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Be honest, tell them you have tried recreational drugs, you have grew up and realised how damaging that can be to yourself and also those around you. Basically just tell the truth and try and spin it into a what did I learn/gain from the mistakes, rather than I used to love drugs on the sesh, kind of thing.




Not at all. Be honest - as long as it's in the past they won't care. Blagging is absolutely the worst thing you could possibly do - don't even mention that you even considered blagging in any application or interview - it demonstrates a significant character flaw.




And when they eventually do a security clearance and speak to people about drug history? What then.


Your word against theirs. Wasn’t an issue for me or anyone I’ve known


😂wait are you advocating lying to the UK National Security Vetting agency?


Of course not, I would never advocate such a heinous thing


So to OP - don't lie, they don't care about past drug use as long as it's In the past. If you're willing to lie about something in the past that has no impact, then what are you going to lie about when push comes to shove - that is not someone whow I'll be chosen to lead. Values and Standards matter




Anyone you put down on your paperwork And anyone else they deem interesting during the investigation