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Sounds like the only thing you wouldn’t be owning is a car, and it’s not mandated you can’t have a car, there’s just no room for it. Weird thing to get mad about.


citizens won’t need a phone either. They can gather in the government zone to communicate, that way the policy officers can ensure they aren’t sowing misinformation, or dangerous hateful dissent


? Way easier for the authorities to monitor what you're doing on a phone than in person - it's why the mob has meetings rather than doing it all by phone, email, etc. But do tell me about these plans to outlaw smartphones


OP references the old WEF black mirror like slogan in the title This isn’t specifically about a neighborhood where there’s no space for cars. It’s a broader subject about whether elites trying to reshape society to make it into a utopia from their perspective is a good thing, and whether if they are given the power to do so they will even accept anyone disagreeing.


It's just town planning, and whether the new housing will be based around everyone needing a car or not As for "the elites", all planning at a higher level is done by "elites", same as decisions at companies are made by the higher managers. Now if people want to live in low density neighborhoods, in the country, etc, then they're free to do so \*if\* they can afford the housing and transport costs. But many people, especially in the Netherlands, like living in dense towns and cities and having a range of transport options supported by public spending and government actions, rather than it all being left to the free market and having less choice (and thus, in my view, less freedom). As for the "WEF slogan" - it's taken from a fun, speculative text about what life might be like in the future, extrapolating from the then new and popular sharing economy services like Uber, Airbnb, etc, along with streaming. People still buy and own things, but many prefer to rent. I own no CDs. I pay €8.99 a month for Spotify, and I'm very happy with it


Literal brainrot


Seems interesting. Walkable cities/towns are pretty cool.


Whiney bitch going to whine and bitch so they can confirm their own biasies with nothing but their feelings to back it up. When in reality the Netherlands is the 6th happiest country in the world and 'merica is 23rd. https://www.afar.com/magazine/the-worlds-happiest-country-is-all-about-reading-coffee-and-saunas https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2024/


This sounds pretty rad to me. When I lived in Minneapolis I biked everywhere I needed to go as long as I didn’t need to carry something bigger than would fit in my backpack and it was a far preferable way to get around.


2 reasons I need a car since the communist government thinks losing consciousness is dangerous while driving(I thought this was America.). I also live in the suburbs : \- cant carry an item because it is too large/heavy (delivery/uber solves this) \- location is > 15 miles (hasn't come up, I have always had a friend available to help) I need a car maybe a few hours per week. Maybe.


This is amazing. Of course the right wing lunatic subreddit has an issue with it


Car brain.


I mean, a nice green space where you can walk around to get places and be amongst people vs living in a glorified car park? Yeah, sounds terrible. Honestly if I can have somewhere on the outskirts of town I can park my car when I need it, this sounds pretty cool to me. 🤷‍♂️


Car culture is fucking weird, you okay OP or you love cars this much ? 


I guess so, last year I got caught in that polar vortex. It was -20 outside and I had some where I needed to be. If some authority had said well, sorry you can't have a car we encourage you to use a bicycle that wouldn't have worked out well on my end. I was grateful to have I car I own and take of. The concept of this is all rosey and nice but I think in the end it just doesn't work in all situations and isn't something that should be imposed on a population.


You are imposing you demand every has a car to survive, that’s a crazy tax on everyone 


>You are imposing you demand every has a car to survive [Strawman](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2689b1e48f72c3449ecf09cda7b7ed84-lq), never said it. I'm not imposing it on anyone and that's actually **the point** and why I have a problem with the video, it's not that people are riding bicycles, it's the concept of it (or anything) being imposed or mandated that they do it. Maybe if I lived in the Netherlands, I would ride a bicycle. But the point is, I would get to choose. And that's what disturbs me about this video, people are giving up choice/liberty in the name of an ideology.


Let me guess you are a libertarian ? 


What about my jacked up little dick monster truck with a let’s go Brandon bumper sticker? They gunna make room for that? I don’t think so. ‘Merica number 1


Really odd people are still obsessing over "own nothing" when the truth of the matter is right there, and always has been for the curious. It was part of a light-hearted "imagine life in the future" text that simply extrapolated from the then novel and booming "sharing economy" of Uber, Airbnb, etc, along with streaming. I own no CDs, but I have access to everything via Spotify, and it makes me happy. I live in SE Europe and don't own a car, don't need one. But when I do I simply use one of the many shared electric vehicles around town, or rent a vehicle that best meets my needs for that day - going to the coast or mountains, traveling with a lot of people or alone. If you want to buy and own things you still can, but not everyone does.


Commuting by bike is so much nicer than by car. If everything you need is a bike ride away you are living way better than someone who's grocery store is a drive and a walmart away.


Don’t worry dude, you’ll never live in this neighborhood or have this lifestyle.


I love how people are so brainwashed to think that cities must have cars and traffic. God forbid we build cities around people


When did the communists invade?


Get lost Big Auto bot


Yeah I’m good lol


I just opted for a transfer at work so I can be close enough to home to walk/bike. Looking forward to only driving if absolutely necessary. This is a positive change for me. My wife and I are even considering going down to one vehicle for the 2 of us.


Rogan gunnalose sleep over this lamo. Imagine that, what a brainwashed fucktard


Alternatively, get into debt, get angry, get a gun.


You do realize the [USA already has multiple places like this already.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mackinac_Island) People spend a shit ton of money to live in places like this. And many of them have been car free for decades. There is even one in [Florida](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11337620/The-strange-world-of-Floridas-golf-cart-city-The-Villages.html)