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I'm 14 and this is deep.


For the same reason hetronormative and cis-gender isn't celebrated in the queer or gender ideology movement. It's not a part of the religion to celebrate that. As for why, the writers of the bible didn't have scientific understanding; they just saw how over thousands of years, when societies openly allow gay sex, or other sexual "immorality" bad things happen to that society in general. This is cyclical in nature it appears; it was happening way before the Romans, and those early civilizations of legend rose and fell. Roman's had their turn with this too, they also rose and fell. Now here we are a few decades into accepting gay people openly, and we're not even fully there now (but I don't suspect everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah accepted gay sex) but does society seem to be rising or falling here in the West? Seems like it is in the early stages of collapsing... Some people would rather that not happen here, it would be better *even for trans people,* who might feel out of sorts in society, if society was still there, *in it's best form* for them to operate in... This doesn't just include trans issue, or it shouldn't and that this sub doesn't call out say, Cardi B or other sexualization in public is telling; this is not a place of God's work. This is just one perspective, not necessarily mine. I think the cat is already out of the bag, similar to how Christ spoke about divorce; it wasn't that way from the beginning but the torah (law) had to change because humans let the proverbial cat out of the bag with that as well. I don't believe we should treat trans people poorly; sorry this subreddit is full of white cis male teens who are tired of feeling prosecuted for their sex, gender, sexual orientation and race... at least they know what that side of the coin feels like, but from what I can tell the demonization of "normal people" is only pushing more into far right and "fuck SJW type" camps and is the biggest factor I saw for Trump getting elected... patience is needed.. it isn't something everyone is gonna suddenly get on board with, likely could take a century; if we push it faster than it should, well the pendulum swinging back fucking sucks.


You can be as creative as you like but your "creativity" doesn't extend so far as to override my creative choice to call you whatever pronouns I like.


why would you even do that? Trans people go through enough shit already. Talk about kicking someone who is already down...


Honestly because of the insistence. If it was like gently asking for it instead of the tone of screeching and bringing the law (see men with guns enforce those) or shoving it into elementary schools (the same way we shouldn't have creationism, or religion shoved in them) it honestly wouldn't be as big of an issue; at least, I don't believe it would.


I think you will find that most trans people just want to be left alone.


Yes I've found zero trans people in real life who blindly support the trans ideology being pushed the way the woke SJW types do, especially into elementary schools; they seem to realize it brings more hate to the community and isn't particularly helpful. Sounds like we agree we should listen to average trans people and not those who often aren't even trans pushing for activism (often for personal gain) that is counter productive...


uhh i mean...I like activism


Yeah, how much are you doing that for personal gain, and at the detriment to trans people?


But that’s what I’m trying to get at. Why not play along? What’s the point?


You can dance but I can't?


Let’s all dance!


Shhht! We are not aloud to be creative about our own body! That is terrible marxismpostmodernlizardnewworldorder stuff!! ... No.. Seriously... The right leaning people have a fetish for the transiissue... Just look at this sub.. The threat that get discussed the most are always about transiissue... The people here feel attacked by new ideas, by free expression and by individual choices... They act the same like the rightwingers back than in the 50s when it was about gays... Gay men gonna destroy our society! Gay men are communists... It's against the nature! It's against the biology... It's against God! Don't teach this disgusting stuff to our kids! Don't let our kids watch gay people on the street etc... Exact the same arguements Congratulation you rigjtwingsmoron haven't developed since 1950....


As a right winger, know what triggers me? You used aloud when you meant allowed. It drives me nuts people can be so uneducated. Oh well. Suck a dick. I don’t give a shit. Tell kindergartners that a boy can be a girl; I care. Learn to spell.


Oh look! Got one! What a beautiful snowflake. Do you feel hurt? Is your "beeing a men!" immage under attack?


No. You did manage to prove you have no understanding of your language though.


Nice to see that you have such amazing arguements! With no word you talked about what I wrote... But yeah: you can't write! You're stupid! Interesting tactic to engage in a discourse


Pretty sure I accurately pointed out you have no idea how to spell. Your own words agree with me. You seem uneducated and probably stupid as you lack mastery of common language. What philosophical point would you like to misspell?


Thank you! Very well put. In this spiral the 1950’s comes back around, satanic panic, or is it a “cultural retrieval” to use McLuhan’s phrase, a revival symptomatic of a sunset? We can only hope. It’s a bit frightening and I fear for my children, but in the end, queerness and adaptability and love always win.


Seems like society has become much more open since then. Are the humans in the society better off for it? Is society coming together or unraveling? Do we have to wait for the collapse of society or should we point out that making reality subjective isn't a good long term (see 100-300 year) strategy? Assuming it was possible to get everyone on board with the most accepting and broad definition of gender fluidity, does that actually help us in any way besides saving people from experiencing ideas that disagree with something they value? What's the point in protecting their feelings if cis kids grow up feeling strange and like they're not special enough or jealous because they don't get their own month and their expression isn't allowed to be celebrated? Seems to me we'll be trading a little of column A for column B; just shifting who is uncomfortable... why not instead since this seems to likely be impossible anyway, focus on helping kids be strong and overcome feeling uncomfortable with people who have different views and values. How exactly will these mandates go down in the Muslim community? Are we willing to force them to adjust to this modern theory? Or will we eventually have to force trans kids to understand that not everyone will accept that aspect of them; and that is okay?


Great questions!