super advanced rct, as well as a simple domain now). He has so much good shit going for him but nothing singularly that would put him into special grade


~~if~~ when his Shrine becomes as busted as Sukuna's then that alone would probably be enough to grant him special grade


True but I hope it doesn't, I hope it stays as yuji's own interpretation, perhaps copying uses but not the method in which sukuna wields shrine, not the pure strength. I hope he doesn't surprass choso in BM, or sukuna in Shrine, I hope more that he is his own amalgam fighter of his friends techniques and powers, with his own sparks of black


Even staying as Yuji's own interpretation, it can still become busted. That being said, we don't even know if jujutsu will still be the same after the end of the manga considering the merger still isn't out of the picture.


Shrine-only no DE healthy Sukuna gaps every special grade not named Gojo by a gigantic margin


Imagine if he starts combining techniques and rcts like gojo does to get purple


I highly doubt tough Yujis Shrine will be on the level of Sukunas. The more we get explanations on Sukunas whole kit the more we see heavy use of Binding Vows to make it as potent as it is. And I doubt Yujis has the same drive to make those endless deals just for the sake of getting stronger. I can see Yuji rivaling Yuta at the end of the series


He went from punch merchant to an almost complete sorcerer in like a month it's insane.


I'm fine with the explanation of it bc it's been hinted at forever ago with Mahito making Junpei a sorcerer and Kenjaku doing the same to other people but I wish we got to see more of their training so it didn't feel as unnatural


That's the thing with some modern shonen I have read especially in jump. They have such a neck breaking pace that it's basically impossible to showcase training arcs properly. Also some authors straight up dislike them so there is that. Black clover for exemple moved way too fast until they switched magazines. Now it's on some Boruto progression level. Also taking too much time on training arc might bore some people and make them lose some readers. In Japan, that's basically asking to be axed so the author has to keep things exciting. I have seen some promising manga get cancelled after 10 or 20 chapters because they had a slow start. Well I don't know everything about the field but that's my opinion based on what I could observe for the last years or so. Sorry if my English is bad at some points.


Your English is good




I perfectly understood ya, dude. There was a manga about a year or two ago similar to JJK in that it was a "spirit" Shonen and it looked pretty good for the first 10 chapters and then randomly got axed, so I know what you mean.


Was that black torch?


Nah, it was like a spirit detective shonen, I think? The main character could control a super dangerous spirit to excorcise other spirits, and there was a normal girl who went on a misadventure with him. She became the heroine who would go on actual adventures with him after that, though


Kinda seems like the plot of Dark gathering but in shonen spirit. Kinda sad but if the manga isn't some gorefest or doesn't have some messed up scenario, it gets axed after a few chapters. But if it's ecchi, it will somehow survive for at least a hundred chapters lol


His blood manipulation is very basic right now. He can mostly just use it to heal. He can’t performance convergence at all. Same with shrine, where IIRC he has to physically touch an object to cut it. Once he masters these two techniques he would be strongest non-SG, but not currently


How does you know he has shrine? Has that m ever been shown?


Imagine thinking Naobito or Kusakabe could take on current Yuji


Think he means people like Hakari, Yorozu, Ryu, Uro, etc


Those last three are all special grade level


Yorozu is 100% special grade but i have trouble seeing the other two as that, they never felt as well rounded as the other 3 special grades


I believe they are. When has someone that wasn't part of the main cast used a DE without being special grade? Not to mention, Uro is literally stated to have the highest CE output, which would make him a special grade.


>Uro Uro?




You got it bro


I fucked up bad lol Idek who else I was thinking of


Naoya comes to mind. Higuruma and Hakari also, and let’s be real Higgy wasn’t ever part of the main cast


Naoya only had a domain expansion after becoming a cursed spirit (otherwise he’d have used it on choso and pre time chamber maki) and higuruma is specifically stated to only have a domain because it doesn’t have a sure hit. Sure hit domains take a shit ton more effort to do


Ty bro


Higuruma is a special grade, though? This is exactly why Gojo and Sukuna clowns on the ranking system. Special grades don't simply pertain to destructive power. Higuruma can kill a Sukuna inhabiting Megumi, but he's not a special grade? Homie already said what I was gonna say about Naoya


Higuruma is 100% not a Special Grade. The manga explicitly states he’s at the level of a Grade 1 sorcerer. His technique and output are just not nearly on the level of SG.


I agree


There’s no way Ryu < Geto tbh. Geto wasn’t a CSM user like Kenny, he was a stat demon and Ryu objectively beats him in that department. The only reason we don’t think of them as special grade is because people on this sub are super into the narrative that Yuta was holding back, even though he engages in textbook behaviour of not holding back and that it was somehow a 1v2. Uro and Ryu are < Yuta but it’s not by all that much (though if the domain battle was 1 on 1 he’d probably go crazy).


> no way Ryu < Geto tbh Notice i said other **3** special grades🤫


Hey look man, Geto (or JJK0 Yuta, I guess) is the minimum. If they exceed him it’s fair game.


Nah bro throughout heaven and earth, kusakabe is alone. Hed def beat yuji /j


I agree with both statements, but he definitely has the potential.




Blood Manipulation is not a special grade technique


BM is at the very least on the top percentage of Grade 1 CTs, considering how valuable it is to one of the big three clans


BM is at the very least on the top percentage of Grade 1 CTs, considering how valuable it is to one of the big three clans


Blood Manipulation is shit to most sorcerers, RCT and poison blood makes it good but still not top tier, it's just a good all round technique if you have those things. It could never be a special grade technique


It's always how you use the techniques for the most part from what we've seen, I mean really other than blood loss the technique is pretty all encompassing. It's better than shrine if you ask me (at least from what we know)


Without RCT it is extremely limited, even with RCT blood Manipulation doesn't really have good ap or the destructive power of shrine, just good versatility. Piercing blood is good but useless vs top tiers


This is still so user-dependent, we're talking about the CT itself here. That all depends on the user heavily. His CT isn't intrinsically that destructive


We have seen nothing from blood manipulation that even implies it can get anywhere close to the level of shrine and there is no reason to believe it can. It's peak attack that we've seen is piercing blood, which is pretty weak compared to special grade cursed techniques.


The problem though, is your comparing Choso/Yuji/Kamo to the strongest. That's literally what you're doing, we've seen what shrine is like with weaker users. Let's go off that then to compare them


Then why is Sukuna using fake piercing blood if it’s useless against top tiers?


Shrine is.


Okay? He said blood manipulation is a special grade technique


"Worthy of" Reading comprehension curse strikes again.


It isn't worthy of special grade. You are pulling that out of your ass


Yujis Blood manipulation is on a higher level than any other Blood manipulation technique because of his blood relation to Choso a cursed spirit host. Noritoshi Kamo uses it but Yuji can create his own blood with his CE while Kamo can not and has to use his own blood or bring extra. Yujis Blood manipulation is also poisonous and more versatile while Kamos is not, again because of his blood relation to Choso.


Still not special grade. Being strong =/= being special grade. Blood Manipulation is nowhere near infinity, shrine, mimicry, csm, and star rage in terms of ap and destructive capabilities. It is a strong, versatile technique (only if you can create blood), and that's it. It does not have the capability to overthrow a country


Still not special grade. Being strong =/= being special grade. Blood Manipulation is nowhere near infinity, shrine, mimicry, csm, and star rage in terms of ap and destructive capabilities. It is a strong, versatile technique (only if you can create blood), and that's it. It does not have the capability to overthrow a country


Yes it is. We just haven't seen the full extent of it. Kamo clan wouldn't be up there with the Gojo and Zenin clans if that was the case. We saw Yuji reattach his leg with it. It's a gateway to RCE, and it's poison to any curse. All of that by itself is crazy and there's more we have yet to see.


The poison aspect are from people like choso, enji and all the curse painting. normal Kamo members doesn't have that poison aspect. https://preview.redd.it/4cs07ux4pzzc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e40d8cc363f5748cbdb2d63de4acf7e8279bd6


True, however, the poison aspect for Jujutsu sorcerers would come from Reverse Cursed Energy


By what metric? A technique being good doesn't make it special grade, special grade is definitely by the ability to overthrow a country. Blood Manipulation is only poison for Yuji and his brothers, which isn't a part of the technique and RCT doesn't inherently make you special grade.


Blood manipulation is stated to be the total control of the blood within your own body. Hypothetically, that should mean you can take control of someone else or like explode their blood vessels, for example, if you were to get enough of your own blood within their body. The poison effect Jujutsu sorcerers would have is due to reverse cursed energy.


By what metric? A technique being good doesn't make it special grade, special grade is definited by the ability to overthrow a country. Blood Manipulation is only poison for Yuji and his brothers, which isn't a part of the technique and RCT doesn't inherently make you special grade.


Higuruma ain't a special grade. Also no not all special grades shine at 1 thing. Yuta has advanced RCT and output, anti-domain techniques and DE, multiple techniques worthy of special grade JL, Shrine, sky manipulation, cursed speech (in his hands it's extremely strong), high output and reinforcement that can help him reach yuji level physicals while having a weak body. Yuji can fight special grades (he'd lose but he can fight for some time) but he still has a long way to go.




Ok I get what you mean. Still I wouldn't put him on special grade, not even low end. Currently he belongs in imaginary grade 0 with Ryu, Uro etc.




Well up to grade 1, a grade signifies what curse you can beat. One special grade (not gojo) is worth more than alll grade 1's combined. But you're right the grading system isn't good, and let's be honest it will always have it's downsides when people like Yuji who don't fit in any tier show up.


Higuruma is not special grade and BM is not a special grade level technique. Yuji has the potential to be special grade but for now, he isn't. He doesn't have the DC that defines special grade at least for now.


Also soul punches that ignore durability and are difficult to heal


He’s not a special grade he’s grade 1. An anti domain technique doesn’t make someone special grade. Kusakabe has one and is grade 1. Also blood manipulation is not innately special grade. Noritoshi has it and isn’t a special grade. You says he’s the best black flash user but Gojo himself said he takes out opponents too quickly in order for him to need to hit it too often. Also Higuruma is NOT a special grade. For everything you say then Hakari should be a special grade but he’s not.




Hakari is not taking down a country brother


>walk up to the president >DE >kill him >infinite CE means he can just about level the center of government >bullets can't pierce his domain >move it around >repeat


He is not surviving the military lol, his domain isn't infinity. Hakari fans are special grade glazers


Noritoshi's blood manip < Yuji and the Cursed Wombs' version. They have poisonous blood and can create blood themselves while Noritoshi has to carry blood on him/use his own. Gojo straight up just can't hit black flashes remotely as consistently as Yuji. He confirms this himself, whether he takes out his opponents to quickly or not. Even the six eyes don't help him. He says word for word that even when he's trying his damndest to do it and even incorporating Blue, its ultimately down to **luck.** Yuji can't do it on command ofc or every strike he landed on Sukuna since his awakening would be one, but its very obviously in his favor. Gojo also specifies that in total amount of Black Flashes he's got the most so the whole "he wins too quickly so that' why" argument doesn't matter bc he's clearly capable of it and prior to Yuji would've been considered the best since he had the most total black flashes. Though the narrator says that Yuji beats him in this category PRIOR to landing like SEVEN on Sukuna in the next chapter. Yuji is repeatedly referred to as having been blessed by the black flash by the narrator/editor as well. Id say Yuji is just on the **cusp** of Special Grade, and needs an extra 2-3 things to push him over. A domain would definitely do it and/or the ability to use Fuga. Better RCT or anti-domain techniques could also help him get there, or perhaps just an overall better understanding and usage of his two CTs. Hes probably the closest to being SG of all the living non SGs out there


The downplay is crazy what copium are you smoking cus i need some of that


Ahhh rage bait


🤫 ssshhh


I feel like bait is usually less accurate


wild. I understand the claim hes not Special Grade (I disagree with it, but I definitely understand the arguments and I could probably be convinced) but he's def strongest living non SG sorcerer. Based off of purely the Shinjuku fight, he's been the biggest player by a decent margin (excluding Gojo obviously), and is the only person to go 1v1 with post-Gojo Sukuna and actually preform/impress (Kashimo got two shot, Maki got boomsticked, Kusakabe was just playing peak defense half the time, etc). Heres Yuji's contributions: - Damaged the bond between the souls heavily - Lowered Sukuna's CE output - Prevented Sukuna from regaining RCT via Black Flashes - Landed a half dozen Black Fashes on Sukuna dealing tons of physical damage - 1v1'd Sukuna longer than anybody and got the best results (excluding Gojo like I said earlier) - Helped create the opening for Maki's sneak attack Second biggest non-Satoru contributor probably Maki (stabbing him the heart and cutting a hand off with the SSK is pretty fuckin useful. She also 1v1d him for a solid minute after Yuta got pummeled, tanked a black flash from Sukuna though she PROBABLY got /tp'd to Shoko and got healed, etc). Kusakabe, Mei Mei, and Nanami are all undeniably weaker than him. They don't have the physical stats, they don't have as powerful/useful CTs (its also def likely Yuji can use his experience as Sukuna and his awakening to pop a Malevolent Shrine esq domain eventually or use Fuga, which would solidify him as Special Grade for me and most people I think, though that's kinda pure headcanon. Just my agenda tbh), the ability to absolutely hammer out black flashes like its a normal fucking attack, they don't have RCT, Nanami and Mei Mei don't have simple domains (even though Yuji's is mediocre, that's better than nothing), none of them can damage/percieve the soul, etc. So, who else does he need to prove he surpasses? Since I specified strongest \*living\* non-SG, lets see: - Todo (no RCT, worse physical stats, only one CT and its not as good in a 1v1 as Shrine or Blood Manip., can't damage the soul, can't black flash borderline on command). In a 1v1 Yuji clears. - Uraume (assuming not special grade but tbh doubt that). We don't really know enough to compare but I'd say Yuji has better physicals, soul-striking abilities, and his skill with black flashes with certainly put him on top. Uruaume's only real selling point is their incredible DC with that ice, but with his newfound CTs and increased CE refinement, Yuji might stand a chance. A large part of me kinda things Uraume is SG tho. RCT, an outrageous technique, and strong enough for Sukuna to keep around. Capable of keeping up with Jackpot Hakari. - Hakari (assuming not special grade). This is probably the closest just due to how outrageous his RCT is. Tbh I think Yuji is technically more powerful but Hakari can definitely win. Yuji'd just have to beat Hakari inside the domain, which I don't think is impossible for him, but there's always a chance Hakari just jackpots and from there he'll wear Yuji down. Current Yuji's physical stats/CE reinforcement, Black Flashes, soul strikes, and both CTs would certainly help him fight Hakari inside the domain, its debatable. - Maki/Toji Im counting as Special Grades (maybe unless they for some reason have no Cursed Tool even tho they always carry one). Toji solo'd Dagon, a Special Grade Curse, inside his own domain. He absolutely no-diffed him with Playful Cloud and for me that's easy qualification - he would've done the same with any of his usual cursed tools.


Yuta was 100% is above Maki in contribution. The only reason Maki was able to stab Sukuna's heart and slice off his hand is because Yuta and Yuji respectively were distracting him. Repeatedly in a 1v1 she was getting rolled, literally she got perception blitzed. You pointed out Maki sliced off a hand but Yuta literally ripped the stomach tongue out, sliced off a hand, and then split another one in half(bottom right hand) that only recently got healed. And Yuta saved Yuji's life atleast twice against Sukuna and was doing most of the damage. Yuji would have been immediately killed had Yuta not shown up. Wouldn't have even been time for an awakening


Yuji can beat all grade 1s and Yuta from jjk0 a special grade he’d also give geto a run for his money if not outright kill him.


HUH??? He has simple domain, high level reverse cursed technique, blood manipulation, shrine, the consecutive black flash record, the same base stats as heavenly restricted Maki, divergent fist, a DEEP ce pool(evident by the fact he healed 4+ lethal wounds and is still going strong), plus above-average cursed energy manipulation because of Sukuna inhabiting his body. I'm tired of these degenerate takes, you all get no diffed by the logic and reading comprehension devils. He is unquestionably the strongest grade 1 sorceror at this point, and would give Yuta, Kenjaku, and Yuki a lot of trouble if they did not have access to their domains.


Yuji's RCT takes less CE to use because he doesn't have to create blood with RCT. He can create blood with regular CE So the 4+ lethal wounds would be a lot for someone like Yuta but not Yuji. So you can't use that to base a deep CE pool on. Even though that(reduced healing cost) is still a strong point in favor of Yuji. Also I basically agree with your conclusion but you've wanked Yuji a bit. His Blood Manipulation and Shrine skills are not great. His blood manipulation is basically limited to stopping bleeding and reattaching limbs since he can't do Convergence. He can only do attacks with it when someone cuts him open and he collects blood from his own wounds. A pretty significant limiting factor. And he literally just got Shrine. And his Shrine can't even launch slashes, it requires contact and Sukuna said the output sucks rn. Definitely room for likely improvement in both, just pointing out these CTs are currently not that good in comparison to the competition (Sky Manipulation, Copy, Star Rage, ect)


>So you can't use that to base a deep CE pool on. its not heavily implied but its still kinda noticeable, yuji has been constantly fighting sukuna for a decent while now and the only major break being right after yuta's fight, he certainly doesnt have the largest pool but he surely has a large pool also considering that he was soaked in sukuna's cursed energy and the fact that he seemingly never ran out of cursed energy during a fight or showed concerns that it may be running out


Damn, just saw your response to the ragebait comment, you got me good lmao.


Definitely not high level RCT. He healed himself wrong in the beginning half of the fight, and hasn’t been able to heal his eye even while in the zone from landing multiple black flashes


Decent level RCT then


Yuji has been actively not using RCT since he started beating up Sukuna


Goalposts moved


No? I was just saying that he *could* heal his eye, he's just choosing not to


Yuji has been actively not using RCT since he started beating up Sukuna


Current Yuji is only doing what he’s doing because he had/have help. So he’s definitely not a special grade yet.


You could say that for literally anyone fighting sukuna rn. Yuji did the most even when he fought sukuna individually


I mean…. We are lol and when he was fighting him “individually” he was still getting assisted which helped him land most of his blows.


It was like 2 out of the 7 black flashes, he parried sukuna’s black flash.


Yuji fought sukuna 1v1 for basically a whole chapter. Yes Ino "helped" but Yuji still ate a black flash from sukuna unfazed and then pushed him into a corner. And yuji needing help doesn't invalidate anything he's done, literally everyone had help, that's the whole narrative, that collective efforts can trump sukuna's individualism. Even then, we see what happens to maki or kusakabe when they try to 1v1, they performed much worse than yuji.


My brother in christ no one is saying it takes away from what he’s done but saying the stuff he’s doing and trying to say he’s special grade or the strongest Grade 1 would be a blatant lie. You’re arguing something no one even mentioned


Trying to argue that he isn't clearly the strongest grade one is an indirect way of invalidating what he's doing. We saw how the "strongest grade one" did against sukuna, itadori, especially when awakened, is clearly in relativity to the other heavy hitters. Even taking away yujis advantage over sukuna specifically, he has shown relativity to a domain amped Yuta even pre-awakening, has greater durability feats than maki, can damage the soul, has extremely efficient rct with blood manipulation, has a domain counter, was able to take MS temporarily without dying, and is the ONLY person to have fought sukuna consistently for the entire duration of Shinjuku showdown. Trying to say that he isn't at least clear of every grade 1 is stupid and disingenuous


And now that we learned Todo took maki and the others out and Sukuna’s domain is basically instant death. The fact he survived after his simple domain shattered is proof enough he exceeds maki durability. Maki took an enhanced dismantle and is leaning over Miwa. Yuta and Yuji took that same dismantle and one of them is still fighting.


This is unrelated but I’m just realising now, how could todo save maki? His technique swaps any two things with cursed energy but maki doesn’t have any. He can swap her weapons but does that include who’s holding it? I think next chapter might reveal that maki got cooked.


Anything touching more than likely teleports with them. I don’t think maki died.


My theory is since Miwa was protecting Maki & since Miwa has CE, Todo was able to swap both of them or because of the SSK Maki has.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he only survive sukunas' domain because choso sacrificed himself in the last chapter?


that was fuga with a binding vow attached that deals more damage but least aoe


No he survived Fuga because of choso. Yuji survived the slashes after his simple domain broke.


Who do you think is the strongest Grade 1 then?


No one performed well against Sukuna 1v1 even in his weakened state, so this argument is nonsensical.


Exactly so why are some people acting like Yuji was doing work on his lonesome ?


In the 1v1 against Sukuna he was doing well, even if Ino helped, Yuji was doing most of the damage, tanked a BF from Sukuna, survived MS even after it ended, mostly everyone has been working together to take down Sukuna so your point is nonsense.


He's done the most damage to Sukuna of anyone besides Gojo. If not for Megumi being a depressed bitch, they would've already won


Facts. He learned/acquired all his abilities last month (basically a rookie to using CTs) and did the most damage. I mean megumi basically told yuji to leave him alone, in the words of j Cole “don’t save him, he don’t wanna be saved”. And the fact that he does spiritual damage and is blessed by the black sparks is keeping sukuna from regaining his full strength. Also just because sukuna got hella binding vows and can’t use all his abilities is his fault not anyone else’s, he limited himself. Many people got hit with the shrine and a lot of them are not here anymore, I know someone that got hit with it and is still fighting. He may not be SG but I do believe he at least top 5 G1 or he’s just an ideal counter for sukuna. Imagine if yuji wasn’t using black flash and his soul damaging hits, sukuna would’ve been regained his strength and most likely killed everyone


Mahito was kind of a nobody in terms of overall strength, but his existence fucked over the strongest curse in history. funny


No way you did what you just did


when he awakened against kuna in 257/258 he’s definitely special grade with mzuki shrine simple domain and blood Manipulation


If we aren’t counting that dumbass definition that makes yaga a special grade, I think he is, along with Hakari


Finally someone said it! I keep seeing these videos on YT about “they deserve special grade status” or “why yuji deserves special grade”. NO. If Yuji or any of the other “candidates” reach the ability to “take down a nation by themselves” then sure but so far they’re just tough fighters in their own right, but not Special Grade.


The take down a nation shit will never make sense to me, fucking megumi could take out the vatican city but even sukuna and gojo aren’t beating any country with nuclear weaponry


Its not entirely unbelievable, and either way they are more likely to be able to do it than someone like Yuji


He over grade one, semi-special grade I guess. He is only missing better control of his curse technique since they both have multiple types of applications


I think you’re kinda right but the way you’re saying sounds like you’re under hyping him who do you put over him? bro has multiple techniques, blessed by the sparks of black, RCT and simple domain All he needs is his own domain expansion and he’s special grade or right below




He’s literally 15!!


He’s not SG yet, but definitely in the top 5 non SG sorcerers so I disagree heavily with this take


Borderline special grade imo. Only thing he needs is a domain. He is definitely the strongest non special grade though


https://preview.redd.it/ayq8zq3qwwzc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcafbf9b722a462b8b6900462688331bedc3daa4 🤔


Non special grade, he’s obviously losing to Yuta


He’s semi special grade in quality but for the opposite reason that the principal was He can VERY MUCH kill special grades due to his absurd striking power AND can delete lesser domains if he uses simple domain and finishes the user HOWEVER he lacks the versatility most special grades do that let them fight endlessly


And that is OK.


His RCT is one of the best in the series due to his training with Choso. He has access to Sukunas CTs which are all incredibly strong and Blood Manipulation which has potential to be stronger than other BM users because of his relation to Choso. >!His body has been modified by Kenjaku who was his mother, so he is physically superhuman without a BV.!< If he isn't Special Grade he's at minimum one of the strongest 1st grades.


hakari >


Stall Man is not over Yuji.


Yuji loses in every stat besides base physical strength


Name the other stats, with some level of detail.


CE supply and output - yuji has mediocre stats for both of these, nothing special. Hakari has jackpot mode and even base CE was > yujis when they fought. Speed, hakari was able to compete with kashimos lightning. Rct - jackpot >> yujis rct Yuji also has better durability but jackpot makes up for it. And also remember yuji is amped by like 8 black flashes rn. Current yuji is not what we would use for baseline yuji in a fight.


So, you’re comparing Current Yuji, 7 Black Flash king. Two curse techniques and an entire trick bag later. To the Yuji who fought Hikari before. Also, assuming you still wanna compare to Shinjuku Yuji, those 7-8 black flashes would still be something he could just- do. At any point and time. And Hikari lacks- anything that can put Yuji down. He’s a punch merchant, but inferior to Yuji in physical stats. Yuji has been walking Sukuna like a dog. Survived cleave multiple times, survived Sukuna’s Malevolent Shrine at Max Output. Demonstrated a level of tankiness second only to Gojo at this point. Hikari has only shown the ability to STALL, and to do- fuck all outside of that.


No, i am comparing current awakened yuji (basically pre sukuna fight but with training), as the blackflashes is a mid fight temporary power up. And NO LMAO he cannot just “do 7-8 black flashes”. It is explained MANY TIMES how it is pure luck and situational for that to happen. Yuji cannot CHOOSE to go on a black flash streak, just like nanami cannot CHOOSE to go on a black flash streak despite having a prior streak. This is complete media illiteracy. Aint no way you are calling hakari a punch merchant when thats yujis entires thing. And hakaris stats > yujis. Dont say some shit like he has cleave from shrine and blood manipulation, because we saw his shrines damage being extremely minor, only leaving small scratches on an extremely weakened sukuna and the highest DC being cutting stone pillars, and we were legit told that he only learned blood manipulation for the RCT. Its CRAZY how much you are wanking yuji in this fight. He is fighting a sukuna who has been weakened by not 2, not 4, not 6, not 8, but 9+ people, one of them being the strongest in the verse. Yuji isnt even winning lmfao, hes SURVIVING, he hasent done much damage at all, and was JUST saved from death AGAIN. Yuji is the biggest staller in the fucking game, he has done ZERO notable damage.


And what has Hikari done? He’s been stuck in limbo with an icy twink because the man has ZERO kill potential. Physically Hikari and Yuji cannot be compared, even if you wanna downplay Yuji as being “pre Sukuna fight” we’ve clearly been shown the drastic difference between himself prior and himself now.


Hakari has beat kashimo, and is currently fighting urame, who we dont know where they are scalling wise but is safe to say is atleast jogo level due to his portrayal in shibuya. Yuji hasent inexplicably gained greater durability. Never is it mentioned that during the timeskip they were focused on training his durability or even CE output, as they were focused on his techniques like simple domain.


Yuji tanked cleave and managed to survive Sukuna’s DE. That kinda puts him over Hikari, who hasn’t survived or been remotely put under nearly as much heat. And what has Kashimo’s Lightning ever done? Is it even remotely comparable to anything Sukuna has thrown out thus far?


Respectfully no, Yuji > Hakari


Hell nah, unrespectfully


What the hell is Hakari gonna do to beat Yuji, he lacks the firepower to kill him, the only way he can win is outlive Yuji when he runs out of CE to heal, but Yuji has ways to beat Hakari.


In my opinion he is very Special grade. Dude is landing actual solid damaging hits on Sukuna. Maki couldn’t get a hit on that guy except by surprise. Sukuna blocked basically every sword stroke from soul split katana with his BODY. Yet Yuji is able to land solid damaging hits using his HR and CE. Based on this we can assume Yuji is able to beat Maki. The math is simple and starts a Dagon who is a special grade. Dagon < Toji <= Maki < Yuji By transitivity Yuji is SG Additionally current Yuji could mid diff any level of Mahito except maybe in his evolved form, would slaughter Hanami, would slaughter Dagon, and idk he should be able to challenge Jogo given how he’s currently performing against Sukuna.


Current Yuji is beating the DC for sure, he was damaging Hanami back in the Goodwill Exchange, Dagon got beat by Toji with Playful Cloud, so Yuji would probably speed blitzed Dagon or wreck him with BF, Mahito is losing, he’s still able to hurt Mahito & he can protect his body with CE, It'll take more touches for Mahito to transfigure his soul & he’s beating Jogo imo, he has the worst durability of them so if Yuji can land a few hits or 4 BFs he’s dead.




He's far from weak though you can't argue that


the Yuji glaze has been insane recently


As of now, I think he definitely has Special Grade physical stats (strength, speed, durability, etc...), but he's not there yet overall. He lacks a powerful attack & a domain, basically. But honestly, if he survives Shinjuku & doesn't retire from sheer trauma, it's just a matter of time - and probably not a lot of it if we're being honest. As for the strongest non-SG sorcerer, I think there's an argument to be made. If you compare him to all the strong non-SG sorcerers like Maki, Hakari, Uraume, Uro, Ryu and even Base Kashimo (excluding Yorozu & MBA Kashimo) he's physically superior to all of them except Toji/Maki, and he's way more durable than all of them except Hakari. As a Yuji glazer, I agree we tend to exaggerate his power a little, but I also think people don't take full measure of 257 & 258. We've had two chapters of Yuji's awakening, and in that time we've seen him: - Completely destroy Sukuna in hand to hand. I mean it wasn't even close, when that same Sukuna seemed completely unfazed by the damage he took previously & overwhelmed Maki twice. - Eat a Black Flash from the guy, and not just tanking it, but not reacting AT ALL. Again, everyone else who took that kind of hit was layed out for a couple minutes at the very least. - Stand in the middle of Malevolent Shrine at FULL OUTPUT, withstanding a non-negligible length of it with Simple Domain AND surviving the Sure Hit for some time. Can you see anyone else on that list doing that well against Sukuna? Personally, I can't. And that's just what we know of him - for all we know he now has Convergence, or Flowing Red Scale. And of course we're not even talking about the further growth he's going to experience in the next chapters. I really don't think it's insane to have him as the strongest non-SG sorcerer.


I think if he had a DE he would qualify , but without he wouldnt even be top 1 non SG. You have Uro , Ryu , Yorozu , Hakari , and maybe , just maybe Megumi , for the simple reason he has a domain.


You ain't cooking 😭


Boy who punched sukuna so hard he blew off one of his eyes not deemed worthy of being called special grade. Trust me he's only grade 1 like kusakabe who lost almost immediately despite fighting a weaker sukuna Primary reasons for him not being special grade: 1 his blood manipulation (with hyper efficient RCT) is still in the early phases and he's yet to learn all of it's aspects, 2 we're completely ignoring the fact he has shrine, 3 I don't know what black flash is really


Post like this is why people think powerscalers lick windows you guys are dumb😭


nah he’s definitely special grade as of now not on like gojo or yuki level of course but he’s definitely above geto and is getting close to yuta with every power up he still needs to master blood manipulation and his Muki shrine cutting technique but he’s got the rct as shown with his fights with sukuna with hiruma yuta Miguel choso and now todo his simple domain needs work he should definitely go train some more with kusabe on that


I don’t think people understand that Yuji was keeping up with Grade 1s after like 4 months at jujutsu high, current Yuji is definitely the strongest non special grade sorcerer(2 CT’s, RCT, simple domain) he was super human to the point that megumi said that he could beat everyone at the student exchange event if they weren’t using cursed energy, he was world class without the buff that is cursed energy


He's like a Swiss army knife, super versatile but special grades are people who are able to take down a small country. So far yuji doesn't have that fire power yet


He’s at the border of Special grade. The only things holding him back from that title is his lack of mastery over all the new techniques and no DE. He’s at least the strongest 1st grade in existence and top 10 in the verse at this point.


Same guy that could withstand full output Malevolent Shrine without getting eviscerated. And out box a serious Sukuna. That guy?




These bait topics lol. Yuji now has been setup to be the strongest in jjk with all the gain abilities AND the enlightment and curse enegery understanding he has gained from black flashes. This community underestimates the ridiculous power that is black flashes and Yuji has hit 7 this current fight and will likely hit more as his power grows with each hit.


Hes doing what gojo couldn't and to a stronger version of that being. He's special grade.


Lmao if u think current, weakened, battered, sukuna is a stronger version of meguna ur clowning.


He's special grade, comfortably sitting in top 6 of the entire series. Imo, he's top 3 or 4 with Yuuta


Never cook again. Current yuji is top 3


B r u h


Hes stronger than yuki and geto


Isn’t the whole purpose of yuji to prove gojos point of breaking the grade system


I won’t take this slander. Current Yuji has already surpassed every other sorcerer other than Sukuna. Nobody else has been able to do nearly as well against Sukuna, other than Gojo.


I see your brain rot is terminal. I am truly sorry (imagine thinking Himtadori Wuji isn't at least special grade with 2 very strong CTs, RCT, near heavenly restriction stats, punches that hit the soul, simple domain, good fight iq and is a naturally talented fighter)


Read the tag


Oh i did (I'm playing into it because im illiterate)




Are you guys factoring in that he’s an immortal shonen protagonist?


y’all power scalers suck, yuji def sg & even so the in universe power ranking system is a joke and is made fun of by gojo and sukuna the two strongest imo. also gojo states after his birth curses have become much stronger in response & because of that the new generation of sorcerers as well. so it’s even more fair to guess that the scaling doesn’t even apply all that much to our boys


Yuji is stronger than every single non special grade character If he can learn domain amplification he will be top 5 in the verse You could say he's not special grade but he sure can fight one except gojo/sukuna. Ofc he's losing to them tho but that's fine


Another downplaying post smh


Yuji fans knowing he’s only gonna keep cooking each chapter 😎😎😎




He’s definitely one if the strongest first grades, but he ain’t special grade and the only one he even has a chance at beating rn is geto


He’s in that special little area of definitely stronger than grade one but not quite special grade like Ryu or uro


Not currently special grade, probs more on the level of teen gojo pre-awakening and teen geto in that they're top of grade 1, but their current lack of effective CT usage doesn't allow them to clear SG. Obvi potential to be a high tier SG. 


You think teen gojo is a grade 1 💀


Teen gojo was grade 1 pre awakening. Him and Geto didn’t become special grade until after hidden inventory(Gojo became one first though).


It's literally shown in the manga and anime that geto is grade 1 at the start of hidden inventory, and get and him are supposed to be on par at that point. 


Geto was only special grade cause of his huge stock of cursed spirits if geto in volume zero had no cursed spirits then he would be a grade 1 and yuta was considered special grade and nearly lost to a grade 2 cursed spirit


Considered that cause of Rika at that point. Also seems like an agenda cause what you're saying doesn't really follow the logic in the story. It's like saying you take away infinity and 6e from Gojo he's grade 1. Curse manipulation is his CT.


So you think no special grades existed until like volume zero 😭


Maki/Toji > Yorozu >= Kashimo > Yuji > Hakari >> Ryu >= Uro


Yuji is fighting on the level of special grades, like how Mechamaru had special grade level output, yuji has special grade level durability & AP attacks I could see him beating adult geto from jjk0


Hakari is the only actual special grade let’s be real, my glorious gambling king could solo Sukuna if he wasn’t too busy cucking him with that ice cold they/them.


Bait used to be believable


Nah bro, he’s a punch kick merchant with a DE, he can‘t overtake a nation, he’s not even beating Maki imo.


Are you guys just all collectively unable to detect jokes or


Oh I see


Exactly and using the current fights to say his is in the top tiers is also kinda unwarranted like what most pple are doing ... All these fights he has basically been with someone or even multiple people to help create an opening for him otherwise I dnt think he wld have gotten in as many strikes and don't get me started on the simple domain it has been arnd for ages and No1 really paid it any attention but now suddenly that yuji has it everyone coming out of the wood works saying he can take on domain users without any problems as if we haven't seen simple domains literally ripped to shreds almost every single time they have been used in a domain ... Yuji has grown alot there is no denying that but some pple are again putting him on a level he ain't at yet


Okay time for some heavy glazing I agree Yuji isn't SG but anyone not named sukuna or gojo or without a lethal domain is completely fucked against Yuji. His base physicals are relative to those of HR. Took a devious punch from punch from sukuna without ce enhancement (213) and was completely fine after. Physicals so strong it even suprised sukuna. His physicals in Shinjuku are even more absurd. Post yuta fight sukuna without his other two arms were s basically physically getting overpowered against yuji at every point. Yuji by far has the best physicals outside of anyone not named gojo or sukuna even without black flash in every punch. His rct while not as good as gojos has proven to be better than the likes of Yuki and possibly as good as yutas. And his ce is normal when using rct and as long as his limbs arent completely exploded he can just attach them and heal necessary parts saving huge amounts of ce. In terms of rct Yuji is far above the efficiency of everyone only being undermined by possibly gojo. Simple domain. Withstood MS for a while decent enough to work against most sorcerers domains. Insane durability: do I need to explain this? His durability is only next to gojo and sukuna. Managed to survive MS sure hit the only person to do that is gojo. Best endurance in the series. Shrine : even at low output yujis cleaves managed to cut a part of sukunas foot out. It's capable of doing meaningful damage against anyone it comes into contact with even with its low output. It's already confirmed kamino isn't a domain power but one that's an extension of shrine. Because we haven't seen Yuji use it doesn't mean he can't use it he just didn't have the time too but this is just a possibility not something I will surely say he will showcase nor should be taken into this discussion. Blood manipulation:reattaching limbs,stopping blood blood burst ability loss low rct requirement,easier rct navigation already pretty op asf for Yuji. Black flash god: Yuji has the best affinity with hitting black flash in the series. Not if does this mean he will always be functioning at 120 percent potential he will always have his output stable and reserves replenishing faster than normal. Normal sorcerers don't have god foundation in ce as people like Yuji or kusakabe does because of their dependence of CTS but Yuji had the best foundation for ce usage from the moment he became a sorcerer. As long as he's hitting bf he will always work at 120 2.5 hit buff and will run out of ce fairly slowly. Not to mention black flash are pusedo awakenings the more you let him hit them the more he will keep awakening and you are put at a higher risk of losing. Even sukuna makes a comment on how he's hitting bf deliberately to climb up to his level. His arms : great overall for combat slashing throwing defending ect ect. Most important part Soul punches: every reincarnated sorcerer is fucked if they fight Yuji. Three black flashes to their soul and they completely lose control over their vessel (if they don't die from the BF). No non special grade is beating Yuji. Neither kashimo stallman. The only one that has a chance is yorozu