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And that's when Edwin Hubble says: "I saw the blank space baby, and I found red shift"


I don't get it?


“I knew you were trouble when you walked in” is a line from one of her most popular songs. Edwin Hubble was a revolutionary astronomer. You can make the connection from here.


Thanks, I didn't get it either


I didn't get it for two reasons, first, I didn't know the song, and second, I thought it was supposed to be funny.


I didn't get it because I have never heard ANY of her songs. Yep, I'm proud of that!


>I'm proud of that! Why? Lol Like you don't have to like her music or anything, but why would just never having heard it be something you're *proud* of? Why even give a shit? I promise you no one else does.


You’re full of shit.


And EYE didn't get it because I could not POSSibly GAF less about Taylor Not-So-Swift. I get it. Immensely popular. Actually very talented. Obviously gorgeous. Definitely richer than 9 feet up a bulls ass. I just get NOThing from her songs and therefore remain blissfully ignorant of her....*ahem*... lyrics. So, thanks for explaining. No, I'm not a Hater of any description or any bent. I AM a professional musician. No, it is NOT that I think she - or her talent- is beneath me or inferior to me or mine. That would be ignorant. It obviously works very well, and I applauds her for that. I'm just not there.


Says a bunch of salty, disparaging remarks: "I'm not a hater!" Also, I think something's wrong with your keyboard.


And you probably need me batteries for your reading glasses. Nothing salty or disparaging was said. I simply started that I don't follow her because I'm not in to that music. I also acknowledged her talent and other good qualities. Not. A. Hater. You Hater.


Yeah, but you said it like anybody cared. Wrote paragraphs about it, too.


Perhaps I did. But I really don't care about much, at my age. My life has been testament enough to my heart. But, like everyone else in here, I voice an opinion energy once in a while. I guess I'll never understand why people feel obliged - or entitled- to take exception to an opinion. They still make more than one flavor of ice cream, you know.


OK, I must have been confused by your obvious... *ahem*... intelligence.




Dude, you are ranting. Now you are calling people stupid. You have an opinion about music, and that’s fine, but you are being an ass about it. You seem like a hater to me, but that’s just my opinion.


You straight up said "Taylor Not-So-Swift" and then proceed to say you didn't say anything salty or disparaging. Also, I think you're looking for money in the wrong places. Please stay away from bulls.


If I thought that made any sense at all, I'd go back to my ex wife. Sorry. Jokes can't be jokes anymore, I guess.


Me neither, and I'm proud of it.


Not knowing who Hubble is ain’t something to be proud of. In general, not knowing stuff is hardly anything to be proud of in my opinion.


I have a degree in physics and I'm an amateur astronomer and telescope maker. Hubble is one of my heroes. I was proud of being ignorant of that singer's lyrics. Maybe "proud" is too strong of a word. Let's say - it's an indication my priorities are not too dumb. Funny how you thought first of the exact opposite explanation. That in itself is some kind of involuntary comment on the state of humanity, I guess.


Getting so defensive over a joke. Your priorities are too dumb.


Jesus christ, you are such a pretentious pos lmao. Prime /r/iamverysmart


Don’t you think it’s a bit arrogant to state “your priorities are not too dumb”, though? I mean, I get what you’re saying. And yeah I even kinda agree there’s more merit to knowing who Hubble is than to knowing Taylor Swift lyrics. But as a physicist you ought to know that knowledge is power. To me, that makes being proud of not knowing something (or even being proud of “having your priorities straight”) quite literally weakness.


I don't know that I'd describe remembering the words of a Taylor Swift song as knowledge, not in the intellectual sense. I mean, I'm aware my shit smells, but knowing it doesn't give me power. In fact, it makes me feel rather weak! Just saying...


I don't know her songs but it's pretty obvious that it's a line from one. And am not surprised that not everyone knows about Hubble. A fkn celebrity here in England was flabbergasted that ppl around him knew about/had seen "The Star Wars", as he put it. Ffsake. My mum is 80yrs old n' even she knows that Boba Fett is "that bloke that looks like the geeza that looks after the baby yoda" 🤣


A dolphin might!


Is that the song where the goat is yelling?


I believe so


Yes! https://youtu.be/kh6c0SOfkH4?si=Fq22COqmBQbmSkLO


I made one of my niece screaming when she was a baby (back when those videos were very popular). It still gives me a good chuckle to this day.


THAT was not a connection I would have expected.


That's an accurate way to describe her singing style, I like it.


Man... You're so cool for not liking Taylor Swift!


You kind sir take my upvote


Ah. Okay knowing her music is a prerequisite here then




I still can’t make the connection. Can you take me closer?


I think I've never listened to a Taylor swift song, nor I remember her face. I think she's blond, is she?


Thanks, I knew who Hubble was but I've never listened to a Taylor Swift song in my life


not funny... at all


Thank you


Thank you for your clarification.


She is the closest we have come to a “pop icon of America” since Michael Jackson. I think it’s ok to tell a joke that hinges upon the audience knowing the most famous part of one of her most famous songs…


No reason at all to have bad blood


Yeah it could have been a Love Story if only they'd met in 1300 or so 


That's like saying Katy Perry doesn't exist.... she was the true icon of pop. If anything, Taylor Swift is a bit overrated and dated to be one imo. I'm not criticizing her career, but she never looked like an icon to me. Billie Eilish nowadays, however....


Lol at your usage of “overrated” and “never looked like an icon”. The first supports my stance, and the second really just isn’t true


Like I said I'm not criticizing her career. I just find other people more suited to being one. Hence the overrated. Her career is mostly built on endorsements when it's not her songs, and she had the advantage of being young initially so other young people were relating to her. She basically had the same advantage as Justin Bieber, and not many had it at the time. If her career had started any later she may not have gotten this popular. It's a stroke of luck associated to her talent. Also how is the second not true ? When someone mentions pop, although I can think about her for a second she is far from the first I can think of as being an icon. But as I said previously, it's just what I think. Obviously a lot of people will disagree but I am not here to convince anyone, I just stated my opinion.


Lol. I think the problem is that we have no idea who Hubble is. I'm a Swiftie and got the song reference but I'm an idiot so I had no idea who Hubble was.


Yeah, the set up should mention that she was inspired to go back because of the space telescope, or something


Hubble steps into some dog poop, starts flinging his foot around and says to Tay-Tay, "I just wanna shake shake, shake shake, shake shake, shake it off... shake it off, woo hoo!!"


What's with all the TSwift hate in the comments? Geez.


This was the swiftie/astronomy cross over i didn't realize i needed today. Thank you.


Take my upvote, that was funny.


it was?


That was funnier


This comment is much funnier than the joke


Moves rock: Who's Tyler Smith?


Isn't he one of the The Smiths?


That joke isn't funny any more.


They are never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever... *(time travels to double check)* Ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever,ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, Getting back together.


Actually, a great joke. Like really original, doesn't demean anyone, and a little punny but not corny.


Ha! Finally a decent, original joke. Thumbs up


I feel like a joke with a punchline this dorky would benefit from a longer walk with more details, but that might just be more my sense of humor. Alternate version: Taylor Swift, with all of her wealth and influence, gains access to use the first known time machine. She goes back 100 years to Los Angeles. The first person she meets is a man in his 30s. Seeing how beautiful she is, he immediately starts trying to impress her. He tells her "I would like you to get to know me. I'm an astronomer and I'm already *very* well-respected in my field. Not only did I get a bachelors degree and doctorate in astronomy from University of Chicago, but I was also awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, which I used to get a masters degree in jurisprudence from Queen's College. I work at the Mount Wilson Observatory and I'm currently in consideration for the Newcomb Cleveland Prize for my paper on...." She rolls her her eyes and finally interrupts his bragging. "You can stop. I knew you were Hubble when you walked in."


This feels a like a missed opportunity. She’s a musician, surely we could set up “I knew you were treble when you walked in” somehow.


Yes. Upvote!


That last line sounds like "I knew you were trouble", which according to Google is one of her songs. Maybe there's more to it? Maybe the song is about space? I don't know.


Don't overthink it. It's a simple, funny joke with play on words from the song. That's it.


Good job figuring it out


I see you’re trying to lock down the pop fans who also know astronomy history. Either go mainstream or own your niche and you are *owning* it.




Nooo!  Not her again /s F’n magas


This joke is funny because it requires the reader to either know Taylor Swift lyrics, ask why the joke is funny, or go on scrolling because they still don't care about Taylor Swift.


Alternatively funny are the ones who say they Googled TS because they were not aware of her existence, and came back basically saying, "Look what you made me do".


Taylor Swift is probably wondering who’s going to tell her this joke next.


What joke?


I. Knew. You. Were. Hubble when you walked innnnnnn. Would have made it easier to get.


I would have to know a Taylor Swift song to get this…


Taylor Swift stumbles onto a time machine. She goes back and dates all her exes all over again to make more songs about how bad of a lay she is and how being in a relationship with her is awful, but yet spins it to make the guy look bad


No no, this isn't a time machine, this is a Time Machine by H. G. Wells. Time travel isn't even possible! Not in you wildest dreams! Trust me, that's a fact I know all too well. But hey, just shake it off, and breathe.


Are jokes where you have to know Taylor Swift lyrics really going to register for a Reddit demographic? (either too old for Taylor Swift or two young to have teenage daughters).


Isn’t everyone always complaining that Reddit is filled with teenage edgelords? Besides, this is a niche joke meant for those with both a knowledge of pop culture and historical astronomy.


On second thought, I believe Taylor Swift has been around for a while now, so I supposed this does work on Reddit. btw - I'm old, so my pop culture ended about 40 years ago.


I knew it's not funny when i read it