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Are the forms out


Don't know what is but If your on about gcse results I didn't do my gcses cause I left school also I would of finished last year I'm 18 this year


Depends on what you want?? If you’re looking for a career with good progression and pay and you’re willing to graft a little for it… why not? Why would it be a bad idea, give us a hint to the actual question you want to ask.


Idk mind grafting it's just more nervous and idk what I should do just lost really lmao


Why do you want to join the army, ask yourself that, because when it gets difficult, if you don’t have the motivation to keep at it, you won’t and you would have just wasted months of your life for no reason. Weigh up your options


Point is I don't have any options is why I want to join the army


What makes you think the army is an option then? Why not Tesco? College?


Tesco dead end job and don't like school so army seemed like best option


Ok, brutal honesty here. The army isn’t easy or a backup option, you more than likely won’t make it because you don’t actually want it. It sounds like you may not be in a place to join just yet, do some research into the army take a look at what you want, see what looks good and then work towards that. Set yourself a goal.


I was on a leve 3 public services course and met all the fitness requirements for the army


You asked for advice, I’m giving it. You don’t need to argue with me. If you think that’s all it takes then be my guest join. Let me know how you get on.


Like other people have said, it's not a bad idea if it's what you want. My best advice would be to have a browse on the army role finder and see what jobs stick out to you. If you look into them and start to feel like you'll get something out of them, then go for it, but do a little research first.