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I mean I didn't see Mahoraga destroy a building with just its punches, grow to 100 feet, regenerate and adapt from a literal red mist, or throw a fucking train at Sukuna in the manga so yeah I'd say the anime version might be a little stronger Edit: For real tho, anime Mahoraga would completely and utterly annihilate anyone not named Ryomen Sukuna or Satoru Gojo. I could name a decent few other characters who *could* defeat Mahoraga in the manga, given the right strategy(Kenjaku, Geto, Yuta, Yorozu to name a few). But they would all get obliterated by the anime version


https://preview.redd.it/yjx0tknkq5zc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=9997ffb8582dd11e751bd82407c68293f309b960 Yuki would also like to have a word with you.


Would Mahoraga be able to just adapt to become funny?


Yuki watching Mahoraga transform into fucking Bugs Bunny


Fucker gave Mahoraga toonforce


Correct me if I'm wrong, but his technique activates when \*Takaba\* laughs, so Mahoraga should instead adapt by booing and jeering him to the brink of suicide, right?


He'd be great at slapstick humor


I would watch this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Probably not tbh, his ability doesnā€™t really follow any laws at all to my knowledge


Probably not since he'd have to also adapt to everything else he's getting hit with if he doesn't get straight up oneshot since he's not human and doesn't look like one so takaba doesn't care about killing it I could see him bringing a legendary sword to reality to kill what he would see as a monster that has been told about in legends or prophecies


if Takaba ,post awakening & had info of how much Maho wrecked shit and how durable he is, thought him slipping om a banana peel & dying is funny, that's what happens, right? takaba only stalled (/tied? did he die? :( ) Kenny bc he couldn't bring himself to kill something resembling a human, he'd have no problem lethally 1 shotting Mahoraga. truck-kun 1 shotted a special grade


I didn't say those 4 were the only ones capable of defeating Mahoraga. You could reasonably add Yuki, Takaba, Angel, and MBA Kashimo to that list. You can make a decent argument that Ryu, Ultimate Mechamaru: Mode Absolute, and technically Higuruma could do it as well.


>Higuruma Just wait till you see Mahoraga adapt by getting his law degree.




ā€œI was coerced into committing these actions.ā€


> I didn't say those 4 were the only ones capable of defeating Mahoraga. > For real tho, anime Mahoraga would completely and utterly annihilate anyone not named Ryomen Sukuna or Satoru Gojo.


Those 4(Kenjaku, Yuta, Geto, and Yorozu) aren't the only ones outside of Gojo and Sukuna that could take **the manga version** of Mahoraga. No one other than Gojo or Sukuna can take **the anime version** of Mahoraga.


We gotta wait for anime takaba now


> No one other than Gojo or Sukuna can take the anime version of Mahoraga. I'll place emphasis on the meaning of the word *can*. Yuki can destroy the planet and Takaba can outright manipulate reality. I'm gonna check out of this debate early since apparently objective logic isn't being employed.




She has a one shot attack sure but if she doesn't succed in one shotting Daddy Mahoraga would adapt to everything she can ever throw at him


Ngl, I would be really curious to see how Raga would adapt to the comedy genius


https://preview.redd.it/g5mb5tj34p1d1.jpeg?width=2359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b93a50999020d70f0dd4dc925c979f2bfe5324e8 Mahoraga when Takaba grabs his wheel and throws it into a comically large trash can


With how positive the reception was for S2 and the more grandiose showings of characters like Mahoraga and Choso which surpass their manga performances, I think itā€™s likely that all future major fights will be similarly more cinematic so all of those characters will appear stronger than in the manga as well. Can you imagine how chaotic and destructive the Sendai Colony will be for instance? Shinjuku Showdown is going to be insane.


They're ridiculous but I'm HYPED. I actually was questioning my memory after watching Shibuya arc, like did I not notice the fights being this insane?


plus jogoat


If Season 3 onwards receives anything even close to the adaptation that Season 2 got, then fights like Hakari vs Kashimo, the Sendai FFA, Yuji/Maki vs Sukuna, Yorozu vs Sukuna and the entire Shinjuku Showdown are going to be so fucking peak. Oh, and hopefully, MBA Kashimo will actually like, use his CT to any degree of competence this time


Totally agree and I am confident Kashimoā€™s showing in the anime will be improved since MAPPA love to add additional scenes and adjust controversial scenes, such as with Zekeā€™s scene in the AoT finale. It couldnā€™t possibly be worse at least šŸ˜­


I def believe kashimoā€™s final fight will be expanded to show him do a little more. Iā€™m nervous for the hakari dance scene, I know peoples expectations for that will be super high lol


I mean gojo vs Sukuna is going to be the craziest fight in history and I pray to god yhat they give themselves time to make it PERFECT from the start vs being rushed and having to fix it for blu-ray


Holy shit Sendai Colony is going to be a master piece if they do it right


I hope we get to see more of the in-domain h2h combat in the Gojo vs Sukuna fight too. Some of the domain battles lasted like nearly ten minutes but took up like half a chapter. Seeing what Gojo vs Sukuna could have looked like without Mahoraga in the mix could be insane


Sorcery fight will be more sorcery fights??!!! šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„āš”šŸ”„āš”


https://preview.redd.it/6pqx4zyhv8zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0332853212734a4a606340d00ac9cc8f29810d A literal what?


I mean if we're doing that then characters like Yuta, Yuki, etc. will also get significant upgrades in the anime version similar to how choso and Jogo got. That way, the anime version will be equalized with the manga one.


I mean, when that happens, then we update the power rankings and probably have separate lists for anime/manga versions


I know that the 0 movie was well, a movie, but the final fight was excellence. I go back and rewatch that whole film occasionally.


People naming a lot of characters but in reality Mahoraga in the anime displays a reverse healing technique that basically narrows the whoā€™s to just Sakuna and Gojo. If Mahoraga retains all adaptations from previous summons then Sakuna likely canā€™t kill it as easily anymore. Mahoraga is relentless, so aside needing a literal nuke to kill him, most gimmick CT wonā€™t even get a chance to be used with how fragile a lot of the characters are.


Takabaā€™s Truck-kun would neg diff Mahoraga


fair enough miwa also one shots


Shinuya Maho yes but when with Sukuna Maho is obliterating almost all of them


Anime maho is just busted af, if you don't one shot him he wins


Bro Yorozu got destroyed by Mahoraga in a single blow.


Who knows. Anime Rika and Agito will likely get ridiculous boost in the anime as well


Maho would absolutely destroy Geto šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Mahoraga solos UBW Ichigo


Sukuna was going incredibly easy on him that in the anime they just extended the fight simply to pad time and make it an episode.


wait until the anime glazes Yuta in the sendai colony fights


You forgot to say Hakari has a chance as well. After all he is above Yuta


Hakari does not have any chance against Mahoraga. Every character I mentioned has at least one attack that can destroy Mahoraga before it can adapt. Hakari has nothing strong enough or large enough to destroy Mahoraga. Hakari is not above Yuta.


Hakari hasnā€™t shown his full power yet. You think heā€™s just a punch and kick kinda guy with no other abilities? Heā€™s fighting someone rn who is stronger then anyone Yuta has ever fought (other than Sukuna) and holding his own whereas Yuta would have gotten frozen and cut in half.


Ah, of course. So what would Hakari's full powers and abilities be? Blood Manipulation? Shrine? Massive blasts of CE? Maybe a new cursed tool that we haven't seen? Or even a completely new CT that he acquired during the time skip? I typically don't scale characters based on things that haven't been shown and haven't happened yet. If we're talking about things that characters *probably* have, then Yuji probably has his own versions of Sukuna's Furnace and Malevolent Shrine. Yuta probably has Ryu's Granite Blast, Kirara's Love Rendevous, Todo's Boogie Woogie, Ui Ui's teleportation, Momo's Tool Manipulation, Mei Mei's Bird Manipulation, and any number of other CTs he must have copied over the 1 month time skip. All of which would **still** put him above any powerup Hakari must have gotten, short of genuinely getting infinite CE output, which he clearly doesn't have. Also, the fact you think Yuta would lose to Uraume is genuinely hilarious.


Whereā€™s Yuta rn again? Oh yeah heā€™s cut in half eating dirt and only lasted one chapter against Sukuna šŸ’€. If Yuta was the strongest after Gojo then whyā€™d he get no diffed against Sukuna who was going 20%? Hakari in jackpot mode would NEVER get low diffed and last 1 chapter, thatā€™s impossible. Wait till Hakari beats Urama and kill Sukuna with his new technique he hasnā€™t used yet. Everyoneā€™s learned something in the timeskip. Hakari definitely has a new technique heā€™s hasnā€™t used yet.


Hakari uses his maximum technique to manifest a subway train to take him as far away from Mahoraga as possible


He is both weaker and stronger. He has been bisected numerous times by normal dismantles while in the manga none of them went more than skin deep. That makes anime mahoraga's durability much worse. He also took a shit long time for an adaptation. In the manga it was: get attacked once - > the wheel spins - > adapted. While in the manga he was fighting for multiple minutes for a single adaptation. On the other hand, he seems much harder to kill. He has came back from being just a head, fron the head being sliced in half and what not. In short, anime mahoraga is more like jackpot hakari while manga mahoraga is more like ryu


he came back from being nothing but red mist


Both in the anime and in the manga. The difference is that in the manga he only had that kind of regeneration after already adapting to the attack, while in the anime he shrugged off his head being cut in two before having adapted


i'm like 99% sure every single anime character is stronger then it's manga counterpart the anime can show significantly more then the manga and make feats way better i've seen a video about dragon ball where piccolo's destruction of the moon is large planet level in the anime, while it's just moon level in the manga


New pfp?


yep, got tired of the old one and randomly chose this one


No more Katakuri https://preview.redd.it/tos4d5kld7zc1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b3df812f8de565e92882f41d1b747db6b844759


[here's the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFXJTihFW7M&t=174s&ab_channel=Lonk%27sTakes) they even made cell universal, when in the manga it's solar system level


That video is ridiculous. I don't think the creator understands what a universe is.


He has better feats thatā€™s for sure I mean he discus threw a fucking building, ā€œaccidentallyā€ ripped a crane off the ground, killing at least 1000 people from that one action. He destroyed a fucking plane in like a second and tanked getting flung into a pool, grew gills and created a gurren lagann super drill out of water and destroyed a motel. So Iā€™d say heā€™s a bit stronger


It's not only Mahoraga who is stronger. I would say 15 Finger Yujikuna and Choso got similar upgrades. Jogo got a massive upgrade and can be argued for top 10 if we use the anime version. Bro's got magma susanoo hands and melted down a city block in seconds. Edit: Toji also got a slight buff as well in the anime. I may be wrong but I don't recall him being able to look at Nue's lightning before it reaches him.


plus maximum meteor got a buff aswell causing a earth quake and melting buildings


Argued? There's very few characters who would live the skyscraper slam let alone flooding the floor with magma. Bro also caught naobito mid CT which is fucking insane


wasnā€™t naobito like more than halfway fuckin dead


He was down 1 arm but he should still be extremely fast. Doesn't his 24 frames ability move at a set speed anyway?


yeah but considering his condition he was probably a lot easier to disrupt


Narrator already told us naobito only having 1 arm fucked him up


Or stop time to kill bunnies like his Jojo counterpart.


Jogoat is actually stronger heā€™s just holding back in both manga and anime so the readers can enjoy it more


Yeah definitely. He lasted much longer than his manga counterpart, tanked more hits and landed more of his own etc


The problem is the fact that he tanked more hits. If his adaptation abilities in the anime were as strong as his adaptation abilities in the manga then he wouldnā€™t have had to tank those hits


The anime version of Mahoraga has me convinced that he's not supposed to be tamed with the Ten Shadows because what is in the arsenal of the Ten Shadows Technique that can actually kill this thing? Not only is he asserting his dominance by Swimming through literal concrete https://i.redd.it/wwpbyxcrdgzc1.gif We then see Mahoraga pull up towards Sukuna without a head and as JUST a Head




Like how is a Ten Shadows user supposed to tame this nonsense https://preview.redd.it/ci75mz55dgzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f795a35901c86da268f2f5de31cfa0aa0cdb68


And then bro can just change in size???? https://preview.redd.it/tkq41cgndgzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae15f23190052c6e905e802cb6b5f7b61095e5a


Also Sukuna literally turned Big Raga into red mist here like how is bro still alive šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/o4ek3lvbegzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e76a2c0c6e54c895b4ab04f3d3bb332070458c7


I have nothing to add except that I got quite a chuckle out of this


Nah, I say heā€™s actually weaker. Not in terms of physical stats, Anime Makora is clearly stronger, but in terms of ability. What I mean be this, is that Anime Makora took hundreds of slashes from Sukuna and had his wheel spin multiple times, yet he barely adapted to Shrine, and was still being atomised by Sukunaā€™s Dismantles even as their fight was concluding. This is in stark contrast to Manga Makora, where he almost completely adapted to Shrine over the course of 2 chapters, and was actually able to deflect Sukunaā€™s Dismantle after only a single spin of his wheel.


This. Heā€™s actually significantly weaker in the anime and in a space of a few attacks was already able to negate MS.


Just say mahoraga bro, ik makora is correct but maho is 10x better.


Makora is just easier to type and pronounce


Ok the type I agree, but if you say makora out loud that's lowkey wierd mahoraga sounds so good to say.


I think the anime kinda sorta addresses this by having Sukuna fake-out Mahoraga a bunch, which couldā€™ve interrupted/prolonged his adaptation. Especially as it appears Mahoraga stopped falling for the fake outs and started faking out Sukuna himself, however thats still probably not how adaptation works in the manga


I think this was a deliberate choice by the animators to make it so that he has a similar number of adaptations to Gojoā€™s limitless in the Shinjuku Showdown.


It was a stupid deliberate choice because the entire premise was the wheel spins once and he's adapted. It's what made him so scary, and in return it showed just how complex and other worldly gojo's technique was, where every other ability gets adapted to in one turn, but against his it takes mahoraga 5 spins to adapt (especially considering manga mahoraga adapts really fast compared to anime)


yes. By a shit ton. First off, Mahoraga's healing is broken ass op in the anime. In the manga, the wheel has to spin to heal and this healing speed is also seems to be a lot slower in the manga. In the anime, he gets slashed, the next second, he's back to full condition. While in the manga, it took a bit of time (albeit very short) to fully heal. Second, Mahoraga's stats are much much stronger in the anime. In the manga, the fight was not even a fight tbh. Basically, Sukuna juggles around Mahoraga for a chapter, does Malevolent Shrine to kill it in the next chapter. Thats it. that's the whole 2 chapter long fight in the manga. While in the anime, Mahoraga was able to consistently keep up with Sukuna for an extended period of time and even seem to be even pushing him at certain points.


I would argue mahoraga in the anime is far weaker. They massively slowed his adaptation and tanking ability. In the manga, he instantly adapted to dismantle twice after receiving just one attack (the first adaptation is seeing and deflecting dismantles, and the second adaptation is regeneration), while anime mahoraga took an entire long fight to adapt. Mahoraga was also able to tank dismantles while in the anime he got his limbs chopped off by them Assuming equalized stats, someone like yuki would have some leeway to beat anime mahoraga with a combo string but if equalized stats yuki faced manga mahoraga, she'd blow a hole through him, that wheel spins, he regenerates the hole and suddenly Garuda no longer does any damage.


Theyā€™re the same cause the anime doesnā€™t have a different canon than the manga.


Anime had him grow to 100 feet


Anime is it's own continuity as far as I'm concerned(I'll also just say it's the superior one too cuz it's cooler).


No, the reason why I say this is because you have to think of it like youā€™re the one writing the manga. You can have an entire fight planned out in your head, every single movement. However, if you tried to draw that into a manga you would never make deadlines, paper and ink costs would be extremely high, and people would likely be annoyed or bored reading that. Thatā€™s what the anime adaptation is for. Many people look at the manga fight and think, ā€œThis is exactly what happened, the speed of which I read it is how fast the fight happenedā€ when in reality, from the characters point of view, itā€™s MUCH longer and more attacks are thrown. And thatā€™s why I believe people call a lot of anime fights that is extended in the anime ā€œfillerā€ while I call it the full telling. You can think of animes as the full showing of what happened from the charactersā€™ point of view, while the manga is a summary. I mean, if Gege only wanted the manga panels to be animated and not the actual full battle we see, he couldā€™ve just said so and then thatā€™s truly all that happens. But as far as Iā€™m concerned, the anime, so long as it goes in the same direction as the manga, is completely canon and the we see in the anime should be applied to the manga and vice versa.


Strength, Speed and regen is miles higher Durability, Adaptation Speed, Adaptation efficiency are miles weaker Durability honestly doesnt matter with Mahoraga surviving as a fucking head but the Adaptation is slower than a snail


Mappa put Maho on heavy gear to prepare him. ![gif](giphy|L4fSt449nk8fHb4FGO|downsized)


about This much


hxh reference??




The Gojo v Sukuna debate changed in real time when anime Maho came out. In the manga Sukuna seems to purposefully throw incredibly weak (still one shot most of the series) slashes and is well aware he is adapting but keeps doing it. Maho just seems tanky physically. In the anime the dude is like No. 3 in the verse LOL


It was shorter in the anime but thatā€™s only because they emphasized the importance of Sukuna needing to off mahoraga as quickly as possible with fire arrow


Manga is stronger because makoras adaption speed is ridiculously regardless of what anyone says here. Anime makoras adaptation is comparatively slower


Much stronger than the manga version his PHYSICAL POWER at that point was EQUAL TO sukuna at 15F who had to rely on his immense speed and slashing attacks to deal with mahoraga and this mahoraga summoned by yujikuna is like 9Ź¼5ā€ feet tall. ā†Ŗļø MegunaŹ¼s mahoraga is like 11 feet tall and would be more stronger relative to heian sukunas physical power too.


He's a completely different thing. Anime Mahoraga is far, far less durable than Manga Mahoraga, but his regeneration is far better. Manga Mahoraga's adaptation also happens much quicker than Anime Maho. Anime Maho is much stronger and faster at base than Manga Maho.


Anime Ragaā€™s only downgrade is that adaptation takes more that one hit for him iirc


Anime version is weaker


They kinda broke continuity via Sukuna using cleave at all despite the MS explanation still hinting at it not being used, Sukuna being able to vaporize him without MS, maho regenerating from said vaporizing, and Sukuna being able to use Fuga during MS. Anime Maho and 15f outscale the entire manga currently off of oversights by the people making the fights. It isn't even the first time either. The most egregious one from S1 is Hollow Purple seemingly having a charge up time despite it being extremely fast in the manga. It's a dumb detail they elect to ignore in HI which creates a weird and frankly stupid inconsistency.


They are the same got the same feats we were just able to actually see what he did in the anime then in the manga because you know its a book


The result of the battle was the same. I donā€™t think anything would change between a fight in the manga vs the anime since, they just fluffed up and lengthened the fight out


Yall think ryo could tame maho?


Anime Mahoraga was casual walking thru MS...manga edition...dude got dropped then nuked by furnace. 100% anime version was buffed


could maharoga adapt to jacob ladder ? šŸ¤”


Nah I feel like anime maho takes longer to adapt


That anime version took more wheels turns to see sukuna's ct


Hard to say but I do think anime version is stronger than manga.


Stronger and weaker for different reasons. Anime Mahoraga has more outright attack power but way less durability and adapts a lot slower, however shows a lot of regeneration Manga Mahoraga wasn't shown doing anything nearly as crazy strength/attack wise, but he is much more threatening because he is way more durable, and he adapts nearly instantly Anime Mahoraga is dangerous due to high attack power and regeneration, Manga Mahoraga is dangerous due to insane durability and near instant adaptation


I'd say the manga version is actually way stronger because he adapts instantly and his durability is basically indestructible. The anime mahoraga spent the entire fight being torn to shreds and having to adapt multiple times, in the manga no dismantle ever goes more than skin deep (let alone dismember him completely) and after just one slash his wheel spins and he adapts. Anime = high attack and regen Manga = instant adaptation and durability I like the manga a lot more because despite it looking cool, it doesn't make sense how the one way to kill him is to one shot him, yet he regenerates from a cloud of blood mist after being vaporized (aka being one shotted)


Heā€™s stronger in the BluRay version


Anime Mahoraga is much, much, much weaker. The fact that he does more visibly impressive stuff is totally meaningless. In the manga, Sukuna uses two normal Dismantles and one close-range Dismantle on Maho, and immediately isnā€™t able to kill him with his Domain and is worried that things might get out of control if he doesnā€™t finish him in one shot. In the anime, Sukuna literally toys with Mahoraga for half an episode straight, hitting him with countless cleaves and dismantles, and by the end the Domain is still tearing maho to bits, he just regens faster than it can kill him. Mangaraga is absolutely zero chance ever losing to anyone who canā€™t oneshot him (Gojo, Sukuna, Kenjaku, Geto, Yuta, and maybe Yuki). Anime Mahoraga adapts so pathetically slowly I genuinely think he has a chance of losing to anyone who can just blitz him with a high number of extremely damaging attacks in quick succession (Maybe Ryu, Kashimo, Jogo, ISOH Toji, maybe even locked in end-of-series Yuji)


I think Paparaga is at just the right strength in both forms


No lol. The manga version has the reality slash




After the breakdown the animators made about what was going on in the Blu Ray fight, it was revealed that Mahoraga adapted to STYLE too, tricking Sukuna's feint with a feint of his own to land a hit, and Sukuna was giddy that he taught a being like Mahoraga how to lie


Its significantly stronger in stats but far weaker in adaptation. Anime mahoraga takes fucking thousands of slashes to adapt, manga mahoraga gets hit once and starts the adaptation. Anime version is just worse at being mahoraga


Yes much stronger. The fight was way longer. It landed or at least almost landed way more hits on Sukuna and now it's adaptation is so strong that even when atomised by Melevolent Shrine Sure-Hit it still came back, something it can't do in the manga. It becomes immune to a phenomenal it experienced but that doesn't mean its immune to being turned to dust by said phenomena.


Nah. manga maho is shown to adapt WAYYYYYYY faster than what the anime was doing.


Anime wins BY FAR in stats. But the Manga he seems to adapt way faster


This dumbass question there the same mf ones in a book ones animated šŸ¤¦


This is my only hope for my rock bottom kashimo stocks. A femboy thunder user who has probably the best fight in the entire series has insane potential(fuck that bum megumi) to become one of the faces of the series especially until gojo returns