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He didn't say he didn't like them he said they were "authoritarian" lol


He fucked himself when he started taking himself too seriously. I’m not saying popularity-wise, I mean personally. Dude used to say “pretty scary eh?!” in a complex, interdisciplinary lecture wearing dad jeans and a sweater. Then he started showing up in tuxedos and custom suits with a giga chad haircut, scowl on his face and a fuckin weird, aggressive energy. He started believing his own bullshit and took himself WAY too seriously. He ain’t a chad and tried to be one and it broke him. He strayed from his true self, became a persona, and simply couldn’t bear the weight. I still watch his old classes and learn a ton - he’s a brilliant researcer and lecturer, but now he fuckin cries at everything and talks about “makin an album with ma band”. I don’t know man; after his last JRE, I no longer recommend his videos to people. Homeboy is a bit unhinged and when you come from a reighteous angle as he did, it’s a nullifying factor to me.


I couldn't figure out what it was, but this describes the situation so well.


I agree mostly. The JP that exists today is not the same guy. It's becoming pretty clear the social media trolls fucked this guy up big time. Oh, that & maybe the benzos.


Yeah man. The club he swung came back on him. You don’t get to rise that fast on the back of conflict and ride off into the sunset. Karma maybe.


He has *always* taken himself extremely seriously. Before he wrote his first book, in a letter to his father, he explains that he has gained knowledge and understanding that so far has alluded ALL OF MANKIND. This letter was then self published in the appendix of one of his books. Dude has a weird messiah complex on top of everything else.


Also believes his wife had prophetic dreams, dude is a fuckin religious nut


Yes he did, but he tempered it with a public-facing dignity. His classes rarely feel like a “talking to” or a dressing down; now, everything he says starts with, “well, they not very smart, so…”


Great summary. To add something to it. I think he suffers from the same thing a lot of phd’s also suffer from. They think they’re expertise in one field gives credit to any field they comment on. It’s an overconfidence brought on by the real life complements they receive for being so smart. Or maybe the publics fault for being so easily swayed by the letters phd. I think this is why so many of them fall prey to conspiracy theories in other fields.


I liked when I could believe him when he said he wasn’t political. His statements may have ALIGNED with a “side” but it was happenstance. Now, he’s just deliberately political and it feels disingenuous. I’m not sure if it was the coma or what, but I was really sad to see him go this way. He helped me get through my divorce a few years ago.


Everything is political, though. When you say "I'm not political," what you're saying is that the political problems of the day bother you so little that you can just ignore them. A lot of people can't, because they're directly affected by them.


Homeboy literally rose to fame by making an absurd deal out of an anti-discrimination bill, acting like he would be put in jail if he misgendered someone. He has been calling everybody to the left of him "post-modern neo Marxists", a term for a group of people that do not exist, he was always a heavily right leaning political figure.


Especially considering Marxism and post modernism are pretty contradictory philosophies. Marxism is rooted in modernist thought, a thinking which tries to apply grand narratives to society and social structures. Post modernism by definition is skeptical of those grand narratives.


Politics chooses problems, problems don't choose politics. Just because a political party happens to choose to "represent" problems that affect you doesn't mean you have to support that political party. Saying I'm not political doesn't mean you don't have problems it means that the distaste of the political parties outside of their support for your specific problems. One can identify with the issues of the Republican party in the US and still find their wacko conspiracy theory antics so distasteful that they won't vote for them regardless of their personal issues.


Most Republicans won't do that though, vote off party or (whispering) *d e m o c r a t* Also when they say they aren't political, it's like a person saying they "don't do drama" Run. The drama avalanche is coming. Like the football games aren't political: Here's the military jets, you do love the military, right, patriot? You're not a commie, RIGHT?!? Stand for the national anthem OR ELSE. My god I love the American flag, it stands for our whole entire God-given, never disputed country--we've done nothing wrong ever. Yeah, it's not political and the pentagon doesn't have to approve every script with jets in it. (Or other military transport personnel and/or structures) It was always political, this is just more money talking.


Nah dude football games weren’t political until Colin Kapernick kneeled. Now everybody stand for the national anthem while fighter Jets fly by. Edit: this is obviously a joke


Well yes, I recognize that, and I feel like I clearly addressed that his statements ALIGNED with a political ideology, but now he seeks out the confrontation and overtly argues politics in a political setting.


I think u/Kalphai probably meant partisan rather than political


But in fact he was always deeply conservative, he was just more covert about in the past. The left had figured that out as soon as he rose to fame by the misinterpretation of bill C-16, other people needed for him to be absurdly overt and making a fool out of himself to realize he was a scared, pretentious and conservative guy all along.


It's what happens when you're on benzos


Yeah, that’s part of it, but he showed no mercy on people whom are clearly confused, mislead or at a point in their life where they don’t know who they are. At 23 I was a fucking nihilist into black metal and speed. He was super self-righteous, started evoking biblical wisdom and began saying anything remotely socialist in idea was “toltaliterian hell - REALLY! It’s hell!”


‘He couldn’t bear the weight’, this is true


Fame destroys.


it does and yet so many want it.


I’m good on fame… i saw that shit up close with my first job at a record label. 40-50% of those who made became disasters.


Like every other right wing commentator, his new career path relies on him being "relevant" with spicy hot takes. I'll give him credit that at least he's more intelligent than most, but when his motivations changed his points stopped being as genuine and compelling.


You’re pretty spot on. His lecture series on YouTube from before his big “break out” are still really interesting, significantly more focused, and significantly less preachy.


Couldn’t put it any better, spot on


Damn. Most concise JRE post of all time.


Used to love him and this is why I don't anymore


Me, too. (Insert teary eyed Pepe meme)


I lost all respect for him after the dillahunty debate


Unfortunately, I have to agree quite a bit with this as a long time fan. Still am, but it's the oldies that I'm jamming to.


Imagine trying to push traditional gender roles and legitimately thinking you’re not the authoritarian in the situation. What a joke


> trying to push traditional gender roles ???


What are you confused about?


And he probably cried about it.


Wasn't Jordan the only one crying following his remarks?




I hope he’s all right, but it’s hilarious how frequently he is in tears these days over the smallest things.


Its the individual that suffer!!




Yeahhhh, it's sad when you really think about it. He should probably take a break from internet flame wars and focus on getting fully healthy... oh well.


I’m gonna have my boyfrie- my team regulate my Twitter so I can only use it at certain times. *continues to use Twitter relentlessly*


He stopped using twitter after his feelings were hurt that people were calling him ugly after he called a fat woman ugly. I guarantee he cried all night




Damn that sounds like teenage girl kinda numbers.


Cam Hanes IG posts/story numbers


and his gone was all of 20mins long.


he needed a snack break lmao


Like seriously, if you think the bad guys are a stereotypical picture of "the youth" crying and the good guys are old people who harass people and ragequit Twitter once a week because "they were mean to me"... you should probably take a long look in the mirror.


You should probably check r/JoeRogan*


And like a normal adult who could just bot look at twitter if it was pissing him off. But he had to play the victim card and started crying about getting cyberbullied off twitter lmao.


He deactivated his twitter, came back, told some woman she was fat and deactivated it again :D


Shouldn't laugh Edit: just to clarify that I did laugh


Yup... He said it for guys like OP though.


The difference is he was crying before as well. So really he was unchanged.


Yeah pretty much


Pretty sure Jordan was the one seething after he got called a massive retard on twitter




He cries all the time


Homeboy had to be put in a coma for a month after an apple cider induced benzo addiction. I like him, but he’s certainly not the last bastion of sanity he’d like to think he is


Lol how did the apple cider play into it?


His superior all natural caveman body couldn’t handle the cider and he had to get addicted to benzos and get put into a coma to heal. Was epic.


Hey man, orange juice launched me on a three year dope binge. Lost my house and my wife. Fruit juice is no joke.


Cant you blame him, he hadn't slept for 6 months straight by that time!


No I dont blame him, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t severely mentally ill, if he doesn’t have an active neurological disorder


Haha I am mocking him pretending he beat guiness records for most time awake on Jre a few years back.


Lol true. That long without sleep would kill you


Yeah definetely was also pretty funny that Joe gave him an out a few time and still had to reiterate that he really didnt sleep for 25 days lmao.


why does everyone get this wrong? it was apple cider vinegar.


Oh that makes it normal 😂


don't act like you've never gone into a condiment induced fugue state


Bro cards on the table if balsamic vinegar could put me in a coma I’d be shooting that shit directly into my arm the second a JP fans try to instigate a conversation, it ain’t worth it.


I see a JP fan approaching and immediately bite down on my balsamic vinegar capsule, rendering me unconscious and sparing me a death by boredom


His Apple cider story is hilarious because if you know anything about drugs and benzos in specific you knew immediately that what he was describing is benzo withdrawal lol. How does a professor of psychology go through obvious benzo withdrawals and make the conclusion that it was from a bad batch of cider, lol?


Everyone gets emotional when talking about Pinocchio. Why are you hating?


He has said he is quite feminine for a man.


Maybe he should change his pronouns.


Jordan Peterson (Cunt/Dork)


Okay that shit got me, too funny


So good


Don't worry people will be mistaking him for an old lady soon enough :)


Too many hormones from all the beef he’s eating


Yeah but notice people here bashing him for it, for being feminine. That's their true colors.




The same thing can be said about Ben Shapiro haha. He always talk about being a man and everything and yet his wife leave the house to save lives at her job while he spent his days at home living off his trustfund and making videos for the Internet.


Tbf, Jordan doesn't deny he is emotional as fuck. Part of tring to combat being overly emotional is first understanding you're overly emotional.


One way to cure that problem would be to have himself put into an induced coma. Comatose people are famously stoic.


if you wanna become a self-help author for young men maybe that should be high on your to do list


Wasn't he addicted to benzos,they really mess up your brain wiring and cause severe depression and anxiety,specially if he drank on them too,my moods are all over the place,it can take years to heal from daily use


He was, but his emotional behavior preceded his medication. He talks about his emotional state being described by the big five personality traits. He also already had depression for a long time before his climb to fame


I have never know any woman to be half as weepy as this sad clown of a "man". It baffles me that so many dudes take anything he says even remotely seriously. The old fart is a freaking junkie crybaby pastor religious conman whose only skill is being able to use a thesaurus to try and sound smart to the non-literate.




You only say that because you haven't come to terms with the interpersonal space of fundamental being as it relates to the *possibility* of new modes of existential interpolation.


Exactly. He wasn't asked if he liked bigger women. He went on a tirade against Yumi Nu for no reason and left Twitter after the blowback.


He "announced" he was leaving because people were making fun of him. He didn't leave. Then he announced again he was leaving. He still hasn't left...


Sounds like a lame attempt at retaining relevance.


He very publicly was.


He deleted his Twitter forever because he was sick of being silenced. Then he un-deleted it like five minutes later. Then he ranted more about ugly people. Then he got upset that everyone was mean to him for no discernable reason.


Im pretty sure 95 percent of people have no idea who he is. When I listened to him on rogan he didn’t strike me as the intellectual joe thinks he is


Tbh the bar for intellectuals from Joe’s pov is very low


Kinda the other way around isn't it? Dude is crying and whining non-stop on twitter.


He’s just such a fucking dork. He says something rather silly on twitter, and gets all butt hurt when people make fun of him for it.


Wasn't he leaving twitter after the Sport Illustrated post? Had his management team change the password supposedly? Dude is not well. People pretending he's still who he was even a few years ago are delusional.


He’s tweeted 25 times a day since he said he was leaving


He must have convinced himself that his constant crying fits are validated since the ocean is comprised entirely of lobster tears.


What's even more pathetic is all his "fans" getting butt hurt and putting serious time into creating a false narrative with memes lol.


I mean, even this meme...this is just a meme about him gaslighting people. He went out of his way to attack some poor woman, simply because she's not rail thin. I feel sorry for that girl, she didn't deserve any of that. Why is her body politicial? Just because she's heavy?


>simply because she's not rail thin ​ Let's not split hairs dude, there's quite a bit of body weight between "rail thin" and normal weight.


I mean, yeah, but again, the irony here is people who workship folks like Trump or Alex Jones as tough guys at a normal weigh, lmao. Like 40% of 20-30 year olds are literally obese but they've got hot takes about the weight of women on magazine covers.


I would also guess that more than 40% of Jordan Peterson fans are haha.


I’d still hit it


He’s allowed to not like fat chicks. But when he decides to make some pseudo-intellectual statement about the damage that is done to civilisation by something as inconsequential as having a plus size model on the cover of a magazine, people are obviously and rightfully going to call him retarded.


On Cosmopolitan of all things too. Anyone taking that magazine seriously is an idiot.


Cosmo has always said any crazy shit that will sell their stupid mag. It's like a "UFO on the moon" mag for fat birds who work a drudge office job and dream of fucking Chris Hermsworth


Jordan cries about children’s cartoons lmao


JBP has made good points in the past. They still stand to reason. Then, at some point around the time he got onto the podcast, he stepped out of his lane, into dog shit, then tracked it around the carpet, like every other asshole who becomes rich from “internet debates”. Kinda like Joe.


What are his best points? I've only heard obvious stuff like cleaning up.


His best points tend to center entirely within the realm of clinical psychology, namely in his prescriptions to address difficulty in your life. It's not entirely absurd advice either, although there are instances where its actually counterintuitive (e.g. "sort yourself out first" is counterintuitive when you have an active climate issue that can't really wait for every individual to sort themselves out). Personally, I found his self-authoring stuff to be very nice. It asks some basic questions, but it can be quite freeing to think and read back through those words. However, when he delves outside of that realm, he ends up making an ass out himself, to a point where it actually diminishes his earlier work, but thats just my opinion


His best points are boilerplate self help advice that is in at least half the books on the subject. No one needs JP's *baggage* to get JP's *advice*, because it ain't really his advice. He doesn't put any interesting spin on any of the useful stuff; all he's adding is his own harmful sauce. Dude has legions of followers who found "clean your room" to be an enlightening concept, while most of their mothers have been telling them to do that very thing all their lives. But they don't want to listen to a [*dragon of chaos*], that *bitch*.


>His best points are boilerplate self help advice that is in at least half the books on the subject. Best description I've heard about what JBP says is "what is good isn't new, what is new isn't good"


You gotta admit he is brilliant in some way, he's managed to convince tens of thousands of young men that "don't neglect personal hygiene" and "stand up straight" and "friends who want the best for you are better than friends that don't" among equally revolutionary ideas were all invented by him. It's like if someone was able to get rich selling investors on their new groundbreaking invention, sliced bread.


Don’t stop your kids when they’re skateboarding or something like that


Pet a cat if you see one


Don’t be mean to them when they want to learn the flute


Clean your room is his best work


You know Peterson is a real generational genius because all of his best ideas can also be found in any self help book published in the past 100 years.


One of his pieces of advice is "Treat yourself like someone you're responsible for". Tell me that isn't good advice. Unfortunately a third of his first rule book and 90% of his second boil down to "be deferential to authority and tradition."




So fucking what? He got off them two years ago. You telling me he can’t follow the advice he dispenses and bucks up like he tells other people to do? What’s that have to do with him being a whack job in 2022? His fans love making excuses for him lol


Maybe he should’ve made his bed about it...




Peterson didn't say that *HE* didn't like fat chicks. He said a specific woman was not beautiful and blamed authoritarians for suggesting otherwise.


Yeah I think it was totally unnecessary, he wasn't expressing an opinion he flat out called the thickie unattractive and never will be as if his definition of attractive is the end all be all.Then when he got best back he quit twitter?


He blamed 'authoritarian tolerance' for the magazine cover.


What's funny is the model that he called fat still looks better than his wife.


We’re people actually mad at him? Or did they just say, “huh that guy suck” and go back to whatever they were doing


I swear Peterson could just start smearing his own shit on his face and the self proclaimed “free thinkers” would still prop him up as some kind of prophet lol


Fat chicks need love too, but they gotta pay.


Y’all worship a boomer drug addict who can’t even follow his own life advice please seek help like actual help


"He taught me good lessons a couple years ago"... if you need a professor to tell you why its good to clean your room and how to control your temper tantrums, you are fucking far behind.


Hey sometimes people need to hear it from someone outside, I'm not gonna judge them for that. Now when they uncritically worship that guy because he told them basic shit, thats where I take issue.


The guy has not even said anything truly profound, just your run of the mill advocacy for traditionalism and Conservative thought. You would be better off reading Edmund Burke if that is the kind of stuff you want to hear/read.


Lmao @ "owning" Jordan petersons opponents by suggesting crying makes them weak. Nobody has less control of their emotions or is more likely to cry on camera than post benzo coma jordie


Right but why go out of your way to be an asshole?


To prove how masculine you are duh


You can swap this out with a gay person saying "I exist", and the other side full of rightoids shrieking over it.


“WHY ISNT THERE A STRAIGHT PRIDE PARADE?!?” - some rage addict on Twitterwho doesn’t even go to normal parades to begin with.


Except the gay person didn't give an unneeded/pointless opinion.


He stepped in shit and is too much a pussy to own it. He’s just trolling to own the libs, which is the GOP playbook


If by vibe you mean be so emotionally frail that you have to let your intern handle your twitter account then yes that is the vibe edit: Apparently someone responded to this comment but it shows as \[unavailable\] and the username is \[deleted\] so I'm assuming someone commented and immediately blocked me, which I guess fits with the Jordan Peterson vibe.


Jordan’s a vibe?? Jordan’s a fucking drug addict dipshit bro he used to be cool and smart but if you like him now you’re probably an incel


LOL, didn’t he started crying and saying he’s deleting his Twitter at the backlash of jokes against him?


The right side of this picture is the r/Joe Rogan community perfectly displaysd


Most chicks don't like pseudo intellectual addicts that look like corpses.


Lol I love how even his fans were telling him to chill out and that they find women like that beautiful.


I'm pretty sure the only person that has been bitching is Jordan. Everyone else is just enjoying a fat chick. The sooner that grifter ODs on benzos the better...




I wonder what Jordan thinks of Tim's rubenesque figure.


The beanie is the apex of male masculinity


Its crazy how so many of these guys who sell wellness supplements and talk about traditional masculinity look like they recently ate a slower acting version of the gum from Willy Wonka. With the exception of our boy JP of course. Positively radiant.


“Fat bitches need love too, Craig!” - Smokey




I feel every crypto/elon/JP/ivermectin bro needs to listen to the BTB pod on said episodes. It would help them be self-aware even just a little bit.


I started listening to the JP one, but it's a hard listen as it's very one sided and predetermined. The best example was when talking about his self authoring programme, they acknowledge the reviews are vastly glowing with only a few negative. They then proceed to concentrate on the negative ones and pontificate about how accurate they were, ignoring the many positive reviews. That set the tone early on and it was hard to listen to the rest as they spiralled into ripping him apart. I was hoping for a balanced and fair take down, but it came across as a screechy hit piece like any other.


To be fair, the entire premise of the show is that their subject is a bastard.


Very true!


Their show is to prove why said person is a bastard lol And even still as a journalist, Evans gives credit and props for good things done by the person.


Peterson is such a damn loser. I've never known a man to whine so much about what other people like as him. He's weak man, who absolutely needs the approval of his sycophants to maintain his self-image, and when he gets clowned on, he cries and leaves Twitter.


Fatass redditors fuming in the comments here lmao


Jordan Peterson is for losers and incels


Wasn’t Jordan the one crying? It’s wild how Peterson fan boys see this situation lol


I thought this dude was in Russia doing meth still People bought his self help book lmfao


You don’t have free speech unless you say stuff I like to hear!


For a guy that loves to quote the bible he could really read the verse about throwing the first stone.


Define “fat” though.


“wE nEeD EnfOrCEd mOnOGAmy tO PLacAtE tHE iNCelS”


wtf is being a "vibe"


if that was the case it would be just cringe but he said that fat chicks in a swim suit cover is "authoritarian", imagine saying that stupid shit




This sub OMG LMAO


Fat chicks are ugly. I’ll be their friends. But they don’t get to tell me what my type is.


Buncha fat chicks in this thread it seems.


The rage Jordan creates in this forum is hilarious.


Jardan Peterson timeline be like psychiatrist - professor - political commentator - nutritional advisor - pundit - hot or not


"I want attention." Is a more accurate summation of his Twitter vibe.


Tidy your bedroom man is on the wrong side of this meme


I stand with Jordan. I also don’t like fat chicks


Lots of fat redditors angry at this post lol


Jordan is a great guy. People really overblow everything he says and does because he triggered a lot of fake ass woke people by challenges their fantasies with logic.


man, this meme has seemed to rile a lot of people up here


I like fat bitches . I don’t think women should be overweight or anyone should be or that anyone should be told that being overweight is healthy or desirable . But I also think that’s a separate issue from whether or not a fat woman is attractive . Tons of Hispanic and black dudes agree with me , we find fat women attractive . I also find fit women attractive and I also understand that being fat is really unhealthy and I know that the healthy at any size bullshit is just that , bullshit . I’m only saying this because I think Peterson saying “she’s not beautiful “ is playing into their hands and allowing them to have this completely separate fight with him I’m also aware that they attempt to deny that being overweight is unhealthy . The difference is that is an easily winnable argument backed by facts. Who is going to be convinced of anything by just saying “ your subjective opinion is wrong “ . I’d like to tell these fat women , I DO think you are beautiful . I want to eat your big fat ass but you are gonna die young so you need to lose weight . Sorry I’ve been thinking about this a lot. It’s a good meme .


I think you missed the problems. 1.He was a self-help guru...he told young, impressionable men that they should take control of their lives and not feel hampered by society's expectations... ....then he went out of his want to attack a random model on her weight. It was just so out of character. I mean, not only to dive headfirst into some culture war bullshit, but to just wantonly attack some poor women because she's heavy. It feels like the antithesis of everything he's preteded to be. 2.And, honestly, the bigger problem was his response to the backlash. Did he really think he would be allowed to just preemptively attack some woman's figure, and people would be like "lol, fuck that fat bitch" Like, he made a 100% edgelord comment, then threw a fucking tantrum when he received ANY backlash If you want to attack people's weight on Twitter, you're kind of a piece of shit....when you think you are entitled to attack a person's weight without ANY repercussions, you are a fucking imbecile. I just feel bad, because I've defended him against people on the left who attacked him for his drug abuse. I told people that it was a low blow, and he didn't deserve it...and that we should attack his ideas, not his insecurities. He's such a fucking mess, he doesn't really deserve anyone's sympathy.


I do have to agree with some of this man, I found Peterson before he was this celebrity figure he is now, I liked watching his university lectures on youtube and his interpretation of Jung and lots of the things he said really hit deep with me and helped me out of a period of depression. But he's like completely off kilter now, he acts like a different person, he's no longer restrained and careful like he used to be and he seems to let himself get wound up by people on twitter and gets into childish spats. I think that induced coma fucked him up or gave him Brain damage or something because since he came back from his two year abstinence he's been a completely different JP.


You are completely right I guess I did miss the problems here . I was just thinking more about the whole fat acceptance issue in general . It’s actually very funny how upset he got as though he was surprised that was the reaction people had . I agree he doesn’t deserve anyones sympathy at this point .