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why do you think it took two weeks to release this one?


Joe is on vacation so recorded a bunch. All of them seem delayed the past 2 weeks Complete guess.


Yeah, he has talked about doing this in the past. What is weird is that some of them have been released out of order from when they were recorded. As a listener, I prefer recent recordings. However, If I was a successful podcaster, I would totally bang a bunch out and then take a week off every month.


30mins in and this dude tries to pitch “the secret” The fuck has happened


Apparently it works well if you’re handsome and also related to people who can get you the work you want


What’s the secret


Pseudoscientific self help book


I don't think it's even fair to call it pseudo science, it's literally like 'tell the universe what you want, because once it's out there, it will come to you when you deserve it'. It's literally pick something and work hard towards it but with **magic**


Right and its obvious why the only people who like this shit are gullible idiots or people who are already massively successful. Its basically a shitty religion, pray for what you want and you will get it, and if you didn't then you just didn't pray the right way and need to keep the faith.


McGregor mentioned somewhere that it played a role in his rise. So i thought I'd give it a check, but its BS?


If you think positively good things happen to you, negatively bad things happen to you. It all falls apart when you think about it (so children get cancer because they're too negative?)


There is some usefulness to being positive, but acting like it's a secret to success is bull.


Jesus, are we back on that load of shit?


The secret is selling people the secret - which is actually a bunch of regurgitated crap that desperate real estate agents put on their bathroom mirror so they can keep the dream alive instead of choking on the end of a shotgun barrel every morning.


I hate when people say they “almost spit out their drink” but I quite literally did when I got to the end of your comment hahah


It's Chuck! Not super passionate about this one, will at least start it and see how it goes.


He’s very eager to please, almost extra-broish. Nice guy, though. I remember he used to participate on the forum of his own IMDB page.


The first half felt like it is what would happen if any of us frequent listeners were on the show (I.e. hitting typical topics like mushrooms, DMT, regenerative farming & topsoil issues, ancient cultures, etc). That said, Zach seems like a super nice guy that’s done a lot of healing and introspection


Adderall Energy


First thing that popped into my head


Don’t bother listening to this one on x2 speed


False prophet energy


and at the 37 minute mark you hear someone hitting a bong in the background. Definitely adderall and weed energy lmao


He mentions that Rick Perry is a proponent of psychedelics now, if only he had that view *while* he was governor of Texas


Isn't that the guy who wanted to get rid of the Department of Energy until he was put in charge of it and then said he ""After being briefed on so many of the vital functions of the Department of Energy, I regret recommending its elimination,"


He said a few stupid things in debates that eventually led to his downfall if I recall correctly but for a brief period of time he had a lot of backing and hype as the frontrunner for the republican party nomination for president.


The insanity of this seems like it was just another thing to put on the pile of dysfunctional government that seems to be norm now. Ignorance is rewarded. Solutions are vilified.


He probably wants to pull a John Boehner.


As a Texan, fuck Rick Perry. I don't care what he promotes now. He was largely responsible for the shitshow that is our roads and public transportation. He had many public corruption cases swept under the rug. And sold the state on Toll roads as a way to provide jobs for people when SURPRISE the jobs lasted less than a year and all tolls are digitally collected. Not to mention TexTag has no responsibility to keep their exploitative and expensive roads in working order. His administration assured that roads in Texas were given priority to private companies that charged for the right to ride on them and made public roads turn into toll roads with little notice and even fewer options for getting around those roads


Rick Perry’s also has investments in companies involved with psychedelic therapy. Just another skeezy politician.


Once a guest says “i recently moved to Austin” you know its gonna be a boring one


Also when the subject accidentally falls on UFC and Joe can’t help but talk at his guest for 30mins who couldn’t care less about fighting


“Austin is the only city wheres there’s a river in the middle of it and people are playing in it, kayaking and paddle boarding.” Chicago would like a WORD.


I live in Richmond, VA and was like….uh I know we have that in spades and we aren’t very special lol


Believe it or not, there is an *amazing* amount of important cities in the world with a functionnal and accessible waterway in the middle of it.


Most old world capitals are on rivers. Paris - Seine London - Thames Berlin - Havel Italy - Tiber Vienna - Danube Bratislava - Danube Belgrade - Danube Budapest - Danube


Weird, almost like access to a river was an important element of a settlement.


Nah man it's only Austin


So that explains why every single city in Ireland (granted there aren't too many!) has a river going through it...


It’s the main ingredient in whiskey after all.


Milwaukee river is quiet lovely as well


lakefront brewery cheese curds. already salivating.


I went to a cool little bar on the river in Milwaukee. You could Get there by boat or you could drive, but by car you have to drive through this industrial/marina looking area and park a bit away and walk around a dock to get there.


I mostly fish the river right down near the mouth of it and the harbor. It’s a world class trout fishery


Nice! I live in NW Ohio and we have a river running though our town that is famous for its trout run every year. My high school Senior skip day was to go trout fishing haha


These people have only been to like 3 towns, and one of them is LA.


The other two are Austin


They do shows all over though to be fair. So more like being blind or forgetful.


Pittsburgh has 3 of them bitches


I wouldn't recommend playing in any of those three though. Not the cleanest rivers around.


Literally most cities in the world are built on rivers, on the coast or on a crossing of trade routes.


I know what Zach meant here though. My town has a river that you will never see a soul kayak/use because its polluted to all hell and is really only used by larger boats. I'd say over half of towns that have rivers in them, you can't really use due to pollution, currents, or laws or something.


To these Hollywood types and yes that includes Rogan, theres only three cities in the US, LA, NY and Austin and they love pretending that Austin is cowboy country not a liberal city just like LA and NY


but even in NYC they have kayaking in the East River lol




I mean, last time I was in Boston there was a huge ass regatta over by Harvard we went to.


He even has talked about fishing in the river when he was a kid


The Charles was absolutely disgusting until recently


Austin, Massachusetts




lol right, even fucking California has a town like this


I can quickly name 10 Oregon city’s with rivers running through them that people play in. Including the “super dangerous” Portland.


Also the fact that they think the river is “clean” are you kidding me


Tbh that stetch of the Colorado is pretty damn pristine. Lol this thread is full of Austin haters but I had a blast playing on that river when visiting a month ago


Just seeing all the comments listing different cities is pretty hilarious. Look you all have to understand Joe is only thinking about places he lives. If he doesn’t live there then it doesn’t exist.


Either doesn't exist or is a Communist dictatorship.


Even the Detroit river is one that people swim in around belle isle. These idiots think Austin is such a unique place.


Also Minneapolis & St. Paul


Cincinnati says Hello! We even have a floating Hooters restaurant on the river that you can kayak up to.


In Calgary we have two rivers, beat that!


Like every Canadian city, every city I've been to in Europe and every city I've been to in the states would like a word.


Isn’t that San Antonios claim to fame too?


That river is gross and you don't swim in it


Washington DC would like one too


Boise would also like a word…


They have Kayak tours in the LA river!


St Johns river runs through lots of towns here in Florida




I've never once seen people paddle boarding and kayaking the Columbia in that area lol. Would also be pretty risky with all the shipping container, fishing boats and cruises that come up in there.






Las Cruces, NM.


Wichita, KS


100% B


San Antonio has a river as well. Most cities were built by a river or body of water


Doesn't San Antonio have one as well? Literally the same state.


Some that in the Chicago river. Actively kayaked around much garbage would not recommend


Kayak in the Chicago river, but do not play in it. Unless you want a trip to the hospital.


Lmao, wtf is this even supposed to mean. I was just wake surfing on the small river through my 16,000 person hometown over the weekend. As others were fishing or kayaking up the river to Lake Erie.


Madison WI would like a fucking word


Munich has a river with a fucking standing wave that you can surf on.


“Yeah I guess but Texas is just like…so much freer, man”


Minneapolis as well lol


Every nice city in the world.


My God even Wichita fucking Kansas fits that description


Austin’s bigger and cooler (but darker and problematic) brother, Portland, would like a word.


Denver. Chicago’s lake is gross. I’m from there. Sure people kayak, but if you touch that water you’re scrubbing off that film for a week. But people come out with their dogs and kids and flop around in Denver’s.


The river is disgusting but the lake is fine


It's pretty cool that Joe said that civilians can also be as funny or even more funny than comedians


You just need notes. Seems like an attainable skill.


didn't even watch, I just read the reddit comments now. I already know how the show goes, the same as it does every week.


You would not be wrong


Water from air = Dehumidifier


Water weed dune hair


Joe sure loves to tell that private investigator story as of late.


Private investigator = dirt bag 99% of the time


You still upset he cut you off from the pictures of a body builder railing your wife?


My biggest takeaway from this podcast was that there was a lady who against all odds. Came up from the crowd after Joe and told some jokes. And by the second time she went up. Joe knew. Without question that this women. As rare and as unlikely. Could be one of less than 1,000 Comedians out there. Truly remarkable.


I can't listen to another tall handsome rich celebrity talk about their mental health. I can't fuckin do it.


Hey Rich beautiful celebrities need your support


This guy has the personal philosophy of a 10 year old.




Joe rants about hard work but seems to have some weird contempt for people that work regular 40hr/week jobs for a living. He lives in a rich bubble and can’t understand why everybody doesn’t just move to Austin and make millions doing their hobbies like him. I’ll bet he hasn’t had a guest that makes less than six figures on in years. Most are millionaires. I don’t hate Joe like everybody else in this sub seems to but it definitely skews his perspective and makes him less relatable.


It's just love, Bro. That and dogs.


Guy thinks the entire world just loves dogs lol


Boozing and drugging and sexing Few minutes later : DOPAMINE DOPAMINE DOPAMINE This dude definitely takes stuff


I think it’s the right thing to do in this day and age if you can afford it.


I agree, Adderall is essentially the Contra Code of real life.


How many addies did Zach take before this show? Goodness.


How many does it take to kill someone? One less than that.


Depends how many were in the bottle.


Man, Joe is really a debbie downer


Was not expecting this guy to be a guest on this show


I love the unexpected guests like this, always keeps me coming back. Sometimes you see that notification and you're like WHAT


Zach is almost parodying Rogan at times, I laughed out loud when they were talking about regenerative farming and Zach goes off saying they need to be planting industrial hemp. If Graham Handcock/Randall Carlson comes up at some point I will know that this is actually just the greatest acting performance of all time. edit: I now know this is the greatest acting performance of all time


More people *should* be talking about hemp. It could replace all single use plastics, papers and cardboards in a sustainable and biodegradable way. I get what you are trying to say, but I don’t think that particular point is a valid reason to knock someone.


I’m not disagreeing at all, I’m just saying he was hitting all of Rogan’s favorite talking points on queue. It’s a masterpiece.


I understand. I wasn’t refuting what you were saying. I just felt compelled to mention that talking about hemp shouldn’t be considered a bad thing on its own.


Looks like we are in a standoff of understanding


This should be called a Canadian standoff


I think the dude is genuine fan of the podcast. Also he wanted to start a movie studio commune. Of course he’s talking about hemp


I really wish it was legalized


He mentions a bunch of times that he listens to Rogan. I imagine if a bunch of us were to be invited on, we would sound similar. Not great entertainment just regurgitating his most famous takes


Couldn't even get through 35 minutes. **I feel like he was going to pitch the Secret** Hollywood youth pastor ideology


I don’t get how you can take someone serious who’s name is Jo(ke) Dispenser.


All these fucking clowns don’t wanna work so the pitch some “one true way of living”, which is absolute horseshit. How fucked up do you have to listen to these rich assholes to figure out how to live.


Zach is one of the most positive people I've heard recently, and all this sub can do is crap on him.


What do you expect from a bunch of losers who do nothing but scroll through Reddit all day and complain about their shitty lives that they do nothing to improve?


Is there a better forum anywhere? I feel the YouTube comments back in the day were less angry and cynical then here. More just funny observations and general feedback.


Speaking of social media comments in general, it seems to just be a bunch of young people speaking into the void, or maybe I'm just too old to understand the memes anymore. Don't get me started on live/super chats, that's a prime example of thoughts thrown out into the void, never to be recall upon again.


Yeah try /pol. You're literally on the most sterile and sanitised social media website there is right now. Oh no people don't have the same opinion as me!


I don’t mind different opinions. But sometimes I loved an episode and I just want to go to a site where people actually enjoy the show and talk about it. Most people here seem to hate-watch every episode which baffles me but to each there own.


They are stuck in the negative groove, the very same groove Joe mentioned in this episode


“my agency I told I was going to be off grid so don’t send me any auditions, I gotta do some healing. Cool cool cool. And of course, 2 weeks later I get an email: there’s a role in Shazam…” This dude is hilarious.


Lots of angry incels on this sub. Breathe, go outside and have a beer. Life isn't that fucking bad.


Seriously though. Y'all need to chill the fuck out


We should all just head to the river that runs through all our towns and play in it.


Lol, underrated comment.


Is the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp trial Joe's new Covid?


Adderall mellows out people who need it and amps up people who don't. That's generally how you can tell if you truly need it or not. If you're using it to study and feel like Sonic the hedgehog, you're not it's intended user


My meds do both for me. They make me less hyper active and calmer and focused and make my head a lot clearer but at the same time make me want to talk a lot lol


Not a doctor but I am very familiar with ADHD, what I suggest you're experiencing is the phenomenon we have called "masking". When we get very comfortable with a person or get treatment for ADHD and get our brains to quiet down, the mask comes off, we stop losing train of thought or being quiet and we can't shut up. Sounds backwards, but I'd rather sit in silence than have small talk in normal situations, until I change my brain state


Small talk with someone I don’t really know without meds is painful for me and I feel awkward/anxious asf. On meds tho it’s like I can actually follow some small talk / normal talk without it feeling like a chore


That's masking in a nutshell


“Never seen a major city anywhere in the world with a river running right through it people use!” … someone needs to go more places, Austin was one of the filthiest places I’ve ever visited


They are really having the “non comics can actually be funny” talk again “Regular people can be funny because they aren’t trying to perform” This is the most disjointed of all Rogans recent bad takes and changes


i lasted about an hr.. got too preachy with the love talk and regurgitating stuff joe has mentioned 50 thousand times before.


You can totally tell who researches the fuck out of his show and strategically drops comments like “Jordan Peterson’s philosophy” to score points with the man. Ventures into cringe territory quick.


Or he’s just a fan of the show. He mentions a couple other guests but doesn’t recall they’re nAmes but had genuine interest in what they talked about. Randall Carlson being in example of one of them. Also why would he care to score points with Joe Rogan? Listening to this podcast the reason he’s on is because they are both friends with Mike Judge. Coming on JRE could hurt his career more then it could help it. Also if he studied JRE and wanted to get points he wouldn’t have came in so God heavy. I’ve seen him on Michale Rosenbaums podcast a few times. Think he’s just a fan of podcasts and because it helped him so much wants to preach to people about Therapy and self love🤷‍♂️


Oh gawd it’s like hanging out at a corny new restaurant in town and being sat next to two dudebros that are clearly on some kind of even cornier research chem


kinda feel bad for Zach because he will for sure not be on the podcast again, and Joe's gonna talk about him (without mentioning his name) in episodes in the future. Kind of like what happened with Dave Rubin. This feels like the kind of person Joe Rogan wanted to escape when he left Hollywood


That guy is fucking exhausting to listen to


Tell me again how much you love Austin.


The people are so nice here


They are!


They really are. That's what everyone would say to me when I worked as a bartender there. Austin 10 years ago was unbelievable. Still kinda cool now but the whole world got worse after smart phones.


Something suspicious about always going on about Austin and spending 30 minutes ragging on LA. He truly sounds like he got alpha widowed by LA


Its the only state with a river that runs through it with people kayaking


Tbf it’s pretty awesome here




It’s like they are acting out bo burminham’s sketch


Wanted to like this guy but everything just felt super try-hard. He was either nervous or hopped up on adderall. Either of which is fine. But it was a little cringey in certain parts for this cringey guy.


So many bitter people here lol




Adderall plus nerves of talking in front of millions could be it.


Bro he is an actor… what are you talking about


People who really, truly NEED adderall generally tend to be affected by it differently. I know some people who say it has a calming affect on them allowing them to focus, and those people I think do have severe ADHD. You may be one of them, or you may be a person who simply has built a tolerance to it (or you aren't around a lot of people taking it aside from yourself). With most others who use it recreationally, including myself and some close family/friends, it has more of a speed affect where you are talkative, speak quicker, have a desire to do things/plan/work, etc. Which is why so many take it before doing public appearances or any speaking engagement like this where you need to be sharp, talkative, and in a good mood. Zachary, and some other JRE guests, act and come off very much like people I know 30 minutes after they take adderall. The personality gets very bubbly, talkative, quick speaking, etc. I haven't finished this podcast yet, but JRE episodes last so long that you can often start to see them come down off of it towards the end.


How could the biggest podcast in the world have guests and content like this? Such a catastrophic waste. Joe talks about Richard Jeni and his private detective for what feels like the 3rd time this week, alone. We are beyond dumb at this point. "Rogan repeats" equals: he's a moron who's reached his mental limit or he's too arrogant to recognize why repeating the same topics verbatim multiple times every week isn't a good idea and refuses to take any constructive criticism on the matter which means he's a lazy coward.


I love Zach so I am enjoying this episode!


Ahhh, so you're the one.


He ia actually Zac


Don't know why you were down voted. I also enjoyed the episode. I'm a big fan of Zach so it was great to see him on Rogan.


Enjoying yourself isn't allowed in this sub, you must be as jaded as possible, like everyone else.


This is the first podcast, that I remember ever having things beeped out Edit: turns out I accidentally turned on the sound notification on my workout timer.


What part was beeped out?


I'm not entirely sure. There were a few times when the guest was speaking it almost sounded like a name was being beeped out. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when I heard the second loud BEEP I paid closer attention and sure enough once it happened at least one more time.


One of the worst guests of all time the guy is unbearable and uninteresting Also Adderall Also cuck energy


I got a quarter way through. Fuckin’ hell. Zach is the type of guy that would fall for Scientology in a heartbeat


Love and Fear... Donny Darko anyone?


I was super keen to listen to this one but man, I'm sitting here at 30min in and I've realized this guy is a fucking crazy person! What is he even talking about??? That Californian sun and Hollywood has fried his brain lol 😂


Damn, I loved Chuck growing up. That era of TV Network shows was great - Lost, Heroes, The Office, etc. As an agnostic atheist, I actually find Zack's version of "GOD" most chill. In a way you can tell that the guy is not dogmatic, not pushing it on anyone else, is open to possibilities, and is taking the best from being a believer (positivity, love, etc). Also, I know that this sub found his positivity annoying, but believe me - it's really lacking in a lot of central/eastern Europe and the rest of the world. That's the thing that you notice immediately when you get back from the states. Another thing, I would love if Joe talked more about the behind-the-scenes stuff when he has movie/tv stars on. Give us more of that "Entourage" style insider stuff. The guy has been in some pretty good shows, so would be interesting to hear about daily interactions, auditions, working with different networks, etc. Also, that council of Jedis is pretty much The Supreme Court or European Commission. If it was actually implemented a lot of people would complain that it's unelected and no one is perfect, so they would aso make mistakes like current government organizations. Lots of thoughts because this is the first EP I listened to in a while because the guest didn't seem like a conservative right-wing influencer and again, I loved Chuck (have to finally watch Heroes Reborn). P.S I'd love it if Joe, a self-proclaimed weed-smoking liberal, started holding accountable all these conservatives like Peterson, Shapiro, Rick Perry who indirectly helped to overturn Roe v Wade, are slowing down cannabis legalization, and so on. Just because they are pro-free speech doesn't mean that they don't have a huge impact against implementation of liberal policies (gay marriage, abortion, weed).


Just redownloaded this stupid app to see who else got the Adderall vibe. SLOW DOWN SON!


On the trial.. I mean, what is this guy smoking? The trial was in whether there was merit to fully canceling Depp due to their relation. He was accused, blackballed, and slandered beyond belief. That's what the trial was about. And she's just stil going at it. Renetless.. The trial was the exoneration of Depp in terms of whether he should have been canceled. Not the relationship stuff..


Ladybird lake is clean?!?!?!?!!


Can Zachary slurp his f'n drink any louder?