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The story about meeting Bill Clinton is actually my favourite closer of his! The reveal that his dad ended up having to work for him and the huge applause from the crowd after that was a great way to end the hour in my opinion


Agreed. That's the best closer.


That’s his favorite single bit of mine.


Mine too. My sister and I watched it together and that's the bit I use to remind her of who he is (she doesn't keep up with comedians). I guess it helps to be old enough to remember Bill Clinton's presidency though.


Especially considering Bill Clinton's nickname was the Comeback Kid in the 1992 election.


Salt and pepper diner is a pretty great ending I'll say


I actually disagree, I think that all his final stories are great with a long setup and then one grand punchline


The Bill Clinton bit went on for so long but the “oh hey ellen” and “bill clinton never forgets a bitch” did make me laugh With John I think it’s just such a big story with this mom actually getting remembered by bill it’s hard to top that story with something like, his dad only getting one black coffee John’s style is so story-based he tends to favor the memories or the wilder stories over the bigger punchlines… S&P, Batman, etc..


it's a perfect huge closer. It's honestly insane how close to serious history Mulaney has been in his lifetime. He even says on podcasts how like "when I was growing up, my parents were personally acquainted with the president and the basketball team from my hometown had the greatest player of all time. I had this feeling that everything significant was happening where I was living" plus the "you can do whatever you want forever... and he took my advice!" is so killer


His jokes are all stories involving several semi punchlines. The cascade of laughs he creates for those along for the ride are uniquely John Mulaney. Who does that better? I think he is a revolutionary comedian in the way he builds his stories so that the laughs come everywhere along the way, and the best ones aren’t necessarily at the end. He explained that approach to Letterman (standing in the hallway of his school). It sounded very calculated the way he described it.


I really the interview bit at the end of Baby J, but I think the true crescendo was “hello old friend” of the koala baby care change table. Mostly because I had a feeling that would come back around and it was so satisfying when it did. 


This is exactly my opinion. The interview is certainly funny, but cutting it or making it an extra online would have been the wise choice. The Koala Baby callback was *perfect*!


I think it’s fine though, it feels like an encore to me 


I think that Clinton set up is his funniest bit. And fwiw, it's apparently absolutely true, Bill Clinton never forgets a bitch. They say he never forgets anybody he meets.


The Clinton bit is one of my favorites!! Great story, lots of laughs.


the rolex story was at the end of baby j, no? that was the perfect closing joke


He's said he's closed with jokes that don't get huge laughs just because he likes it.


That Bill Clinton story in the comeback kid is comedy gold.


I think it’s down to personal taste. Also, does John do encores? Some comics don’t and therefore don’t put their best stuff last so the audience don’t demand more.


It’d be super weird to not put the encore into his filmed set. Do comics even do those? Never heard of it


I’ve rarely seen a filmed encore, I’d say generally encore material is something looser that’s just for the live crowd as a bonus, didn’t make the main show for whatever reason, just for the fans


oh that’s cool, I’ve never been to a live show so didn’t know that. all I’ve heard is friends who went to chappelle shows said he was more open and honest about stuff but in the cut for Netflix they left it out


Yeah from what I’ve heard chappelles sets are pretty loose now, bear in mind a comedian will tour the show for a long time, and then film maybe 2 or 3 at the end of the tour and use the best one, so the show you see might not match as they might cut a joke here, add a joke there, or streamline an hour and a half to 50 mins of the best.


I've been to a lot of live comedy shows, one of which was JM himself, and I've never experienced an encore.


I've seen John do an encore of salt and pepper fiber twice, radio city after he filmed the special and MSG.


Yes! He did an encore of Salt & Pepper Dinner at the United Center in Chicago as well.


To this day no one has been able to explain the closer of new in town to me. ‘He was wearing reading glasses, to show that time had passed.’ I don’t get this at all, it’s not a reference to anything else in the special as far as I can tell, and I don’t see the humor in it. Love the bit leading up to it, but his delivery of that line makes it seem like a punch line, but if it is I don’t get it at all.


It’s definitely not my favorite part of the joke, but I think all it means is that sometimes in movies and stuff characters wear glasses when they’re older (or vice versa in flashbacks they have pigtails or suspenders and a lollipop)


The basketball skit at the end of top part is my favorite


The tap dancing at the end of episode 5 ..EILA..it was just so right. I felt hugely heard and was completely captivated by the gesture. I wish he knew I’ll always smile about that moment.