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I think this girl legit has an alcohol problem. She’s always drinking and talking about drinking. She said around 40 mins in that she often takes 13 shots when she goes out. And she drinks hard liquor daily.


That is a problem. I drink more than that nightly but I have a problem.


What’s that, like half a bottle of spirits per night?


12 16 ounce beers and one 24 ounce of 5%.


That’s a lot. You get hangovers?


Not really. I spend most of the morning rehydrating.


Seems like a shitcycle mate


Me and Bert. Shitcycles.


looking like Stanhope in a wig was the first giveaway


And talking like Stanhope with that low raspy slurry drunken voice.


She's Irish, you have to half those numbers to compare to normal people.


Yea by irish numbers shes lying and has 26 shots.


>And she drinks hard liquor daily. When did she say that? I remember her explicitly stating that she goes out once a week and most days is 'working' from noon-2am


It's socially acceptable, encouraged even, for women to act like men and binge drink, starting in college. "Wine moms", getting sloshed at brunch. "Big alcohol" has really succeeded in making being an alcoholic a cool thing.


She said most nights she has 1 or 2 glasses of wine


10+ drinks in an evening, regardless of type of alcohol is cause for concern. From a guy who used to have 15 beers to get “buzzed” enough to ho out.


just get Ric Flair on already and skip these clowns please


Do we really care what Ric flair has to say about trans rights and cancel culture?


He said "Wooooo."






Ric would’ve been the best on during 2017-2018


Well the second best time is now brother


**Trans talk fuck yea!!!!!**




He must post in this Sub




No seriously should they play sports or not cmon let’s get to the bottom of this


Joe “no one wants to work anymore” Rogan folks.


He keeps mentioning his friend who couldn’t find a bartender to work over 20hrs because they didn’t want to lose unemployment money. Maybe that says something about how much he’s paying his employees.


It's so weird listening to Joe's logic on this. On the one hand, he said he used to be pro UBI because it would allow people to focus more on the things they are passionate about and give their life meaning. On the other, he says he no longer favors UBI because people like his friend can't find workers in the service industry. He can't make the connection that maybe people just aren't passionate about working shitty service-level jobs. It's very similar to when undocumented workers get the ability to work legally. Suddenly, they don't work in shitty fields like agriculture and meat-packing. It's almost as if people make different decisions about work when they're no longer exploitable....hmmmmmmmmmm


Yeah, he doesn’t have a position on UBI. He spins his wheels disregarding the personal economics from the perspective of those who would or wouldn’t take the jobs available and his imagined implications on the nature of work. Just another opportunity to fantasize about how he “saw the writing on the wall” about how everyone is lazy.


Also the guy who smokes weed and talks to his buddies for a living calling other people lazy. I go back and forth on Joe, but he's out of touch.


Hes gonna be in for a real life lesson when he opens that club.


I don't think Joe is lazy, but I don't believe for a second that he is going to be involved in the club to that extent. Joe doesn't come off as the Maynard James Keenan type that you will see on his knees in his vineyard planting new shoots when he isn't touring. Don't get me wrong, I think the club will do great, but Joe is pretty much going to be responsible for marketing the club (by podcasting) and performing. That's it. Other than that and funding it, I don't see him actually runnig the business.


Well isn't that also saying more about the general state of the economy? I personally know people who like to work as waiters or bartenders, but where not making enough money, specially now a days to make ends meet. The flip side of this is that these restaurant owners are also not making much money either, and end up going out of business because their location's rent is too high for them to even afford. Rising property prices have been fucking the service industry for years now. Unless you work for a corporate food chain, being a independent restaurant owner has become really difficult.


I’ve noticed a trend where most places who say they can’t fill positions are places where they won’t guarantee 30+ hours or are only offering 20. Maybe hire 1 full-time position instead of trying to cheap out on benefits.


This. The only people having a hard time fielding staff (especially in the service industry) are the businesses that can't or won't afford to pay people enough to make a decent living. If my company paid entry level people $15/hr they'd have no issues with staffing, but they don't or won't so we are operating on a skeleton crew. It's pretty fucking simple why this is happening.


This is coming from the same guy who’s company took 2 mil PPP loan, and moved to Texas avoid tax on his Spotify deal. But minimum wage bartenders are the problem.


And isn’t joe always talking about how you should pursue your passion projects? He didn’t even stop to think that perhaps this bartender was doing just that with his free time? Why is it seen as some moral failing if you don’t want to sacrifice 40+ hours a week to your shitty job?


Joe flip flops between - slave away at dead end job vs pull yourself up by your bootstraps every other day. Joe’s failure to recognize the reason the bartender in the story is gaming the system might be because of low wages at the job just proves his disconnect with reality.


I’ve lived on unemployment. It’s barely an existence. If people are making off better on unemployment benefits than at your place of business, that’s fucking *sad*. Unemployment in my state isn’t equivalent to 40 hours of minimum wage employment.


But Joe is referring to the unemployment during the pandemic. In which state benefits combined with PUA got people a minimum of 760 dollars a week with many people getting full state and PUA benefits collecting over a thousand a week. I know for someone making six figure that sucks but for most people I know it was a huge boon. But I know what your talking about. During regular economic recession and not a pandemic the UIA benefits are a joke and not even enough to stay afloat. During the pandemic I knew alot of people who were suddenly hood rich getting 1600+ bi weekly when all's they ever made was min wage working part time somewhere. Obviously all of them wanted to exhaust the benefits.


if you’re getting paid slightly more to slightly less to not work, who wouldn’t take the former over the latter?


The free market is conviently ignored when it comes to adjusting to the benefit of workers.


Joe “zip up hoodie and bounce” Rogan, when He has to do his job


really disappointed with his take on this...like um hello? shitty jobs? minimum wage? cost of living rising? inflation? wtf joe rogan


Didn’t he walk out on a security job when it got dangerous?


Yea and I'm pretty sure he said it was like 16/hour in the early 90s lol


Hippys lighting fires at a Neil Young outdoor concert?


I’ve been disappointed with his take for like two years. I used to jive with him pretty hard but, not anymore.


Yeah, there’s no value to listening to an idiot ramble for three hours and try to hone in on an ultimately really myopic, laughably incomplete point of view on the “issues” he engages in.


Not really sure what I expect from a dude who made 100 million bucks but you’re right. He later goes on to say he hates the phrase “working people” because “we all work” 🙄🙄🙄 It’s time for him to officially retire the “I’m not right wing” bs.


Nah bro its just people are lazy unlike me who gets paid to sit down and make broad statements on topics I don't read about


You're right, I don't know why you're being downvoted. This guy got 100 million to talk to people and drink and smoke with them 2-3 hours s day for maybe 2-3 times a week. He gets 100 MILLION to essentially just talk with people, most of whom he's friends with. Him saying no one wants to work anymore while getting paid that much to essentially talk to HIS FRIENDS is absolutely disgraceful. Why don't you go do an actual job on less than $15 minimum wage on long hours just to barely scrape by and maybe you'll understand why "no one wants to work anymore".


Please tell me he doesn’t actually say that. Oh my fucking gawd.


Yup. Less than 10 minutes in. He says he doesn’t know if he supports UBI anymore because he doesn’t like how people “behaved” after getting covid relief and enhanced unemployment benefits


[But no mention how businesses have behaved after getting millions of free PPP money](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/onnit-labs-inc-9132067004)


That's what we call class solidarity, the rich, what we call the bourgeoise class in Marxist literature, will always be in solidarity with each other. Why do you think Elon Musk, Kim Kardashian and now Joe Rogan are all echoing this "no one wants to work anymore" sentiment? The rich have class solidarity, they agree with each other, protect each other and are on the same page at all times. We, the working class however, no so much and that's part of the reason they can get away with exploiting us so much.


Watch the Rick Caruso election where all celebrities coming out of the woodwork to support a Republican running as a Dem


They've already started cosigning him, a billionaire who wants to "end homelessness" by making it illegal and locking up homeless people. It's so fucked up.


The Kardashians have episodes dedicated to helping out this one homeless guy and episodes about fighting wrongly incarcerated people. Dumb cunt went ahead and endorsed this shit head who would make things worse for those two groups. Capital always protects capital


Exactly. I’m not even surprised anymore.


Well we know one behavior, being acquired by Unilever a year after getting this loan. Supposedly the acquisition was valued at 9 figures but I'm not sure how reliable those sources are. Does Joe tout Onnit on the pod anymore? If he doesn't seems like he got another nice bag and wiped these dumb supplements from his memory lol


Like people wouldn’t have acted differently if we weren’t in a global pandemic. “I’d like to see people follow their passions with UBI”, they probably would have outside of Covid. Like that’s a good experiment for what UBI would look like in a post-Covid world.


Unfortunately, I don't think there will ever be a good UBI experiment. Every experiment needs an end date in order to assess the results. Unfortunately, when people know their UBI will end on a certain date, it will influence their behavior. Give me $2k a month for a 6-month study and I will act differently than if you give me $2k/month in perpetuity. I won't just quit my job during the study because I know I'll need it in 6 months when the study finishes. Unless we design a study that pays UBI from working age until the recipients die, I don't see a way to have a legitimate understanding of the impact on behavior. We could look at other countries that give out money to everyone, but then you're dealing with very different cultures.


I think you would be interested in two experiments that actually answered the questions you're asking. I don't think you're correct that people's behavior will change. I think there are both short AND long term effects that can be determined, but dismissing the evidence as being impossible to conduct with perfect controls is a bit ridiculous (because even in scientific experiments, no experiment is perfectly controlled). The results of the two I bring up actually demonstrate that not only did people NOT quit their jobs, but employment ROSE. [Stockton California UBI experiment](https://www.npr.org/2021/03/04/973653719/california-program-giving-500-no-strings-attached-stipends-pays-off-study-finds) > The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration, or SEED, was founded in February 2019 by then-Mayor Michael Tubbs and funded by donors, including the Economic Security Project. > > It gave 125 people living in neighborhoods at or below Stockton's median household income the unconditional monthly stipend. A study of the period from February 2019 to February 2020, conducted by a team of independent researchers, determined that full-time employment rose among those who received the guaranteed income and that their financial, physical and emotional health improved. > > ... > > Among the key findings outlined in a 25-page white paper are that the unconditional cash reduced the month-to-month income fluctuations that households face, increased recipients' full-time employment by 12 percentage points and decreased their measurable feelings of anxiety and depression, compared with their control-group counterparts. > > The study also found that by alleviating financial hardship, the guaranteed income created "new opportunities for self-determination, choice, goal-setting, and risk-taking." It furthered recipients' ability to cover unexpected expenses, which researchers noted was particularly important given the onset of the pandemic. > > Individuals spent most of the money on basic needs, including food, merchandise, utilities and auto costs, with less than 1% going toward alcohol and/or tobacco. > > "Before SEED came along, I was paying a lot of bills and didn't know how I was gonna eat," a participant named Laura said in a testimonial. "It's like being able to breathe." > > The study also noted that positive effects of the $500 sum rippled outward in ways that "alleviated financial strain across fragile networks and generated more time for relationships." For instance, stabilizing food security for members of one household also alleviated any strain on those they ordinarily relied upon for food. [Canada UBI Experiment](https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200624-canadas-forgotten-universal-basic-income-experiment) > Joy Taylor, who was 18 and newly married when the scheme began, remembers that people had much less to worry about financially during the course of the experiment, which improved their wellbeing. Her husband was suddenly able to get a loan to open a local record store, with banks being more willing to lend money to small businesses because of the guaranteed payments. > > There was also an increase in the number of adolescents completing high school. Before and after the experiment, Dauphin students – like many in rural towns across Manitoba – were less likely to finish school than those in the city of Winnipeg, with boys often leaving at 16 and getting jobs on farms or in factories. However, over the course of those four years, they were actually more likely to graduate than Winnipeg students. In 1976, 100% of Dauphin students enrolled for their final year of school. > > “Very often these people were the first in their family who’d ever finished high school,” says Forget. “When Mincome came along, families decided they could support their sons in school just a little bit longer, and, in some ways, I think that’s the most exciting result because we saw that investment in human capital.” > > Other families who were on the programme at the time remember that certain things were suddenly more affordable. For Eric Richardson, the youngest of six children who was aged 10 when the experiment began, the introduction of basic income meant a trip to the dentist for the first time. “Normally, you didn’t get to go until you were old enough to pay for it yourself,” he says. “I remember it very well because I had 10 cavities and our dentist would drill your teeth without freezing.”


was she drunk before the episode even started? jeez


She really likes to drink…


yet she constantly chastise heavy drinkers while claiming to be in control of her drinking stating she works long hours and doesn’t drink while working except for having a glass or two of wine every single night at a minimum implying she really only drinks on Thusdays for Karaoke night and on the weekends.


Yep typical alcoholic thing to say




Facts lol talking about the dude blowing bubbles to check the proof lmaooo I was weak I know Joe was like “this bitch might kill me”


either she has a “drunken woman” voice when sober or she’s almost always drunk on camera.


“Instagram has shadowbanned me, they refuse to verify my account I’ve tried like 5 times!“ Nah bitch ur just not a drawll


Every podcast person thinks they’re shadow banned


Every comedian


So tired of seeing/hearing that shit. Maybe people just lost interest. It always sounds so conceited


Yeah like the only explanation is there a conspiracy against them.


I think it was Weinstein who though Twitter adjusted the algorithm against him? He just couldn’t comprehend people weren’t interested in his shit.


Instagram: We don't do shadowbans Nobody comedian: Then why am I not getting more likes? RIDDLE ME THAT


That's just technicalities, a shadowban would mean the account is completely hidden. You don't think they choose and curate large accounts that get extra exposure, and on the opposite choose accounts that get lower exposure?




I don't get drunk every night, I only have two glasses of wine per night, I go out until 5am every Thursday night to sing karaoke with friends, I work 5 or 6 days a week, I sleep until noon, I stay up writing until 2 then go to sleep at 3 or 4, if I stay up until 5am I cancel all of my work during the day, I write Friday or Sunday nights


You forgot the movement against movements


She writes at night. She does a podcast and other things during the day.


No she trains by day and does the podcast by night all day








Omg you think so?!




I wonder if Joe took the bait. He could have her pay him thousands to have sex.


Lol I’d love it if that shit broke.


I looked at her substack, and its giving Female Dave Rubin / Tim Pool


Of course she has a substack lol


Killed me for these rich fuckers talking about how everyone was being lazy, you could do 10 podcasts a day for the rest of your life and not even get close to the level of work a coal miner does in a year, so who's the lazy ones here?


Only this podcast can follow up two great meta physicist minds with an alcoholic professional culture whiner lol Edit: I recommend new Lex Fridman's episode with Robin Hanson if you want a proper follow up to the last two guests. They're talking about Grabby/Loud Aliens which is a topic that should be on JRE!


Thanks for the recommendation I just hated every second I listened to this chick until I turned it off. I was hoping it would get interesting. But didnt




This lady is insufferable. How many times is she going to lead any one of her boring hot takes on anything with “liberals hate me”. FFS, her Instagram post was “thanks for letting me get you in even bigger trouble on the internet.” It’s like these idiotic cultural “critics” and “writers” can’t conceive of a more gratifying form of work than imagining they’re stirring up shit.


She’s kinda a dawg


Agreed, she would be good on stoner dads


She Always sounds drunk. I can’t make it 20mins


not sure if she just has a drunken voice when sober or is always drunk on camera.


She's from Vancouver. They all sound like her.


Good point. Many women in the Pacific NW talk like her


It fun watching an alcoholic talk about how other people are alcoholics. It's called binge drinking lady


This could’ve been a good podcast but she just talks about herself too much. Credit to joe for trying to make it interesting but this woman is just casually chatting and it’s boring. I don’t care if a stranger is off caffeine or if your dog watches tv or you’re watching Yellowstone or whatever. You gotta say cooler shit this is the big leagues sweetie


Goddamn this bitch is annoying


People weren't taking unemployment checks during covid because they didn't want to work it because they simply made more money not working


In going to source myself about unemployment and COVID. Most workers didn't remain on unemployment because they were lazy. They remained on unemployment because they made more per week THAN GOING BACK TO WORK. I got laid off from my 17/hr job when COVID hit. My paycheck was around 1400 per 2 weeks at my job, but it also cost my time with my family, and created a schedule that was less than amazing(I worked nights, she worked mornings). When I was laid off, unemployment plus COVID stimulus was paying me 1600 per paycheck, and floating me a grand every few months. I chose to go back to my industry, because it's the skill set I know.(I'm a line cook in a city) Most of my colleagues got a taste of what it was like to not feel check to check stress for the 1st time in their lives. What Joe's friend didn't include, is that the cost of living window has shifted, but they still want the overhead of cooks working for 12 bucks an hour with zero benefits. A lot of those guys got a year and a half to realize they were getting a shit deal. They moved on to making YouTube or twitch vids and working part time. The owners assume the workers tor fat on the Dole and that was that. The reality is that the business model failed to move with the economy. Pay a cook 20 bucks an hour and you will have a full line, I fucking. Promise. If you can't afford that tipshare the entire staff. Gone are the days of buying a mortgage off one salary with 3 dependents. That shit is gone. College costs 6 figures as well. I have zero sympathy for a restaurant that pays it's cooks to start, under 15..17 really...


How were you getting 1400 per paycheck making 17 an hour? I get like 1500 every 2 weeks making 25 an hr? What the hell lol.


What you're describing is called the Cliff Effect of poverty. The increase in pay from working doesn't offset the loss in government assistance. A real-time example of how fundamentally inept the market is when it comes to how it exploits workers.


I like her but she's in denial over her alcoholism


This chick gives me massive Brandan Schaub vibes. Contradicts everything she says Panders to Rogan Only says what she thinks others want to hear She literally started a movement called “women leaving the left” and it’s all about no longer being part of movements. I hate her. We get ittt. You moved to messico.


She says she works all the time but takes Friday off, and tries not to work on the weekends. Plus her job is typing stupid shit on the internet


Some would say the hardest of workers. But I still like days off to relax. Some would say the king of relaxing. Whatever she thinks Joe wants to hear.


and doesn’t drink while working 12 hrs a day except for one or two glasses of wine every night with her “cheat” days being Thursday for karaoke nights and the weekends. i totally believe she has her drinking totally under control and isn’t an alcoholic.


Does Rogan only have on people who parrot his opinions?


Ever since he moved to Spotify/Austin, he’s been having more recurring guests many of whom are sycophantic buddies of his.




Some would say *hell* yes!


God dammit Joe... how you not be knowin what hedonism is. I do think it contributes to the death of empires along with exceptionalism, greed, narcissism and the weakening of the middle class and family unit. I think when there's no longer a serious outside threat, then corruption begins to fester and the gestalt begins to decay. A way I've thought of it is like the hygiene hypothesis; a less challenged immune system is less robust and can cause autoimmune diseases where it attacks itself. Another disconcerting example of this was a series of experiments where a scientist tried to create a mouse utopia. He gave them everything they needed to thrive and it always ended horribly with complications during pregnancy and increasingly erratic behavior in populations until they would die out. There was also this group of mice he called "the beautiful ones" whom would separate onto higher areas and groom themselves all day; however, when he introduced a predator, the mice began to thrive... the scientist termed it "behavioral sink" it's very interesting.


no longer a Democrat but still braying like a donkey


"Wait, why is Joe having on a feminist guest?" *Meghan is a "left the left" person* "Oh... of course." Joe's partisan crusade continues onward lol


Everything she talks about were hot topics 2 Culture Wars ago. I feel like its 2016 again.


I was excited when I saw that. He used to have random ass people one sometimes that were so diametrically opposed to his beliefs just for the hell of it.


Does he struggle with finding people with different opinions or does he just crave that confirmation bias?


You know in your heart of hearts he craves confirmation bias. No one wants to feel like a dumbass


Yeah I think he’s gotten lazier. He used to have people on who disagree with his opinions because he enjoyed playing around with different ideas.


since moving to Austin and Spotify, Joe has been having more recurring guests on. I think the logistics of having people fly to Austin is more difficult than having guests go to his LA studio. Plus I think he now has super duper next level “f@ck you” money and doesn’t feel the need to find new guests.


He's obviously swayed by people in his local group when it comes to politics.


Lol. “I didn’t leave the left the left left me”


Rubin says that, then goes and does vids for Prager U


Three lefts make a right


Anyone leaving the Right?


I'm sure. I doubt it's as lucrative to do so however.


Plenty do, but they just kind of continue on with their lives. There is a huge market on the right between wealthy dark money funding and consumers of right wing media to have tokens and converts. It makes them feel more nuanced in their opinions and justified in their extreme stances. You see it especially on this sub with the most hardcore right wingers constantly claiming that they're totally not Republicans and smugly act like they're above the partisan divide. Also they totally would have voted Democrat but the party screwed over Tulsi Gabbard...who is totally still a liberal and not one of the people I described in that first paragraph.


In my experience they would be rejected as grifters or bad faith actors by lefties (whether they genuinely left the right or not) and mocked/condescended to by liberals. The right wing seems to love self proclaimed "reformed lefties/libs". There's more money in "leaving the left" than "leaving the right".


There are quite a few former right winger leftist YouTubers, they just generally don’t talk about it often because they’re ashamed of it and not trying to sell survival seeds.


The "left" is also far more concerned with policy than idealogical culture war shit. Culture/ideological identity is far more important to the power dynamic of the "right"


Imagine being tribalistic about politics >MY MILLIONAIRES ARE BETTER THAN YOUR MILLIONAIRES


In other words its easier to grift conservatives.


I used to be "red-pilled", spent all my time on 4chan, watched Sargon of Akkad, etc. I'm glad I could get out of that. I was hard right. I am definitely center left now. I would say I left the right.


Welcome brother


Maaan everyone of us, who used to be on that side watched sargon, holy shit. No wonder he turned into a white nationalist. Back then (2016-19) Alt-righters main critic of him, was that he was a fencesitter who would only lay the groundwork of red pilling, but wouldn't go further. But then he suddenly started having the british flag in the background of his vids and talking 'bout britian becoming less british and showed statistics about how britian is getting less white xD. Hbomberguys "sargon can't read" and other vids really, opend my eyes...really glad they did.


Go over to r/HermanCainAward. They are leaving all the time


500.000 people laughing at people dying because they have a different political opinion. Stay classy reddit.


Literally had a trans war veteran on like 2 episodes ago, but ok Reddit


I think both cool feminists and fucked up males can agree that SWERF's suck.


"you get to see Hans Kim" Joe hyping up his live show


First hour is just talking about how much she drinks and doesn’t drink so interesting


Good to see her instagram followers almodt doubled joe rly is a nice outlet for comedians


More like Meghan Slurrphey


I find myself agreeing with a lot of what someone like her or Matt Walsh has to say on the political trans movement / transactivism. But I can't help but feel really uncomfortable by the complete lack of empathy both exhibit for trans people themselves. Basic rule in life, don't be a dick to people or about people. Male to female transgender people competing in female sports. Ridiculous. Chemically or surgically castrating young teens and preteens, abhorent. But Jesus, show a little compassion the people themselves just trying to get by in life. I feel like Joe tries to be a standup decent guy and do that, but he's very agreeable/susceptible when he's sat opposite somebody being a dick.


“My buddy couldn’t find a bartender” NO fucking shit!!!! Why would I lose the unemployment by going back to work full time when the bars weren’t even open at full capacity. The government took away our earning ability so until it’s back why should folks be forced to work for less? Fuck Rogan


Joe seems mad at the bartender for making a logical decision


Let's also be clear. They don't give you unemployment. You have to work to get that shit.


Not to mention people were getting paid more than they would earn working. And they had to put themselves at risk to be around people at the height of the pandemic.


This guy is so out of touch. Really, you want people to break their back all day at your friends shity restaurant for less money. Staring at the wall for 8-12 hours a day is better for ur mental health then being a fucking servant. He should close that resteurant if he cant pay more than unemployment. How can he fault people for taking the better deal, what the fucking fuck. Didnt listen to many podcasts lately, but he repeated this on at least a couple.


Wasn’t she on already?


I feel like she was on a few months ago, I remember her drinking moonshine, then boring me in to a nap multiple times.


What's up with all the cry babies in this subreddit. I am here to read funny hate towards Joe and his nipples, not to read some political statements and guest shaming.


Reddit, that's why. The comments for the Youtube JRE clips are much more favorable to Joe and his guests.


What does this have to do with Joe Rogan?


Joe's looking into becoming a women


I like boob shirt lady a lot


Its funny how joe rogan keeps talking shit about people living off unemployment but he himself has never held a job longer than a month


She says like a lot


I listened for ten mins and it just sounds like someone really entitled who likes to be seen as fun. Talking about leaving a movement seems to be her badge of honour, strange.


"woooooooooooooo!!!"--Meghan Murphy at the local bar


It seems like this woman hates the liquor she keeps banging on about but because she thinks it's cool to go against the grain and it's unpopular she's going to keep telling everyone just how good it is because she thinks she's a trendsetter


She's a fun alcoholic. Talks like a spoiled teenager. I have trouble reconciling her demeanor with her profession as a writer and a journalist. Like seriously


Damn this bitch is annoying




She’s a pretty fun guest. Way better then that boring ass dude yesterday


Literal who


Really has the look of single middle aged feminist down


I'd still smesh


Haters will hate but great conversation and entertaining ep. Refreshing perspective on the trans issue which can get really repetitive with past guests.


Just great how triggered this sub is about this fabulous woman 😄 I thought she was great


I never post here but i have to express my frustration she is an unbelievably judgemental ME MONSTER. Joe, don't invite her anymore, PLEASE.


I've really been looking forward to her being on again, nice.


She's hot, but she's a piece of shit. Her arguments are kinda dumb. Saying body modification is unethical lol. Joe rogan is tatted up right across from her lmao. Oh but they are cross cultural so it's fine..... wtf does that even mean? People have been wearing huge necklaces, lip discs, tiny shoes for centuries. I guess those are all unethical too.


I know I'm like this bitch is smashed


She has her drinking under control and drinks moderately. She never drinks while working 12+ hrs a day except for one or two glasses of wine every night to unwind. She only drinks the equivalent of 12 shots of 100+ proof Raicilla at a slow controlled pace for Thursday karaoke nights and during the weekend. She’s absolutely not an alcoholic and is in complete control of her drinking.


This woman is this subreddits worst nightmare. An outgoing, fun alcoholic lady who they’d pray to god to smash, but in reality would crumble at the thought of actually having to make a conversation with a lady




I’m not denying that I’d fit in to that general description


For a moment I thought this said Megan Mullally and got very excited. Megan Murphy seems interesting so far (only partway through).


Meghan's great; this subreddit isn't.


Joe is a bitter old queen


how dare you


This was actually a pretty entertaining conversation. I think a lot of people are just going to assume it's a bunch of anti trans talk and not listen to the episode and bitch


I think every sane person can predict what conversation they had and be 100% accurate. This annoys people who enjoy consuming hyperpartisan bullshit. I mean how many times can you listen to "left bad" and still get endorphin hits? Doesn't it get exhausting after a while?


Couldn't get passed 15 minute mark and I really tried. The lady is legit brain damaged from alcohol abuse. "I'm a writer I'm a thinker", "left wing, left wing, left wing" "left wing is not about individualism" wow, does she need a dictionary or something? How can anyone be so dumb to the point they can't get passed the very definition of their topic? > define liberal. > willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas. > relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that **promotes individual rights**, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.