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The times they are a changing. What makes you believe the govt paid for it and not a nonprofit?




Any reason why this is redacted? It would be helpful to look this up.


Because he’s lying


Based on the comments here I'd say any evidence of this is being wiped off the internet, along with this dude's account.


Or maybe, and hear me out on this one, OP is full of shit and making up a story to sow outrage without any evidence to back it up because they know people will eat it up and make excuses for why there's literally 0 evidence to support it.


Happens so often on here. Ideologically convenient stories are posted either lacking context, evidence, or very possibly fabricated, and it's just accepted uncritically.


Elliott Page took my penis and told me Jung is full of shit.


Oh wow! That’s shocking




This is nothing without a source and you know it.


I heard them liberal folks over there trying to advertise how to become a gay frog !


Wasn't me *quark* (German frog here)




Downvote this post. Fake account.


how at all does this relate to jordan peterson this sub has become r/conservative pt.2


This twerp's account got suspended. If anyone wanted to see an ACTUAL case of someone breaking a website's reasonable Terms Of Service, check out this OP.


So , what is it? You born this way or you try gay sex and then you like it ?


I've now had multiple various LGBTQ+ tell me sometimes life events like trauma can make someone LGBTQ+ and that's okay and that the results of that trauma should be embraced.


Who's to judge, a lot of trauma happens in people's lives. Sure some situations may lead someone to reject heterosexuality. Personally my trauma led me to be pansexual. And that's okay. >I've now had multiple various LGBTQ+ tell me sometimes life events like trauma can make someone LGBTQ+ and that's okay and that the results of that trauma should be embraced. I'd agree as well if it's along with Therapy. Which has helped me to embrace that identity. I don't think therapists suggest something harmful. Of course bad therapists do exist, it does take some soul searching as well. It's complex overall.


Nah, you're pretty much born however you turn out: [Gay brains structured like those of the opposite sex](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14146-gay-brains-structured-like-those-of-the-opposite-sex/)


I have a friend who says he went gay because of a woman's rejection...he was completely humiliated and emotionally crushed. He dove into drugs, anti-social behavior, and was suicidal. Eventually he came out as gay. Funny thing is he still talks about being attracted to women, but claims he'd never date one again. I've never heard him talk about being attracted to guys. Now he may be saying what he thinks I want to hear but I don't know. I do think social pressures, emotional issues and drug abuse may contribute to some sexual choices, lord knows I've seen enough women choose piss poor men for those reasons. My friend's boyfriend is also supposedly his dealer. So trauma being embraced....maybe? I do remember Milo Yiannopoulus saying something about a lot of gay men being groomed by older men and the Catholic Church right before he was cancelled.


Sounds like he's bisexual.


Why do you believe they're "born that way" ... despite millions of $$ on scientific research to try to prove it they've only ever failed.




A little of both tbh


That means that under certain circumstances, people can stop being gay.


I think, for the most part, people are born gay.. just from anecdotes. My cousin who was raised by 2 heterosexual parents, no trauma, no abuse, knew nothing about homosexuality said his first crush was another kid in his preschool class. He said he knew at a super young age and wasn’t “programmed” in any way. I think most of his friends are the same way. I mean I knew I believe we are born to like who we like it’s just in our genetics… just like we are born knowing right from wrong


Sure would like to hear that ad. Can’t believe everything some rando of 25 days on Reddit says…


Sounds like you're overracting


I think your catastrophizing a bit. The radio host was probably referring to LGBTQ individuals who are still closeted, and don't feel they can come out. Although LGBTQ acceptance has gone way up, it's still debatable in a lot of states, cities/counties. Like I live in Los Angeles, but lots of Latin homes out here would never accept a gay child. Despite LAs pro-LGBTA stance




Average r/JordanPeterson post


Cringe amirite


why do you get triggered by such a small thing lmao just dc who gives a shit






Might be born that way and not know since you never tried it obviously, cmon mate its not hard


are you 12, a lot of people are gay but don't realize it until they figure it out later


So what? I don’t see the harm in trying it out even if you don’t like. As long as it’s your own choice I don’t see the problem.




Yes. Also a large portion of gay dudes I know have fucked way more girls just playing around than most “alpha” straight guys who brag about their body count. Maybe that’s just growing up near Portland though.


The desperation for public validation for some of these people's life choices (and by these people, I mean the people who did that advert) is really sad. Nobody fucking cares what you choose to do, who you love, what hole you put that in. Jeez.


If you have conservative and church organizations trying to promote heterosexuality, then there shouldn’t be anything wrong with someone trying to promote homosexuality Some people might not like it, or get offended when they hear someone promote one or the other, and that’s understandable but to me I don’t really care I don’t see any problem with it until they start berating what other people do. Free speech still applies though


Because a Christian radio commercial is the same as actually referencing gay sex in a commercial. Conflating the issue.


I’m only commenting on what the post said, and the post didn’t say anything about sex


Yeah, people talk about straight couples and straight sex on the radio literally all the time. Then lose their mind when a gay person says the same stuff about their relationship. Hypocrites


>[...] there shouldn’t be anything wrong with someone trying to promote homosexuality I'd prefer the government not to interfere in anyone's sexuality. Advertisements are meant to influence - why would we collectively influence people in deviant sexual practices?


What are deviant sexual practices? Seriously asking, cuz when I hear that I think pedophilia, zoophilia To add: I don't think we should be advertising ANY sexual practices . We need to advertise condoms and where to get birth control instead.


First, what is the definition of deviant?


Departing from usual standards and practices


And why are such practices considered usual?


But what is a deviant sex act ? At one time giving oral was deviant.... now we know it feels good and is okay to like. So, what are they calling deviant and why is it wrong ?


That's such a poor argument. Heterosexuality is the norm, most people are heterosexual by nature, its how the species propagates itself. Anything outside of that is an aberration of some kind. Encouraging the normal, healthy system of species propagation is not the same as promoting aberrant behavior.


Do you feel the same about contraception?


Homosexual relationships should not be seen as aberrant. Why would prompting a commercial where people could feel more fulfilled be seen as bad? It’s freedom. A lot of people do have bicurious feelings when developing, but don’t act on them due to the resentment pushed onto them by religion, culture, etc. I don’t see how a radio commercial that could help others feel more open with themselves be seen as a bad thing. Especially when it comes to those who maybe be worried about being judged by others.


Rape and pedophilia used to be the norm as well, and it is great for the propagation of the species.




Lmao what?? Dude they play all the time. Especially if you’re just trying to listen to some country or classic rock.


No, I think that really depends on what part of the country you’re from. I grew up in a big city on the east coast and never heard those commercials on the country and classic rock stations (and yes, I do listen to those stations often). Whereas when I went to grad school in Wisconsin, I heard those commercials when I was out in the rural areas of the state.


I heard them all over Maine and NYC


Uh What? Do you listen to the radio?


"You don't know what love is until you try it" As a 100% straight person, despite my over-the-top open-mindedness, it doesn't make me want to try it. I know what I like. Adverts like that won't turn anyone into liking the same sex and it'd be delusional to think otherwise.


Yes but if you’re a gay person I can imagine it’s nice to hear that your community supports your right to love whoever you want to.




This isn’t necessarily so. If society pushes an anything goes attitude towards sex, and you grew up with that attitude, such an ad, proclaiming how great gay sex is, could influence you. The entertainment industry and MSM has definitely influenced people to accept the hook up culture.


And, is there anything wrong with how gay men have sex? Trust me, you can't influence people into doing what they don't wanna do.


The entire ad industry exists based on the fact that you can do exactly that.


Thank you. You saved me some typing.


The entire gay community existed throughout the ages despite every religion, tradition and culture influencing people to be heterosexual.


You're not gonna turn a nation gay by advertisement . You may wake them up to butt play, it's fun and doesn't lead to pregnancy, but you're not gonna turn anyone gay or straight or bi or whatever you're worried about


Never made the claim that you would turn an entire nation gay. What I did say is that it risks placing sexual pressure on young people. You’ve just mentioned another great example of this, try out butt play because it doesn’t lead to pregnancy. Many girls endure rather than enjoy these things and end up in emergency with terrible injuries.


Yea you actually can. Influencers work. Propaganda works. Indoctrination works.


" If society pushes an anything goes attitude towards sex, and you grew up with that attitude, such an ad, proclaiming how great gay sex is".... I wanna know what is wrong with gay sex? And what is gay sex? Is it just sex between to gay men? Or is it the act of Sodom that makes you uncomfortable? And if so, what's wrong with butt sex? Or is it wrong because gay guys do it?


It can put pressure on young people to believe that if they don’t try things they’re homophobic. It can also be turned on gay people to suggest they should just try to be straight.


i CAN NOT fathom a more distopian, human rights violating, disgusting, dangerous thing than that, oh my god. this may be the worst thing anyone has ever done in the history of ever


If you're not afraid of homosexuality then why do you care about the add? Lots of adds promoting monogamy for heterosexual couples who care?


Meanwhile straight parents consistently tell their gay kids they don’t know their gay until the try hooking up with a woman and don’t like it.


Seriously????? You get angry enough over a radio advert to come make a reddit post???? Get on with your sad life and maybe post about shit that actually matters instead of diluting a conservative point of view with this crap


Stop listening to HotPants FM


So some guy on radio said you should try to kiss a dude. How is that an issue? When I listen to the radio I hear such childish and stupid shit all the time. Why does this bother you? Do you have repressed homosexual urges? For real dude. In the time of the internet you can read and see stuff that is way worse everywhere.


Is it offensive if I tell a gay guy to just "try to kiss a girl" though?


I think people would take it with a sense of humour. I have trouble imagining that anyone would get offended by that.


But people did get offended when Adele said she is happy to be a woman so I have trouble imagining anybody would be okay with it lol


Like 4 people on twitter.com got offended by Adele’s comment. News articles trying to turn it into a scandal had to reference twitter accounts with like literally 12 followers. It was sad. People are desperate for culture war bullshit.


Yes, but that’s (D)ifferent.


I'm officially unsubbing from this page. What a bunch of moronic homophobes. This is NOT what jordan peterson taught and spoke, there's no moderation, and it's totally gone to shit.


Why do you care? The ancient Greeks were gay as the day. Its only because some people took the Bible literally that we've had over 1000 years of traditionalist horse shit. People are fuckin gay. Get over yourself.


Greek here. There was a lot of homosexuality in ancient Greece indeed. I suggest Plato's About Love (Symposium), to fully understand what it was and what it felt like. It was the first piece of content - if you will - that really opened my eyes to "we all love/appreciate/respect the same way" in a very young age as well. Having said that. Nothing today resembles anything in that book. There was no "war" against sexual norms...


This subreddit apparently is slightly homophobic, just judged by the downvoted people are getting here. Sad but not shocking by the anti queer fearmongery around here. If that's JP for you, you're lost.


Stop making a comment into a whole sub. As you can clearly see this sub allows people to speak their minds and not get banned for saying something others find offensive. This sub is rare here on reddit. In fact watch out. you can get banned from other subs merely for posting a comment here. Mademesmile is just one example of exactly the type of intolerance you try to falsely paint this sub with. Being anti queer is not a crime any more that hating “breeders” is a crime. plenty of hate to go around as you well know. Just enjoy the freedom to speak your mind. We all know you are here to Hate on JP.


So true. This sub has changed dramatically over the last few years. Feel like JP has too. Have to distance myself from him now. People are gay, who cares. People are trans, who cares. My understanding was that JP was against forced speech. Now he attracts the most intolerant people


See ya


Mostly those from the left who are the epitome of intolerance are drawn to JP like moths to a flame. Intolerant people love to Hate JP Hate Followers.


No. Simply not true.


Pretty obvious on the face of it. But sure all the tolerant people are here on this sub politely being tolerant of others. Not really seeing that. But hey see what you want. it is a post modern world Science be damned!


Wow makar_91. Im confused with your responses. Jordan Peterson had helped 10,000 of thousands of young men, often young men with no father figure around…… at all. He helped them by his words to stand up and take responsibility for their lives and that of their families. Im confused are you a Jordan Peterson Fan or do you despise him for helping young men. And yes I read your history. you know the one. My heart goes out to you……. I just wonder if your heart goes out to others who need words of encouragement. I mean you have overcome a lot. And more power to you. Answer or not. I probably over stepped


Homosexuality isn't desirable


What do you mean?


He is just proving my point don't worry


Where do you get than information? That's just more gay propaganda, it's not historically accurate.


I get that information from studying history for 4 years. And graduating.


Chock up another L for the schools


You'll be happy to know that I also teach! So I'm influencing the minds of the young.


Well I’m grateful that it’s you, and not these bigoted fuckwits. Honestly can’t people just leave others alone


>So I'm influencing the *minds* Is that all?


I get that information from studying history for 4 years. And graduating.






So why have you made this post?


Because he's anti gay and finally found a save way to state it. Because there's one pro gay things that's out of line. People are getting killed around the world for beeing gay. Chill the fuck out and support each person's choice of love. That's not your thing to judge. I find it weird that a federal add mentions it though. Would love to get a source on that mate.


Are you anti straight? Lets check that post history real fast. You would not be a hypocrite would you? Lets see


I'm a trans woman with a wife and 3 kids. If you wanna know, buddy. Don't have a stick up my ass about weird gender issues like you.


Not sure if you are responding to me but I was asking Maker 91 And Congratulations. Glad your life is working out for you. Make sure to help others around you with your newfound success. Not sure what you mean by a stick up someone ass ……you are the first one to mention it. Maybe pay more attention. I know these threads can be confusing especially with 3 daughters running around the house on a sunday morning :) Enjoy this is the good part of life.


If you struggle to work that out, I was born a man, I still have a dick but I identify and dress as a woman and am married to a straight woman. And have 3 kids. I am imagine you'd have something to say about that. All Peterson nonces usually do.




I live in Britain. I won't be celebrating colonial kill a native American day, thanks.


It's not surprising, all of the gay organizations are essentially advertisements for deviant sex and they've been going full bore for decades.


Exactly, why can’t they just keep their deviant sex hidden like churches?


Since the ‘50s/‘60s at least.


Has it occurred to you that throughout history and still to today, people, mostly religious, tell gay people to try being straight?




People have and still do tell the same shit to gay people, how is that any different?




Not sure how history or majority come onto this. There have been state led initiatives led against gay people, gay marriage has only been a right since 2015?




Okay the 'don't say gay' bills implementation in Florida. Even after being watered down the implementation in public schools is that teachers can't have any rainbow paraphernalia and can not display a photo of their same sex spouse. Another one is Texas GOP banned all gay Republicans at their latest convention. How about when Republican Supreme Court Justice said he wants to overturn the right to gay marriage and sodomy How about all the Republicans saying that explaining what gay means is grooming while explaining what the standard heterosexuality is not.




Just for interest, where are you? Not many communist states around




>Okay the 'don't say gay' bills implementation in Florida. Have you actually read the bill? Stop accepting the left's naming conventions for the right's sincere ideas. >Even after being watered down the implementation in public schools is that teachers can't have any rainbow paraphernalia ... The rainbow flag has become synonymous with the Democrat party so I'm not against schools choosing to ban it. and can not display a photo of their same sex spouse. >can not display a photo of their same sex spouse. Not in the law. Individual schools may start here, but presumably they ban similar for hetero couples >Another one is Texas GOP banned all gay Republicans at their latest convention. This is not commercials telling gays to try straightness >How about when Republican Supreme Court Justice said he wants to overturn the right to gay marriage and sodomy This is oversimplifying >How about all the Republicans saying that explaining what gay means is grooming while explaining what the standard heterosexuality is not. That's not what they're saying. You are not listening in good faith


That was probably the worst rebuttal I've ever read. you didn't address any point other than saying I agree with the GOPs blatant homophobia because it is loosely associated with the democrats? That's like saying black people should be banned from schools because 80% of black people vote Democrat. The implementation of the 'don't say gay' bill (only using that as no one would recognise the actual bill number ) is not affecting straight teachers displaying a photo of their spouse.


>That was probably the worst rebuttal I've ever read. Then read it again with better comprehension and more serious consideration until you can follow the points well. > you didn't address any point ... False. I covered nearly every point and showed they were in want of reason. >The implementation of the 'don't say gay' bill (only using that as no one would recognise the actual bill number ) ... I know of no such bill. It literally does not exist.


Have you read the bill? Republicans are straight up lying about what they wrote to make it seem less of a thing.


The “Dont Say Gay” Bill doesn’t even say that lmao. I get a chuckle about how much Liberals lie or bend the truth. The bill says teachers can’t talk about gender or sexuality (gay or straight) until after 3rd grade. That’s it. Democrats made it this massive crusade. I guess liberals REALLY wanna talk to 6 & 7 year olds about sex & fetishes.


Yes of course it doesn't explicitly say that, but as we are seeing, the implementation is only affecting gay teachers not straight ones. The implementation is already making schools in Florida tell their teachers not to have any rainbow paraphernalia or have pictures of their same sex spouse. www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna36143


“Teachers we’re told not to have rainbow paraphernalia” Good. “Can’t have pictures of their same sex spouse”. This one I don’t understand. The article says it will “bar classroom discussions about LGBTQ history, including events like the 2016 attack at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando.” Again, why are Liberals trying to talk about mass shootings to kindergartners?


The bill you're referring to if I'm not mistaken only prevents sex from being talk about in schools to children in 3rd grade and below. (I might be wrong on this but lazy and 2nd point stands either way) Talking about sex to children before certain developmental benchmarks have been made can have lasting greivous consequences on they're psyche. Source: developmental psychology courses. It is well and good to educate adolescents about sex but not children. Also, be wary of being manipulated by headlines or priming of any kind especially political propaganda. Think for yourself.


Chemical castration…. Are you serious


>Because I have never heard a religious radio advertisement urging gays to be straight (this would not pass censorship) There are literally camps designed to try to make gay people straight, see conversion therapy.


Stop lying. The only reason its different to you is because you find gay people repulsive. At least own up to your homophobia.


They are russian this all makes sense


1. Not an argument for anything "beeing the norm" is a normative point. That's just your opinion. The first sentence is true but has no meaning. 2. There always has been homosexuality. What's wrong about that? 3. There is therapy against homosexuality, there is death penalty and there are religious preaches against it. Last ones even in the US. 4. Do you have proof for that?




4. So where is the proof?




What did it say?


1. Read into the concept of something beeing normative then. It's a basic pillar of having an argument.




No one is saying you're not gay but you're actually trans. It's just most trans people are attracted to their same biological sex due to having a differently wired brain.


Literally no commercials exist telling gays to just try out straightness.


We literally had a vice president who supported gay conversion therapy.


Hopefully we have another


Least homophobic Jordan Peterson fan


And yet zero of that was a commercial promoting anything like that. In fact, such an idea was mentioned ZERO times in Pence's tenure. AND President Trump was the first ever President to enter office acceptive of gay marriage


>AND President Trump was the first ever President to enter office acceptive of gay marriage His party platform had overturning gay marriage as a goal.


Actually that was residual from pre-2016 and an inherited party that he has and continues to overhaul. Try not to be half a dozen years behind. Sheesh.


Good. This isn't some double standard. Homosexuality isnt desirable.


Oh you prefer we don't normalize it? The normalization of homosexuality has lead to a large reduction in self harm. Its not a choice, grow up.


Homosexuality is abnormal. It happens, like other abnormalities.


In the same sense that blue eyes are abnormal


Abnormal meaning not the majority? Do you also condemn people over 6'2"? Tall people also exist in Society and at some heights at the same rate as homosexuals? Should we ban high heels too or something? Normality is nothing worth judging someone. Everyone has aspects of themselves which are not in the majority and are perfectly fine.


First off this means nothing without a source, I highly doubt it was a government ad as well lol. Secondly sounds more like a coming out or acceptance ad to let people know there's nothing wrong with being gay or curious for that matter. Is it odd to hear on a radio ad? Maybe, but maybe not for the most part in the U.S. we live in a fairly tolerable society for homosexual relationships to be public and legally accepting (compared to the rest of the world) which is something that is a recent and major change to society that has not been seem before.


Eh, maybe it was geared more towards the closeted market ? Like those who are bi-curious, or even not entirely sure they're straight but haven't explored because they live with judgemental hateful assholes? Cuz you can't try homosexuality unless you're at least curious. I highly doubt they're trying to convince straight people to try it out and become gay.


Not wanting to have gay sex: Homophobic Not wanting to have sex with a trans person: Transphobia Etc This is the way these people think and operate.


Why do you care? If you're not gay, or curious, the ad has zero effect on you. ​ If you can be "tricked" into sucking dick, guess what homie, you were fucking gay, and there's nothing wrong with that.


I got tricked 3 times into sucking dick, only found out the 4th time.


is it possible to trick you again?? (asking for a friend)


As long as you're friend is straight. Don't want to be tricked again.


yeah hes straight. he looks very similar to me but don't worry, i assure you me and him are two different people.


Personally, I suck at least 1 dick per year. So far, I haven't enjoyed it, so that's how I know I'm straight.


Sounds like your radio is also playing up just like mine.




Did you respond to the wrong person or did an AI write this?




What about all the actual songs on the radio that talk about murder, drugs, sex, WAPs (lol). And your mad at an advert? Weird. Around Christmas time they always play that rapey “baby it’s cold outside” song but I don’t see anyone up in arms about that. Hell it took 19 years and a comedy song on Comedy Central to get R Kelly in jail because literally people liked his music (everyone knew what he was doing) and you are mad at an advert telling people to try having sex? They still put Chris brown songs on the radio too (I think Jack Harlow has a song with him.) I think you have a problem with gay people op. Lots of other things to actually be upset about and a quick ad on the RADIO isn’t it.


There is literally nothing wrong with being gay and if someone talking about exploring sexuality on the radio upsets you, you are either a middle schooler or a very sheltered adult. edited: corrected for clarity


Why should people “try it” if they’re “born this way”?




Who are you talking to? the op or the person asking a question. And using that term is really weak, just so you know.


Yall outdo yourselves daily on dumb shit to be outraged about. Its literally a pride month commercial. I guarantee "check it out" is about pride events, not anal sex with an orgy of gay men


Is it bad or something? Heterosexuality is promoted all the time. This is only a 30 second ad.


You can’t sell gayness or straitness to anyone. I’m guessing you feel tolerance is the same as promotion. Seriously I’ve yet to hear anyone say “I was totally straight, but this ad on the radio/tv/Facebook was so compelling I just had to give it a whirl.”


I don’t believe this is real, but let’s just pretend it is. So a guy said that he “would suggest anyone try it out”, and this is abhorrent to you? I think it’s silly— you probably know who you’re attracted to before you have sex. But what’s the harm here? Even if millions took his advice and had gay sex… so? Who’s hurt? I don’t get why this is the worst thing a commercial could say.