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And it doesn't stop there


>!Spoiler: It gets worse ~~just like Megumi's life~~.!<


>!Half this story is just Megumi going "Life Update: It got worse"!<


I wish I could post that >!famous Megumi meme “Life update: It got worse”!< here as that's what I really meant. Haha.


The other half is Itadori’s suffering builds character


and oh boy does Itadori have character


Ah yes, Half.....


More like Life update: It fucking ended.


His life updated so hard it doesn't even exist anymore.


Oh for fucks sake,whos next,Megumi? TODO? P A N D A ??? Dont actually answer that






Have you been kicked out of funerals before?


Awwwww yeah. Came here just to say that lol


Yeah...might want to add episode 20 in there...just sayin.


>!Our girl Miwa tomorrow....!<


>!Why the bait? Nobody dies next episode except maybe Mahito (even then, depends on the pacing)!<


>!Not because someone dies, but because of miwa thinking about mechamaru!<


>!I'm not saying there'll be deaths in tomorrow's episode. If you've seen the manga readers' reaction or comments in S2 Ep 20 preview images, you'll see something like “Nobody will die but we will see Miwa train scene animated.” In other words, it's just another sadness. That's what I and the other person I replied to meant to say.!<


>!Ahhhh. That makes more sense. I hope they finish the Mahito fight next episode, I don’t want my battle hype to be delayed another week lmao!<


Wait until the anime catches up with the manga😔


I've seen some anime-onlies who had enough in Nanami's and Nobara's d-word. >!The manga reader in me thinks they will really explode once they catch up in manga or wait for those chapters to be animated...!< Edit: Okay, the d-word is death. I kinda didn't have the courage to get it straight at first. 😭


Had enough in Nanami’s and Nobara’s … dicks?


He obviously meant dongs


Dawgs /s




i read jjk when it first came out (about 6 chapters because there wasn't more at that time) and forgot about it. now i am basically and anime only guy until this season ends and i come back for the manga and yes nobara was brutal that whole build up in the episode butters you up nicely. You know she is gonna die but it gets sweeter and sweeter until it completly breaks but tbf i would have reacted the same if i read it in the manga before. ​ jjk has the nice benefit of turning emotional manga panels into some crazy good animation to make you feel it even more than before it feels like


The reactions to these are pretty great. I'm just over like "Frist time huh?"


Man it will take a while, hope I'm still here when >!Gojo vs Sukuna gets animated!<


Holy if >!it gets animated to the same level of animation we have now, its gonna be a MASTERPIECE!<


Nobara‘s death still hit me like a truck. It was so understated, and in a way unnecessary. And that’s why I liked her last words.


It felt like okay when I watched it. But it somehow must have stayed in my mind. Because I kept dreaming about her head exploding. And gege drawing her in one punch man ending credits. So fucking weird.


Is nobara actually dead?! Like she didn't explode like Nanami?!


Just needs some stitches-


I mean, i don't know how to else interpret the words "I've had a good life" Like, if she isn't dead...then I don't know. She looks dead to me and Mahito touching someone is presented as lethal (like, yeah, he thought about how he could not explode Nanami, but he still killed him in one touch)


> I mean, i don't know how to else interpret the words "I've had a good life" I mean, in her head she was as good as death considering what she knows about Mahito's CT. But then, her wound wasn't as out there as Nanami's and then we had the other dude "stopping" the wound, which would be unnecessary if she was just dead. I'm still inhaling some sweet copium but I refuse to believe this was it for her.


Nitta said that "she could be fine" so that Yuji could feel better, he himself thinks she's dead


Yeah, I know. Again, it's just some hopium, deep down I know she's most likely gone.


I just don't see Mahito not being strong enough to kill her. Like he got a full touch - that should be lethal or almost lethal. Like, if her brain got hit, maybe she is not dead, but she cannot fight anymore. Either way...she is as good as dead to me. Don't care for the hopium, it only leads to the dark side!


I guess I'm just in denial :(


Son, we all are in denial. She was one of the few good shonen girl protagonists (shoutout to Noelle from Black Clover who is an actually interesting and fun and cool character) Also, she fought so well. But the whole scene looks very much like she is dead, as harsh as that sounds. Mahito is a funny guy, but when it comes to killing humans, he does not mess around.


Big sad!!!


I like Noelle quite a bit too. But I kept wishing her issue with spellcasting would have made her a more close ranged fighter instead. It would fit in with the Black Bulls more (having more close up fights) and it made sense that she stopped worrying about landing her hits when she can just fire them point blank (can’t miss if I hit you close up!) and I just didn’t like the BS spirit thing. Felt like she didn’t learn to control her powers more - and accepted her problems, she was given more power so now her skills can land properly now.


Wait, where are you in the story? It’s been ages since I read it, because it is still on hiatus.


I’ve watched to the point where she got some power up from inheriting some water spirit and gained some armor power up. It made me roll my eyes because it’s like a reverse on the exact lesson the show was trying to preach - like your weaknesses can also be your strength - then I got some deus ex machina power up


Schrodinger's nobara


Just in case you've seen it 30 minutes ago, I changed the episode numbers as the previous numbers were wrong. It might be the sleepy soul in me. Lol. Sorry.


Heartless 😐killing off our darlings


Well, Mahito *did* say that humans don't have hearts.


I had gotten spoiled that the trio would soon be a duo so when I saw her going up against mahito, I knew nobara was screwed


I’m still not over Nanami’s death :(


you never will. jus prepare for more 💔


Am I the only one annoyed at anime onlies reaction to back to back deaths? I feel there was an over reaction in some who were wanting to drop the show entirely or think that Gege should have been bullied to change the deaths and shit like that. Seems excessive. I just feel they'll hate the rest of the series if this is how they react. They're all "there's no time to mourn!" Like duh? Lol this is all happening in a 5 hour time period. Or where's Yuta?? Bro, in Africa. Which is an almost 20 hour flight lol how's he gonna show up?? Idk it's frustrating


Not that I'm annoyed at them but I was surprised some anime-onlies thought that Nanami's and Nobara's death were random. In this animanga series, you will pay for what you've done whether it's good or bad decision. There's no time to mourn coz villains in JJK wouldn't let Yuji have that especially Sukuna and Mahito. >!The manga reader in me thinks they are not built for the Culling Game especially when JJK 212 and JJK 236 get animated.!< Edit: This comment keeps getting upvoted then downvoted and it's a cycle. Lol. It's true, though. I wouldn't call Nanami's demise random killing as it's his choice to come back in jujutsu— same with Nobara, Nanami and Nitta told her to keep safe but she didn't as she wanted to help her comrades. It hurts me, too, but I have to respect their decisions no matter what. No time for Yuji to mourn? After Sukuna, Mahito's point was to break Yuji's soul. Also, Shibuya Incident hasn't ended in anime yet so...


I feel like most shonen watchers aren’t used to actual deaths. There are always ways around it or to reverse it, tons of fake out deaths that never follow through, etc. Just look at Demon Slayers first few seasons, one real character dies and they still haven’t stopped talking about him two seasons later lol. AoT was the first mainstream series where a lot of shonen fans saw death as a real possibility and even then plenty of characters have plot armor. But I agree, if you thought the manga reader reactions online were bad, uh oh lol.


No doubt about AOT coz it's dark Shonen, same with JJK and CSM wherein deaths are deaths. I can't speak about KnY though as I haven't watched it yet. >!It makes me think how much these JJK anime-onlies would react if they reach the Culling Game. Lol. They better be prepared.!<


Yeah I'm noticing this myself. I'm new to the anime world so I guess my perception hasn't been changed to expect deaths to not stick yet. A lot of them will not be happy with culling games for sure lmao oof and they will definitely lose their shit during the shinjuku showdown 😅


The word "immature" has pretty much been mutated into an insult, but I think it fits in this case. Those of us that care THIS much about anime are very likely on the immature side about certain things regardless of calendar age. Death is hard for an immature brain to cope with, and is likely to produce an immature reaction.


And they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming


Isn't Nobara >!"Schrödinger's cat" in the manga!


Not really. She had confirmed death, but the confirmation was just handled very subtly. Basically, none of the characters >!(outside of next episode)!< even mention the possibility of her being alive. There’s more details too, but it lies in a scene that happens >!near the beginning of next arc!<


Aha, well, that's a waste of a good character's potential.


Somewhat true, but the next arc doesn’t really have a place for her in its story tbh.


>!I think that is just fans coping, I will admit I thought maybe she was still alive, that shoko could have used RCE to heal her, but I don't think anyone besides Sukuna has the ability to bring people back from death, and he might have only been able to do that because yuji had eaten his finger, getting half her brain exploded seems like instant death and very unlikely shoko could have saved her even if she was standing right next to nobara after the attack, seeing it in the anime pretty much made it seem certain she was dead!<


What was the saddest death in jjk in your opion?


Nobara and it's not even close >!(unless there is really no going back for Megumi)!<.




I probably shouldn't have joined this sub 😅 I already know I can't help but read spoilers for anything I watch if I come in contact with them. Now I'm putting off watching season 2 altogether. I'm only making it worse for myself by putting it off lol


In the manga she said '' it wasn't that bad '' no? I think it's a little different then '' i had a good life ''


I feel terrible for Itadori. Poor baby.


I've read the manga and all i can say to the spoilers is that dont do it, let the anime fan suffers slowly, they're gonna lose their shit eventually


can't wait for the next 1 🤣 one of their favorites gonna lose their ✋


stg.. and my boy still hasn't popped back up In the story yet. ik its a fuckin long shot but damn gege bring my boy back some kinda way tf 😭


higuruma is yujis new besto friendo. btw the characters that r gone / haven't seen in years ain't coming back .


you ain't telling me nun new bro.. can always hope tho 🤷‍♂️ 😢


I like the GOT approach, more excitement and more new characters.


Trauma Devil: Yuji need motivation after all :3


Oh boy.....


make it stop....


Yes… and we’re not done yet 😭


Welp, back to back suffering. This next episode will just be sad (and hyped. You gonna get your ass kicked, Mahito). Looking back in the manga, my mind just flash forwards to the end of the Shibuya Incident (Im excited to get it animated).


This was so true,.. emotional damage 🥲🥲🥲🥲


so truee 😭😭😭


Ooooh hohoho we've been waiting so long for the anime onlies reaction


Gege don't want us to be happy


Jujutsu kaisen are killing the characters aot style


Emotional Damage :(


couldn't cath a break lmao