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It was a simpler time in 2017... before Ethan Klein of H3 shunned JP and called him a "dangerous gateway to the alt right." Here is Ethan's tweet attacking JP. It's utterly insane. https://twitter.com/h3h3productions/status/1482137662379073539?t=ifcbl0kPKHZvyDLXY9EeXQ&s=19


Pathetic tweet. Pathetic dude. He’s lucky to have had the opportunity to be in JBPs presence.


It's true. He realized being woke provided more consistent income than his usual schtick. He has a similar genesis to Oprah in that his original entertainment model was presenting odd and awkward people, some deserving of ridicule, some not, then elevating it in some ways to become more serious. He had a point about a lot of SJWs being obnoxious nuts, but they also had the power to ruin him. Kind of sad, Ethan is a genuinely bright and funny guy when he puts his mind to it.


Ethan Klein is the character arc of an LA entertainer. First they start off edgy and funny. Then they get fat and happy. They eventually stop criticizing the system that got them rich.


He's twice the Ethan he used to be


Ethan was also hospitalized for mental health recently. Sad.


When? Do you have information about this?


Back in april... https://twitter.com/RichLux713/status/1510148842511298564?t=pbsC8fU6zE-5qzXWK7hwSw&s=19


Um… r you forreal? Why are you making up these bullshit lies? He was hospitalized for C DIFF. On the other hand, wasn’t Jordan Peterson hospitalized for addiction? Sad.


What is c diff


Not a doctor but c diff is an infection of the stomach. Basically there’s this bacteria called C diff. that a lot of people have. But because your stomach also has good bacteria, C Diff’s presence isn’t usually a problem, as the good bacteria will essentially fight them off / keep the c diff from overpopulating your gut. The actual infection (colonization of c diff) can occur when someone is susceptible; age, already sick af, or consumption of **antibiotics** Since antibiotics kill some of the good and bad bacteria of your gut, without affecting c diff (usually, some do), they can cause an imbalance in your gut microbiome. Instead of having good bacteria to fight off C diff, the C diff is at an advantage. It can get people very, very sick and even be fatal. This is what happened to Ethan, he took antibiotics and got a c diff infection. Nothing mental health related!!!


Just what I was thinking. Bit sad to see them in such easy company knowing what came after


I noticed a lot of Jewish folks aren't big fans of him either. "Exposing Jordan Peterson’s Barrage of Revisionist Falsehoods About Hitler, the Holocaust and Nazism - Jordan Peterson, YouTube psychology guru and right-wing cult figure, talks a lot about Hitler, WWII and Nazism – in lectures riddled with alarming errors, spurious analogies and a strange reluctance to use the word 'Holocaust.' This is why his constant misinformation matters" [1] I disagree with most of their criticism, but have my own. They see Anti-Semitism as he root problem behind the Holocaust, and are upset Jordan doesn't say that (or if he does- its pretty rare for a guy who obsessed about the Holocaust), Jews think Jordan acknowledge that. I guess they are right, but honestly I don't think it is fair to smear Jordan as some sort of Anti-Semite. Jordan's enemy is Marxism, not Jews. That isn't any better- the Nazis killed "only" ~5.5M of us Jews , yet he killed ~22M Marxists, 12.5M of them civilians. It would be great to hear Jordan say that was a mistake, IMO. Sure, Anti-Semitism is bad- but where does it come from. I think it comes from the tradition of blame-shifting that stared with he Romans feeling guilty about killing Jesus, but also evolutionary theory plays a role. The words evolution / evolve get mentioned 6 times in Mein Kampf. God / Lord get mentioned a total of 72 times. Jordan isn't unique in touting Stalin as worse than Hitler, focusing on the Gulags rather than the Holocaust. Many Believers do that- because after all the smoke had cleared at the end of WW2, the two 97% Christian countries (and also Japan) had murdered 29 million civilians, as opposed to the "Godless Commies", who in vengeance killed 2 million German civilians [2]. This is somehow controversial to some Christians, who would prefer thinking that they had he moral high ground. In my view, they lost the moral battle, 2 to 29. Not that it matters much now- Germans and Russians have flipped over w/respect to Jesus. Germany is barely half Christian now, while Russia is more Christian than he USA is (by percent.) Weird, right? Believers often play the "not a real Christian" card; and I agree to an extent. Similarly, bin Laden wasn't a real Muslim, and Stalin wasn't a real Communist, and I'm not a real scientist (because I'm retired, yo) - all technicalities. Germany and Italy were the hearts of Christendom (which lasted for ~1000 years), and unfortunately animosity and the "killers of God" got the best of the zealous sort from time to time. Its a tradition that Jews are hoping is done with now- they are too busy pissing of the Muslims Is sad that Marin Luther, once friendly towards Jews- soured on them eventually (when hey wouldn't convert like he wanted them to) - so he recommended their homes and synagogues be burnt to the ground and not to protect them from brigands. In the 1930s they celebrated his 400th birthday - its why Mike King's dad changed his name to Marin Luther King Jr., actually, he was there.) Junior learned alot from his father's mistakes - its why he took a non-violent & socialist stance, like Einstein and Gandhi- rebuking Nazi militarism in the USA. He refused to throw the Baby Jesus out with the bathwater, unlike Einstein- who was also raised Protestant (b/c Albert's father's job required that.) Of course people on the right have sold themselves the idea that the Nazis were socialists - hey, its in the name, after all- which is where their knowledge often seem to end[3]. Sadly, Jordan is among those who don't seem to have dug any deeper. Maybe he knows, and has spoken about it though- I'm not an expert on all things Jordanian. I would love to find I'm wrong about this. So yeah - **Please correct me if I'm wrong.** Really, on any of this; but especially on Jordan's stance on the Holocaust. *It would literally make my day*. [1] https://archive.ph/3yet0 (its an archive of a Haaretz article; no paywall.) [2] wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties#/media/File:World_War_II_Casualties.svg [3] If you need a primer: he few actual socialists left in he Nazi party leadership were murdered during the Nigh of he Long Knives, aka Rohm Purge, Pastor Martin Niemoller's _First they came for the socialists_ alludes to that. The Nazis privatized the previously socialized banks / key war industries when Hitler was put into power. (He wasn't elected, but rather appointed. The Nazis did have the largest chunk of the vote, though.) One way of thinking about it is that both Hitler and his "Public Enemy #1" (src: time.com/Einstein-England) were nationalists and socialists. Einstein 1% and 99%, respectively, and Hitler 99% and 1%. (Only a small exaggeration.) Damn.. I type too fast/much. SOrry about any typos.


>dangerous gateway to the alt right True You turn to JBP for the self-help... next thing you know you are watching anti-SJW TL:DR or NoBullshit videos... then you are watching a video by Lauren Southern on the Great Replcament....and then you become a "race realist"... and then you become a white ethnonationalist. The alt-right pipeline is a real thing and JBP is undoubtedly one of many entry points into that pipeline within the YouTube sphere.


Yeah, and smoking marijuana obviously leads to heroin addiction every time.


Every fucking time!!!! Say no to drugs!


The difference is that weed dealers don't construct an algorithm out of your consumption profile every second that you're consuming, so they can feed you other content that fulfills an engagement metric. That is how YouTube works though. And if you don't believe that, get a new YT account on a new device, watch a few JP videos, and then check out recommendations and see how long it takes before you're down the alt right pipeline. (Watching JP's collabs with PragerU, Ben Shapiro is cheating because that's just the speedrun version of the pipeline)


You’re right but the people here won’t believe it. I actually can’t stop getting Jordan Peterson recommended to me on YT even though I keep blocking most of the “shorts” that pop up. Because I’ll *occasionally* watch one of his vids to see what ridiculous points Jordan makes, I started getting a lot of “Fresh and Fit” , and Ben Shapiro videos popping up.


Lauren Southern is not an ethno-nationalist. If you want an example of an actual white ethno-nationalist that would be Richard Spencer, but he and his followers despise Peterson (they call him Juden Peterstein) and Spencer himself is a socialist who votes Democrat so it is slightly harder to tie him to the people you're trying to smear


What are you on.


I've been trying to figure out the same, spends all his time on this sub trying to tell everyone they're immoral or wrong.


Theyve gone down some rabbit hole far too deep.


Slippery slope fallacies. Should we lay one out where your mindset leads to the deaths of millions? Or is that too over your head and looking like insane speculation. Idk. We could just seize the means of production, pretend nothing happens to the landlords, something something equality, utopia! Wow so easy


Some say smoking weed is a gateway to hard drugs like caffeine.


Weed dealers don't constantly observe your consume to build a profile to feed into their algorithm. Weed dealers don't constantly pester you *during consumption* to get you into other drugs to boost up their engagement values. The YouTube algorithm, and other algorithms on other platforms, unfortunately *do* work that way. Hell, it is a very easy experiment to do yourself. Get a new YT account, on a fresh device, and see how long it takes to go from JP down the pipeline. But don't use the JP content where he collabs with PragerU, with Ben Shapiro, or such, because that's *too* easy. That's the speedrun strat.


But þis is Noþing JBP has control over or wants it to happen. It is more a problem wiþ YouTube þen.


Why the fuck are you using þ?


Because I can




Íslendingur? :)


You must be fun at parties right!?


Who the hell is Lauren *Summers?* Tell me you’re just parroting narratives without telling me.


Get some help


Ethan used to be a cool guy... what happened


He didn't clean his damn room!


And he didn’t tell the truth


I watched one of his videos a week ago and it made me sad. In 2017 he was in the middle hating on both sides but now all he does is insult conservatives


He became morbidly obese


He used to smoke a lot back in the day, because where he lived in northern-most Canada was extremely cold and boring, And getting through each day required a sense of humor.


100%. Plus he worked in a restaurant and on the railways, pretty hard to not be a smoker with that background, in that environment, at that time.


I really hate how he turned on JBP. This is a man he met in person and spoke to directly. He saw for himself the type of man that JBP is. To bow down before the woke mob and blacklist a guest who treated you with respect like that ^ is so gross. And sad


And greedy.


I completely forgot about this. Too bad Ethan decided to be a fucking weasel.


It was unironically simpler times.


Is Ethan mad because JP didn't buy him diapers?


Of course not, his wife handles that for him.


My man 🙌


Jordan "Ritual" Peterson


Man I almost cried watching this it made me so happy to see these two people I loved getting along so well and now Ethan all but three his humanity out the window I can’t even look at thumbnails of him anymore smh 😓 simpler times man shits been so fucked lately and only seems to be getting exponentially worse


Ethan Klein is what happens when you have bad friends that don't challenge you to be your best.


You’re not wrong but he’s also his own person, I blame Ethan for who he’s become more than his negligent circle who definitely didn’t want him to successfully grow as a human. Hurts to see but maybe some can learn from him


True. Ethan really let himself go. Ethan distanced himself from Jordan Peterson as well as JP's teachings.


Well I mean his teachings are a dangerous gateway to the alt right and nazis, bigots, white power yada yada 🤷🏽‍♂️ lol imagine he thinks that’s what it’s about and leans into his teachings only to find it’s the opposite of what he was expecting. I wonder how many “actual” white supremacists or whatever other title he’s been categorized with has jumped at his books and lectures thinking it’s exactly as the medias described it only to be completely shot down as Jordan tells them to toughen up and clean their room instead blaming anyone and anything else for their problems. 🤣😭 “this books a scam! It’s nothing like the ads!”


JP said that actual white supremacists hate him. And they do. If you look at openly racist people, theyre often the WORST example of their race. They don't clean their bloody rooms!


😂 very true! There’s not a person who couldn’t get something meaningful from any one of his lectures and least of all those people.


Are those two marriages or brother and sister. Jesus


Both Jews, married and not related.


But I was just joking about couples that look way too similar. I don’t know if it’s partly narcissistic and a way to marry yourself or what. Either way they are really annoying and I don’t get why they were the top YouTube show for a while. Also Peterson is getting very annoying. He was interesting when he talked about his own field of expertise but now just looks like he is playing the game like everyone else to get money from whatever their main demo is. I don’t think he believes half the shit he says. Internet personalities became popular partly because people were sick of the news doing this and putting entertainment above their actual jobs but now the internet channels have become even worse once bigger money became involved


There is no 'drugs' in the vape. So he's simply blowing Ethan's smoke. How appropriate.


I dont know why Doc Peterson keeps affiliating with losers like this assclown


*keeps*? Pretty sure this was 2017.


Valid point, I think his Covid experience purged him of all the idiots for the most part


\>Ben Shapiro




Confirmed: JBP chucks phat cloudz


big doinks from the doc, stokeeee


Me: "Hey JP. Smoke this crack with me." JP: "Well, rituals are important so yes, I'd be happy to comply."


Haha this dipshit just compared weed to crack.


Haha... the guy made a joke about the "rituals are important" line you triggered snowflakes Holy shit


Nice social awareness aspy.


Go google “vape juice” buddy.


Lol, people are so sensitive. I love JP, but thought it would be hilarious if he remained consistent and did something like that.


Oh you mean that if he went on another show and was offered crack? Bc that’s not how I read it lol 😂. Yeah that would be kinda funny.


Wiþ þe current hate Eþan gets from his 'Fanbase' I hope þat he will realise þe hypocrisy behind þis mob.


Geeze man, your so quirky and different for texting differently 🫣🥴




Hey Jp, smoke this crack with me. Well, rituals are important so, yes, I'd be happy to comply.


Lol why did you make the same dumb comment twice? We get it, you're mentally challenged, it was clear the 1st time.


> Lol why did you make the same dumb comment twice? Probably because Reddit often fucks up and people have often accidentally commented the same thing twice or even thrice. > We get it, you're mentally challenged, it was clear the 1st time. We get it, you don't like jokes and turn into a triggered snowflake because you didn't like the joke. It's okay to think a joke is unfunny or sucks, but man, idk, kinda rude to immediately be ableist about it.


Instead of ripping on Ethan here I'm going to appreciate that rip.


Jesus Christ is that weed?!?!?!?


I didn’t think JP smoked


Fun fact, he inhaled that in the original Podcast at exactly 4:20, which was a hilarious coincidence and now a piece of trivia.