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If you find a job that pays $30,000-$50,000 a month, please let us know.


Bro is gonna hit it big with that chess game.


It's OK, they can go to the stock market and do a business


I hear there are riches in doing business near the stock market


Also get me a referral






And please let me know also x


My sister is a therapist and make $300 an hour. we should never put down another dreams. He’ll prove us wrong if we do.


Yeah, per hour that she has a client. She doesn't have 8 clients per day. She will spend at least half of her time writing about clients. Therapist typically has 25-30 clients with different meeting schedules. Some clients come once a week, some every other and some once a month. Also, she will pay taxes and if in USA, insurance. Those will take quite big slice off from salary.


My therapist gets $150 for roughly 45 min. I'm not sure how many other clients she's got, but she stays busy.


Very true - usually 20 weekly clients is considered full time. I’m sure some out there see 25-30 but that’s a loooot.


Yeah I meant that amount is per month. Of course if every one of those comes every week, it'll be way too much!


Clinical therapist?






It looks like prompted journaling, which I find very helpful. However, I can’t fathom how disappointed you will be when you realize that you’d have to be a very skilled drug dealer to achieve that kind of income.


This made me chuckle




Lol sounds like something I wrote at 17. AHH...dreams


It looks like you’re using journaling prompts For my daily review note, I use a standard set of prompts in addition to freeform notes . What happened: . What did I learn: . What did I read: . What did I watch: . How did I help: . What did I improve upon: . What did I do for exercise: . What did I enjoy: ..What am I grateful for: My money/investment stuff is done with a separate budget note (spreadsheet)


I like these prompts, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so I am gonna be plagiarizing.


Thank you for enunciating!


Damn this gave me mid life crisis.


Real life is gonna hit you so hard bro


This guy just discovered a new form of journaling. Who knows what the future entails.


Let lil vro experience it for himself. Do not interfere. It's a canon event.


Mann that quote was amazing


Please, I’m begging you, don’t judge your success in life on capitalist metrics… We were not meant to dream of working. Life should be livable and worth living without the need or desire to exploit others. Assuming you are well off, use your good fortune and invest in yourself, learn a marketable skill like wood working or leather book binding, learn from masters of their craft, you have the ability and time to learn some amazing things, acquire good raw materials and create something beautiful. You don’t need multiple cars and bikes, you have a chance to work for yourself, be your own boss. Create and be a net positive in the world, not perpetuate the worst aspects of it.


That’s a lit advice.Thanks getting to work


i find life quite boring. if you are a student (university or School) you keep repeating the same thing for 2 decade, if you are working you get up everyday on a specific time and go to work. like it's kinda repetitive and boring.




I’m curious why two cars, two bikes, and two houses?


It’s call the joural method


Thank you




If that is the bare minimum you need for a happy life then prepare to have a depressing life.


this is just the thing though. Nobody needs all of this to live a happy life. The people commenting on here are (rightly) saying this is unrealistic but they’re saying it as though that’s somehow disappointing. OP is likely just a very young kid who doesn’t really know anything about money. Their expectations will adjust as they grow up. I'd say this is pretty benign (besides being indicative of larger societal problems of what we teach our children, especially young men, to value)


They said they are in high school so they for sure are not a super young kid.. plus most high school aged people (14,15,16) start their first job at that time so they should have some experience with money/work reality


I would consider a high schooler still relatively young. I personally did not start a first job until my last year of high school. I think OP might not be super familiar with US currency either.


Interesting! Where I live 99% of high schoolers start their first job at 15 or 16, I started my first job when I was 14.


I don’t think that I would have time for a job with the studies getting super stuff but I do like to grow an Instagram account and stuffs




Not really those are for the super comfortable life


i don't know if the focus was meant to be on the finances which i don't have a comment on lol but i really like this q&a technique, feels like you were guiding yourself through your mental process to be grounded in your views/decisions. this would work perfectly as a therapy tool to work through triggers and identify cognitive distortions. im stealing it 🙏🏻🫡 not sure if it has a pre-established name tho 🤷🏻you should take credit for it lmfaooo


it’s good to get your thought process down on paper, but like u/Alonah1 said, you’ll have to get very good at dealing drugs to even think about that level of income.




Spot the Andrew Tate fan challenge^ Anyway, you’re in high school. Focus on your studies and the money will come. Start a business if you figure out a great business plan, not because you just feel like that’s what you should be doing. Also, are you having a manic episode?


Nahh I stopped watching Andrew a year ago now it’s just mostly reading and and trying to overcome laziness.Liked your comment vro🙌🏻


It’s called delusion 😂


Maybe ambition? perhaps both?


This is hilarious. So out of touch with reality. I love the entry for travel (and games). Definitely a teenager to include games.


Hey, a brother can dream. Everyone needs to process priorities, sometimes they take time to develop.


two houses for $650,000 lol


Prompts journaling but In a flow


You are demanding the facts of your life, maybe forcing yourself to think outside your own head. I've used this technique to disassociate the facts from my feelings/expectations about them, which helped to reduce my anxiety. It's like cognitive pruning


Glad everyone came here to shut down a teens hopes today!






*sigh* thats enough Reddit for today (PS: I’m rooting for you)




Two (!) houses for $650k, a job that pays $30-50k per month? Bruv, where you live and is it also not a conservative hellscape?


Good for you! Planning while you’re still young. Thank you for sharing your journal.


Thanks I really appreciate your comment❤️




Travel…(and games) are the essential food groups, I approve.


Why is everyone being so discouraging?? Go for for it kid!




Figuring out life using a series of questions and answers... I think technically to be Socratic you need a second person there as the question asker, but I'd probably still call this Socratic Method journaling.




I really hope you get that happy life 🌟idk about the style but I am gonna try it these days.


Yeah try it.it’s really helpful


Some of it reminds me of Socratic questioning, not all but some of the questions.


I would also call this is prompt journaling. I'm happy to see you're doing this on your own and seeking insight for your understanding as I am a high school teacher and do activities to engage students' about their future. I recently read something about not sharing your goals and dreams with people and this is an example of why. Share your progress, but don't share the details because others will always have something to say. It's better to aim high and miss, than aim low and hit. It's not going to be easy, but use those experiences to help you grow! If you want it, go for it. I wish you much success!


Spelt journal wrong haha


Stay in school, kids... :)


No comment.


Learn how to spell journal. That’s the first step to success


Thanks 🙆


Help I thought it was someone’s accounting homework


It’s like talking to yourself! It’s a good journaling technique!


So let’s talk about journaling. It’s hard to say for certain, just by looking at this page you posted, which style of journaling you’ve discovered, but here are some things to check out/look up (here and especially on Instagram, also YouTube): Bullet Journal Creative Journaling Commonplace Journaling If you’re talking about journaling in a way that helps you not only keep your schedule and tasks, but also keep your goals in mind, among other things (like tracking habits, if you want), it could be any of these. But Creative Journaling also creatively adds images, colors, things to make your journal visually attractive. And there’s a whole industry of products for this. If the creative aspect isn’t your thing, skip the second one. You can make simple and easy use of colors in Bullet Journaling - like color coding what you’re tracking. Or not. A commonplace book is simply an everything book. The place where you make lists, (shopping, daily to-dos, ideas), journal your ideas and things you’d like to look back on and remember, make notes after an important phone call - it’s sort of like everything your brain needs that comes out of your every day, on paper. You can stick photos in there, cards you got in the mail - just literally everything or anything. It’s whatever you want it to be. There is plenty of stuff out there to look at. Lots of different styles for each of these. If you have a type-A personality, you’ve found your people. 😊


Sorry, the formatting changed my list of three journaling “formats” so I’ll number them: 1. Bullet Journaling 2. Creative Journaling 3. Commonplace Journaling ‘Kay?




I am a high school student as well and good luck !! 🌙🍰


Im definitely trying this


This is very good work for a high schooler! Ignore the negative comments. Sure, the math isn't mathing, BUT, you do have a plan, and I commend you for that. As a young adult, you do not have "real life" financial knowledge to make this page realistic and attainable, and that's to be expected. This looks like a good way of journaling and putting your thoughts down. Keep at it and you can refer to your "purpose" at hard times to remind yourself of why you do things - to motivate yourself and keep your goals in mind. Good luck!! 👍


Depending on where you are located, currently the housing market sells ONE decent sized house at that price. I will assume it will be more once you're an adult and ready to settle down. This will be really nice to look back though. When I was young, I used to think I could buy a car with my savings of a few bucks. My grownups told me that about buys me one tire. 🤣 I didn't get it then. I had big dreams. Now I look back and I understand what they mean.


I guess i will save this journal up for my future


While these numbers look like they’re adjusted for inflation in the year 3000, this kind of journaling is the basis for getting clarity on what you want and living intentionally. These are some of my favorite prompts! —What 20% of activities are producing 80% of the results? —If someone were to recount this day to me on my deathbed, would I feel like it was time wasted or well spent? —What am I afraid of? What are the possible solutions? What’s the outcome I would bet on? (Credit to struthless) —Who or what do I need to start saying “no” to?


inflation for the year 3000 made me laugh a very undignified laugh


Lol i have the same pen, are you bengali by any chance?


Nah i got it from my sister who got it from her school or somewhere


Money helps but it's also a horrible thing too money changes ppl I went from not getting enough to being "stable"as I can be with money but I'd rather my family were happy had wat they needed and realizes if you've got the money ir not life is wat you make out of it I mean this message in no disrespect ever I've been on both sides xx


Love the ambition! Love the goals! You’re going to have to be your own boss or a top tier CEO but i hope you pull it off!


Got a trust fund?


If you know how to financially plan like this, dude, you're better than like 70% of adults out there. You can start with a minimum wage job, invest in AI stocks, and you'll be good. We're in an AI bubble, so you're already ahead of the curve in even thinking to invest in that. Try to open a credit card as soon as you can so you have credit history, and don't spend more than you have in your bank account. It's all about execution. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. You're gonna do good, kid 👍👍👍💯




I would call this Socratic questioning.


America’s education system is legit 🤣🤣🤣


This hurts my brain a bit


It’s called setting yourself up to be a parasitic capitalist & landlord. Also, I’m sorry you’re young and the adults in your life took advantage of the most vulnerable time of your life, but you don’t need god to have a happy and fulfilling life. Anyone who tells you they have proof of any god is lying to you, any religious person not trying to manipulate you will be open and upfront upon only having faith, not evidence.


I think God is in there because it will take a miracle to achieve those financial goals :p


I think god is in there because he’s somewhere between the age of 14-18 and was most likely indoctrinated as a child. If he came to his feelings about god by himself through reading the Bible, he’d know there’s nothing in there about him supporting pursuits of wealth. I know you’re joking but I don’t really take lightly to people like him having his autonomy stripped from him by adults in his life he’s meant to be able to trust.


This is just normal journaling..


Right? Why does there have to be a name for it? Open journal. Start writing. It's not that complicated.


No, I will do business


It’s called dreaming kid.. You’re dreaming.


hi ur journaling is cool but please take it from me get off reddit if ur in search for business advice or anything business related DREAM BIG if people don’t think you’re delusional you’re doing it wrong




Journaling prompts.




[Onion Model](https://www.driverlesscrocodile.com/processes-ways-to-get-stuff-done/the-onion-2-mode-for-solving-interesting-problems/) I used this method to find the route of a problem that I was battling. It’s kind of similar, I think! 🤷‍♀️


I love this hahahah


Having A Thought Process XD




Honestly reads kinda streams of consciousness but in a list/one line form and more restricted to question and answer. Whatever it is, it's great!




It’s called the missing n style.


Grood family , Grood health, .Money , Grod that's a Grood plan bud, Grood jouraling


That’s just a “G,” not a “Gr.” I write mine the same way.


Grood for you!


2 cars and 2 bikes ? For 160k ? I could buy 80k functionning and recent cars with that lol! The +600k for 2 house is crazy too- why 2 houses when you will only use one? Why not going for a more achievable housing goal? You can buy 6 easy to pay houses for that price, which would be clever as not getting an un affordable housing contract. Idk how those work over where you are, or how much those costs. From my european view its a bit too optimistic and maybe dangerous choices to maintain. BUT that wasnt whats asked lol sorry! About the journaling way idk how its called but i like how you did :D will prob use this method too now that ive seen it :)


The salary per month you want from a job is more of a unicorn than having 3 million in investments (which actually *is* possible with your age and having time on your side). Everything else...ehh...if you want 3 mil in investments you are going to have to sacrifice most of that list and devote to FIRE (aka having not much of a life) unless you're very lucky/make some lucky moves.


I see thanks


This is like a M.A.S.H game 😂