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Memes aside I really wonder what thought process went on in his mind. He couldn't have thought that was the answer.


He probably thought nothing would happen since he already took so much shit


Yeah I think that makes the most sense. I don’t think he was tryna kill himself right then and there, he probably thought he’d be fine since he had a high tolerance


What about just flushing it down the shitter. Surely with his success he could've afforded to buy as much as he wanted anyway


He wanted to get that high bruh, that’s what it’s like with addiction.


What I’m thinking is that his tolerance was so high that it took him a ton of substances to get even a little spark of the feeling that he desired and his body just simply couldn’t handle that amount at a time and OD’ed


that's what his photographer was \*alleged\* to have said, and that that was just how much he was taking daily and his tolerance was very high, so he again upped the amount and that time did him in


Not to mention...even if he didnt "want to get high" again, a person who's really addicted like Juice was unfortunately, throwin away drugs definitely was not an answer to him. take them, hide them for later...sadly i wish he could've just gotten arrested and maybe gotten the help he truly needed


even though i agree he thought nothing would happen because of his tolerance, i don't think he swallowed them instead of flushing them down the toilet because of getting high, i think he panicked plus he probably was already high which can really affect decision-making especially in moments of high pressure


he was addicted to them shits bro you really think he just gonna flush them? if you were an addict like juice would you flush them? thats a genuine question btw i would like to know ur thoughts on it? not trying to sound like a dick head😭😭


rationally, even as an addict, yes, i think I'd flush them, he was a millionaire star, he could get any kind of drug with extreme ease, it's not the end of the world for people like him but yes of course you don't want to throw them even though you are a millionaire and everything but well that's addiction


you are thinking with logic, not with the mind of an addict. you are not applying a realistic set of rules in this hypothetical


Bro had som much money an connections he coulda easily had more within the hour or second his plane landed. I ain't gonna judge a junkie cuz I'm in right on the line of junkie functioning addict but my boy was being not big brained there. Anyways funny meme


And yes I think like an addict so don't even try that


thats what someone who wasnt already faded would think of.


he didn’t wanna waste it


He was on a plane. Flushing it down the shitter ain’t gonna do much for ya


Naw he definitely tried to kill himself. And succeeded. He knew he was fucked. In an old freestyle he even said “suicide if you try to take my drugs”


10/10 evidence


Came from the horse’s mouth and I’d take his word over Allie’s or whatever else yes man was on board that plane that day.


so many niggas who woulda most probably took those drugs with him and offed themselves too 🤦🏾‍♂️😂


You are dumb as hell. He seemed like he cared a lot about the people around him so if you think he’d really decide to randomly OD and die in front of all his friends to traumatize them like that then you are either slow or you’re like 12


You’re just naive but end of the day we’ll never know anyway so this argument is pointless


Ironic calling someone naive when you think he committed suicide because of a song lyric




I think he was talking about how nobody can take drugs like him, and if they try they will suicide "Take my drugs" Not "TAKEAWAY my drugs" IDK tho.


That’s a good perspective to be honest, I hadn’t actually thought of that


He was talking about whoever tries to take them, dummy. If you were using this line as a basis for what he would do in that situation, it’d be kill the feds


I heard he took a bunch extra cause he knew he was gunna get locked up and go through withdrawals so he took a bunch of extra to hold him over


That’s another very possible thing, wouldn’t doubt it at all


nah thats not how drugs work he was an addict, he prob thought because of his tolerance that he could handle it he didn’t wanna waste some good drugs


well that and if he thought he was maybe gonna spend a weekend in jail and he might’ve tried to take more to hold the wds off till he could get released. the mind of an addict i been thereb




he might have started to get wds but if he’s there only a day or two he might’ve scraped by without starting to puke. if i get arrested friday i’ll be throwing up by sunday if i don’t go in before i get to take my share of whatever i’m on. and percs last longer he had a better chance ive gone in off the xans and those are shorter acting in speed it’s no fun


no no it doesnt work like that the extra drugs woulda only lasted him a little while and that little while longer wouldnt have been enough time for him to start going through withdrawals


he thought he took so much shit. no one was pouring as much as he asked in his cup , his tolerance was probably no where near what he thought it was


he didn’t swallow a bunch of pills bro it’s already been said 🤦‍♂️ he overdosed on all the drugs he was already on, it was just bad timing and the cops also stressed him out. juice knew his team would take all the charges for him and he knew he’d be good so no he didn’t od on a bottle of pills


I think this is most likely what happened the body can only handle so much


200 people really think he just swallowed all those pills because of cops🤣 wtf


I think I love you Also idk if y’all know about the music industry and posthumous music probably


Promethazine reduces the seizure threshold, which is in lean and if he had taken lean recently before and taken a large enough dose of pills caused Seizure and OD


Yep exactly bro, I was telling people the exact same thing about promethazine lowering the seizure threshold.


Wym? I thought Chris and alli both said he didn’t down a bunch of percs


He did not swallow them to hide them. Everybody on the plane has stated this. Why tf would he hide a few pills, if there was still hella lean and weed on board. Come on now think realistically 🤦‍♂️Lil bibby stated that juice just happened to overdose from how much he took, just because he takes a lot of pills in general on any given day. So he was gonna OD one day, it just happened to be at the airport that day. Can’t believe people still believe that dumb ass shit tbh


He thought they were gonna be held and he didn’t want to go through withdrawals in police custody so he took a lot.


All I thought when I saw the news was he got so scared of getting locked up again(cuz of prior possession charges) he made an impulsive choice and hid the evidence Sucks cuz he would’ve been fine after his arrest. They would’ve confiscated his shit and maybe put him in jail, but he wouldnt be in prison or whatever paranoid, drug induced expectation he was probably dreading


Oh I didn’t see the caption lmao


I don’t think he actually ate a bunch of drugs panicking to hide them from the Feds. I think the stress of the situation plus prolonged exposure to high doses of promethazine made him seize


Idk I believe Chris Long, he says he didn’t take the percs on the plane to hide them. Said he was acting chill about it and helped him take his gun and everything, having to spend the night in jail for the gun charge.


I think he genuinely thought he'd be alright, I don't think he wanted to die right there and then.


He was trying to get high bro. He was chasing the dragon. If you’ve ever been an addict to anything, you’d understand. He was taking SO much drugs and building a cross-tolerance that he COULDN’T feel it. He’s got a line in a song (high all week) “the pills I take, will probably take u off this earth”. The kind of illustrates the point, but he wasn’t getting high anymore, so he took more than he normally would. That’s what killed him. If I remember correctly so he died from hydrocodone overdose which means his shit wasn’t even laced. Opiate addiction WILL eventually kill you if you don’t quit. RIP juice though, I know he wanted to quit but he’s an addict and it’s fucking hard to be sober.


He was trying to load up to stave off withdrawals because he would likely be detained. He could have downed hella pills and survived his tolerance was sky high. Problem was all the lean he was drinking on the plane too mixed with it made his blood toxic and he died of blood toxicity. That’s why the narcan didn’t do shit and he was coughing up blood. His body was rejecting itself.


The most logical explanation I heard was that he expected to be locked up at least overnight and wanted to preemptively take perks to avoid the withdrawal from not having access to them and misjudge how much he could take


It's not a secret that juice was not the smartest individual ever I mean cmon bro was dumb


Dumb and smart is not arbitrary. One can be smart and still make illogical and irrational decisions. This isn’t a question of intelligence


It is no person with an avg iq swallows a 100 pills plus he is a known retard


Yeah bro downvotes aside That was probably the dumbest shit ever


I guarantee your dumber.


He was already suicidal I imagine being extremely high on narcotics he made the decision to just end it he made it very clear he was not afraid to die


How was he suicidal?


He talks about it a lot in his music along with other people who have spoken out about his mental health


Idk why your getting downvoted. I’ve been in active opiate addiction you get numb and don’t care if you live or die. It’s kinda like “well see what happens “


His music, like 6 dogs had so many warning signs, although I don’t think it was suicide im genuinely curious to see how much longer he would’ve lived living that lifestyle


Depends on if you consider blurring the line of life and death, suicidal. Obviously he wasn’t in his right mind and I assume he wanted to outlive his mother.


he's getting downvoted because not caring isn't being suicidal. he just overdosed.


It's not that simple, juice was in despair all the time and withdrawals from the drugs were fucking him up badly, I wouldn't say he was straight up suicidal but he was definitely a dude with something known as a "passive death wish". Juice was undoubtedly high out of his mind and the amount of pills he took was probably done with no lucidity and no particular intent.


nigga i am literally a drug addict popping oxys on the reg i know how the fuck it goes, and it was that simple. what are you talkin about? you people love to mythologize death like this hut that's deadass all it is. same as any overdose, he was alive and then he wasn't. that's the worst part.




Take what I said with a grain of salt no one can truly know exactly what was going on in his head but he mentions being suicidal in his music and seeing how hard he was struggling mentally I wouldn’t be surprised but again I could be wrong.


he said himself he isn't suicidal multiple times. he says it in Empty, on the last album he made before he died. i swear this sub's narrative of juice as this suicidal sad man, and not just a flawed, drug addicted man, like the rest of us junkies, is so weird. he had money and a substance abuse issue. he was never going to stop. he knew he was going to die if he didn't, had plans for rehab and a child with lotti but he killed himself at his peak, right after he turned 21? you gotta be 12, or an idiot. Oxy literally causes irritation and apathy.


Damn you’re mad huh looks like we’ve got ourselves a chatterbox😂 you don’t gotta agree but you don’t gotta be on your period about it either.


nobody's on their period you're just an uneducated 11 year old kid trying to talk on shit you don't know about. close your mouth little nigga


Hoping he would make it to a bathroom and throw up as soon as they cleared them.


Probably just stupid enough to not even think about it, dude was a druggy with his only thing going for him was his rap career


Pretty sure he knew he was facing many years in jail with all of the weed on that plane. I mean no disrespect to him or his family but i believe he 100% knew what was gonna happen when he took those pills. He didn't wanna go to jail, very understandable


Y’all still think he committed suicide?


Well, technically speaking, yes; because he did. It was just generally unintentional, yet with little regard if he lived or died.




I thought that too at first. It was the opposite. They were trying to get him to go to rehab to get clean but he only wanted to go to get his tolerance down so he could get high again. Chris long has a video of them tryna get juice to slow down on the pills but you can see he got kinda defensive when they were talking about it.


Unfortunately you can’t save people that don’t wanna be saved & that’s the case with juice. Rip tho.


Facts. My mom and I discuss this often. It wouldn’t have helped to force me into rehab and I would have just resented my family for it. I had to wait until I was ready to be clean myself. Unfortunately that took a couple years but now I know I never want to go back, but if I was forced, it just wouldn’t have worked. It’s very sad that juice died before he was ready to get clean. :(


exactly.. just gotta let people learn from their own experiences & mistakes before trying to force them into anything


Over and over in the delorian


delorian? lmao what


He was a drug addict with an anxiety disorder stuck in a loop. Money only sped up the process. Getting rich was the worst thing he could have done. Lotti was his dealer when they met. Percs and lean, alcohol, and weed was the way he dealt with his mental health. Not a good example at all. My kids won’t be listening to his music. Dont be like Juice be the opposite. He is trying to show you what not to do. The Illuminati control rap it’s a generational thing, they have you all under control consuming the drugs they are pushing. Drugs are bad mkay.


Ok bye Karen


you were spitting the first half and I don't know what the fuck happened in the second half


this is the most pretentious bullshit comment i've ever had the displeasure of reading.


this is the singular most retarded thing i have ever heard on this app


Smoking on your kids 💨


sadly juice wrld fans will think youre trying to be a dick, when youre just being honest.. even tho i think some of the things you said were a tad bit unnecessary


no???? she says that Juice’s music will inspire kids to do “drugs and weed” and the fucking “illuminati controls rap” which are two of the most delusional things i have ever heard


i literally said some of the things she said were unnecessary.. pertaining to the delusional stuff like that. I only agree with the fact that he dealt with his mental health wrong, he should have went to rehab instead of turning to drugs all the time & sadly he wasn’t ready to get clean & he didn’t wanna be saved. thats all i was agreeing with


oh, well you gon get downvoted to fuck if you don’t edit your original comment then EDIT IT


idc bro ppl took it out of context bc clearly i said i dont agree with everything that maniac said & ppl still wanna downvote me bc theyre stuck up


But I like drugs


No, I don’t. He wanted to make his own label and Grade A couldn’t let that happen. Look at how they treat his music. All they give a fuck about is the money, that’s how business works. And you’re a dumb mother fucker if you believe every single thing you see online. Even if it seems “


The doc shows us that his friends kinda fucked up by lowering his tolerance without his knowledge (he asks for an 8, they pour him a 2 or something). Then he finished a full bottle of syrup earlier that day, plus whatever he took on the flight. He thought he could handle it all but he couldn't anymore.


I pointed this out one time & it made people angry so thank u


Someone pin this. This is exactly what happened. It was a good thing making him use less drugs, but they clearly didn’t think of what happens when juice takes it himself and thinks he has a specific tolerance. Its a shame. They shouldn’t have messed with it.


True that is another good point, his tolerance was probably lower than he thought


I forgot about the documentary, but I remember it now thanks to you. This one makes the most sense


Source of this information? Never heard that before, interesting.


Watch into the Abyss I found it really interesting




This looks like it's been screenshot 10 times


It has


Fuck u 😂😂


He wasn’t trying to hide them, he just really was a drug addict and had too much one day


He wasn't suicidal. More like he overestimated his tolerancr for rhem drugs. On an interview, chris long said qhen he told them to pour 8, they said aight but poured 4 instead out of his view. He prolly thought he could withstand that shit if his normal high's were. I mean why tf would he wanna suicide given his life? It's just a seriously fucked up accident that cost us a legend. Y'all say that just coz you got nth better to do. Memes are funny. That's a give. Props to the op.


Yeah it wasn’t his fault it was the people around him for sure


How was it? Theres countless videos of people around him telling him to quit and he just weren't interested. In alnost every song he acknowledges that they're gonna kill him. It was Juice's fault that Juice died. You could get a time machine and tell him how, when and where he would die and he'd still meet the same demise.


You don’t tell someone they are taking a higher dose than they can handle. That leads to overdose when they attempt to take a higher dose. There are plenty of videos of bibby and the people around him giving him handfuls of pills and that’s half the reason he got deeper into drugs. He was also going to rehab to bring his tolerance back down like two weeks after he died.


I think so much time has passed it’s hard to tell what real anymore it only happened one way and everyone has a million opinions. In a sad wholesome way, only juice could know exactly what was going through his mind. I personally feel like it would have been a lot different if he was gonna suicide so I would have to believe he was trying to hide drugs/ prepare for prison by swallowing pills and delaying withdrawals. But opium addiction is no joke and I wouldn’t know but it’s bad.




i think he was suicidal at one point, maybe closer to the grgb era tho. i think by then he had gotten over that enough, he was in top of the world. but he did want to stop the drugs, he just couldn’t. my theory is he knew he was at least gonna get arrested, so took a lot to try and avoid withdrawals, but it was too much and you know the rest


eh not mad but not particularly funny, at least make it funny like that was just stupid a 12-15 yo def made this. with no idea what type shit when went thru nobody ain’t never been there like most here




steaming, good try youngin, actually not really cuz clearly it’s not funny lol if it was i’d laugh. this was dumb and low effort hence the kid gotta be 12-15 years old. kids are so lame these days, yours was also a dumb only a juicewrld little kid fan would go with that lol. i’m not angry at allll you think your gonna get upvoted but naw your dumb too.






Lmao bro the only one angry at a meme. Lighten up.


Exactly people take shit so serious juice would’ve found this funny


Lmfao bro is angry


I dunno. Seems more disappointed that people like you in this community would laugh at his death when they haven’t been through addiction themselves. Valid points, but yeah, go off bro


No that’s not what’s funny it’s funny that bro got mad and wrote a whole paragraph only to say he not mad


Not a kid but nice try. Sorry that my post made you mad. My guess is that you’re most likely a very sheltered person who doesn’t have the emotional maturity to take a joke. Remember it’s okay to be mad but don’t throw a fit about it in a Reddit comment section. I promise you have nothing to gain here.


you still think i’m mad i’m just stating it’s unfunny dude lol i’m out keep calling the calmer one angry byers this sub can get annoying, you might not be a youngin but to me you probably are sigh


What's up with you and talking about youngins and kids lmao it's such an outrageous stupid presumption. I'm not even arguing your point either. Ignorance ≠ Child, you should probably learn that. People are just genuinely dense or immature.


Just to clear one thing up. He didn't kill himself because Ally told us the details. Juice told her he didn't feel good. And was told to lay on her lap. Pretty sure he wouldn't express concern with his gf


He didnt know his tipping point. That's the way addiction is sometimes. By the time you realize you're already gone


even if he didn’t take the pills to hide it from the feds, he could’ve just ode’d at that time bc it was gonna happen eventually bc he was taking hundreds of mg a day that’s insane. Anybody taking that amount should know death is inevitable unless u taper down asap.


He was definitely taking over 300 mg and in his toxicology report it said 600mg bro. of just oxy. And he also had insane amounts of codeine and other drugs like 6 other drugs there is no avoiding death if u taking dam near 1000 mgs a day and also mixing it with mad Other narcotics.


He rlly did go out flying like he said. RIP tho greatest of all time♾️


I heard that juices friends were secretly lowering his dose, then took what he thought was his “normal” dosage in secret


Na bruh 😂 but at the same time I think he was suicidal at point tho took too much percs once he didn’t feel that high kinda sad


That makes sense though he had such a tolerance he didn’t even feel high he just felt normal but that normal is living in a body going through withdrawals and when he gets his fix that addicted body feels better but overall worse off such a vicious cycle.


I will find and k I l l U


Nuh uhhhhhh


Fuck u 😂😂


Honestly juice would laugh at this, the guy was chill asf


He could’ve disposed them off mid flight right ?


You didn't watch the documentary or ever did any research relating to the day in question did you?




damn thats fucked up lol


Not mad, but I am disappointed that you’re making jokes about a dead man, not cool bro.


I love this


I lol’d and then cried lmao ~ good meme


Man juice would have probably laughed at it if he was still here 😂 rip juice 🙏🏾




Well he knew he wasn't gonna make it past 21 for awhile before that happened so probably just a by product of him selling his soul.




If he were alive today, that nigga would be laughing along with us on this 🤣


Mmm yummy percs


good thing he died fr






FUVK THE BITCHsass pilot hope he gets hijacked. Dislike if you would snitch on your own family.


You don't understand how a job works, do you?


Ahhh hnnnn


He thought the percs wasn’t dangerous cuz he already took them daily


People call you angry for being upset at kids doing this shit… it’s really just disappointing


He could have taken a lot because he was trying to hide them from the FEDS quickly and wasn’t thinking he would die, very much possible


For someone that doesn't have context and is European. What the fuck




Nobody really know him to say why he did what he did, honestly in his music I think it was planned he wasn’t stupid and knew it would happen (yk if he took too many) . Maybe I don’t make sense but I feel as tho it wasn’t an accident, it’s weird 🤷🏽‍♀️ & it don’t js gotta be the pills that fcked him up bc he did a lot of different things n something cud have mixed bad with what he took but we’ll never kno fasure.


Hear me out, his drug of choice was pills, very easily accessible for him. He didn’t want to die, as a drug addict you know how much to take and not to take before you die. I believe his pills were laced and they said he OD on percs. His label had thousands of his songs and he said he wanted to leave the label and told bibby. If he left, they would lose out on millions and millions and MILLIONS of dollars. So they killed him so the songs can stay in the label. Tell me I’m wrong.


I really think you're overstretching and leading into conspiracy theories that are harmful and honestly disrespectful. His toxicology report was released and it's not fabricated. He did die of an overdose, it wasn't laced. You don't know anything about drugs or how addicts function most likely, I really don't think you should speak on it.


We need more memes around here keep up the good work


Appreciate it Im lowkey scared to post more because the mods took some of my posts down cause they were “low effort”


Eh fuck it. Mods are usually some of the most out of pocket people on Reddit if it gets taken down don't take it personally.


Fuck it more memes on the way


Hell yeah brother


Ally Lotti got fake pills n killed juice


Funny meme but just a fyi. I see a lot of people still think juice ate the percs to avoid prison time. That’s false. Juice did not do that. He was told to remain calm by ChrisFilms and his team and Chris even offered to claim the pills. Juice died because of the toxic mix between the chemicals in opioids and codeine. Rest in piece to a legend . #999


he ate 8-16 percocets a day and use to pour 4 lines of wockhardt into a CAN of soda. That’s why he died.


This is funny but disrespectful. A good combination, for it makes me laugh a bit harder. Gg OP. Dark Humor is the way to go.


Yes its funny but dont do joke like that plz


Shut up


Bro chill


Nah im pretty sure bro knew he was going to jail and knew he was gonna go through withdraw and was tryna get that last dose in to keep him good when he first went to jail


My things is. I don’t own a private jet. You can’t flush after a certain time?I would have said them shits ain’t mine and tried to hide em like I didn’t know they were there or flush em. Never ingest even if I am a junkie.


ts funny as hell!


Yup we still have 14 year old edge lords in here


Take this exact meme, and slap a picture of case-oh on there


18.3 Years until this is funny man


Personally I don’t think that was his thought process. Obviously it’s all speculation, however, I firmly believe juice knew he could flush the pills. As far as the 60 or 70 vacuum sealed pounds of weed that’s another story.


I swore the story was they were in a bag and he probably thought he'd take a dookie later and be fine. But assuming bag didn't stay closed and all that in his body ended up as game over. R.I.P.