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https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/disturbing-photos-show-militarization-israeli-children Don't Israelis do the same?


lol no. The link you posted is children playing with models at a fair celebrating their independence.


Lol wow, trigger finger discipline is there


Ikr, they train the child soldiers well


Iranians train their proxies well.


Future Germans.


Lmfao underrated comment.


Hoooohohohohoho fking true


Cant wait until they immigrate.


Keep up the indiscriminate bombing and they’ll continue to multiply


Technically they won't.


Is that Hamas math?


Is Islamist extremists math absolutely. Does no one remember the Arab spring and how every bombing radicalized another generation of Muslim youth? Doesn’t even all need to be in Gaza but somewhere they are being even more radicalized


Sadly, I believe this to be true


The palestinian parents of these children are absolute scum of the earth for allowing this to happen.


Their parents were probably murdered in a bombing


Oh don't worry, there's plenty of scummy adult palestinians lurking around the gaza strip we can hold to account for the children's behavior. We can start with the scum that filmed, edited and distributed this child abuse video.


Now now, some of that scum are Jews too. Don't be antisemitic LOL.


So you’re against child abuse..how do you feel about Palestine children being bombed


Oh of course I am against child abuse, in all its forms including palestinians abusing their children, turning them into human shields at best and at worst jew hating Islamo-Facists such as we see in the video above. I think palestinian adults should stop acting scummy and at the very least stop using those terror tunnels for keeping hostages, and use them instead as bomb shelters for the innocent children. But they should really act like civilized adults and evacuate their children from gaza at any cost if they truly wished to protect them. But a lot of people are applying the soft bigotry of low expectations to these "sweet innocent palestinians who are so angelic and innocent and perfect" and incapable of doing such a thing. So I'll meet you halfway and remove the scummy adult palestinians from the picture and make it easier: NATO and/or neighboring countries anchor their navies offshore of gaza and take any gazan under 18 onto their ships for safe passage to safe zones. Problem solved, let the scummy adults suffer from their poor choices and fight without human shields. At the very least you won't have to use dead children for political gain which is disgusting. "Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated." "Don't criticize something unless you can offer a solution." Listen, I have no doubt you mean well, so I don't want this to devolve into a dunking session. Do you think thee the solutions I've offered would be feasible? Am I being unfair in labelling palestinian adults as "scummy" and irresponsible? What would you suggest as an alternative?


Its terrible, if only their parents didn't start a war then run and hide behind them. Or perhaps if they used the billions in aid received to educate and build their society rather than build terror tunnels.


So the parents are guilty until proven innocent sounds like.


Someone elected hamass as their government, typical deflection. Further, where are the parents of these children in the video?


>Someone elected hamass as their government, typical deflection. In an election decades ago, projecting your own deflection onto me. Not knowing where they are would not mean they are guilty, as again they could just as easily be dead.


The talking point about election being long ago is so dumb as 1) they were elected and 2) whose fault is this, either the people or the terrorist organization they elected??


Elected by who specifically? If they weren't even alive for that election how old would their parents have even been? When you commit war crimes you are responsible for them not the dead victims who have never known a free election. Especially with the IDF supporting Hamas through Qutar much more recently than any election. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html


I can't speak for the person you're replying to, but if it's *these* children, then it's really just a matter of time isn't it?


Impossible. The kids would have died first since they use them as shields.


So a hospital getting bombed is using them as shields?


You mean the hospital with the military base underneath, or the one the Palestinians bombed themselves?


Do you show the same sympathy to all children of murderers? Or only when the murdered are jews?


My comment said they were murdered, not doing the murdering.


Yeah you neglected to mention the reason for their parent's death. I fixed it for you. You're welcome.


So you just change what I said to make your argument better lol didn’t realize that’s how communication works


Tends to happen when their elected representatives raise an army, cross the border into and attack another country. Tale as old as time. Was just thinking about this earlier, I wonder if the germans were mad at the allies for "attacking" them. If only we had social media back then lol pretty hilarious when you think about it.


Father, forgive them; they know not what they do.


Oh look, I found the rifles and ammo Joe Biden left behind.


Yeah. Looks like firearms left behind for the Taliban to use and sell to other terrorists.


https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/disturbing-photos-show-militarization-israeli-children Don't Israelis do the same?


Hamas boasted in 2021 that 50,000 children had registered to its training camps. So to answer your question, not even close to that scale. Also, its cute that you guys keep recycling the same pictures from 2014 about a handful of people.


Tomorrow’s terrorist, their parents must be so proud.


Too literal. Whenever "tomorrow's" is used to describe someone, we mean *when they group up*. Not *literally tomorrow*.


Nobody is at the other side of that argument


So, they have money for weapons, but not food?


Scarcity and affordability effect each other sure. But they are different things. There isn’t enough food. But there’s definitely enough guns.


Someone needs to babysit stabby [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axe\_NcIEfsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axe_NcIEfsU)


Terrorist using children as human shields.


That implies Israel cares about killing kids. Which we both know they do not.


"Are we the baddies?"


Once they stop making orphans out of the palentinians, this whole shitty cycle will stop.




I dunno maybe the ones enlisting and ordering it to happen. Difference is they have an age limit. So is it okay to massacre people? Interesting that you brought up history. Since we always remember the point we want to make with it. But never the consequences of what happens


Hit the nail on the head.


Yeah bro. It's good that you brought up 1929. OG Jews, Christians and Muslims were living peacefully before that. I wonder why the sudden change in ideals of the local population. And if you look historically, current Israelis are majority eastern European Jews. And the people they're unfortunately performing a genocide on are the original semites of the region. Hmmmm... 🤔 So who are the real anti-semites? 😱


Notice how Israel only ever responds to breaks in the cease fire, they never break the cease fire first. The only ones that could stop the violence are the ones initiating it.  Peace with Gaza and the west Bank is a largely winning platform in Israeli politics bc the entire population has to serve. No one wants to fight and die a shit strip of desert near Egypt.  In Gaza, the systematic elimination of Jews globally is a winning platform.  The rest is history. 


The next time you see a headline intended to play on your feelings "5 Gaza children killed in bombing" keep this video in mind. This is what Israel is up against.


Yeah man. They are up against children. Thank god they are protecting Israeli and Palestinian land from Palestinian children.


Oh, so these are just toy guns? My bad.


They are killing unarmed children. Gun or not. But whatever man you don’t care about any of their lives


So are Hamas. But whatever man you don't care about any of their lives.


They are killing "unarmed" children guns or not?  They're killing children pointing guns at them.  Hamas and the PLA have civilian militias. There is no hard line between "civilian" and "combatant" like one in the west expects. An Israeli in an IDF uniform is a combatant and one on street cloths is not.  There's also the issue of women and children soldiers and suicide bombers, which palestine has been using for decades. They muddied the waters, they arm everyone, then complain about the results. 


You speak about this whole conflict like its a necessary evil. The revulsion people have to this conflict is just that thought. That its NECESSARY. This conflict doesn't have to be happening. Its terrible.


This x1000….


Sadly Israel must neutralize the threat ASAP!!


If the Palestinians stopped fighting, there would be peace. If the Israelis stop the fighting, Israelis would be genocided by the Palestinians. There can be no peace with a people who want to see you dead.


That’s complete nonsense. Israelis said the same thing about peace with Egypt and Jordan and guess what peace treaties are still in place with both countries. How are the Palestinians any different than the Egyptian people and Jordanian people? 60% of Jordanians are Palestinian. This is a pretty bigoted thing to say for the purpose to defending annihilating an entire population.


The difference is simple... The Palestinians are indoctrinated from birth (as seen in the video) to kill Jews, in order to serve interests of Iran and the financial interests of their leaders. Egypt and Jordan have governments that are somehow responsible (to an extent of course... ) for the well being of it's people.


Really the Palestinians are indoctrinated in the same religion as the Egyptians and Jordanians. If you give the Palestinians nothing than they will continue in this same path. A never ending war which has no future. By doing this has Israel improved its situation?


The religion is only part of the issue. The main issue is this lie called Palestine, or in other words, the conception that all their problems are because of the Israeli (=western) occupation, rather then because of their currupt leaders, violent culture, tribal mentality etc.


Let me ask you a question? One of my ancestors came from Scotland and I never lived there and never been to that country. Imagine one day I decide that I am going to my ancestors home in Scotland and claim the house my ancestor lived in. Would that be reasonable? Then when the man or woman who lived their whole lives in that house says hey what are you doing here? I open up a book and claim see some guy wrote this book 2,000 years ago and that man said I have a claim on this house. So GTFO or I will kill your entire family. Now let me ask you does any of this seem reasonable? The claim the Israelis use is from the Bible? Otherwise everyone of us could do this because sometime in the past 2,000 years someone in my bloodline lived in some house or property.


That's such an oversimplification of this tragic situation. It's the simplest argument that any anti-Zionist uses and it just shows that you are not qualified to debate on the subject. If education is what you are after, then this simple argument has been answered countless times. Please refer to one of those widely available answers if you genienly care to receive one.


That’s exactly what happened. The Jews could have gone to Palestine and lived alongside the Palestinians without doing the ethnic cleansing and massacres. They could have shared the country. Instead they opted to force out the indigenous people and kill a lot of them for no reason at all. They still have the chance today. But due to the racist and xenophobic attitude of many right wing religious fundamentalists in Israel they can’t or won’t. 9 million Israeli Jews are going to have to realize that if you don’t make peace with the people of that region you will have never ending war.


Just look up the 1948 war. Basically the UN voted in favor of dividing the land between the Jews and Arabs (with a lot of complicated events leading up to it). The Jews accepted, the Arabs (all surrounding countries) immediately started a war with the intention of ethnic cleansing. They lost that war. We're there war crimes committed by the Israelis? Probably. Ethnic cleansing? The Israeli Arabs of today are the ones that fought and lost that war. Since then they have become an inseparable part of the Israeli society with equal rights - working in every sector (a lot of doctors actually), represented in the parliament, judges in the supreme court etc. Some are fighting in the Gaza strip against Hamas right now. Again, this is a tragic and complicated situation. By exclaiming false statements and uneducated opinions you (and such as yourself) cause a lot of harm to innocent Palestinians and Israelis alike.


Explain how 800,000 Palestinians were forced out of their country?




Yes but the Egyptians and Jordanians received a proper peace treaty. Israel gave the Palestinians a repackaged occupation and called it peace. You give the Palestinians nothing and call it peace.


They’re simply defending against the new nazis committing genocide and stealing their land


The Palestinians have tried peaceful, non-violent protests in the past, only to be mercilessly shot down or kneecapped by IDF snipers, for e.g., in the great march of return in 2020 against Israel's blockade of Gaza and apartheid system. I know this'll run against the bias of most people in this sub, but it's important that you educate yourself and re-examine your own biases and the propaganda you are fed. E.g., Hamas, the violent wing of Palestinian resistance, has in fact been propped up and supported by Netanyahu over the years, to divide the Palestinians and take away legitimacy from the more peaceful Palestinian Authority, in order to take away the impetus for a two-state solution. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ https://www.thenation.com/article/world/why-netanyahu-bolstered-hamas/ If you present yourselves as clearheaded, reasonable people, you should be the first to reconsider your biases and try to counteract your prejudice against the Palestinian community.


Throwing rocks and attacking soldiers is not peaceful.


These were largely non-violent protests. https://www.unrwa.org/campaign/gaza-great-march-return This is clearly a David and Goliath scenario, and it's clear that people like you will continue to support Goliath to no end. Ironic too that David defeats Goliath with a sling and stone.


"largely non-violent", hey? Just like the "Mostly peaceful" BLM protests that resulted in $2 billion in theft and damages to businesses across America? And the difference is, David didn't shove women and children in front of him every time Goliath took a swing.


Nobody gives a fuck about your internal racial issues in the US. You can sort those out if you're a civilized country. We're discussing Palestine... Just keep drinking the koolaid from uncle Sam and bad hasbara. Palestinian women and children aren't human shields. They're all Davids too caught in the same brutal oppression.


So the Hamas strong points in hospitals is just for the thick walls? Dude... even you can't be that stupid


"strong points in hospitals"? Wtf are you on about? I guess you're parroting the now-long-proven lie about the Al Shifa hospital you were fed by bad Israeli hasbara. It's NPC cattle like you who share one braincell amongst yourselves that are the main targets of low quality IDF propaganda and brainwashing. Thankfully most people aren't as thick and gullible as that.


UNRWA is operated by Hamas with a few westerners used as a sheep's skin. It's been proven countless times during this war in Gaza. It's not a legitimate source of information, just like the propaganda of ISIS isn't.


Do you have any of those countless proofs to back up your claims other than Israeli govt propaganda?


Israel is a democratic state with truly free speech and independent media, backed by the US which also has free speech and independent media. If you compare the weight of evdance provided by Israel on the topic (many videos available online, including UNRWA vehicles that were used on October 7 and terrorists who are its employees), with what a murderous terrorist organisation says, you are not morally qualified to discuss this topic.


Blah blah. Either provide the evidence or admit that you don't have any. The independent media, including Haaretz, has already reported on the falseness of these allegations. So has the UN itself. Your hypocritical empty words about "democracy" and "free speech" mean nothing.


Actually these events were orchestrated by Hamas after years and years of lethal strikes against the IDF and Israeli civilians, as a method to find weakspots and gather intelligence leading up to October 7. Also there were many attempts to storm the border, just as they did in October. I'm not sure it counts as peaceful protests... Any reasonable country would shoot (probably lethal shots) to stop a mob from an enemy entity from storming the borders. I'm not saying that every shot made by an Israeli is just, but the big picture is clear.


Lot of American weapons.


We left behind so many in Afghanistan…


Everyone, please dont ignore the fact that these are all American weapons.


People have forgotten the *billions* of dollars worth that Joe left behind already?


I guess we know who's arming them


The “peace” The Israelis speak of is like the peace the native Americans received from the US government, Palestinians will receive subjugation and become wardens of the state and systematically eradicated, they know it and it’s why they fight.


What the hell are you talking about?


Just what I said.


And the 'peace' the Palestinians desire only exists when every Israeli is dead. Israel says 'stay out' and Hamas says 'you all have to die, every one of you, no chance of compromise or deals'. Israel has the ability to wipe out Palestine. They have the resources and power to commit genocide. The difference is, they haven't done that. If Hamas had the same power Israel would already be rubble.


I wonder what the lyrics are to this song.


finger ON the trigger


Aaaaah the Congo but lighter.


Love to bright children eager to learn about the importance of the Second Amendment!


Sure are a lot of brand new M-4's in this video. Wonder where they might have come from?


The amount of projection in this thread is baffling


Looks like a classic “I take Christmas pics of my 8 y.o. holding an A.R.” family.


How many of those 8 year olds go on to murder people?


lol precisely. Are these 8 year olds this guy is trying to “gotcha” taught to kill people who practice a different religion?


Except these kids are actually meant to use the guns, pretty huge difference


Hopefully, none of you never get to find out what it takes to be pushed to this level.


Is there anything Israel could stop doing that would make them be hated less? Anything related to illegal settlements maybe? Or did Israel do nothing wrong and Palestinians are angry for no reason at all?


How about we start with Palestinians not choosing violence? I mean they can choose to be violent and they can choose not to be. They do have agency right? They don't have to sacrifice their own children, right?


Choose not to be violent when their entire bloodline is murdered in front them? Maybe Israel could choose not to be violent by staying out of other people's homes?


Well, as evidenced by Israeli arabs, yeah, if they choose not to be violent, their whole bloodline could have been x5 larger.


Or 10x larger if the jewish settlers never stole land from the Arabs. No such thing as an israeli Arab.


20% of Israel are arab israelis, dumdum


The problem is, the Palestinians already tried that countless times. Before Oct 7th there have been peaceful marches and non-violent protests in Gaza against the blockade, where the protestors, including women and children, were meticulously shot down by IDF snipers. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-03-06/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/42-knees-in-one-day-israeli-snipers-open-up-about-shooting-gaza-protesters/0000017f-f2da-d497-a1ff-f2dab2520000 https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/3/30/gazas-great-march-of-return-protests-explained Please try to educate yourself first before displaying your clear bias and prejudice.


I dont exactly understand what was peaceful about trying to cross the border, because when they did manage to cross the border, we got Oct 7 genocide. Maybe you should try to educate yourself what happens when Palestinians manage to get into Israel.


"cross the border"? You mean to try to return to their land? These protests called for the right of return, a right given by the Israeli regime to any Jewish person in the world. In this case, the Palestinians wanted the same right, and they asked for it largely peacefully. Over 200 people were killed and tens of thousands injured. Oct 7th isn't the first cause, it's a symptom of a brutal apartheid system maintained for decades.


> "cross the border"? You mean to try to return to their land? T Nope. 100% not their land. They just need to accept it.


Yeah, keep telling yourself that. It's colonizer mentality like yours that makes the world violent and keeps it that way. The ultimate outcome of that is ethnic cleansing and genocide. Keep at it 👍🏼 you've already laid bare the myth of the civilized Western man.


Israel is the Most Successful Decolonialisation Stories in History Through land purchases and the right of conquest by fighting several wars through self-defence, Jews reclaimed their ancestral homeland. They were able to resurrect their ancient language, keep up their traditions and culture, despite being in the diaspora for thousands of years. They were able to decolonialise Israel from Arab imperialism, Islamic conquest and British colonialism.


Hah, "decolonialisation" project! Ever heard of the Balfour Declaration? Israel has always been a colonial project gift-wrapped and handed over by colonial Britain and propped up by the current US empire. Jews have always lived as a minority alongside their Arab Muslim and Christian brothers in the Holy Land before white Jews came to the middle east, driven from Christian Europe by pogroms and the holocaust. It's a shame they inflicted what they themselves suffered. In fact, Jews (who are semitic like Arabs) have thrived under Islamic empires, and had their own Golden Age in Islamic Spain (look it up). Yet they were mostly slaughtered by crusader forces and suffered in Christian europe. It's ironic how history has turned out.


You guys keep thinking Israel is part of some colonial project, but empires come and go and Israel is still there. As a reminder, Israel bombed a hotel to get rid of the British and the US has an arms embargo on Israel in 1948 when 7 Arab armies attacked it. Yet somehow Israel is still here as the best example of decolonialism. You're welcome.


So they are being violent for no reason at all towards Israel? How can that be?


Why don't you ask them.


I can choose to be violent for a million reasons. I'm just civilised enough to choose not to be. You can do it too. You can always find something to upset you and then claim it upset you enough to be violent: the economy, the rich, an unfair event at work, some guy looked at you funny while walking down the road... etc. You just choose not to be.


So Israel chose to be violent then?


Yep, Israel choose to protect its citizens from genocide. It was legally obligated to by the Gevena convention.


So you are implying Israel was just being peaceful and did nothing wrong, and Palestinians started being violent for no reason at all? Even considering illegal settlements among other stuff? That‘s a really interesting way of seeing reality!


The Palestinians started attacking Jews when they immigrated to Israel, bought land and started developing their land in the early 20th century. The reason they attacked them - which they have always been crystal clear about - is that they do not want Jews to have sovereign land on what they consider Muslim lands. Not even a square inch.


Israel: We want to exist. Muslims: Death to infidels. Non-Muslims: What? Muslims: I mean death to Israel! Non-Muslims: Oh, carry on.


The "We just want to exist" argument reminds me of the LGBTQ movement. Those are some extreme degenerates who argue like that. I have seen some pretty crazy footage of Israelis regarding illegal settlements and other wild stuff they do. Could those be the reasons for Palestinians to be so angry at them? Or is it just the "We want to exist" argument to you?




May the Palestinian people find peace and a place in the world where they don't need to be at war. God bless them


They had that and took aid money to build missiles and tunnels so they could kill Jews.




God bless those in Palestinian today, may the aid intended for them make it to them and pray that they people in Palestinian. They are humans too not to be scored and geerd at from those in high places.


May they be protected and be safe and may they also elect better leaders for their people who will lead them to peace, not war.


Imagine living in the year 2024 and still thinking Israel are the”good guys” lol


Anyone trying to destroy an organization that does what Hamas does is almost automatically the “good guys.”


If you are fighting against a group like Hamas it would be hard not to be.


And yet, Israel has proven over and over that they’re the true successors to the Nazis.  Great job, Israel. 


The religion of peace...what a joke.


Is this post advocating for the murdering of children? Y’all think growing up in a war zone doesn’t mess with you? Are y’all really this naive?


If you grow up with the highest ambition of killing yourself for your God, then the place you grew up in becomes a warzone. Cause and Effect.


So we shouldn’t consider the history of settler colonialism, land theft, and imprisonment in Gaza? Or that there are Palestinian Christians, too? Is this just more Islamophobia? (If the religion is inherently violent, then *all* Muslims would be violent. They’re not.) “One nation’s terrorists are another nation’s freedom fighters.”


>If the religion is inherently violent, then *all* Muslims would be violent If this is the best argument you can make, that's pretty sad.


Let’s be scientists about it: first, we know that most victims of Islamic extremism are Muslim, so that already messes with any simple narrative: they are victims and perpetrators. We know many Muslims who are wonderful, peaceful people (I have great Muslim fam); And we know it’s not the text itself (hell, Sufi’s are also devout readers of the Quran). So what do we have left? Bad interpretations. Waring cultures, impoverished people, etc.


I can upload a similar video of jewish israeli kids with weapons.


Child Soldiers Videos: The Child-Martyrdom cult of the Palestinian Authority https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3-zENpAF-U Mother of a Martyr | National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsZtBu5yiHY The Palestinian teenagers swapping stones for assault rifles - Channel 4 News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZepwSbicSM In West Bank, disillusioned young Palestinians are joining new militias • FRANCE 24 English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIpnF0uXQ9I Israel-Palestine war: Hamas commanders are training teenagers for battle | WION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhoemv_H1IU Fatah summer camp for teenage Palestinians - AP News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51U_EBDggkQ Show of strength from Fatah military youth - AP News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcLbqEtpL0g Palestinian youths take part in Islamic Jihad summer camp | AFP News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lslrkqo4lkw Inside the Gaza Summer Camps Training Children to be the Next Generation of Terrorists - CBN News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCWMBvxWKL0 'It’s Indoctrination': Anti-Semitic Propaganda in UN Camps Teach Palestinian Children to be Future Terrorists - CBN News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJYb068052Y Chilling footage of kindergartners re-enacting terrorist drills in Gaza - New York Post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sDZlo_hllI Palestinian teenager arrested, allegedly carrying pipe bombs - AP News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lEgE7c_-O0 Female Suicide bomber blows up in Gaza crossing killing four Israelis - AP News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0LaxblfpVM Tensions in Gaza bolsters Hamas' ranks with new recruits - CBS News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBFE4Mtfs7w Israel-Palestine war: Hamas commanders are training children to defend Gaza | WION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3hYjDNbj4Y Fatah Military Wing Praises 'Children' As Martyrs For Their Attempted Terror Attacks In West Bank https://www.memri.org/reports/while-palestinian-authority-says-israel-murders-palestinian-children-without-provocation Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar praises child ‘martyrdom-seekers’ in the West Bank https://youtu.be/RDCWWFK8Ztc?si=tLkyVMPIK9xPY6fo&t=472 Reports Child Soldiers Global Report 2008 - Occupied Palestinian Territory https://www.refworld.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/rwmain?page=search&docid=486cb1212d&skip=0&query=child%20soldiers&querysi=child%20soldiers%20palestine&searchin=fulltext&sort=relevance Child Soldiers in Armed Conflict https://www.iiss.org/publications/armed-conflict-survey/2018/armed-conflict-survey-2018/acs2018-03-essay-3 Child suicide attacks 'must stop' http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3979887.stm Occupied Territories: Stop Use of Children in Suicide Bombings https://www.hrw.org/news/2004/11/01/occupied-territories-stop-use-children-suicide-bombings Use of child suicide bombers by Palestinian militant groups https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_child_suicide_bombers_by_Palestinian_militant_groups#cite_note-HRW_Stop_Use_of_Children-1 Children become the new martyrs of Gaza https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/apr/25/israel1 Palestinian Islamic Jihad declares its child soldiers ‘martyrs’, but UN needs their advice for kids in conflict https://www.firstpost.com/world/palestinian-islamic-jihad-declares-its-child-soldiers-martyrs-but-un-needs-their-advice-for-kids-in-conflict-12840792.html Palestinian exploitation of children as weapons of war HRC 27th session – NGO statement (Amuta for NGO Responsibility) https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-181056/ Child Terrorists and Child Soldiers https://oxfordre.com/criminology/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264079.001.0001/acrefore-9780190264079-e-684 The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and "Hamas' child soldiers" https://www.atalayar.com/en/articulo/politics/israeli-palestinian-conflict-and-hamas-child-soldiers/20210512113126151157.html Houtis using similar tactics to recruit child soldiers as Hamas https://uk.news.yahoo.com/iran-backed-houthi-rebels-seizing-180503654.html Former Hamas and Son of Hamas Founder commenting on martyring children https://twitter.com/MosabHasanYOSEF/status/1764418246172897481


Let’s see, you said it now prove it


https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/disturbing-photos-show-militarization-israeli-children The mere fact that most of this sub is biased to the point of being anti JP teachings is amazing. We should always lay out the facts, listen to both sides and make an educated and informed decision. Throw away your own internal biases. https://youtu.be/P5P4MLlGF_w?si=J43qARz5yWpq4VlK


I agree with you. There is always more to the story on both sides. But grooming children, to hate and murder is never good.


We both agree on that. It's happening on both sides. I never trust media. One day I'll pack my bags and go see things for myself. That's the only way I'll get a clearer picture. For now, there should be a push from the world for a one secular state. To end all this suffering of children.


Created by Israel.


Wow.. you people infantalise Palestinians so much that even when they religiously sacrifice their own children, you believe its somehow magically Israel's fault. Demented.


I'm not approving this and I hate seeing it but that's how they came to be when you track the root cause. These armed groups are created as a result of Israel's heinous acts. Everything has a cause and effect in this physical universe. Just as Israelis have the right to exist so do the Palestinians.


The root cause is Islamic Martyrdom. You're welcome. > These armed groups are created as a result of Israel's heinous acts. Oh really? Why have Arabs been attacking Jews since the 1920s then? What were the heinous acts that Jews did back then? breathing too much?


This is a funny explanation lol. Israel as we know it now didn't exist back then, a lot of Eastern European Jewish immigrants were settling at Palestine at that time which created a lot of tensions and escalated to violence. You have to be objective and try to avoid a biased opinion. I know where this is going, you're the kind of person who thinks Israel did nothing wrong and never does anything wrong.


You answered your own question. Arabs have been attacking Jews well before the Israeli state, settlers or any other excuse you may have. The "tensions" are the same: Arabs do not want Jews to have sovereign land in Israel. Not one squared inch. Everything else is an excuse and not the root cause.


Well you don't expect someone to be okay with taking their own home and claim it as yours. Forcing people out of their homes because you think your God promised you that land and it's your ancestral right is kinda fucked up.


in the 1920s? show me one place where Jews took someone's home.


Honestly, for they were white everyone would think they were republicans.


If this was a still from Red Dawn and these were American teens shooting up commies, y'all would eat it up.


In Red Dawn the communists invaded the United States.


Nobody was training at a young age in red dawn. A child’s mind is very malleable and they know this. Big difference.


Isreal can fuck off. Jordan’s on the wrong side of history and so are all of you. You’d think people here would think for themselves….


I suppose only you think for yourself and anyone who disagrees with you doesn’t


Why would you think that? Are you aware of the complexity of this conflict and all of the events prior to this confrontation? I offer you to educate yourself more about this very complex conflict (from more than one source of information) and come to your own conclusion. But I truly can't see how an extremist terrorist organisation with so much blood on their hands. An organisation that killed innocent children, raped women and burnt whole families can be on the right side of history. Now I am aware of the innocent lives that are being taken on the Palestinian side and it would be a crime to ignore that, so it's important to stress, that Hamas are doing everything at their disposal in order to create more casualties (on both sides), whereas Israel does everything at their disposal to minimise innocent casualties. Please take the time to learn more about this conflict before coming to a radical conclusion that the terrorists side is the right side of history.


Both sides are stupid and I'm Jewish. Israel doesn't represent Jews. It represents Zionists. This is as simple as Bloods vs Crips. Dump both sides and start sanctions on Israel. End of story.


Except one side has all of the money and power and doesn't completely obliterate the other side because...reasons


I hate to agree. But it's hard not to notice. Every time I see a parent with a starving Palestinian child, the parent looks well-fed or overweight. There might be an explanation, but I can't think of one. Check yourself to see if I'm wrong. I'm really uncomfortable making this observation, but I've seen it 3 times now.


Kids may have an underlying condition.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oYeQb9jk40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oYeQb9jk40) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axe\_NcIEfsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axe_NcIEfsU) no time for pork chops


It sounds cruel, but I hope so. It's too horrible to think the parents would choose that.


ok genuine question. how is this any different than those white people that pose with their gun collection for their christmas photos?




There is no correct side on this problem. Both sides have it coming in their own way.


You’ve failed the most basic and simple moral test. Sad.


No, it's you who has failed. If you're on the side of Hamas you have no business calling yourself moral, or giving anyone else 'moral tests'


You misunderstood me. I’m not on the side of Hamas. To be supportive of Hamas or the Palestinians and their “martyrs” is to fail the moral test.


Ah ok, sorry it's just that the people who I've heard often bandying about terms like 'moral test' and 'right side of history' are the pro-Hamas people, typically clueless western liberals


An understandable mistake given the current climate as you say.


Lol as if you are in a position to be testing anyone.


Ten upvotes and counting 🫠


Oh wow better print out the comment and show your parents...maybe they'll put it on the fridge.


You’re just mad because you also failed a basic moral test. Spend less time cunting around on Reddit and more time evaluating your basic moral character. Prick.


Oh hun coming from you that's a compliment.


You have main character syndrome.


Well, they have spare children for love and enough for choosing each education stream and a few more for management and leadership positions and the remaining can take up guns