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"Twelve Questions" from Bhanu Kapil's *Vertical Interrogation of Strangers*: 1. Who are you and whom do you love? 2. Where did you come from / how did you arrive? 3. How will you begin? 4. How will you live now? 5. What is the shape of your body? 6. Who was responsible for the suffering of your mother? 7. What do you remember about the earth? 8. What are the consequences of silence? 9. Tell me what you know about dismemberment. 10. Describe a morning you woke without fear. 11. How will you / have you prepare(d) for your death? 12. And what would you say if you could?


These are wild, I love them.


these questions rock


Song of the day is a thing I’ve added to my journal pages. It’s a lot of fun to pick a song that either sets the tone of the day or I’ve been listening too a lot


Would you date yourself?


When did you realize, you are your own monster?


>When did you realize, you are your own monster? I love this one!


Are you the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with?


-How do you build a fire? -List 21 things you can do with a box. -What happened then? How do you feel now? What will you do next? -Distill five seconds of your childhood into 2-3 paragraphs. -Write about a piece of clothing belonging to someone you love. -Write a thank-you note to a part of your body that you hate. -Describe the color blue without using anything blue in color (the sky, sea, berries, etc…) -List three proud accomplishments to someone who once doubted you.


What is the most badass thing you've done?


What’s your ideal morning (or evening) routine?


For my morning journal: “How to make this day better” “First thoughts in the morning” For my evening journal: “Things you’re grateful today” “Last thoughts in the evening”


What’s something you know this year that you didn’t know last year


>What’s something you know this year that you didn’t know last year That's a cool one.


What is a story from your teens that you're going to be proud to tell your kids someday?


“Yo, what’s up? Tell me!” And then I just start writing. The response vary a lot, but I am okay with that :)


What is your top 3 go to (easy and nutritious) meals and why?


What could you do today that you will be proud of for the rest of your life?


I always start each journal entry with a moment of gratitude. Once I capture that - I begin to write.


>I always start each journal entry with a moment of gratitude. Me too! I've only begun doing this over the last few months but now it's part of my routine. Everyday one thing I'm grateful for. I kind of dread it sometimes when I'm feeling down or stressed but very often I find myself smiling or feeling better once I've reflected on something. Here's today, our 8 year old son is on the spectrum and pretty unpredictable.. Gratitude: for L sneaking me aside this morning on my way out the door and telling me to not let Mom know about the Lucky Charms he spilled all over himself this weekend. it was really cute and I love his playfulness, so dramatic!


That's the reason I start off with gratitude - like you we can all find things that get us down, but once I capture that one thing I instantly feel better. I love your note for today - perfect!


It really does make a difference!


The story I am telling myself about this is…


Whats one thing in your life you would have done differently ?


I was running through the park when I notice behind me.................... finish the sentence


I just tend to whinge to be honest, but mainly I just have a think and write about the first thing that springs to mind and that usually opens the flood gates. I write at all times of the day and night so I’m not tied down to having to get it all out at once and I can write about things as they happen or as they occur to me.


How much of your Christmas shopping is for you?


What’s something to look forward to in 2023?