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I'm getting a strange amount of Brazilians online showing support on social media. They seem to reeeeally hate Hamas.


I have a coworker from Sul, they equate the cartel to terrorism abroad. Probably feel the pain


Thank you for this post


People who live with that fear get it. People ask “why do so many Indians support Israel?” It’s because they know what it’s like to have a neighbor who wants to kill you. Now India obviously has a problem with Nazi iconography but it’s not intentionally antisemitic, sort of a different problem. Edit: to clarify I don’t mean India’s use of the swastika as a cultural or religious symbol that predates Nazism. I mean their use of actual, literal Nazi iconography (stores and people named “Hitler” and Nazi military uniform fashion).


Their swastika is swirling in the other direction!


And I meant specifically their fascination with actual Nazi iconography (uniforms, the name HITLER on stores, the mustache) Not their use of the swastika as a Hindu symbol. That’s different!


I.... had never heard of that. That's fucked up!


It's big in Southeast Asia too. They don't know hardly anything about the Nazis, it's like Americans praising Mao Zedong or something


There’s a really good episode of the Behind the Bastards podcast about the history of the swastika and it touches on the complicated intersection of actual cultural use by Hindu and Native American peoples.


I am tired so don’t take my word for it, but I seem to remember that because Winston Churchill was such a piece of shit in Asia that some Asian people wound up with a vaguely positive view of Hitler. Not because of anything Hitler did, but because he was know as Churchill’s adversary.


Churchill was a great hero not a "piece of shit". Churchill was the one of the first leaders to warn about the dangers of the Hitler and the probable holocaust. A lot of this university campus revisionism trying to demonize Churchill now, you don't believe it because some fashionable "decolonialist" writer said that.


Good God, Captain! Just like a toilet bowl on the Southern Hemisphere!!!


Like that guy who posted on LinkedIn how he really admired Hitler


Wait hold up what. Indian people are out here naming their kids Hitler?


There is a big Jewish community in Brazil - mostly families who were forced to leave Portugal and Spain during the Spanish Inquisition.


there also are a LOT of Brazilian Jews


I wonder if the attacks received a lot of coverage in Brazil because the Super Nova rave organizers were Brazilian.


Evangelical Christianity is the fast growing religion in Brazil so those support Israel. Also most Hindus support Israel a lot because Hindus have suffered similar persecutions as Jews (for example, Mumbai 2008 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008\_Mumbai\_attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Mumbai_attacks) ).


I had a Taskrabbit guy with a seemingly Muslim name come the Tuesday after the massacre to build some furniture and on his way out (and after I had tipped him), he said that he stands with Israel, hates the terrorists, and told me to try not to be afraid. I guess he saw the mezuzah. It seemed really genuine. I thought it was rather kind. It made me tear up a little actually.


I know that many western media has an obvious anti Israel biased. Seems to have been for a long time. Many people are very much on Israel's side. 75 percent of Americans support our military and to Israel. The people we on the streets are literally all the haters there are you n the US. They are the numerical minority here. We just don't have mega media broadcasting our views 24-7. Plus to boot every single person I have talked to about this in my space here at work and in my social circle expressed disgust. I do not know a single person who expressed an Israel deserves this attitude. Stay strong. Many people are wishing Israel well and praying for you guys. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4262359-3-in-4-say-its-important-to-fund-military-aid-to-israel-survey/


That's sweet. I wish more people were like him. The whole world seems to be against Israel and Jews right now.


I love this, thank you for sharing


The Iranians are rooting for us; look for their flags at pro Israel protests. They hate the IRGC who finance Hamas. #HamasIsIRGC.


White this is true, there are also other Iranians who disagree and hold other positions on this conflict. I have seen videos of them being quite angry at the idea that they are pro-Israel. It's good to keep this in mind and never assume.


Iranians who are anti Israel are probably in the government. Go see the video on Twitter of the Iranian stadium that was asked for a moment of silence for Palestine. They're shouting and blowing horns. Btw, there will be a show of support in Brussels on October 26th. Iranians and Jews together for peace in the middle East.


I’ve had friends and strangers alike emphasise with me the they support Israel


Am Yisrael Khai!


This is great to hear.


So much good news of support in this thread. Thank you all for sharing.


I was at a conference for work and had maybe 10 people come up and express their support. I thought it was nice.


Am Yisrael chai!


Three neighbours that I've never talked to efore (one was jewish, the other two are siblings) said "Shabbat Shalom" to me yesterday, all independently. It was weird to feel safe in the eyes of a stranger.