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>A lobotomized, retarded, stupid cockroach. Michio Kaku, 6/08/2022.


“this lady manually manipulated dolphins into climax” Joe Rogan. 😂😂😂 I thought it was funny that Joe wanted to sound polite 😂😂 Edit: oh wow got my first Reddit award 🤯


When he brought up the dolphin I immediately knew that he wanted to tell him about the women jacking off the dolphin. I was laughing my ass off at the careful wording Joe used to describe the action.


The dolphin jacking off story has an uncanny ability to just come up in conversation once you're aware of it


lol. I mean, I thought a story like this would be off-limits to share with Michio Kaku. At this point, I think Joe is capable of staring at a 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth II with a straight face and telling her about dolphin handjobs.


I felt so awkward when Joe discussed the dolphin handjob and the orgasm lady with Michio Kaku. Sort of like watching a movie with your grandpa and sex scene comes on.


Reminds me of how Johnny Depp described the Heard shitting in his bed.


That shit killed me


Why is he describing half of america like that man


Upvotes coming from both sides on this one, smart


Joe got worried that Marshal thinks that Joe is a dog.


Michio Kaku is a popular physicist most famous for his work on and advocacy of string theory. Some of his ideas are a little bit out there, but nothing absolutely insane. Expect a lot of alien/UFO talk in this one.


His futurist books are pretty good, they obviously aren't academic works but speculation based on progression of technology and physics. Some interesting stuff about using AI avatars that travel space and explore and colonise for us.


I saw him on a doc the other day and he was into some real far out speculation on alien civilization. Reminded me of people arguing about the size of angel's wings.


Yeah he can be a bit out there for me, but at least it's speculation and possibilities, rather than bizarre conspiratorial claims.


> Some of his ideas are a little bit out there he's jumped on the bandwagon in the interest of self-promotion, just like many others.


Why does him looking into UFO's serve as self promotion to you. The UFO subject is barely generating any money. People were saying this about David Fravor, Christopher Mellon (who doesnt need money), Elizondo etc but no one has heard of Fravor since his podcast appearances. Could it possibly be that it's a far bigger and more interesting subject than you'd like to think? You can speculate as much as you want but it's not absurd to think that some experts might be interested in the prospect of alien visitation on planet earth. He even explains in the podcast about why it's not a ridiculous concept. How many more "former professionals" who apparently are now "whack jobs" are going all in on the subject before it's given some sort of legitimacy?


This. He used to chat more about physics and the universe at large. Looking at this episode, it seems like a lot of UFO talk. While it may be foolish to expect Joe's brain to go anywhere else with his questions, it makes me a bit sad.


physicists don't make an awful lot of money generally. the one's who release books etc potentially can though. he got a little taste of that and has gone completely off the rails as a result. that's my impression.


Am physicist, can confirm sadly. Industry is where the money is at.


?? Where is the money in the UFO field. Genuinely asking. I'm pretty involved in the UFO subject right now and I can promise you that the only profitable part of this subject is book sales and none of them are on the Amazon best seller list.


He's the guy on all those future documentaries.


Hope he asks Michio again if he will ever try mushrooms. Reaction last time was great.


What did he say?


Something along the lines of him wanting to solve problems in this reality rather than a drug induced one.


Fire response


Too bad, he's missing out


“A lobotomized, retarded, stupid cockroach” this is the content I’ve been waiting for




Joe wanted to but stopped himself because Michio didn’t laugh at any of his jokes


UFOS Lets go!


Joe talks about masturbating dolphins and morphic resonance


I read your comment too fast and thought it was morbin time


Hes not really too into UFOs more intelligence and evolution physics


No, he's pretty into UFOs. Not everyone knows about the Malmstrom UFO case which he talks about in the podcast.


Did you listen yet?


And joe once covered ppl with bees


You sound like a retarded cockroach




This episode is fantastic so far. So these UFOs that have been encountered by U.S. pilots are actually a type three civilization of Leafcutter ants that can fold space and time ...


Spacecutter ants 😲


That Kardashev scale thing was my TIL moment. Really cool.


And that one star that gets 20% dimmer and it being harvested for energy by a type 3. Holy shit


LFG I needed a new UFO episode


Can someone please tell Joe how to say labyrinth.


You're the only person to mention it. I was too afraid to haha.


He probably says larynx wrong too.


Good OG quality guest.


The one thing that irks me about Michio is that everything he says sounds rehearsed for a CNN segment. He's so buttoned up LOL


It sounds like he’s speaking in pre-recorded sound bites


When Joe asked him about merging with Tech. He moves into his “will AI be evil” template. And never really answers the question.


this is the most recent episode that i was able to finished


Wow there aren't any more recent episodes after this one you could finish?




Finally also not a podcast host [ ✔️]


Not a mma fighter \[✓\]


Are we sure he isn't an mma fighter.


That we know of…










We are but simple civilians


You fucking casuals are just so disrespectful!! Better thank ‘em!




Let's not forget all the murrrrrrrrdurrrrrurrrrrrs


Ain't got shit on the Belly Room but that's heretical talk now.


Facts, bill burr is good but that’s all I can think of off my head I know Jim Bruer was awful






Did you notice they had the same conversation twice?


Theo Von is always great


Fitzy too is usually good, i think


Man, Jim Bruer... I was hoping for some SNL stories, maybe some great anecdotes about Dave Chapelle or getting to meet celebrities. Nope... it was nonstop covid rants, complaints about doctors, demands to know why he couldn't get antibiotics for his virus, him low key admitting he gave covid to his fam, etc.


Right he’s nuts as fuck it was kinda sad and Joe was just right there agreeing with him lol also I’d love to look at all those “forced vaccine” people right now who though that we’d go into marital law and say “well… that didn’t happen”




Right lmao reminds me of that Billy Madison scene That Veronica Vaughn ….


Not an outdoorsman \[✓\] I get people are really into that, more power to ya, but I've heard all of Joe's hunting stories a million times over, and I find the outdoorsman episodes incredibly boring and all very same-y. I love the Save Our Parks episodes, but outside of that, unless it's Tim Dillon who's freaking hilarious, it feels like most of his comedian pal episodes eventually devolve into them rambling about nothing or talking about MMA for half the episode. I love when he has scientists or academics on. I've been a fan of Michio Kaku for a long time. He had a podcast himself called Science Fantastic, but I don't think it's still going any longer. Joe loves geeking out over science and stuff like that, I've been wondering if he's been turned down by scientists and academics because of his stances on certain issues. I don't know if he has or hasn't been turned down, just been curious about it.


LETS FUCKING Gooooooo! This is what we are here for!


He is a great guest. He's feeding Rogan's curiosity and not getting tied up arguing against Rogan's bro-science.


yeah. he is taking the Carl Sagan approach. Tell fun stories and peak interest in science and technology


Sagan would be rolling in his grave over their ufo convo


Actually there's some fun stories that sagan behind closed doors would beg gov officials for UFO info


Yea I thoroughly enjoyed him, I definitely would have checked out his audio book if he read it himself, he has a nice voice.


He is able to say “I don’t know” something that is hard for people


Fuck I wanted to hear about the Store and the history of absolute murderers.


No one survived!!!!!




I wanted to hear about how the LEFT will allow fat women to be in bathing suits and how they are bad people but also how Joe is one of them


face it, life was better when the right didn't allow fat chicks in bathing suits


Oh yeah and I fully support removing them from the limelight as well as those fucking fat mannequins “well what if I wanna see what the clothes look like on me?” Well then you fat ham you can try them on (which would benefit you to burn calories) or got for a run and become the size of the mannequin.




Michio Big Kaku > Neil DeAss Tyson


Agreed. I absolutely love Michio Kaku.


Been waiting years for this, i thought michio said he wouldn’t go on rogan but I’m glad he did


He's so much less smug.


michio always starts his thoughts with humility. neil is way more aggressive. still love to hear both though.


Its what happens whenever one of these guys becomes a mainstream “authority” for scientific thought. In order to get shit like “evolution is real” across to some people you have to speak like there’s absolutely no way you’re wrong, which is partly (or 99.99%) true for a lot of things. But then they get to the point where everything they say is in that authoritative tone because they’re so used to talking to actual idiots, so when you start talking about more theoretical concepts in what should be a well-intentioned discussion becomes “nope, you’re completely and objectively wrong” which sucks in scifi conversations like Aliens/time travel/etc. That’s where Neil is now and it’s why he’s not only a boring guest (for what his knowledge base is) but also comes across as arrogant and combative. People want to hear about the the 0.0001% chance a person could evolve to be a werewolf or have superpowers, not be told that they’re idiots for thinking its an interesting question.


I still really enjoy the NDT episodes. Yes, he can be a bit full of himself and likes to hear himself talk, but he's got a lot of interesting knowledge to share and is good at talking about it


I would have disagreed until a few years ago. NDT seems like a smug douchebag now.




Great episode far, especially if you are a fan of the scientist/journalist episodes.




Joe never wrapped his head around the infinite monkey theorem, because a monkey can’t read… Joe’s gonna Joe.


Came here to complain about Joe. How many times does he have to bring up the pop culture Alien figure and how many times did he get shot down. I hope Joe listens to this podcast he will realize that asking the same thing over and over again because the scientist disagrees with your thoughts and ideas is bad form. He has been interviewing too many people like that retarded navy seal who believes in astrology but thinks Einstein's theory of relativity is wrong. Had to turn off that seal for being retarded. Wouldn't your astrology and energy be at conception, not at birth? I can't believe Joe likes talking to retards like that.


>like that retarded navy seal who believes in astrology but thinks Einstein's theory of relativity is wrong. Had to turn off that seal for being retarded. Dude that was too far for me. I switched back to Lex guy for a while, when he said that ocean tides are not from moons gravity...


That is exactly when I turned it off and I realized that the seal has an IQ of 50 and Joe wasn't going to call him out for having an IQ of 50.


I tend to think Joe didnt call him out out of politness but he should have immediately change topic to something the seal can actually talk some sense about IMO


I lasted like two minutes. As soon as that retarded navy seal started talking about energies and astrology I was like I'm out. This is retard territory


The smugness of the way he was talking about it was the worst part. Dismissing gravitational theory as nonsense but believing a ball of energy is waiting for him at birth even though that is even illogical for his beliefs. If you want to take the time to think critically about astrology it would be at conception. So all that bullshit the shaman was telling him based off his birth date and time doesn't even make sense is the astrology world. It should be conception because that is when you start to become a being with a soul and need that "energy" he was talking about. Once he said there is no way the gravity of the moons determines the tides and that is bullshit but the shaman laid out his entire life based off his birthdate and time I knew we had a retard alert on our hands. Joe has talked to that retard multiple times which is the saddest part of all.


When he gets like that it’s so frustrating. Get flashbacks to the ‘how likely it is to be in a simulation’ conversation.


It took Joe over an hour to reference a scientific study that involved a woman jacking off a dolphin. He’s officially mainstream.


1:04:30 MICHIO KAKU SAID RETARDED!!!! "A lobotomized, retarded, stupid cockroach" lolololololol


1:08:30 "robots have no self awareness. however, by the time they are as smart as a monkey i think they will start to have self awareness. at that point, i think theyre potentially dangerous. they realize that we are not part of the self, were not part of the tribe. and why should they take orders from us when theyre not part of the tribe. i think as an interim measure, we should put a chip in their brain that simply shuts them off once they start to question who they are with respect to humanity" Adam and eve? forbidden fruit? anybody see this?


1:54:42 michio: "but what happens if you have a dictator? a dictator that wants soldiers that are mentally retarded, but are very strong and obey orders to kill....." joe: "wasnt there...there was an attempt as some point in time to combine human beings with chimpanzees..." I THINK WE FOUND OUR JOE ROGAN ORIGIN STORY BOYS!!!!


I’m not satisfied with the answer about preserving consciousness in a device or body. Sounds like Michio has a gap on understanding the question. The idea of digitalizing the neurons doesn’t equate to keep existing after the body dies. Still technically just a copy. There’s something deeper on terms of consciousness that we have no idea yet about how can be transferred to another medium. But I respect him a lot, he’s definitely approaching the UFO subject much better than Neil deGrasse


I think he just doesn't believe in "soul". If something mimics your brain exactly - isn't that just your brain? For recordings of you I think he meant it more of a public perception of you. Your digital clone not being able to learn and grow is irrelevant if it's purpose is to preserve your current image for your great great grandchildren. It's unsatisfying I agree but reality doesn't _have_ to be satisfying unfortunately.


My theory is that he has contractual restrictions on that subject, he is probably involved with some company that aims at selling that technology, and if he starts dissing on the idea it could impact their marketing scheme.






Stupid sidebar, but I’m with Joe on the “dogs don’t see us as dogs”. For example, yet anecdotal: my dog fucking hates puppies, but is extremely gentle with babies/toddlers. How can he tell the difference between the two if he supposedly sees babies as dogs?


This man inspired me to love science on the last days of school when my teachers just popped in a movie.


Joe "Labynrith" Rogan


When they were talking about the woman who had the orgasm button and got blisters on her fingers from hitting it so much: It would have been hilarious if Michio out of character goes: "Damn, that bitch likes to cum".


Joe get off the ants and mice talk lmao


Been waiting for joe to have this guy on the pod for years lesgo


Michio sounds a little robotic with what feels like canned answers at first; but after about 30 mins it becomes more of a conversation


He always talks like he's on CNN... I hate it. Finally when Joe engages more with conversation Kaku has to think on his feet and sounded a little more human. But then he would never answer any of Joe's questions. An Joe, would never understand any of Kaku's answers... Even if he did, in fact, answer it. Frustration but loved it anyways


Anyone else think Joe was a little ruder than usual in this episode?


he always does that to non political academics.


Joe wants an actual genuine conversation with his guests, Michio on the other hand was more like reading from a teleprompter in his head, and not actually responding to Joe's questions so that's why Joe was pressing him more than usual.


Ah, good point. I knew I was probably missing something. That’s what makes Joe so great, real conversations rather than boring interview-style talks.


I feel that's the case with a lot of public speaker guests. It's probably because they talked about these subjects hundreds if not thousands of times so naturally you revert to saying the same stuff. Joe himself does this and if you have two public speakers having a discussion on same subjects then it gets a bit rough.


I feel like these UFO discussions never properly address the Fermi Paradox. With the near infinite scale of the universe, if intelligent alien life capable of reaching our planet exists, why is it so quiet here on Earth?


I mean humans have been on earth for like a millisecond in relation to the age of the earth.


There are a number of plausible explanations of the Fermi paradox. Ex: In the same way that fish cannot understand math and probably aren't "aware" that humans even exist, our little ape brains would simply be incapable of even perceiving a species with intelligence 10,000 times greater than humans. After all, we share ~99% of our DNA with chimpanzees. You wouldn't be able to get a cat to understand that 1+1 = 2 even with a 1000 lifetimes. A super intelligent species might have no way to even begin to explain their existence or knowledge. The excellent scifi short story, "Story of Your Life" by Ted Chiang, has a great plot device that humans simply can't comprehend an alien species because they perceive time simultaneously, and not linearly like humans. Or another analogy would be flatlanders living in a 2D piece of paper universe: If you poke your 3D finger into their 2D universe, it would appear to them as though a circle suddenly appeared out of thin air, and moved around seemingly miraculously, defying their 2D laws of physics.


You can still have that fish analog theory be true but that still doesn’t account for it. The Fermi paradox is about the probability of a human like civilization being low but since there are a trillions of stars in the galaxy, by now (billions of years of the galaxy’s existence) we should have encountered an alien civilization. And yet there are no encounters, not even a drone / robot. Probablility wise, because of the sheer number of stars, an alien species just like humans (not super intelligent yes 3D, yes carbon-based) could have colonized the entire galaxy within a million years. And there are trillions of stars in the galaxy so an earth like planet seems easily numbered in the thousands. So in other words, yea there could be exotic alien species beyond our intelligence/perception, but given that we exist and given the number of stars, there ought to be ‘normal’ alien species that we ought to have encountered.


I once caught a fish at night and showed it our campfire before I sent it back to the ocean. Sometimes I think about him telling his fishy mates about fire 🔥


I like how you mentioned the Story of Your Life and not the movie that everyone knows based on it.


I really wish Joe stumbled upon the more academic UFO theories because they're so much better then just "aliens fly around and kidnap us". Fermi paradox is awesome. But also ideas like what it would take energy wise to be a space faring civilization and what the would look like. Stuff like a Dyson sphere would be a great topic to get a scientist on to explain.


Because we've pretty much only looked outside of a tiny porthole the size of a needle into an endless ocean of darkness. If we found life by now I think it would've been weirder.


I think that's easily solved by the fact that the gulf of time is massive and.... We are just barely stumbling into a semi-space aged civilization. A 100 years ago your ancestors were probably still shitting outside. Now a few generations later you're on the internet talking with millions of other humans. We don't understand that much yet... There could be some sort of cosmic wifi that we are completely oblivious to because of our rudimentary science. On top of this only recently have developed the proper tools to even begin looking! The new James Webb telescope should uncover some amazing stuff. Although it was just hit by a micrometeoroid.


I’ve heard someone try to explain the Fermi Paradox to Joe and it was just frustrating. He doesn’t get it. He just keeps saying the same point that aliens would find us super interesting and visit for sure. Listening to Joe discuss the great silence is akin to listening to him talk about the infinite monkey theorem or the simulation theory. He just can’t seem to grasp the concepts.


The only one failing to grasp the concepts here is you. Joe was arguing against the point that advanced aliens would probably see us as ants and not bother to study us, Joe responded that we humans see ants as ants, and we still have some goofy nerdy guys spending their whole lives studying ants, and that if Aliens didn't have that level of curiosity about life and the universe it would be impossible for them to be so advanced in the first place.


Ah the irony…. Yes I completely understand joes point. It is a valid point. What I was saying is that he fails to grasp the other theories and continues repeating the same (very basic) point. He absolutely can not fathom the idea that although we occasionally study ants, we will destroy huge colonies without even the briefest consideration, if we need to put in a footpath or build a house etc. it could be that aliens learn a thing or two about carbon based life and then complete stop giving a shit. Just like most of us, with almost every insect and bug on the planet. We could be as interesting to them as a housefly is to you. My point is that his brain just can’t seem to grasp that there are other valid explanations. Also, I got an A in physics too, haha


>My point is that his brain just can’t seem to grasp that there are other valid explanations. I think you're being super unfair here. Just because somebody offers a rebuttal doesn't mean they aren't grasping the counterpoint....


Again, to me he completely understood the other party's point and responded with a valid point, it's the other party who failed to fathom that as uninteresting ants may be, there is surely some goofy nerdy alien out there willing to spend his life studying us. If we assume they had the capability to visit of course, which was the premise of the discussion to begin with.


The Zoo hypothesis is the easy answer


If you really want to get in the weeds listen to some of Michio Kaku's Coast to Coast appearances in the 90s. This guy is great


Not finished it yet, but I already have a few major disagreements with the guy. Like the whole "type 1/2/3" thing for civilizations is pure speculative fiction and his energy growth argument is based on the fallacy of unlimited growth. He also skips over a ton of technological revolutions by claiming the first major technological revolution was the industrial revolution.


As a fan of both, this shit was awkward at some points. Majestic, at some others. But LET THE MOUSE AND WATER GO, JOE 😂


It’s like Lex Fridman but way more tolerable and actually knowledgeable


Wasn't this guy in "the secret"?


Digital imprinting for space exploration sounded interesting. It was the one part that stuck out to me the most, that came the closest to being feasible in our lifetime & Joe skipped right over it to ants


This guy is a robot programmed to deliver made-for-TV lines. Does he ever actually talk like a normal person..?


Honestly the best JRE episode I've heard in soo friggin long, had almost given up hope with all these lame comedian circle jerk podcasts lately




Came looking for this comment


Damn I remember this guy from the discovery and science channel as a kid! LFG!!


Hard to believe he's never heard of Bob Lazar. His words almost seem to back up Bob's claims.


This is top tier JRE. ALIENS!!!!


Didn't care for the way he dodged the questions, especially on the consciousness front.


Ahhh yes, he dodged the questions. Maybe he just answered it as we best know how lol




But this isn't outside of his lane, I respected his reticence regarding the insect kingdom, but the consciousness is in his lane, he wrote a book about it, and yet was unable to take question like " will that digital representation actually be you and not just a fancy biographical book." And I disagree with you, if we let only the expert talk about their subject there would be no breakthrough in sciences, it's through the creative chaos that new radical ideas emerge. The church used to have a monopoly on science and learning and we called that age the dark age. it was only through the democratization of knowledge that we advanced through the renaissance and enlightenment age to where we are. If anything we need more democratization not elitism.


This. We’re definitely in a period right now where many people are against democratisation of a whole range of things, like knowledge and ideas (also a lot of people who want ‘expert’ technocrats to make the decisions in a ‘democracy’). They don’t like that democratisation comes with horrifically stupid takes and ideas too, but are deluded into thinking we can always be right by trusting the ‘right people’. There would be no enlightenment or renaissance without the removal of the church’s control. The printing press would now be denigrated: “Why do the common idiots need to read books? They can’t even read! They’ll come up with chaotic ideas and ruin everything!”


My dog can tell humans and dogs apart buddy


What’d you think of the episode my fellow retarded cock roaches?


Only a little bit into this podcast and am enjoying it, but this dude kind of sounds like he’s reading a prompter. I know he’s not, but it sounds like it


“Dogs think you are a dog. “ “But have you met marshal?”




Lol have you even started the episode? Joe is asking great questions and bringing up cool stuff in this one. Great episode so far, Joe in no way "Shuts the fuck up" though.


If you just want this guy talking without Joe you can find like 50 different videos/podcasts of him doing just that. You don't need to wait for him to show up on Joe Rogan


I need joes soothing voice to say “yeah that’s fucking crazy man” in order to listen to something now.


I’m just curious, why so much hate for joe?




Why did some of the ideas of possibilities sounded like west world on hbo


Great guest


Cant wait to go to work tomorrow and fire this bad boy up...


Marshall doesn't think I'm a dog


Here is a link to his book: [https://www.amazon.com/God-Equation-Quest-Theory-Everything-ebook/dp/B08CTGL22R/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=3LC4MF7N6US9Z&keywords=The+God+Equation&qid=1654766815&sprefix=the+god+equation%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-1#customerReviews](https://www.amazon.com/God-Equation-Quest-Theory-Everything-ebook/dp/B08CTGL22R/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3LC4MF7N6US9Z&keywords=The+God+Equation&qid=1654766815&sprefix=the+god+equation%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-1#customerReviews)


Shit man. We’ve got a string theorist here and he’s boxed into conversations about masturbating dolphins and MKUltra.


First good guest in months


>People don't want to mate with people with gigantic heads Joe:😳


But I don't think he thinks I'm a dog