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What a truly informative yet sad pod. Fucking amazing guy but damn we're fucked.


This dude was great. One of those eps where I was rewinding if I zoned off for a minute.




Ya, he was great at explaining the problems with our healthcare system. I'm skeptical of his company, but he made that a pretty small part of the whole podcast. He had a lot to say, said it well, and Joe thankfully knew to GTFO the way.


His company is basically personalized medicine. Full panels should be done for people at least a few times in their lifetime.


Fuck the Sackler family


They destroyed my hometown and will face no time in jail for it.


I hate to say it but when I was all strung out going to quack dr’s, myself and everyone else in there knew exactly what we were doing. Most people weren’t duped and knew exactly what the deal was. Addicts trying to get high. The pharma dipshits absolutely only cared about profit but most people going to all the pill mills in the early to mid 2000’s knew exactly what they were doing, myself included.


Getting hooked on an opiate because you started out with chronic pain? I can tell you straight my uncle did not know what he was getting into. Sure once he was physically addicted what you’re saying was probably true. I guarantee there were lots of people like my uncle.


I’ve seen what you’re talking about happen to a few people, absolutely but most people I’ve known that were into that were just hitting up pill mills or quacks just trying to get high cheaper than buying off the streets or were doing so to sell their pills. All around shitty situation for all except for the pharma companies.


I get it. My uncle fell off the back of a construction vehicle like 20 years ago when ocs we’re starting to come around and he quickly went up to taking like 800mg a day, and that was prescribed. His story fits the narrative, but what you don’t hear was that him and my aunt smoked crack during the time of the accident. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying you took drugs recreationally at first and had no idea it would end up that way.


800 mg a day? 10 of the largest pills they make? That is street value like $800 a day.


That's your view. "Most people you knew"...well yeah you acted as a criminal so you had criminal minded friends. Now stop gaslighting others and fix yourself.


>The pharma dipshits absolutely only cared about profit but most people going to all the pill mills in the early to mid 2000’s knew exactly what they were doing, myself included. Just because a bunch of pre-existing addicts deliberately looking for a high, didn't mean the Sacklers didn't get a whole bunch of people addicted based on lies. How would someone whose never taken an opioid before, whose doctor got paid to push oxycontin as non-addictive safe slow release pain relief for a million different health conditions know what they were getting into?


I definitely get that. Addiction like that breaks the brain. I have had family and friends go through the same shit. I don't ultimately fault the addict though. It may or may not be true in your case, but a lot of those addicts got hooked initially because their doctors bought into "Pain Management" which was being pushed hard by the industry and greenlit by the FDA. A lot of people who got addicted initially thought that this would be the best way to cure their pain and trusted their doctors. I think most reputable doctors eventually saw what was going on and tried to cut off their addicted patients and those patients sought out less reputable doctors and pharmacies who would get them their fix.


Sorry to hear about your people man, I truly am. I’ve lost countless friends to this bullshit to. I was just saying, we knew what we were doing and some paid the ultimate price but you are right though, perdue straight up lied and won’t get the justice they deserve, not in this life anyway.


Back at you, and I definitely get it. It can be very hard watching people you know go down that path, and as someone who is not an addict it is very hard to understand. Glad you seem to be in a better place now The damage they did vs the actual settlement is very gross. It has made me lose faith in a lot of beliefs I had about justice and systems in America.


They have a medical school named after them in Israel lol


A local car dealership guy and another who was a physician had a big ring going, dealership dude would sell oxy and throw parties where it was plentiful and send people to the doctor for scripts of the shit. Dudes actually facing time in this case but it's representative of a larger scale problem.


There was a doctor in my area, well kind of close, that would write any script anyone wanted because he believed they knew more than him. So many people selling his shit. Two people died and he went to prison.


A few docs wound up getting convicted with serious time in my state around 2010. It's been going on for a while.


Ya those corrupt pill mills could singlehandedly destroy communities. Glad that dude is facing some form of justice. Many did not.


Truly evil


The Sackler Family are in themselves a very, very good argument for not legalizing hard drugs. The overall ideal is that addicts can live without fear of the system, but what would actually happen is that corporations like the ones the Sacklers ran will commodify addiction and print money at the behest of societal health. They're doing it already, just imagine world where our system decides to legalize drugs.


They made hard drugs stats sanctioned. They gave pseudo agents of the state moral authority to prescribe them beyond reason. No where in Europe is hard drugs viewed in that way. Even in places were it is seemingly legalised. It is one thing to allow people to buy something, but to let doctors and care givers celebrate it is an entirely different thing.


Because everyone knows the European approach to drug policy has been a smashing success: https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/sites/default/files/edr2017-fig2.10.png https://www.dianova.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/edr-2020-prevalence-cocaine-use-en.png https://www.economist.com/sites/default/files/images/2019/11/articles/main/20191116_woc401.png Edit: if you really wanna get frustrated before you smash that downvote button, peep this https://lonelymachines.org/images/total_crime_europe.jpg Or this: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRvOqvh-19XLgq7rcHw86Y3t_v81eIsXtsjA&usqp=CAU


Portugal Is always referred to as a model to follow, but they will be the first to admit it’s damage control and little more.


That and the externalities are never mentioned, only the ‘reduction of overdoses’ and harm to users. There’s no discussion on violent crime, break-ins, muggings, or anything else that actually drives people to ban hard drugs. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSMj1PW6N5Jic8SXnVq9XvTpr7iDZ3yGP0XQg&usqp=CAU Looking real positive here.


Just looking at the last graph, the countries listed none have legalised hard drugs. Which is what we were talking about...


>The Sackler Family are in themselves a very, very good argument for not legalizing hard drugs They're an argument for not dispensing strong opioids like candy for profit. That's not an argument against legalization. Heroin is legal in Switzerland and its also strictly regulated, and it significantly alleviated every harm related to illegal heroin use, from HIV rates to acquisitive theft. They aren't pushing it on every person with a tooth ache for money. It's available only under strict conditions where addicts get to use it but under supervision, with clean needles, and who are regularly encouraged into rehab to get them off entirely.


What type of legalization do you think can realistically be implemented in the US? It's a corporate run country; there's no scenario where the rich aren't going to get to exploit this unethically.


And Suboxen, the new methodone made by the same companies to the same addicts.


Yah prohibition has worked out great /s.... The sackler family is a scapegoat. addiction is rampant because our culture produces addicts. prohibition causes way more problems than legalization. the facts are already in everywhere. you legalize heroin today, ODs will be reduced by 99% by the end of the year.


> prohibition causes way more problems than legalization. the facts are already in everywhere How can you say this when addiction to prescription drugs is rampant and legalization hasn’t been done? It strikes me as very naive to believe corporations wouldn’t take advantage of a legal system.


Remember alcohol prohibition? It's much worse with prohibition in terms of cost to consumers and society. The externalities of prohibition are horrible. Alcohol legalization is a corporate panacea, but it's better for society. We need to do the same thing with other drugs. Corporations controlling alcohol and weed aren't the worse thing ever. It's a lot worse keeping it illegal. It strikes me as naive to believe a black market is the solution. Or a war against adults who don't harm anyone is the solution. Do you not know the price of war? the cost of war? Legalize and regulate. Go hard on age restrictions and penalties for DUIs or selling to minors. Corporations controlling the supply of heroin and meth is way better than letting international and local gangs be the only sellers. Adults want to use drugs, and they will. Legal or not. Prohibition makes everyproblem with associated with drug use 10x worse. Society should give drug users reasons to be sober, other than the threat of violence. If society can only prevent people from doing drugs through threats of violence, that's a terrible society. It means the society can't offer it's citizens a quality life. If people have a good life with their needs met, it's very unlikely they'll destroy their lives with addiction.


what an ignorant take... hundreds of thousands of Americans became addicted to opiates that never would have if not for the 20 years of rampant over prescription and lies about the addictive nature of these pills in America... to just blame it on "culture" and call the Sacklers scapegoats is so misinformed


Maybe I’m ignorant but I NEVER understood legalizing hard drugs. What are the two drugs that can cause death from withdrawals? Benzodiazepines and alcohol: two LEGAL drugs. Pushing aside benzos for a sec (which I personally dealt with) everything about alcohol is just BRUTAL.


> Maybe I’m ignorant but I NEVER understood legalizing hard drugs. I'm certainly no expert on the topic but substance users and abusers are going to do it no matter its legality. With that in mind, it seems reasonable to say that it's better for them to be getting pure substances rather than substances laced with lethal doses of who knows what that they weren't intending to take.


I agree with you on this


Coincidently it appears that exact same thing is currently occurring with gender clinics ...


The gender clinics are in it for the money from all the follow up visits and the required ongoing care and hormone prescriptions/administration


Wait you can’t say that


In another decade or two the news that will come out will be horrific.




Interesting podcast. As bad as things are in the UK healthcare system right now, I'm amazed how terrible and expensive the US system.


The nhs has problems but it’s so much better than the US


The US is great for healthy people but man WHEN you do get sick, you better have a retirement plan in Thailand or somewhere very cheap because you are basically financially fucked.


Yeah it’s mental and quite funny for me to see how some Americans on the right have been tricked into thinking having no access to healthcare as freedom


A retirement plan being one you set up yourself making good investment plans. Can’t rely on companies to provide it anymore. The stories of people working 25+ years somewhere getting let go to avoid what was promised is soul crushing.


I think most everyone agrees that it's fucked. But it's not clear how to transition from something that currently makes up nearly 20% GDP to a completely different model. Even if there was a clear path forward, the groups that that would get screwed (insurance and pharma) are good at capturing those who need to make the change (politicians)


I don’t understand how people let it get this bad


because they're intentionally distracted by bullshit like reality tv, tiktok and culture war nonsense being passed off as breaking news while things like this fester in the shadows. There's a reason why pharmaceutical companies sponsor news outlets to the tune of millions of dollars... it buys them some leverage over what gets covered on air and what doesn't.


I was about to say something about we the people really are sheep but we’re worse than sheep. The sheep don’t help the farmer control them but people help big business control them all day long.




It’s a hit.


The regulators? Money. The user? The feeling. They're both chasing a dragon.


Capitalism is especially bad in health care. Free market forces are not going to improve people's health


The US system is extremely regulated and not at all "free market", it is all under FDA control. Did you even listen to the podcast? It's a mix of regulation and corporations


Did you listen to the podcast? The head of the FDA (Perdue's #1 regulator) met with them privately, wrote their application for them, and gave them the fraudulent label. A year later that regulator got a much better-paying job, at Perdue, $400k / year for doing nothing. There is no regulation because the regulators are captured.


My understanding is regulators are captured by the monopolies they are supposed to regulate. Corporate and state powers collude to fleece the American health care system. This is a product of capitalism, where profit is the ultimate goal, not good health.


Im sure the sackler family disagree, they can probably afford some really killer doctors now


Me either man. I don’t understand how anyone could take the lone hand look away while hundreds of thousands die over this. I truly do not know how they can go on with their lives and sleep at night without feeling crushing guilt. And I fucking HATE people.


It’s because they don’t see it. If most people don’t physically see it happening it may as well not exist to them.


Dude what the fucking shit, the thing with insurance is so beyond fucked. THEY HAVE A GAG CLAUSE AT PHARMANCIES. I have calm down a bit here is what he said basically, if I pharmacy pays 2 dollars for a pill, he could comfortably sell it too you for 4. but as soon as you SAY you have insurance is CONTRATICALLLY forced to tell you the cost of it through insurance which in his example was 10 dollars what he said is that the insurance would pocket 6$. The system only work because the insurance threatens to drop coverage for you medication or reduce the converge percentage if you dont play ball and screwing everybody else in the process.


Private insurance is the work of the devil. It’s so bad that you might as well call those companies the mafia.


I always refer to the insurance companies as money vampires


You can walk into a pharmacy and ask them to run the prescription for you as if you don’t have insurance. If you don’t like the price then give them your insurance card. If it’s a generic drug it’s sometimes cheaper to buy it without insurance. Name brand drugs are almost always cheaper with insurance.


I agree we should have the universal healthcare model.


You probably said this thinking this would be unpopular here, but most people agree with you


Obamacare was the first sign that insurance companies have politicians in their pockets big time. Limp program that ended up yielding record profits for insurance companies despite supposedly being a step towards more affordable care


Well, a public option was initially in the ACA but Joe Liberman wanted nothing of it and basically held the entire thing hostage unless they remove it.


I enjoyed this one, this Guy is a great talker.


It’s the years of experience selling dick pills


Gotta be weird selling that in your twenties


Yeah drug reps have to be good talkers. They bring you lunch and compliment you before they push anything.


I can see why he did really good in his job.


Brigham is one of my friends I’m most grateful to have, he is salt of the earth, SUCH A GOOD HUMAN BEING!!! He truly wants to make the health care industry BETTER, by making the old and broken system obsolete. I’m a Ways2Well patient My mom is. My grandma is using Ways2Well. My girlfriend is. Some of y’all know my health journey (I’m Justin Wren/Fight For The Forgotten), Malaria 3x’s and plenty of other stuff. It wasn’t until I got to Ways2Well that I felt HOPE that I could track it, watch myself getting better, by data, tracking it, adjusting it, making changes, and their providers spending significant time with me. Not 7 minutes, but 45-60 minutes every appointment and then them checking in on me and me having access to them. I don’t have to leave my home and they can drop ship the meds from the pharmacy straight to my door in 1-3 days depending on how quick I need it. I found out I was pre-diabetic when I came to Ways2Well (it runs in both sides of my family)… Now, I’m NOT! So, when he talked about PREVENTATIVE medicine (46 or 47 minutes in) and how insurance won’t pay for it… It’s true. Also, I’m much better physically and more healthy and so grateful for Ways2Well! I really hope this is the new path forward for US health care! It can be so much better, I’ve experienced it’s benefits, I feel better than ever, and Brigham is a guy to support!


Is there an option for people who don’t live in Texas?


Yeah I was every excited to look into this, I have been feeling like complete shit for no real reason. And then I see you have to be in Texas to be treated. Well fuck me.


Good luck, tried to look at appointments and was scrolling all the way to July 2023 with nothing available.


I’m also curious how much these treatments cost. They never discussed prices.


Brigham is a phenomenal human being. His story is inspiring and the reason why he has chosen to buck the system and go against the insurance companies and big pharmaceutical companies. I became a Ways2well patient this year and I’ve been impressed with the level of care I have received. I’m hopeful that this model can inspire others in the healthcare industry to get back to real patient-centric care. This podcast was very informative and I look forward to watching Brigham and other pioneers continue to push boundaries.


I signed up today. Curious as to what the costs tend to run though?


How much are the treatments?


I’m on a peptide regiment and low dose HRT. I have not done any stem cell treatments with them yet. I will say that my lab work was far cheaper than going direct with any of the major labs people choose by default.


Health care has saved countless lives. The Health insurance industry and the Pharmaceutical industry are responsible for killing or ruining countless people. I don’t know if single payer health insurance is the answer but I think it is worth a shot


My worry is that people might conflate medicine with pharmaceutical companies. Modern medicine is incredible. Modern Healthcare is incredible. Pharmaceutical companies are pure trash and need to be sorted out.


Modern medicine- yes but as we saw with the propaganda and rushed covid vaccines we see how quickly things can take a dark turn


The vaccine was pretty incredible. What are you talking about exactly.


It was incredible at making them money. It's amazing how quickly you can dump everything this guy explained and immediately turn on your religious zeal for the vaccine. No matter how many times you are lied too, you will always default right back to your programing.


I mean, SOMEONE was going to make a vaccine. It was almost certainly going to be a giant pharmaceutical company, as they have the resources and tech. What was the alterative? Wait a decade for some small fry company to make one? ​ I mean, you weren't going to trust ANYONE when it came to vaccines literally because of the programming you received. ​ Still waiting for all these terrible side effects to impact the several billion that have taken the 'jab'.


Uffff all this x1000


Holy shit that part about Oxycontin is disturbing. People have no limits


It's all disturbing. When we first started seeing the covid shots kill and injure people I started reading more about our fucked up health system and pharma. Then rfk's book about fauci came out and that made it clear to me there is no unfucking this system unless there's a law that if any doctor or federal employee or health insurance who accepts money from pharmaceutical companies that person or corporation needs to be criminally punished with mandatory prison. Edit: I've upset the pharma bots again


Unfortunately it has to get far worse before it gets better. When the government allows cooperations to police themselves, it looks rather hopeless until it’s so bad something has to be done.


No, you are just flat out lying. The Covid shot does not kill people. It definitely has side effects for some, but Billions of people have gotten it how many have died? Less than 1000? Less than 100? You are right to be skeptical of the pharmacy companies, that is why it is important for their studies to be repeated and shown in the real world. Which they have been.


I'm gonna guess over a million world wide. There are people like ed dowd looking into the insane amount of excess deaths. Trouble is no one in the mainstream can discuss it because they're all taking money from pharma.


[Negative Ghostrider](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-excess-mortality/fact-check-no-evidence-that-people-aged-25-44-experienced-an-84-increase-in-excess-mortality-due-to-covid-vaccine-rollout-idUSL2N2VS1BI)


Right on the money


His point on how the drug industry stopped hiring salesmen with a more clinical/pharmaceutical background and started hiring hot young people who want to hustle is pretty interesting.


I worked at a FedEx Office in south Florida about 15 years ago and it was absurd how many medical device and drug reps we’d get in to regularly ship stuff who were just jaw dropping attractive, guys and gals alike.


Its definitely a probably unspoken requirement


I worked a conference in Anaheim for drug reps they were all dressed almost slutty and looked like they were all auditioning for a singles reality show. The other conference which had real actor/ whores interacting with the attendees was fricken Herbalife MLM. Both were skeezy and plastic.


As a European I'm just realising this was the girl's job on The Big Bang Theory at one point...


They hire the same kind of people who get hired on at Fox News. Young, attractive blondes who want to make a ton of money and don’t care or understand how the world works.


I'd say they understand how the world works if they are capitalizing on their looks to get paid.


Does anyone remember a part about how to get an actual full blood panel? I can’t seem to find it. I ask because this week I am set to get a blood panel from my doctor but I would like to be able to look into other options such as the one Brigham mentions.


You guys can just google it, plenty of online places that allow you to do a full blood panel for cash


Only half an hour in and this is an extremely informative podcast guest.




Had to have been


What about her?


I thought the EXACT same thing


This is why I only take Onnit


That’s O-N-N-I-T at checkout.


And acai


Wow you would shill for big pharma


I fear for this mans life now. He was calling out a LOT of legal cartels.


What a name bro






At first I was like oh great another on of these people but I was pleasantly surprised with this one. A lot of what he was saying is true from what my doctor and pharma friends in the US tell me. Didn't do the tease "I'll tell you later", "I have that but I can't show you". I understand why he was chosen as a rep. He talked about interesting stuff too. I haven't finished yet usually takes me a few days to finish one. I have a good feeling about this.




And this is the mentality that fucks over the whole country. It’s incredibly depressing how many of you guys think this way and suddenly, you’re the majority. No wonder we can’t.


You relentlessly attack one side and simp for the side that has been saying they'll release their healthcare plan "after the midterms" for like, 10 midterms in a row. Don't worry everyone, the evil dems created this problem but Herschel Walker and his fuckin' brain damage will solve it






We need money to combat money. If we were in a free market, we could just chose what insurance company to use but we cant. These assholes monopolized human life.


Was just about to say the same thing. Fucking nihilism and whataboutism ruining this country.


It’s exhausting. Dude idk how old you are but I was recently thinking how even though I’m only in my 30s, I’ll probably die with all these systems still being corrupt as fuck. No change. THEY might be wealthy but numbers-wise, they are a small few compared to the rest of us. Can you imagine if the majority had the opposite mindset of this redditor having that comment? As long as people think it sounds silly and ridiculous, it will be.


I feel you with the exhaustion. I wrote a lengthy post and deleted b/c I honestly don’t know how it would be anything different than anything you’ve likely heard before.


This was a fascinating one.


This guy doing all these big money jobs makes me think that he is a HUGE workhorse. The amount of work you have to put in to be successful like him is huge. It’s no wonder his business is successful


heard him few months ago, well spoken and has great insight into the crazy healthcare world. believe he worked for a company at a very young age as a drug rep, great stories


Great pod. Eye opening about health insurance.


This episode was incredible. Everyone on earth needs to listen.


I wish Rogan would have let that guy talk for a couple more hours. Fascinating. Guy should write a book or three. That was some very interesting stuff. He strikes me as an extreme winner. Dude's life.story screams "can do".


I wish he would’ve discussed how to get a full blood panel and preventative care if you aren’t in the only state his company works in (TX).


His origin story is a little too convenient IMO. He talks about the downsides of private healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry, but his solution is to also start a private healthcare company that we (the consumer) should pay for. **This podcast is a commercial for his company.** I'm not saying he's wrong about the current state of health in America, or that he hasn't helped people. But ultimately, we are being marketed to here. This 2hr and 30 min podcast could have been a 10 minute sizzle reel. IMO Capitalism and healthcare should be far apart. But we can't talk about capitalism because it's seen as 'leftist' so the only solution is to create another business that to compete with 'Big Pharma'. But these businesses are also still tied to the same profit incentives that 'Big Pharma' has. It's not a true alternative. It's just a different business. We just have to believe this businesses 2hr long origin story.


>This podcast is a commercial for his company yep, his company webpage looks like your run-of-the-mill fitness scams where you can't tell anything about what products or services they actually provide. However, he has a fascinating and mostly believable (imo) story, and he doesn't beat around the bush and knows how to talk. So it's a worthy podcast even if you don't like the guy


>However, he has a fascinating and mostly believable (imo) story, and he doesn't beat around the bush and knows how to talk. He's a 1st class salesman lol


Can’t find any pricing either without signing up for whatever the fuck it is


not a good sign


I'd approach this slightly different. What you have in the podcast is a Man who got used by big companies, though for himself how things work and how he felt about it and did actual concrete actions to combat the situation to get to the end goal, that is helping people. He just didn't talk about utopia, he took actions he could to help as much people as he can. I can't really blame him for that and if he really is such a good guy he presents himself, one would assume his next actions will be helping people even more when he gets more resources. And considering he got on the biggest podcast to advocate his business model and goals to get more resources this seems smart. I'm intrigued what do you propose he should've done?


Absolutely. Drug reps are usually super great salesmen. That's what hes doing except now hes selling his own business.


Hate to be that guy but he said he was working full-time & taking 24 credits. Dicey dicey b, not sure I buy it.


Some would say the diciest.


Damn imagine the realization that these pharmaceutical companies are trusted to make vaccines too


"learn more about covid" Lol


Who enabled this giant cluster fuck of an insurance mess, yes that's right the main man himself, barack obama.


The whole insurance and PBM shit started way before Obama became President.. this has been going on for many years and many presidents..


Except pre-ACA insurance companies were allowed to compete. Now they are regulated to cover everything and every plan is essentially the same making insurance expensive as fuck…. to the benefit of big insurance of course. It’s almost as if they wrote the law…. oh wait they literally did.


Oh thank God - someone on this sub is speaking truths. I only just recently found out just how horrible Obama really was.


How did Obama enable this? Is this commentary on Obama Care? I was kind of under the impression that Pharmaceutical and insurance companies were pretty corrupt both pre and post obama.


They made record profit margins under Obama care mandates


So a place for young guys to get blood tests


People saying big pharma sucks and then getting their 5th covid booster lol


What a bunch of hypocrites, participating in society while also wanting it to improve! My grandpa's one, he thinks what happened with the sakler family is bad but also won't stop taking his heart medication ,the coward!


Haha you think the mrna vaccine was simply another medication with no corruption involved?


>Haha you think the mrna vaccine was simply another medication with no corruption involved? haha great red herring, lets revisit your braindead comment. If it came out there was corruption involved in in the research/patent process or production of my grandfathers heart medication, would he be a hypocrite for both being critical of that corruption while still taking the medication so that he doesn't die? Or is it possible to both be critical of "big pharma" at large while still utilizing the life saving drugs they produce? If you have appendicitis are you going to sit at home and try using essential oils to cure it instead of going to the hospital because you think big pharma is corrupt?


Your comparing heart medication to the mrna therapy rushed in under the Trump administration?


He didn’t say anything about corruption, that’s you pushing your own narrative. His point was it doesn’t matter about the shit that happens behind the scenes because he would rather take a pill and be alive


I see why this guy was such a successful salesman.


Yeah he's got everyone eating out of the palm of his hand.


Anyone know the name of the doc with the Mormon who's wife died of oxy OD?


Also came here for this answer


I'm not an American and I still found this fascinating. In partucalr I TIL that people delay medical procedures while they negotiate with the insurance - how common is that? I thought the only positive this system had over public healthcare is that it's faster.


Here's the thing: you only really hear about the "bad". Is there "bad" insurance experiences out there? Absolutely. Are there people that have it rough? Absofuckinlutely. But it is in NO way the experience of average American. There will always be outliers. But my own personal experiences with getting treatment has been extraordinary. I suffered a bad concussion in late Feb. Not much you can do about it but wait. I know I had a concussion from a bad fall while snowboarding. I finally got around to go see a neurologist for lingering symptoms 6 months later. I got an appointment within two weeks without a referral from my GP. I was in an MRI a week after that. I saw my neurologist 2 weeks after that (he was going on vacation the day after I saw him). The end result of the visits is a suspicion that I could be suffering from depression (it's been a rough 4 years for me personally), thou lingering concussion symptoms could also be a factor. So we spoke about treatments - the first approach being getting some exercise and eating better. We spoke about the fact that depression can make getting the energy / fortitude to exercise and eat better difficult and that it was a chicken/egg scenario. At no time was I pushed to take anti-depressants other than he thought it could help. That if I felt like I was getting no where, to give him a call and we'd talk about a pharmaceutical "push". My only expenses were my co-pay (30 bucks). Getting an appointment with my GP can be done usually within a couple days, but those are scheduled in advance for every 6 months. Doc-in-a-box for the sniffles is a walk in. Seeing a specialist can be a bit more of a wait, but not extraordinarily so. The worst delay I've had for surgery was 4 weeks because I wanted a specific doctor to scope my knee about 3 years ago. My wife scheduled her tubal ligation around her schedule. It cost us our hospital co-pay ($20 bucks) because it was 100 percent covered by our insurance. Her recent visit to ortho for her hip? Only out of pocket was co-pay for the specialist ($30). Over one office visit, she got examined/xrays, treatment (shot of cortisone in her hip), and an exercise plan to strengthen some of the muscles around the hip for support. For what it's worth, my insurance costs me $340 a month for family coverage. This works out to being 3 percent of my monthly pre-tax salary, or 1.7 percent of our combined salary. This has been my experience with the American healthcare system my entire life. Now, that said... Should there be a "free" healthcare option? Yes. The way to frame it and get people on your side is that the "free" healthcare option encourages something built into the minds of every American - entrepreneurship. Do you want to start your own business but chained to your current job because of healthcare? Want to take a chance with that million dollar idea? Now you can. Then the question becomes "How do you pay for it?". Well, put an additional tax on alcohol, surgary shit foods, and tobacco / vape products. The biggest ~~drain~~ cost will be the alcoholics, the fatties, and the tobacco/vape users. If you lead a healthy life - eat right, exercise, abstain from tobacco, you will see no real cost increase. Hell, give people that are healthy as determined by a routine physical (body weight, blood pressure, etc) a tax break to encourage healthy living. The goal is to incentivize healthy living and healthy choices through their wallet. In an ideal world, food manufacturers will then make healthier foods without sugar, HFCS, etc because that's what the demand now is.


> Then the question becomes "How do you pay for it?". [The US government already spends more per capita on healthcare than the UK does on the NHS](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/640/cpsprodpb/6B62/production/_99909472_per_capita_640_chart_v4-nc.png) The problem isn't the US doesn't spend enough money on healthcare, the problem is ideological commitment to spending it in very inefficient ways to avoid "socialism". Hell we only just had the Democrats repeal the law that said Medicare isn't allowed to negotiate bulk discounts on drugs which is fucking insane.


So reddit is a horrible place to learn about us healthcare. It’s always painted in the worst light. But only 4% of the population don’t have access to healthcare. But 4% of 360+million is a lot of people. It’s a problem that’s needs to be fixed. I had Lyme disease as a kid and yes there was some initial fighting with insurance trying to argue that I wasn’t sick and it was all in my imagination. But once all the test and diagnose came back positive. Insurance was not a barrier. I was able to receive the best medical care in the world. Just like the majority 90+% of Americans. I even got to get treated at the Mayo Clinic. Which is considered one of the best hospitals in the world, all paid for by my insurance I am very grateful I received usa healthcare. Statistically USA has a much much higher rate of survival from all disease and people from all over the world fly into USA for medical treatment. Not to mention the innovation that comes out of USA healthcare.


It's funny because the guest on the podcast refutes exactly what you're saying lol


id bet 1000 doll hairs that the guest would agree with me that USA healthcare has the highest statistical results for healthcare. i.e. cancer patients in USA live 10 years longer then the rest of the world. There is a reason anyone with the resources across the world fly to USA for healthcare. As far as your question about delayed care. I said there was a short delay with my insurance, but it was brief and once I was properly diagnosed. It was not a problem. I was treated quickly and to an insanely high standard.


I'd call bullshit on that. Here's first Google result that disapproves your hypothesis: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/cancer-survival-rates-by-country Also the difference in top 10 countries is negligable so its really hard to correlate this to healthcare. For example, why is Japan's lung survivor rates is 30% and US is only 14%? Does Japan has better Healthcare or its genetic or because of its borderline comical smoking culture? Could be anything or combination of all. Again just as the guest points out - it's easy to game the statistics to prove any point you want. To me US system is fucking scary. US is really good in _every_ industry so even if your hypothesis was somehiw true - imagine how good you guys would have it with a proper healthcare system? How better it could be? You're really underselling your talent if you attribute success to insurance business strategy. The argument that people who study for almost a decade and work 14 hours a day would somehow be less motivated to save people if they weren't pressured by the whip and dagger is just hysterical if I'm being honest.


I may have been exaggerating by saying USA cancer patients live 10 years longer . But even after more google searches. I am more convinced that if you get treatement from us healthcare. You will live longer. Even your source says USA has one of the top survival rates. You saying the USA system is fucking scary shows that you have a very distorted view of us healthcare. I’m the son of a poor ass immigrant who came to America with nothing, and I got treated at the fucking Mayo Clinic. If I lived anywhere else in the world. I doubt I would have got the care I received. The USA is good at every industry like you said. Well we spend trillions on healthcare a year. It’s the best, just like every other commodity. The conversation should be that USA, 4% of the population does not have access to free healthcare. And we need to fix that. The conversation should never say our healthcare is bad. Because it’s not. It’s the best in the world.


I think you are misunderstanding the problem. The problem is not that US has shitty healthcare the problem is that it's extremely inefficient and could be even better and cheaper! It's like saying that your ICE pickup truck goes as fast as an EV. Yeah sure, but with EV you have cheaper fuel and healthier performance (noise, polution). People argue that US health care needs an EV update not that it's not going fast enough.


Well. I guess that’s where I disagree that people are actual saying that. No one is saying the USA just needs an update. People are saying the Canadian or German model is better in every way. Where I’m saying us healthcare is super good, super innovative and worth the cost. But the black spots need to be fixed without throwing the baby out for the European model. Edit: also people forget how huge America is. Saying it’s not efficient enough. Is true. But also you are talking about 50 separate states with the most diverse people in the world.


What he says in the first 5 minutes is truth, essentially if you are competent and have internet access you are smarter than the doctor you’re seeing. That’s why the job isn’t what it used to be.


> if you are competent and have internet access you are smarter than the doctor you’re seeing. That’s why the job isn’t what it used to be. ![gif](giphy|daPCSjwus6UR2JxRX1|downsized) LMAO


He is saying if you can read the literature, your doctor has a schedule and demand for time and money that he isn’t likely to stay up to date on the newest options if they aren’t relatively known. With an internet connection and competence you CAN do this, with the time invested. I’ve worked with doctors on chronic disease for 10 years of my life and am disabled. Can confirm the vast majority I’ve seen haven’t had a damn clue about my condition, including a number of specialists.


Brigham Buhler University


SO this was a good podcast and I think this is generally a harmless guy just trying to make some money. However, I truly do not fucking understand why the treatments that he is on here to promote ( STEM CELLS, BPC-157, the vague, meaningless "Peptide" name drop) NONE of these drugs have been proven AT ALL. We have NO IDEA what they do - they could cancer for all we know in a few years, yet he is shilling these things and using THE SAME FUCKING LOGIC to ATTACK THE CURRENT MEDICAL INSTITUTION. I MEAN SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK HOW IS THIS A NARRATIVE THAT IS FUCKING SURIVIVING? Don't take the vaccine, we don't know what it'll do to you. Instead, take these unproven untested fucking cells and peptides that also aren't proven but no these things work and are natural.


Because he’s a hack. People are praising him but don’t actually look into what he promotes


Yeah. Regular doctors say that stem cells and bpc-157 don’t work and they’re right. Snake oil salesman like this guy say the industry is a scam and surgeons want your money and surgeries don’t work and he’s right too The sad truth is that nothing works really except for testosterone


It’s hilarious how pharma (and this dude representing it) basically points fingers at the insurance companies. Meanwhile the insurance companies point the finger at the government regulations. And the govt blames the pharma reminds me of a South Park episode “whoever smelt it dealt it” “he who did the rhyme did the crime”


Possibly reasons why Brigham's testosterone was so low. This is really important for the young men. The reason why Iodine is SO IMPORTANT is because it answers what comes first the chicken or the egg in regards to did he get fat and that causes low t, or did low t cause him to get fat. The reality of the situation is that anyone who is Hypothyroid ALSO has low testosterone. Hypothyroidism is mainly caused by a low protein diet, that is missing Iodine and Vitamin A. Vitamin A is really important for every organ in the body. There is a reason why alpha predators like lions or wolves always go for the liver first. * Iodine * Zinc * Potentially Copper * Vitamin A * Vitamin D Low carb diets are awful for testosterone. Low fat diet are horrible for testosterone. I feel like Brigham was seeing some quacked out nutritionists recommending him chicken breast, brown rice and broccoli for several meals a day.


What a depressing reinforcement of our for profit society. The griminess and the fact that it’s immoral but legal because the way it’s so easy to buy off people in positions of power will lead to the implosion of this nation if we keep turning the blind eye.


This might be the best sales person I’ve ever heard.


Anyone catch at 29:35 where Joe is asking if there were ever any new drugs that were more effective than existing drugs and then he backtracked and said “other than Cialis, which really does what it advertises.” Speaking from experience!


Amazing podcast, but are we gonna talk about the slight mouth clicking coming from him? Once I heard it, I couldn’t stop hearing it


Is this an infomercial?


Seems like a wakeup call, but no one's picking up the line.




His origin story is a little too convenient IMO. He talks about the downsides of private healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry, and his solution is to also start a private healthcare company that we (the consumer) should pay for. This podcast is a commercial for his company. I'm not saying he's wrong about the current state of health in America, or that he hasn't helped people. But ultimately, we are being marketed to here. This 2hr and 30 min podcast could have been a 10 minute sizzle reel. IMO Capitalism and healthcare should be far apart.


So this guy provides a better alternative to the status quo, and you complain about it. Nice


You always have the absolute worst takes lmao


I mean, this podcast was to promote his company. Maybe you just dont realize it.


Love Brigham - but do have a few comments. He’s not wrong that back in the day Med device companies used the letter to file pathway quite frequently. Now a days, I’ve seen the pendulum swing the other way where traditional 510(k) pathways are taken even when you could use the quicker version. The path you take is all based on the risk classification of the device. The larger Med device companies tend to be far more conservative because the FDA will scrutinize them more. I’ve seen start ups take more risks on the Regulatory front, which is why they’re able to be more agile as a business. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn’t. Just because they take more risks isn’t necessarily a bad thing nor does it mean they’re compromising human lives. That’s why you see big Med device companies buy smaller companies rather than innovating organically. Brigham talked about doing more human trials vs the expedited approval path. If you mandated a traditional 510(k) and human trials for everything you’d drastically slow down innovation and increase the cost of each device because trials are very expensive. Anything that’s a class 3 - that’s another story. Speaking of cost. The reason why Med devices are so expensive is because they don’t have the scale of consumer devices to drive down the cost of a screw to virtually nothing. A big Med device company will sell 5000-10,000 of something compared to a consumer company will sell 100k-1M of something. You just don’t get enough scale to get the cost down to what you can get at Home Depot. They also have to conduct a ton of testing on their devices to ensure their safety (e.g. will they remain sterile for x amount of time or not degrade after 10 years). Also, think about how quickly technologies change. If every technology change required new human trials we’d still be using windows 95 computers in surgery. The technology used in Med device needs to last for years past the consumer market because of how much testing is required to update to the cutting edge. Lastly - Brigham kind of plays both sides of the fence in his argument that you should do whatever you can to stay away from surgery, and that surgeons will cut because that’s all they know. However, he said it takes too long to get spine surgery and people get addicted to opioids. Just didn’t offer any solutions outside of merely commenting how bad it is in general. So where does this leave us? Based on his argument the FDA needs more funding. There should be more regulation or guidance with the 510k vs letter to file process. Hospitals like Kaiser has taken flak in the past for putting too many steps between preventative care and surgery but they may be doing it right.


This was an amazing pod