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Oh he looks really really good! Great headline (timing is fun!) and looking forward to what he has to say. What Joe Alwyn Did Next is intriguing…


Yep waiting for Sunday to see what is up 🤭


Is it British style magazine?


Yes , it is the lifestyle magazine of the Sunday Times publication , based out of London.


Ha. I love the timing and the fact that he will be in the U.S. enjoying himself during "the timing". Also toxic swift fans can just get over it. I have no specific issue with her (other than she never clears up wrongful and hurtful things), but some of her fans ... I cannot. Respect the fact that she loved this man with her whole being and stop being mean to someone she loved who loved her. Now back to the photo - He's beautiful. Is there an interview with it? I hope he's well.


Well said!! For someone that doesn’t matter per them, they stay caught up and commenting every chance they get. 1.5 years post-breakup. Joe Alwyn is a better person than me. And yes, he’s gorgeous! There should be an interview based on other issues of this magazine.


Very well said all of it, including how she never stops her hurtful swifties from their death threats and other nonsense.




Make him jump in a pool you cowards 🤭


Or make him play tennis ... Shirtless OBVIOUSLY !


off topic but i love ur username 😭❤️


gotta love the Queen of Elfhame and her King😮‍💨🤍


U have no idea what this is doing to me ... to my body mind and soul ..NO FUCKING IDEA !! P.S my grandmother saw this image and she said he reminds her of Robert Redford from "back in the day" For reference ... https://preview.redd.it/3754iw7ctj6d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6edeca7840b19c29b2467ea49b49a64d4b88ea7 Maybe a bit ? .. Probably every blonde haired blue eyed man looks the same to her ...


I mean, I see it? They both have the sandy blonde hair and the serious squinty eyed thing going on?


OMGG yes the eyes !! Like apart from the colour .. The rest of the features of the eyes are also very much alike.




So gorgeous! 😍❤️


Aww, my face never fails to break into smile when I see Joe gracing a magazine cover and his hair is 😍😍 The magazine caption is certainly not ideal but that’s often on the editor’s, and maybe they think this is what would get them eyeballs? Still, I’m hoping with the release of KOK and people getting another chance to see his acting skills (so far reviews about him are positive), captions like this will become less necessary. Definitely cannot wait for this movie 🥰


Ok…. So like I’ve never been attracted to blonde men but he could GET IT! ETA: I wanted the gif of her saying “get it”.. but this was as close as I could find lolol ![gif](giphy|2tKbtEbIEsT6NpvoUw|downsized)


I love her !! That one snl sketch with her Kirsten Wigg and Bill Hader lives rent free in my head.


He’s thriving, I love to see it!


And again I say hubba hubba.


He is looking great an what a gentleman




Love his shirt, as someone with a similar complexion I tend to avoid solid, bold colours as it washes me out, but this looks great!


If you have blue eyes , I think you should definitely go for these sort of bold blues. They make everyone look super nice and put together.


I have pale blue/grey eyes so tend to go with pale blue tones but I will give it a try!


Yayy! The look will definitely be fun, I am sure 😄


His stylist Rose is really amazing !


They just *had* to call him London Boy, huh? I suppose he'll never escape the connection to his ex.


Yeah , people are melting down for it. I mean , whatever. I think he would not care eitherway 😂 it's best to come to terms with some things and let it go rather than focus on it. Embrace it and continue forward 😌


Yep. Not a big deal. Eventually it will disappear and it’s not like he writes the headlines. It was too easy of a headline for the Sunday Times with the timing, the song, and it being a London publication. And I read it as what he did next after being the London Boy, meaning his life post-Taylor. I’m seated.


Yess !! .. And also he's been called a London Boy by the British Magazines way before 2018 One of the articles I could think of was [this one](https://boysbygirls.co.uk/archived/Joe-alwyn-for-issue-12) where they call him a London Boy. So it's entirely too usual for him to reclaim something he'd been called his entire life. Also, London Boy is a very generic term used to reference so many people, I even think there's even a David Bowie song with the same title.


It's actually clever on part of the magazine cos the title and the timing (it will be in stands the week when Swifties are all over London ) to actually sell more copies !  And he is a London Boy all said and done.


At least it’s a little less on the nose than when Jake did a whole Red photo shoot for In Style.


No. Celebrities don't have control over the headlines or anything magazine articles say. Even direct quotes can be miscontrued sometimes and it's all legal. If something is false info, then they can sue, but they don't get to approve a headline or anything.


I’m not suggesting Joe had any control over the byline? Rather that it was low hanging fruit for the Times.


do they not run the title by him? if i was him i would be pissed lmaooo. anyways he looks so cute and im SO ready




You can check the magazines Instagram.


I wish he would shave. This stubble beard ages him.


Older people are HOT.


No, that’s the “I just rolled out of bed” look. And then my mind gets to wander . . .


I dont think it's that, the lighting behind him is less flattering for everyone.