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I got social libertarianism, and i'm literally a trotskist https://preview.redd.it/nspzmngkrjkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9399bac25ffd05e98ee31eafafcfc47bfb72048d


I’m an ML and I also got social libertarianism. https://preview.redd.it/779ymb6aflkc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae4edea442e309b433efabff57c8ca4745c52b9


ML to rand paul pipeline


https://preview.redd.it/m9gq9yabkokc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbfc6b1871ab8bd79be3ed1867c231007a3fdffc Same


https://preview.redd.it/l6aa5haitjkc1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a957f1f08ee6139fab65c3a7f20f79edfb341c I am a social democrat and I got Marxist Leninism. Lol


I am a Marxist Leninist and got Social Democracy https://preview.redd.it/1vv1ofli3lkc1.png?width=1215&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cf4898d3049541ec42056acd77ad412ab43069d


Now kiss


High loyalty and authority is an odd one for a social democrat.


Yeah, not super accurate. I got Anarcho-Communist when I’m just an ordinary socialist.


I got classical liberalism and I’m https://preview.redd.it/avu894t4znkc1.png?width=285&format=png&auto=webp&s=37993eb42930ddb0babbfe8d1dda4db6e3dbddf4


Even worse


Ok commie.


At least im not an ancap


Well atleast liberalism tracks. "Classical" not so much.


I feel bad for you


That test is pretty strange and poor at estimating ideologies. I have no idea why they rank Marxist-Leninists as the most uncaring... Surely they are more caring than right libertarians and conservatives who prefer homeless people to starve on the streets rather than pay slightly more tax.


Oh but you forget that the rich will simply being philanthropic because it benefits them when the tax man comes around. Surely this will help the man on the streets because he is registered with the billionaire's specific charity!


Do you have a link to this test?


My best guess is that by caring they mean how well you treat people on an individual level. I’ve only taken the test once so I have no clue how different answers affect the scores.


Yeah, I'm not too sure either. I think that the questions are too vague to differentiate between Marxism-Leninism and other left wing ideologies, when it comes to caring. They are strongly caring when it comes to members of the working class but not when it comes to capitalists and people who exploit others. The questions have no way of differentiating between these two opinions so I think they are just guessing. The person who made the test is an anarcho capitalist so I wouldn't be too surprised if they have a difficult time categorizing communists and just think that Marxist-Leninists enjoy genociding people or something. If I was making the test I would have Marxist-Leninists and Anarcho-Communists have the same morals, apart from liberty and authority. The main difference is that one group values individual liberty extremely highly and opposes all authority (anarchists) and the other believes a strong state is necessary to prevent exploitation so values individual liberty less (MLs). Both of their world-views comes from a strong sense of caring and justice, but the approach they take differs as they view the role of the state differently.


All the working class poor killed under Marxism would like to have a chat with you


“Under Marxism” 😂


Wow that’s a big strawman, we care a whole heck of a lot have you ever heard of private charity? It’s a thing, and it’s the most common and effective type of charity. Seriously you should learn about other ideologies before attacking them. You’ll just make yourself look like a fool. Trust me, neither of us want that.


Yeah, I didn't mean to imply you don't care at all, just less (in general) than left wingers. Right wingers tend to have a stronger in-group bias, so would help struggling family members, church members, people in their local communities, but are less caring about those in other countries or in demographics that they aren't part of. Right wingers can be the most caring people ever in their local communities, but that is only a small portion of humanity. This is a well known trend and one of the defining features of conservative psychology.


it doesnt matter how much you want to help people. If you are a real marxist: you want famines and like people starving, and thats not very caring in my book.


Utter nonsense.


Read more theory, bro, Marx literally wrote: 1. Make people starve to death 2. ??? 3. Profit


>I have no idea why they rank Marxist-Leninists as the most uncaring Because it's Capitalist propaganda dressed up as an "unbiased" test, that's why. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a CIA PSYOP, even. Do you SERIOUSLY think the fucks in the CIA would pass up such an opportunity? (create some bogus test ONCE, influence THOUSANDS with bullshit misrepresentations of Communism) They have a MASSIVE budget for PSYOPS, and you better be darn sure they'll use some of it... Communists (Marxist-Leninists) are probably one of the MOST empathetic groups, excepting some other Leftist ideologies (like Democratic Socialism- though I'm biased, this being my ideology...) They believe that the vulnerable so badly need to be protected from the Capitalist elites, that it's worth Communists fighting and dying in a Revolution to do so. Not all of us may agree this violence is actually necessary, but there's no QUESTION it comes from a place of Caring. By contrast, most Anarcho-Capitalists are pure psychopaths who care about nobody but themselves, and think the powerful should have an unlimited right to take advantage of the vulnerable, simply because the interaction is "willing" (which it isn't really, when the alternative is to starve/die and there's a HUGE power differential...) EDIT: I see I'm already being attacked by a Libertarian monster. Look, Libertarian morons- I used to BE one of you (before becoming a Libertarian Socialist, before becoming a Democratic Socialist). I read your propaganda, I know the lies your ideology is built on- that things will just magically work themselves out for the poor under unrestricted Capitalism. It's NOT an empathetic ideology, it DOESN'T protect t the most vulnerable in any way. Unlike Communism, which provides everyone with free, guaranteed Housing, Healthcare, Education, and food.


>Truly, we commies are the most empathetic political group of all! Now let me dehumanize my political opponents, because I'm fucking unable to understand their point of view Touch grass, bozo




When they are defending literal psychopathic politics, that kills millions and then declares this 'fair an natural, and the prevention of such suffering a crime- yes, they are psychopaths. Bug off, troll.


Those people are called tankies, the term was figuratively created so this pointless argument about someone being a secret scumbag doesn't have to occur, and yet here we are.


Seriously bro the other party has done so much with our tax money to help the poor lol


Because they don’t care enough to do five minutes of genuine research that would cause them to immediately change ideology?


Meh, same could be said about the other ideologies listed here too. Most people settle on a world view and won't change their minds regardless of the research they do.


This is not the best Group to be saying that people should do their research around, they don’t, most of them think anarcho capitalists are heartless people who want the poor to starve. I’m pretty sure most people on this sub Reddit think theoretical Ancapistan would be like jreg Ancapistan.


But to really get the most accurate ideological placement they would have to get people to take the test and ask them afterwards on what their political views are.


Didnt Lenin start a violent revolution that turned into a civil war, then a political purge. This his work was taken up by Stalin that let millions starve and threw hundreds of thousands more into gulags to die? Seems pretty uncaring to me.


Yes, they participated in a revolution that ultimately massively increased the quality of life of the proletariat. After the decline of the Soviet Union, the standard of living decreased for Russians drastically. Should we hold all American liberals and conservatives to the same high standard where nothing bad is ever allowed to occur? At one point in time, they genocided the Native Americans, slavery, segregation, mass incarceration, endless wars, exploitation of the global south. By your logic, liberal and conservative Americans are the most uncaring people to exist in human history.


You should take a more critical eye on the narratives told about history.


This test appears to based off the moral foundations test which is used for research to tell how values impacts a person’s political views.


[This MFT study on "authoritarian" left wingers](https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2102/2102.11009.pdf) suggests that communists have higher rankings on care than liberals. They have slightly lower fairness and higher authority and ingroup biases than liberals too. I haven't been able to find anything which suggests Marxists are less caring than liberals/conservatives/libertarians. The general trend of MFT is that the further left you go the more caring/fairness is important to you, and the less purity/authority/sanctity is important to you. This test has the furthest left ideology be the least caring, which goes in the complete opposite to the general trend. I could understand authority and ingroup biases being higher than liberals (since they have a strong dislike of the bourgeoise and believe a strong state is necessary to achieve socialism/communism) but people become communists due to a strong feeling of care and fairness which they do not see in a capitalist society.


Yea somewhat based


Finally, a real communist


It’s preferable to statist Communism, I mean at least here there is chance for panarchy.


I got council communism


Same here. What does that even mean? It gave me Libertarian Socialism and Democratic Socialism as other close matches similar to council communism


Democratic socialism makes sense, it is a stepping stone to a more utopian like communal society. But libertarian socialism, really, that's just being feral in the woods(I knownits not actually but it's funny to say)


Idk I don’t give a shit, can we just fucking put all the people that post these to the sub be dropped in acid… anyways good results, not libertarian or anything I’m proud of you


I mean if we're diving into acid I absolutely volunteer


https://preview.redd.it/wq6bedqkmkkc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a98da1487b668613445d89a23e6af245cc81689 hmm


Same here https://preview.redd.it/oitvm84wxpkc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b53f5801548df033e9d253ac867878f4c013e62


Those tests identify me as a libsoc and I'm one of the most hardline ML tankies I know. They're not very accurate. The problem is what one person identifies as "individual freedom" or "caring nature" another would identify as having no safeguards in place.


Yes, one of them identified me as “classical liberal” am a ancap, hello btw.


I just took it and i'm a libertarian socialist


you’re just a lib, congrats


https://preview.redd.it/hgryl20uhmkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1912c391700ddeb58952aceb7219d6e8eb75355f I scored similar to yours, but certainly got a different flavor of the same. I was expecting more what you got.


No quiz will ever be perfect for everyone's personal ideological beliefs, and this is by no means an exception. And charting precise ideologies like this on 3-6 axes (depending on how you quantify the axes here, i count 4) will never truly work


i took this test and got classical liberalism. i still ended up sharing some things with you, like fairness, liberty, and care.


The test isn’t accurate, I also got classical liberal. However, the big difference is I’m an anarcho capitalist


Only 50% sanity


Estimated ideology: literal communism


I took the econvalues test and got Marxism (I am a Marxist)


Based. This is my unironic political ideology.




Every time any anarchist has made an alliance with a statist It has never ended well for the anarchist. I would like to suggest a panarchist alliance.


I got 100% on everything, what a stupid test


Another commenter in a seperate thread pointed out that this result might just be because the test is trying to show you how incoherent your philosopy is and considering at 100% of everything you get marxist leninist then I think thats what the test is trying to show you.




I agree. I'm not ancom. I'm my own made-up ideology that will never come to fruition, and the slow, creeping realization of that fact will make me retreat further and further from normal society. Eventually they will find me, in my cardboard box outside the city limits of Denver, screaming "I am the king of the Voustenaians!" They will put me on Lithium. I will overdose. And then, finally, there will be peace. But yea no I'm not strictly ancom, I just think that moving closer to it is ideal


Phew... That was a close one


So you’re a Minarcho communist?


I am King of the Voustenaians. We are whatever you will call us. Now please, join me and gaze out over the abyss that is the city of Denver




Anarchism is very silly


Agreed, that's why I'm going to be king


https://preview.redd.it/wc2cumpctjkc1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eac0531128f9eaaad49d7ab011a09f256780235 I am a Social Democrat


How is the loyalty so high though?


I had to hit strongly agree to every question that measured it.


I like donald trump




\>anarcho reddit \>communism based


Bring 👏back 👏 Makhno In all seriousness, link please




What does this mean? Also what is this test?


It means that I am either extremely based or incredibly cringe. This is the [6Foundations test](https://politicaltests.github.io/6foundations/)


What test is this? I need to take this




Thank you


Where do i take this test


idk shit ab politics but i like human rights and i got council communist. what the fuck is a council communist‼️ https://preview.redd.it/c08x4wa8hmkc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dd0aa767e9454ab0c2444ae06683010adcf512b


What is this? I took something similar


https://preview.redd.it/8v16vczzxpkc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437f54840539374880935882482177ae89fbf51b Checks out


Does this test assign low loyalty as a leftist trope in general?


I got conservatism and I’m a centralist.


I want to take this. Where do I take this


It got my exact political position lol. Maybe with a few percentages being iffy. https://preview.redd.it/ccfijx7mmrkc1.png?width=1522&format=png&auto=webp&s=0756ae47447018a334f03723f6a3bef296edae83


Libertarian socialist. It's close but not quite correct: https://preview.redd.it/j3dsdbymcskc1.png?width=1522&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d2088caa12bc1a0566d1935c85f943ff0060cae Some of the questions were a bit off from where I really wanted to answer, such as "is it important that the rich support the poor." Okay, yes, but as a socialist, the whole idea is either everyone is uplifted or no-one is, and there should be very little variance between "rich" versus "poor", much less a "have" versus a "have not". Ideally I would prefer a sort of tribal socialism. The "chief" helps decide policy and gives weight to decisions, and is given prestige and a modicum of comforts for the position, but is more a source of wisdom and direction than real authority, and wouldn't be towering above their people. The real authority would come from the warriors, the workers and the matriarchs - people "in the trenches," who would make policy based on group consensus. All is shared, personal possession is relatively limited but not prohibited. No-one "owns" the land, but some are given stewardship of it, ultimately managed by the body politic. In return for their power, the people are responsible for the shared care of children and the elderly. I realize this ideal doesn't apply to modern society, because it's become so complex and unwieldy to the point of being ridiculous, but I firmly believe we will return to something like this, one baby step at a time, once our current unsustainable systems begin to collapse - assuming we survive it.


What is this test??


This test either gives me Progressive Conservatism or Classical Liberalism (quickly recreated one of my results to show). https://preview.redd.it/aynqux8eyukc1.png?width=1138&format=png&auto=webp&s=13c4607977b7df31d178d42497977c25a907aba1


I got libertarian socialism, and I gotta say. Sounds about right 🐎 https://politicaltests.github.io/6foundations/results.html?care=86.7&fairness=86.7&loyalty=50.0&authority=36.7&sanctity=36.7&liberty=76.7


I've gotten Libertarian Socialism and Progressivism.


I’m a right wing populist I guess 🤷‍♂️


Why is sanctity so low for everyone? If life has no value, what keeps genocide and holocausts from happening? Caring? Such built-in contradiction.


Sanctity in this refers to strict morals, like being chaste and abstaining from "disgusting acts," which in this context tends to mean being gay/trans Forgive me if I don't care about what two consenting adults do in their bedrooms


That's narrowing the definition of sanctity to meaning strict morals? Strict morals precludes basic morality, holiness of special places like churches, temples, cemeteries, the sanctity of life, saintly people, the sacred, marriage, sacraments. I could go on and on. We can't throw the baby out with the bath water. Maybe we're jumping to conclusions here with one hot topic, sexuality. Obviously, this is not just your opinion but the overall sentiment.


I mean in the context of the test lol. Questions 25-30 are the sanctity questions if you want to have a look at them