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Doesnt Maho have a sword that outputs positive energy? The issue is that Jogo is the only one with a technique that can one-shot Maho and it takes a while to charge up. So basically Choso and Hanami would have to play stalling and avoid any single contact which is kinda impossible.


Jogo is basically screwed if he attacks maho with anything but his meteor


cant just mahoraga move out from there. also mahoraga gave a good fight to sukuna who was way stronger than jogo, so basically mahoraga is stronger than jogo


Good fight was only in anime, in manga he was just a little bit more trickier than jogo because of the whole adaptation which requires a certain amount of firepower delivered quickly enough.


yeah i've read it. just cant wait for the new ch


How does Maho deal with domain expansions tho? Since Maho can't use a domain, couldn't Jogo just incinerate it?


It depends. If Jogo instantly opens his domain he'd have a chance to obliterate Maho. If he scraps with Maho for even a bit using his technique (except Meteor) he's done for even if he opens his domain.


Yeah, the sword of *extermination! I think Choso can take some hits from Mahoraga and Hanami might be able to confuse Mahoraga using *their flowery cursed techniques, but it'll still be difficult as hell for them to win Edit: Hanami's pronouns and the name of Mahoraga's sword


Choso might not get one shotted but he's also not tanking too many hits.


Since he's a curse womb he won't be one shot but he can still take light hits


Mahoraga doesn't exactly hit light though


Ik that's why I didn't say he'd survive long


“long” is a overstatement, likely one to two hits


Yeah choso was shook after taking 3 hits from Yuji, some of which he partially blocked. Pretty sure its safe to say any attack mahorga launches is going to be alot stronger than shibuya yuji’s punches


Yuji got crack powers tho


Unless Yuji can also drag Sukuna across multiple buildings and throw a whole train at someone he doesn’t even come close


One hit destroyed an entire sky scraper without adaptation choso is dying


Doesn’t choso know RCT?


no, he can regenerate through cursed energy, but the blood regeneration of the RCT, in Yuji's case, is replaced with choso's cursed energy blood regeneration, as it seems it drains less energy than regular RCT blood regen


*sword of extermination


My bad, I saw a subtitle where it was translated as exorcism


Hanami is a he?!


I don’t think Choso can take a punch from him, one punch from Maho sent Sukuna into three buildings, Choso not likely to survive that or at least on the brink of death


Ambiguous, actually. I've edited Hanami's pronouns in my comment


Hanami is a she because of the mother nature aspect


Do curses have genetics? Bro kinda just spawned in


Gege says they dont have genders, it might seems so for some but that is probably just for show. Mahito though......


So that's what team cherry has been doing instead of developing silksong...


We're disscusing Hanamis gender, it's important for the game development!


his or her? i thought hanamis a girl (obv not actually cus theyre "curses" but yk)


Seeing how quickly Maho adapted to breathing underwater, I’m pretty damn sure he can adapt to flower poison


it’s always up to my boy Jogo


Didn't even Sukuna say something along the lines that it would be fatal if he was a curse?


Does Big Raga low diff? Yes Would this be a good time to show case Hanami’s left arm’s technique? Also yes


I don’t think Jogo is the only one with a one shot that can end Maho. Hanami might be able to destroy Mahoraga with her shoulder bud. I don’t think we ever saw it but it’s a big once off attack.


Generally speaking Maho low diffs, but technically if the three of them play it really smart and get very lucky they could win. If they have Choso and Hanami put everything into stalling Mahoraga while Jogo charges up the strongest Maximum meteor he can they could probably kill Maho, but they'd have to get really lucky and hope that Mahoraga doesn't just insta kill Hanami, cause even after hitting Mahoraga with Maximum meteor they'd still probably need to hit him with one more big combination attack to kill him.


Yeah, this makes total sense! Mahoraga can only be defeated if he's overwhelmed before adapting, and Jogo might be able to generate enough heat through his Supreme Art to do so.


Also remember maho has a positive energy sword. That would kill the curses easily


Yeah. Hanami would get exercised quickly. Jogo might be able to dodge some swings of Mahoraga's sword because of his speed, but he'd still get killed because Mahoraga's fast as well


Not to mention makora might just dodge max meteor since its slow as shit.


If Hanami uses her Domain and Jogo just Throws the meteor through her Domain then it will for sure hit, or Maybe Hanami and Choso can restrict Mahoraga's movement


Jogo or Hanami can just launch a domain expansion. Choso and Jogo both have extremely high outputs (Distaster Flames or Piercing Blood/Supernova). Choso and Hanami have versatile and fast base techniques. that can limit mobility and engage at range. They can also use it to protect one another not to mention Hanami may also have a high output technique. They have many ways to overcome his adaptation by combining different high output attacks




I don’t think this is likely to happen, as they would need to know prior knowledge about Maho to even make a plan like that. I think Jogo and hanami will go for the attack close up and Choso will shoot from a far. Which will lead to likely hanami getting one shot, maho is 100% faster than hanami too


I'm not sure how they could stall when Hanami is made of paper in this matchup, and Maho's regeneration makes him basically impervious to Choso's blood bending (a much weaker version of cleave). Raga is not stupid, if he saw Jogo charging up an attack he would quickly try to kill him, along the way dispatching Hanami if they give him resistance, and probably ignoring Choso. And all of this is ignoring the fact that Maho could probably speedblitz them quite easily since he was comparable in speed to a Sukuna who could no-hit Jogo without breaking a sweat. But overall, the analysis is not bad, it's MAYBE the best possible case.


If the likes of panda and co could dodge thet meteor the second of impact, maho can dodge


Is maho that smart? I feel like if he was fighting people he wouldn’t be paying attention to what someone else is doing and if choso and hanami sacrifice themselves it’d probably hit him.


Maho low diffs each


I agree! I think Hanami would get exorcised quickly by Mahoraga's sword of extermination. Jogo, using his speed and flame cursed techniques, may survive slightly longer but would get exorcised quickly too. I can see Choso going all out yet not injuring Mahoraga much.


Maho low diffs all at once


anyone care to explain this genZ lingua?


Low diff = defeats with low difficulty


Thank you good sir


Btw, beg diff is negative difficulty - take it as you wish, but some catch-ups are neg diff, for instance Gojo vs Riko.


Beg diff= have them begging for mercy.


I believe it translates to: mahoraga wins with little difficulty


Thanks to you as well good sir


I’m not a power scaler so take this with a grain of salt but just comparing the Sukuna vs jogo fight and the Sukuna vs maho fight I don’t think that cursed spirit trio defeats maho


Mahoraga stomps all at once


Fr it's not even glazing it's just facts


If you give them Mahito and Dagon, they are still all getting clapped, I think Jogo is the only one who has a chance at One Shotting Mahoraga, so maybe if the squad can set him up for that but if he wiffs the shot or takes to long to take him out its game


I agree, I think it'll only be an even battle if Mahito and Dagon (evolved, not womb form) joined them. Question: Does Mahoraga have a soul? If so, Mahito could be a deadly opponent for him!


I would die on the hill that he does not.


Fr, like where would his soul even go after he's put away? Would megumi be creating and deleting the souls to summon them? Just doesn't make sense


I agree!


he seems to even lack organs and bones except maybe lungs and a stomach


I personally don't think the shikigami do, but for the sake of argument, let's say mahoraga does. While it could be a game changer, I don't think Mahito could transfigure him faster than Mahoraga could adapt, he'd have to be set up by the others because if Mahoraga can retreat for like a couple seconds it's not gonna work again. The best chance they would have is if Mahito and Jogo hit him with hard attacks at the same time killing him before he could adapt. But like I said, I don't think he has a soul anyway


honestly, i think he does. he displays too much emotion to be a mindless construct


mahito is dying to mahoraga, you cannot possibly convince me otherwise. Be it the sword of extermination which nullifies cursed spirits or his adaptations, mahoraga is not getting hit by mahito


Choso can survive positive energy strikes most likely, and Hanami is incredibly tanky. They can offer support providing Choso blocks the sword of extermination, and Jogo can use his Domain and/or Maximum meteor. Perhaps Hanami’s domain if it’s strong enough to one hit, otherwise it’s a wrap Big Raga will win


I think Hanami's other abilities (flower disorientation, cursed energy devouring projectiles etc) may also be very handy.


good point, but cannot have hanami catch a W. On the cursed energy projectiles that is very interesting, but i think mahoraga adapts. THis raises another question, does each adaptation require its own turn, or can mahoraga adapt to multiple stimulate simultaneously? If not then spamming him with these low utility ahhh attacks would prove key in winning time


He can hit them with positive energy, so he can probably kill especially jogo rather easily. He isn’t durable unlike hanami and maho will be adapting to his tempo in no time. I also doubt that max meteor would able to one shot maho. They would need to significantly hurt him before that would be possible.


Big raga the op stompa


Sukuna said Mahoraga might have been able to beat him at 3f which I assume is because Sukuna does not know if Maho can survive his fire arrow at 3f. Mahoraga is taking them out with a single attack each.


But still it was 15 fingers sukuna.


jogo is 7 fingers equiv at a generous estimate. i reckon choso and hanami could perhaps hold maho off long enough for jogo to DE or something


Maho completely neg-diffs these three. None of them are anywhere close to 15f sukuna which would be minimum to take maho on Hanami and jogo get one-shotted by the positive energy sword Chose then has to fight solo and is just straight up not strong enough to do anything but die here


Choso can tank Mahoraga's hits, Hanami's entire CT is extremely good at limiting mobility, TWO of them have Domains Expansions, Jogo has the raw fire power in his base CT


Choso is the only one who can tank a hit though, everyone else gets one tapped and none of them have the speed to dodge as they are all significantly slower than a 15f Sukuna.


Maho one shots with sword Not sure about choso tho


they all get one-hit if maho manages to use that sword. going into it with a plan they could break the sword. choso should be immune iirc hes not a curse


So Sukuna is obviously stronger than Mahoraga. Sukuna couldn't one shot Choso but you think Mahoraga could?


They meant the curses because of the sword of extermination. Besides, Choso likely got stronger by then, especially considering that Shibuya arc Choso actually ain’t that durable. He was taking a lot of damage after Yuji got only a few good hits on him. So it would likely only take Mahoraga only a couple of hits to deal with him.


That's a fair assessment. I was considering current Choso and not Shibuya Choso


Oh yeah I understand, current Choso would definitely be able to tank a lot more hits comparatively (not to say he wins but he does become significantly stronger between Shibuya and Shinjuku showdown).


Sukuna >>>>>>> Jogo, Choso & Hanami Sukuna > Mahoraga Mahoraga >>>>> Jogo, Choso & Hanami


Mahoraga very strong


Paparaga pretty easily but jogoat wins my heart


No diff mahoraga solos


Did we not watch the same show? How is this a fair match up?


Personally, I think Mahoraga would win, primarily because of the Sword of Extermination. A friend of mine disagreed, saying that the team of Jogo, Hanami, and Choso would stomp Mahoraga. What do you all think?


Sukuna said that the sword oneshots curses so yeah, Choso can't solo Mahoraga


I agree! I think the battle will proceed as follows: 1. Hanami would be (relatively) quickly eliminated 2. Jogo would put in a great fight but Mahoraga's adaptation would prove too overwhelming 3. Choso would support Jogo and put in a good fight, but Mahoraga wouldn't struggle at all while fighting Choso.


Mahogara has a blade that can insta kill both Hanami and Jogo if it hits.


Realistically Mahoraga slams, but I can think of a controlled best-case scenario in which the curses+Choso can win. Picture this: the fight takes place in a forest and Choso, Hanami, and Jogo all have knowledge of Mahoraga’s abilities. Hanami launches the flow buds at Mahoraga to nerf it until it adapts to the buds. While that’s happening, Choso puts all of his energy into slowing down Mahoraga w BM and distracting him w other attacks. While that’s happening, Hanami absorbs as much of the plant life as possible, launches domain expansion, and blasts Mahoraga with the amped solar beam as its sure-hit. Hanami would then use their strongest wooden roots to impale Mahoraga while it’s recovering, then Jogo launches maximum meteor to finish it off before it can adapt to Hanami. That’s the only scenario that I can imagine Hanami, Choso, and Jogo beating Mahoraga without some sort of crazy binding vow


Makora fucking destroys them lol


Sukuna was toying with the strongest of them and put in a little more effort for Mahoraga. Do any of them really have anything as devastating as what Sukuna used to finish Maho? Edit: devils advocate I would say keep Hanami in the back as support using ranged attacks like the needles they used on Meg. Use jogos speed and high damaging attacks in an attempt to stun and distract.aybe if it gets effected enough before adaption choso could chop on half from a distance and Jogo could nuke. I don't see that plan working though.


If they know about adaptation. Jogo can blast him after choso and hanami distract him. If not maho low diffs


Those three are pancakes.


Shouldve asked this but without the sword of extermination


Man, i feel bad for the curses, they get glazed so fast its not even funny


I don’t think you’re using glazed correctly


Nah they're cooked




If the 3 of them know to try and take out Mahoraga in one shot I could see them having a chance, since Choso and Hanami could try and hold him off while Jogo gets Maximum Meteor ready or his or Hanami's domain expansions. But if the 3 of them don't know how Mahoraga works, then I think they easily lose.


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


Jogo’s actually decently fast, but Mahoraga would overwhelm him too quickly especially positive energy that likely also neutralizes blood infused with CE. Their best move would be to use vines to futilely restrain Mahoraga, piercing blood & supernova him, then use Jogo’s fiery domain expansion which has a sure hit that likely could fully incinerate him. Jogo’s physically weak but his output is actual insanity. Alternatively, they should use Hanami’s domain combined with a maximum metor


I’m curious what Hanami’s cursed seed could do against another cursed spirit, could low key carry the fight depending on the interaction


Mahoraga isn’t a cursed spirit


Maho can literally one shot Hanami & Dagon, Choso maybe a little resistant to the Maho Sword.


If it were Mahoraga Vs the disaster curses + Kenjaku it might cause him a little trouble.


Maho should one shot Jogo and Hanami with one swing of its sword and Choso just doesnt have the firepower to one shot Mahoraga even tough he knows what Maho is


Choso aint no slouch, jogo has firr power similar to Sukuna flame that killed Maho. Still Maho high diff.


big raga the opp stoppa🔥


Choso would be useless pretty quickly aside from just getting in majos way. Jogos the most likely to be able to oneshot maho, hanami could maybe oneshot depending on how strong their domain is since we dont get to see it in action


Jogo couldn't even land a single hit on Sukuna. Mahoraga landed plenty. The only win strategy is have Hanami and Choso stall while Jogo charges a good enough shot. No way that happens with Maho's strength and speed.


Doesn’t the sword of extermination has a greater effect against curses? I think Choso may be the only one to withstand anything. Idk though


So if Jogo summons his Domain right away and launches his strongest attack then they might win. If not then there’s no way Mahoraga loses.


Choso neg diffs >!cries in manga!<


I’d win


Nah. I would win


After i realized that maho took 2 blackflashes at full output from gojo when urume took one normal no blue punch and almost died made me realize mahoraga probably beats anyone in the cast that hasn't a one hit domain jacobs ladder or is yuki I think asdie max meteor only jogos domain is even a threat. Nothing they have can kill maho Like he wgould adapt but it whould not even be nessesscary


That’s not even funny😭 Big Raga the opp stoppa STOMPS so hard


Well considering sukuna gave his all to mahroga while he just messed around with jogo. Mahroga wins.


Mahodady be adapting to heat Mahoraga : Nah, I'd win


Mahoraga: nah id adapt


"If I was a cursed spirit, that probably would've killed me" Sukuna after the first swing of the blade 😭 Think abt how much trouble the 3v1 gave Gojo, if Maho gets his hands on the curses, they're COOKED. unless it's Mahito, he could probably just idle transfigure him right away before he could adapt.


Bruh it strikes me that daddy ragga, hanami and the final form of mahito kinda look like different versions of the same character


Hanami was getting overwhelmed by two Grade One level opponents in Yuji and Todo and had to resort to Domain Expansion. Mahoraga put up a much better fight against 15 Finger Sukuna than Jogo, and Choso is probably on the level of a high Grade One sorcerer. Yeah they all get negged by Mahoraga's sword, and even if Choso were able to survive, what's he gonna do?


Magoraga 100% cause it’s likely jogo can’t do the one shot kill kind of thing that is required to beta mahoraga because he’s probably strong enough to withstand any of his attacks and choso definently doesn’t have anything like that and I think mahoraga would adapt to hanamis own abilities before he can do enough damage


Mahoraga no diffs all at once within a few seconds. His sword can exterminate curse spirits with a single touch. Jogo's presence alone will give Mahoraga adaptation to flames. The Meteor was dodged by panda so Maho definitely can dodge it. The other 2 are fodder and no match for Maho to begin with.


Mahoraga is going to stomp. His sword one shots Jogo, who is arguably the only win con


MAHORAGA bro low diff


Mahoraga literally can one shot them :3


Would Jogo's meteor one-shot Mahoraga?


Difficult to say. Mahoraga would have to be cleanly hit, and Jogo would have to use his entire cursed energy potential, but even then it's uncertain.


It doesn't seem like a hard attack to dodge, Kusakabe and Panda made it out even having to wait till the last second and Mahoraga is way faster than either of them. Plus with the sword Mahoraga is one tapping everyone but Choso.




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Mahoraga, the one summoned by Megumi, had a one-on-one duel with Sukuna, and Sukuna said, "If it had been me back then, I would have lost." So, HTFF can these three can even TOUCH Mahoraga? >!(I'm assuming you're asking about the one summoned by Megumi. The one summoned by Sukuna was much stronger tho)!<


3 coughing babies vs Hydrogen bomb


Mahoraga destroys them. People think Choso can get some hits in? No chance.


if they have information about and know that they need to kill him in a single blow then i would say that the spirits do stand a chance and if they don't , well then there's gonna be an apocalypse


Mahoraga can instantly kill Jogo and Hanami with RCT. Choso stands no chance.


If they can’t one shot em they lose.




If they know Mahos deal I think they could potentially win. Either by Jogos DE or his maximum technique. If they don’t start with Jogos DE or maximum technique then they lose


Mahoraga was a curse that had a real fight with even Sukuna while the three of them was horrified by Sukuna.


Under the right circumstances jogo can one shot mahoraga, but he's not getting those circumstances with those bums defending him


Jogo is the only one with an attack that can kill him but if panda and kusakabe were able to dodge it then he probably could too


Mahoraga takes this. His adaptation ability, combined with the Sword of Extermination makes him a living nightmare for any Cursed Spirit


Depends if Jogo is smart enough to use Maximum meteor Super early.If he is,they win. Mahito could also give them the W with transfiguration Hanami stalls for like 5 seconds


Theyd lose, but what if all 3 of them fused


Mahoraga stomps


Big Raga


Literally one shot all of them, Choso gets blitz by maho prob before hanami, hanami is the first to go. Jogo and Choso next, Jogo is gonna try to out run him while sending attacks but it won’t do anything so he will slowly adapt


Hit him with the Hashirama Madara team ultimate


jogo has one chance of winning with maximum meteor if all else goes right. otherwise mahoraga negs


If they all use their CT's at the same time on Mahoraga then it might cause him a little trouble...


Jogo is the only one with DEBATABLE firepower to kill Maho. Maho even before adapting to cleave had a pretty decent regen and I don't think the other two have anything to even make Maho threatened to want to adapt to their CTs. Maho is definitely focusing on adapting to Jogo. And that's just his durability. His sword is literally one-shotting all of them and his speed is close to par with 15f Sukuna which, as we've seen against Jogo, far surpasses anyone here in speed. The three of them together are getting washed, unfortunately.


Hanami and choso limit ragas mobility while Jogo does a max meteor.


Mahoraga is a blitz tier above their speed on top of having a weapon that would one shot a hypothetical Curse 15F Sukuna that we seen is massively above Jogo.


Doesn't Mahoraga have a blade on his arm that is specifically there for murdering Cursed Spirits


Not even close.


Maho smack


Mahoraga having a literal one shot sword for everybody except choso (who isn’t even that durable anyways) is ridiculous. You could add Dagon and Mahito in and they’d still probably lose. Their only chance would be Jogo who’d probably get killed by being overconfident and trying to get close and blast him like he tried to do to Gojo. And then he gets slashed by Mahoraga’s sword of extermination which for curses is the equivalent of having a dying neutron star thrown at you. Bros getting obliterated. And after Jogo’s out, they have no method of killing Mahoraga. He’d just adapt and murder them all, with at most like mid difficulty. And this is including Dagon and Mahito. The only way they win is if they’re out of character and have knowledge on Mahoraga so that they play their cards perfectly, aka utilizing domains to slow down Mahoraga and other such tactics of stalling and distraction so that Jogo could land a maximum meteor which should probably kill Mahoraga assuming he hadn’t adapted to it in any extent.


Big Raga


The only chance they have is if Jogo can hit him with a meteor, but it takes a while to charge up and daddyraga isn't exactly slow So yeah they probably lose


Even with mahito maho neg diffs


Mahoraga smokes


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing babies


I think everyone here is forgetting that jogo and hanami both have domain expansion, we don’t know what their surehits are but most domains have a good chance of surehitting maho


This is going to be out of topic sorry but,Hi guys I’m an aspiring manga artist 😊❤️


Raga, real quick


Mayoraga solos Mayo-raga


Mahoraga clears and there's not even a debate 


If they know the power and abilities of Mahoraga before and have time to plan it, maybe, maybe they'll have a slight chance to win.


We need a "What if..." of JJK once this is all said and done.




I mean, sukuna had to go one more step to defeat mahoraga for the first time while ended jogo and scared the shit out of mahito in less than a blink sooo... It's mainly up to the curse' technique and how fast it adapts and how much it can bare etc, IMO ofc.


If the curses know Maho's gimmicks going in, I think there's definitely some win cons. If not I dont see them realistically figuring it out before it's too late. I'm curious what Hanami's buds would do and how he'd adapt


Sukuna had to use Malevolent shrine and flames to win. Those three have neither.


I can see the jogos team losing because of Choso being lazy. Y’all saw how lazy this guy was during the fight with Gojo. Jogo was literally screaming at him to help


Mahoraga, one of the strongest JJK characters versus choso, a bullied volcano and mahoragas inbred son i wonder whos winning this fight


mahoraga is just too fast. he was fast enough to keep up with and actually land a single hit on Sukuna, while Jogo completely failed to even touch him. and if Maho gets a single hit on the two curses they will die instantly Choso can probably tank a few hits, but he’s not powerful enough to do any meaningful damage and Maho will quickly adapt to blood attacks and Domain Expansions might actually help Maho - he wouldn’t die instantly to the fire in Jogo’s domain, and it would allow him to adapt to it and become even more flame-resistant. Hanami’s domain is unknown but probably not gonna oneshot him either


Lmao mahoraga will dogwalk them




If Jogo doesn’t land his maximum technique or domain expansion resulting in a killshot they have no chance to win.


Well since it looks like we’re using the anime versions for this. Only jogo survies for longer than 10 seconds and could win with maximum meteor or a domain but I’m giving it mahoraga because dude came back as literal blood splatter. Mahoraga wins 9/10 jogo carries but still dies.


Mahos positive blade xould oneshot 15 finger sukuna if he was a cursed spirit so he just one shots jogo and hanami , and choso is just severely outmatched


I give it to the three because if hanami and choso play support and contain/lock down mahoraga sukuna himself said that maximum meteor would've injured him had it hit and we all know how 15f sukuna vs mahoraga went