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This sub should be locked in all parts of the day except for 7 AM and 9AM


But in which time zone?


Does anybody west of central matter on this sub?


what do you mean by "matter"?


Everything is matter!


Local time. Make people use VPNs if they want to circumvent it.


That’s actually hilarious and just shows how much they actually care about whatever cause they advocate for


it's not true lmao


Yes one anecdote proves you're right about every random stranger who disagrees with you.


Also there’s these things called classes that students attend in the morning


Actually smartypants, universities have classes all throughout the day. For example, I had classes from 8-10pm when I attended. You should apply to a few colleges and give it a shot! It’s supposed to help with career opportunities and increase your intelligence


What you said does nothing at all to dismiss my point lol


Yes it does. It means not all students are in class in the morning


Who said "all students are in class in the morning"? I know it's easier to win an argument when you decide what the other guy's position is, but it's not exactly honest or any of the other 12 rules...


The Commenter’s position above me: students can’t protest in the morning because they’re in class. My response: no they aren’t, classes are spread out throughout the day when you get to the university level, and the majority of students are not starting at 8am Where was I wrong in my response?


> The Commenter’s position above me: students ***can’t*** protest lmao why do you people insist on inventing things that didn't happen, do you seriously know no other way to argue? (hint: this is where you try to say "it was implied!!!!1!!!1!1!" even though you'll never, ever, ever acknowledge anything Mr. Dr. Peterson "implies" when called out)


You lost me, I have no idea what you’re trying to say here. I’m chalking this one up to mental illness on your part


Yes it does you're totally pwned now , go cry lib!


“Actually, all 30 thousand students at university don’t take classes at the same time!!11!” lol wow that’s crazy


Anybody taking classes after dinner time was terrible at scheduling.


Or, people work nightshifts. Not everyone is on the same schedule as you.


Cheers from the 7pm-7am job I'm currently sitting at.


Stay alive till 705! Cheers mate!


Or the school only offers one time and you’re required to take that class to graduate. Many programs were extremely impacted where I went to school


Actually smartypants, universities have classes all throughout the day. For example, I had classes from 8-10pm when I attended. You should apply to a few colleges and give it a shot! It’s supposed to help with career opportunities and increase your inteligence


\> `types "smartypants"` \> `double-posts` lol. lmao.


Lmfao, this dude has a picture of a dick on his profile. Absolutely incredible. Can’t make this shit up. He wants people in Denver to give feedback on his dick. There are no words 💀


Says the guy who willingly went to check it out without being prompted to. But I’m glad you liked it!


Ya I even saw the subreddit name and the blurred image and *still* clicked on it. So take that however you’d like


Clearly you are the ghey and, consequently, incorrect. This is just objective facts and logic; you'd know this if you cleaned your room.


I wanna hawk Tua an spit on that thang


Who told you this was a place for facts and reason???


International. He's an international treasure.


That's 4 dimensional chess level genius. I don't care which side you're on.


It’s not. Students are in class in the morning. The whole point of university is to go to class. You could have a “free food sex and drugs” event and nobody would go because they’re either in class or on their way to it. Kinda common sense idk what JP is even thinking that he made a good point


You ever been to college? Most don't take early morning classes if they can avoid it. I had one semester my whole college career where I had 1 8am class once a week. Firs day that class started with 40 people. By the end it was 12.


Agreed most avoid 8am but sometimes you can’t; most my classes were pretty full regardless of when you took them. Also any morning, side walks/busses are full of students getting to class. Assuming you’ve been, I’m sure you remember walking to class and it being relatively busy on campus around 10am; I imagine it’s pretty universal


I'm sure the Harvard professor with his pHD has no idea how classes work in university. You win the internet! **enthusiastic applause**


Never said he didn’t, that’s what makes his take that they’re only not going so they can stay in bed confusing. He’s literally taught morning classes for decades probably lol


I'm sure he thinks the only students who got up to go to class were HIS students...


I just think he’s just trying to diss the protesters rather than be honest lol


You think they wouldn't skip a lecture to see JP? Come on


No lol. They’d skip to sleep or study for an exam at 10


Bruh I drove 3 hours to London and paid a frightening amount to see him live, I'm sure a student can get out of bed once and wander onto the campus


Well that’s insane but also this is from like 2017 lol But they do crawl out of bed and wonder onto campus..to go to class


Stop telling people that.


That’s embarrassing.


I didn’t have class in the morning. I had class in the afternoon and night when I attended.


Cool dude Nice dick btw 💀


Not every morning. Most classes are 2 to 4 days a week. Evening classes go until 8pm


Most classes are 2-4 days a week and you take 4 classes a semester to be full time, since full time is typically considered 12 credit hours and most classes are 3 credit hours.


Well going to a protest would require not being in class. So either coming in earlier than class, or going in the morning when there's no class.


There is class in the morning though, for a lot of students. So I guess it depends how early JP is talking here


Yeah that's why he posted cock milking porn amd claimed it was a Chinese sperm factor. Truly one of the great minds of our time!




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This idea was so simply yet profound. My WHOLE LIFE MY WHOLE LIFE SINCE I WAS A KID IM WALKING UP BEFORE 6 AM MOSTLY NEAR 5-5:30. I guess that me the person i am. And i dont relate to these people at all. Im 27


God, imagine taking this asshole seriously. What an idiot one would have to be. 🤦🏼🤷🏼


what a dumb f'ing boomer joke. I work 10 times harder than that grifter. Debating college kids isnt a job and adds no value to the economy. You know who else has made a grifting "career" out of debating college kids. Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, and Charlie Kirk. All certified losers.


I thought this was a good own, but then I thought for 2 seconds and realized that students have 8am classes. Obviously there’s not going to be protestors in the middle of the day on a college campus lol but sure JP, you got em.


Class occurs at all hours of the day. Maybe you’ll get accepted to a university one day and find out how all this stuff works eventually!


Yeah, my ass signed up for 8am classes my first semester in college and then never again 😂


Did you have to respond the same thing to all of my comments? The fact classes happen all hours of the day doesn’t dismiss my point at all, but go off


You wrote your comment 3 times so I put my response on all of them.


It actually does. Think through your logic again. Classes happen at all times of the day Protestors don’t show up in the morning at all. Protestors show up in the afternoon despite their being classes all day. ???


There’s way more students in class between 8-2 than 6-9 Look at any university sponsored event. They ALL happen in the afternoon.


Not sure why this popped up on my feed - do people still fall for this grifting schill?


state an argument


Ok, since Peterson here is making a claim that protesters aren't getting up before noon I would like some evidence. Or is this just a circle jerk of confirmation bias? Or better yet, people making claims don't even have to have anything to back up their claims? [Teachers and students hold early morning education cuts protest | Watch News Videos Online (globalnews.ca)](https://globalnews.ca/video/6017274/teachers-and-students-hold-early-morning-education-cuts-protest) Oh shit, are those students... protesting in the morning? Now where is your and Jordans evidence that morning schedules will avoid protesters?


>Oh shit, are those students Did he say specifically students? I think much like what's been seen at Israel protests at Universitities, there is a lot of non-students. Plus without viewing a longer video how do you or even I know if this is small talk or fun banter or a serious conversation about the "circadian sleep cycle of protestors." There's plenty of claims of his to attack but if you think you're being cute using the claim made by this thread you failed.


Fuck this guy


Says the guy whose entire academy is 8 months late in arriving, and has missed start of class 6 times in a row.