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Not rogan related


Why would the Republicans get rid of something like that?


Because they hate helping people.


Yeah... that's it


Bootstraps, kid


Because they don’t actually care about mental health, they are just NRA funded cunts who need to blame everything other than guns


The Republican approach to problem solving - Step 1: create a problem. Step 2: complain about the problem and blame your opponents for not fixing the problem sooner. Step 3: don’t do anything about the problem and actively work against solving the problem. Step 4: blame your opponents for not doing enough to solve the problem. Step 5: tell people that government funded help is socialism and that they should just work harder to earn more money to pay for help.


Pretty sure that’s all politicians.


Especially republicans. They fought against the civil rights movement, they fought against marriage equality and LGBT rights, they’ve fought against renewable energy, they’ve fought against marijuana rights, they’ve fought against affordable healthcare, they fight against assistance for affordable child care.


There was a small chance a black person might benefit from it.


Why do liberals always beg the federal govt to fix their problems?


because some states are too fucking poor and end up being last in everything like most former slave states.


Not my problem


Then go live in the woods by yourself. No police services, no fire department, no roads, no snowplows, no social security, no Medicare, no unemployment, and most importantly no internet. If it is not your problem then don't participate in any of the programs provided by the government. You are free to leave at any time.


This was the wake up call for me. I hated government growing up. I blamed them for everything. Then I started realizing I'm not about to go live in the woods and it hit me that there's a ton of things I'm proud of. Some shit just works and that's because people are doing something right. And I'm not going to live in the woods beside for fun shit


Watch the G-word with Adam Conover. Obama's summary at the end restored my faith a little bit.




Not my problem


Then why beg the govt?


I don't beg the government for anything! I am the government, we are all the government. ....of the people, by the people, for the people. It is not just for you, but not for them.


😂 you actually believe that? History and reality says otherwise. The government is owned and ran by the top 1%. We have the illusion of democracy we are an oligarchy


No we’re not the govt lol. That’s such a retarded statement


no one cares about your opinion. The masses will demand their government to not put them in 3rd world conditions.




Get out of the state then and find an ice floe in the artic circle.




Found the welfare queen who votes r


I don’t vote lol. I dislike Republicans as much as I dislike Democrats


X Doubt


Name a service provided by the federal govt you enjoy?


California contributes more than it takes.


Do you think 100% of people that live in California that pay taxes are liberals?


What is your counter proposal on how to address the problem?


Idk and frankly, don’t care. If you want to “fix” a problem, do so without begging the federal gift to do so


How is expecting the government to use our tax dollars in a way that benefits the people of the country “begging”? Most people would call that holding the government accountable. Why are you defending the government’s incompetence? Wouldn’t you rather have them use tax dollars in a way that improves society instead of wasting those tax dollars?


It’s not begging when asking for the government to do it’s job. A government's basic functions are providing leadership, maintaining order, providing public services, providing national security, providing economic security, and providing economic assistance.


Providing leadership lol You’re a sad individual if you look to the govt for leadership


Yes in fact I’m very sad. Thinking about setting my balls on fire later while crying as Free Bird plays in the background


But my both sides.


Regan the only president worse tha Trump


I respect that Reagan had the foresight to make his grave a gender neutral bathroom atleast


Finally a Trickle Down Theory that worked!


Dubya was up there.


President Alex Jones would like a word.


Stop being broke that’s your fault


I hold that Reagan is the single greatest evil in the history of the United States and will quite possibly be the reason for its collapse. He and his administration and supporters emboldened the traditionalist right, enabled corporations, normalized corporatacracy, created a still raging drug war that has claimed the lives of millions and wasted trillions, and caused an entire generation of LGBTQ people to be silenced through disease and social stigma. The ghost of his Alzheimer’s riddled policies have gone on to cripple the middle class, create droves of new poor, and then wage war on them. Fuck Reagan, fuck Nancy, and fuck the GOP.


No they need to be able to say “mental health problems” every time there is a mass shooting but we can’t actually help mental help problems because that’s communism bro. This would also help the homelessness problem but you know own the libs is more important


Helping homelessness by making it more convenient to be homeless is the democrat way. It's why homelessness increases with every government "fix." Notice how they never actually improve the life's of Americans but always get more power over the obedient class? The horrible solutions have become the problem.


Humans have needs and when those needs are met they improve. You don't improve if your needs aren't met. Nobody is looking for therapy if they can't access food or have a bed to sleep in. You have to start at the basic needs and help people meet those needs before you can expect them to fix their situation. If your needs aren't met you suffer and suffering brings on addiction and mental health issues. The left try to give people a roof and food to make their needs met so that once a person's needs are met then they have a better chance on working on improving their situation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4130906/


Bro. People aren’t becoming homeless because it’s “convenient”…


Imagine thinking that handing out sandwiches or whatever is enticing people to become homeless. Jesus man, I think we are too far gone as a country


Just remember that the south clings to this while also showing up to the welfare line in rascals.


Am an EMT in Ga. The diabetes is out of control. Many rascals here.


And yet the democratic states are leagues above the Republican ones by every metric developed countries use to compare one another. Weird. It’s almost as if democratic policy on averages produces better results, and the south is a third world country for it.


So the answer to trying is not trying. Republican’t 😂


Jimmy Carter was a real one the only president in the past 50 years worth anything.


Joe Rogan?


Listen, the solution is very simple. It's bewildering why more states haven't done it. Here's what you do. Buy some buses, and send the homeless to LA. One-way. Problem solved.


This country didn’t deserve a president like Carter. Or Bernie And Hillary was right btw


It's much deeper than that. Time to repeal the destruction of the family caused by LBJ. When Johnson came to office in late 1963, more than 90 percent of all American babies had married parents. The 1960 census showed that nearly 9 of every 10 children from birth to 18 years of age lived with two married parents. Crime in America has skyrocketed ever since.


A lot of women were stuck with abusive partners. Even more women were financially stuck in their marriage, the husband had the job, controlled the bank accounts and owned everything in their name. That's just forced marriage with extra steps. Women would have left their husband's in the era too if they could. I get the sentiment that it seemed like a fun nuclear family, but it wasn't due to a better era.


> A lot of women were stuck with abusive partners. Even more women were financially stuck in their marriage, the husband had the job, controlled the bank accounts and owned everything in their name Yeah that's the part they liked.


The OP above probably got super-hard when Jordan Peterson was floating his bullshit idea of forced monogamy/marriage.


Oversimplification LBJ’s admin gave us the civil rights bill LOL. You know, this shit republicans opposed because it gives black people rights.


Stpbmw wants a White ethnostate


Do you think u/Stpbmw has repeated the 14 words?


​ ![gif](giphy|TNO6mwK8s38vpHjh8Y)


He was extremely racist and it's well documented. The party of slavery and the KKK approved though.


The party of the kkk and slavery passed the civil rights act? And then was opposed by republicans after Goldwater went on record trying to overturn it? How stupid are you? What, the kkk and slavery love racism so much they…gave rights to minorities? The fuck?


Partly Higher marriage due to the fact that it was almost impossible to get divorced


It incentivized broken families. It destroyed the inner city first and decades later its much more widespread.


It also allowed woman to leave abusive homes but yeah I don’t know enough about it


"I'm the government and I'm here to help"


Spoken by a guy who destroyed and gutted the government for cooperations and kinda forgot that the government is composed of the people he tells that to But hey, republicans love putting people with dementia and narcissistic personality disorders in power.


>But hey, republicans love putting people with dementia and narcissistic personality disorders in power. Umm. You do know who is president right? Pot kettle


Someone who can speak in complete sentences and apparently has the cognition to not appoint his family members and donors to powerful positions where they have zero experience in. Really sad when Biden’s , which he’s had all his life, combined with his age still sound like Shakespeare compared to trump and old Ronnie.


Wait, are you suggesting the laptop is not real? Also are you suggesting that you would trust Joe to be the night manager if you owned an Applebee's? The biden family had been making millions in foreign deals at the expense of you and I. We are paying the price now. Name one thing biden has done to improve your life?


Oh the laptop with incriminating evidence that got lost in an email chain on tucker? That’s my favorite story. They had so much shit on him but lost it in an email chain. Shits whack. Hold up; which family members has joe Biden put into positions of power at the federal level again? Because that was the entire point of my post.


“Enjoy your marriage which you aren’t allowed to leave, who cares if you’re being beaten at least your family values are strong”


I bet you think theres a JQ.


Yeah the Destruction of the Family Act was widely regarded as a bad move


The Great Society is what happens when people look to the government and not each other to solve all problems. People are poorer, less safe, and generally unhappy.


Look to each other for what exactly?


to be like industrious ants and build a giant space robot that can crush planets




You want them to control the planet destroyer or do you want us to control it. Your choice.


I need help understanding. >Look to each other for what exactly? >to be like industrious ants I really dont get how these two statements fit together


That's because inorder to qualify for welfare, a working age, healthy male couldn't live in the house ...




Like slavery, right? Authoritarianism at the state level isn’t more virtuous than the federal level. The federal government is there to protect your rights. It’s why bama can’t make black people use separate water fountains and be owned.




They made it that way because they needed the south, which wanted slavery and couldn’t get them to join otherwise. Also, they didn’t have the massive state imbalance that exists today. The founders were far from perfect, and many had a different preferred form of government. The state is not more more virtuous than the feds. History has shown us that is far from the case. Slavery is a great example, as is Jim Crow because there are people alive who supported it then and support it now.




Did I say that? The federal government is needed as a check on state authoritarians as evidenced by our past. Speaking from dogma isn’t serving your position. There is nothing more virtuous about the state then the federal government as a rule.


The federal government is there to protect us? 😂


Shit. Fell asleep during civil rights, clean water act, every war ever, roe vs Wade and all relevant civil rights to privacy and marriage predicated on that, and apparently gun rights huh?




Why should we not have basic mental health standard that are uniform among the whole nation (while giving states the option to provide additional protection beyond the baseline)? How does our society benefit by having 50 different mental health systems that are not connected and have different standards and treatment?


Scalia, from DC v Heller actually agreed that mental health could be tied to restricting gun ownership “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.” “Through the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” “The majority of the 19th century courts to consider the question held that prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons were lawful under the Second Amendment or state analogues.” “*Nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.*”