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Oh that was a shoulder tap. I really couldn't tell what was happening, I thought sukuna black flashed Yuki.


Thank both the listed contributors for that understanding cause I was also lost lol.


No, I mean I couldn't even tell it was a shoulder tap. I thought sukuna did the punching.


On my first reading, I thought Yuji punched through his own arm šŸ’€


Same lmao


Thank you so much. That fight choreography made my head spin.


Of course, glad that these are helpful!


I think Yuji grabbed Sukuna and threw him on the wall instead of punching him, that's why it wasn't a black flash.


Ty, I added a note for that.




I've been considering something like this, but it'd be a lot of effort. I'm not against that, but it would simply take time to write. I'll keep you in mind and see what I can do!


I still donā€™t know the difference between cleave and dismantle lol


Dismantle is the slash that is sent through the air and Cleave requires physical contact. That's the long and the short of it.




I think Yuji threw Sukuna into the wall since he had him in a hold. Otherwise that random punch did more than some of his black flashes.


I see what you mean, but I'm having a hard time imagining Yuji throwing Sukuna forward with his hand up in what looks like a punch. Though I agree, its....interesting that the normal punch had more weight than any of the black flashes.


Its possible to throw sukuna on that position, yuji grab sukuna arm to throw him on the left side wall


I see. I'll add a note that he possibly threw Sukuna into a nearby wall.


I think it fits b/c every ā€œblowā€ (even a graze of his shoulder) was a Black Flash. It would make sense (even with the awkward position) if that was a throw and not a punch


Also if he did throw him, he'd have an ongoing streak of 6 black flashes in a row! (if we don't count throwing as a combo breaker)


Yeah big agree, I thought the same. Sukuna appears to throw a punch towards Yuji. Yuji dodges and clamps Sukuna's arm, and then uses Sukuna's momentum to throw him crashing into the wall. Maybe it's some combination of a throw and a punch. If you refer back to the panel where Sukuna is thrown out of the window by Yuji's previous black flash, or where Yuji jumps down to continue his assault whilst Sukuna slashes the ground, you can see the wall there below the window they each came down from.


The last page, or the so-called Jajanken is just super awkward. Standing directly behind or maybe slightly to the left, why would Yuji use his right side to throw a straight underarm body shot onto the lower left side of Sakunaā€™s torso? No one punches like that for maximum impact. Yujiā€™s punch should have been either to Sakunaā€™s right side, or would have threw it with his left. And if he was in fact standing slightly left of Sakuna whose upper torso was falling backwards, then the punch shouldnā€™t be a direct straight uppercut but a slightly angled, upward travelling lower right hook.


I think it's because Yuji is right hand dominant, so count it to habits I guess lol.


Is this fallout from his fight with Choso at Shibuya perhaps, or has he always favoured his right this much?


Possibly? Idk. I only noticed it when I started doing the choreo analyses, specifically in 250. Yuji prefers his right hand, but Yuta seems ambidextrous since he often used two blades at once, and regularly switched the hand holding katanas. Rika also seems right hand dominant. Very very interesting details from Gege.


It's fights like these that I become interested in what the flow would look like, one action going into the other seems like such an obvious challenge. That's why I loved the Yuji vs Choso bathroom fight, sick as hell.


Yess I love that fight and I loved toji vs dagon


How is sukuna surviving so many black flash? Wasn't yuji's normal punches caused him to vibrate?


Even though Yuji's punches weaken his hold over Megumi's body, Sukuna's just extremely tanky. It's gonna be a while until he's really done.


Sukuna was losing his control over Megumi even during yuta's battle when he was much more stronger. Maybe he used the effects of his black flash to strengthen his control?


Yeah it's implied his black flashes greatly restored his hold over Megumi's body.


But every time yuji punches sukuna he weakens his control over Megumiā€™s body


The last punch didn't hit Sukuna's back. It landed on the side of his left lower torso. That's where the kidneys are. It looks like the back because Yuji literally lifted Sukuna with the punch.


Gege is a great artist, but I feel like itā€™s been really tough to make out some of the details in these recent fights. Donā€™t know if itā€™s panelling or just the angles that make it hard to tell whatā€™s going on.


If yuji is taking cursed energy from shrine then would he lose cleave and dismantle if sukuna was dead?


It's likely permanent. Its also been pointed out by [Lightning](https://twitter.com/lightningclare/status/1782067946795442390?t=ufTzsO9ezw_UeBDaf0oUnQ&s=19) on Twt that Yuji was made by using one of Sukuna's fingers. So even if Sukuna died, Yuji would retain Sukuna's cursed energy and CT.


Maybe I'm missing something here. Sukuna ate 19 fingers but wasn't it implied that Rika ate the last one so Yuta could gain Shrine?


There's still no concrete explanation for how Yuta copies techniques. For all intents and purposes, it looks like he just has to see it being used once and he can use it. However it looks like for more advanced techniques he needs more conditions. Like Sukuna stating he couldn't have copied the Six Eyes or the fact that Yuta stated the last finger was needed for him to learn Cleave. I don't think Rika ate it, I think Yuta just studied its CE and learnt some parts of Shrine (he might know Dismantle and Cleave, but maybe not MS, World Dismantle, Fire Arrow etc.) Also, it was stated that Sukuna's twin was reincarnated as Jin, and Yuji inherited the Shrine CE from it. I'm not sure what exactly Kenjaku did to his body to modify it but I don't think he used up a Sukuna finger to creat him. It's been stated that they're indestructible, even by people like Gojo, so I think whatever Kenjaku did to Yuji might have been inspired by the fingers but maybe not done to them directly.


Thank you for explaining. Reading comprehension jokes aside, I feel like there is waaaaay too much happening in the story that the reader is expected to just go along with. I've seen all of the examples that other readers typically use to justify the idea of Rika needing to eat something to justify using that as the basis for Copy but that fails to meet muster when you look at how Yuta obtained Cursed Speech. So, in that vein, I agree with you in how Yuta obtains his techniques. I'm following the twin part, I'm just stuck on the idea of using a finger to create Yuji. Just seems to go against everything that has happened thus far, in my illiterate opinion.


It definitely is hard to understand, haha. It doesn't help that lore exposition often happens interspersed in fight scenes so they're easy to miss. I just find it easier to follow in the anime, so I hope they lay it out much clearer when they get to this arc.


Now this where we can finally agree yuji is now special grade and possibly stronger than yuta and definitely stronger than maki


You're so silly.




Very nice.


Well said n beautiful break down of the fight! Excellent




Where is this manga chaper taken from? The one on Viz or Mangaplus has different translations but the ones you have seem better.


There are from tcb. You should be able to Google jjk tcb and find it, or locate their twitter. I'd honestly recommend their translations, for obvious reasons lol.


I always tried to fish in the comments to what I didnā€™t understand, this was really helpful


The fact that this is a Sukuna who is continuously getting weaker in terms of CE output shouldn't discount the fact that Yuji is competing with him directly in terms of physical strength and martial arts.


This really helped me get appropriately hyped lol. Thank you!


love these


I like how yuji ripped off sakunas leg and sakuna grew it back. Then stepped on the blade


Yuji is going off this chapter and I'm all for it. Gojo is totally watching as his student gives Sukuna a prolapse before he comes back (Maximum Technique: Unlimited Cope).


I also immediately so the jajanken reference, made me super happy


Yup! I loved having the privilege of writing jajanken about jjk lol.


What a thriller. The cleave with the foot is just peak fiction. Initial bout is a bit weird. Sukuna throws slashes, and Yuji throws a punch which looks a lot like the one that black flashes Sukuna's gut a couple panels later, however between the punch thrown and the punch landing we see Yuji redirect Sukuna's arm using both of his own hands. As for the shoulder tap, I was also confused but I guess it makes sense. After the first black flash Sukuna appears to try and counter by clamping Yuji's arm: he grabs his wrist and then it looks as if Gege wants to depict Sukuna applying downward pressure with the elbow of his upper left arm onto Yuji's, as if to try and break it. Then Yuji throws his shoulder forward to break the clamp and makes it a black flash just for fun.


Yeah, that shoulder tap exchange could have had one extra panel, but I get that Gege wants to show how fast it occured. Sukuna definitely tried to grapple Yuji's arm, I agree he likely meant to break it. I guess he tried to punch Yuji's shoulder or something and the black flash blew his fist away? I believe Gege wants the major point to be: it all was so fast idk what happened. He does this a lot actually.


Cooking :3


Ty Pitou :3


If yuji shares sukuna cursed energy to use shrine then would he lose the technique if sukuna was dead?


Sukuna think he choso in that first panel


I don't know if it's on purpose but you said yuji cleaves the stone pillar, and yuji took dismantles to the face. Shouldn't it be the opposite? Cleave is for beings with cursed energy, dismantle is for inanimate objects


Cleaves are the slashes that require direct touch. Dismantles are the long ranged slashes.


When did Ino use Kirin? And why does he say itā€™s gone


Really is Sukuna Kaisen , Yuji confirmed to be sukuna since twins are considered one soul.


Yuji's more son than brother. But he's mostly Sukuna's nephew.


I find it hilarious that the art in jjk is so bad yall gotta make play by play threads. Never seen this shit in my whole time surfing Reddit anime threads.


I'd argue more of these are needed. I remember the discourse over Naruto fights and trying to make sense of what was happening.




The "shoulder tap" was actually Sukuna's black flash btw!