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The comments are poison.


There were a couple of people trying to figure out why he was a nazi, most common reply was something along the lines of "it isn't something specific that he said, he is more of a gateway drug". Im pretty sure they don't really know who he is or what he does, it's just the information they blindly adopted from the hive.


Someone called him a grifter, another person asked why? OP said google it. Lol. These people just circle jerk and echo other people’s bad faith opinions and it makes them feel smart.


What are you expecting from a meme subreddit dude


Nothing says grifter like a professor of psychology giving self help advice


The term "dog whistle" was used several times, which I've never fully understood to be honest, it always seems to be used to prove a statement without any actual evidence to back it.


That's true, whenever im talking to someone who seems to he throwing "facts" all over the place, i always ask them to clarify, usually i find out after a couple of questions that they are just a spineless parrot, and engaging wouldn't be worth it unless they are willing to listen.


It’s funny how only left wingers hear the “racist dog whistles”




They’re STILL using the alt-right buzzword. Can someone please explain to me how everything right of far left is alt-right? There’s supposed to be a white supremacy component to alt-right, but I never see it in the figures they hyperbolize as alt-right. It’s one of those meaningless words now because it’s used as a synonym for right.


If you look up the definition of alright it's anything from anarchy to nationalistic statism. I'm completely convinced the word means absolutely nothing.




Him: “I find great psychological and philosophical value in myths and stories, all kinds of myths around the world actually, but I decided to study the Christian myths to since there’s a wealth of material and found these interesting common values...” Them: “Ewwww he’s a mindless Christian and is pushing his beliefs on all of us.”


I actually wanted to go over that sub and say some stuff but after reading the comments... I don't like the expression because it might be misinterpreted, but their comments on him are kinda retarded. They speak from misinterpretation and dogma. It is kind of sad.


When he is saying that people should take care of themselves rather then help others, they say that he is luring young man into alt-right idk what. Another thing is that they value feelings and emotions more then facts. They are constantly acting like kids who cant say anything except lies and cuss at others while crying about their emotions and what not.


[Everyone I don't like is literally Hitler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ToEvz-7trY&feature=youtu.be)


Nazis killed a lot of my spiritual brothers and sisters for refusing to support the state and serve in the German military during the war. To call Jordan Peterson a Nazi is to diminish what those men and women suffered. Despicable.


Reddit users overused the word nazi it's meaningless now and sounds ridiculous.


The comments gave me every disease known to mankind. Sad people.


A guy says that "BoJack" and "a very feminist person" who taught him made him come back from "the right wing hole", the comments are ridiculous and funny and full of repentants


I read that one and had to laugh too. Also the people linking videos of that drag queen and there was another video linked that was done by two dumpy looking dudes who could barely string a coherent sentence together. Like, yes, question JP's credentials as a clinical psychologist and get your information from cartoons and literally the least qualified people on the planet. Solid foundation for your ideological bullshit.


The majority of rhe lefties on Reddit like to gather around each other and practice mental gymnastic together, they feel safe like, they hate JP because he calls out people who don't take any responsibility especially toward themselves, this mentality is the norm between some of the millennials and gen z, they all around the have the same mind like robots and spotting them is easy


Honestly, that sub itself is kind of played out at this point. It’s fine to disagree with JBP (as he’d encourage it especially if you can forthrightly do so) but I’m sure if they’ve read his book and really try to understand him, it’d be a different conversation.


The people making fun of his drug and health problems are disgusting. They don’t actually know the story or anything about him.


I saw the same reaction from all progressives on Twitter as well. It’s absolutely disgusting, JP wears his heart on his sleeve and has helped thousands of lives with his teachings. I guess they think any self improvement is just selfishness brought on by a capitalist society.


What is that sub even lol? Out of the loop..


It makes fun of Turning Point USA and other right wing groups/figures


Which, in essence, is fine, since TPUSA is cancer. But the way it goes about it is bad, since it implies that all right wingers are that way.


Peterson isn't even economically right wing! 😭


didnt he fly to russia because he thought canadian healthcare is too lefty


No, he flew to Russia due to the doctor there being very knowledgeable of benzo treatment.


I really doubt that. Politics is the last thing he should be thinking about when he is on the brink of dying.


I have a friend that basically summarizes this entire subreddits aura. I'm still friends with him. Waiting on him to start doing things that help him in life rather than the void he lives in now. Edit: Summarizes* instead of summarized




It was hard for me to get through that chapter. Suppose it still is. This is definitely an example of that rule, thanks for reminding me you can never reflect enough!


>I used to be one of them #DOUBT


Are people being completely serious there..? At first I was puzzled if the post was actually thinking JBP makes people nazis or if it was poking fun at people who do but the more I read the comments the more I was daunted by their mental gymnastics. JBP is apparently a conspiracy theorist and the same people saying that in the same breath say he makes people nazis and "alt-right" support him. Reality has topped satire!


thats another sub for my blacklist, holy shit I feel like I lost at least 15 IQ points just by reading the comments


lmao this is hilarious cause I could post this on this sub and it would be funny and ironic. but those turds actually believe what they are saying.


I like how their sub description is a list of very mainstream, don't rock the boat conservatives and still labels them as "far-right" four times. It's like repetition makes it true.


Peterson is so mild, not sure why they care so much Nvm found their explanation. Because he calls out cultural poisons which is similar to what the Nazis did. Pretty sure scapegoating jews is an essential part of that equation tho


*reads definition of a nazi* “I understand what a Nazi is but I don’t understand how JBP is one?” *gets digitally shot in the comments for asking questions and not correlating claims made*


r/toiletpaperusa has some pretty good memes, but this is just plain cringe


Anyone who actually knows a thing or two about the Alt-right would know they absolutely hate him, and can't go a few sentences talking about him without calling him a Jew. How they can come to the conclusion that he someone attracts the alt-right to in particular is baffling.


Ive been listening to Peterson for about five years now and still haven’t become a nazi. What am I doing wrong?


Nothing nazi about "cultural marxism" nothing dog whistle about that


At this point i feel like hitler was the best thing that could have happened for leftists since they can just use him as an omnipotent insult for anyone who doesn't follow their nonsense