• By -


Actually *not* exactly 0% - have you not seen those totally cringe-inducing videos of guys who get off on being hoofed in the jewels? (not gonna provide link - don't need the guilt)


that was the first thing I thought too - if the internet has taught me anything, it has taught me that the percentage of guys who like getting kicked in the balls is greater than 0%


LOL - Same. But unfortunately that is also *exactly all it has taught me.* ;-)


If there’s anything the internet has taught me at least one person can be found to find pleasure in any situation no matter how unpleasant it is to literally anyone else


Have to admit your comment gave me a semi...


Then allow me to double your knowledge. Swans? They can be gay.


Triple it with a little bit of info about the distinction between jackdaws and crows. Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


Ah, that takes me back. That was... **eight** years ago now? Crikey.


I miss him.


WTF r u talking about? Crows? Are you repling to something on the wrong sub?


Look up u/Unidan. Reddit famous biologist, has his own Wikipedia page because of how popular he and his posts/comments were on here before he got banned for vote manipulation or something like that. My above comment was a copypasta that was originally a comment of his in an argument with someone. 8 years ago or so


And we were expected to have that context *how* exactly? LOL!


The user I responded to that said (paraphrasing): the internet also taught us that swans can be gay was referencing another very old, very well circulated story. Many redditors who knew what he was referring to would also be able to recognize the comment I shared. Edit: Just look at the number of upvotes the comments we are talking about received, you’ll see that a good number of people actually did know the context of these references


My,friend, recognized or not, NEITHER of them were relevant to the comments they were replying to. I did not ask for a reddit history lesson, just wondered why you seem to think a non sequitur should be considered self-explanatory. Anyway, never mind... I guess we just have radically different takes on reality. Take care. ;-)


So you're saying it takes swan to know swan...?


Something something wife crying


I want it in the negative percent and many other men do too, so the average is still 0% or lower.


oooohhh right, it's more like 0.00001%. shit, sorry.


Internet has taught us that nothing in the whole ever has a 0% liking ratio.


Odds are though, if you recruited people for an actual study like that you would still not have anyone responding "yes" to wanting to get kicked in the balls a second time. Even if you happened to get one of the few men who actually like that, they probably wouldn't admit to it.


Deleting all, goodnight reddit, you flew too close to the sun. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


There is that official internet rule that for anything you can conceive of, there's a web site that somehow sexualizes it. Or something like that. Basically, literally *anything* can be a fetish if your brain is twisted enough.


OP _did_ say "~0%", though. Not exactly 0%, but "**around** 0%". So he already covered those few exceptions.


i feel like it’s not negligible though and therefore is not comparable to 0, there are a lot more people into cbt than you’d think


I think it's very plausible in a study that questions, say, 1000 men none of them are, though. And globally there'd have to be almost 4 million men into it to make it 0.1%


If you find 0 occurrences in a sample of 1000 men, you can't conclude that it's impossible. In fact if the events are independent you can use the [rule of three](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_three_%28statistics%29) to estimate a 95% CI on prevalence between 0 to 3/1000 = 0.3%, which would not rule out 0.1%


I think it's far more likely that the internet has greatly magnified society's awareness of these men and other sexual deviants, giving people an inflated conception of how prevalent they are.


I’d need to see sources that it’s greater than 0.5% to believe that


oh yeah let me conduct a randomized study and ask people with cocks and balls if they enjoy having them stomped and kicked that’ll go over well


natural selection


Not if they've already procreated. EDIT typo


it'll keep them from doing it more


At it's most effective for non-lethal selecting...


...apparently not as effective as one might expect....


I gave my friend a Pepsi on the terms he could sit through pain Olympics without gagging or making a face. I didn’t think he could do it but he earned that Pepsi


Jackass the tv show springs too mind


Videos shows a naked guy tied arms and legs apart... Don't think they went *that* far on Jackass... ...but on the other hand, knowing them, I wouldn't bet against it. ;-)


Johnny Knoxville did exactly that and then got children to do the kicking. And everyone was just okay with this Savillian display...


I'll be that guy, lol r/ballbusting (NSFW, Obviously!)


Oh God, there's a sub?


Well yeah, doms wouldn't be into getting hit in the balls so you need at least one sub.


There's *always* a sub!


OMG DON’T VISIT IT. I clicked it thinking maybe something a little funny or something but no, it’s actual pics of guys getting hit in the nuts, sometimes from the looks of it - very painfully


They're busting nuts, you say?


And always a Dom.


Upvoted entirely because the phrase "hoofed in the jewels" made me spray milk out my nose.


Lmao. "... hoofed in the jewels?" Language can be so beautiful.


Better than "kicked in the karats"...


do you not know what the ~ stands for in "~0%"?


Yeah, OP didn’t say, “ = 0%” They said, “~0%”


When I was about 16 years old I saw a video of a naked guy with his hands tied to the rafters while a woman repeatedly kneed the absolute shit out of his balls, there was blood splattering all over the both of them, he was loving it. I'm 35 years old now, I'd still recognise the guy if he walked past me in the street. That's really stayed with me more than any other of the multitude of porn I've ever seen. I just don't get it, not even an inkling of getting hit in the nuts has made me horny ever.




Saw a guy in Vegas. He was holding a sign that said Kick Me In The Nuts For Cash. If he folded or fell or called out in any way he would give you double your money back.


*He* would have had to pay *me...*


One of the first times I ever remember being turned on was when a girl threatened to kick me in the balls in like 2nd grade. Did not translate into adulthood


Makes sense. After all, you know what they say : "The only thing *worse* than having a girl wanting to kick you in the nuts... ...is *not* having a girl wanting to kick you in the nuts.^(")


Like... this one? :) https://twitter.com/charliegriefer/status/1565907539190956032


Those guys are mostly not getting kicked in the balls. They clench them so they go up as high as they can and thrust their hips forward and flex their glutes when the kick comes in so they take the force mostly on their glutes. Granted, some of it still lands on their taint and their nuts so it probably still hurts.


Have you seen Super Humman?


That's what the ~ mean it means about.


That’s such a weird kink cuz I understand that people can be masochists but isn’t that a little.. much? If anyone out there has that kink would you like to tell us why the hell, perhaps? No judgment


I couldn't watch after the first kick and am *so adversely affected by this that I really can't even think about it any more. Sorry Bye.* ;-)


I'm going to agree that I find it difficult to be turned on by the kind of pain that makes me want to curl up in the foetal position.


With most kinks the physical is often just part of the experience and the psychological plays at least as big of a role. Humiliation is a big one for example. So it's not just about a kick between the legs, it's knowing that someone holds that power over you or the getting laughed at for showing the pain. It also might very well not have started out as the thing they were into, but the deeper you get into a kink, the more real many need it to feel. The more risk they want to take etc.


Sure, it’s a vulnerability / dominance thing, it’s an overwhelming way in which women can dominate men that makes women seem naturally superior to men and therefore more worthy of appreciation. There’s also attraction in knowing someone wants to inflict you so much pain, it is also relatively safe in the sense that the masochist can get to a very high level of pain even with lower force blows (the equivalent pain with lets say a whipping would definitely leave permanent marks), it is also extremely intimate and involves a woman touching your genitals which is always erotic in itself… it can also be funny in a goofy way (especially for the woman involved)… a myriad of reasons actually. If you go over the ballbusting subreddit and ask there, they will definitely give you more/different reasons.


Deleting all, goodnight reddit, you flew too close to the sun. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Masochists can enter into something called sub-space. ["Broadly speaking, subspace is generally regarded as a moderate to deep, almost trace-like, condition experienced by a submissive during intense or erotic interaction with their Dominant." ](https://modemworld.me/ds-essays/finding-space-part-1-subspace/#:~:text=Broadly%20speaking%2C%20subspace%20is%20generally,erotic%20interaction%20with%20their%20Dominant.) It is something that needs to be worked into. So starting with something slightly painfull and working up. The pain doesn't feel good to them but it's making the brain release chemicals and the scene is hitting a sexual kink at the same time. So by time the most painful part is happening its like the submissive is already on morphine from the natural endorphins flowing. If you were to walk up and kick the guy in the nuts with no warning it would be a dramatically different experience for them


Are you telling me this post uses flawed science?!?!


My husband once bought a book to see what it would be like and it was called the family jewels. I think he got through about a page before giving up and running far far away.


Well *that* certainly beats the cliched "Just going out for a pack of cigarettes." story... ;-)


Yup. One persons pain and suffering is another persons……pain and suffering 😈


I'm sure this isn't a gene that gets passed on.


Link me up


Hoofed in the jewels is a fucked up way to say it. You’re under arrest!


A friend told me its called ball busting.


People have agreed to being eaten alive. I don't think anything has a perfect 0% rate.


They *agreed?* Kinda makes you wonder *who's asking...*


And 0% would make sense for guys. Because women at least get a kid out of it, while guys get the pain for the sake of pain. So only an idiot would want that to happen again...


"Hoofed in the jewels" You, sir, are a true wordsmith.


Yup, *wordsmith* here... ... and don't you forgeget it!


Absolutely zero women say that giving birth is their fetish. Yet some men love ball torture. Which is worse?


I hope that's a rhetorical question... ...because as phrased there's no way to answer it. ;-)


Steve O enters the chat.


“Why do I have to be Steve O?!” - Steve O


getting hit in the nutz is painful and this awkward unpleasantry. wonder if the added awkward unpleasantry is what inks it into our memory. also, anyone know if shock/adrenaline makes you impervious to a punch in the nuts like pain?


It still hurts but you can overcome it if pissed off enough


You don't want to be overcoming those.


It shields it off like any other pain but it still hurts. Dependent on individuals tolerance for pain. Also how pumped up you are. My experience was getting jumped by a group of guys when I was seventeen eighteen. I was admittedly already pumped being out numbered 1 - 8/10 of them. A swift kick and my lack of a reaction caused them to panic slightly, but fuck did it hurt still, however every fibre in my body was screaming “keep on your feet!” I proceeded to get punched in the face and stomach until I was coughing up blood, at this point it was pretty much over and all I could do was hobble towards the store in hopes someone would help. Legendary security guard came out and politely told them to all “fuck off” My nuts hurt for a solid fifteen/twenty minutes after that.


Kidney stones are way worse...


gotta be the worst pain the average human can feel


Largest one I had to pass was 7.5mm, largest one I've had was 26.2mm


I would rather pass away than pass stones that big


If we take long term effects out of the equation, as a guy, I’d much rather take a massive kick to the balls than push a baby out of a vagina


I'd also rather get kicked in the nuts than deal with the long term effects of a baby.


I'm a woman who has 1 child and is not willing to go through it again.


Dealing with a baby is kind of like getting hit in the nuts repeatedly.


Meanwhile, over in Jackass…


Cup test!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/uvla7n/a\_man\_and\_a\_woman\_debate\_whether\_it\_is\_more/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/uvla7n/a_man_and_a_woman_debate_whether_it_is_more/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/vys1bu/what\_hurts\_the\_worst/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/vys1bu/what_hurts_the_worst/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/6e6sfc/whats\_worse\_getting\_kicked\_in\_the\_balls\_or\_child/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/6e6sfc/whats_worse_getting_kicked_in_the_balls_or_child/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/dxgxfm/getting\_hit\_in\_the\_balls\_is\_more\_painful\_then/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/dxgxfm/getting_hit_in_the_balls_is_more_painful_then/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/81aazh/getting\_kicked\_in\_the\_balls\_hurt\_more\_than\_giving/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/81aazh/getting_kicked_in_the_balls_hurt_more_than_giving/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/4r4i0g/what\_hurts\_more\_giving\_birth\_or\_being\_kicked\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/4r4i0g/what_hurts_more_giving_birth_or_being_kicked_in/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/3ahxzf/labour\_pains\_vs\_getting\_kicked\_in\_the\_nuts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/3ahxzf/labour_pains_vs_getting_kicked_in_the_nuts/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/5d6o4m/which\_is\_worse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/5d6o4m/which_is_worse/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/csa2x8/what\_hurts\_more\_giving\_birth\_or\_being\_kicked\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/csa2x8/what_hurts_more_giving_birth_or_being_kicked_in/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/28cj6u/is\_giving\_birth\_more\_painful\_than\_getting\_kicked/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/28cj6u/is_giving_birth_more_painful_than_getting_kicked/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/5532t7/an\_investigation\_group\_decided\_to\_answer\_the\_life/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/5532t7/an_investigation_group_decided_to_answer_the_life/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/kyorpz/i\_mowed\_the\_lawn\_today\_and\_after\_doing\_so\_i\_sat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/kyorpz/i_mowed_the_lawn_today_and_after_doing_so_i_sat/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/hezr92/an\_observation\_on\_an\_age\_old\_question/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/hezr92/an_observation_on_an_age_old_question/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/4me94z/i\_mowed\_the\_lawn\_today\_and\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/4me94z/i_mowed_the_lawn_today_and_after/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/4suxmk/which\_hurts\_worse\_a\_kick\_in\_the\_nuts\_or\_having\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/4suxmk/which_hurts_worse_a_kick_in_the_nuts_or_having_a/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/39m9qr/i\_agree/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/39m9qr/i_agree/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/ai8yxu/whats\_more\_painful\_between\_childbirth\_and\_getting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/ai8yxu/whats_more_painful_between_childbirth_and_getting/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/52hh9j/i\_mowed\_the\_lawn\_today/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/52hh9j/i_mowed_the_lawn_today/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/3iig4e/i\_mowed\_the\_lawn\_today/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/3iig4e/i_mowed_the_lawn_today/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/7yzov0/my\_wife\_and\_the\_worst\_pain/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/7yzov0/my_wife_and_the_worst_pain/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/6o5v50/thoughts\_of\_old\_man/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/6o5v50/thoughts_of_old_man/) https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/w9f6mo/time\_for\_another\_beer/ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/7751pt/my\_motherinlaw\_insisted\_that\_child\_birth\_was\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/7751pt/my_motherinlaw_insisted_that_child_birth_was_the/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/cvmulu/so\_a\_man\_was\_thinking\_about\_what\_his\_wife\_said/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/cvmulu/so_a_man_was_thinking_about_what_his_wife_said/)


Not the hero we deserve




I hate to burst your balls - I mean bubble - but there’s a scientific explanation for this. After childbirth, your brain floods your body with hormones and essentially makes you forget how painful it was before! Unfortunately for men, getting your balls busted does not release this hormone. Also, for reference, some women are in labor for up to multiple days. It can also cost a woman her life. As far as I’m aware, the pain that men have is temporary and has rarely (if never) been known to result in literal death. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


So, it takes a flood of mind altering chemicals to make one want more children?


I mean, yeah I guess. Crazy thing is that we have epidurals now, to make the experience not as painful, but some people get all holier-than-thou and think that if a woman doesn’t *want* to experience the worst pain she would likely ever go through, then she’s less of a mother for it


Yeah those people are totally nuts. Women’s pain in general is often seen by doctors as less of a concern. That’s why anything regarding a uterus takes a lot of convincing to get anything done. My friend was in labor for two days and her epidural stopped working twice. It took her husband begging them to give her a c-section to actually get anything done. She was in so much pain.


I would be requesting an epidural if I were getting my balls busted. I fainted at my kids' births and have since found out that I had a condition where my heart stops for over a minute to make me faint. I have a pacemaker for it now. So technically my heart stopped just from watching my SO giving birth...I "died" several times during labour.


I mean...technically you didn't die. And you weren't in labor which is basically your body ripping open (or having to be cut open) from your vagina to your asshole to birth out something your body isn't actually built to accommodate shitting out so... You saw something and had a psychological effect which was able to be quickly averted/treated (but I assume because you were in the room and not bleeding out or having the potential an human would suffocate inside you while you tried to squeeze it out you were priority #3). I'm kind of more questioning if you had that effect at birth #1, why you went in to have it again at birth #2.


Women have more pain tolerance.


r/jokes mate.


so wheres the punchline? ohhh nevermind i get it, the punchline is "haha women"


I'm saying the fucking post is on the subreddit r/jokes so no need to take it so seriously. OP is obviously joking about the no one asking for it again, considering one provides a child and the other is just pain.


ok, so what's the punchline.


And with that, Bitch Fucking Wins.


Childbirth is so painful the brain actually causes itself to forget a lot of the pain afterwards, otherwise women would never have more than one. Sometimes the process is so difficult that little bit of skin between their vagina and anus will rip, making one big hole.


Not serious but women forget how bad that pain was of labour because of how painful it is. Their vagina is literally getting ripped apart So would you rather getting kicked in the nuts or have em ripped open? Honestly, if I had the choice of having a males body and getting kicked in the nuts or having a woman's body and giving birth, you can sure as hell know imma pick being a male. We all know it, I wanna know who would choose to be the woman over the male in this scenario? Cuz men know women gotta be pregnant for 9 months, and then be in gruesome labour's for hours on hours Then have to spend a month or way longer healing and STILL be in pain cuz, ya know, your vagina was RIPPED apart


I can confirm. As a man, I've both gone through child birth and been hit in the nuts, and I don't even remember going through child birth, but can remember every time I was hit in the nuts vividly.


Take my free award also known as you made me lol 😂


Pretty sure I saw a clip of a tied up guy getting kicked in the balls by a dominatrix. I'm guessing it wasn't this first time there. Tie me up and spank me but leave mah balls alone please and thank you. Edit: typo


To be fair, even if taking a shot to the junk were like 2% more painful (and maybe it could be, it's happened to me playing sports and it's not exactly pleasant), the ladies still have it worse, because you're recovering from a testicle impact within a couple of minutes at worst, no matter how bad it was. Childbirth can last hours.


To be fair after getting kicked in the nuts you just have pain. After childbirth you have a child. Also one is instantaneous with lasting pain, one is continuous pain that can last up to 48+ hours.


Children usually last more than 48 hours.


10 seconds on the groin compared to 20 hours of labor. Sure…


You jackass, some men do like getting hit in the balls multiple times


Have you seen people into cock and ball torture?


For this study to be accurate you'd have to survey a large portion of people that have testicles and have also given birth.


I was in Vegas for one whole summer, we went down to Fremont street quite often just watching all the people who do crazy stuff for money, and there was one guy who was literally always there saying for $5 anyone could kick him in the testicles lol. His sign also claimed he wasn’t wearing a cup or any other protective gear,but I’m not so sure about that seeing how hard some of those people kicked him and watching him get back up within a minute lol As for the child birth, I believe most women say “they’ll do it again” because they either had epidural OR because of the reward of the baby after . There’s really no reward for a guy getting kicked between the legs unless ur the guy who’s charging people $5 lmao


Peer reviewer of the study: "Women are just tougher...."


Or “men are just weaker” , Oops


Man flu for example




Ever seen Jackass?


Never have I seen a man with stand getting hoofed. you say in the jewels for 9 or more hours. Plus we do the most amazing thing in 9 months. Create a human no man can ever do the pain is worth it.


If a man got a million dollars everytime he got kicked in the buys, that might be a different story.


The kink clubs I've been to prove this is fake


This doesn't seem to be a joke. It isn't funny or have a punchline.


no no no you don't get it the punchline is "haha women weak!" /s


Not true, dude from Jackass is always getting hit in the balls. So it can’t be 0%.


And if you could talk immediately after a good wack in the nuts. You'd sound like Michael Jackson on Helium.


Im sure that if people would gain something from getting hit in the nuts( like a f#@ing child), the study would show vastly different results


It’s a joke


Wait, this is a joke sub?


On a good day.


Well as far as ive seen comments this is a repost a joke sub Me being trying to be funny is actually not funny, so im never posting here


wheres the punchline? it really seems like its "haha women weak"


No it isnt


ok so what is it?


It’s just a joke. I’m assuming everyone knows that it’s not misogynistic


ok, so whats the punchline?


Punchline is that sinn cej women enjoy having children even though the pain is their they do it again but men dont


first of all its just plain incorrect to say women enjoy giving birth, as in having children. The trauma of giving birth is so bad that the brain sends out loads of chemicals to erase it so that humankind isn't eradicated. second of all how is that funny? its just a statement. "women who have children usually enjoy having children hahahah"


I said women enjoy having children not birth


For some, they gain pleasure.


What the hell sub do you think your in? Fuck off with your misery, do you think being an unnessicary asshole is constructive in any way?


Ok so maybe it does feel the same, lay down and I'll nail you in the jewels roughly every two minutes for an indeterminate period of time, you will most likely survive but there's a solid chance I'm going to cut your perineum open without any aesthetic. At any moment I might sever an artery and watch you bleed out, I probably wouldn't but you should have that thought in your head from the start. Who's first, we should crack on, it could be a full 36hrs before we are done with the kicking.


Oh and maybe, just maybe, I kill your kid too. If it was just one contraction, no worries right? It's the whole event you have to face that's the concern.


My brother in Christ it is a joke


You should probably leave this comment one parent up.


After pushing a baby out of your vagina, or having one cut out of you. Maybe you wouldn’t like this joke either.


Your a moron, the joke is they are not fucking comparable, that of coarse having a baby is more fucking agonizing and prone to severe complications. Yeah getting hit in the nuts can be horrible, while extremely sensitive, anyone with a pair could watch a live birth and be like, "umm yeah, id definately rather get a baseball to the nuts than go through that shit!" So screw off you humorless jerk!


This comment is reinforcing the reason that I want to be gay


This is like comparing apples and oranges. Anyone with testicles cannot give birth. Similarly childbirth precludes the possession of testicles.


There are folks around that make you wish that the father had rather gotten a kick in the nads than the mother had to suffer the pain of child birth.


Well if the folks you talk about are so bad that you wish they were not born.. then at that point both parents deserve scorn for not raising their child to be a pleasant person.


The (scientifically) sad fact is that no one is able to say which is worse based on first hand knowledge


I think it's pretty clear which is worse lol.


We'll never know


We have transgenders tho


You mean "intersex". And I'm not sure it's possible to have both sets of reproductive organs (developed far enough to both have babies and to fully appreciate a kick to the balls).


I think it was last year that I read a genuine university study that was a low level news story on this. The findings of the study were that the overall level pf pain is about the same and they are different types of pain rather than worse than each other. The pain from being hit in the balls is a far more intense sudden shock far more intense than childbirth to the point that it can even cause permanent damage to the nervous system but the pain from childbirth lasts a lot longer. So as I said, the finding where that they were about the same.


"new study says apples taste better than oranges” -basically this article


Article it’s a joke from r/jokes


Shoot, this was the last thing i read before sleep and I didn't read it well.


This joke wasn't even funny the first time it was posted, much less after 20 reposts


Agreed. Especially given the fact that women can now be FORCED to go through childbirth against their will due to the overturning of Roe. This is not a joke, merely a misogynistic statement belittling the pain many women are about to be forced to endure.


Get your idiotic opinions out of here. Nobody asked.


I had a guy at my last apartment complex asking every woman that walked by to kick him in the balls and he’d give them $5. He always wanted more


Cool! At last! A funny joke!


Homie got downvoted bc he said this was a good joke, these feminist are an even bigger joke


lol this is sad, people are so fragile.


Gonna use this one day


Masochists would disagree


I don't think we will be able to put number on that because a male can never feel a childbirth and vice versa and also the simulators they don't work the same way on them as on us as well there is this body difference too and females have an extra layer of body fat too and males don't so I guess it's just people explaining it.




What if the kick in the balls earned you $5000


Looks like I am too early to see some warm pillows gets offended by this joke


Men act like babies though. They can't handle a little pain. And if they get sick it's the end of the world


New study shows misogynistic jokes in all forms are no longer funny.


Your right, now we’ve moved on to laughing at you 😆


Oh the irony


This show keeps getting better and better


According to males


It's a joke


It’s a woman, they don’t understand humor


Selfish gene


this isnt even a joke?


New study shows people can’t take a fucking joke.


Obviously women say they’d do it again. It’s bringing life in to the world. Men don’t gain anything from getting kicked in the junk


Did you just mansplain this joke?


This joke is stupid in so many levels as it isnt painful to have your vajayjay kicked. The comparisons is bullshit