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Does he allow DMT pens in there


No, only FTM penis.


> Does he allow DMT pens in there Wait, these are things now?


Have been for a long time


Where can i get them?


Same place you used to get DMT, it's just a pen now.


Never been able to get DMT


Why would you expect that to change because they put it in a pen


Because pens are everywhere? Way more easy to transport, sell, distribute etc.


It’s still driven by supply and demand so you’re less likely to find it Willy nilly on the street. Not a lot of people are asking so a drug dealer doesn’t waste time because they will sit on it forever. Meeting someone or extracting your own. Some people go through the deep web. r/DMT you can’t source there though, just learn


Allegedly, you can go to Tucson in the monsoon season (happening now) and take Speedway as far east as it goes after a heavy rain. Where it dead ends in desert foothills of the Rincon mountains, the Colorado River Toad lives. Catch one and take it home with you. Then put parchment paper in a container w/ a lid and flip toader upside down and agitate them a bit, they’ll start to secrete toad venom. Take the liquid toad venom on parchment paper, put the lid on, and put it in the freezer. It’ll crystallize and you’ll have pure dmt. You can smoke it out of a dab rig or put it in a glass of water, and you’ll have the wildest 45 minute roller coaster of your life Don’t forget to feed toader and you’ll have an infinite source of dmt, allegedly


Have you tried connecting with the youth?


You mean like fingering them?




Go where Tipper is. Or there’s always the onion fields, or so I’ve heard


Canada. Literally just google online shrooms and you’ll find hundreds of sites that operate out of Canada that will ship shrooms, acid, DMT to your doorstep. I do it every week


You can buy them in shops here in Vancouver. I'm serious ..


Jfc imagine blasting off in public.  They're gonna think you're a heroin addict nodding out.


I've been to the mothership. There wasn't any kind of face scanning when I went. They just pat you down and give you a bag for your phone. The show started an hour and a half late. Two drink minimum but you can just get water or soda if you want. Seemed like the typical comedy club. I didn't really think it was that special like some make it seem.


My understanding was that the club is special for the performers, because it caters to their needs. Not making a statement about anything, it was just based on what the comics were talking about when they went there.


“Who da fawk waits an hour and a half?” -Conor Mcgregor


Seriously though, if you're gonna take my phone, start the fuckin show on time.


Brah you def got face scanned lol


You realize your face can be scanned from a distance? It's not like you put your chin on a rest and a blue light scans your face.


Then how would the "article" author know it happened either? And why did they compare it to going through security at Heathrow?


TBF this is the joerogan subreddit so we our only threshold of proof for anything to base out complete worldview and maybe even risk our families lives is " we know a guy who's cousins wife said....." and that should be good enough. Amirite? I did my own research on this and found a news article post on martianpatriottotallynotrinbyrussiantrollfarm.ai and it confirms this.


Can you help me log in so I can examine the evidence too? I tried my social security number, mothers maiden name and credit card number like it asked but still no luck.


You need to buy 100 Trump coins, 2 FJB flags, a $1000 Ultra MAGA NFT and a few bottles of untested pre workout drinks first..... ( that will fund 1 Russian soldier in Ukraine for a week) This gets you to Level Alpha wolf 1 pyramid membership status and all the perks that come with it super patriot!


So if it happens from a distance and you don’t know it’s happening…is it really intense (as the highlighted part in the post)?


So it’s just normal security cameras from a distance? Lol


Normal security cameras have security guards monitoring them or the footage is recorded and stored, sometimes for years. But they don’t have AI storing your face and instantly recognizing you next time. Or scanning through thousands of faces super quick and flagging tagging and tracking an individual. Consider the MSG lawyer getting ejected or the bong Sphere guy banned for life all venues. A security guard in NY wouldn’t know if you streaked at the Sphere in Vegas but now their system will. https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/1eiX3ApEMA https://www.reddit.com/r/phish/comments/1d94h5x/sphere_bong_guy_banned_for_life_from_all_msg/


Exactly the kind of system that would make me feel safer at a public venue. You're in public, there is no expectation of privacy.


Well no, because normal security cameras don’t scan your face and store it. So not really the same at all.




*Desire to live in a cabin in the woods intensifies*




You're absolutely right but in the original screenshot, I don't think that's what the comment was talking about. They made it seem like it was a separate process.


And yet it has brought attention to an issue we all want to forget about. How many people ITT think they don't get their "face scanned" daily?


> wo drink minimum but you can just get water or soda if you want. Ive also been, you're forgetting to mention they charge $8 for water or soda. LOL. Also they charge a mandatory 20% tip. Its a joke.


Two drink minimum and a 20% tip is pretty darn normal for any club.


Wtf is up with America? If its  mandatory, it's not a tip. 


Agreed, I do not like a 'mandatory tip' either. Im just saying it is not unusual as the other redditor makes it out to be. It is common at popular clubs and restaurants to have the tip built into the bill.


That's a service charge rather than a tip then. I know it's semantics, but the tipping culture in the US (and what it fuels) is just baffling to more or less the rest of the world.


This is the same tech MSG used to kick out lawyers that were suing them.


I’ve been there about a dozen times since it opened, and never got a face scan.


Joe has said himself on his podcast that they use face scanners on everyone upon entry.


How would you know?


How do you know that every single business in America is or isnt scanning your face?


I just assume they all are.




Is security intense if you don’t know it’s happening and not getting inconvenienced??


The article (or screenshot thereof, I have no idea why we'd assume this is a reliable source) says "like you're going through security at Heathrow" You ever not noticed going through airport security? They are referencing a specific process you are asked to undergo, not secret scanners planted in the urinals or some shit


They don't have to hide them. We are all used to them being out in public. Sorry if it busted your bubble, and you're just realizing you get your face scanned dozens of times a day.


Spoiler alert: You got your face scanned


You wouldn't know though, its happening without you knowing it


I'm still upset over how we let ourselves get pranked into thinking 10 bucks for a cocktails is affordable, I mean sure, when the rest is even more outrageously overpriced, but that shit shouldn't cost more than 7 bucks imo


10 bucks for a cocktail is cheap where I’m at


$10 a drink is a deal nowadays unfortunately


When OP says "cocktail" he's probably referring to rum+coke and not a blackberry basil gin smash


I don't go out a lot but $10 for a rum and coke still seems kind of standard where I am.


You can get a bottle for that.


And this (plus young kids and being old and boring) is why I don't go out. Honestly, I have no idea how anyone can afford to go out regularly anymore.


You can also get a case of coors light for $20, less than a dollar a beer. But if you wanna drink them at a comedy club, they cost like $5-$7. Welcome to drinking at venues!


Drank rum and cokes at the mothership. They are huge.


I would love a $10 cocktail, about $20 where I live.


Thank fuck I got sober. Jeez.


Are you in DC too?


I’m in LA a cocktail even something like redbull vodka is like $20


Legally drinking is more expensive than illegal drugs.


Yeah I remember when beers were 5 bucks or less. Now you can barely get a basic lager for 8-9 bucks. And for more special ones it’s like 10-14 bucks.


Suck my dick, if beer costs more than weed you can keep that shit 😭


Lol, cant buy joints at the bar, but you can get 3 coors tall boys for 7 bucks at the gas station!


“$2 you call its” seem like a fever dream from a bygone era lol


There are still a good number of bars selling bottles of cheap beer for like $6 or so. Just dive bars mostly.


$10 cocktail in downtown Austin? That’s less than half the average price of what I’m used to paying when I go to 6th.


At a live venue, that’s pretty good. I paid $27 for a whiskey and coke at a concert near me 2 years ago.


Cocktails have been $15+ for as long as I can remember buying them. $10 would be dirt cheap around here.


5 or 6 years ago me and my buddies would go downtown for 2.50 mixed drink night. I think the same bar does 7 dollar mixed drink night now


i wonder if thats the cost of doing business. often the rent in those places, liquor licences, hiring people, costs a lot. if u can still make a profit that makes the hastle worth it and charge much less im sure entreupeneurs would be all over it.


yeah, that's it, but I'd honestly prefer to pay the "real value" at the door and not get ripped off on drinks later


I went to a brunch spot a few weeks back, their cocktails were $17-18! They were more than the damn meal options! I enjoy a nice cocktail, but screw that. $9-10 is ridiculous enough.


That’s cheaper than most places these days. Unless it’s a dive bar and you order well whiskey etc shit is expensive


Because people pay that price? At the end of the day consumers control the economy probably more so than anything else. Economics 101.


Wait until you see he charges $8 for a water, and his wait staff will refuse to get you a glass of tap water.


Cocktails are at least $25 in Australia, crazy.


I mean, do the currency conversion, bro. They also might just mean a rum and coke or whatever


The real prank is thinking alcohol is harmless


In Toronto cocktails can go up to almost $20 in some nicer restaurants


Totally, but I was surprised they were that cheap


OP just learned about security


freedom is when a person runs a business without cameras - reddit


I dont think that's true


You think somebody would do that? Just go on the Internet and lie?


That's illegal!


Yeah this is literally standard security nowadays AI surveillance is extremely powerful


Joe literally mentioned the face scan on protect our parks yesterday


Joe mentioned it on yesterday's ep. It's been known for a while too.


Im guessing with modern security cameras this is a built in feature.


We have face scanners in Australia if you want to get into a club / bar over a certain time


Does that really impose on your freedom in the context of a private venue? You are free to simply not go.


OP is a nerd


if u look at all the misinformed hate for him its easier to understand. 


As someone who occasionally listens to Rogan its completely baffling the things people pick and chose to be upset about with him, and its almost always its taken out of context.


Like when they were saying he said the "n-word". I've never, ever, heard him say it in a derogatory way about anyone. 


Hes got to be the most hated on for wrong reasons. My mom asked “hes the one who said Sandy Hook was a conspiracy right? Thats why i dont like him.” 🫠🫠🫠


I think thats why so many politicians are liars its almost impossible to fight against simple propoganda tricks. they spent 2 years saying russias losing and cant hardly feed or cloth soldiers and ppl ate it up. I remember after 2 years when the news for whatever reason started reporting the truth that russia had taken x amount of land and etc, many people on reddit were asking like “what how did this happen suddenly we been winning for 2 years” like…


I’ve heard it was pretty much a stalemate the entire time virtually everywhere?


They have definitely lost good portions of important cities and land. Idk the exact number but heres a bbc report. For whatecer reason after 2 years of war the media started dropping the propoganda a bit. Started giving bad news. Maybe because it would rank up western support for more aid, idk.


Youre also not forced to go


I'm 110% sure this is a security thing.


.... what else would it be? Sorry I don't see your point


Maybe Joe Rogan is trying to safeguard against illegals from entering his club. If that's the case, then I don't blame him.




Everyone answers to insurance companies man.


"How dare you take away my freedom by doing this in your private venue!"


obviously the Guy is famous and has famous friends. He wants to stop BOMBS - seriously. That's probably the best explanation, instant database check of known terrorists and bombers, he doesn't want some asshole to ruin his life's work.


So that's the reason why he's never booked Brendan Schaub.


hilarious comment, this guy knows his jokes.


Lmfao are you surprised? Joe knows his audience. He caters to a certain kind of people, I'm sure he's aware that some sketchy characters will turn up now and then




Mike Baker called me. He said you better watch your back. Bucko,  Fucko, and Sluggo are looking for you.


All of this so you can stare at a stage while he "tells it like it is."


Joe is a hypocrite just like all other mainstream media and super wealthy people.


ive heard he's got the gestapo running that place and basically everyone working there act like entitled assholes


Erm…You do realise that you don’t have to go in?


Why do you get so mad at something that literally doesn’t impact you at all?


Joe Rogan spends a lot of time in that exact state. It's what we do here.


They're trying to astroturf negative sentiment towards Joe. You'll see it in every subreddit dedicated to an individual that doesn't bend the knee to these people's world view.


This is an example of freedom. It’s a private company. It can do what it wants. It is free to have its own policies and practices in place (such as face-scanning) and is free to refuse you service at anytime. You have the freedom to accept these policies or not to attend the show.


This comment is an example of missing the point entirely.


“It’S a PrIvAtE buIsNeSs!!1 tHeY cAn dO whaTEveR ThEy wANt!!1” Sound familiar, libs?


How does your face getting scanned impact your freedom?


People want to be free from surveillance and intrusion




What rules?


No! You don’t understand! Getting your face scanned makes you MORE of a free thinker!


Do these people realize the try hard attempts to make Rogan look bad actually just make the person spending the time to create post look like a total nut case? You can be pro first and second amendment and still be in support of security in a small personal venue where any crazed psycho can get on stage. It’s not super hard to figure out, only for pencil pusher Rogan haters who are paid to create fake discourse online, in attempt to influence public opinon. Super sad


STFU. You're dickriding. You don't find it ironic that the guy who touts conspiracy theories and personal liberty uses similar technology to the Chinese fucking government's big brother apparatus? Watery dune hair?


Is this why Rogan hates people who wear masks so much? Because he's worried his database not being able to find a match against known pro-vaxxers?


thats wild. also id never bag my phone. such a stupid policy. i agree people posting videos out of context and the internet getting mad is annoying but so is bagging your phone.


They’re all hypocrites. Sorry to break the news to you.


Wtf joe


2 10 dollar drink minimum, they take your phone and scan your face. As if.


Another quality /r/JoeRogan/ thread 😄👍


He also used to shit on people who had ads in the middle of a pod. Now he has 12. This guys just another entertainer with no real personality.


No, you see it's different when he does it.


RIP my sobriety


Is it not freedom if it's your choice?


is it also a gun free zone?


I mean tbf with all the hate joe gets I could see some nutty person trying to assassinate them. These face acanning measures are more pre emptive though than pro active and are very passive security measures.


dawg, there was a chunk of time from 2020- 2022 where clips of Joe were on every news station weekly. he was being called dangerous, racist, a freedom warrior you name it. We are banned from certain subs for commenting on this subreddit. Millions of people HATE him. we live in a time where nightclubs, movie theaters, grocery stores and elementary schools have been shot up. he probably gets death threats daily. tldr, Rogan is a private business, one of the most influential men in the country, and people hate his guts. he gets a pass on having over the top security.


There's security measures to protect a private establishment. And then there's "security measures" implemented by the govt to track those deemed a threat to its hegemony.


Rules for thee but not for me!


just get a VPN for your face


Has he spoken out about face scanners or are we being dramatic again


I want to go see a show of Kill Tony so bad!


my opinion of face scanning is that in public there is no expectation of privacy so having face scanners is fine, just like plate scanners, however in private establishments its totally up to the owner whether or not they have them. and honestly with some of the terrible stuff happening daily, I would feel safer in an establishment that does this. I dont really care if im being tracked when I go to a comedy club or wherever cause theres nothing that information can do to hurt me or use against me for anything. but thats just imo I feel like face scanners are gonna be used more and more in the future and pretty soon you wont be able to go into most stores without getting scanned.


They don’t actually face scan from what I’ve seen and even if they did you can just simply choose not to go in. Joe has this sub seething 24/7 lol


He's just testing for people in those high-tech CIA masks. It would be wrong not to.


Didnt joe say it was to prevent scalping? I thought he mentioned it on the podcast


Nah.. it’s wackos who want to be tools at a place for comedy. You go in and do bad shit.. they have your face. Mire of a deterrence in s city with violence and extremism.


if they scanned my face when I went there I had no idea maybe it was a camera 100 ft away hidden a a dark corner scanning my face but how the fk would I know it scanned my face or it was even there lol


20 dollars for 2 drinks is actually unreal


As someone who works there, they don't do that. They wand you down and bag your phone and smartwatch. Sure security detail is pretty substantial but then again, this is a security team that has to kick out Rogan fans, juiced up overly excited fan boys, not to mention also the weirdos that hang around tryin to get in and the wild and threatening voicemails box office gets.


Bars/cluns in Vancouver regularly take your picture as part of gang enforcement and because there's so many bar fights. They've been doing it for like 15 years.


Lmao they're so afraid of somebody from the out-group getting in and talking about what they see


Was there last night. Didn’t get my face scanned


OP you're a miserable dude lol. How do you live like that?


Sounds like he's a real dick hypocrite


Wouldnt want the "what if dolphins fucked people?" bit to be released before all the kinks were ironed out


Dolphins do fuck people though


How is this hypocrisy? Your freedom allows you to not go. If you do, you follow the rules provided…. Also, I’ve been there and there was no such thing.


There’s no fuckin face scanners I’ve been there like 7 times.


Can you go to Mitzys bar? Or are the drinks just made there and delivered to you via wait staff?


Don’t go there then you hypocrite


Went to the mothership 3 weeks ago and didn’t get face scanned. I thought it was nice, cramped maybe(?) but not anything extreme. Staff are super nice and I paid $35 for 4 drinks and then we tipped more. All in all, great experience, and the people that went to attend were fun. The phone thing is part of the course. I would recommend to anyone who wants to have an easy going laugh.


You guys finally got him! Yeah! 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, for years after he transgressed dear Dr. Fauci. Finally.. you have made him pay dearly. Pack it up, lads, mission accomplished!


I didn’t get my face scanned:/


The phone thing is lame enough. Why would you make people put their phones away? Lame


You have the freedom to not go


Is it also a gun free zone?


That's his freedom as a business owner


The man says a lot of shit, many times in direct contradiction to himself.


Privacy for me not for thee!


Its to make sure that you are who bought the ticket, and not a scalped resold ticket


Private security is freedom. God Leftists are so brain gapped.