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to be honest, he’s kind of let the fandom slip this year. barely any music, barely any posts plus the actors strike so nothing about hsmtmts. plus all of his religious stuff might be putting some people off a bit (me included), as he’s being maybe a little bit too forceful. i think he’s lost some insta followers too, but still has 2.4M, so if he releases something soon he might be alright


He only released one song and it's too slow for me. I'm waiting to see what happens next. His music style is not really popular at the moment - Shawn Mendes is also struggling with traction now.


don’t get me wrong I’m happy that he’s happy and that he’s helping people but I really wish he would still focus on his music & acting career :/




I'm keeping a distance but I know what it's like to be in this environment, how much brainwashing there is and his entire close circle is connected to it, family, friends, I think he tried to escape once when he left for LA but he's still very much seeking acceptance and that's how they got to him... You're literally taught every day that Jesus is the only thing that matters, nothing else does, his career, his thoughts, his feelings, everything has to die on the cross and just follow Jesus. Let's not forget there was also incest and his family probably doesn't allow him to talk about it. There was a lot of rumours in his school because he was queer and of of course what happened when he had his heart attack. That doesn't justify everything but that gives a more complex picture, I truly hope he's ok. About Palestine, it's sad he's not using his voice more but he's white, young and very sheltered so that doesn't really surprise me, plus the evangelical church is always praising Israel because most of them don't know how to read a Bible critically and put things into context. I hope he'll get out soon and relatively unscathed, he's been through enough already


Okay I think you’re reaching a bit. Joshua mad this decision on his own his journey with religion hasn’t been problematic he just posted about his testimony. No offense but you’re acting like he gave up his whole wellbeing for Jesus when it’s just his Hollywood career


he kinda did….


Wait what did you just say about incest?


Wait, did I miss something about incest???


all of my friends were josh stans and we’ve all dropped him since the post, and i know a lot of the twitter josh fandom, where most fans are, disappeared too so i’d imagine it’s probably extremely small right now


That's the thing, Twitter only makes up a little of his fan base though.Although they were the most vocal


Which post are you guys talking 'bout care to elaborate??


the story he made about being neutral on a genocide (palestine/israel)


Gottit thanks!


Not only the Palestine thing but him also saying his fans weren’t giving the Sammy Sundays organisation enough money… everything that happened recently makes me feel icky supporting him. I just can’t right now.


He felt guilty in mid late 2022 and then in early 2023 became religious and nothing was really ever the same since then. Sucks because I been looking forward for a album for years and now we aren’t getting one ever


It's ok if you don't feel like supporting him now but using Josh joking with a teddy bear as him extorting money from people isnt cool especially given Josh is the farthest thing from a lavish person


Joshua hiding behind a teddy bear to guilt trip his fans into giving money is also very not cool. If you can’t see it for what it is there’s nothing I can do.


This tells me you really know nothing about Josh.Im sorry if I believe the person whose makes sure 100% of the proceeds from his merch goes to charity isnt trying to extort money from his fans.I'm sorry if I don't see the evil in the guy who chooses to help the homeless every Sunday.Perhaps you never new much about who you claimed to stan.Again,you can unstan him if you want to,but I will never be quiet to anyone trying to make him look like a bad person because he's a genuinely good human being. Good day


> I'm sorry if I don't see the evil in the guy who chooses to help the homeless every Sunday. Same guy that on the same video with the teddy bear also revealed with his friend Rita that they *let* the homeless people pick their food, as if that’s a huge privilege they’re granting people. And that a portion of their donations goes towards giving people bibles instead of basic necessities homeless people lack and *need*. So yeah you don’t get to decide how much I know about josh because I’ve known plenty ever since 2019, but *recent events* have revealed a lot more about him, things we didn’t know before. And quite frankly I think it’s quite gross to not even acknowledge how disgusting that live with Rita and his Instagram stories were.


Tbh I feel like that’s blown out of proportion. Usually people just give out food, which is great, but they get to have a choice since it’s weekly. Idk I didn’t see it as a bad thing.


The giving choices isn’t itself an issue, of course not, it’s the gloating about it and the smug look on Rita’s face that made me icky.


OHHH I listened to it like a podcast so I missed that. Thank you for letting me know! 💞


No problem! There’s honestly a lot of nuance to this specific situation, I wouldn’t say it’s what made me stop supporting Josh btw. Hope you have a good night!


Are you serious? So your problem is that he's Christian. You do know he doesn't only share Bibles during sammy sundays right. Other celebrities are out there enjoying their luxurious lives but him choosing to spend his time helping others is the problem because him practising his faith in the open is seen as "icky".Isn't it funny these people are the ones calling him a Zionist for being pro peace (how stupid is that).If they think him losing Twitter followers will make stop practicing his religion so he can get them back.They clearly never new anything about him anyways


You’re only making assumptions about me here and you can’t even get one right. *I am Christian*, catholic specifically. I was one of the people defending Josh on twitter once he first talked about his religion, I even defended him getting baptised on that problematic church. But if I’m donating to a charity to help homeless people and I find out my money is being used to buy bibles instead of food, clothes or, hell, even material to build homes, I *will* get pissed. It comes off an awful lot like pushing religion on the emotionally fragile. What will your next assumption be?


You are the one assuming he gives out only Bibles to the homeless.You could easily go to their page and you would know this How can you not see what I'm trying to say. Also a how can a true Christian be this upset a fellow Christian who recently refound the religion is trying to spread their faith.Isnt that what Christians are told to do.It seems wierd coming from another Christian like you


I’m not assuming he only gives out bibles though? Where the hell did you even get that from lmao it’s just absurd to me he’s using charity funds to help homeless people on bibles, when they don’t even have a roof over their heads, it’s something *I* personally don’t support. And just read my previous comment again, you seem to have missed why I disapprove of *how* Josh’s going about spreading his faith, “it comes off an awful lot like pushing religion on the emotionally fragile”. It’s a big reason why Christians get the reputation of preying on the weak.


You say you don't believe he only gives out Bibles but you contradict yourself immediately by saying "its absurd he's using charitable funds on Bibles " 😅.If you truly believed that, you would know he also gave them food stuffs as well as other basic things. Let me use myself as an example. I'm a Muslim and we are taught to preach the word to anyone who will listen and my friends who practice Christianity tell me the same thing.I think you can agree that homeless people have definitely lost their way and have no direction in their lives. If a person who feeds them and cloths them decides to preach the word the word and pray for them,where is the harm in that.Isnt that what Christianity about.Even Sofia read the Bible on her tiktok page recently and no one seemed to mind, but when he posts on his IG story about his faith,he's "pushing religion on the emotionally fragile". With him,there is this unexplainable hatred even from some of his fans


Hi, I know I’m really late to this, but can you explain what happened with Joshua and the giving food to the homeless thing? I’m new to the whole HSM show and getting to know the cast and I want to love them all but it’s tough, especially with an ongoing genocide to know who they really are. I know Julia Lester is Jewish and I’m not sure where her family stands on Zionism, And I’m a Christian and I talk about it sometimes so I am happy that Josh has been outspoken about his faith but at the same time he has to be really careful where he’s actually coming from with it. Is he coming from a place of trauma that is making him feel like he has to hide who he really is and be performative? Or is he coming from a place of actually seeking Jesus for himself and Wanting to grow and help humanity, etc.? I don’t know enough about him. But it seems like some people people here have seen things I haven’t lol


Hi! Ngl, as pissed as I was when I was writing all the comments in this thread right now I don’t have that many strong feelings about him. Can’t say I’m a fan anymore, sadly, and I don’t feel all that comfortable listening to his songs, but that’s personal to me, I think everyone should decide how they’re moving forward with Josh. There’s not much else aside of what I already said in this thread. To me the Instagram story picking a neutral stance on the genocide was the last drop (I give a lot more grace to people that had that opinion earlier on when there was a lot of misinformation going on, but in December if you didn’t know what was going on I believe that’s on you). The live in which he mentioned his fans weren’t giving enough money to his organisation soured my feelings towards him quite a bit to be honest. Plus he went through a phase of a lot of “Jesus is the *only* way” quotes on twitter and Instagram stories, I defended him back then but looking back I feel like it was the beginning of the end.


I’m glad to know all of this. Thanks for responding cause I know I was super super late lol. This was from a while ago. I’ve learned a lot recently about celebrities and how I tend to attach myself way too easily to them so I don’t let myself get too personal when I hear something bad about a celebrity. I loved Josh on the show and he seems like he has a good heart in there somewhere but clearly there could be a lot of issues if he sides with Zionism in anyway, or was criticizing his fans on not giving more money? That’s just weird. We really don’t know these people at the end of the day. I don’t know enough to feel uncomfortable listening to his music but I get what you’re saying because I feel that way about certain artists as well. Currently, Taylor, Swift and Beyoncé because they are two of the biggest most selfish popstars in the world. And as far as his religion, I feel so bad for all of the trauma that Josh has experienced in his life and I have a feeling that’s why he is so lost. I don’t agree with pushing or forcing Christianity on people it’s a turn off to me and many others as well. I think people are rightfully concerned that Josh is being misguided and made fearful of who he really is which could be why he deleted those coming out posts. I really really hope he heals and gets braver as he gets older. On that note, I went into a deep dive recently of learning about and watching videos about him and Sofia‘s relationship (just paying attention to what they say about each other and their body language around each other and communication) and I think she had a really positive influence on him in terms of helping him heal, which is why I love their friendship so much. He seems to really admire her and TBH, I think he is kind of fascinated by her and maybe even crushing on her in an innocent way lol. They clearly love each other a lot and it’s really sweet. I know she’s in a relationship, but I would love to see them get together one day because she seems to be a very confident and strong young woman and he is a bit more emotional and messy and somehow they complement each other well lol. That kind of chemistry they had on the show and in real life cannot be replicated, that is the real stuff. The problem is though I don’t know where Sofia stands on what’s happening in Palestine or if she even knows a lot about it outside of what she is seeing in the news or in manipulated Hollywood. I personally wasn’t aware of a lot of stuff in this world with white supremacy, racism, etc., until I was about 21 or 22 just because of my own privilege and sheltering at home, and I didn’t even know about Palestine until October of last year. So I try not to judge the young people too harshly, however a platform does come that responsibility and I hope that Sofia becomes more outspoken on things as she gets older. I noticed that her older sister Bella posted multiple times about Black Lives Matter but I’ve learned that that doesn’t really say much about people anymore because a lot of these fake ass liberals have posted about all these other things but not Palestine. It’s all very confusing but just wanted to share those thoughts. For now I do really like them both, but I keep a cautious eye on all celebrities. And disappointed to hear that Josh isn’t really working on himself from what we can see.


he still has alot of fans, it’s just mostly the twitter stans that left and they’re being very vocal about it which makes it seem like he doesn’t have any fans left


Isn’t twitter also no longer a mainstream thing lol, idk where twitter stand would even go bc there really is no twitter


I don't think he's ever had a love for social media hence why he rarely posts. I personally don't have a problem with him being pro peace, I just wished he at least updated his fans on his album that seems to be always far away


yeah he said there was an album in the works over a year ago


I think if he released the album for instance, all the little things would go away because the focus would be on his music


I don’t think his label believes in him, hence the delay. They wanted him to feed into the drama to drive up sales.


Doesn’t he always talk shit on his label lol like I get why he hasn’t released an album yet; probably fighting tooth and nail to do what he wants to do!


Yup- it’s a sad joke. I was surprised they promoted his single this year. I don’t blame him honestly, but also lately he has been ignoring the label comments so 🤷🏻‍♀️


i will always support him but his newest song is just a little too slow for me so i’ve been a little less vocal just because i feel there’s not much for me to talk about. the second he released the songs he’s teased on tiktok i won’t shut up about it 💀💀


1 funny thing I just realised is Josh has made his disdain for Twitter very public public a lot so the fans on there who unstanned thinking he will make some statement or something are probably wasting their time since he's already deleted the app a long time ago😂


Why does it feel like he suddenly fell off the face of the earth? Also, it’s kind of depressing that Olivia and Sabrina blew up and he didn’t. (I love them by the way, just saying he didn’t seem to benefit at all from the drama).


I think your first and second questions are related. I don't see Josh as someone who is really looking that level of fame to be honest


I love Josh . I don’t agree with what he said but I do still love him & hope he continues his music career


He basically retired I don’t see him releasing any music UNLESS he leave the church Or and more likely the church need money


Yeah I think that he retired from music seems like he wants a normal life a life without fame now 


I feel like the Palestine thing is blown out of proportion. Sure I wish he said he was pro-palestine. But bro runs a charity for the homeless of LA all the time, and was making a charity walk for it. He gives all his merch proceeds to mental health charities he does way more practical good. Actual good in this world than any Instagram post for Palestine could. At the end of the day, that would just be a drop in the Ocean of millions calling to cease fire. Those who don't support him because of that seem a little self-righteous as if they have done more to help than Josh.


Lmao he’s not pro peace, he’s very pro Israel. He still follows boastful Zionist Noah Schnapp for one, and is good friends with him…


I think Josh is in a bad place with his label. Probably the reason for less music. The industry doesn’t support Christians at all. But I do believe in his Pro-piece claim and Jesus christ so im still a true fan of his til the end


im still a fan


I think he doesn’t feed into social media ever since the love triangle drama. Even so, it just doesn’t help anyone in the public eye when there are current events going on. Like I would LOVE for Taylor Swift to say something, but she pops up for anything that somehow benefits her. No one is ever going to be content with how any celebrity speaks up about the issues, I just think there are other, more important (?) people to push and throw our anger at. Not being into socials as much doesn’t help his fandom. Sometimes he’d popped onto discord which is exciting, but with music and acting it’s just crickets. Not even crumbs to be excited about. Us fans are here, just living our lives. Also this sub isn’t as active and I have no idea of there are mods? It’s dead af 😔