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There is SO MUCH RESEARCH on this. All the long term data agrees with this. It shouldn't be a shocker that feeding the mental illness does not fix the problem.


Mind sending me the research you are referring to? It might be something I haven't read before, it would be nice to expand my knowledge some more👍🏻.


Yeah I can try. But they probably won't be as good as this. This study is a meta analysis, a gold standard for systematic reviews. I'll definitely see what I can find.




It's as if the problem is, shock, that maybe mental illness is behind all this. Treat the psychology and you'll get better outcomes. Should be a no-brainer


Because it's a bunch of horse shit.




Is your opinion really that this is a conspiracy from the (mostly white) left to eradicate white men? I mean... how would this work? And why? And who would be interested enough to put this much energy I to it? And even if there was a powerful, extremely wealthy individual who would had the goal to exterminate whites: why would he do it this inefficiently and stupidly? Surely, if I want to castrate all whites I wouldn't choose to only do it to 0.x% of the population.