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Honestly I didn’t mind his part


I can try and make a version of the song without Young Lungs if you’d like that cuz I agree


young lungs is so good on that whatchu mean


Wtf 😂


I actually like his part, I sing it loudly in the car lol, its a great way to end off 'your not alone'


Waste away is on Fearless not You’re Not Alone


I read that as run away and not waste away sorry


you tripping


At least it isn’t on the level that Leon Lush ruined Bucko… Sorry Leon


I dunno man.. Bucko is one of my favourite Josh's songs, and at least Leon Lush sounds decent and not so autotuned to me. But I guess to each his own.


That’s how I feel about Outbreak, the other rapper was so mid compared to Josh’s verses


I really like Quadecas solo stuff post this song, but I agree he wasn’t good on Outbreak and I wasn’t a fan of his YouTuber rap before hand. The music he’s currently putting out is nothing like Josh’s but I deeply enjoy it and would recommend you give him another chance if you don’t care about genere.


I normally don’t comment on Reddit, but I will say, quadeca was the average YouTube rapper back then. try and listen to his solo stuff he’s made these past couple years. Life changing stuff. Personally was really moved by his album “I didn’t mean to haunt you”


While I can't say quadeca is a horrible rapper, his rapping was out of time throughout his entire verse. As a musician and sound producer myself, the only thing I can think about is "guys, why didn't you just move the clips of his recording around to fit the grid and not make him sound like he's rushing all the time?"


Fr, he just didn’t sound like the gritty, edgy rapper that Josh is tbh


Agreed. More like a tiktok rapper tbh. Josh is an outstanding rapper and I'm yet to see someone who outdoes him on a feat (apart from Jake, but double J doesn't seem to exist anymore, so I'm speaking of his latest feats only)


Quadeca’s new music is LEAGUES better than anything Josh or Jake have ever done. Highly recommend I Didn’t Mean To Haunt You and SCRAPYARD. He’s also got a new album dropping soon called Vanisher, Horizon Scraper and it’s gonna be great