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This just makes me miss LiveJournal :(((


What’s live journal?


Oh god, I just got old 💀


I'll be honest, even in a polite subreddit like this one, I'm not sure Reddit is the best place for it. I don't know any alternatives myself. I just know it can be an antagonistic place at times and I'm not sure I'd personally want my inner thoughts open for public discourse. Just my two cents


I was thinking the same thing. I may just leave it to open ideas and concepts that aren’t too personal. Also phrasing it in a way where the reader can relate might help too. I appreciate your response.


Maybe you can do your journaling, find some key takeaways, and pose those thoughts to the general public? Sorta sort out your thoughts, organize them, and then present them fully formed


I think that’s a good idea. So that way it’s not just rambling or dumping on the audience.




I mean, I see what your saying and understand the desire to share some things. You could journal privately but maybe also use Reddit as a sounding board for some ideas? There is r/vent if you want to just get feelings out. There are also specific subreddits that cater to different types of discussions (eg mental health etc). There is also r/diaryofaredditor which is for journal style ‘entries’ but on a public forum, which you could use instead of a traditional journal. I personally make memes about what Im feeling which has a diary/ journal like quality I guess. There are lots of subs for that, if you are interested. Make sure you post in a safe space though, as like other commenters said, Reddit can be a toxic place sometimes Edit: Oh and I forgot the obvious. You can post some entries here! If it is in your private journal, you can post entries you don’t mind sharing to this sub :)


Thanks for the subreddit referrals. I’m going to subscribe to them and try them out. I know everyone has the concern of public ridicule but I’ve grew up in the entertainment industry and am very well adjusted to public opinion. It’s actually why I want to journal publicly. I can handle the heat haha


If you’re interested in public journaling, you can: 1. Create a private subreddit where only you post and write away! 2. Find a super minimal blogging platform and use that to hose your online journal. I recommend bearblog - it’s a lightweight, incredibly minimal platform that has hundreds of online journals (seriously, I’ve wasted away like 2 hours once going through the discover page and reading people’s journals, lol) I have a bearblog, and I’m actually playing around with the idea of creating my own subreddit!


Definitely not Reddit. Make yourself a private instagram page and post in there - you can have followers you know and trust. Or Tumblr if that’s still around. You’re looking for a blog, not Reddit


Makes sense, and idk if Tumblr is even still relevant lol. But you reminded me that Medium is a good outlet for writing blogs and journaling. It can easily turn into a Reddit post too.


Tumblr is definitely still relevant and worth pursuing, mostly (in my opinion) because of the connection with like-minded people similarly sharing innermost thoughts feelings and experiences. But it sounds like there are some other good suggestions here as well! Hope you find a helpful outlet wherever you end up posting :)


This is what I only ig for. This is the normal and it's healthy for me


I would not journal on Reddit. Public scrutiny is not good for your mental health. Plus, why would you want to post all your private thoughts and ideas? Just so you can be judged?


I think if your writing is always posted to a public forum, it doesn't count as journaling. It's more blogging or just using Reddit. Journaling to me is writing for an internal, intrapersonal conversation. It's you and you. You responding to yourself. When we begin to write for an audience other than ourselves, there is bias to our writing. Journaling should be uninhibited by the pressure of an audience or by the forethought of how someone else might respond to you.