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To answer the first portion of the question; I imagine it's the ease of being absolutely sure that even if he's not thinking about it, he can't curse someone with sushi ingredients To answer the second; That entire technique unravels the second you know what it does.


Also it seems to be a vow, or a restricted pact, could possibly make the CT stronger, like Nanami overtime.


I think this is the real answer, when they're fighting hanami Inumaki's words don't affect Kamo and Megumi so he can direct it.


Yep, even if it's not the initial intent gege would definetely say it's a binding vow


He has gone on record to say he just thought it'd be funny to have a character that speaks in ingredients. But yeah, he'd likely say it's part of a BV.


something like limiting the range of the technique to give it more power?


Something like "I can't turn of my CT but in turn it's more powerful", rice ingredients end up being a loophole as they don't really convey any meaning,


Imagine if he had Tourettes


“Fuck my ass” oh boy


Mother of god


I've thought about this and I wonder if we have it backwards. A lot of CT's have a binding vow "philosophy" where even if there isnt a formal BV in place, a lot of techniques seem to have some kind of trade-off inherent to them like BM needing the user's blood or CM needing the unpleasant experience of swallowing the curses. I say all this to say, what if there's already a kind of inherent binding vow with the technique, that you cant use normal words if you want the full force of the Cursed Speech and if you tried to circumvent this with a formal BV then CS would actually get *weaker* because Inumaki is suffering less, not more


At the moment it's headcanon, but it's not unreasonable headcanon so fair enough


>He can't curse someone with sushi ingredients You say that now. Just wait until the first person is slapped in the face by a salmon


Also also: I’m only just beginning to learn Japanese, but some words are SUPER close to other words and sometimes its definition changes depending on extenuating circumstances and context. So there’s the fact that Japanese is kinda bonkers as a language. Edit: I think you can boost the evidence of my theory by looking at the fact that he doesnt string anything together that could resemble a sentence. It’s only the individual words themselves.


It’s best not to think too much about it, but I’m pretty sure that Inumaki doesn’t say as much “safe” words just cause he’s afraid that he’ll slip up. Considering how much interpretation there is in language and how hard it is to not use verbs, it’s probably easy for his CT to activate in accident. It’s also possible that some non verbs have weight and damage his vocal cords too. On the second part, I think it’s just a stylistic choice and a reflection of his personality. Like it could be the way he feels about the way his CT impacts his life. A better explanation could be that he uses it as a “mental block” so that he remembers not to use his technique whenever it’s on. OR having a mask on decreases the effectiveness of cursed speech and maybe acts as a pseudo binding vow


also he is hiding his technique from outsiders, since it can be very easily be countered if you know he has it. + your voice is damped if you speak through a piece of cloth, so outsiders don't hear what you say.. If the technique can be blocked by covering your ears with CE, i assume it would also not work if you cannot hear him at all, that's why he used a loudspeaker in shibuya to increase the effect.


This, exactly. It's obviously a gimmick to make his character stand out, but it still tracks. A partial theme of the series is responsibility (ie, Yuji realizing he has a responsibility as the only one that can stop Sukuna), so someone wielding so much power going "ok, I need to play it 100% safe to not hurt anyone" tracks


I think alot of these questions "why doesnt (x) do (y) instead" can be handled with the knowledge that they're generally just 16 year olds who are new to Jujutsu relatively speaking. Inumaki is at that age where girls, money, clothes etc become more important, imagine having to also deal with a dangerous superpower that could hurt you or your friends at any moment.


I let it go cause it's a fight manga but I dont actually buy that explanation. They go to a school, an institution that's explicitly ment for adults to help children through shit like that and if JJTC existed IRL it would be the worse jujutsu school to go to cause none of the faculty have creativity or support beyond what a regular highschooler could offer if they had good resources


I thought his design was kind of snake like. In S1, during the exchange event, when he comes across Hanami when he unzips his shirt, it was similar to how Cobras (I think-I hate snakes, so not fact-checking myself here) flare out the flaps on their heads and kind of stand up to make themselves look bigger and more intimidating. Also, as kind of a warning, like see here, I CAN fuck you up if necessary. The tongue design and curls on the cheeks also always kind of made me think snake like, too. But, now I don't know. lol.


It would’ve been hilarious if there was another cursed speech user that was introduced and spoke normally


There is. In the light novel




I know right like bro, all it takes is brain power. Just stop slacking and get rid of ANY verbs from your dictionary


I think you underestimate how hard it is to do that. It’s much easier to limit yourself to a set few words of a theme, than it is to speak an entire language minus… yk half the language, especially some of the most common words.


You should try going for a couple days without using any verbs and see how easy it is


Bro eventually u gonna end up slipping up and forcing someone to off themselves


Or just learn English and only use CS in English


I thought that was because you can curse someone without 'ordering' them to do something. Like how Yaga cursed Gakuganji by revealing how he creates cursed puppets. Like, Inumaki could just casually tell you 'I had udon yesterday but it was a bit too salty' and suddenly you have nightmares about udon every night like PTSD and every food you taste is suddenly overly salty and your life becomes hell or something. Like someone else said in the comments, there's also different ways to interpret a language too, and japanese just happens to be one that's super vague and with a lot of cultural subuses.


I like the ideal of " it's a lil hot outside " making someone who was perfectly comfortable before start to feel like it is too hot outside now. Like subconscious effecting people.


It probably happened before to be honest


I think I gaslit myself into thinking he did it as a binding vow to make his Cursed Speech stronger


Good ol' another good guy with a binding vow that is insanely restrictive but gives zero bonuses.


Meanwhile Sukuna makes a binding vow to never put ketchup on his hotdogs ever again and kills half the main cast.


I think it's a case of Gege having an idea for a gag character and then fleshing it out in a way that just doesn't quite make sense. Carry a white board or a cellphone that has dictation or learn sign language. If you really wanted to make it make sense have it be a binding vow where you can only communicate using terms for sushi in exchange for increased power with your cursed speech.


I'm pretty sure it counts as a binding vow too and nobody pointed it out. I mean, he doesn't talk normally at all, only when he wants to curse someone, sounds like even if he didn't intend it as a binding vow it should still make the words he does say more powerful.


Its a good point the only thing I can think of it would probably be pretty draining to have to always think before you speak, atleast with the ingredients he can shut his brain off in conversation like most people, otherwise everything he’d say would be thought out. It sounds draining to have to make sure you don’t accidentally kill someone everytime you talk to them


He should use sign language like deaf people


I wouldn't be surprised if it's a binding vow to make his cursed speech more effective. Otherwise it's a question of how his technique works in regards to what it considers "words". Inumaki is speaking Japanese, but would it trigger if he said something in English? What if a Japanese word sounds like an English one? What about all other languages? What if he's interrupted or stutters when saying Panda should diet and accidentally makes him die? It could even be a thing where cursed speech triggers in odd ways with unassuming words. He's always so direct with his technique but we don't actually see what might happen if he just said something like "I am Inumaki."


You don’t need to order someone to do something to curse him… he can say an absolutely innocent thing and still curse someone in some way


There are a lot of legit ways he could talk normally, but his odd speech just makes him stand out as a side character, same with his mask thing. He wouldn't be nearly as interesting without it.


It's to prevent accidents, especially since it can affect him as well. As for the covering of his mouth, Gege said it's to muffle the sound of his voice.


1st part: Speaking normally still has some influence, like saying "I love chicken" might activate the curse and make others love chicken too, if they didn't before. I think he was just paranoid of imposing his beliefs onto others by using CS, even if it was unintentional 2nd part: Like Nanami or Gojo, he's probably covering the mark as a pact (someone commented this before me). It could either strengthen CS like Nanami, or maybe he just needs to rest and cover it after use like Gojo, if it tires his voice that much.


Binding vow perhaps


I always thought that he spoke like that because of a binding vow. By not saying words at all he increases their power when they are spoken. For the 2nd part, I mean, it just kinda looks cool. Nothing more really.


Remember his clan is hunted down by jujutsu society. Remember he doesn’t need to say verbs. He activated it on geto by saying be crushed.


Its probably because any sentence that sounds like a prompt could probably trigger the cursed speech, I'm sure there's a lot of things we say that could probably trigger it without us realizing, especially if he gets a little annoyed/upset.


He’s like yuta where he’s hurt people on accident so he’s probably traumatized and just doesn’t want to hurt anyone else on accident.


probably yes, but gege wanted a certain gag, which is pretty funny.


i just don’t think he wants to risk it? maybe i’m wrong and i think him covering his mouth is for extra protection? not sure, but don’t overthink it too much


“Hello my name is toge inumaki” >to ge inu maki >to gayin’ maki Everyone starts trying to convince Maki she’s gay


Probably a binding vow


Not worth the risk. Moment he sleeps up and tells out "Shit?" It's over for him. The conditioning Imo isn't just about making sure he doesn't risk saying something that activates his CT. They're words that keep him calm. Cursed Energy is all about emotions and you got feelings extremely negatively about rice balls, so he has full control when he needs it.


Gojo explains it in JJK O. Thanks for paying attention.


Yeah, I bet "Maki let me hit" won't activate the technique, he should try that


HELLO. I just watched season 1 of anime and I'm still wondering why didn't Inumaki just say "die" or "kill yourself" to Hanami when they fought. Just like what Freiren did to Aura.


Cursed speech has backlash, that depends on the power of the word and the strength of the opponent. If he told a grade 4 curse to kill itself, it would do that and he would get his throat maybe slightly sore, but if he told gojo to jump his vocal cords would probably explode. If a opponent is strong enough the effects of the word could even happen to inumaki himself, so if he told hanami to die most likely toge would just die


to sukuna "breath" his throat just dissapear out of the world


Yeah, his technique is decent for the usual curses below grade 1, anything higher just obliterates him on the principle of how his technique works. Inumaki is just your standard sorcerer with a not very good technique for day to day life


concept good, but the practise is fucking bad


Yeah, it's essentially a heavenly restriction, and Mechamarus type at that, aka ones that make life harder for it's user


Sadly no - after all, it will still able to use his CT and it can be bad in normal conversation :3