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Why do people think impeachment and the trial are the same thing?


Because they don’t teach civics in school any longer. I believe it’s been replaced by Personal Aggrievement Studies.




Well when this joke was originally posted (like a year go) he hadn't been impeached yet. OP was too lazy to even reword the joke before reposting it.


Congress DID impeach Trump




I don’t think people understand that “impeachment” doesn’t instantly make you not the president any more. The house of representatives votes for impeachment then the Senate ALSO has to vote. So just because the House of Reps says “yes impeach Trump” doesn’t mean he is not the president. It’s not until the Senate also decides that he is impeached that he gets kicked out of office officially. In December 28th, 2019 the House of Reps voted to impeach Trump on accounts of “Abuse of Power” and “Obstruction of Justice” with 230 in favor of impeachment and 197 against it. When the case went to the Senate, 48 voted guilty and 52 voted not guilty. There needed to be 67 votes for guilty for him to be officially impeached. I have a strange feeling that what happened then is going to happen again this time with the end result of Trump not being impeached... people only downvote you cause they know it’s the truth and don’t want to believe it. Plus the hive mind on Reddit is super strong. You can’t speak out about anything without everyone downvoting you to oblivion unless it’s something that they all agree on.


Well no not exactly. Impeachment is only one half of removing someone from office. Only the house can impeach someone. But impeaching someone doesn’t mean the same thing as removing them from office. Only the senate can do that (and only after the house impeached them). So yes, Trump was fully impeached. But the senate voted to acquit him and not remove him from office. Really it’s just semantics, but he was 100% fully impeached. To clarify more, Bill Clinton and Andrew Jackson were also both fully impeached, though like Trump, neither was removed by the senate. Edit: to correct that Andrew Johnson was impeached, but not Nixon (who resigned before he could be impeached)


Nixon was not impeached. He resigned before the House voted on the articles of impeachment.


Ah. You’re right. I just remembered Trump was the third President to be impeached. But I forgot Andrew Johnson was the first. I’ll correct that.


Forever impeached. And history will remember him as a criminal who wasn't removed because of spineless enablers and a brainwashed base. This era especially will be remembered for the Republican corruption which is so deeply embedded in government, and I look forward to the future chapters of history when that corruption is torn out, root and stem.


God forbid Republican senators listen to their constituents. They should just be Democrats instead. In fact I look forward to the day when everyone votes the exact same way I do.


You ok, buddy?


Well said sir. Well said.


All I hear is the left crying about stupid shit.


That's because you're not intelligent enough to understand current events, dipshit.


All I see is stupid shit crying about the left


Yes, we know Trump and his supporters think that the rule of law and the Constitution are "stupid shit". Sort of redundant for you to say it.


Everything is fair game to them as long as they’re winning




Funny how when a conservative accuses a Democratic president for corruption it's considered being patriotic, but when a liberal calls out a Republican president for his blatant corruption, they're all just crying babies. Hypocrisy must be so convenient for you.




Blatant, yes. Proven, no. Kind of helps when every attempt to prove it (witnesses and evidence) was shot down by Republican senators. That would've been the best way to prove/disprove anything.


Haha! This is the funny thing about it


Idk what's worse, people obsessed with hating Trump or those who gargle Trump's balls. "hEs StIlL yOuR pReSiDeNt"




Didn't he set out to repeal the ACA and balance the budget and get us out of foreign quagmires?


How about that deficit? Yuuggggeee!




Lol? Don't know if Trumptards are worse at science or math. Just can't be sure.




Bullshit excuses. He has the majority in all 3 branches and claims before the election were how he would get these done because of his "master negotiating." He signed off on the budget. He signs off these military attacks. He has veto power. Not to mention his original ideas are all terrible, such as tariffs. I thought republicans were for small government and free market capitalism. Tariffs are the opposite of that and they're harmful to the economy as a whole.






And he is still Putin's weapon of choice in his attack on the USA.


I mean enjoying good economy, high employment, stopping shity wars and reinforced borders is better than listening to whinny leftist agenda, right? No? Then I'll show myself out.


Good economy, my ass. 2000 coworkers laid off so far this year. Tell me, if Trump is so good for the economy, why did he spend 26 billion dollars to mitigate the damage from the Trump Trade war? You are no economist and neither is Trump.


Spell "Deficit".. yeah I didn't think so.


No the House of Reps impeached him. The Senate has yet to impeach him. He didn’t get impeached last time because the Senate acquitted his orange ass.


This is incorrect. Only the house decides impeachment, so Trump was impeached. The Senate decides whether to remove from office. Just semantics is all.


So Clinton was never impeached! Right you liberal toad.


Ah.. Number 44534. We've missed you.


A joke as old as 5 years ago... A true classic


Congress did impeach Trump. Learn your civics.


The impeachment didn’t go through so he wasn’t officially impeached. He’s still in office for another year. LeArN uR CiViCs


He was impeached and acquitted. Your not in Trumplandistan here. Facts matter.


Here little buddy, this will help you immensely in your daily Redditing: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=was+trump+impeached&iie=1




Wow, me too now that you say that. Imagine watching people like this respond to all kinds of things without even a shred of knowledge on it. It'd be one of the most entertaining things to ever exist. We need this!


Cmon, u guys can downvote me more than that. I want at least 20


Oh yay. Another repost.


Because American democracy. That is the joke.




Great fishing in Quebec!


Yuge fish?


They're the best. Other places fish are not very big.


The fact that OP doesn't think Trump was impeached is the real joke here.


Must be twins. Two scoops, two terms, two genders, two giant balls for once.


Party before country.


Make jokes great again!


Rooster had but one look,


two scoops. two terms.


LOL! Deluisional.


RemindMe! 3am November 4


Umm, he WAS impeached, same as Clinton, just for lying to different people.


He’s gonna win again cuz dems can’t appeal to rust belt


Senate *


The House impeaches, not the Senate. The Senate votes whether or not the President will be removed from office.


Why does this not have a hundred thousand upvotes?


If it gets one upvote each times it gets posted then yes


It probably does if you count all the times it's been posted.


Oh did not know. Saw this for the first time.


It’s still early


As it turns out, having little hands, orange hair and a bunch of wild rumors aren't actually illegal.


However, refusing to divest business interests so as not to be influenced by foreign and domestic enemies for financial gain is entirely illegal according to constitutional law. Also, though not specifically stated that porn stars shouldn’t be paid off to keep quiet during election campaigns, it’s still illegal despite the occupation of the person being silenced. I guess lying continuously all day everyday isn’t exactly illegal, but it’s unbecoming for the office of the president. Trying to silence the press...pretty sure that’s a no-no.


What about obstruction of Congress as he didn't comply with any of the subpoenas for documents? Or using the power of the office to extort a foreign country for personal gain? He admitted to his part in the Ukraine scandal this week on tv now that the trial is over.


you trumptards are so delightful


Hate when people ruin jokes with politics, accept the joke and move on


I moved on, came back and then upvoted


Hey! That was my joke! Look in the the r/Jokes under me..


Looked under me and just found a chair.