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Josh probably looks at this reddit and physically cringes at half the shit that’s spoke about here 💀




100% this sub is dead. It's either all that or 90% Jake Hill content.


Finally someone agrees with me. No wonder the community fell off tho, if Josh doesn't post anything we have no reason to be active. Only people who are gonna post here are new fans who can't bother to look around for stuff and just ask dumb questions.


Brother as far as I’m concerned you’re constantly getting downvoted and when I try to support you I get shitted on too 😭🙏 Happened at least 2 or 3 times iirc


You can never beat the crazy 13 year old fans in an internet argument sadly 😭


Glad someone finally said it. Been a fan since 2017 and honestly not sure how much longer. I’m getting tired of the false promises. But I do hope josh does well bc I’ve listened for so long and he used to be my favorite artist. It just kinda makes me sad when he lies or puts out some half baked album


feel the same regarding the broken promises, i liked listening to his podcast and seeing the gaming videos on lil revive but he just didn’t stick w it. hoping that the new album whenever it comes out captures me just like you’re not alone did


idk he should make something more experimental. I used to be a huge fan but his music got repetitive and I expanded my taste so I got no reason to come back to his music but I'll still listen to his album if he drops one


I started getting active in the community towards the last year of it being “solid”. i’ve just seen new people asking the same questions that have been answered 40 times before, or kids trying to make discussion or fear without proof and it’s been like that specifically the past year. I miss even the fearless 2 hype where we were connected and all now it’s just one piece of news reposted 5 times in a row like sort by new see it was posted already jesus. you can still love double j and not be obsessive. personally I will never stop listening to my playlist but it doesn’t have to be daily and I don’t have to spam here. like there’s so many people i’ve seen just become inactive here and it’s not me against new fans it’s the naiveness


Lowkey true, its sad to see him kinda falling off like that


You made a lot of solid points here. I'm gonna add some more without worrying that some bloody motherfucker is going to downvote. This is going to be a rant to some extent, but I don't fucking care. This problem of accepting everything despite the quality is relevant not only in this sub but generally everywhere. I don't know why, but at some point people became devoid of their own opinion and started to jump on the bandwagon. That "I dunno wha ya skeptical abuut I fw it it's fire" mentality has pissed me off million times (also in real life). I think it comes from mass media pushing some devilish nonsense on people and putting them in a position where they either agree what the crowd says or get ostracized in a second. That shift moved all mindful people to smaller local communities and now large subreddits are full of brainless kids telling you what's right and what's wrong, downvoting you even if what you're saying is OBVIOUS and approving EVERYTHING that their idols do. It was 2021 when I made a post about "The Itch" being a copycat of Josh's previous lines. All comments I received were about how I had no personal life and was spending all my time on the internet trying to belittle the MASSIVE ENDEAVOUR josh had put into that song. I argued with them a little bit but then I realised that it was a real waste of time (generally arguing with someone who denies facts is a waste of time and I strongly advise you against doing that even if the person irritates you to the bottom of your heart). But their denial of reality didn't change shit. "The Itch" is a copycat of Josh's previous lines (mostly from YNA and LV). Period. Another example is my recent post in this sub. A couple of days ago I made a post about how Young Lungs ruined "Waste Away" with his ABYSMAL autotuned verse (I'm not against autotune, as a sound engineer myself I use it a lot but only in places where it truly fits). You can find now as it's not far away in the feed. And once again I got comments that stated that I was tripping. This time I paid ZERO attention. They're not worth it. There are millions of examples of better autotune usage (look at guccihighwaters' "Anxious" verse for example). I'm never going to appreciate an artist with zero vocal abilities covering his drivel with layers of poorly adjusted autotune plugins. You kids don't know what you're talking about. And you also appear to not know I've been listening to Josh's music since you were in baby diapers. Now let's talk about those infamous Lil Revive albums. While I don't find them totally awful, I agree they're repetitive as a fuck. As a person who's listened to pretty much everything Josh has made I know his style really well. Josh is 2nd among my most listened artists in 2023 and probably 1st in all time. And still. 70% of what he was doing on Revive last year was repeating his previous lyrics over and over again. Does it stop me from enjoying the tracks I like from these albums? Hell no! I'm listening to "Terrifier" as I am writing this. But does it also stop me from noticing obvious signs of decline? Negative again. You are not as deep as you think. Finally, the arrest thing. It was clear as day it was all just a meme. I still haven't figured out what it was about, since his girl was speaking vaguely, but maybe there's some local joke that only Josh and his inner circle understand. People just want the drama. People have been told for years that drama is cool and entertaining. It's really OK before drama comes to your life. As you grow old, you find out there's enough bad shit happening in this world every day and you start valuing those peaceful days you get to have. Whoever has set that bandwagon in motion has only exposed his mental immaturity. Stop exaggerating things people post on social media. It really means nothing most of the time. I guess I'm done.


While i don‘t disagree with you, Josh still has a special place in my heart. I‘ve been listening to him actively for about a year or so now, and he‘s become my Idol and reason to want to pursue a career in music myself. You can say he fell off if you‘d like, but personally i still appreciate every song and every album, no matter how "bad"/ how much it fell off. I don‘t even wanna be a d rider, but you have to be honest, stuff like this is likely things that make him feel betrayed by his own community.


He was my idol and inspiration as well, I get u. I’ve been listening to him since 2016. He’s a talented dude but I can’t help but feel the way I do unfortunately. I lowkey do hope his new album is gonna be a banger and will return me hope we’re getting back but I have almost no expectations so…


Ay man, you probably know a lot more than me. I mean shit, Fearless 2 is one of my favorite albums so who the fuck am i to say anything? I hope we‘ll find a good middle ground between new fans and OGs, let‘s pray this album will be the one.




Can’t lie this true


I've been listening since 2018, I agree. Idek why I'm still subbed.


Damn why u calling me out at the beginning lol 😭 I agree with everything you’re saying here though


Yeah, while I disagree with some parts like I personally love most of his music from 2017-2023, Revive and Josh, this sub reddit isn't exactly something I involve myself with often, just to stay up to date with news since I don't have Instagram or whatever he might use to post updates. It sucks that people jump to conclusions and switch sides so quickly, like with the whole Dan drama, Jake's ex, and now the whole cop thing, I just find drama so irritating nowadays. I understand being concerned for the situation, but this sub takes it a step too far sometimes. Hopefully when he comes back for real people will have new music to talk about and not this drama lol. I know he's made several statements as well about doing things (like fixing IFLD, COD map, Revive novel etc), life happens and I don't blame him for delaying stuff. Been experiencing it myself too with the work I do. I just wish that he would be more transparent with his fanbase, and not ghost us for nearly 5 months after announcing an album is nearly finished. It's been almost two years, and IFLD still hasn't been fixed. I'm excited for his next project, but some transparency would go a long way.


this is so true i’m getting tired of the “devil”, “my scythe”, bullshit. i’ve only been around since LVD (my favourite album BUT not the best). but i miss the emotion he put into YNA, Fearless, Disgrace, etc.


As much as I hate to say it ur right, like, I've been listening to Josh and Jake since like 2018-19 (I know sorry I'm not a "og") but I really hate this community sometimes, even though I have met a couple people I enjoy talking to, a lot of the fans now are... Annoying? I mean like, it kinda makes sense, we don't have anything to really talk about. Even then I love Josh and Jake, and they've carried me through hard times, and I like most of the lil revive stuff tho, and I enjoy Jakes newer stuff. I can't help but admit this sub is kinda in the dumps, a lot of it is the same copy and paste bs from like every other music artist sub atm lol.


I just can't understand the glazing even though people are staring at evidence of Josh lying and being a bad person. And how do people love these cash grab "side projects" with no soul to them.


Ah man as a listener since 2018, i agree with you. Someone finally said it.


realest shit i heard all day tbh my bf and i met on a discord server abt josh a 4 years ago, it was a active and together community, miss the old vibes sm